path: root/lib/ssh
diff options
authorStefan Zegenhagen <stefan.zegenhagen@arcutronix.com>2013-05-06 14:33:46 +0200
committerFredrik Gustafsson <fredrik@erlang.org>2013-05-06 15:03:55 +0200
commit59053f84228b27ecf28f2de31b4a45074b2d04c9 (patch)
tree9dc50939d795b175f2576c95f9529c2f1c666eef /lib/ssh
parentd08b9775ad07a89d070aa653a1e5549ce705d524 (diff)
Make ssh_cli.erl handle <CTRL>+C
Dear all, I've found that ssh_cli.erl does not scan the input received from the remote for occurrences of <CTRL>+C to signal the user's interrupt requests to the group_leader of the CLI session. The patch attached to this e-mail fixes the issue. Kind regards, -- Dr. Stefan Zegenhagen arcutronix GmbH Garbsener Landstr. 10 30419 Hannover Germany Tel: +49 511 277-2734 Fax: +49 511 277-2709 Email: stefan.zegenhagen@arcutronix.com Web: www.arcutronix.com *Synchronize the Ethernet* General Managers: Dipl. Ing. Juergen Schroeder, Dr. Josef Gfrerer - Legal Form: GmbH, Registered office: Hannover, HRB 202442, Amtsgericht Hannover; Ust-Id: DE257551767. Please consider the environment before printing this message. >From f1d056ed1bf419677098cdc57bc7ce8a327e6b43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stefan Zegenhagen <stefan.zegenhagen@arcutronix.com> Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 14:29:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] [SSH-CLI] properly handle <CTRL>+C as shell interrupt In ssh_cli.erl, check for the presence of <CTRL>+C in data received from the remote. If detected, use the established mechanism (send an 'interrupt' exit signal to the group_leader) to signal an interrupt to the shell.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssh')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
index 69b1ab186f..54911e757c 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_cli.erl
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ init([Shell]) ->
handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager,
{data, _ChannelId, _Type, Data}},
#state{group = Group} = State) ->
- Group ! {self(), {data, binary_to_list(Data)}},
+ List = binary_to_list(Data),
+ to_group(List, Group),
{ok, State};
handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, ConnectionManager,
@@ -188,6 +189,22 @@ terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
%%% Internal functions
+to_group([], _Group) ->
+ ok;
+to_group([$\^C | Tail], Group) ->
+ exit(Group, interrupt),
+ to_group(Tail, Group);
+to_group(Data, Group) ->
+ Func = fun(C) -> C /= $\^C end,
+ Tail = case lists:splitwith(Func, Data) of
+ {[], Right} ->
+ Right;
+ {Left, Right} ->
+ Group ! {self(), {data, Left}},
+ Right
+ end,
+ to_group(Tail, Group).
exec(Cmd) ->
case eval(parse(scan(Cmd))) of
{error, _} ->