path: root/lib/kernel
diff options
authorRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2011-04-18 16:01:12 +0200
committerRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2011-04-21 08:54:14 +0200
commitcdd22aa71cf5d6aa058cce130e5079b635c6bfbe (patch)
treee4e5f4acd3db8fd99b51acca68328fbaf66c1bb8 /lib/kernel
parentfded0077e780b1167227a41a41b6aad39cb37eb2 (diff)
Do not UDP send when there is 0 ms left to wait for reply
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet_res.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet_res.erl
index 962dd82ac9..93563c6011 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet_res.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet_res.erl
@@ -541,25 +541,32 @@ udp_send(#sock{inet=I}, {A,B,C,D}=IP, Port, Buffer)
udp_recv(#sock{inet6=I}, {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}=IP, Port, Timeout, Decode)
when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), ?port(Port) ->
- do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode);
+ do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode, erlang:now(), Timeout);
udp_recv(#sock{inet=I}, {A,B,C,D}=IP, Port, Timeout, Decode)
when ?ip(A,B,C,D), ?port(Port) ->
- do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode).
-do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode) ->
- Start =
- case Timeout of
- 0 -> undefined;
- _ -> erlang:now()
- end,
- do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode, Start, Timeout).
+ do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode, erlang:now(), Timeout).
+do_udp_recv(_I, _IP, _Port, 0, _Decode, _Start, _T) ->
+ timeout;
do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode, Start, T) ->
case gen_udp:recv(I, 0, T) of
{ok,Reply} ->
case Decode(Reply) of
- false when Start =:= undefined ->
- do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode, Start, T);
+ false when T =:= 0 ->
+ %% This is a compromize between the hard way i.e
+ %% in the clause below if NewT becomes 0 bailout
+ %% immediately and risk that the right reply lies
+ %% ahead after some bad id replies, and the
+ %% forgiving way i.e go on with Timeout 0 until
+ %% the right reply comes or no reply (timeout)
+ %% which opens for a DOS attack by a malicious
+ %% DNS server flooding with bad id replies causing
+ %% an infinite loop here.
+ %%
+ %% Timeout is used as a sanity limit counter
+ %% just to put an end to the loop.
+ NewTimeout = erlang:max(0, Timeout - 50),
+ do_udp_recv(I, IP, Port, NewTimeout, Decode, Start, T);
false ->
Now = erlang:now(),
NewT = erlang:max(0, Timeout - now_ms(Now, Start)),
@@ -691,6 +698,8 @@ query_ns(S0, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Retry, I,
+query_udp(_S, _Id, _Buffer, _IP, _Port, 0, Verbose) ->
+ timeout;
query_udp(S, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timeout, Verbose) ->
?verbose(Verbose, "Try UDP server : ~p:~p (timeout=~w)\n",
@@ -716,9 +725,6 @@ query_udp(S, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timeout, Verbose) ->
case udp_recv(S, IP, Port, Timeout, Decode) of
{ok,_}=Result ->
- {error,timeout} when Timeout =:= 0 ->
- ?verbose(Verbose, "UDP bailout timeout\n", []),
- timeout;
E2 ->
?verbose(Verbose, "UDP server error: ~p\n", [E2]),
@@ -728,6 +734,8 @@ query_udp(S, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timeout, Verbose) ->
+query_tcp(0, _Id, _Buffer, _IP, _Port, Verbose) ->
+ timeout;
query_tcp(Timeout, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Verbose) ->
?verbose(Verbose, "Try TCP server : ~p:~p (timeout=~w)\n",
[IP, Port, Timeout]),
@@ -750,19 +758,10 @@ query_tcp(Timeout, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Verbose) ->
Error ->
- case Error of
- {error, timeout} when Timeout =:= 0 ->
- ?verbose(Verbose, "TCP bailout recv timeout\n", []),
- timeout;
- _ ->
- ?verbose(Verbose, "TCP server recv error: ~p\n",
- [Error]),
- Error
- end
+ ?verbose(Verbose, "TCP server recv error: ~p\n",
+ [Error]),
+ Error
- {error, timeout} when Timeout =:= 0 ->
- ?verbose(Verbose, "TCP bailout connect timeout\n", []),
- timeout;
Error ->
?verbose(Verbose, "TCP server error: ~p\n", [Error]),