path: root/lib/kernel/test
diff options
authorSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2018-08-10 16:38:48 +0200
committerSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2018-08-13 12:45:01 +0200
commit8df53e8de0c323efd03c959bef801216952722f8 (patch)
tree5ed35ec650ca31e9f942d08b2d4dd1df04ba120a /lib/kernel/test
parent8cb79ba4d3b665e06a39c3437d7227c831753945 (diff)
[logger] Avoid unwanted commas introduced by formatter's single_line option
When printing a map with ~p in a log message, the formatter's single_line option in some cases introduced unwanted commas after '=>', for example: This is now corrected. When single_line==true, width 0 is added to all ~p and ~P control sequences in the format string.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/test')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/logger_formatter_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/logger_formatter_SUITE.erl
index aa8dc42691..2ec4b243cf 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/logger_formatter_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/logger_formatter_SUITE.erl
@@ -166,6 +166,56 @@ single_line(_Config) ->
" info:\nterm\n" = string:prefix(String2,ExpectedTimestamp),
String2 = format(info,{"~p",[term]},#{time=>Time},#{single_line=>bad}),
+ %% Test that no extra commas/spaces are added when removing
+ %% newlines, especially not after "=>" in a map association (as
+ %% was the case in OTP-21.0, when the only single_line adjustment
+ %% was done by regexp replacement of "\n" by ", ").
+ Prefix =
+ "Some characters to fill the line ------------------------------------- ",
+ String3 = format(info,{"~s~p~n~s~p~n",[Prefix,
+ lists:seq(1,10),
+ Prefix,
+ #{a=>map,with=>a,few=>accociations}]},
+ #{time=>Time},
+ #{single_line=>true}),
+ ct:log(String3),
+ match = re:run(String3,"\\[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10\\]",[{capture,none}]),
+ match = re:run(String3,
+ "#{a => map,few => accociations,with => a}",
+ [{capture,none}]),
+ %% This part is added to make sure that the previous test made
+ %% sense, i.e. that there would actually be newlines inside the
+ %% list and map.
+ String4 = format(info,{"~s~p~n~s~p~n",[Prefix,
+ lists:seq(1,10),
+ Prefix,
+ #{a=>map,with=>a,few=>accociations}]},
+ #{time=>Time},
+ #{single_line=>false}),
+ ct:log(String4),
+ match = re:run(String4,"\\[1,2,3,\n",[global,{capture,none}]),
+ {match,Match4} = re:run(String4,"=>\n",[global,{capture,all}]),
+ 3 = length(Match4),
+ %% Test that big metadata fields do not get line breaks
+ String5 = format(info,"",
+ #{mymeta=>lists:seq(1,100)},
+ #{single_line=>true,template=>[mymeta,"\n"]}),
+ ct:log(String5),
+ [_] = string:lexemes(String5,"\n"),
+ %% Ensure that the previous test made sense, i.e. that the
+ %% metadata field does produce multiple lines if
+ %% single_line==false.
+ String6 = format(info,"",
+ #{mymeta=>lists:seq(1,100)},
+ #{single_line=>false,template=>[mymeta,"\n"]}),
+ ct:log(String6),
+ [_,_|_] = string:lexemes(String6,"\n"),
template(_Config) ->