path: root/lib/kernel/src
diff options
authorSiri Hansen <[email protected]>2019-01-17 17:47:52 +0100
committerSiri Hansen <[email protected]>2019-02-19 17:09:15 +0100
commite92e76b615590f412aaaa97939d59f266c48da82 (patch)
tree7722a51ab2722bba5b59f1f2436e0c43588b57b6 /lib/kernel/src
parenta8364425a7190b65cd33e58ac3c155a77c462b74 (diff)
[logger] Add pretty print function for configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/logger.erl b/lib/kernel/src/logger.erl
index abdd9a9ceb..7d36640f52 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/logger.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/logger.erl
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
-export([set_process_metadata/1, update_process_metadata/1,
unset_process_metadata/0, get_process_metadata/0]).
+-export([i/0, i/1]).
%% Basic report formatting
-export([format_report/1, format_otp_report/1]).
@@ -647,6 +648,142 @@ get_config() ->
+-spec i() -> ok.
+i() ->
+ #{primary := Primary,
+ handlers := HandlerConfigs,
+ proxy := Proxy,
+ module_levels := Modules} = get_config(),
+ M = modifier(),
+ i_primary(Primary,M),
+ i_handlers(HandlerConfigs,M),
+ i_proxy(Proxy,M),
+ i_modules(Modules,M).
+-spec i(What) -> ok when
+ What :: primary | handlers | proxy | modules | handler_id().
+i(primary) ->
+ i_primary(get_primary_config(),modifier());
+i(handlers) ->
+ i_handlers(get_handler_config(),modifier());
+i(proxy) ->
+ i_proxy(get_proxy_config(),modifier());
+i(modules) ->
+ i_modules(get_module_level(),modifier());
+i(HandlerId) when is_atom(HandlerId) ->
+ case get_handler_config(HandlerId) of
+ {ok,HandlerConfig} ->
+ i_handlers([HandlerConfig],modifier());
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+i(What) ->
+ erlang:error(badarg,[What]).
+i_primary(#{level := Level,
+ filters := Filters,
+ filter_default := FilterDefault},
+ M) ->
+ io:format("Primary configuration: ~n",[]),
+ io:format(" Level: ~p~n",[Level]),
+ io:format(" Filter Default: ~p~n", [FilterDefault]),
+ io:format(" Filters: ~n", []),
+ print_filters(" ",Filters,M).
+i_handlers(HandlerConfigs,M) ->
+ io:format("Handler configuration: ~n", []),
+ print_handlers(HandlerConfigs,M).
+i_proxy(Proxy,M) ->
+ io:format("Proxy configuration: ~n", []),
+ print_custom(" ",Proxy,M).
+i_modules(Modules,M) ->
+ io:format("Level set per module: ~n", []),
+ print_module_levels(Modules,M).
+encoding() ->
+ case lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, io:getopts()) of
+ false -> latin1;
+ {encoding, Enc} -> Enc
+ end.
+modifier() ->
+ modifier(encoding()).
+modifier(latin1) -> "";
+modifier(_) -> "t".
+print_filters(Indent, {Id, {Fun, Arg}}, M) ->
+ io:format("~sId: ~"++M++"p~n"
+ "~s Fun: ~"++M++"p~n"
+ "~s Arg: ~"++M++"p~n",
+ [Indent, Id, Indent, Fun, Indent, Arg]);
+print_filters(Indent,[],_M) ->
+ io:format("~s(none)~n",[Indent]);
+print_filters(Indent,Filters,M) ->
+ [print_filters(Indent,Filter,M) || Filter <- Filters],
+ ok.
+print_handlers(#{id := Id,
+ module := Module,
+ level := Level,
+ filters := Filters, filter_default := FilterDefault,
+ formatter := {FormatterModule,FormatterConfig}} = Config, M) ->
+ io:format(" Id: ~"++M++"p~n"
+ " Module: ~p~n"
+ " Level: ~p~n"
+ " Formatter:~n"
+ " Module: ~p~n"
+ " Config:~n",
+ [Id, Module, Level, FormatterModule]),
+ print_custom(" ",FormatterConfig,M),
+ io:format(" Filter Default: ~p~n"
+ " Filters:~n",
+ [FilterDefault]),
+ print_filters(" ",Filters,M),
+ case maps:find(config,Config) of
+ {ok,HandlerConfig} ->
+ io:format(" Handler Config:~n"),
+ print_custom(" ",HandlerConfig,M);
+ error ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ MyKeys = [filter_default, filters, formatter, level, module, id, config],
+ case maps:without(MyKeys,Config) of
+ Empty when Empty==#{} ->
+ ok;
+ Unhandled ->
+ io:format(" Custom Config:~n"),
+ print_custom(" ",Unhandled,M)
+ end;
+print_handlers([], _M) ->
+ io:format(" (none)~n");
+print_handlers(HandlerConfigs, M) ->
+ [print_handlers(HandlerConfig, M) || HandlerConfig <- HandlerConfigs],
+ ok.
+print_custom(Indent, {Key, Value}, M) ->
+ io:format("~s~"++M++"p: ~"++M++"p~n",[Indent,Key,Value]);
+print_custom(Indent, Map, M) when is_map(Map) ->
+ print_custom(Indent,lists:keysort(1,maps:to_list(Map)), M);
+print_custom(Indent, List, M) when is_list(List), is_tuple(hd(List)) ->
+ [print_custom(Indent, X, M) || X <- List],
+ ok;
+print_custom(Indent, Value, M) ->
+ io:format("~s~"++M++"p~n",[Indent,Value]).
+print_module_levels({Module,Level},M) ->
+ io:format(" Module: ~"++M++"p~n"
+ " Level: ~p~n",
+ [Module,Level]);
+print_module_levels([],_M) ->
+ io:format(" (none)~n");
+print_module_levels(Modules,M) ->
+ [print_module_levels(Module,M) || Module <- Modules],
+ ok.
-spec internal_init_logger() -> ok | {error,term()}.
%% This function is responsible for config of the logger
%% This is done before add_handlers because we want the