path: root/lib/ssl/src
diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2016-05-03 12:07:51 +0200
committerIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2016-06-03 12:14:43 +0200
commit33afe108de9cf24be47b9ebd740a8f5e19daca79 (patch)
tree000f6b30068d5e696197c53b8cf4053602daab29 /lib/ssl/src
parentf7e370a7513c93ae74eb7861d094589990958aa7 (diff)
ssl: Add option to phase out support for sslv2 client hello
ssl servers can recognize sslv2 client hellos to interop with clients that support higher version of SSL/TLS but also offers sslv2 Conflicts: lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src')
4 files changed, 38 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index 33d5c1c6d6..0058e5ec9a 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -732,7 +732,8 @@ handle_options(Opts0, Role) ->
false, Role)),
client, Role),
crl_check = handle_option(crl_check, Opts, false),
- crl_cache = handle_option(crl_cache, Opts, {ssl_crl_cache, {internal, []}})
+ crl_cache = handle_option(crl_cache, Opts, {ssl_crl_cache, {internal, []}}),
+ v2_hello_compatible = handle_option(v2_hello_compatible, Opts, false)
CbInfo = proplists:get_value(cb_info, Opts, {gen_tcp, tcp, tcp_closed, tcp_error}),
@@ -747,7 +748,7 @@ handle_options(Opts0, Role) ->
alpn_preferred_protocols, next_protocols_advertised,
client_preferred_next_protocols, log_alert,
server_name_indication, honor_cipher_order, padding_check, crl_check, crl_cache,
- fallback, signature_algs, beast_mitigation],
+ fallback, signature_algs, beast_mitigation, v2_hello_compatible],
SockOpts = lists:foldl(fun(Key, PropList) ->
proplists:delete(Key, PropList)
@@ -991,6 +992,8 @@ validate_option(beast_mitigation, Value) when Value == one_n_minus_one orelse
Value == zero_n orelse
Value == disabled ->
+validate_option(v2_hello_compatible, Value) when is_boolean(Value) ->
+ Value;
validate_option(Opt, Value) ->
throw({error, {options, {Opt, Value}}}).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_internal.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_internal.hrl
index dddcbdeeda..c19c1787ff 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_internal.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_internal.hrl
@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@
fallback = false :: boolean(),
crl_check :: boolean() | peer | best_effort,
- signature_algs
+ signature_algs,
+ v2_hello_compatible :: boolean()
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
index 56e516bce2..eaf2dd002d 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
@@ -399,9 +399,10 @@ handle_common_event(internal, #alert{} = Alert, StateName,
handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?HANDSHAKE, fragment = Data},
StateName, #state{protocol_buffers =
#protocol_buffers{tls_handshake_buffer = Buf0} = Buffers,
- negotiated_version = Version} = State0) ->
- try
- {Packets, Buf} = tls_handshake:get_tls_handshake(Version,Data,Buf0),
+ negotiated_version = Version,
+ ssl_options = Options} = State0) ->
+ try
+ {Packets, Buf} = tls_handshake:get_tls_handshake(Version,Data,Buf0, Options),
State =
State0#state{protocol_buffers =
Buffers#protocol_buffers{tls_handshake_buffer = Buf}},
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
index 871eb970eb..397f963ad5 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-export([client_hello/8, hello/4,
- get_tls_handshake/3, encode_handshake/2, decode_handshake/3]).
+ get_tls_handshake/4, encode_handshake/2, decode_handshake/4]).
-type tls_handshake() :: #client_hello{} | ssl_handshake:ssl_handshake().
@@ -133,17 +133,17 @@ encode_handshake(Package, Version) ->
[MsgType, ?uint24(Len), Bin].
--spec get_tls_handshake(tls_record:tls_version(), binary(), binary() | iolist()) ->
+-spec get_tls_handshake(tls_record:tls_version(), binary(), binary() | iolist(), #ssl_options{}) ->
{[tls_handshake()], binary()}.
%% Description: Given buffered and new data from ssl_record, collects
%% and returns it as a list of handshake messages, also returns leftover
%% data.
-get_tls_handshake(Version, Data, <<>>) ->
- get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, Data, []);
-get_tls_handshake(Version, Data, Buffer) ->
- get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, list_to_binary([Buffer, Data]), []).
+get_tls_handshake(Version, Data, <<>>, Options) ->
+ get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, Data, Options, []);
+get_tls_handshake(Version, Data, Buffer, Options) ->
+ get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, list_to_binary([Buffer, Data]), Options, []).
%%% Internal functions
@@ -184,24 +184,24 @@ handle_client_hello(Version, #client_hello{session_id = SugesstedId,
get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, <<?BYTE(Type), ?UINT24(Length),
- Body:Length/binary,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ Body:Length/binary,Rest/binary>>, #ssl_options{v2_hello_compatible = V2Hello} = Opts, Acc) ->
Raw = <<?BYTE(Type), ?UINT24(Length), Body/binary>>,
- Handshake = decode_handshake(Version, Type, Body),
- get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, Rest, [{Handshake,Raw} | Acc]);
-get_tls_handshake_aux(_Version, Data, Acc) ->
+ Handshake = decode_handshake(Version, Type, Body, V2Hello),
+ get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, Rest, Opts, [{Handshake,Raw} | Acc]);
+get_tls_handshake_aux(_Version, Data, _, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Data}.
-decode_handshake(_, ?HELLO_REQUEST, <<>>) ->
+decode_handshake(_, ?HELLO_REQUEST, <<>>, _) ->
%% Client hello v2.
%% The server must be able to receive such messages, from clients that
%% are willing to use ssl v3 or higher, but have ssl v2 compatibility.
decode_handshake(_Version, ?CLIENT_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor),
- ?UINT16(CSLength), ?UINT16(0),
- ?UINT16(CDLength),
- CipherSuites:CSLength/binary,
- ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>) ->
+ ?UINT16(CSLength), ?UINT16(0),
+ ?UINT16(CDLength),
+ CipherSuites:CSLength/binary,
+ ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>, true) ->
#client_hello{client_version = {Major, Minor},
random = ssl_v2:client_random(ChallengeData, CDLength),
session_id = 0,
@@ -209,12 +209,18 @@ decode_handshake(_Version, ?CLIENT_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor),
compression_methods = [?NULL],
extensions = #hello_extensions{}
+decode_handshake(_Version, ?CLIENT_HELLO, <<?BYTE(_), ?BYTE(_),
+ ?UINT16(CSLength), ?UINT16(0),
+ ?UINT16(CDLength),
+ _CipherSuites:CSLength/binary,
+ _ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>, false) ->
+ throw(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?PROTOCOL_VERSION, ssl_v2_client_hello_no_supported));
decode_handshake(_Version, ?CLIENT_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Random:32/binary,
- ?BYTE(SID_length), Session_ID:SID_length/binary,
- ?UINT16(Cs_length), CipherSuites:Cs_length/binary,
- ?BYTE(Cm_length), Comp_methods:Cm_length/binary,
- Extensions/binary>>) ->
+ ?BYTE(SID_length), Session_ID:SID_length/binary,
+ ?UINT16(Cs_length), CipherSuites:Cs_length/binary,
+ ?BYTE(Cm_length), Comp_methods:Cm_length/binary,
+ Extensions/binary>>, _) ->
DecodedExtensions = ssl_handshake:decode_hello_extensions({client, Extensions}),
@@ -226,7 +232,7 @@ decode_handshake(_Version, ?CLIENT_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Random:3
extensions = DecodedExtensions
-decode_handshake(Version, Tag, Msg) ->
+decode_handshake(Version, Tag, Msg, _) ->
ssl_handshake:decode_handshake(Version, Tag, Msg).
enc_handshake(#hello_request{}, _Version) ->