path: root/lib/mnesia
diff options
authorDan Gudmundsson <dgud@erlang.org>2019-07-25 11:59:05 +0200
committerDan Gudmundsson <dgud@erlang.org>2019-07-25 14:49:37 +0200
commit7e92eb6666f3d73eb683516bc4b74b827953ec4a (patch)
tree78331102333e1f069245492248528e618380599e /lib/mnesia
parentedfeb5d9b7dcba2380f629b5a41cbab65cd40cb8 (diff)
mnesia: Bump protocol version
Remove unsupported conversions from the old protocols. This means mnesia on OTP-R18 nodes is no longer able to connect to OTP-22 mnesia nodes. Add protocol conversion for old nodes and sync_asym_trans transactions.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mnesia')
4 files changed, 67 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_monitor.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_monitor.erl
index 4cfe16dec0..4e50b46da8 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_monitor.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_monitor.erl
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
going_down = [], tm_started = false, early_connects = [],
connecting, mq = [], remote_node_status = []}).
--define(current_protocol_version, {8,3}).
+-define(current_protocol_version, {8,4}).
--define(previous_protocol_version, {8,2}).
+-define(previous_protocol_version, {8,3}).
start() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE,
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ protocol_version() ->
%% A sorted list of acceptable protocols the
%% preferred protocols are first in the list
acceptable_protocol_versions() ->
- [protocol_version(), ?previous_protocol_version, {8,1}].
+ [protocol_version(), ?previous_protocol_version].
needs_protocol_conversion(Node) ->
case {?catch_val({protocol, Node}), protocol_version()} of
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_schema.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_schema.erl
index ef38adca1e..177cd374cd 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_schema.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_schema.erl
@@ -730,7 +730,10 @@ api_list2cs(Other) ->
mnesia:abort({badarg, Other}).
vsn_cs2list(Cs) ->
- cs2list(need_old_cstructs(), Cs).
+ cs2list(Cs).
+cs2list(false, Cs) ->
+ cs2list(Cs).
cs2list(Cs) when is_record(Cs, cstruct) ->
Tags = record_info(fields, cstruct),
@@ -755,25 +758,6 @@ cs2list(Cs) when element(1, Cs) == cstruct, tuple_size(Cs) == 19 ->
rec2list(Tags, Tags, 2, Cs).
-cs2list(false, Cs) ->
- cs2list(Cs);
-cs2list({8,3}, Cs) ->
- cs2list(Cs);
-cs2list({8,Minor}, Cs) when Minor =:= 2; Minor =:= 1 ->
- Orig = record_info(fields, cstruct),
- Tags = [name,type,ram_copies,disc_copies,disc_only_copies,
- load_order,access_mode,majority,index,snmp,local_content,
- record_name,attributes,
- user_properties,frag_properties,storage_properties,
- cookie,version],
- CsList = rec2list(Tags, Orig, 2, Cs),
- case proplists:get_value(index, CsList, []) of
- [] -> CsList;
- NewFormat ->
- OldFormat = [Pos || {Pos, _Pref} <- NewFormat],
- lists:keyreplace(index, 1, CsList, {index, OldFormat})
- end.
rec2list([index | Tags], [index|Orig], Pos, Rec) ->
Val = element(Pos, Rec),
[{index, lists:map(
@@ -796,19 +780,8 @@ rec2list([], _, _Pos, _Rec) ->
rec2list(Tags, [_|Orig], Pos, Rec) ->
rec2list(Tags, Orig, Pos+1, Rec).
-normalize_cs(Cstructs, Node) ->
- %% backward-compatibility hack; normalize before returning
- case need_old_cstructs([Node]) of
- false ->
- Cstructs;
- Version ->
- %% some other format
- [convert_cs(Version, Cs) || Cs <- Cstructs]
- end.
-convert_cs(Version, Cs) ->
- Fields = [Value || {_, Value} <- cs2list(Version, Cs)],
- list_to_tuple([cstruct|Fields]).
+normalize_cs(Cstructs, _Node) ->
+ Cstructs.
list2cs(List) ->
list2cs(List, get_ext_types()).
@@ -1864,11 +1837,7 @@ do_move_table(schema, _FromNode, _ToNode) ->
mnesia:abort({bad_type, schema});
do_move_table(Tab, FromNode, ToNode) when is_atom(FromNode), is_atom(ToNode) ->
TidTs = get_tid_ts_and_lock(schema, write),
- AnyOld = lists:any(fun(Node) -> mnesia_monitor:needs_protocol_conversion(Node) end,
- [ToNode|val({Tab, where_to_write})]),
- if AnyOld -> ignore; %% Leads to deadlock on old nodes
- true -> get_tid_ts_and_lock(Tab, write)
- end,
+ get_tid_ts_and_lock(Tab, write),
insert_schema_ops(TidTs, make_move_table(Tab, FromNode, ToNode));
do_move_table(Tab, FromNode, ToNode) ->
mnesia:abort({badarg, Tab, FromNode, ToNode}).
@@ -3438,15 +3407,14 @@ do_merge_schema(LockTabs0) ->
|| {T,Ns} <- LockTabs],
- NeedsConversion = need_old_cstructs(NeedsLock ++ LockedAlready),
{value, SchemaCs} = lists:keysearch(schema, #cstruct.name, Cstructs),
- SchemaDef = cs2list(NeedsConversion, SchemaCs),
+ SchemaDef = cs2list(false, SchemaCs),
%% Announce that Node is running
A = [{op, announce_im_running, node(), SchemaDef, Running, RemoteRunning}],
do_insert_schema_ops(Store, A),
%% Introduce remote tables to local node
- do_insert_schema_ops(Store, make_merge_schema(Node, NeedsConversion, Cstructs)),
+ do_insert_schema_ops(Store, make_merge_schema(Node, false, Cstructs)),
%% Introduce local tables to remote nodes
Tabs = val({schema, tables}),
@@ -3471,23 +3439,7 @@ do_merge_schema(LockTabs0) ->
fetch_cstructs(Node) ->
- Convert = mnesia_monitor:needs_protocol_conversion(Node),
- case rpc:call(Node, mnesia_controller, get_remote_cstructs, []) of
- {cstructs, Cs0, RemoteRunning1} when Convert ->
- {cstructs, [list2cs(cs2list(Cs)) || Cs <- Cs0], RemoteRunning1};
- Result ->
- Result
- end.
-need_old_cstructs() ->
- need_old_cstructs(val({schema, where_to_write})).
-need_old_cstructs(Nodes) ->
- Filter = fun(Node) -> mnesia_monitor:needs_protocol_conversion(Node) end,
- case lists:filter(Filter, Nodes) of
- [] -> false;
- Ns -> lists:min([element(1, ?catch_val({protocol, Node})) || Node <- Ns])
- end.
+ rpc:call(Node, mnesia_controller, get_remote_cstructs, []).
tab_to_nodes(Tab) when is_atom(Tab) ->
Cs = val({Tab, cstruct}),
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_tm.erl b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_tm.erl
index 1fa920321b..8a4113422a 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_tm.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/src/mnesia_tm.erl
@@ -1992,7 +1992,7 @@ sync_send_dirty(Tid, [Head | Tail], Tab, WaitFor) ->
Res = do_dirty(Tid, Head),
{WF, Res};
true ->
- {?MODULE, Node} ! {self(), {sync_dirty, Tid, ext_format(Head), Tab}},
+ {?MODULE, Node} ! {self(), {sync_dirty, Tid, Head, Tab}},
sync_send_dirty(Tid, Tail, Tab, [Node | WaitFor])
sync_send_dirty(_Tid, [], _Tab, WaitFor) ->
@@ -2011,11 +2011,11 @@ async_send_dirty(Tid, [Head | Tail], Tab, ReadNode, WaitFor, Res) ->
NewRes = do_dirty(Tid, Head),
async_send_dirty(Tid, Tail, Tab, ReadNode, WaitFor, NewRes);
ReadNode == Node ->
- {?MODULE, Node} ! {self(), {sync_dirty, Tid, ext_format(Head), Tab}},
+ {?MODULE, Node} ! {self(), {sync_dirty, Tid, Head, Tab}},
NewRes = {'EXIT', {aborted, {node_not_running, Node}}},
async_send_dirty(Tid, Tail, Tab, ReadNode, [Node | WaitFor], NewRes);
true ->
- {?MODULE, Node} ! {self(), {async_dirty, Tid, ext_format(Head), Tab}},
+ {?MODULE, Node} ! {self(), {async_dirty, Tid, Head, Tab}},
async_send_dirty(Tid, Tail, Tab, ReadNode, WaitFor, Res)
async_send_dirty(_Tid, [], _Tab, _ReadNode, WaitFor, Res) ->
@@ -2072,24 +2072,20 @@ ask_commit(Protocol, Tid, [Head | Tail], DiscNs, RamNs, WaitFor, Local) ->
Node == node() ->
ask_commit(Protocol, Tid, Tail, DiscNs, RamNs, WaitFor, Head);
true ->
- CR = ext_format(Head),
- Msg = {ask_commit, Protocol, Tid, CR, DiscNs, RamNs},
+ Msg = {ask_commit, convert_old(Protocol, Node), Tid, Head, DiscNs, RamNs},
{?MODULE, Node} ! {self(), Msg},
ask_commit(Protocol, Tid, Tail, DiscNs, RamNs, [Node | WaitFor], Local)
ask_commit(_Protocol, _Tid, [], _DiscNs, _RamNs, WaitFor, Local) ->
{WaitFor, Local}.
-ext_format(#commit{ext=[]}=CR) -> CR;
-ext_format(#commit{node=Node, ext=Ext}=CR) ->
+convert_old(sync_asym_trans, Node) ->
case mnesia_monitor:needs_protocol_conversion(Node) of
- true ->
- case lists:keyfind(snmp, 1, Ext) of
- false -> CR#commit{ext=[]};
- {snmp, List} -> CR#commit{ext=List}
- end;
- false -> CR
- end.
+ true -> asym_trans;
+ false -> sync_asym_trans
+ end;
+convert_old(Protocol, _) ->
+ Protocol.
new_cr_format(#commit{ext=[]}=Cr) -> Cr;
new_cr_format(#commit{ext=[{_,_}|_]}=Cr) -> Cr;
diff --git a/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_isolation_test.erl b/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_isolation_test.erl
index 49bcec14af..26a69b9d61 100644
--- a/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_isolation_test.erl
+++ b/lib/mnesia/test/mnesia_isolation_test.erl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-export([no_conflict/1, simple_queue_conflict/1,
advanced_queue_conflict/1, simple_deadlock_conflict/1,
advanced_deadlock_conflict/1, schema_deadlock/1, lock_burst/1,
- nasty/1, basic_sticky_functionality/1,
+ nasty/1, basic_sticky_functionality/1, sticky_sync/1,
unbound1/1, unbound2/1,
create_table/1, delete_table/1, move_table_copy/1,
add_table_index/1, del_table_index/1, transform_table/1,
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ groups() ->
advanced_deadlock_conflict, schema_deadlock, lock_burst,
{group, sticky_locks}, {group, unbound_locking},
{group, admin_conflict}, nasty]},
- {sticky_locks, [], [basic_sticky_functionality]},
+ {sticky_locks, [],
+ [basic_sticky_functionality,sticky_sync]},
{unbound_locking, [], [unbound1, unbound2]},
{admin_conflict, [],
[create_table, delete_table, move_table_copy,
@@ -594,9 +595,49 @@ get_held() ->
mnesia_locker ! {get_table, self(), mnesia_sticky_locks},
receive {mnesia_sticky_locks, Locks} -> Locks end.
+sticky_sync(suite) -> [];
+sticky_sync(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% BUG ERIERL-768
+ Nodes = [N1, N2] = ?acquire_nodes(2, Config),
+ mnesia:create_table(dc, [{type, ordered_set}, {disc_copies, Nodes}]),
+ mnesia:create_table(ec, [{type, ordered_set}, {ram_copies, [N2]}]),
+ TestFun =
+ fun(I) ->
+ %% In first transaction we initialise {dc, I} record with value 0
+ First = fun() ->
+ %% Do a lot of writes into ram copies table
+ %% which on the Slave in do_commit will be
+ %% processed first
+ lists:foreach(fun(J) -> ok = mnesia:write(ec, {ec, J, 0}, write) end,
+ lists:seq(1, 750)),
+ %% Then set initial value of {dc, I} record to 0 with sticky_write
+ mnesia:write(dc, {dc, I, 0}, sticky_write)
+ end,
+ ok = mnesia:activity(transaction, First),
+ %% In second transaction we set value of {dc, I} record to 1
+ Upd = fun() ->
+ %% Modify a single ram copies record with ensured lock grant
+ %% (key not used in previous transactions)
+ %% we use this second table only to force asym_trans protocol
+ mnesia:write(ec, {ec, 1001 + I, 0}, write),
+ %% And set final version of {dc, I} record to 1 with sticky_write
+ mnesia:write(dc, {dc, I, 1}, sticky_write)
+ end,
+ ok = mnesia:activity(transaction, Upd)
+ end,
+ %% Fill 1000 dc records. At the end all dc records should have value 1.
+ lists:foreach(TestFun, lists:seq(1,1000)),
+ io:format("Written, check content~n",[]),
+ All = fun() -> mnesia:select(dc, [ {{dc, '_', 0}, [] ,['$_']} ]) end,
+ ?match({atomic, []}, rpc:call(N1, mnesia, sync_transaction, [All])),
+ ?match({atomic, []}, rpc:call(N2, mnesia, sync_transaction, [All])),
+ ?verify_mnesia(Nodes, []).
unbound1(suite) -> [];
unbound1(Config) when is_list(Config) ->