path: root/lib/hipe/cerl
diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2019-02-06 19:10:26 +0100
committerSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2019-02-06 19:10:26 +0100
commit98cfd6016f8b40fc97e03b31177d14318349040f (patch)
treec0fcdd768071c36bfbcbf186d369d9ca14c47421 /lib/hipe/cerl
parente2ca71b6e7172b320b5b171359d53a161383fb19 (diff)
parent3825199794da28d79b21052a2e69e2335921d55e (diff)
Merge tag 'OTP-21.2' into sverker/map-from-ks-vs-bug
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/cerl')
13 files changed, 491 insertions, 1756 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/Makefile b/lib/hipe/cerl/Makefile
index 9f50d6bf91..f653dce36f 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/Makefile
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2018. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/hipe-$(VSN)
# Target Specs
# ----------------------------------------------------
MODULES = cerl_cconv cerl_closurean cerl_hipeify cerl_lib \
- cerl_messagean cerl_pmatch cerl_prettypr cerl_to_icode \
+ cerl_pmatch cerl_prettypr cerl_to_icode \
cerl_typean erl_bif_types erl_types
HRL_FILES= cerl_hipe_primops.hrl
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_cconv.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_cconv.erl
index ac9d01ab0e..2cd0e261d5 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_cconv.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_cconv.erl
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -14,11 +9,9 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @copyright 2000-2004 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @doc Closure conversion of Core Erlang modules. This is done as a
%% step in the translation from Core Erlang down to HiPE Icode, and is
%% very much tied to the calling conventions used in HiPE native code.
@@ -265,7 +258,7 @@ bind_module_defs([], Env, S) ->
check_function_name(Name, S) ->
case s__is_function_name(Name, S) of
true ->
- error_msg("multiple definitions of function `~w'.", [Name]),
+ error_msg("multiple definitions of function `~tw'.", [Name]),
false ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_closurean.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_closurean.erl
index d37c91e5c6..a2bd7fe0f0 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_closurean.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_closurean.erl
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -15,15 +10,9 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% =====================================================================
-%% Closure analysis of Core Erlang programs.
-%% Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Richard Carlsson
-%% Author contact: [email protected]
-%% =====================================================================
+%% @copyright 2001-2002 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
+%% @doc Closure analysis of Core Erlang programs.
%% TODO: might need a "top" (`any') element for any-length value lists.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipe_primops.hrl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipe_primops.hrl
index 3efb9a3bdd..6e4d830b61 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipe_primops.hrl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipe_primops.hrl
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-%% ========================-*-erlang-*-=================================
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -15,15 +9,10 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Predefined Core Erlang primitive operations used by HiPE
-%% Copyright (C) 2000 Richard Carlsson
-%% Author contact: [email protected]
-%% =====================================================================
+%% @copyright 2000 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
+%% @doc Predefined Core Erlang primitive operations used by HiPE.
%% These definitions give the names of Core Erlang primops recognized by
%% HiPE. Many of them (e.g., 'not'/'and'/'or', and the type tests), are
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl
index 6611abd204..137a54ba32 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_hipeify.erl
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -14,11 +9,9 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @copyright 2000-2004 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @doc HiPE-ification of Core Erlang code. Prepares Core Erlang code
%% for translation to ICode.
%% @see cerl_to_icode
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_lib.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_lib.erl
index 0bc77909d9..3a6fb1cf51 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_lib.erl
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -14,10 +9,9 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% @copyright 1999-2002 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @doc Utility functions for Core Erlang abstract syntax trees.
%% <p>Syntax trees are defined in the module <a
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_messagean.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_messagean.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7df0a245fb..0000000000
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_messagean.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1105 +0,0 @@
-%% =====================================================================
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Message analysis of Core Erlang programs.
-%% Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Carlsson
-%% Author contact: [email protected]
-%% =====================================================================
-%% TODO: might need a "top" (`any') element for any-length value lists.
--import(cerl, [alias_pat/1, alias_var/1, ann_c_var/2, ann_c_fun/3,
- apply_args/1, apply_op/1, atom_val/1, bitstr_size/1,
- bitstr_val/1, binary_segments/1, c_letrec/2,
- ann_c_tuple/2, c_nil/0, call_args/1, call_module/1,
- call_name/1, case_arg/1, case_clauses/1, catch_body/1,
- clause_body/1, clause_guard/1, clause_pats/1, cons_hd/1,
- cons_tl/1, fun_body/1, fun_vars/1, get_ann/1, int_val/1,
- is_c_atom/1, is_c_int/1, let_arg/1, let_body/1,
- let_vars/1, letrec_body/1, letrec_defs/1, module_defs/1,
- module_defs/1, module_exports/1, pat_vars/1,
- primop_args/1, primop_name/1, receive_action/1,
- receive_clauses/1, receive_timeout/1, seq_arg/1,
- seq_body/1, set_ann/2, try_arg/1, try_body/1, try_vars/1,
- try_evars/1, try_handler/1, tuple_es/1, type/1,
- values_es/1]).
--import(cerl_trees, [get_label/1]).
--define(DEF_LIMIT, 4).
-%% -export([test/1, test1/1, ttest/1]).
-%% ttest(F) ->
-%% {T, _} = cerl_trees:label(user_default:read(F)),
-%% {Time0, _} = erlang:statistics(runtime),
-%% analyze(T),
-%% {Time1, _} = erlang:statistics(runtime),
-%% Time1 - Time0.
-%% test(F) ->
-%% {T, _} = cerl_trees:label(user_default:read(F)),
-%% {Time0, _} = erlang:statistics(runtime),
-%% {Esc, _Vars} = analyze(T),
-%% {Time1, _} = erlang:statistics(runtime),
-%% io:fwrite("messages: ~p.\n", [Esc]),
-%% Set = sets:from_list(Esc),
-%% H = fun (Node, Ctxt, Cont) ->
-%% Doc = case get_ann(Node) of
-%% [{label, L} | _] ->
-%% B = sets:is_element(L, Set),
-%% bf(Node, Ctxt, Cont, B);
-%% _ ->
-%% bf(Node, Ctxt, Cont, false)
-%% end,
-%% case type(Node) of
-%% cons -> color(Doc);
-%% tuple -> color(Doc);
-%% _ -> Doc
-%% end
-%% end,
-%% {ok, FD} = file:open("out.html",[write]),
-%% Txt = cerl_prettypr:format(T, [{hook, H},{user,false}]),
-%% io:put_chars(FD, "<pre>\n"),
-%% io:put_chars(FD, html(Txt)),
-%% io:put_chars(FD, "</pre>\n"),
-%% file:close(FD),
-%% {ok, Time1 - Time0}.
-%% test1(F) ->
-%% {T, _} = cerl_trees:label(user_default:read(F)),
-%% {Time0, _} = erlang:statistics(runtime),
-%% {T1, Esc, Vars} = annotate(T),
-%% {Time1, _} = erlang:statistics(runtime),
-%% io:fwrite("messages: ~p.\n", [Esc]),
-%% %%% io:fwrite("vars: ~p.\n", [[X || X <- dict:to_list(Vars)]]),
-%% T2 = hhl_transform:transform(T1, Vars),
-%% Set = sets:from_list(Esc),
-%% H = fun (Node, Ctxt, Cont) ->
-%% case get_ann(Node) of
-%% [{label, L} | _] ->
-%% B = sets:is_element(L, Set),
-%% bf(Node, Ctxt, Cont, B);
-%% _ ->
-%% bf(Node, Ctxt, Cont, false)
-%% end
-%% end,
-%% {ok, FD} = file:open("out.html",[write]),
-%% Txt = cerl_prettypr:format(T2, [{hook, H},{user,false}]),
-%% io:put_chars(FD, "<pre>\n"),
-%% io:put_chars(FD, html(Txt)),
-%% io:put_chars(FD, "</pre>\n"),
-%% file:close(FD),
-%% {ok, Time1 - Time0}.
-%% html(Cs) ->
-%% html(Cs, []).
-%% html([$#, $< | Cs], As) ->
-%% html_1(Cs, [$< | As]);
-%% html([$< | Cs], As) ->
-%% html(Cs, ";tl&" ++ As);
-%% html([$> | Cs], As) ->
-%% html(Cs, ";tg&" ++ As);
-%% html([$& | Cs], As) ->
-%% html(Cs, ";pma&" ++ As);
-%% html([C | Cs], As) ->
-%% html(Cs, [C | As]);
-%% html([], As) ->
-%% lists:reverse(As).
-%% html_1([$> | Cs], As) ->
-%% html(Cs, [$> | As]);
-%% html_1([C | Cs], As) ->
-%% html_1(Cs, [C | As]).
-%% bf(Node, Ctxt, Cont, B) ->
-%% B0 = cerl_prettypr:get_ctxt_user(Ctxt),
-%% if B /= B0 ->
-%% Ctxt1 = cerl_prettypr:set_ctxt_user(Ctxt, B),
-%% Doc = Cont(Node, Ctxt1),
-%% case B of
-%% true ->
-%% Start = "<b>",
-%% End = "</b>";
-%% false ->
-%% Start = "</b>",
-%% End = "<b>"
-%% end,
-%% markup(Doc, Start, End);
-%% true ->
-%% Cont(Node, Ctxt)
-%% end.
-%% color(Doc) ->
-%% % Doc.
-%% markup(Doc, "<font color=blue>", "</font>").
-%% markup(Doc, Start, End) ->
-%% prettypr:beside(
-%% prettypr:null_text([$# | Start]),
-%% prettypr:beside(Doc,
-%% prettypr:null_text([$# | End]))).
-%% =====================================================================
-%% annotate(Tree) -> {Tree1, Escapes, Vars}
-%% Tree = cerl:cerl()
-%% Analyzes `Tree' (see `analyze') and appends a term 'escapes', to
-%% the annotation list of each constructor expression node and of
-%% `Tree', corresponding to the escape information derived by the
-%% analysis. Any previous such annotations are removed from `Tree'.
-%% `Tree1' is the modified tree; for details on `OutList',
-%% `Outputs' , `Dependencies', `Escapes' and `Parents', see
-%% `analyze'.
-%% Note: `Tree' must be annotated with labels in order to use this
-%% function; see `analyze' for details.
--type label() :: integer() | 'external' | 'top'.
--type ordset(X) :: [X]. % XXX: TAKE ME OUT
--spec annotate(cerl:cerl()) -> {cerl:cerl(), ordset(label()), dict:dict()}.
-annotate(Tree) ->
- {Esc0, Vars} = analyze(Tree),
- Esc = sets:from_list(Esc0),
- F = fun (T) ->
- case type(T) of
- literal -> T;
-%%% var ->
-%%% L = get_label(T),
-%%% T1 = ann_escape(T, L, Esc),
-%%% X = dict:fetch(L, Vars),
-%%% set_ann(T1, append_ann({s,X}, get_ann(T1)));
- _ ->
- L = get_label(T),
- ann_escape(T, L, Esc)
- end
- end,
- {cerl_trees:map(F, Tree), Esc0, Vars}.
-ann_escape(T, L, Esc) ->
- case sets:is_element(L, Esc) of
- true ->
- set_ann(T, append_ann(escapes, get_ann(T)));
- false ->
- T
- end.
-append_ann(Tag, [X | Xs]) ->
- if tuple_size(X) >= 1, element(1, X) =:= Tag ->
- append_ann(Tag, Xs);
- true ->
- [X | append_ann(Tag, Xs)]
- end;
-append_ann(Tag, []) ->
- [Tag].
-%% =====================================================================
-%% analyze(Tree) -> Escapes
-%% Tree = cerl:cerl()
-%% Escapes = ordset(Label)
-%% Label = integer() | external | top
-%% Analyzes a module or an expression represented by `Tree'.
-%% `Escapes' is the set of labels of constructor expressions in
-%% `Tree' such that the created values may be accessed from outside
-%% `Tree'.
-%% Note: `Tree' must be annotated with labels (as done by the
-%% function `cerl_trees:label/1') in order to use this function.
-%% The label annotation `{label, L}' (where L should be an integer)
-%% must be the first element of the annotation list of each node in
-%% the tree. Instances of variables bound in `Tree' which denote
-%% the same variable must have the same label; apart from this,
-%% labels should be unique. Constant literals do not need to be
-%% labeled.
--record(state, {vars, out, dep, work, funs, k}).
-%% Note: We assume that all remote calls and primops return a single
-%% value.
-%% The analysis determines which objects (identified by the
-%% corresponding "cons-point" labels in the code) are likely to be
-%% passed in a message. (If so, we say that they "escape".) It is always
-%% safe to assume either case, because the send operation will assure
-%% that things are copied if necessary. This analysis tries to
-%% anticipate that copying will be done.
-%% Rules:
-%% 1) An object passed as message argument (or part of such an
-%% argument) to a known send-operation, will probably be a message.
-%% 2) A received value is always a message (safe).
-%% 3) The external function can return any object (unsafe).
-%% 4) A function called from the external function can receive any
-%% object (unsafe) as argument.
-%% 5) Unknown functions/operations can return any object (unsafe).
-%% We wrap the given syntax tree T in a fun-expression labeled `top',
-%% which is initially in the set of escaped labels. `top' will be
-%% visited at least once.
-%% We create a separate function labeled `external', defined as:
-%% "'external'/1 = fun () -> Any", which will represent any and all
-%% functions outside T, and which returns the 'unsafe' value.
-analyze(Tree) ->
- analyze(Tree, ?DEF_LIMIT).
-analyze(Tree, Limit) ->
- {_, _, Esc, Dep, _Par} = cerl_closurean:analyze(Tree),
-%%% io:fwrite("dependencies: ~w.\n", [dict:to_list(Dep)]),
- analyze(Tree, Limit, Dep, Esc).
-analyze(Tree, Limit, Dep0, Esc0) ->
- %% Note that we use different name spaces for variable labels and
- %% function/call site labels, so we can reuse some names here. We
- %% assume that the labeling of Tree only uses integers, not atoms.
- Any = ann_c_var([{label, any}], 'Any'),
- External = ann_c_var([{label, external}], {external, 1}),
- ExtFun = ann_c_fun([{label, external}], [], Any),
-%%% io:fwrite("external fun:\n~s.\n",
-%%% [cerl_prettypr:format(ExtFun, [noann, {paper, 80}])]),
- Top = ann_c_var([{label, top}], {top, 0}),
- TopFun = ann_c_fun([{label, top}], [], Tree),
- %% The "start fun" just makes the initialisation easier. It is not
- %% itself in the call graph.
- StartFun = ann_c_fun([{label, start}], [],
- c_letrec([{External, ExtFun}, {Top, TopFun}],
- c_nil())),
-%%% io:fwrite("start fun:\n~s.\n",
-%%% [cerl_prettypr:format(StartFun, [{paper, 80}])]),
- %% Initialise the Any and Escape variables. Gather a database of all
- %% fun-expressions in Tree and initialise their outputs and parameter
- %% variables. All escaping functions can receive any values as
- %% inputs. Bind all module- and letrec-defined variables to their
- %% corresponding labels.
- Esc = sets:from_list(Esc0),
- Unsafe = unsafe(),
- Empty = empty(),
- Funs0 = dict:new(),
- Vars0 = dict:store(escape, empty(),
- dict:store(any, Unsafe, dict:new())),
- Out0 = dict:new(),
- F = fun (T, S = {Fs, Vs, Os}) ->
- case type(T) of
- 'fun' ->
- L = get_label(T),
- As = fun_vars(T),
- X = case sets:is_element(L, Esc) of
- true -> Unsafe;
- false -> Empty
- end,
- {dict:store(L, T, Fs),
- bind_vars_single(As, X, Vs),
- dict:store(L, none, Os)};
- letrec ->
- {Fs, bind_defs(letrec_defs(T), Vs), Os};
- module ->
- {Fs, bind_defs(module_defs(T), Vs), Os};
- _ ->
- S
- end
- end,
- {Funs, Vars, Out} = cerl_trees:fold(F, {Funs0, Vars0, Out0}, StartFun),
- %% Add the dependency for the loop in 'external':
- Dep = add_dep(loop, external, Dep0),
- %% Enter the fixpoint iteration at the StartFun.
- St = loop(StartFun, start, #state{vars = Vars,
- out = Out,
- dep = Dep,
- work = init_work(),
- funs = Funs,
- k = Limit}),
- Ms = labels(dict:fetch(escape, St#state.vars)),
- {Ms, St#state.vars}.
-loop(T, L, St0) ->
-%%% io:fwrite("analyzing: ~w.\n",[L]),
-%%% io:fwrite("work: ~w.\n", [St0#state.work]),
- Xs0 = dict:fetch(L, St0#state.out),
- {Xs1, St1} = visit(fun_body(T), L, St0),
- Xs = limit(Xs1, St1#state.k),
- {W, M} = case equal(Xs0, Xs) of
- true ->
- {St1#state.work, St1#state.out};
- false ->
-%%% io:fwrite("out (~w) changed: ~w <- ~w.\n",
-%%% [L, Xs, Xs0]),
- M1 = dict:store(L, Xs, St1#state.out),
- case dict:find(L, St1#state.dep) of
- {ok, S} ->
- {add_work(set__to_list(S), St1#state.work),
- M1};
- error ->
- {St1#state.work, M1}
- end
- end,
- St2 = St1#state{out = M},
- case take_work(W) of
- {ok, L1, W1} ->
- T1 = dict:fetch(L1, St2#state.funs),
- loop(T1, L1, St2#state{work = W1});
- none ->
- St2
- end.
-visit(T, L, St) ->
-%%% io:fwrite("visiting: ~w.\n",[type(T)]),
- case type(T) of
- literal ->
- %% This is (or should be) a constant, even if it's compound,
- %% so it's bugger all whether it is sent or not.
- case cerl:concrete(T) of
- [] -> {[empty()], St};
- X when is_atom(X) -> {[empty()], St};
- X when is_integer(X) -> {[empty()], St};
- X when is_float(X) -> {[empty()], St};
- _ ->
- exit({not_literal, T})
- end;
- var ->
- %% If a variable is not already in the store here, it must
- %% be free in the program.
- L1 = get_label(T),
- Vars = St#state.vars,
- case dict:find(L1, Vars) of
- {ok, X} ->
- {[X], St};
- error ->
-%%% io:fwrite("free var: ~w.\n",[L1]),
- X = unsafe(),
- St1 = St#state{vars = dict:store(L1, X, Vars)},
- {[X], St1}
- end;
- 'fun' ->
- %% Must revisit the fun also, because its environment might
- %% have changed. (We don't keep track of such dependencies.)
- L1 = get_label(T),
- St1 = St#state{work = add_work([L1], St#state.work)},
- %% Currently, lambda expressions can only be locally
- %% allocated, and therefore we have to force copying by
- %% treating them as "unsafe" for now.
- {[unsafe()], St1};
- %% {[singleton(L1)], St1};
- values ->
- visit_list(values_es(T), L, St);
- cons ->
- {[X1, X2], St1} = visit_list([cons_hd(T), cons_tl(T)], L, St),
- L1 = get_label(T),
- X = make_cons(L1, X1, X2),
- %% Also store the values of the elements.
- Hd = get_hd(X),
- Tl = get_tl(X),
- St2 = St1#state{vars = dict:store(L1, [Hd, Tl], St1#state.vars)},
- {[X], St2};
- tuple ->
- {Xs, St1} = visit_list(tuple_es(T), L, St),
- L1 = get_label(T),
- %% Also store the values of the elements.
- St2 = St1#state{vars = dict:store(L1, Xs, St1#state.vars)},
- {[struct(L1, Xs)], St2};
- 'let' ->
- {Xs, St1} = visit(let_arg(T), L, St),
- Vars = bind_vars(let_vars(T), Xs, St1#state.vars),
- visit(let_body(T), L, St1#state{vars = Vars});
- seq ->
- {_, St1} = visit(seq_arg(T), L, St),
- visit(seq_body(T), L, St1);
- apply ->
- {_F, St1} = visit(apply_op(T), L, St),
- {As, St2} = visit_list(apply_args(T), L, St1),
- L1 = get_label(T),
- Ls = get_deps(L1, St#state.dep),
- Out = St2#state.out,
- Xs1 = join_list([dict:fetch(X, Out) || X <- Ls]),
- {Xs1, call_site(Ls, As, St2)};
- call ->
- M = call_module(T),
- F = call_name(T),
- As = call_args(T),
- {_, St1} = visit(M, L, St),
- {_, St2} = visit(F, L, St1),
- {Xs, St3} = visit_list(As, L, St2),
- L1 = get_label(T),
- remote_call(M, F, Xs, As, L1, St3);
- primop ->
- As = primop_args(T),
- {Xs, St1} = visit_list(As, L, St),
- F = atom_val(primop_name(T)),
- primop_call(F, length(Xs), Xs, As, St1);
- 'case' ->
- {Xs, St1} = visit(case_arg(T), L, St),
- visit_clauses(Xs, case_clauses(T), L, St1);
- 'receive' ->
- %% The received value is of course a message, so it
- %% is 'empty()', not 'unsafe()'.
- X = empty(),
- {Xs1, St1} = visit_clauses([X], receive_clauses(T), L, St),
- {_, St2} = visit(receive_timeout(T), L, St1),
- {Xs2, St3} = visit(receive_action(T), L, St2),
- {join(Xs1, Xs2), St3};
- 'try' ->
- {Xs1, St1} = visit(try_arg(T), L, St),
- X = unsafe(),
- Vars = bind_vars(try_vars(T), Xs1, St1#state.vars),
- {Xs2, St2} = visit(try_body(T), L, St1#state{vars = Vars}),
- EVars = bind_vars(try_evars(T), [X, X, X], St2#state.vars),
- {Xs3, St3} = visit(try_handler(T), L, St2#state{vars = EVars}),
- {join(Xs2, Xs3), St3};
- 'catch' ->
- %% If we catch an exception, we can get unsafe data.
- {Xs, St1} = visit(catch_body(T), L, St),
- {join([unsafe()], Xs), St1};
- binary ->
- %% Binaries are heap objects, but we don't have special
- %% shared-heap allocation operators for them at the moment.
- %% They must therefore be treated as unsafe.
- {_, St1} = visit_list(binary_segments(T), L, St),
- {[unsafe()], St1};
- bitstr ->
- %% The other fields are constant literals.
- {_, St1} = visit(bitstr_val(T), L, St),
- {_, St2} = visit(bitstr_size(T), L, St1),
- {none, St2};
- letrec ->
- %% All the bound funs should be revisited, because the
- %% environment might have changed.
- Ls = [get_label(F) || {_, F} <- letrec_defs(T)],
- St1 = St#state{work = add_work(Ls, St#state.work)},
- visit(letrec_body(T), L, St1);
- module ->
- %% We regard a module as a tuple of function variables in
- %% the body of a `letrec'.
- visit(c_letrec(module_defs(T),
- ann_c_tuple([{label, get_label(T)}],
- module_exports(T))),
- L, St)
- end.
-visit_clause(T, Xs, L, St) ->
- Vars = bind_pats(clause_pats(T), Xs, St#state.vars),
- {_, St1} = visit(clause_guard(T), L, St#state{vars = Vars}),
- visit(clause_body(T), L, St1).
-%% We assume correct value-list typing.
-visit_list([T | Ts], L, St) ->
- {Xs, St1} = visit(T, L, St),
- {Xs1, St2} = visit_list(Ts, L, St1),
- X = case Xs of
- [X1] -> X1;
- _ -> empty()
- end,
- {[X | Xs1], St2};
-visit_list([], _L, St) ->
- {[], St}.
-visit_clauses(Xs, [T | Ts], L, St) ->
- {Xs1, St1} = visit_clause(T, Xs, L, St),
- {Xs2, St2} = visit_clauses(Xs, Ts, L, St1),
- {join(Xs1, Xs2), St2};
-visit_clauses(_, [], _L, St) ->
- {none, St}.
-bind_defs([{V, F} | Ds], Vars) ->
- bind_defs(Ds, dict:store(get_label(V), singleton(get_label(F)), Vars));
-bind_defs([], Vars) ->
- Vars.
-bind_pats(Ps, none, Vars) ->
- bind_pats_single(Ps, empty(), Vars);
-bind_pats(Ps, Xs, Vars) ->
- if length(Xs) =:= length(Ps) ->
- bind_pats_list(Ps, Xs, Vars);
- true ->
- bind_pats_single(Ps, empty(), Vars)
- end.
-%% The lists might not be of the same length.
-bind_pats_list([P | Ps], [X | Xs], Vars) ->
- bind_pats_list(Ps, Xs, bind_pat_vars(P, X, Vars));
-bind_pats_list(Ps, [], Vars) ->
- bind_pats_single(Ps, empty(), Vars);
-bind_pats_list([], _, Vars) ->
- Vars.
-bind_pats_single([P | Ps], X, Vars) ->
- bind_pats_single(Ps, X, bind_pat_vars(P, X, Vars));
-bind_pats_single([], _X, Vars) ->
- Vars.
-bind_pat_vars(P, X, Vars) ->
- case type(P) of
- var ->
- dict:store(get_label(P), X, Vars);
- literal ->
- Vars;
- cons ->
- bind_pats_list([cons_hd(P), cons_tl(P)],
- [get_hd(X), get_tl(X)], Vars);
- tuple ->
- case elements(X) of
- none ->
- bind_vars_single(pat_vars(P), X, Vars);
- Xs ->
- bind_pats_list(tuple_es(P), Xs, Vars)
- end;
- binary ->
- %% See the handling of binary-expressions.
- bind_pats_single(binary_segments(P), unsafe(), Vars);
- bitstr ->
- %% See the handling of binary-expressions.
- bind_pats_single([bitstr_val(P), bitstr_size(P)],
- unsafe(), Vars);
- alias ->
- P1 = alias_pat(P),
- Vars1 = bind_pat_vars(P1, X, Vars),
- dict:store(get_label(alias_var(P)), X, Vars1)
- end.
-%%% %% This is the "exact" version of list representation, which simply
-%%% %% mimics the actual cons, head and tail operations.
-%%% make_cons(L, X1, X2) ->
-%%% struct(L1, [X1, X2]).
-%%% get_hd(X) ->
-%%% case elements(X) of
-%%% none -> X;
-%%% [X1 | _] -> X1;
-%%% _ -> empty()
-%%% end.
-%%% get_tl(X) ->
-%%% case elements(X) of
-%%% none -> X;
-%%% [_, X2 | _] -> X2;
-%%% _ -> empty()
-%%% end.
-%% This version does not unnecessarily confuse spine labels with element
-%% labels, and is safe. However, it loses precision if cons cells are
-%% used for other things than proper lists.
-make_cons(L, X1, X2) ->
- %% join subtypes and cons locations
- join_single(struct(L, [X1]), X2).
-get_hd(X) ->
- case elements(X) of
- none -> X;
- [X1 | _] -> X1; % First element represents list subtype.
- _ -> empty()
- end.
-get_tl(X) -> X. % Tail of X has same type as X.
-bind_vars(Vs, none, Vars) ->
- bind_vars_single(Vs, empty(), Vars);
-bind_vars(Vs, Xs, Vars) ->
- if length(Vs) =:= length(Xs) ->
- bind_vars_list(Vs, Xs, Vars);
- true ->
- bind_vars_single(Vs, empty(), Vars)
- end.
-bind_vars_list([V | Vs], [X | Xs], Vars) ->
- bind_vars_list(Vs, Xs, dict:store(get_label(V), X, Vars));
-bind_vars_list([], [], Vars) ->
- Vars.
-bind_vars_single([V | Vs], X, Vars) ->
- bind_vars_single(Vs, X, dict:store(get_label(V), X, Vars));
-bind_vars_single([], _X, Vars) ->
- Vars.
-%% This handles a call site, updating parameter variables with respect
-%% to the actual parameters. The 'external' function is handled
-%% specially, since it can get an arbitrary number of arguments. For our
-%% purposes here, calls to the external function can be ignored.
-call_site(Ls, Xs, St) ->
-%%% io:fwrite("call site: ~w -> ~w (~w).\n", [L, Ls, Xs]),
- {W, V} = call_site(Ls, Xs, St#state.work, St#state.vars,
- St#state.funs, St#state.k),
- St#state{work = W, vars = V}.
-call_site([external | Ls], Xs, W, V, Fs, Limit) ->
- call_site(Ls, Xs, W, V, Fs, Limit);
-call_site([L | Ls], Xs, W, V, Fs, Limit) ->
- Vs = fun_vars(dict:fetch(L, Fs)),
- case bind_args(Vs, Xs, V, Limit) of
- {V1, true} ->
- call_site(Ls, Xs, add_work([L], W), V1, Fs, Limit);
- {V1, false} ->
- call_site(Ls, Xs, W, V1, Fs, Limit)
- end;
-call_site([], _, W, V, _, _) ->
- {W, V}.
-add_dep(Source, Target, Deps) ->
- case dict:find(Source, Deps) of
- {ok, X} ->
- case set__is_member(Target, X) of
- true ->
- Deps;
- false ->
-%%% io:fwrite("new dep: ~w <- ~w.\n", [Target, Source]),
- dict:store(Source, set__add(Target, X), Deps)
- end;
- error ->
-%%% io:fwrite("new dep: ~w <- ~w.\n", [Target, Source]),
- dict:store(Source, set__singleton(Target), Deps)
- end.
-%% If the arity does not match the call, nothing is done here.
-bind_args(Vs, Xs, Vars, Limit) ->
- if length(Vs) =:= length(Xs) ->
- bind_args(Vs, Xs, Vars, Limit, false);
- true ->
- {Vars, false}
- end.
-bind_args([V | Vs], [X | Xs], Vars, Limit, Ch) ->
- L = get_label(V),
- {Vars1, Ch1} = bind_arg(L, X, Vars, Limit, Ch),
- bind_args(Vs, Xs, Vars1, Limit, Ch1);
-bind_args([], [], Vars, _Limit, Ch) ->
- {Vars, Ch}.
-%% bind_arg(L, X, Vars, Limit) ->
-%% bind_arg(L, X, Vars, Limit, false).
-bind_arg(L, X, Vars, Limit, Ch) ->
- X0 = dict:fetch(L, Vars),
- X1 = limit_single(join_single(X, X0), Limit),
- case equal_single(X0, X1) of
- true ->
- {Vars, Ch};
- false ->
-%%% io:fwrite("arg (~w) changed: ~w <- ~w + ~w.\n",
-%%% [L, X1, X0, X]),
- {dict:store(L, X1, Vars), true}
- end.
-%% This handles escapes from things like primops and remote calls.
-escape(Xs, Ns, St) ->
- escape(Xs, Ns, 1, St).
-escape([_ | Xs], Ns=[N1 | _], N, St) when is_integer(N1), N1 > N ->
- escape(Xs, Ns, N + 1, St);
-escape([X | Xs], [N | Ns], N, St) ->
- Vars = St#state.vars,
- X0 = dict:fetch(escape, Vars),
- X1 = join_single(X, X0),
- case equal_single(X0, X1) of
- true ->
- escape(Xs, Ns, N + 1, St);
- false ->
-%%% io:fwrite("escape changed: ~w <- ~w + ~w.\n", [X1, X0, X]),
- Vars1 = dict:store(escape, X1, Vars),
- escape(Xs, Ns, N + 1, St#state{vars = Vars1})
- end;
-escape(Xs, [_ | Ns], N, St) ->
- escape(Xs, Ns, N + 1, St);
-escape(_, _, _, St) ->
- St.
-%% Handle primop calls: (At present, we assume that all unknown calls
-%% yield exactly one value. This might have to be changed.)
-primop_call(F, A, Xs, _As, St0) ->
- %% St1 = case is_escape_op(F, A) of
- %% [] -> St0;
- %% Ns -> escape(Xs, Ns, St0)
- %% end,
- St1 = St0,
- case is_imm_op(F, A) of
- true ->
- {[empty()], St1};
- false ->
- call_unknown(Xs, St1)
- end.
-%% Handle remote-calls: (At present, we assume that all unknown calls
-%% yield exactly one value. This might have to be changed.)
-remote_call(M, F, Xs, As, L, St) ->
- case is_c_atom(M) andalso is_c_atom(F) of
- true ->
- remote_call_1(atom_val(M), atom_val(F), length(Xs),
- Xs, As, L, St);
- false ->
- %% Unknown function
- call_unknown(Xs, St)
- end.
-%% When calling an unknown function, we assume that the result does
-%% *not* contain any of the constructors in its arguments (but it could
-%% return locally allocated data that we don't know about). Note that
-%% even a "pure" function can still cons up new data.
-call_unknown(_Xs, St) ->
- {[unsafe()], St}.
-%% We need to handle some important standard functions in order to get
-%% decent precision.
-%% TODO: foldl, map, mapfoldl
-remote_call_1(erlang, hd, 1, [X], _As, _L, St) ->
- {[get_hd(X)], St};
-remote_call_1(erlang, tl, 1, [X], _As, _L, St) ->
- {[get_tl(X)], St};
-remote_call_1(erlang, element, 2, [_,X], [N|_], _L, St) ->
- case elements(X) of
- none -> {[X], St};
- Xs ->
- case is_c_int(N) of
- true ->
- N1 = int_val(N),
- if is_integer(N1), 1 =< N1, N1 =< length(Xs) ->
- {[nth(N1, Xs)], St};
- true ->
- {none, St}
- end;
- false ->
- %% Even if we don't know which element is selected,
- %% we know that the top level is never part of the
- %% returned value.
- {[join_single_list(Xs)], St}
- end
- end;
-remote_call_1(erlang, setelement, 3, [_,X, Y], [N|_], L, St) ->
- %% The constructor gets the label of the call operation.
- case elements(X) of
- none -> {[join_single(singleton(L), join_single(X, Y))], St};
- Xs ->
- case is_c_int(N) of
- true ->
- N1 = int_val(N),
- if is_integer(N1), 1 =< N1, N1 =< length(Xs) ->
- Xs1 = set_nth(N1, Y, Xs),
- {[struct(L, Xs1)], St};
- true ->
- {none, St}
- end;
- false ->
- %% Even if we don't know which element is selected,
- %% we know that the top level is never part of the
- %% returned value (a new tuple is always created).
- Xs1 = [join_single(Y, X1) || X1 <- Xs],
- {[struct(L, Xs1)], St}
- end
- end;
-remote_call_1(erlang, '++', 2, [X1,X2], _As, _L, St) ->
- %% Note: this is unsafe for non-proper lists! (See make_cons/3).
- %% No safe version is implemented.
- {[join_single(X1, X2)], St};
-remote_call_1(erlang, '--', 2, [X1,_X2], _As, _L, St) ->
- {[X1], St};
-remote_call_1(lists, append, 2, Xs, As, L, St) ->
- remote_call_1(erlang, '++', 2, Xs, As, L, St);
-remote_call_1(lists, subtract, 2, Xs, As, L, St) ->
- remote_call_1(erlang, '--', 2, Xs, As, L, St);
-remote_call_1(M, F, A, Xs, _As, _L, St0) ->
- St1 = case is_escape_op(M, F, A) of
- [] -> St0;
- Ns -> escape(Xs, Ns, St0)
- end,
- case is_imm_op(M, F, A) of
- true ->
- {[empty()], St1};
- false ->
- call_unknown(Xs, St1)
- end.
-%% 1-based n:th-element list selector and update function.
-nth(1, [X | _Xs]) -> X;
-nth(N, [_X | Xs]) when N > 1 -> nth(N - 1, Xs).
-set_nth(1, Y, [_X | Xs]) -> [Y | Xs];
-set_nth(N, Y, [X | Xs]) when N > 1 -> [X | set_nth(N - 1, Y, Xs)].
-%% Domain: none | [V], where V = {S, none} | {S, [V]}, S = set(integer()).
-join(none, Xs2) -> Xs2;
-join(Xs1, none) -> Xs1;
-join(Xs1, Xs2) ->
- if length(Xs1) =:= length(Xs2) ->
- join_1(Xs1, Xs2);
- true ->
- none
- end.
-join_1([X1 | Xs1], [X2 | Xs2]) ->
- [join_single(X1, X2) | join_1(Xs1, Xs2)];
-join_1([], []) ->
- [].
-join_list([Xs | Xss]) ->
- join(Xs, join_list(Xss));
-join_list([]) ->
- none.
-empty() -> {set__new(), []}.
-singleton(X) -> {set__singleton(X), []}.
-struct(X, Xs) -> {set__singleton(X), Xs}.
-elements({_, Xs}) -> Xs.
-unsafe() -> {set__singleton(unsafe), none}.
-equal(none, none) -> true;
-equal(none, _) -> false;
-equal(_, none) -> false;
-equal(X1, X2) -> equal_1(X1, X2).
-equal_1([X1 | Xs1], [X2 | Xs2]) ->
- equal_single(X1, X2) andalso equal_1(Xs1, Xs2);
-equal_1([], []) -> true;
-equal_1(_, _) -> false.
-equal_single({S1, none}, {S2, none}) ->
- set__equal(S1, S2);
-equal_single({_, none}, _) ->
- false;
-equal_single(_, {_, none}) ->
- false;
-equal_single({S1, Vs1}, {S2, Vs2}) ->
- set__equal(S1, S2) andalso equal_single_lists(Vs1, Vs2).
-equal_single_lists([X1 | Xs1], [X2 | Xs2]) ->
- equal_single(X1, X2) andalso equal_single_lists(Xs1, Xs2);
-equal_single_lists([], []) ->
- true;
-equal_single_lists(_, _) ->
- false.
-join_single({S, none}, V) ->
- {set__union(S, labels(V)), none};
-join_single(V, {S, none}) ->
- {set__union(S, labels(V)), none};
-join_single({S1, Vs1}, {S2, Vs2}) ->
- {set__union(S1, S2), join_single_lists(Vs1, Vs2)}.
-join_single_list([V | Vs]) ->
- join_single(V, join_single_list(Vs));
-join_single_list([]) ->
- empty().
-%% If one list has more elements that the other, and N is the length of
-%% the longer list, then the result has N elements.
-join_single_lists([V1], [V2]) ->
- [join_single(V1, V2)];
-join_single_lists([V1 | Vs1], [V2 | Vs2]) ->
- [join_single(V1, V2) | join_single_lists(Vs1, Vs2)];
-join_single_lists([], Vs) -> Vs;
-join_single_lists(Vs, []) -> Vs.
-collapse(V) ->
- {labels(V), none}.
-%% collapse_list([]) ->
-%% empty();
-%% collapse_list(Vs) ->
-%% {labels_list(Vs), none}.
-labels({S, none}) -> S;
-labels({S, []}) -> S;
-labels({S, Vs}) -> set__union(S, labels_list(Vs)).
-labels_list([V]) ->
- labels(V);
-labels_list([V | Vs]) ->
- set__union(labels(V), labels_list(Vs)).
-limit(none, _K) -> none;
-limit(X, K) -> limit_list(X, K).
-limit_list([X | Xs], K) ->
- [limit_single(X, K) | limit_list(Xs, K)];
-limit_list([], _) ->
- [].
-limit_single({_, none} = V, _K) ->
- V;
-limit_single({_, []} = V, _K) ->
- V;
-limit_single({S, Vs}, K) when K > 0 ->
- {S, limit_list(Vs, K - 1)};
-limit_single(V, _K) ->
- collapse(V).
-%% Set abstraction for label sets in the domain.
-%% set__is_empty([]) -> true;
-%% set__is_empty(_) -> false.
-set__new() -> [].
-set__singleton(X) -> [X].
-set__to_list(S) -> S.
-%% set__from_list(S) -> ordsets:from_list(S).
-set__union(X, Y) -> ordsets:union(X, Y).
-set__add(X, S) -> ordsets:add_element(X, S).
-set__is_member(X, S) -> ordsets:is_element(X, S).
-%% set__subtract(X, Y) -> ordsets:subtract(X, Y).
-set__equal(X, Y) -> X =:= Y.
-%% A simple but efficient functional queue.
-queue__new() -> {[], []}.
-queue__put(X, {In, Out}) -> {[X | In], Out}.
-queue__get({In, [X | Out]}) -> {ok, X, {In, Out}};
-queue__get({[], _}) -> empty;
-queue__get({In, _}) ->
- [X | In1] = lists:reverse(In),
- {ok, X, {[], In1}}.
-%% The work list - a queue without repeated elements.
-init_work() ->
- {queue__new(), sets:new()}.
-add_work(Ls, {Q, Set}) ->
- add_work(Ls, Q, Set).
-%% Note that the elements are enqueued in order.
-add_work([L | Ls], Q, Set) ->
- case sets:is_element(L, Set) of
- true ->
- add_work(Ls, Q, Set);
- false ->
- add_work(Ls, queue__put(L, Q), sets:add_element(L, Set))
- end;
-add_work([], Q, Set) ->
- {Q, Set}.
-take_work({Queue0, Set0}) ->
- case queue__get(Queue0) of
- {ok, L, Queue1} ->
- Set1 = sets:del_element(L, Set0),
- {ok, L, {Queue1, Set1}};
- empty ->
- none
- end.
-get_deps(L, Dep) ->
- case dict:find(L, Dep) of
- {ok, Ls} -> Ls;
- error -> []
- end.
-%% Escape operators may let their arguments escape. For this analysis,
-%% only send-operations are considered as causing escapement, and only
-%% in specific arguments.
-%% is_escape_op(_F, _A) -> [].
--spec is_escape_op(atom(), atom(), arity()) -> [arity()].
-is_escape_op(erlang, '!', 2) -> [2];
-is_escape_op(erlang, send, 2) -> [2];
-is_escape_op(erlang, spawn, 1) -> [1];
-is_escape_op(erlang, spawn, 3) -> [3];
-is_escape_op(erlang, spawn, 4) -> [4];
-is_escape_op(erlang, spawn_link, 3) -> [3];
-is_escape_op(erlang, spawn_link, 4) -> [4];
-is_escape_op(_M, _F, _A) -> [].
-%% "Immediate" operators will never return heap allocated data. This is
-%% of course true for operators that never return, like 'exit/1'. (Note
-%% that floats are always heap allocated objects, and that most integer
-%% arithmetic can return a bignum on the heap.)
--spec is_imm_op(atom(), arity()) -> boolean().
-is_imm_op(match_fail, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(_, _) -> false.
--spec is_imm_op(atom(), atom(), arity()) -> boolean().
-is_imm_op(erlang, self, 0) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, '=:=', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, '==', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, '=/=', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, '/=', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, '<', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, '=<', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, '>', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, '>=', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, 'and', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, 'or', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, 'xor', 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, 'not', 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_alive, 0) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_atom, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_binary, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_builtin, 3) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_float, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_function, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_integer, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_list, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_number, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_pid, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_port, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_process_alive, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_reference, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, is_tuple, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, length, 1) -> true; % never a bignum
-is_imm_op(erlang, list_to_atom, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, node, 0) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, node, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, throw, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, exit, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, error, 1) -> true;
-is_imm_op(erlang, error, 2) -> true;
-is_imm_op(_M, _F, _A) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_pmatch.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_pmatch.erl
index ca27fff1dd..fd7f589f08 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_pmatch.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_pmatch.erl
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -14,11 +9,9 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @copyright 2000-2006 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @doc Core Erlang pattern matching compiler.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_prettypr.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_prettypr.erl
index f0acab99e3..c1c7250bbd 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_prettypr.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_prettypr.erl
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-%% =====================================================================
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -14,16 +9,9 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Core Erlang prettyprinter, using the 'prettypr' module.
-%% Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Richard Carlsson
-%% Author contact: [email protected]
-%% =====================================================================
+%% @copyright 1999-2002 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @doc Core Erlang prettyprinter.
%% <p>This module is a front end to the pretty-printing library module
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_to_icode.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_to_icode.erl
index ab131c2d01..e37eae8a03 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_to_icode.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_to_icode.erl
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4 -*-
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -15,11 +11,9 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @copyright 2000-2006 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @doc Translation from Core Erlang to HiPE Icode.
%% TODO: annotate Icode leaf functions as such.
@@ -2627,7 +2621,7 @@ icode_switch_val(Arg, Fail, Length, Cases) ->
hipe_icode:mk_switch_val(Arg, Fail, Length, Cases).
icode_switch_tuple_arity(Arg, Fail, Length, Cases) ->
- SortedCases = lists:keysort(1, Cases), %% immitate BEAM compiler - Kostis
+ SortedCases = lists:keysort(1, Cases), %% imitate BEAM compiler - Kostis
hipe_icode:mk_switch_tuple_arity(Arg, Fail, Length, SortedCases).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_typean.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_typean.erl
index ddc48c7915..c5d84bdf2b 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_typean.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_typean.erl
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4 -*-
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -15,15 +11,9 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Type analysis of Core Erlang programs.
-%% Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Richard Carlsson
-%% Author contact: [email protected]
+%% @copyright 2001-2002 Richard Carlsson
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
%% @doc Type analysis of Core Erlang programs.
%% TODO: filters must handle conjunctions for better precision!
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
index 230fce2e68..48ce641ab9 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -16,16 +12,12 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% =====================================================================
-%% Type information for Erlang Built-in functions (implemented in C)
-%% Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Carlsson
-%% Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Carlsson, Tobias Lindahl and Kostis Sagonas
-%% =====================================================================
+%% @doc Type information for Erlang Built-in functions (implemented in C)
+%% @copyright 2002 Richard Carlsson, 2006 Richard Carlsson, Tobias Lindahl
+%% and Kostis Sagonas
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
+%% @author Tobias Lindahl <[email protected]>
+%% @author Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
@@ -560,6 +552,9 @@ type(erlang, byte_size, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(erlang, byte_size, 1, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_non_neg_integer() end, Opaques);
%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
+type(erlang, ceil, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ strict(erlang, ceil, 1, Xs, fun (_) -> t_integer() end, Opaques);
+%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
%% Also much more expressive than anything you could write in a spec...
type(erlang, element, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(erlang, element, 2, Xs,
@@ -588,6 +583,16 @@ type(erlang, element, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
type(erlang, float, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(erlang, float, 1, Xs, fun (_) -> t_float() end, Opaques);
%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
+type(erlang, floor, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ strict(erlang, floor, 1, Xs, fun (_) -> t_integer() end, Opaques);
+%% Primop, needs to be somewhere.
+type(erlang, build_stacktrace, 0, _, _Opaques) ->
+ t_list(t_tuple([t_module(),
+ t_atom(),
+ t_sup([t_arity(),t_list()]),
+ t_list(t_sup([t_tuple([t_atom('file'),t_string()]),
+ t_tuple([t_atom('line'),t_pos_integer()])]))]));
+%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
type(erlang, hd, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(erlang, hd, 1, Xs, fun ([X]) -> t_cons_hd(X) end, Opaques);
type(erlang, info, 1, Xs, _) -> type(erlang, system_info, 1, Xs); % alias
@@ -660,6 +665,8 @@ type(erlang, is_map, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
check_guard(X, fun (Y) -> t_is_map(Y, Opaques) end,
t_map(), Opaques) end,
strict(erlang, is_map, 1, Xs, Fun, Opaques);
+type(erlang, is_map_key, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ type(maps, is_key, 2, Xs, Opaques);
type(erlang, is_number, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
Fun = fun (X) ->
check_guard(X, fun (Y) -> t_is_number(Y, Opaques) end,
@@ -765,6 +772,9 @@ type(erlang, length, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
type(erlang, map_size, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
type(maps, size, 1, Xs, Opaques);
+%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
+type(erlang, map_get, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ type(maps, get, 2, Xs, Opaques);
type(erlang, make_fun, 3, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(erlang, make_fun, 3, Xs,
fun ([_, _, Arity]) ->
@@ -997,9 +1007,9 @@ type(erlang, tuple_to_list, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
end, Opaques);
%%-- hipe_bifs ----------------------------------------------------------------
type(hipe_bifs, add_ref, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, add_ref, 2, Xs, fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, alloc_data, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, alloc_data, 2, Xs,
+ strict(hipe_bifs, add_ref, 2, Xs, fun (_) -> t_atom('ok') end, Opaques);
+type(hipe_bifs, alloc_data, 3, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ strict(hipe_bifs, alloc_data, 3, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_integer() end, Opaques); % address
type(hipe_bifs, array, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, array, 2, Xs, fun (_) -> t_immarray() end, Opaques);
@@ -1046,16 +1056,16 @@ type(hipe_bifs, call_count_on, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
fun (_) -> t_sup(t_atom('true'), t_nil()) end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, check_crc, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, check_crc, 1, Xs, fun (_) -> t_boolean() end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, enter_code, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, enter_code, 2, Xs,
+type(hipe_bifs, enter_code, 3, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ strict(hipe_bifs, enter_code, 3, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_tuple([t_integer(),
%% XXX: The tuple below contains integers and
%% is of size same as the length of the MFA list
t_sup(t_nil(), t_binary())]) end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, enter_sdesc, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, enter_sdesc, 1, Xs, fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, find_na_or_make_stub, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, find_na_or_make_stub, 2, Xs,
+type(hipe_bifs, enter_sdesc, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ strict(hipe_bifs, enter_sdesc, 2, Xs, fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
+type(hipe_bifs, find_na_or_make_stub, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ strict(hipe_bifs, find_na_or_make_stub, 1, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_integer() end, Opaques); % address
type(hipe_bifs, fun_to_address, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, fun_to_address, 1, Xs,
@@ -1065,12 +1075,6 @@ type(hipe_bifs, get_fe, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
type(hipe_bifs, get_rts_param, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, get_rts_param, 1, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_sup(t_integer(), t_nil()) end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, invalidate_funinfo_native_addresses, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, invalidate_funinfo_native_addresses, 1, Xs,
- fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, mark_referred_from, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, mark_referred_from, 1, Xs,
- fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, merge_term, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, merge_term, 1, Xs, fun ([X]) -> X end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, nstack_used_size, 0, _, _Opaques) ->
@@ -1082,21 +1086,18 @@ type(hipe_bifs, patch_insn, 3, Xs, Opaques) ->
type(hipe_bifs, primop_address, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, primop_address, 1, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_sup(t_integer(), t_atom('false')) end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, redirect_referred_from, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, redirect_referred_from, 1, Xs,
- fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, ref, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, ref, 1, Xs, fun (_) -> t_immarray() end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, ref_get, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, ref_get, 1, Xs, fun (_) -> t_immediate() end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, ref_set, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, ref_set, 2, Xs, fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, remove_refs_from, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, remove_refs_from, 1, Xs,
- fun (_) -> t_atom('ok') end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, set_funinfo_native_address, 3, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, set_funinfo_native_address, 3, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
+type(hipe_bifs, commit_patch_load, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ strict(hipe_bifs, commit_patch_load, 1, Xs,
+ fun (_) -> t_atom() end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, set_native_address, 3, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, set_native_address, 3, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
@@ -1108,15 +1109,14 @@ type(hipe_bifs, system_crc, 0, _, _Opaques) ->
type(hipe_bifs, term_to_word, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, term_to_word, 1, Xs,
fun (_) -> t_integer() end, Opaques);
-type(hipe_bifs, update_code_size, 3, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(hipe_bifs, update_code_size, 3, Xs,
- fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, write_u8, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, write_u8, 2, Xs, fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, write_u32, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, write_u32, 2, Xs, fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
type(hipe_bifs, write_u64, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(hipe_bifs, write_u64, 2, Xs, fun (_) -> t_nil() end, Opaques);
+type(hipe_bifs, alloc_loader_state, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
+ strict(hipe_bifs, alloc_loader_state, 1, Xs, fun (_) -> t_binary() end, Opaques);
%%-- lists --------------------------------------------------------------------
type(lists, all, 2, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(lists, all, 2, Xs,
@@ -1713,24 +1713,6 @@ type(maps, size, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
t_from_range(LowerBound, UpperBound)
end, Opaques);
-type(maps, to_list, 1, Xs, Opaques) ->
- strict(maps, to_list, 1, Xs,
- fun ([Map]) ->
- DefK = t_map_def_key(Map, Opaques),
- DefV = t_map_def_val(Map, Opaques),
- Pairs = t_map_entries(Map, Opaques),
- EType = lists:foldl(
- fun({K,_,V},EType0) ->
- case t_is_none(V) of
- true -> t_subtract(EType0, t_tuple([K,t_any()]));
- false -> t_sup(EType0, t_tuple([K,V]))
- end
- end, t_tuple([DefK, DefV]), Pairs),
- case t_is_none(EType) of
- true -> t_nil();
- false -> t_list(EType)
- end
- end, Opaques);
type(maps, update, 3, Xs, Opaques) ->
strict(maps, update, 3, Xs,
fun ([Key, Value, Map]) ->
@@ -1915,7 +1897,8 @@ infinity_div(Number1, Number2) when is_integer(Number1), is_integer(Number2) ->
infinity_bsl(pos_inf, _) -> pos_inf;
infinity_bsl(neg_inf, _) -> neg_inf;
-infinity_bsl(Number, pos_inf) when is_integer(Number), Number >= 0 -> pos_inf;
+infinity_bsl(0, pos_inf) -> 0;
+infinity_bsl(Number, pos_inf) when is_integer(Number), Number > 0 -> pos_inf;
infinity_bsl(Number, pos_inf) when is_integer(Number) -> neg_inf;
infinity_bsl(Number, neg_inf) when is_integer(Number), Number >= 0 -> 0;
infinity_bsl(Number, neg_inf) when is_integer(Number) -> -1;
@@ -2004,9 +1987,11 @@ arith_abs(X1, Opaques) ->
case infinity_geq(Min1, 0) of
true -> {Min1, Max1};
false ->
+ NegMin1 = infinity_inv(Min1),
+ NegMax1 = infinity_inv(Max1),
case infinity_geq(Max1, 0) of
- true -> {0, infinity_inv(Min1)};
- false -> {infinity_inv(Max1), infinity_inv(Min1)}
+ true -> {0, max(NegMin1, Max1)};
+ false -> {NegMax1, NegMin1}
t_from_range(NewMin, NewMax)
@@ -2038,17 +2023,14 @@ arith_rem(Min1, Max1, Min2, Max2) ->
Min1_geq_zero = infinity_geq(Min1, 0),
Max1_leq_zero = infinity_geq(0, Max1),
Max_range2 = infinity_max([infinity_abs(Min2), infinity_abs(Max2)]),
- Max_range2_leq_zero = infinity_geq(0, Max_range2),
- New_min =
+ New_min =
if Min1_geq_zero -> 0;
Max_range2 =:= 0 -> 0;
- Max_range2_leq_zero -> infinity_add(Max_range2, 1);
true -> infinity_add(infinity_inv(Max_range2), 1)
New_max =
if Max1_leq_zero -> 0;
Max_range2 =:= 0 -> 0;
- Max_range2_leq_zero -> infinity_add(infinity_inv(Max_range2), -1);
true -> infinity_add(Max_range2, -1)
{New_min, New_max}.
@@ -2341,6 +2323,9 @@ arg_types(erlang, bit_size, 1) ->
%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
arg_types(erlang, byte_size, 1) ->
+%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
+arg_types(erlang, ceil, 1) ->
+ [t_number()];
arg_types(erlang, halt, 0) ->
arg_types(erlang, halt, 1) ->
@@ -2361,6 +2346,12 @@ arg_types(erlang, element, 2) ->
arg_types(erlang, float, 1) ->
%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
+arg_types(erlang, floor, 1) ->
+ [t_number()];
+%% Primop, needs to be somewhere.
+arg_types(erlang, build_stacktrace, 0) ->
+ [];
+%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
arg_types(erlang, hd, 1) ->
arg_types(erlang, info, 1) ->
@@ -2385,6 +2376,8 @@ arg_types(erlang, is_list, 1) ->
arg_types(erlang, is_map, 1) ->
+arg_types(erlang, is_map_key, 2) ->
+ [t_any(), t_map()];
arg_types(erlang, is_number, 1) ->
arg_types(erlang, is_pid, 1) ->
@@ -2405,6 +2398,9 @@ arg_types(erlang, length, 1) ->
%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
arg_types(erlang, map_size, 1) ->
+%% Guard bif, needs to be here.
+arg_types(erlang, map_get, 2) ->
+ [t_any(), t_map()];
arg_types(erlang, make_fun, 3) ->
[t_atom(), t_atom(), t_arity()];
arg_types(erlang, make_tuple, 2) ->
@@ -2458,9 +2454,9 @@ arg_types(hipe_bifs, add_ref, 2) ->
t_sup(t_atom('call'), t_atom('load_mfa')),
- t_sup(t_atom('remote'), t_atom('local'))])];
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, alloc_data, 2) ->
- [t_integer(), t_integer()];
+ t_binary()])];
+arg_types(hipe_bifs, alloc_data, 3) ->
+ [t_integer(), t_integer(), t_binary()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, array, 2) ->
[t_non_neg_fixnum(), t_immediate()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, array_length, 1) ->
@@ -2495,22 +2491,19 @@ arg_types(hipe_bifs, call_count_on, 1) ->
arg_types(hipe_bifs, check_crc, 1) ->
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, enter_code, 2) ->
- [t_binary(), t_sup(t_nil(), t_tuple())];
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, enter_sdesc, 1) ->
- [t_tuple([t_integer(), t_integer(), t_integer(), t_integer(), t_integer(), t_mfa()])];
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, find_na_or_make_stub, 2) ->
- [t_mfa(), t_boolean()];
+arg_types(hipe_bifs, enter_code, 3) ->
+ [t_binary(), t_sup(t_nil(), t_tuple()), t_binary()];
+arg_types(hipe_bifs, enter_sdesc, 2) ->
+ [t_tuple([t_integer(), t_integer(), t_integer(), t_integer(), t_integer(), t_mfa()]),
+ t_binary()];
+arg_types(hipe_bifs, find_na_or_make_stub, 1) ->
+ [t_mfa()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, fun_to_address, 1) ->
arg_types(hipe_bifs, get_fe, 2) ->
[t_atom(), t_tuple([t_integer(), t_integer(), t_integer()])];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, get_rts_param, 1) ->
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, invalidate_funinfo_native_addresses, 1) ->
- [t_list(t_mfa())];
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, mark_referred_from, 1) ->
- [t_mfa()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, merge_term, 1) ->
arg_types(hipe_bifs, nstack_used_size, 0) ->
@@ -2521,18 +2514,16 @@ arg_types(hipe_bifs, patch_insn, 3) ->
[t_integer(), t_integer(), t_insn_type()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, primop_address, 1) ->
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, redirect_referred_from, 1) ->
- [t_mfa()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, ref, 1) ->
arg_types(hipe_bifs, ref_get, 1) ->
arg_types(hipe_bifs, ref_set, 2) ->
[t_hiperef(), t_immediate()];
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, remove_refs_from, 1) ->
- [t_sup([t_mfa(), t_atom('all')])];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, set_funinfo_native_address, 3) ->
arg_types(hipe_bifs, set_native_address, 3);
+arg_types(hipe_bifs, commit_patch_load, 1) ->
+ [t_binary()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, set_native_address, 3) ->
[t_mfa(), t_integer(), t_boolean()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, set_native_address_in_fe, 2) ->
@@ -2541,14 +2532,15 @@ arg_types(hipe_bifs, system_crc, 0) ->
arg_types(hipe_bifs, term_to_word, 1) ->
-arg_types(hipe_bifs, update_code_size, 3) ->
- [t_atom(), t_sup(t_nil(), t_binary()), t_integer()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, write_u8, 2) ->
[t_integer(), t_byte()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, write_u32, 2) ->
[t_integer(), t_integer()];
arg_types(hipe_bifs, write_u64, 2) ->
[t_integer(), t_integer()];
+arg_types(hipe_bifs, alloc_loader_state, 1) ->
+ [t_atom()];
%%------- lists ---------------------------------------------------------------
arg_types(lists, all, 2) ->
[t_fun([t_any()], t_boolean()), t_list()];
@@ -2661,8 +2653,6 @@ arg_types(maps, put, 3) ->
[t_any(), t_any(), t_map()];
arg_types(maps, size, 1) ->
-arg_types(maps, to_list, 1) ->
- [t_map()];
arg_types(maps, update, 3) ->
[t_any(), t_any(), t_map()];
arg_types(M, F, A) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
index 15f7b793a1..9abb4d31d9 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -16,14 +12,13 @@
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% ======================================================================
-%% Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Richard Carlsson
-%% ======================================================================
-%% Provides a representation of Erlang types.
+%% @copyright 2000-2003 Richard Carlsson, 2006-2009 Tobias Lindahl
+%% @author Richard Carlsson <[email protected]>
+%% @author Tobias Lindahl <[email protected]>
+%% @author Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
+%% @author Manouk Manoukian
+%% @doc Provides a representation of Erlang types.
%% The initial author of this file is Richard Carlsson (2000-2004).
%% In July 2006, the type representation was totally re-designed by
%% Tobias Lindahl. This is the representation which is used currently.
@@ -31,9 +26,6 @@
%% opaque types to the structure-based representation of types.
%% During February and March 2009, Kostis Sagonas significantly
%% cleaned up the type representation and added spec declarations.
-%% ======================================================================
@@ -82,6 +74,7 @@
+ t_from_form_check_remote/4,
@@ -115,13 +108,14 @@
t_is_bitstr/1, t_is_bitstr/2,
t_is_boolean/1, t_is_boolean/2,
- %% t_is_byte/1,
- %% t_is_char/1,
+ t_is_byte/1,
+ t_is_char/1,
t_is_cons/1, t_is_cons/2,
t_is_float/1, t_is_float/2,
t_is_fun/1, t_is_fun/2,
+ t_is_identifier/1,
t_is_integer/1, t_is_integer/2,
@@ -223,20 +217,10 @@
-%%-define(DO_ERL_TYPES_TEST, true).
--define(NO_UNUSED, true).
--export_type([erl_type/0, opaques/0, type_table/0, var_table/0, cache/0]).
+-export_type([erl_type/0, opaques/0, type_table/0,
+ var_table/0, cache/0]).
%%-define(DEBUG, true).
@@ -373,14 +357,17 @@
-type opaques() :: [erl_type()] | 'universe'.
+-type file_line() :: {file:name(), erl_anno:line()}.
-type record_key() :: {'record', atom()}.
-type type_key() :: {'type' | 'opaque', mfa()}.
--type record_value() :: [{atom(), erl_parse:abstract_expr(), erl_type()}].
--type type_value() :: {{module(), {file:name(), erl_anno:line()},
+-type field() :: {atom(), erl_parse:abstract_expr(), erl_type()}.
+-type record_value() :: {file_line(),
+ [{RecordSize :: non_neg_integer(), [field()]}]}.
+-type type_value() :: {{module(), file_line(),
erl_parse:abstract_type(), ArgNames :: [atom()]},
--type type_table() :: dict:dict(record_key() | type_key(),
- record_value() | type_value()).
+-type type_table() :: #{record_key() | type_key() =>
+ record_value() | type_value()}.
-opaque var_table() :: #{atom() => erl_type()}.
@@ -524,7 +511,8 @@ list_contains_opaque(List, Opaques) ->
lists:any(fun(E) -> t_contains_opaque(E, Opaques) end, List).
%% t_find_opaque_mismatch/2 of two types should only be used if their
-%% t_inf is t_none() due to some opaque type violation.
+%% t_inf is t_none() due to some opaque type violation. However,
+%% 'error' is returned if a structure mismatch is found.
%% The first argument of the function is the pattern and its second
%% argument the type we are matching against the pattern.
@@ -533,22 +521,32 @@ list_contains_opaque(List, Opaques) ->
'error' | {'ok', erl_type(), erl_type()}.
t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
- t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques).
+ try t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques)
+ catch throw:error -> error
+ end.
t_find_opaque_mismatch(?any, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error;
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?none, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?none, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> throw(error);
t_find_opaque_mismatch(?list(T1, Tl1, _), ?list(T2, Tl2, _), TopType, Opaques) ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists([T1, Tl1], [T2, Tl2], TopType, Opaques);
t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2, TopType, Opaques) ->
case is_opaque_type(T2, Opaques) of
- false -> {ok, TopType, T2};
+ false ->
+ case t_is_opaque(T1) andalso compatible_opaque_types(T1, T2) =/= [] of
+ true -> error;
+ false -> {ok, TopType, T2}
+ end;
true ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2), TopType, Opaques)
t_find_opaque_mismatch(?opaque(_) = T1, T2, TopType, Opaques) ->
%% The generated message is somewhat misleading:
case is_opaque_type(T1, Opaques) of
- false -> {ok, TopType, T1};
+ false ->
+ case t_is_opaque(T2) andalso compatible_opaque_types(T1, T2) =/= [] of
+ true -> error;
+ false -> {ok, TopType, T1}
+ end;
true ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2, TopType, Opaques)
@@ -564,7 +562,11 @@ t_find_opaque_mismatch(?tuple(_, _, _) = T1, ?tuple_set(_) = T2,
t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(Tuples1, Tuples2, TopType, Opaques);
t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?union(U2), TopType, Opaques) ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists([T1], U2, TopType, Opaques);
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(_T1, _T2, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error.
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, _TopType, Opaques) ->
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(T1, T2, Opaques)) of
+ false -> error;
+ true -> throw(error)
+ end.
t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(L1, L2, TopType, Opaques) ->
List = lists:zipwith(fun(T1, T2) ->
@@ -573,10 +575,12 @@ t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(L1, L2, TopType, Opaques) ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(L1, L2, _TopType, Opaques) ->
- List = [t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques) || T1 <- L1, T2 <- L2],
+ List = [try t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques)
+ catch throw:error -> error
+ end || T1 <- L1, T2 <- L2],
-t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([]) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([]) -> throw(error);
t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([H|T]) ->
case H of
{ok, _T1, _T2} -> H;
@@ -603,7 +607,9 @@ t_find_unknown_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
%% is assumed to be taken from the contract.
t_decorate_with_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
- case t_is_equal(T1, T2) orelse not t_contains_opaque(T2) of
+ case
+ Opaques =:= [] orelse t_is_equal(T1, T2) orelse not t_contains_opaque(T2)
+ of
true -> T1;
false ->
T = t_inf(T1, T2),
@@ -611,9 +617,13 @@ t_decorate_with_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
false -> T1;
true ->
R = decorate(T1, T, Opaques),
- ?debug(case catch t_is_equal(t_unopaque(R), t_unopaque(T1)) of
- true -> ok;
- false ->
+ ?debug(case catch
+ not t_is_equal(t_unopaque(R), t_unopaque(T1))
+ orelse
+ t_is_equal(T1, T) andalso not t_is_equal(T1, R)
+ of
+ false -> ok;
+ _ ->
io:format("T1 = ~p,\n", [T1]),
io:format("T2 = ~p,\n", [T2]),
io:format("O = ~p,\n", [Opaques]),
@@ -642,7 +652,6 @@ decorate(?tuple_set(List), ?tuple_set(L), Opaques) ->
decorate(?union(List), T, Opaques) when T =/= ?any ->
?union(L) = force_union(T),
union_decorate(List, L, Opaques);
-decorate(?opaque(_)=T, _, _Opaques) -> T;
decorate(T, ?union(L), Opaques) when T =/= ?any ->
?union(List) = force_union(T),
union_decorate(List, L, Opaques);
@@ -656,7 +665,7 @@ decorate_with_opaque(Type, ?opaque(Set2), Opaques) ->
case decoration(set_to_list(Set2), Type, Opaques, [], false) of
{[], false} -> Type;
{List, All} when List =/= [] ->
- NewType = ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(List)),
+ NewType = sup_opaque(List),
case All of
true -> NewType;
false -> t_sup(NewType, Type)
@@ -670,9 +679,10 @@ decoration([#opaque{struct = S} = Opaque|OpaqueTypes], Type, Opaques,
case not IsOpaque orelse t_is_none(I) of
true -> decoration(OpaqueTypes, Type, Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes0, All);
false ->
- NewOpaque = Opaque#opaque{struct = decorate(I, S, Opaques)},
+ NewI = decorate(I, S, Opaques),
+ NewOpaque = combine(NewI, [Opaque]),
NewAll = All orelse t_is_equal(I, Type),
- NewOpaqueTypes = [NewOpaque|NewOpaqueTypes0],
+ NewOpaqueTypes = NewOpaque ++ NewOpaqueTypes0,
decoration(OpaqueTypes, Type, Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes, NewAll)
decoration([], _Type, _Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes, All) ->
@@ -745,16 +755,16 @@ decorate_tuples_in_sets([], _L, _Opaques, Acc) ->
-spec t_opaque_from_records(type_table()) -> [erl_type()].
-t_opaque_from_records(RecDict) ->
- OpaqueRecDict =
- dict:filter(fun(Key, _Value) ->
+t_opaque_from_records(RecMap) ->
+ OpaqueRecMap =
+ maps:filter(fun(Key, _Value) ->
case Key of
{opaque, _Name, _Arity} -> true;
_ -> false
- end, RecDict),
- OpaqueTypeDict =
- dict:map(fun({opaque, Name, _Arity},
+ end, RecMap),
+ OpaqueTypeMap =
+ maps:map(fun({opaque, Name, _Arity},
{{Module, _FileLine, _Form, ArgNames}, _Type}) ->
%% Args = args_to_types(ArgNames),
%% List = lists:zip(ArgNames, Args),
@@ -763,8 +773,8 @@ t_opaque_from_records(RecDict) ->
Rep = t_any(), % not used for anything right now
Args = [t_any() || _ <- ArgNames],
t_opaque(Module, Name, Args, Rep)
- end, OpaqueRecDict),
- [OpaqueType || {_Key, OpaqueType} <- dict:to_list(OpaqueTypeDict)].
+ end, OpaqueRecMap),
+ [OpaqueType || {_Key, OpaqueType} <- maps:to_list(OpaqueTypeMap)].
%% Decompose opaque instances of type arg2 to structured types, in arg1
%% XXX: Same as t_unopaque
@@ -798,10 +808,6 @@ list_struct_from_opaque(Types, Opaques) ->
[t_struct_from_opaque(Type, Opaques) || Type <- Types].
--type mod_records() :: dict:dict(module(), type_table()).
%% Unit type. Signals non termination.
@@ -1174,12 +1180,10 @@ is_fun(_) -> false.
t_identifier() ->
--spec t_is_identifier(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+-spec t_is_identifier(erl_type()) -> boolean().
t_is_identifier(?identifier(_)) -> true;
t_is_identifier(_) -> false.
@@ -1350,7 +1354,6 @@ is_integer1(_) -> false.
t_byte() ->
-spec t_is_byte(erl_type()) -> boolean().
t_is_byte(?int_range(neg_inf, _)) -> false;
@@ -1360,7 +1363,6 @@ t_is_byte(?int_range(From, To))
t_is_byte(?int_set(Set)) ->
(set_min(Set) >= 0) andalso (set_max(Set) =< ?MAX_BYTE);
t_is_byte(_) -> false.
@@ -1614,8 +1616,8 @@ lift_list_to_pos_empty(?list(Content, Termination, _)) ->
%% * The keys in Pairs are singleton types.
%% * The values of Pairs must not be unit, and may only be none if the
%% mandatoriness tag is 'optional'.
-%% * Optional must contain no pair {K,V} s.t. K is a subtype of DefaultKey and
-%% V is equal to DefaultKey.
+%% * There is no pair {K, 'optional', V} in Pairs s.t.
+%% K is a subtype of DefaultKey and V is equal to DefaultValue.
%% * DefaultKey must be the empty type iff DefaultValue is the empty type.
%% * DefaultKey must not be a singleton type.
%% * For every key K in Pairs, DefaultKey - K must not be representable; i.e.
@@ -1861,6 +1863,7 @@ t_map_put(KV, Map, Opaques) ->
%% Key and Value are *not* unopaqued, but the map is
map_put(_, ?none, _) -> ?none;
+map_put(_, ?unit, _) -> ?none;
map_put({Key, Value}, ?map(Pairs,DefK,DefV), Opaques) ->
case t_is_none_or_unit(Key) orelse t_is_none_or_unit(Value) of
true -> ?none;
@@ -1886,6 +1889,7 @@ t_map_update(KV, Map) ->
-spec t_map_update({erl_type(), erl_type()}, erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
t_map_update(_, ?none, _) -> ?none;
+t_map_update(_, ?unit, _) -> ?none;
t_map_update(KV={Key, _}, M, Opaques) ->
case t_is_subtype(t_atom('true'), t_map_is_key(Key, M, Opaques)) of
false -> ?none;
@@ -1906,6 +1910,7 @@ t_map_get(Key, Map, Opaques) ->
map_get(_, ?none) -> ?none;
+map_get(_, ?unit) -> ?none;
map_get(Key, ?map(Pairs, DefK, DefV)) ->
DefRes =
case t_do_overlap(DefK, Key) of
@@ -1941,6 +1946,7 @@ t_map_is_key(Key, Map, Opaques) ->
map_is_key(_, ?none) -> ?none;
+map_is_key(_, ?unit) -> ?none;
map_is_key(Key, ?map(Pairs, DefK, _DefV)) ->
case is_singleton_type(Key) of
true ->
@@ -2241,16 +2247,21 @@ t_has_var_list([]) -> false.
-spec t_collect_vars(erl_type()) -> [erl_type()].
t_collect_vars(T) ->
- t_collect_vars(T, []).
+ Vs = t_collect_vars(T, maps:new()),
+ [V || {V, _} <- maps:to_list(Vs)].
+-type ctab() :: #{erl_type() => 'any'}.
--spec t_collect_vars(erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> [erl_type()].
+-spec t_collect_vars(erl_type(), ctab()) -> ctab().
t_collect_vars(?var(_) = Var, Acc) ->
- ordsets:add_element(Var, Acc);
+ maps:put(Var, any, Acc);
t_collect_vars(?function(Domain, Range), Acc) ->
- ordsets:union(t_collect_vars(Domain, Acc), t_collect_vars(Range, []));
+ Acc1 = t_collect_vars(Domain, Acc),
+ t_collect_vars(Range, Acc1);
t_collect_vars(?list(Contents, Termination, _), Acc) ->
- ordsets:union(t_collect_vars(Contents, Acc), t_collect_vars(Termination, []));
+ Acc1 = t_collect_vars(Contents, Acc),
+ t_collect_vars(Termination, Acc1);
t_collect_vars(?product(Types), Acc) ->
t_collect_vars_list(Types, Acc);
t_collect_vars(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), Acc) ->
@@ -2326,6 +2337,8 @@ t_from_range(X, Y) ->
+t_from_range(pos_inf, pos_inf) -> ?integer_pos;
+t_from_range(neg_inf, neg_inf) -> ?integer_neg;
t_from_range(neg_inf, pos_inf) -> t_integer();
t_from_range(neg_inf, Y) when is_integer(Y), Y < 0 -> ?integer_neg;
t_from_range(neg_inf, Y) when is_integer(Y), Y >= 0 -> t_integer();
@@ -2358,6 +2371,8 @@ t_from_range(pos_inf, neg_inf) -> t_none().
-spec t_from_range_unsafe(rng_elem(), rng_elem()) -> erl_type().
+t_from_range_unsafe(pos_inf, pos_inf) -> ?integer_pos;
+t_from_range_unsafe(neg_inf, neg_inf) -> ?integer_neg;
t_from_range_unsafe(neg_inf, pos_inf) -> t_integer();
t_from_range_unsafe(neg_inf, Y) -> ?int_range(neg_inf, Y);
t_from_range_unsafe(X, pos_inf) -> ?int_range(X, pos_inf);
@@ -2991,27 +3006,21 @@ inf_collect(_T1, [], _Opaques, OpL) ->
combine(S, T1, T2) ->
- #opaque{mod = Mod1, name = Name1, args = Args1} = T1,
- #opaque{mod = Mod2, name = Name2, args = Args2} = T2,
- Comb1 = comb(Mod1, Name1, Args1, S, T1),
- case is_compat_opaque_names({Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2}) of
- true -> Comb1;
- false -> Comb1 ++ comb(Mod2, Name2, Args2, S, T2)
+ case is_compat_opaque_names(T1, T2) of
+ true -> combine(S, [T1]);
+ false -> combine(S, [T1, T2])
-comb(Mod, Name, Args, S, T) ->
- case can_combine_opaque_names(Mod, Name, Args, S) of
- true ->
- ?opaque(Set) = S,
- Set;
- false ->
- [T#opaque{struct = S}]
- end.
+combine(?opaque(Set), Ts) ->
+ [comb2(O, T) || O <- Set, T <- Ts];
+combine(S, Ts) ->
+ [T#opaque{struct = S} || T <- Ts].
-can_combine_opaque_names(Mod1, Name1, Args1,
- ?opaque([#opaque{mod = Mod2, name = Name2, args = Args2}])) ->
- is_compat_opaque_names({Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2});
-can_combine_opaque_names(_, _, _, _) -> false.
+comb2(O, T) ->
+ case is_compat_opaque_names(O, T) of
+ true -> O;
+ false -> T#opaque{struct = ?opaque(set_singleton(O))}
+ end.
%% Combining two lists this way can be very time consuming...
%% Note: two parameterized opaque types are not the same if their
@@ -3020,32 +3029,27 @@ inf_opaque(Set1, Set2, Opaques) ->
List1 = inf_look_up(Set1, Opaques),
List2 = inf_look_up(Set2, Opaques),
List0 = [combine(Inf, T1, T2) ||
- {Is1, ModNameArgs1, T1} <- List1,
- {Is2, ModNameArgs2, T2} <- List2,
- not t_is_none(Inf = inf_opaque_types(Is1, ModNameArgs1, T1,
- Is2, ModNameArgs2, T2,
- Opaques))],
- List = lists:sort(lists:append(List0)),
+ {Is1, T1} <- List1,
+ {Is2, T2} <- List2,
+ not t_is_none(Inf = inf_opaque_types(Is1, T1, Is2, T2, Opaques))],
+ List = lists:append(List0),
%% Optimization: do just one lookup.
inf_look_up(Set, Opaques) ->
- [{Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse inf_is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques),
- {M, N, Args}, T} ||
- #opaque{mod = M, name = N, args = Args} = T <- set_to_list(Set)].
+ [{Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse inf_is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques), T} ||
+ T <- set_to_list(Set)].
inf_is_opaque_type2(T, {match, Opaques}) ->
is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques);
inf_is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques) ->
is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques).
-inf_opaque_types(IsOpaque1, ModNameArgs1, T1,
- IsOpaque2, ModNameArgs2, T2, Opaques) ->
+inf_opaque_types(IsOpaque1, T1, IsOpaque2, T2, Opaques) ->
#opaque{struct = S1}=T1,
#opaque{struct = S2}=T2,
- Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse
- is_compat_opaque_names(ModNameArgs1, ModNameArgs2)
+ Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse is_compat_opaque_names(T1, T2)
true -> t_inf(S1, S2, Opaques);
false ->
@@ -3059,98 +3063,109 @@ inf_opaque_types(IsOpaque1, ModNameArgs1, T1,
-is_compat_opaque_names(ModNameArgs, ModNameArgs) -> true;
-is_compat_opaque_names({Mod,Name,Args1}, {Mod,Name,Args2}) ->
- is_compat_args(Args1, Args2);
-is_compat_opaque_names(_, _) -> false.
+compatible_opaque_types(?opaque(Es1), ?opaque(Es2)) ->
+ [{O1, O2} || O1 <- Es1, O2 <- Es2, is_compat_opaque_names(O1, O2)].
+is_compat_opaque_names(Opaque1, Opaque2) ->
+ #opaque{mod = Mod1, name = Name1, args = Args1} = Opaque1,
+ #opaque{mod = Mod2, name = Name2, args = Args2} = Opaque2,
+ case {{Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2}} of
+ {ModNameArgs, ModNameArgs} -> true;
+ {{Mod, Name, Args1}, {Mod, Name, Args2}} ->
+ is_compat_args(Args1, Args2);
+ _ -> false
+ end.
is_compat_args([A1|Args1], [A2|Args2]) ->
is_compat_arg(A1, A2) andalso is_compat_args(Args1, Args2);
is_compat_args([], []) -> true;
is_compat_args(_, _) -> false.
-is_compat_arg(A1, A2) ->
- is_specialization(A1, A2) orelse is_specialization(A2, A1).
--spec is_specialization(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
-%% Returns true if the first argument is a specialization of the
-%% second argument in the sense that every type is a specialization of
-%% any(). For example, {_,_} is a specialization of any(), but not of
-%% tuple(). Does not handle variables, but any() and unions (sort of).
-is_specialization(T, T) -> true;
-is_specialization(_, ?any) -> true;
-is_specialization(?any, _) -> false;
-is_specialization(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2)) ->
- (is_specialization(Domain1, Domain2) andalso
- is_specialization(Range1, Range2));
-is_specialization(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1),
- ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2)) ->
+-spec is_compat_arg(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
+%% The intention is that 'true' is to be returned iff one of the
+%% arguments is a specialization of the other argument in the sense
+%% that every type is a specialization of any(). For example, {_,_} is
+%% a specialization of any(), but not of tuple(). Does not handle
+%% variables, but any() and unions (sort of). However, the
+%% implementation is more relaxed as any() is compatible to anything.
+is_compat_arg(T, T) -> true;
+is_compat_arg(_, ?any) -> true;
+is_compat_arg(?any, _) -> true;
+is_compat_arg(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2)) ->
+ (is_compat_arg(Domain1, Domain2) andalso
+ is_compat_arg(Range1, Range2));
+is_compat_arg(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1),
+ ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2)) ->
(Size1 =:= Size2 andalso
- is_specialization(Contents1, Contents2) andalso
- is_specialization(Termination1, Termination2));
-is_specialization(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2)) ->
- specialization_list(Types1, Types2);
-is_specialization(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple(_, _, _)) -> false;
-is_specialization(?tuple(_, _, _), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> false;
-is_specialization(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
- ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
- specialization_list(Elements1, Elements2);
-is_specialization(?tuple_set([{Arity, List}]),
- ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
- specialization_list(sup_tuple_elements(List), Elements2);
-is_specialization(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
- ?tuple_set([{Arity, List}])) when Arity =/= ?any ->
- specialization_list(Elements1, sup_tuple_elements(List));
-is_specialization(?tuple_set(List1), ?tuple_set(List2)) ->
+ is_compat_arg(Contents1, Contents2) andalso
+ is_compat_arg(Termination1, Termination2));
+is_compat_arg(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2)) ->
+ is_compat_list(Types1, Types2);
+is_compat_arg(?map(Pairs1, DefK1, DefV1), ?map(Pairs2, DefK2, DefV2)) ->
+ (is_compat_list(Pairs1, Pairs2) andalso
+ is_compat_arg(DefK1, DefK2) andalso
+ is_compat_arg(DefV1, DefV2));
+is_compat_arg(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple(_, _, _)) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(?tuple(_, _, _), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ is_compat_list(Elements1, Elements2);
+is_compat_arg(?tuple_set([{Arity, List}]),
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ is_compat_list(sup_tuple_elements(List), Elements2);
+is_compat_arg(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
+ ?tuple_set([{Arity, List}])) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ is_compat_list(Elements1, sup_tuple_elements(List));
+is_compat_arg(?tuple_set(List1), ?tuple_set(List2)) ->
- specialization_list_list([sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List1],
- [sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List2])
+ is_compat_list_list([sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List1],
+ [sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List2])
catch _:_ -> false
-is_specialization(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
- case specialization_union2(T1, T2) of
- {yes, Type1, Type2} -> is_specialization(Type1, Type2);
- no -> specialization_list(List1, List2)
+is_compat_arg(?opaque(_) = T1, T2) ->
+ is_compat_arg(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2);
+is_compat_arg(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2) ->
+ is_compat_arg(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2));
+is_compat_arg(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
+ case is_compat_union2(T1, T2) of
+ {yes, Type1, Type2} -> is_compat_arg(Type1, Type2);
+ no -> is_compat_list(List1, List2)
-is_specialization(?union(List), T2) ->
+is_compat_arg(?union(List), T2) ->
case unify_union(List) of
- {yes, Type} -> is_specialization(Type, T2);
+ {yes, Type} -> is_compat_arg(Type, T2);
no -> false
-is_specialization(T1, ?union(List)) ->
+is_compat_arg(T1, ?union(List)) ->
case unify_union(List) of
- {yes, Type} -> is_specialization(T1, Type);
+ {yes, Type} -> is_compat_arg(T1, Type);
no -> false
-is_specialization(?opaque(_) = T1, T2) ->
- is_specialization(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2);
-is_specialization(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2) ->
- is_specialization(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2));
-is_specialization(?var(_), _) -> exit(error);
-is_specialization(_, ?var(_)) -> exit(error);
-is_specialization(?none, _) -> false;
-is_specialization(_, ?none) -> false;
-is_specialization(?unit, _) -> false;
-is_specialization(_, ?unit) -> false;
-is_specialization(#c{}, #c{}) -> false.
-specialization_list_list(LL1, LL2) ->
- length(LL1) =:= length(LL2) andalso specialization_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
-specialization_list_list1([], []) -> true;
-specialization_list_list1([L1|LL1], [L2|LL2]) ->
- specialization_list(L1, L2) andalso specialization_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
-specialization_list(L1, L2) ->
- length(L1) =:= length(L2) andalso specialization_list1(L1, L2).
-specialization_list1([], []) -> true;
-specialization_list1([T1|L1], [T2|L2]) ->
- is_specialization(T1, T2) andalso specialization_list1(L1, L2).
-specialization_union2(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
+is_compat_arg(?var(_), _) -> exit(error);
+is_compat_arg(_, ?var(_)) -> exit(error);
+is_compat_arg(?none, _) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(_, ?none) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(?unit, _) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(_, ?unit) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(#c{}, #c{}) -> false.
+is_compat_list_list(LL1, LL2) ->
+ length(LL1) =:= length(LL2) andalso is_compat_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
+is_compat_list_list1([], []) -> true;
+is_compat_list_list1([L1|LL1], [L2|LL2]) ->
+ is_compat_list(L1, L2) andalso is_compat_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
+is_compat_list(L1, L2) ->
+ length(L1) =:= length(L2) andalso is_compat_list1(L1, L2).
+is_compat_list1([], []) -> true;
+is_compat_list1([T1|L1], [T2|L2]) ->
+ is_compat_arg(T1, T2) andalso is_compat_list1(L1, L2).
+is_compat_union2(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
case {unify_union(List1), unify_union(List2)} of
{{yes, Type1}, {yes, Type2}} -> {yes, Type1, Type2};
{{yes, Type1}, no} -> {yes, Type1, T2};
@@ -4183,7 +4198,7 @@ t_map(Fun, T) ->
-spec t_to_string(erl_type()) -> string().
t_to_string(T) ->
- t_to_string(T, dict:new()).
+ t_to_string(T, maps:new()).
-spec t_to_string(erl_type(), type_table()) -> string().
@@ -4228,16 +4243,16 @@ t_to_string(?identifier(Set), _RecDict) ->
case Set of
?any -> "identifier()";
_ ->
- string:join([flat_format("~w()", [T]) || T <- set_to_list(Set)], " | ")
+ flat_join([flat_format("~w()", [T]) || T <- set_to_list(Set)], " | ")
t_to_string(?opaque(Set), RecDict) ->
- string:join([opaque_type(Mod, Name, Args, S, RecDict) ||
- #opaque{mod = Mod, name = Name, struct = S, args = Args}
- <- set_to_list(Set)],
- " | ");
+ flat_join([opaque_type(Mod, Name, Args, S, RecDict) ||
+ #opaque{mod = Mod, name = Name, struct = S, args = Args}
+ <- set_to_list(Set)],
+ " | ");
t_to_string(?matchstate(Pres, Slots), RecDict) ->
- flat_format("ms(~s,~s)", [t_to_string(Pres, RecDict),
- t_to_string(Slots,RecDict)]);
+ flat_format("ms(~ts,~ts)", [t_to_string(Pres, RecDict),
+ t_to_string(Slots,RecDict)]);
t_to_string(?nil, _RecDict) ->
t_to_string(?nonempty_list(Contents, Termination), RecDict) ->
@@ -4325,9 +4340,9 @@ t_to_string(?map(Pairs0,DefK,DefV), RecDict) ->
end end,
StrMand = [{Tos(K),Tos(V)}||{K,?mand,V}<-Pairs],
StrOpt = [{Tos(K),Tos(V)}||{K,?opt,V}<-Pairs],
- "#{" ++ string:join([K ++ ":=" ++ V||{K,V}<-StrMand]
- ++ [K ++ "=>" ++ V||{K,V}<-StrOpt]
- ++ ExtraEl, ", ") ++ "}";
+ "#{" ++ flat_join([K ++ ":=" ++ V||{K,V}<-StrMand]
+ ++ [K ++ "=>" ++ V||{K,V}<-StrOpt]
+ ++ ExtraEl, ", ") ++ "}";
t_to_string(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), _RecDict) -> "tuple()";
t_to_string(?tuple(Elements, _Arity, ?any), RecDict) ->
"{" ++ comma_sequence(Elements, RecDict) ++ "}";
@@ -4350,7 +4365,7 @@ t_to_string(?var(Id), _RecDict) when is_integer(Id) ->
record_to_string(Tag, [_|Fields], FieldNames, RecDict) ->
FieldStrings = record_fields_to_string(Fields, FieldNames, RecDict, []),
- "#" ++ atom_to_string(Tag) ++ "{" ++ string:join(FieldStrings, ",") ++ "}".
+ "#" ++ atom_to_string(Tag) ++ "{" ++ flat_join(FieldStrings, ",") ++ "}".
record_fields_to_string([F|Fs], [{FName, _Abstr, DefType}|FDefs],
RecDict, Acc) ->
@@ -4376,10 +4391,10 @@ record_field_diffs_to_string(?tuple([_|Fs], Arity, Tag), RecDict) ->
{ok, FieldNames} = lookup_record(TagAtom, Arity-1, RecDict),
%% io:format("RecCElems = ~p\nRecTypes = ~p\n", [Fs, FieldNames]),
FieldDiffs = field_diffs(Fs, FieldNames, RecDict, []),
- string:join(FieldDiffs, " and ").
+ flat_join(FieldDiffs, " and ").
field_diffs([F|Fs], [{FName, _Abstr, DefType}|FDefs], RecDict, Acc) ->
- %% Don't care about opaqueness for now.
+ %% Don't care about opacity for now.
NewAcc =
case not t_is_none(t_inf(F, DefType)) of
true -> Acc;
@@ -4396,11 +4411,11 @@ comma_sequence(Types, RecDict) ->
true -> "_";
false -> t_to_string(T, RecDict)
end || T <- Types],
- string:join(List, ",").
+ flat_join(List, ",").
union_sequence(Types, RecDict) ->
List = [t_to_string(T, RecDict) || T <- Types],
- string:join(List, " | ").
+ flat_join(List, " | ").
opaque_type(Mod, Name, _Args, S, RecDict) ->
@@ -4415,10 +4430,10 @@ opaque_type(Mod, Name, Args, _S, RecDict) ->
opaque_name(Mod, Name, Extra) ->
S = mod_name(Mod, Name),
- flat_format("~s(~s)", [S, Extra]).
+ flat_format("~ts(~ts)", [S, Extra]).
mod_name(Mod, Name) ->
- flat_format("~w:~w", [Mod, Name]).
+ flat_format("~w:~tw", [Mod, Name]).
@@ -4433,9 +4448,17 @@ mod_name(Mod, Name) ->
-type site() :: {'type', mta()} | {'spec', mfa()} | {'record', mra()}.
-type cache_key() :: {module(), atom(), expand_depth(),
[erl_type()], type_names()}.
--opaque cache() :: #{cache_key() => {erl_type(), expand_limit()}}.
+-type mod_type_table() :: ets:tid().
+-type mod_records() :: dict:dict(module(), type_table()).
+ {
+ types = maps:new() :: #{cache_key() => {erl_type(), expand_limit()}},
+ mod_recs = {mrecs, dict:new()} :: {'mrecs', mod_records()}
+ }).
+-opaque cache() :: #cache{}.
--spec t_from_form(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), site(), mod_records(),
+-spec t_from_form(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), site(), mod_type_table(),
var_table(), cache()) -> {erl_type(), cache()}.
t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarTab, Cache) ->
@@ -4443,67 +4466,90 @@ t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarTab, Cache) ->
%% Replace external types with with none().
-spec t_from_form_without_remote(parse_form(), site(), type_table()) ->
- {erl_type(), cache()}.
+ erl_type().
t_from_form_without_remote(Form, Site, TypeTable) ->
Module = site_module(Site),
- RecDict = dict:from_list([{Module, TypeTable}]),
+ ModRecs = dict:from_list([{Module, TypeTable}]),
ExpTypes = replace_by_none,
VarTab = var_table__new(),
- Cache = cache__new(),
- t_from_form1(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarTab, Cache).
-%% REC_TYPE_LIMIT is used for limiting the depth of recursive types.
-%% EXPAND_LIMIT is used for limiting the size of types by
-%% limiting the number of elements of lists within one type form.
-%% EXPAND_DEPTH is used in conjunction with EXPAND_LIMIT to make the
-%% types balanced (unions will otherwise collapse to any()) by limiting
-%% the depth the same way as t_limit/2 does.
+ Cache0 = cache__new(),
+ Cache = Cache0#cache{mod_recs = {mrecs, ModRecs}},
+ {Type, _} = t_from_form1(Form, ExpTypes, Site, undefined, VarTab, Cache),
+ Type.
-type expand_limit() :: integer().
-type expand_depth() :: integer().
--record(from_form, {site :: site(),
+-record(from_form, {site :: site() | {'check', mta()},
xtypes :: sets:set(mfa()) | 'replace_by_none',
- mrecs :: mod_records(),
+ mrecs :: 'undefined' | mod_type_table(),
vtab :: var_table(),
tnames :: type_names()}).
+-spec t_from_form_check_remote(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), mta(),
+ mod_type_table()) -> 'ok'.
+t_from_form_check_remote(Form, ExpTypes, MTA, RecDict) ->
+ State = #from_form{site = {check, MTA},
+ xtypes = ExpTypes,
+ mrecs = RecDict,
+ vtab = var_table__new(),
+ tnames = []},
+ D = (1 bsl 25), % unlimited
+ L = (1 bsl 25),
+ Cache0 = cache__new(),
+ _ = t_from_form2(Form, State, D, L, Cache0),
+ ok.
+%% REC_TYPE_LIMIT is used for limiting the depth of recursive types.
+%% EXPAND_LIMIT is used for limiting the size of types by
+%% limiting the number of elements of lists within one type form.
+%% EXPAND_DEPTH is used in conjunction with EXPAND_LIMIT to make the
+%% types balanced (unions will otherwise collapse to any()) by limiting
+%% the depth the same way as t_limit/2 does.
-spec t_from_form1(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()) | 'replace_by_none',
- site(), mod_records(), var_table(), cache()) ->
- {erl_type(), cache()}.
+ site(), 'undefined' | mod_type_table(), var_table(),
+ cache()) -> {erl_type(), cache()}.
t_from_form1(Form, ET, Site, MR, V, C) ->
TypeNames = initial_typenames(Site),
State = #from_form{site = Site,
xtypes = ET,
mrecs = MR,
vtab = V,
tnames = TypeNames},
- {T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Form, State, ?EXPAND_DEPTH, L, C),
+ t_from_form2(Form, State, D, L, C).
+t_from_form2(Form, State, D, L, C) ->
+ {T0, L0, C0} = from_form(Form, State, D, L, C),
- L1 =< 0 ->
- from_form_loop(Form, State, 1, L, C1);
+ L0 =< 0 ->
+ {T1, _, C1} = from_form(Form, State, 1, L, C0),
+ from_form_loop(Form, State, 2, L, C1, T1);
true ->
- {T1, C1}
+ {T0, C0}
initial_typenames({type, _MTA}=Site) -> [Site];
initial_typenames({spec, _MFA}) -> [];
initial_typenames({record, _MRA}) -> [].
-from_form_loop(Form, State, D, Limit, C) ->
+from_form_loop(Form, State, D, Limit, C, T0) ->
{T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Form, State, D, Limit, C),
Delta = Limit - L1,
- %% Save some time by assuming next depth will exceed the limit.
+ L1 =< 0 ->
+ {T0, C1};
Delta * 8 > Limit ->
+ %% Save some time by assuming next depth will exceed the limit.
{T1, C1};
true ->
D1 = D + 1,
- from_form_loop(Form, State, D1, Limit, C1)
+ from_form_loop(Form, State, D1, Limit, C1, T1)
-spec from_form(parse_form(),
@@ -4541,6 +4587,8 @@ from_form({atom, _L, Atom}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
{t_atom(Atom), L, C};
from_form({integer, _L, Int}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
{t_integer(Int), L, C};
+from_form({char, _L, Char}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_integer(Char), L, C};
from_form({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op, _S, _D, L, C) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
{integer, _, Val} ->
@@ -4621,7 +4669,8 @@ from_form({type, _L, map, List}, S, D0, L, C) ->
end(List, L, C),
- {Pairs, DefK, DefV} = map_from_form(Pairs1, [], [], [], ?none, ?none),
+ Pairs2 = singleton_elements(Pairs1),
+ {Pairs, DefK, DefV} = map_from_form(Pairs2, [], [], [], ?none, ?none),
{t_map(Pairs, DefK, DefV), L5, C5}
catch none -> {t_none(), L5, C5}
@@ -4713,13 +4762,13 @@ from_form({opaque, _L, Name, {Mod, Args, Rep}}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
builtin_type(Name, Type, S, D, L, C) ->
#from_form{site = Site, mrecs = MR} = S,
M = site_module(Site),
- case dict:find(M, MR) of
- {ok, R} ->
+ case lookup_module_types(M, MR, C) of
+ {R, C1} ->
case lookup_type(Name, 0, R) of
{_, {{_M, _FL, _F, _A}, _T}} ->
- type_from_form(Name, [], S, D, L, C);
+ type_from_form(Name, [], S, D, L, C1);
error ->
- {Type, L, C}
+ {Type, L, C1}
error ->
{Type, L, C}
@@ -4732,15 +4781,19 @@ type_from_form(Name, Args, S, D, L, C) ->
TypeName = {type, {Module, Name, ArgsLen}},
case can_unfold_more(TypeName, TypeNames) of
true ->
- {ok, R} = dict:find(Module, MR),
- type_from_form1(Name, Args, ArgsLen, R, TypeName, TypeNames,
- S, D, L, C);
+ {R, C1} = lookup_module_types(Module, MR, C),
+ type_from_form1(Name, Args, ArgsLen, R, TypeName, TypeNames, Site,
+ S, D, L, C1);
false ->
{t_any(), L, C}
-type_from_form1(Name, Args, ArgsLen, R, TypeName, TypeNames, S, D, L, C) ->
+type_from_form1(Name, Args, ArgsLen, R, TypeName, TypeNames, Site,
+ S, D, L, C) ->
case lookup_type(Name, ArgsLen, R) of
+ {_, {_, _}} when element(1, Site) =:= check ->
+ {_ArgTypes, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Args, S, D, L, C),
+ {t_any(), L1, C1};
{Tag, {{Module, _FileName, Form, ArgNames}, Type}} ->
NewTypeNames = [TypeName|TypeNames],
S1 = S#from_form{tnames = NewTypeNames},
@@ -4773,50 +4826,52 @@ type_from_form1(Name, Args, ArgsLen, R, TypeName, TypeNames, S, D, L, C) ->
{NewType, L3, C4}
error ->
- Msg = io_lib:format("Unable to find type ~w/~w\n",
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Unable to find type ~tw/~w\n",
[Name, ArgsLen]),
throw({error, Msg})
remote_from_form(RemMod, Name, Args, S, D, L, C) ->
- #from_form{xtypes = ET, mrecs = MR, tnames = TypeNames} = S,
+ #from_form{site = Site, xtypes = ET, mrecs = MR, tnames = TypeNames} = S,
ET =:= replace_by_none ->
{t_none(), L, C};
true ->
ArgsLen = length(Args),
MFA = {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen},
- case dict:find(RemMod, MR) of
+ case lookup_module_types(RemMod, MR, C) of
error ->
self() ! {self(), ext_types, MFA},
{t_any(), L, C};
- {ok, RemDict} ->
+ {RemDict, C1} ->
case sets:is_element(MFA, ET) of
true ->
RemType = {type, MFA},
case can_unfold_more(RemType, TypeNames) of
true ->
remote_from_form1(RemMod, Name, Args, ArgsLen, RemDict,
- RemType, TypeNames, S, D, L, C);
+ RemType, TypeNames, Site, S, D, L, C1);
false ->
- {t_any(), L, C}
+ {t_any(), L, C1}
false ->
self() ! {self(), ext_types, {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen}},
- {t_any(), L, C}
+ {t_any(), L, C1}
remote_from_form1(RemMod, Name, Args, ArgsLen, RemDict, RemType, TypeNames,
- S, D, L, C) ->
+ Site, S, D, L, C) ->
case lookup_type(Name, ArgsLen, RemDict) of
+ {_, {_, _}} when element(1, Site) =:= check ->
+ {_ArgTypes, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Args, S, D, L, C),
+ {t_any(), L1, C1};
{Tag, {{Mod, _FileLine, Form, ArgNames}, Type}} ->
NewTypeNames = [RemType|TypeNames],
S1 = S#from_form{tnames = NewTypeNames},
{ArgTypes, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Args, S1, D, L, C),
CKey = cache_key(RemMod, Name, ArgTypes, TypeNames, D),
- %% case error of
case cache_find(CKey, C) of
{CachedType, DeltaL} ->
{CachedType, L - DeltaL, C};
@@ -4845,7 +4900,7 @@ remote_from_form1(RemMod, Name, Args, ArgsLen, RemDict, RemType, TypeNames,
{NewType, L3, C4}
error ->
- Msg = io_lib:format("Unable to find remote type ~w:~w()\n",
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Unable to find remote type ~w:~tw()\n",
[RemMod, Name]),
throw({error, Msg})
@@ -4878,33 +4933,35 @@ record_from_form({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, S, D0, L0, C) ->
case can_unfold_more(RecordType, TypeNames) of
true ->
M = site_module(Site),
- {ok, R} = dict:find(M, MR),
+ {R, C1} = lookup_module_types(M, MR, C),
case lookup_record(Name, R) of
+ {ok, _} when element(1, Site) =:= check ->
+ {t_any(), L0, C1};
{ok, DeclFields} ->
NewTypeNames = [RecordType|TypeNames],
Site1 = {record, {M, Name, length(DeclFields)}},
S1 = S#from_form{site = Site1, tnames = NewTypeNames},
Fun = fun(D, L) ->
- {GetModRec, L1, C1} =
- get_mod_record(ModFields, DeclFields, S1, D, L, C),
+ {GetModRec, L1, C2} =
+ get_mod_record(ModFields, DeclFields, S1, D, L, C1),
case GetModRec of
{error, FieldName} ->
- io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~w{~w}\n",
+ io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~tw{~tw}\n",
[Name, FieldName])});
{ok, NewFields} ->
S2 = S1#from_form{vtab = var_table__new()},
- {NewFields1, L2, C2} =
- fields_from_form(NewFields, S2, D, L1, C1),
+ {NewFields1, L2, C3} =
+ fields_from_form(NewFields, S2, D, L1, C2),
Rec = t_tuple(
|| {_FieldName, Type} <- NewFields1]]),
- {Rec, L2, C2}
+ {Rec, L2, C3}
recur_limit(Fun, D0, L0, RecordType, TypeNames);
error ->
- throw({error, io_lib:format("Unknown record #~w{}\n", [Name])})
+ throw({error, io_lib:format("Unknown record #~tw{}\n", [Name])})
false ->
{t_any(), L0, C}
@@ -4964,6 +5021,30 @@ list_from_form([H|Tail], S, D, L, C) ->
{T1, L2, C2} = list_from_form(Tail, S, D, L1, C1),
{[H1|T1], L2, C2}.
+%% Separates singleton types in keys (see is_singleton_type/1).
+singleton_elements([]) ->
+ [];
+singleton_elements([{K,?mand,V}=Pair|Pairs]) ->
+ case is_singleton_type(K) of
+ true ->
+ [Pair|singleton_elements(Pairs)];
+ false ->
+ singleton_elements([{K,?opt,V}|Pairs])
+ end;
+singleton_elements([{Key0,MNess,Val}|Pairs]) ->
+ [{Key,MNess,Val} || Key <- separate_key(Key0)] ++ singleton_elements(Pairs).
+%% To be in sync with is_singleton_type/1.
+%% Does not separate tuples and maps as doing that has potential
+%% to be very expensive.
+separate_key(?atom(Atoms)) when Atoms =/= ?any ->
+ [t_atom(A) || A <- Atoms];
+separate_key(?number(_, _) = T) ->
+ t_elements(T);
+separate_key(?union(List)) ->
+ lists:append([separate_key(K) || K <- List, not t_is_none(K)]);
+separate_key(Key) -> [Key].
%% Sorts, combines non-singleton pairs, and applies precendence and
%% mandatoriness rules.
map_from_form([], ShdwPs, MKs, Pairs, DefK, DefV) ->
@@ -5030,7 +5111,7 @@ recur_limit(Fun, D, L, TypeName, TypeNames) ->
-spec t_check_record_fields(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), site(),
- mod_records(), var_table(), cache()) -> cache().
+ mod_type_table(), var_table(), cache()) -> cache().
t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarTable, Cache) ->
State = #from_form{site = Site,
@@ -5055,6 +5136,7 @@ check_record_fields({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, _}, {atom, _, _}, Args]},
list_check_record_fields(Args, S, C);
check_record_fields({atom, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
check_record_fields({integer, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({char, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg}, _S, C) -> C;
check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2}, _S, C) -> C;
check_record_fields({type, _L, tuple, any}, _S, C) -> C;
@@ -5073,13 +5155,13 @@ check_record_fields({user_type, _L, _Name, Args}, S, C) ->
check_record({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, S, C) ->
#from_form{site = Site, mrecs = MR} = S,
M = site_module(Site),
- {ok, R} = dict:find(M, MR),
+ {R, C1} = lookup_module_types(M, MR, C),
{ok, DeclFields} = lookup_record(Name, R),
- case check_fields(Name, ModFields, DeclFields, S, C) of
+ case check_fields(Name, ModFields, DeclFields, S, C1) of
{error, FieldName} ->
- throw({error, io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~w{~w}\n",
- [Name, FieldName])});
- C1 -> C1
+ throw({error, io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~tw{~tw}\n",
+ [Name, FieldName])});
+ C2 -> C2
check_fields(RecName, [{type, _, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Abstr]}|Left],
@@ -5109,7 +5191,7 @@ site_module({_, {Module, _, _}}) ->
-spec cache__new() -> cache().
cache__new() ->
- maps:new().
+ #cache{}.
-spec cache_key(module(), atom(), [erl_type()],
type_names(), expand_depth()) -> cache_key().
@@ -5126,8 +5208,8 @@ cache_key(Module, Name, ArgTypes, TypeNames, D) ->
-spec cache_find(cache_key(), cache()) ->
{erl_type(), expand_limit()} | 'error'.
-cache_find(Key, Cache) ->
- case maps:find(Key, Cache) of
+cache_find(Key, #cache{types = Types}) ->
+ case maps:find(Key, Types) of
{ok, Value} ->
error ->
@@ -5139,12 +5221,13 @@ cache_find(Key, Cache) ->
cache_put(_Key, _Type, DeltaL, Cache) when DeltaL < 0 ->
%% The type is truncated; do not reuse it.
-cache_put(Key, Type, DeltaL, Cache) ->
- maps:put(Key, {Type, DeltaL}, Cache).
+cache_put(Key, Type, DeltaL, #cache{types = Types} = Cache) ->
+ NewTypes = maps:put(Key, {Type, DeltaL}, Types),
+ Cache#cache{types = NewTypes}.
--spec t_var_names([erl_type()]) -> [atom()].
+-spec t_var_names([parse_form()]) -> [atom()].
-t_var_names([{var, _, Name}|L]) when L =/= '_' ->
+t_var_names([{var, _, Name}|L]) when Name =/= '_' ->
t_var_names([]) ->
@@ -5156,6 +5239,7 @@ t_form_to_string({var, _L, Name}) -> atom_to_list(Name);
t_form_to_string({atom, _L, Atom}) ->
io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(Atom), $'); % To quote or not to quote... '
t_form_to_string({integer, _L, Int}) -> integer_to_list(Int);
+t_form_to_string({char, _L, Char}) -> integer_to_list(Char);
t_form_to_string({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
{integer, _, _} = Int -> t_form_to_string(Int);
@@ -5169,10 +5253,10 @@ t_form_to_string({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2} = Op) ->
t_form_to_string({ann_type, _L, [Var, Type]}) ->
t_form_to_string(Var) ++ "::" ++ t_form_to_string(Type);
t_form_to_string({paren_type, _L, [Type]}) ->
- flat_format("(~s)", [t_form_to_string(Type)]);
+ flat_format("(~ts)", [t_form_to_string(Type)]);
t_form_to_string({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, Mod}, {atom, _, Name}, Args]}) ->
- ArgString = "(" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ ")",
- flat_format("~w:~w", [Mod, Name]) ++ ArgString;
+ ArgString = "(" ++ flat_join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ ")",
+ flat_format("~w:~tw", [Mod, Name]) ++ ArgString;
t_form_to_string({type, _L, arity, []}) -> "arity()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, binary, []}) -> "binary()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, binary, [Base, Unit]} = Type) ->
@@ -5194,7 +5278,7 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', []}) -> "fun()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, any}, Range]}) ->
"fun(...) -> " ++ t_form_to_string(Range);
t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, product, Domain}, Range]}) ->
- "fun((" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Domain), ",") ++ ") -> "
+ "fun((" ++ flat_join(t_form_to_string_list(Domain), ",") ++ ") -> "
++ t_form_to_string(Range) ++ ")";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, iodata, []}) -> "iodata()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, iolist, []}) -> "iolist()";
@@ -5202,7 +5286,7 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, list, [Type]}) ->
"[" ++ t_form_to_string(Type) ++ "]";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, map, any}) -> "map()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, map, Args}) ->
- "#{" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ "}";
+ "#{" ++ flat_join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ "}";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, map_field_assoc, [Key, Val]}) ->
t_form_to_string(Key) ++ "=>" ++ t_form_to_string(Val);
t_form_to_string({type, _L, map_field_exact, [Key, Val]}) ->
@@ -5214,7 +5298,7 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, nonempty_list, [Type]}) ->
"[" ++ t_form_to_string(Type) ++ ",...]";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, nonempty_string, []}) -> "nonempty_string()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, product, Elements}) ->
- "<" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Elements), ",") ++ ">";
+ "<" ++ flat_join(t_form_to_string_list(Elements), ",") ++ ">";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, range, [From, To]} = Type) ->
case {erl_eval:partial_eval(From), erl_eval:partial_eval(To)} of
{{integer, _, FromVal}, {integer, _, ToVal}} ->
@@ -5222,30 +5306,28 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, range, [From, To]} = Type) ->
_ -> flat_format("Badly formed type ~w",[Type])
t_form_to_string({type, _L, record, [{atom, _, Name}]}) ->
- flat_format("#~w{}", [Name]);
+ flat_format("#~tw{}", [Name]);
t_form_to_string({type, _L, record, [{atom, _, Name}|Fields]}) ->
- FieldString = string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Fields), ","),
- flat_format("#~w{~s}", [Name, FieldString]);
+ FieldString = flat_join(t_form_to_string_list(Fields), ","),
+ flat_format("#~tw{~ts}", [Name, FieldString]);
t_form_to_string({type, _L, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Type]}) ->
- flat_format("~w::~s", [Name, t_form_to_string(Type)]);
+ flat_format("~tw::~ts", [Name, t_form_to_string(Type)]);
t_form_to_string({type, _L, term, []}) -> "term()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, timeout, []}) -> "timeout()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, tuple, any}) -> "tuple()";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, tuple, Args}) ->
- "{" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ "}";
+ "{" ++ flat_join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ "}";
t_form_to_string({type, _L, union, Args}) ->
- string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), " | ");
+ flat_join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), " | ");
t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, []} = T) ->
M = mod,
- D0 = dict:new(),
- MR = dict:from_list([{M, D0}]),
Site = {type, {M,Name,0}},
V = var_table__new(),
C = cache__new(),
State = #from_form{site = Site,
xtypes = sets:new(),
- mrecs = MR,
+ mrecs = 'undefined',
vtab = V,
tnames = []},
{T1, _, _} = from_form(T, State, _Deep=1000, _ALot=1000000, C),
@@ -5253,8 +5335,8 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, []} = T) ->
catch throw:{error, _} -> atom_to_string(Name) ++ "()"
t_form_to_string({user_type, _L, Name, List}) ->
- flat_format("~w(~s)",
- [Name, string:join(t_form_to_string_list(List), ",")]);
+ flat_format("~tw(~ts)",
+ [Name, flat_join(t_form_to_string_list(List), ",")]);
t_form_to_string({type, L, Name, List}) ->
%% Compatibility: modules compiled before Erlang/OTP 18.0.
t_form_to_string({user_type, L, Name, List}).
@@ -5270,7 +5352,7 @@ t_form_to_string_list([], Acc) ->
-spec atom_to_string(atom()) -> string().
atom_to_string(Atom) ->
- flat_format("~w", [Atom]).
+ flat_format("~tw", [Atom]).
@@ -5299,11 +5381,29 @@ is_erl_type(?unit) -> true;
is_erl_type(#c{}) -> true;
is_erl_type(_) -> false.
+-spec lookup_module_types(module(), mod_type_table(), cache()) ->
+ 'error' | {type_table(), cache()}.
+lookup_module_types(Module, CodeTable, Cache) ->
+ #cache{mod_recs = {mrecs, MRecs}} = Cache,
+ case dict:find(Module, MRecs) of
+ {ok, R} ->
+ {R, Cache};
+ error ->
+ try ets:lookup_element(CodeTable, Module, 2) of
+ R ->
+ NewMRecs = dict:store(Module, R, MRecs),
+ {R, Cache#cache{mod_recs = {mrecs, NewMRecs}}}
+ catch
+ _:_ -> error
+ end
+ end.
-spec lookup_record(atom(), type_table()) ->
'error' | {'ok', [{atom(), parse_form(), erl_type()}]}.
-lookup_record(Tag, RecDict) when is_atom(Tag) ->
- case dict:find({record, Tag}, RecDict) of
+lookup_record(Tag, Table) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ case maps:find({record, Tag}, Table) of
{ok, {_FileLine, [{_Arity, Fields}]}} ->
{ok, Fields};
{ok, {_FileLine, List}} when is_list(List) ->
@@ -5317,18 +5417,18 @@ lookup_record(Tag, RecDict) when is_atom(Tag) ->
-spec lookup_record(atom(), arity(), type_table()) ->
'error' | {'ok', [{atom(), parse_form(), erl_type()}]}.
-lookup_record(Tag, Arity, RecDict) when is_atom(Tag) ->
- case dict:find({record, Tag}, RecDict) of
+lookup_record(Tag, Arity, Table) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ case maps:find({record, Tag}, Table) of
{ok, {_FileLine, [{Arity, Fields}]}} -> {ok, Fields};
{ok, {_FileLine, OrdDict}} -> orddict:find(Arity, OrdDict);
error -> error
-spec lookup_type(_, _, _) -> {'type' | 'opaque', type_value()} | 'error'.
-lookup_type(Name, Arity, RecDict) ->
- case dict:find({type, Name, Arity}, RecDict) of
+lookup_type(Name, Arity, Table) ->
+ case maps:find({type, Name, Arity}, Table) of
error ->
- case dict:find({opaque, Name, Arity}, RecDict) of
+ case maps:find({opaque, Name, Arity}, Table) of
error -> error;
{ok, Found} -> {opaque, Found}
@@ -5338,8 +5438,8 @@ lookup_type(Name, Arity, RecDict) ->
-spec type_is_defined('type' | 'opaque', atom(), arity(), type_table()) ->
-type_is_defined(TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity, RecDict) ->
- dict:is_key({TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity}, RecDict).
+type_is_defined(TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity, Table) ->
+ maps:is_key({TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity}, Table).
cannot_have_opaque(Type, TypeName, TypeNames) ->
t_is_none(Type) orelse is_recursive(TypeName, TypeNames).
@@ -5394,7 +5494,8 @@ t_is_singleton(Type) ->
t_is_singleton(Type, Opaques) ->
do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_singleton_type/1).
-%% Incomplete; not all representable singleton types are included.
+%% To be in sync with separate_key/1.
+%% Used to also recognize maps and tuples.
is_singleton_type(?nil) -> true;
is_singleton_type(?atom(?any)) -> false;
is_singleton_type(?atom(Set)) ->
@@ -5402,13 +5503,6 @@ is_singleton_type(?atom(Set)) ->
is_singleton_type(?int_range(V, V)) -> true;
is_singleton_type(?int_set(Set)) ->
ordsets:size(Set) =:= 1;
-is_singleton_type(?tuple(Types, Arity, _)) when is_integer(Arity) ->
- lists:all(fun is_singleton_type/1, Types);
-is_singleton_type(?tuple_set([{Arity, [OnlyTuple]}])) when is_integer(Arity) ->
- is_singleton_type(OnlyTuple);
-is_singleton_type(?map(Pairs, ?none, ?none)) ->
- lists:all(fun({_,MNess,V}) -> MNess =:= ?mand andalso is_singleton_type(V)
- end, Pairs);
is_singleton_type(_) ->
@@ -5501,9 +5595,9 @@ set_size(Set) ->
set_to_string(Set) ->
L = [case is_atom(X) of
true -> io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(X), $'); % stupid emacs '
- false -> flat_format("~w", [X])
+ false -> flat_format("~tw", [X])
end || X <- set_to_list(Set)],
- string:join(L, " | ").
+ flat_join(L, " | ").
set_min([H|_]) -> H.
@@ -5513,6 +5607,9 @@ set_max(Set) ->
flat_format(F, S) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, S)).
+flat_join(List, Sep) ->
+ lists:flatten(lists:join(Sep, List)).
%% Utilities for the binary type
@@ -5582,173 +5679,3 @@ family(L) ->
var_table__new() ->
-%% Consistency-testing function(s) below
-test() ->
- Atom1 = t_atom(),
- Atom2 = t_atom(foo),
- Atom3 = t_atom(bar),
- true = t_is_atom(Atom2),
- True = t_atom(true),
- False = t_atom(false),
- Bool = t_boolean(),
- true = t_is_boolean(True),
- true = t_is_boolean(Bool),
- false = t_is_boolean(Atom1),
- Binary = t_binary(),
- true = t_is_binary(Binary),
- Bitstr = t_bitstr(),
- true = t_is_bitstr(Bitstr),
- Bitstr1 = t_bitstr(7, 3),
- true = t_is_bitstr(Bitstr1),
- false = t_is_binary(Bitstr1),
- Bitstr2 = t_bitstr(16, 8),
- true = t_is_bitstr(Bitstr2),
- true = t_is_binary(Bitstr2),
- ?bitstr(8, 16) = t_subtract(t_bitstr(4, 12), t_bitstr(8, 12)),
- ?bitstr(8, 16) = t_subtract(t_bitstr(4, 12), t_bitstr(8, 12)),
- Int1 = t_integer(),
- Int2 = t_integer(1),
- Int3 = t_integer(16#ffffffff),
- true = t_is_integer(Int2),
- true = t_is_byte(Int2),
- false = t_is_byte(Int3),
- false = t_is_byte(t_from_range(-1, 1)),
- true = t_is_byte(t_from_range(1, ?MAX_BYTE)),
- Tuple1 = t_tuple(),
- Tuple2 = t_tuple(3),
- Tuple3 = t_tuple([Atom1, Int1]),
- Tuple4 = t_tuple([Tuple1, Tuple2]),
- Tuple5 = t_tuple([Tuple3, Tuple4]),
- Tuple6 = t_limit(Tuple5, 2),
- Tuple7 = t_limit(Tuple5, 3),
- true = t_is_tuple(Tuple1),
- Port = t_port(),
- Pid = t_pid(),
- Ref = t_reference(),
- Identifier = t_identifier(),
- false = t_is_reference(Port),
- true = t_is_identifier(Port),
- Function1 = t_fun(),
- Function2 = t_fun(Pid),
- Function3 = t_fun([], Pid),
- Function4 = t_fun([Port, Pid], Pid),
- Function5 = t_fun([Pid, Atom1], Int2),
- true = t_is_fun(Function3),
- List1 = t_list(),
- List2 = t_list(t_boolean()),
- List3 = t_cons(t_boolean(), List2),
- List4 = t_cons(t_boolean(), t_atom()),
- List5 = t_cons(t_boolean(), t_nil()),
- List6 = t_cons_tl(List5),
- List7 = t_sup(List4, List5),
- List8 = t_inf(List7, t_list()),
- List9 = t_cons(),
- List10 = t_cons_tl(List9),
- true = t_is_boolean(t_cons_hd(List5)),
- true = t_is_list(List5),
- false = t_is_list(List4),
- Product1 = t_product([Atom1, Atom2]),
- Product2 = t_product([Atom3, Atom1]),
- Product3 = t_product([Atom3, Atom2]),
- Union1 = t_sup(Atom2, Atom3),
- Union2 = t_sup(Tuple2, Tuple3),
- Union3 = t_sup(Int2, Atom3),
- Union4 = t_sup(Port, Pid),
- Union5 = t_sup(Union4, Int1),
- Union6 = t_sup(Function1, Function2),
- Union7 = t_sup(Function4, Function5),
- Union8 = t_sup(True, False),
- true = t_is_boolean(Union8),
- Union9 = t_sup(Int2, t_integer(2)),
- true = t_is_byte(Union9),
- Union10 = t_sup(t_tuple([t_atom(true), ?any]),
- t_tuple([t_atom(false), ?any])),
- ?any = t_sup(Product3, Function5),
- Atom3 = t_inf(Union3, Atom1),
- Union2 = t_inf(Union2, Tuple1),
- Int2 = t_inf(Int1, Union3),
- Union4 = t_inf(Union4, Identifier),
- Port = t_inf(Union5, Port),
- Function4 = t_inf(Union7, Function4),
- ?none = t_inf(Product2, Atom1),
- Product3 = t_inf(Product1, Product2),
- Function5 = t_inf(Union7, Function5),
- true = t_is_byte(t_inf(Union9, t_number())),
- true = t_is_char(t_inf(Union9, t_number())),
- io:format("3? ~p ~n", [?int_set([3])]),
- RecDict = dict:store({foo, 2}, [bar, baz], dict:new()),
- Record1 = t_from_term({foo, [1,2], {1,2,3}}),
- Types = [
- Atom1,
- Atom2,
- Atom3,
- Binary,
- Int1,
- Int2,
- Tuple1,
- Tuple2,
- Tuple3,
- Tuple4,
- Tuple5,
- Tuple6,
- Tuple7,
- Ref,
- Port,
- Pid,
- Identifier,
- List1,
- List2,
- List3,
- List4,
- List5,
- List6,
- List7,
- List8,
- List9,
- List10,
- Function1,
- Function2,
- Function3,
- Function4,
- Function5,
- Product1,
- Product2,
- Record1,
- Union1,
- Union2,
- Union3,
- Union4,
- Union5,
- Union6,
- Union7,
- Union8,
- Union10,
- t_inf(Union10, t_tuple([t_atom(true), t_integer()]))
- ],
- io:format("~p\n", [[t_to_string(X, RecDict) || X <- Types]]).