path: root/lib/ssh
diff options
authorHans Nilsson <hans@erlang.org>2018-10-31 15:34:39 +0100
committerHans Nilsson <hans@erlang.org>2018-11-19 17:23:34 +0100
commit4c3e66d5969e1abe2c8827b756edd860555038a8 (patch)
tree52905f0a3f542916d22e2c6763e1eba62918a512 /lib/ssh
parentaa1562a060cb91214acb639b9be9e1c6a59db884 (diff)
ssh: Cleaning and polishing of ssh_auth
No intentional api changes. Only to make the code less hard to read.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh')
4 files changed, 66 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
index b0a35e0eab..aa4b3ef098 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh.hrl
@@ -380,8 +380,6 @@
algorithms, %% #alg{}
- io_cb, %% Interaction callback module
send_mac = none, %% send MAC algorithm
send_mac_key, %% key used in send MAC algorithm
send_mac_size = 0,
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
index a2f016a837..1972468b8b 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_auth.erl
@@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ unique(L) ->
%%%---- userauth_request_msg "callbacks"
-password_msg([#ssh{opts = Opts, io_cb = IoCb,
- user = User, service = Service} = Ssh0]) ->
+password_msg([#ssh{opts = Opts,
+ user = User,
+ service = Service} = Ssh0]) ->
+ IoCb = ?GET_INTERNAL_OPT(io_cb, Opts),
{Password,Ssh} =
case ?GET_OPT(password, Opts) of
undefined when IoCb == ssh_no_io ->
@@ -385,11 +387,9 @@ handle_userauth_info_request(#ssh_msg_userauth_info_request{name = Name,
instruction = Instr,
num_prompts = NumPrompts,
data = Data},
- #ssh{opts = Opts,
- io_cb = IoCb
- } = Ssh) ->
+ #ssh{opts=Opts} = Ssh) ->
PromptInfos = decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts(NumPrompts,Data),
- case keyboard_interact_get_responses(IoCb, Opts, Name, Instr, PromptInfos) of
+ case keyboard_interact_get_responses(Opts, Name, Instr, PromptInfos) of
not_ok ->
Responses ->
@@ -530,56 +530,78 @@ build_sig_data(SessionId, User, Service, KeyBlob, Alg) ->
+key_alg('rsa-sha2-256') -> 'ssh-rsa';
+key_alg('rsa-sha2-512') -> 'ssh-rsa';
+key_alg(Alg) -> Alg.
+%%% Keyboard-interactive
decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts(_NumPrompts, Data) ->
ssh_message:decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts(Data, []).
-keyboard_interact_get_responses(IoCb, Opts, Name, Instr, PromptInfos) ->
- NumPrompts = length(PromptInfos),
+keyboard_interact_get_responses(Opts, Name, Instr, PromptInfos) ->
keyboard_interact_get_responses(?GET_OPT(user_interaction, Opts),
?GET_OPT(keyboard_interact_fun, Opts),
- ?GET_OPT(password, Opts), IoCb, Name,
- Instr, PromptInfos, Opts, NumPrompts).
+ ?GET_OPT(password, Opts),
+ Name,
+ Instr,
+ PromptInfos,
+ Opts).
-keyboard_interact_get_responses(_, _, not_ok, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+%% Don't re-try an already rejected password. This could happen if both keyboard-interactive
+%% and password methods are tried:
+keyboard_interact_get_responses(_, _, not_ok, _, _, _, _) ->
-keyboard_interact_get_responses(_, undefined, Password, _, _, _, _, _,
- 1) when Password =/= undefined ->
- [Password]; %% Password auth implemented with keyboard-interaction and passwd is known
-keyboard_interact_get_responses(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, 0) ->
+%% Only one password requestedm and we have got one via the 'password' option for the daemon:
+keyboard_interact_get_responses(_, undefined, Pwd, _, _, [_], _) when Pwd =/= undefined ->
+ [Pwd]; %% Password auth implemented with keyboard-interaction and passwd is known
+%% No password requested (keyboard-interactive):
+keyboard_interact_get_responses(_, _, _, _, _, [], _) ->
-keyboard_interact_get_responses(false, undefined, undefined, _, _, _, [Prompt|_], Opts, _) ->
- ssh_no_io:read_line(Prompt, Opts); %% Throws error as keyboard interaction is not allowed
-keyboard_interact_get_responses(true, undefined, _,IoCb, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, Opts, _) ->
- keyboard_interact(IoCb, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, Opts);
-keyboard_interact_get_responses(true, Fun, _Pwd, _IoCb, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, _Opts, NumPrompts) ->
- keyboard_interact_fun(Fun, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, NumPrompts).
-keyboard_interact(IoCb, Name, Instr, Prompts, Opts) ->
+%% user_interaction is forbidden (by option user_interaction) and we have to ask
+%% the user for one or more.
+%% Throw an error:
+keyboard_interact_get_responses(false, undefined, undefined, _, _, [Prompt|_], Opts) ->
+ ssh_no_io:read_line(Prompt, Opts);
+%% One or more passwords are requested, we may prompt the user and no fun is used
+%% to get the responses:
+keyboard_interact_get_responses(true, undefined, _, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, Opts) ->
+ prompt_user_for_passwords(Name, Instr, PromptInfos, Opts);
+%% The passwords are provided with a fun. Use that one!
+keyboard_interact_get_responses(true, Fun, _Pwd, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, _Opts) ->
+ keyboard_interact_fun(Fun, Name, Instr, PromptInfos).
+prompt_user_for_passwords(Name, Instr, PromptInfos, Opts) ->
+ IoCb = ?GET_INTERNAL_OPT(io_cb, Opts),
write_if_nonempty(IoCb, Name),
write_if_nonempty(IoCb, Instr),
lists:map(fun({Prompt, true}) -> IoCb:read_line(Prompt, Opts);
({Prompt, false}) -> IoCb:read_password(Prompt, Opts)
- Prompts).
-write_if_nonempty(_, "") -> ok;
-write_if_nonempty(_, <<>>) -> ok;
-write_if_nonempty(IoCb, Text) -> IoCb:format("~s~n",[Text]).
+ PromptInfos).
-keyboard_interact_fun(KbdInteractFun, Name, Instr, PromptInfos, NumPrompts) ->
- Prompts = lists:map(fun({Prompt, _Echo}) -> Prompt end,
- PromptInfos),
+keyboard_interact_fun(KbdInteractFun, Name, Instr, PromptInfos) ->
+ Prompts = lists:map(fun({Prompt,_Echo}) -> Prompt end, PromptInfos),
case KbdInteractFun(Name, Instr, Prompts) of
- Rs when length(Rs) == NumPrompts ->
+ Rs when length(Rs) == length(PromptInfos) ->
_Rs ->
-key_alg('rsa-sha2-256') -> 'ssh-rsa';
-key_alg('rsa-sha2-512') -> 'ssh-rsa';
-key_alg(Alg) -> Alg.
+write_if_nonempty(_, "") -> ok;
+write_if_nonempty(_, <<>>) -> ok;
+write_if_nonempty(IoCb, Text) -> IoCb:format("~s~n",[Text]).
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
index b64b799327..e23df6ceca 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
@@ -471,10 +471,11 @@ init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, PeerAddr, Opts) ->
S1 =
S0#ssh{c_vsn = Vsn,
c_version = Version,
- io_cb = case ?GET_OPT(user_interaction, Opts) of
- true -> ssh_io;
- false -> ssh_no_io
- end,
+ opts = ?PUT_INTERNAL_OPT({io_cb, case ?GET_OPT(user_interaction, Opts) of
+ true -> ssh_io;
+ false -> ssh_no_io
+ end},
+ Opts),
userauth_quiet_mode = ?GET_OPT(quiet_mode, Opts),
peer = {PeerName, PeerAddr},
local = LocalName
@@ -487,7 +488,6 @@ init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, PeerAddr, Opts) ->
server ->
S0#ssh{s_vsn = Vsn,
s_version = Version,
- io_cb = ?GET_INTERNAL_OPT(io_cb, Opts, ssh_io),
userauth_methods = string:tokens(AuthMethods, ","),
kb_tries_left = 3,
peer = {undefined, PeerAddr},
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
index 96b03abb94..f49b49b2df 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
@@ -861,8 +861,9 @@ accepted_host(Ssh, PeerName, Public, Opts) ->
-yes_no(Ssh, Prompt) ->
- (Ssh#ssh.io_cb):yes_no(Prompt, Ssh#ssh.opts).
+yes_no(#ssh{opts=Opts}, Prompt) ->
+ IoCb = ?GET_INTERNAL_OPT(io_cb, Opts, ssh_io),
+ IoCb:yes_no(Prompt, Opts).
fmt_hostkey('ssh-rsa') -> "RSA";