path: root/lib/ssl/src
diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2013-09-05 10:43:31 +0200
committerIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2013-09-10 09:37:30 +0200
commit754b87eb181552d67c61c9a80c31ce52e4b39f19 (patch)
treef6f71c630e6cc22fa9e1c6615f43fc4f7dd5cfb0 /lib/ssl/src
parentfa8b8cd60406ddcb2781f27e291949a8698c2886 (diff)
ssl: Refactor TLS/DTLS record handling
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src')
17 files changed, 775 insertions, 698 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/Makefile b/lib/ssl/src/Makefile
index a5af451244..6744e2f256 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/Makefile
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ MODULES= \
ssl_v2 \
ssl_v3 \
tls_v1 \
+ dtls_v1 \
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
index f6a1dc699e..fda488501c 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
@@ -333,3 +333,9 @@
%% timestamp() ->
%% {Mega, Sec, Micro} = erlang:now(),
%% Mega * 1000000 * 1000 + Sec * 1000 + (Micro div 1000).
+%% encode_handshake_rec(HandshakeRec, Version, MsgSeq, BinMsgs0, CS0) ->
+%% {_, Fragments} = ssl_handshake:encode_handshake(HandshakeRec, Version, MsgSeq, 1400),
+%% lists:foldl(fun(F, {Bin, C0}) ->
+%% {B, C1} = ssl_record:encode_handshake(F, Version, C0),
+%% {[B|Bin], C1} end, {BinMsgs0, CS0}, Fragments).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
index 8a481af76d..26e8ce7503 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
@@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, Cookie, ConnectionStates,
#client_hello{session_id = Id,
client_version = Version,
cipher_suites = ssl_handshake:cipher_suites(CipherSuites, Renegotiation),
- compression_methods = tls_record:compressions(),
+ compression_methods = ssl_record:compressions(),
random = SecParams#security_parameters.client_random,
cookie = Cookie,
extensions = Extensions
hello(Address, Port,
- #ssl_tls{epoch = Epoch, record_seq = Seq,
+ #ssl_tls{epoch = _Epoch, record_seq = _Seq,
version = Version} = Record) ->
{[{Hello, _}], _, _} =
- ssl_handshake:get_dtls_handshake(Record,
- ssl_handshake:dtls_handshake_new_flight(undefined)),
+ get_dtls_handshake(Record,
+ dtls_handshake_new_flight(undefined)),
#client_hello{client_version = {Major, Minor},
random = Random,
session_id = SessionId,
@@ -81,11 +81,9 @@ hello(Address, Port,
_ ->
%% generate HelloVerifyRequest
- {RequestFragment, _} = ssl_handshake:encode_handshake(
- ssl_handshake:hello_verify_request(Cookie),
- Version, 0, 1400),
- HelloVerifyRequest =
- ssl_record:encode_tls_cipher_text(?HANDSHAKE, Version, Epoch, Seq, RequestFragment),
+ HelloVerifyRequest = encode_handshake(#hello_verify_request{protocol_version = Version,
+ cookie = Cookie},
+ Version, 0, 1400),
{reply, HelloVerifyRequest}
@@ -415,7 +413,7 @@ decode_handshake(_Version, ?CLIENT_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Random:3
random = Random,
session_id = Session_ID,
cookie = Cookie,
- cipher_suites = tls_handshake:decode_suites('2_bytes', CipherSuites),
+ cipher_suites = ssl_handshake:decode_suites('2_bytes', CipherSuites),
compression_methods = Comp_methods,
extensions = DecodedExtensions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.erl
index daadae0725..f667458a10 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.erl
@@ -15,104 +15,134 @@
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose: Handle DTLS record protocol. (Parts that are not shared with SSL/TLS)
--export([init_connection_state_seq/2, current_connection_state_epoch/2,
- set_connection_state_by_epoch/3, connection_state_by_epoch/3]).
%% Handling of incoming data
-%% Misc.
+%% Decoding
+%% Encoding
+%% Protocol version handling
-export([protocol_version/1, lowest_protocol_version/2,
highest_protocol_version/1, supported_protocol_versions/0,
is_acceptable_version/2, cipher/4, decipher/2]).
--spec init_connection_state_seq(tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- #connection_state{}.
-%% Description: Copy the read sequence number to the write sequence number
-%% This is only valid for DTLS in the first client_hello
-init_connection_state_seq({254, _},
- #connection_states{
- current_read = Read = #connection_state{epoch = 0},
- current_write = Write = #connection_state{epoch = 0}} = CS0) ->
- CS0#connection_states{current_write =
- Write#connection_state{
- sequence_number = Read#connection_state.sequence_number}};
-init_connection_state_seq(_, CS) ->
- CS.
+-export([init_connection_state_seq/2, current_connection_state_epoch/2,
+ set_connection_state_by_epoch/3, connection_state_by_epoch/3]).
--spec current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
- integer().
-%% Description: Returns the epoch the connection_state record
-%% that is currently defined as the current conection state.
-current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{current_read = Current},
- read) ->
- Current#connection_state.epoch;
-current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{current_write = Current},
- write) ->
- Current#connection_state.epoch.
+%% Internal application API
--spec connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{}, integer(), read | write) ->
- #connection_state{}.
-%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
-%% that is defined by the Epoch.
-connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{current_read = CS}, Epoch, read)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- CS;
-connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{pending_read = CS}, Epoch, read)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- CS;
-connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{current_write = CS}, Epoch, write)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- CS;
-connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{pending_write = CS}, Epoch, write)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- CS.
--spec set_connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{},
- #connection_state{}, read | write) -> ok.
+-spec get_dtls_records(binary(), binary()) -> {[binary()], binary()} | #alert{}.
-%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
-%% that is defined by the Epoch.
+%% Description: Given old buffer and new data from UDP/SCTP, packs up a records
+%% and returns it as a list of tls_compressed binaries also returns leftover
+%% data
-set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
- #connection_states{current_read = CS},
- NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, read)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- ConnectionStates0#connection_states{current_read = NewCS};
+get_dtls_records(Data, <<>>) ->
+ get_dtls_records_aux(Data, []);
+get_dtls_records(Data, Buffer) ->
+ get_dtls_records_aux(list_to_binary([Buffer, Data]), []).
-set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
- #connection_states{pending_read = CS},
- NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, read)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- ConnectionStates0#connection_states{pending_read = NewCS};
+ ?UINT16(Epoch), ?UINT48(SequenceNumber),
+ ?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>,
+ Acc) ->
+ get_dtls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?APPLICATION_DATA,
+ version = {MajVer, MinVer},
+ epoch = Epoch, record_seq = SequenceNumber,
+ fragment = Data} | Acc]);
+ ?UINT16(Epoch), ?UINT48(SequenceNumber),
+ ?UINT16(Length),
+ Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) when MajVer >= 128 ->
+ get_dtls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?HANDSHAKE,
+ version = {MajVer, MinVer},
+ epoch = Epoch, record_seq = SequenceNumber,
+ fragment = Data} | Acc]);
+ ?UINT16(Epoch), ?UINT48(SequenceNumber),
+ ?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary,
+ Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ get_dtls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?ALERT,
+ version = {MajVer, MinVer},
+ epoch = Epoch, record_seq = SequenceNumber,
+ fragment = Data} | Acc]);
+ ?UINT16(Epoch), ?UINT48(SequenceNumber),
+ ?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>,
+ Acc) ->
+ get_dtls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC,
+ version = {MajVer, MinVer},
+ epoch = Epoch, record_seq = SequenceNumber,
+ fragment = Data} | Acc]);
-set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
- #connection_states{current_write = CS},
- NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, write)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- ConnectionStates0#connection_states{current_write = NewCS};
+get_dtls_records_aux(<<0:1, _CT:7, ?BYTE(_MajVer), ?BYTE(_MinVer),
+ ?UINT16(Length), _/binary>>,
+ _Acc) when Length > ?MAX_CIPHER_TEXT_LENGTH ->
-set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
- #connection_states{pending_write = CS},
- NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, write)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- ConnectionStates0#connection_states{pending_write = NewCS}.
+get_dtls_records_aux(<<1:1, Length0:15, _/binary>>,_Acc)
+ when Length0 > ?MAX_CIPHER_TEXT_LENGTH ->
+get_dtls_records_aux(Data, Acc) ->
+ case size(Data) =< ?MAX_CIPHER_TEXT_LENGTH + ?INITIAL_BYTES of
+ true ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), Data};
+ false ->
+ end.
+encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data,
+ #connection_state{
+ compression_state = CompS0,
+ epoch = Epoch,
+ sequence_number = Seq,
+ security_parameters=
+ #security_parameters{compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ }= CS0) ->
+ {Comp, CompS1} = ssl_record:compress(CompAlg, Data, CompS0),
+ CS1 = CS0#connection_state{compression_state = CompS1},
+ {CipherText, CS2} = cipher(Type, Version, Comp, CS1),
+ CTBin = encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, Version, Epoch, Seq, CipherText),
+ {CTBin, CS2}.
+decode_cipher_text(CipherText, ConnnectionStates0) ->
+ ReadState0 = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states.current_read,
+ #connection_state{compression_state = CompressionS0,
+ security_parameters = SecParams} = ReadState0,
+ CompressAlg = SecParams#security_parameters.compression_algorithm,
+ case decipher(CipherText, ReadState0) of
+ {Compressed, ReadState1} ->
+ {Plain, CompressionS1} = ssl_record:uncompress(CompressAlg,
+ Compressed, CompressionS0),
+ ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states{
+ current_read = ReadState1#connection_state{
+ compression_state = CompressionS1}},
+ {Plain, ConnnectionStates};
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ Alert
+ end.
-spec protocol_version(tls_atom_version() | tls_version()) ->
@@ -161,67 +191,6 @@ highest_protocol_version(Version = {M,_}, [{N,_} | Rest]) when M < N ->
highest_protocol_version(_, [Version | Rest]) ->
highest_protocol_version(Version, Rest).
--spec get_dtls_records(binary(), binary()) -> {[binary()], binary()} | #alert{}.
-%% Description: Given old buffer and new data from UDP/SCTP, packs up a records
-%% and returns it as a list of tls_compressed binaries also returns leftover
-%% data
-get_dtls_records(Data, <<>>) ->
- get_dtls_records_aux(Data, []);
-get_dtls_records(Data, Buffer) ->
- get_dtls_records_aux(list_to_binary([Buffer, Data]), []).
- ?UINT16(Epoch), ?UINT48(SequenceNumber),
- ?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>,
- Acc) ->
- get_dtls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?APPLICATION_DATA,
- version = {MajVer, MinVer},
- epoch = Epoch, record_seq = SequenceNumber,
- fragment = Data} | Acc]);
- ?UINT16(Epoch), ?UINT48(SequenceNumber),
- ?UINT16(Length),
- Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc) when MajVer >= 128 ->
- get_dtls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?HANDSHAKE,
- version = {MajVer, MinVer},
- epoch = Epoch, record_seq = SequenceNumber,
- fragment = Data} | Acc]);
- ?UINT16(Epoch), ?UINT48(SequenceNumber),
- ?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary,
- Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
- get_dtls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?ALERT,
- version = {MajVer, MinVer},
- epoch = Epoch, record_seq = SequenceNumber,
- fragment = Data} | Acc]);
- ?UINT16(Epoch), ?UINT48(SequenceNumber),
- ?UINT16(Length), Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>,
- Acc) ->
- get_dtls_records_aux(Rest, [#ssl_tls{type = ?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC,
- version = {MajVer, MinVer},
- epoch = Epoch, record_seq = SequenceNumber,
- fragment = Data} | Acc]);
-get_dtls_records_aux(<<0:1, _CT:7, ?BYTE(_MajVer), ?BYTE(_MinVer),
- ?UINT16(Length), _/binary>>,
- _Acc) when Length > ?MAX_CIPHER_TEXT_LENGTH ->
-get_dtls_records_aux(<<1:1, Length0:15, _/binary>>,_Acc)
- when Length0 > ?MAX_CIPHER_TEXT_LENGTH ->
-get_dtls_records_aux(Data, Acc) ->
- case size(Data) =< ?MAX_CIPHER_TEXT_LENGTH + ?INITIAL_BYTES of
- true ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Data};
- false ->
- end.
-spec supported_protocol_versions() -> [tls_version()].
@@ -264,13 +233,103 @@ is_acceptable_version(Version, Versions) ->
lists:member(Version, Versions).
+-spec init_connection_state_seq(tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
+ #connection_state{}.
+%% Description: Copy the read sequence number to the write sequence number
+%% This is only valid for DTLS in the first client_hello
+init_connection_state_seq({254, _},
+ #connection_states{
+ current_read = Read = #connection_state{epoch = 0},
+ current_write = Write = #connection_state{epoch = 0}} = CS0) ->
+ CS0#connection_states{current_write =
+ Write#connection_state{
+ sequence_number = Read#connection_state.sequence_number}};
+init_connection_state_seq(_, CS) ->
+ CS.
+-spec current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
+ integer().
+%% Description: Returns the epoch the connection_state record
+%% that is currently defined as the current conection state.
+current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{current_read = Current},
+ read) ->
+ Current#connection_state.epoch;
+current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{current_write = Current},
+ write) ->
+ Current#connection_state.epoch.
+-spec connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{}, integer(), read | write) ->
+ #connection_state{}.
+%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
+%% that is defined by the Epoch.
+connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{current_read = CS}, Epoch, read)
+ when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+ CS;
+connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{pending_read = CS}, Epoch, read)
+ when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+ CS;
+connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{current_write = CS}, Epoch, write)
+ when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+ CS;
+connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{pending_write = CS}, Epoch, write)
+ when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+ CS.
+-spec set_connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{},
+ #connection_state{}, read | write) -> ok.
+%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
+%% that is defined by the Epoch.
+set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
+ #connection_states{current_read = CS},
+ NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, read)
+ when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+ ConnectionStates0#connection_states{current_read = NewCS};
+set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
+ #connection_states{pending_read = CS},
+ NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, read)
+ when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+ ConnectionStates0#connection_states{pending_read = NewCS};
+set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
+ #connection_states{current_write = CS},
+ NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, write)
+ when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+ ConnectionStates0#connection_states{current_write = NewCS};
+set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
+ #connection_states{pending_write = CS},
+ NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, write)
+ when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+ ConnectionStates0#connection_states{pending_write = NewCS}.
+%%% Internal functions
+encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, {MajVer, MinVer}, Epoch, Seq, Fragment) ->
+ Length = erlang:iolist_size(Fragment),
+ [<<?BYTE(Type), ?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer), ?UINT16(Epoch),
+ ?UINT48(Seq), ?UINT16(Length)>>, Fragment].
cipher(Type, Version, Fragment, CS0) ->
Length = erlang:iolist_size(Fragment),
{MacHash, CS1=#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
- BCA}
- }} =
+ security_parameters=
+ #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
+ BCA}
+ }} =
hash_and_bump_seqno(CS0, Type, Version, Length, Fragment),
{Ciphered, CipherS1} = ssl_cipher:cipher(BCA, CipherS0, MacHash, Fragment, Version),
CS2 = CS1#connection_state{cipher_state=CipherS1},
@@ -299,10 +358,10 @@ decipher(TLS=#ssl_tls{type=Type, version=Version={254, _},
hash_with_seqno(#connection_state{mac_secret = MacSecret,
- security_parameters =
- SecPars},
- Type, Version = {254, _},
- Epoch, SeqNo, Length, Fragment) ->
+ security_parameters =
+ SecPars},
+ Type, Version = {254, _},
+ Epoch, SeqNo, Length, Fragment) ->
MacSecret, (Epoch bsl 48) + SeqNo, Type,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.hrl
index b72c14c2d7..e935d84bdf 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.hrl
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
-include("ssl_record.hrl"). %% Common TLS and DTLS records and Constantes
--define(INITIAL_BYTES, 5).
%% Used to handle tls_plain_text, tls_compressed and tls_cipher_text
-record(ssl_tls, {
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_v1.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_v1.erl
index a9fcf575af..c12e12e424 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_v1.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_v1.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
--export([suites/1, mac_hash/7, ecc_curves/1]).
+-export([suites/1, mac_hash/7, ecc_curves/1, corresponding_tls_version/1]).
-spec suites(Minor:: 253|255) -> [cipher_suite()].
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ mac_hash(Version, MacAlg, MacSecret, SeqNo, Type, Length, Fragment) ->
ecc_curves({_Major, Minor}) ->
+corresponding_tls_version({254, Minor}) ->
+ {3, corresponding_minor_tls_version(Minor)}.
corresponding_minor_tls_version(255) ->
corresponding_minor_tls_version(253) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.app.src b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.app.src
index 677f5fdd07..44798f8c12 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.app.src
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.app.src
@@ -3,40 +3,44 @@
{vsn, "%VSN%"},
{modules, [
- tls,
+ tls_v1,
+ ssl_v3,
+ ssl_v2,
- dtls_record,
- dtls_handshake,
- dtls,
- %% Backwards compatibility
+ dtls_handshake,
+ dtls_record,
+ dtls_v1,
+ %% API
+ tls, %% Future API module
+ dtls, %% Future API module
+ ssl_session_cache_api,
%% Both TLS/SSL and DTLS
- ssl_app,
- ssl_sup,
+ ssl_handshake,
+ ssl_record,
+ ssl_cipher,
+ ssl_srp_primes,
+ ssl_alert,
+ ssl_socket,
+ %%ssl_connection,
+ %% Erlang Distribution over SSL/TLS
- tls_v1,
- ssl_v3,
- ssl_v2,
+ %% SSL/TLS session handling
- ssl_session_cache_api,
- ssl_socket,
- ssl_record,
- ssl_handshake,
- ssl_connection_sup,
- %%ssl_connection,
- ssl_cipher,
- ssl_srp_primes,
- ssl_alert
+ %% App structure
+ ssl_app,
+ ssl_sup,
+ ssl_connection_sup
{registered, [ssl_sup, ssl_manager]},
{applications, [crypto, public_key, kernel, stdlib]},
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
index 3fe4df99c9..6513042e98 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
--export([security_parameters/3, suite_definition/1,
+-export([security_parameters/2, security_parameters/3, suite_definition/1,
decipher/5, cipher/5,
suite/1, suites/1, anonymous_suites/0, psk_suites/1, srp_suites/0,
openssl_suite/1, openssl_suite_name/1, filter/2, filter_suites/1,
@@ -41,7 +41,17 @@
--spec security_parameters(tls_version(), cipher_suite(), #security_parameters{}) ->
+-spec security_parameters(cipher_suite(), #security_parameters{}) ->
+ #security_parameters{}.
+%% Only security_parameters/2 should call security_parameters/3 with undefined as
+%% first argument.
+security_parameters(?TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL = CipherSuite, SecParams) ->
+ security_parameters(undefined, CipherSuite, SecParams).
+-spec security_parameters(tls_version() | undefined, cipher_suite(), #security_parameters{}) ->
%% Description: Returns a security parameters record where the
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.hrl
index 8417564d41..62a5269def 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.hrl
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
-type cipher() :: null |rc4_128 | idea_cbc | des40_cbc | des_cbc | '3des_ede_cbc'
| aes_128_cbc | aes_256_cbc.
-type hash() :: null | sha | md5 | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512.
+-type key_algo() :: null | rsa | dhe_rsa | dhe_dss | ecdhe_ecdsa| ecdh_ecdsa | ecdh_rsa| srp_rsa| srp_dss | psk | dhe_psk | rsa_psk | dh_anon | ecdh_anon | srp_anon.
-type erl_cipher_suite() :: {key_algo(), cipher(), hash()}.
-type int_cipher_suite() :: {key_algo(), cipher(), hash(), hash() | default_prf}.
-type cipher_suite() :: binary().
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
index 189e5e7051..29a8996bd6 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose: Help funtions for handling the SSL-handshake protocol
+%% Purpose: Help funtions for handling the SSL-handshake protocol (common
+%% to SSL/TLS and DTLS
@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ select_cert_hashsign(undefined, ?'id-dsa', _) ->
master_secret(RecordCB, Version, #session{master_secret = Mastersecret},
ConnectionStates, Role) ->
ConnectionState =
- RecordCB:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
try master_secret(RecordCB, Version, Mastersecret, SecParams,
ConnectionStates, Role)
@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ master_secret(RecordCB, Version, #session{master_secret = Mastersecret},
master_secret(RecordCB, Version, PremasterSecret, ConnectionStates, Role) ->
ConnectionState =
- RecordCB:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = PrfAlgo,
client_random = ClientRandom,
@@ -969,16 +970,16 @@ select_version(RecordCB, ClientVersion, Versions) ->
renegotiation_info(_, client, _, false) ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined};
-renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, false) ->
- CS = RecordCB:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, false) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
true ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ?byte(0)};
false ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
-renegotiation_info(RecordCB, client, ConnectionStates, true) ->
- CS = RecordCB:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, client, ConnectionStates, true) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
true ->
Data = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
@@ -987,8 +988,8 @@ renegotiation_info(RecordCB, client, ConnectionStates, true) ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
-renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, true) ->
- CS = RecordCB:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, true) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
true ->
CData = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
@@ -998,24 +999,24 @@ renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, true) ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
-handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, _, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ?byte(0)},
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, _, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ?byte(0)},
ConnectionStates, false, _, _) ->
- {ok, RecordCB:set_renegotiation_flag(true, ConnectionStates)};
+ {ok, ssl_record:set_renegotiation_flag(true, ConnectionStates)};
-handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, undefined, ConnectionStates, _, _, CipherSuites) ->
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, undefined, ConnectionStates, _, _, CipherSuites) ->
case is_member(?TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV, CipherSuites) of
true ->
- {ok, RecordCB:set_renegotiation_flag(true, ConnectionStates)};
+ {ok, ssl_record:set_renegotiation_flag(true, ConnectionStates)};
false ->
- {ok, RecordCB:set_renegotiation_flag(false, ConnectionStates)}
+ {ok, ssl_record:set_renegotiation_flag(false, ConnectionStates)}
-handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, _, undefined, ConnectionStates, false, _, _) ->
- {ok, RecordCB:set_renegotiation_flag(false, ConnectionStates)};
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, _, undefined, ConnectionStates, false, _, _) ->
+ {ok, ssl_record:set_renegotiation_flag(false, ConnectionStates)};
-handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, client, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ClientServerVerify},
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, client, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ClientServerVerify},
ConnectionStates, true, _, _) ->
- CS = RecordCB:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
CData = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
SData = CS#connection_state.server_verify_data,
case <<CData/binary, SData/binary>> == ClientServerVerify of
@@ -1024,14 +1025,14 @@ handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, client, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_con
false ->
-handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ClientVerify},
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ClientVerify},
ConnectionStates, true, _, CipherSuites) ->
case is_member(?TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV, CipherSuites) of
true ->
false ->
- CS = RecordCB:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
Data = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
case Data == ClientVerify of
true ->
@@ -1052,8 +1053,8 @@ handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, undefined, ConnectionStates, true, S
handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, ConnectionStates, SecureRenegotation)
-handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, ConnectionStates, SecureRenegotation) ->
- CS = RecordCB:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, ConnectionStates, SecureRenegotation) ->
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
case {SecureRenegotation, CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation} of
{_, true} ->
@@ -1186,7 +1187,7 @@ calc_finished({3, 0}, Role, _PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
calc_finished({3, N}, Role, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
tls_v1:finished(Role, N, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, lists:reverse(Handshake)).
-master_secret(RecordCB, Version, MasterSecret,
+master_secret(_RecordCB, Version, MasterSecret,
client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom,
@@ -1201,15 +1202,15 @@ master_secret(RecordCB, Version, MasterSecret,
setup_keys(Version, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, ServerRandom,
ClientRandom, HashSize, KML, EKML, IVS),
- ConnStates1 = RecordCB:set_master_secret(MasterSecret, ConnectionStates),
+ ConnStates1 = ssl_record:set_master_secret(MasterSecret, ConnectionStates),
ConnStates2 =
- RecordCB:set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret,
+ ssl_record:set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret,
Role, ConnStates1),
ClientCipherState = #cipher_state{iv = ClientIV, key = ClientWriteKey},
ServerCipherState = #cipher_state{iv = ServerIV, key = ServerWriteKey},
- RecordCB:set_pending_cipher_state(ConnStates2, ClientCipherState,
+ ssl_record:set_pending_cipher_state(ConnStates2, ClientCipherState,
ServerCipherState, Role)}.
setup_keys({3,0}, _PrfAlgo, MasterSecret,
@@ -1248,12 +1249,12 @@ handle_renegotiation_extension(Role, RecordCB, Version, Info, Random, CipherSuit
%% hello messages
%% NOTE : Role is the role of the receiver of the hello message
%% currently being processed.
-hello_pending_connection_states(RecordCB, Role, Version, CipherSuite, Random, Compression,
+hello_pending_connection_states(_RecordCB, Role, Version, CipherSuite, Random, Compression,
ConnectionStates) ->
ReadState =
- RecordCB:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
WriteState =
- RecordCB:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
NewReadSecParams =
hello_security_parameters(Role, Version, ReadState, CipherSuite,
@@ -1263,7 +1264,7 @@ hello_pending_connection_states(RecordCB, Role, Version, CipherSuite, Random, Co
hello_security_parameters(Role, Version, WriteState, CipherSuite,
Random, Compression),
- RecordCB:update_security_params(NewReadSecParams,
+ ssl_record:set_security_params(NewReadSecParams,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_internal.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_internal.hrl
index 3d282dcdfc..96e3280fb5 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_internal.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_internal.hrl
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
-type tls_atom_version() :: sslv3 | tlsv1 | 'tlsv1.1' | 'tlsv1.2'.
-type certdb_ref() :: reference().
-type db_handle() :: term().
--type key_algo() :: null | rsa | dhe_rsa | dhe_dss | ecdhe_ecdsa| ecdh_ecdsa | ecdh_rsa| srp_rsa| srp_dss | psk | dhe_psk | rsa_psk | dh_anon | ecdh_anon | srp_anon.
-type der_cert() :: binary().
-type private_key() :: #'RSAPrivateKey'{} | #'DSAPrivateKey'{} | #'ECPrivateKey'{}.
-type issuer() :: tuple().
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
index ac56e3ab29..50a45dc16b 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
@@ -16,28 +16,87 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose: Handle TLS/SSL/DTLS record protocol. Note epoch is only
+%% used by DTLS but handled here so we can avoid code duplication.
--export([empty_connection_state/1, activate_pending_connection_state/2, is_correct_mac/2]).
+%% Connection state handling
+ current_connection_state/2, pending_connection_state/2,
+ activate_pending_connection_state/2,
+ set_security_params/3,
+ set_mac_secret/4,
+ set_master_secret/2,
+ set_pending_cipher_state/4,
+ set_renegotiation_flag/2,
+ set_client_verify_data/3,
+ set_server_verify_data/3]).
-empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd) ->
- SecParams = empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
- #connection_state{security_parameters = SecParams}.
+%% Encoding records
+-export([encode_handshake/3, encode_alert_record/3,
+ encode_change_cipher_spec/2, encode_data/3]).
+%% Compression
+-export([compress/3, uncompress/3, compressions/0]).
+%% Internal application API
+-spec init_connection_states(client | server) -> #connection_states{}.
+%% Description: Creates a connection_states record with appropriate
+%% values for the initial SSL connection setup.
+init_connection_states(Role) ->
+ ConnectionEnd = record_protocol_role(Role),
+ Current = initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
+ Pending = empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
+ #connection_states{current_read = Current,
+ pending_read = Pending,
+ current_write = Current,
+ pending_write = Pending
+ }.
+-spec current_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
+ #connection_state{}.
+%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
+%% that is currently defined as the current conection state.
+current_connection_state(#connection_states{current_read = Current},
+ read) ->
+ Current;
+current_connection_state(#connection_states{current_write = Current},
+ write) ->
+ Current.
+-spec pending_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
+ term().
+%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
+%% that is currently defined as the pending conection state.
+pending_connection_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Pending},
+ read) ->
+ Pending;
+pending_connection_state(#connection_states{pending_write = Pending},
+ write) ->
+ Pending.
-empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd = ?CLIENT) ->
- #security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
- client_random = random()};
-empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd = ?SERVER) ->
- #security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
- server_random = random()}.
-random() ->
- Secs_since_1970 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(
- calendar:universal_time()) - 62167219200,
- Random_28_bytes = crypto:rand_bytes(28),
- <<?UINT32(Secs_since_1970), Random_28_bytes/binary>>.
-spec activate_pending_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
@@ -50,8 +109,7 @@ activate_pending_connection_state(States =
#connection_states{current_read = Current,
pending_read = Pending},
read) ->
- %% Next epoch is a noop for SSL/TLS only uesed by DTLS
- NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{epoch = connection_state_next_epoch(Current),
+ NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{epoch = dtls_next_epoch(Current),
sequence_number = 0},
SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
ConnectionEnd = SecParams#security_parameters.connection_end,
@@ -66,8 +124,7 @@ activate_pending_connection_state(States =
#connection_states{current_write = Current,
pending_write = Pending},
write) ->
- %% Next epoch is a noop for SSL/TLS only uesed by DTLS
- NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{epoch = connection_state_next_epoch(Current),
+ NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{epoch = dtls_next_epoch(Current),
sequence_number = 0},
SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
ConnectionEnd = SecParams#security_parameters.connection_end,
@@ -78,12 +135,305 @@ activate_pending_connection_state(States =
pending_write = NewPending
-connection_state_next_epoch(#connection_state{epoch = undefined}) ->
+-spec set_security_params(#security_parameters{}, #security_parameters{},
+ #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
+%% Description: Creates a new instance of the connection_states record
+%% where the pending states gets its security parameters updated.
+set_security_params(ReadParams, WriteParams, States =
+ #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
+ pending_write = Write}) ->
+ States#connection_states{pending_read =
+ Read#connection_state{security_parameters =
+ ReadParams},
+ pending_write =
+ Write#connection_state{security_parameters =
+ WriteParams}
+ }.
+-spec set_mac_secret(binary(), binary(), client | server,
+ #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
+%% Description: update the mac_secret field in pending connection states
+set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, client, States) ->
+ set_mac_secret(ServerWriteMacSecret, ClientWriteMacSecret, States);
+set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, server, States) ->
+ set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, States).
+set_mac_secret(ReadMacSecret, WriteMacSecret,
+ States = #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
+ pending_write = Write}) ->
+ States#connection_states{
+ pending_read = Read#connection_state{mac_secret = ReadMacSecret},
+ pending_write = Write#connection_state{mac_secret = WriteMacSecret}
+ }.
+-spec set_master_secret(binary(), #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
+%% Description: Set master_secret in pending connection states
+ States = #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
+ pending_write = Write}) ->
+ ReadSecPar = Read#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ Read1 = Read#connection_state{
+ security_parameters = ReadSecPar#security_parameters{
+ master_secret = MasterSecret}},
+ WriteSecPar = Write#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ Write1 = Write#connection_state{
+ security_parameters = WriteSecPar#security_parameters{
+ master_secret = MasterSecret}},
+ States#connection_states{pending_read = Read1, pending_write = Write1}.
+-spec set_renegotiation_flag(boolean(), #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
+%% Description: Set secure_renegotiation in pending connection states
+set_renegotiation_flag(Flag, #connection_states{
+ current_read = CurrentRead0,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite0,
+ pending_read = PendingRead0,
+ pending_write = PendingWrite0}
+ = ConnectionStates) ->
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
+ PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
+ PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
+ ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite,
+ pending_read = PendingRead,
+ pending_write = PendingWrite}.
+-spec set_client_verify_data(current_read | current_write | current_both,
+ binary(), #connection_states{})->
+ #connection_states{}.
+%% Description: Set verify data in connection states.
+set_client_verify_data(current_read, Data,
+ #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
+ pending_write = PendingWrite0}
+ = ConnectionStates) ->
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
+ PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
+ ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
+ pending_write = PendingWrite};
+set_client_verify_data(current_write, Data,
+ #connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead0,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite0}
+ = ConnectionStates) ->
+ PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
+ ConnectionStates#connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite};
+set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data,
+ #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite0}
+ = ConnectionStates) ->
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
+ ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite}.
+-spec set_server_verify_data(current_read | current_write | current_both,
+ binary(), #connection_states{})->
+ #connection_states{}.
+%% Description: Set verify data in pending connection states.
+set_server_verify_data(current_write, Data,
+ #connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead0,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite0}
+ = ConnectionStates) ->
+ PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
+ ConnectionStates#connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite};
+set_server_verify_data(current_read, Data,
+ #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
+ pending_write = PendingWrite0}
+ = ConnectionStates) ->
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
+ PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
+ ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
+ pending_write = PendingWrite};
+set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data,
+ #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite0}
+ = ConnectionStates) ->
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
+ ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
+ current_write = CurrentWrite}.
+-spec set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{}, #cipher_state{},
+ #cipher_state{}, client | server) ->
+ #connection_states{}.
+%% Description: Set the cipher state in the specified pending connection state.
+set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
+ pending_write = Write} = States,
+ ClientState, ServerState, server) ->
+ States#connection_states{
+ pending_read = Read#connection_state{cipher_state = ClientState},
+ pending_write = Write#connection_state{cipher_state = ServerState}};
+set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
+ pending_write = Write} = States,
+ ClientState, ServerState, client) ->
+ States#connection_states{
+ pending_read = Read#connection_state{cipher_state = ServerState},
+ pending_write = Write#connection_state{cipher_state = ClientState}}.
+-spec encode_handshake(iolist(), tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
+ {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+%% Description: Encodes a handshake message to send on the ssl-socket.
+encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
+ encode_plain_text(?HANDSHAKE, Version, Frag, ConnectionStates).
+-spec encode_alert_record(#alert{}, tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
+ {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+%% Description: Encodes an alert message to send on the ssl-socket.
+encode_alert_record(#alert{level = Level, description = Description},
+ Version, ConnectionStates) ->
+ encode_plain_text(?ALERT, Version, <<?BYTE(Level), ?BYTE(Description)>>,
+ ConnectionStates).
+-spec encode_change_cipher_spec(tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
+ {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+%% Description: Encodes a change_cipher_spec-message to send on the ssl socket.
+encode_change_cipher_spec(Version, ConnectionStates) ->
+ encode_plain_text(?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, Version, <<1:8>>, ConnectionStates).
+-spec encode_data(binary(), tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
+ {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+%% Description: Encodes data to send on the ssl-socket.
+encode_data(Frag, Version,
+ #connection_states{current_write = #connection_state{
+ security_parameters =
+ #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm = BCA}}} =
+ ConnectionStates) ->
+ Data = split_bin(Frag, ?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH, Version, BCA),
+ encode_iolist(?APPLICATION_DATA, Data, Version, ConnectionStates).
+uncompress(?NULL, Data, CS) ->
+ {Data, CS}.
+compress(?NULL, Data, CS) ->
+ {Data, CS}.
+-spec compressions() -> [binary()].
+%% Description: return a list of compressions supported (currently none)
+compressions() ->
+ [?byte(?NULL)].
+%%% Internal functions
+empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd) ->
+ SecParams = empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
+ #connection_state{security_parameters = SecParams}.
+empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd = ?CLIENT) ->
+ #security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
+ client_random = random()};
+empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd = ?SERVER) ->
+ #security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
+ server_random = random()}.
+random() ->
+ Secs_since_1970 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(
+ calendar:universal_time()) - 62167219200,
+ Random_28_bytes = crypto:rand_bytes(28),
+ <<?UINT32(Secs_since_1970), Random_28_bytes/binary>>.
+dtls_next_epoch(#connection_state{epoch = undefined}) -> %% SSL/TLS
-connection_state_next_epoch(State) ->
- State#connection_state.epoch + 1.
+dtls_next_epoch(#connection_state{epoch = Epoch}) -> %% DTLS
+ Epoch + 1.
is_correct_mac(Mac, Mac) ->
is_correct_mac(_M,_H) ->
+record_protocol_role(client) ->
+record_protocol_role(server) ->
+initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd) ->
+ #connection_state{security_parameters =
+ initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
+ sequence_number = 0
+ }.
+initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd) ->
+ SecParams = #security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
+ compression_algorithm = ?NULL},
+ ssl_cipher:security_parameters(?TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL, SecParams).
+encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data, ConnectionStates) ->
+ RecordCB = protocol_module(Version),
+ RecordCB:encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data, ConnectionStates).
+encode_iolist(Type, Data, Version, ConnectionStates0) ->
+ RecordCB = protocol_module(Version),
+ {ConnectionStates, EncodedMsg} =
+ lists:foldl(fun(Text, {CS0, Encoded}) ->
+ {Enc, CS1} =
+ RecordCB:encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Text, CS0),
+ {CS1, [Enc | Encoded]}
+ end, {ConnectionStates0, []}, Data),
+ {lists:reverse(EncodedMsg), ConnectionStates}.
+%% 1/n-1 splitting countermeasure Rizzo/Duong-Beast, RC4 chiphers are
+%% not vulnerable to this attack.
+split_bin(<<FirstByte:8, Rest/binary>>, ChunkSize, Version, BCA) when
+ BCA =/= ?RC4 andalso ({3, 1} == Version orelse
+ {3, 0} == Version) ->
+ do_split_bin(Rest, ChunkSize, [[FirstByte]]);
+split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize, _, _) ->
+ do_split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize, []).
+do_split_bin(<<>>, _, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+do_split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize, Acc) ->
+ case Bin of
+ <<Chunk:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
+ do_split_bin(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc, [Bin])
+ end.
+protocol_module({3, _}) ->
+ tls_record;
+protocol_module({254, _}) ->
+ dtls_record.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.hrl
index 34893ce699..c17fa53a62 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.hrl
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
exportable % boolean
+-define(INITIAL_BYTES, 5).
-define(MAX_SEQENCE_NUMBER, 18446744073709552000). %% math:pow(2, 64) - 1 = 1.8446744073709552e19
%% Sequence numbers can not wrap so when max is about to be reached we should renegotiate.
%% We will renegotiate a little before so that there will be sequence numbers left
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
index 37e22015bf..5618837506 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ abbreviated(#finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
get_current_connection_state_prf(ConnectionStates0, write),
MasterSecret, Handshake) of
verified ->
- ConnectionStates = tls_record:set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates0),
+ ConnectionStates = ssl_record:set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates0),
ack_connection(State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates}));
#alert{} = Alert ->
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ abbreviated(#finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
get_pending_connection_state_prf(ConnectionStates0, write),
MasterSecret, Handshake0) of
verified ->
- ConnectionStates1 = tls_record:set_server_verify_data(current_read, Data, ConnectionStates0),
+ ConnectionStates1 = ssl_record:set_server_verify_data(current_read, Data, ConnectionStates0),
{ConnectionStates, Handshake} =
finalize_handshake(State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates1}, abbreviated),
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ handle_sync_event({prf, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength}, _, StateName,
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
ConnectionState =
- tls_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{master_secret = MasterSecret,
client_random = ClientRandom,
@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
Algo == dh_anon ->
DHKeys = public_key:generate_key(Params),
ConnectionState =
- tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
ECDHKeys = public_key:generate_key(select_curve(State)),
ConnectionState =
- tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = psk,
transport_cb = Transport
} = State) ->
ConnectionState =
- tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
@@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = dhe_psk,
} = State) ->
DHKeys = public_key:generate_key(Params),
ConnectionState =
- tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
@@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = rsa_psk,
transport_cb = Transport
} = State) ->
ConnectionState =
- tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
@@ -1775,7 +1775,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
ConnectionState =
- tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
@@ -1943,7 +1943,7 @@ request_client_cert(#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_peer},
transport_cb = Transport} = State) ->
#connection_state{security_parameters =
#security_parameters{cipher_suite = CipherSuite}} =
- tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
Msg = ssl_handshake:certificate_request(CipherSuite, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, Version),
{BinMsg, ConnectionStates, Handshake} =
@@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@ finalize_handshake(State, StateName) ->
ConnectionStates0 = cipher_protocol(State),
ConnectionStates =
- tls_record:activate_pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0,
+ ssl_record:activate_pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0,
State1 = State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates},
@@ -2010,13 +2010,13 @@ finished(#state{role = Role, socket = Socket, negotiated_version = Version,
{ConnectionStates, Handshake}.
save_verify_data(client, #finished{verify_data = Data}, ConnectionStates, certify) ->
- tls_record:set_client_verify_data(current_write, Data, ConnectionStates);
+ ssl_record:set_client_verify_data(current_write, Data, ConnectionStates);
save_verify_data(server, #finished{verify_data = Data}, ConnectionStates, cipher) ->
- tls_record:set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates);
+ ssl_record:set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates);
save_verify_data(client, #finished{verify_data = Data}, ConnectionStates, abbreviated) ->
- tls_record:set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates);
+ ssl_record:set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates);
save_verify_data(server, #finished{verify_data = Data}, ConnectionStates, abbreviated) ->
- tls_record:set_server_verify_data(current_write, Data, ConnectionStates).
+ ssl_record:set_server_verify_data(current_write, Data, ConnectionStates).
handle_server_key(#server_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys},
#state{key_algorithm = KeyAlg,
@@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ verify_server_key(#server_key_params{params = Params,
public_key_info = PubKeyInfo,
connection_states = ConnectionStates} = State) ->
ConnectionState =
- tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
@@ -2237,12 +2237,12 @@ client_srp_master_secret(Generator, Prime, Salt, ServerPub, ClientKeys,
cipher_role(client, Data, Session, #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State) ->
- ConnectionStates = tls_record:set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates0),
+ ConnectionStates = ssl_record:set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates0),
next_state_connection(cipher, ack_connection(State#state{session = Session,
connection_states = ConnectionStates}));
cipher_role(server, Data, Session, #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State) ->
- ConnectionStates1 = tls_record:set_client_verify_data(current_read, Data, ConnectionStates0),
+ ConnectionStates1 = ssl_record:set_client_verify_data(current_read, Data, ConnectionStates0),
{ConnectionStates, Handshake} =
finalize_handshake(State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates1,
session = Session}, cipher),
@@ -2252,16 +2252,16 @@ cipher_role(server, Data, Session, #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0
tls_handshake_history =
encode_alert(#alert{} = Alert, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
- tls_record:encode_alert_record(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates).
+ ssl_record:encode_alert_record(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates).
encode_change_cipher(#change_cipher_spec{}, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
- tls_record:encode_change_cipher_spec(Version, ConnectionStates).
+ ssl_record:encode_change_cipher_spec(Version, ConnectionStates).
encode_handshake(HandshakeRec, Version, ConnectionStates0, Handshake0) ->
Frag = tls_handshake:encode_handshake(HandshakeRec, Version),
Handshake1 = tls_handshake:update_handshake_history(Handshake0, Frag),
{E, ConnectionStates1} =
- tls_record:encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates0),
+ ssl_record:encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates0),
{E, ConnectionStates1, Handshake1}.
encode_packet(Data, #socket_options{packet=Packet}) ->
@@ -2356,7 +2356,7 @@ write_application_data(Data0, From, #state{socket = Socket,
renegotiate(State#state{send_queue = queue:in_r({From, Data}, SendQueue),
renegotiation = {true, internal}});
false ->
- {Msgs, ConnectionStates} = tls_record:encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates0),
+ {Msgs, ConnectionStates} = ssl_record:encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates0),
Result = Transport:send(Socket, Msgs),
{reply, Result,
connection, State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates}, get_timeout(State)}
@@ -2561,7 +2561,7 @@ next_state(Current, Next, #ssl_tls{type = ?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, fragment = <<1>>}
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State0) ->
ConnectionStates1 =
- tls_record:activate_pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
+ ssl_record:activate_pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
{Record, State} = next_record(State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates1}),
next_state(Current, Next, Record, State);
next_state(Current, Next, #ssl_tls{type = _Unknown}, State0) ->
@@ -2613,7 +2613,7 @@ next_state_connection(StateName, #state{send_queue = Queue0,
case queue:out(Queue0) of
{{value, {From, Data}}, Queue} ->
{Msgs, ConnectionStates} =
- tls_record:encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates0),
+ ssl_record:encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates0),
Result = Transport:send(Socket, Msgs),
gen_fsm:reply(From, Result),
@@ -2658,7 +2658,7 @@ invalidate_session(server, _, Port, Session) ->
initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {SSLOptions, SocketOptions}, User,
{CbModule, DataTag, CloseTag, ErrorTag}) ->
- ConnectionStates = tls_record:init_connection_states(Role),
+ ConnectionStates = ssl_record:init_connection_states(Role),
SessionCacheCb = case application:get_env(ssl, session_cb) of
{ok, Cb} when is_atom(Cb) ->
@@ -2924,7 +2924,7 @@ renegotiate(#state{role = server,
Frag = tls_handshake:encode_handshake(HelloRequest, Version),
Hs0 = tls_handshake:init_handshake_history(),
{BinMsg, ConnectionStates} =
- tls_record:encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates0),
+ ssl_record:encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates0),
Transport:send(Socket, BinMsg),
{Record, State} = next_record(State0#state{connection_states =
@@ -2999,10 +2999,10 @@ handle_trusted_certs_db(#state{cert_db_ref = Ref,
get_current_connection_state_prf(CStates, Direction) ->
- CS = tls_record:current_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
+ CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
get_pending_connection_state_prf(CStates, Direction) ->
- CS = tls_record:pending_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
+ CS = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
start_or_recv_cancel_timer(infinity, _RecvFrom) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
index 0f1d544821..02bfa69fc5 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates,
} = SslOpts,
Cache, CacheCb, Renegotiation, OwnCert) ->
Version = tls_record:highest_protocol_version(Versions),
- Pending = tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ Pending = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
CipherSuites = ssl_handshake:available_suites(UserSuites, Version),
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates,
#client_hello{session_id = Id,
client_version = Version,
cipher_suites = ssl_handshake:cipher_suites(CipherSuites, Renegotiation),
- compression_methods = tls_record:compressions(),
+ compression_methods = ssl_record:compressions(),
random = SecParams#security_parameters.client_random,
extensions = Extensions
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates,
%% Description: Creates a server hello message.
server_hello(SessionId, Version, ConnectionStates, Extensions) ->
- Pending = tls_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ Pending = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
#server_hello{server_version = Version,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
index 9ab512f334..54cf8d0b80 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
-%% Purpose: Help functions for handling the SSL-Record protocol
+%% Purpose: Handle TLS/SSL record protocol. (Parts that are not shared with DTLS)
@@ -31,282 +30,27 @@
-%% Connection state handling
- current_connection_state/2, pending_connection_state/2,
- update_security_params/3,
- set_mac_secret/4,
- set_master_secret/2,
- activate_pending_connection_state/2,
- set_pending_cipher_state/4,
- set_renegotiation_flag/2,
- set_client_verify_data/3,
- set_server_verify_data/3]).
%% Handling of incoming data
-%% Encoding records
--export([encode_handshake/3, encode_alert_record/3,
- encode_change_cipher_spec/2, encode_data/3]).
%% Decoding
-%% Misc.
+%% Encoding
+%% Protocol version handling
-export([protocol_version/1, lowest_protocol_version/2,
highest_protocol_version/1, supported_protocol_versions/0,
is_acceptable_version/1, is_acceptable_version/2]).
--define(INITIAL_BYTES, 5).
%% Internal application API
--spec init_connection_states(client | server) -> #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Creates a connection_states record with appropriate
-%% values for the initial SSL connection setup.
-init_connection_states(Role) ->
- ConnectionEnd = record_protocol_role(Role),
- Current = initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
- Pending = ssl_record:empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
- #connection_states{current_read = Current,
- pending_read = Pending,
- current_write = Current,
- pending_write = Pending
- }.
--spec current_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
- #connection_state{}.
-%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
-%% that is currently defined as the current conection state.
-current_connection_state(#connection_states{current_read = Current},
- read) ->
- Current;
-current_connection_state(#connection_states{current_write = Current},
- write) ->
- Current.
--spec pending_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
- #connection_state{}.
-%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
-%% that is currently defined as the pending conection state.
-pending_connection_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Pending},
- read) ->
- Pending;
-pending_connection_state(#connection_states{pending_write = Pending},
- write) ->
- Pending.
--spec update_security_params(#security_parameters{}, #security_parameters{},
- #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Creates a new instance of the connection_states record
-%% where the pending states gets its security parameters updated.
-update_security_params(ReadParams, WriteParams, States =
- #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write}) ->
- States#connection_states{pending_read =
- Read#connection_state{security_parameters =
- ReadParams},
- pending_write =
- Write#connection_state{security_parameters =
- WriteParams}
- }.
--spec set_mac_secret(binary(), binary(), client | server,
- #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: update the mac_secret field in pending connection states
-set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, client, States) ->
- set_mac_secret(ServerWriteMacSecret, ClientWriteMacSecret, States);
-set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, server, States) ->
- set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, States).
-set_mac_secret(ReadMacSecret, WriteMacSecret,
- States = #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write}) ->
- States#connection_states{
- pending_read = Read#connection_state{mac_secret = ReadMacSecret},
- pending_write = Write#connection_state{mac_secret = WriteMacSecret}
- }.
--spec set_master_secret(binary(), #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Set master_secret in pending connection states
- States = #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write}) ->
- ReadSecPar = Read#connection_state.security_parameters,
- Read1 = Read#connection_state{
- security_parameters = ReadSecPar#security_parameters{
- master_secret = MasterSecret}},
- WriteSecPar = Write#connection_state.security_parameters,
- Write1 = Write#connection_state{
- security_parameters = WriteSecPar#security_parameters{
- master_secret = MasterSecret}},
- States#connection_states{pending_read = Read1, pending_write = Write1}.
--spec set_renegotiation_flag(boolean(), #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Set secure_renegotiation in pending connection states
-set_renegotiation_flag(Flag, #connection_states{
- current_read = CurrentRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0,
- pending_read = PendingRead0,
- pending_write = PendingWrite0}
- = ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
- PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
- PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite,
- pending_read = PendingRead,
- pending_write = PendingWrite}.
--spec set_client_verify_data(current_read | current_write | current_both,
- binary(), #connection_states{})->
- #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Set verify data in connection states.
-set_client_verify_data(current_read, Data,
- #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
- pending_write = PendingWrite0}
- = ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- pending_write = PendingWrite};
-set_client_verify_data(current_write, Data,
- #connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0}
- = ConnectionStates) ->
- PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite};
-set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data,
- #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0}
- = ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite}.
--spec set_server_verify_data(current_read | current_write | current_both,
- binary(), #connection_states{})->
- #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Set verify data in pending connection states.
-set_server_verify_data(current_write, Data,
- #connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0}
- = ConnectionStates) ->
- PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite};
-set_server_verify_data(current_read, Data,
- #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
- pending_write = PendingWrite0}
- = ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- pending_write = PendingWrite};
-set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data,
- #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0}
- = ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite}.
--spec activate_pending_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
- #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Creates a new instance of the connection_states record
-%% where the pending state of <Type> has been activated.
-activate_pending_connection_state(States =
- #connection_states{pending_read = Pending},
- read) ->
- NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{sequence_number = 0},
- SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
- ConnectionEnd = SecParams#security_parameters.connection_end,
- EmptyPending = ssl_record:empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
- SecureRenegotation = NewCurrent#connection_state.secure_renegotiation,
- NewPending = EmptyPending#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = SecureRenegotation},
- States#connection_states{current_read = NewCurrent,
- pending_read = NewPending
- };
-activate_pending_connection_state(States =
- #connection_states{pending_write = Pending},
- write) ->
- NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{sequence_number = 0},
- SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
- ConnectionEnd = SecParams#security_parameters.connection_end,
- EmptyPending = ssl_record:empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd),
- SecureRenegotation = NewCurrent#connection_state.secure_renegotiation,
- NewPending = EmptyPending#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = SecureRenegotation},
- States#connection_states{current_write = NewCurrent,
- pending_write = NewPending
- }.
--spec set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{}, #cipher_state{},
- #cipher_state{}, client | server) ->
- #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Set the cipher state in the specified pending connection state.
-set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write} = States,
- ClientState, ServerState, server) ->
- States#connection_states{
- pending_read = Read#connection_state{cipher_state = ClientState},
- pending_write = Write#connection_state{cipher_state = ServerState}};
-set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write} = States,
- ClientState, ServerState, client) ->
- States#connection_states{
- pending_read = Read#connection_state{cipher_state = ServerState},
- pending_write = Write#connection_state{cipher_state = ClientState}}.
-spec get_tls_records(binary(), binary()) -> {[binary()], binary()} | #alert{}.
%% Description: Given old buffer and new data from TCP, packs up a records
@@ -376,6 +120,43 @@ get_tls_records_aux(Data, Acc) ->
false ->
+encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data, ConnectionStates) ->
+ #connection_states{current_write=#connection_state{
+ compression_state=CompS0,
+ security_parameters=
+ #security_parameters{compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
+ }=CS0} = ConnectionStates,
+ {Comp, CompS1} = ssl_record:compress(CompAlg, Data, CompS0),
+ CS1 = CS0#connection_state{compression_state = CompS1},
+ {CipherFragment, CS2} = cipher(Type, Version, Comp, CS1),
+ CTBin = encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, Version, CipherFragment),
+ {CTBin, ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_write = CS2}}.
+-spec decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{}, #connection_states{}) ->
+ {#ssl_tls{}, #connection_states{}}| #alert{}.
+%% Description: Decode cipher text
+decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type, version = Version,
+ fragment = CipherFragment} = CipherText, ConnnectionStates0) ->
+ ReadState0 = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states.current_read,
+ #connection_state{compression_state = CompressionS0,
+ security_parameters = SecParams} = ReadState0,
+ CompressAlg = SecParams#security_parameters.compression_algorithm,
+ case decipher(Type, Version, CipherFragment, ReadState0) of
+ {PlainFragment, ReadState1} ->
+ {Plain, CompressionS1} = ssl_record:uncompress(CompressAlg,
+ PlainFragment, CompressionS0),
+ ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states{
+ current_read = ReadState1#connection_state{
+ compression_state = CompressionS1}},
+ {CipherText#ssl_tls{fragment = Plain}, ConnnectionStates};
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ Alert
+ end.
-spec protocol_version(tls_atom_version() | tls_version()) ->
tls_version() | tls_atom_version().
@@ -493,168 +274,39 @@ is_acceptable_version(_,_) ->
--spec compressions() -> [binary()].
-%% Description: return a list of compressions supported (currently none)
-compressions() ->
- [?byte(?NULL)].
--spec decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{}, #connection_states{}) ->
- {#ssl_tls{}, #connection_states{}}| #alert{}.
-%% Description: Decode cipher text
-decode_cipher_text(CipherText, ConnnectionStates0) ->
- ReadState0 = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states.current_read,
- #connection_state{compression_state = CompressionS0,
- security_parameters = SecParams} = ReadState0,
- CompressAlg = SecParams#security_parameters.compression_algorithm,
- case decipher(CipherText, ReadState0) of
- {Compressed, ReadState1} ->
- {Plain, CompressionS1} = uncompress(CompressAlg,
- Compressed, CompressionS0),
- ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states{
- current_read = ReadState1#connection_state{
- compression_state = CompressionS1}},
- {Plain, ConnnectionStates};
- #alert{} = Alert ->
- Alert
- end.
--spec encode_data(binary(), tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
-%% Description: Encodes data to send on the ssl-socket.
-encode_data(Frag, Version,
- #connection_states{current_write = #connection_state{
- security_parameters =
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm = BCA}}} =
- ConnectionStates) ->
- Data = split_bin(Frag, ?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH, Version, BCA),
- encode_iolist(?APPLICATION_DATA, Data, Version, ConnectionStates).
--spec encode_handshake(iolist(), tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
-%% Description: Encodes a handshake message to send on the ssl-socket.
-encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
- encode_plain_text(?HANDSHAKE, Version, Frag, ConnectionStates).
--spec encode_alert_record(#alert{}, tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
-%% Description: Encodes an alert message to send on the ssl-socket.
-encode_alert_record(#alert{level = Level, description = Description},
- Version, ConnectionStates) ->
- encode_plain_text(?ALERT, Version, <<?BYTE(Level), ?BYTE(Description)>>,
- ConnectionStates).
--spec encode_change_cipher_spec(tls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
-%% Description: Encodes a change_cipher_spec-message to send on the ssl socket.
-encode_change_cipher_spec(Version, ConnectionStates) ->
- encode_plain_text(?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, Version, <<1:8>>, ConnectionStates).
%%% Internal functions
-encode_iolist(Type, Data, Version, ConnectionStates0) ->
- {ConnectionStates, EncodedMsg} =
- lists:foldl(fun(Text, {CS0, Encoded}) ->
- {Enc, CS1} = encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Text, CS0),
- {CS1, [Enc | Encoded]}
- end, {ConnectionStates0, []}, Data),
- {lists:reverse(EncodedMsg), ConnectionStates}.
-highest_protocol_version() ->
- highest_protocol_version(supported_protocol_versions()).
-initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd) ->
- #connection_state{security_parameters =
- initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
- sequence_number = 0
- }.
-initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd) ->
- SecParams = #security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
- compression_algorithm = ?NULL},
- ssl_cipher:security_parameters(highest_protocol_version(), ?TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL,
- SecParams).
-record_protocol_role(client) ->
-record_protocol_role(server) ->
-%% 1/n-1 splitting countermeasure Rizzo/Duong-Beast, RC4 chiphers are not vulnerable to this attack.
-split_bin(<<FirstByte:8, Rest/binary>>, ChunkSize, Version, BCA) when BCA =/= ?RC4 andalso ({3, 1} == Version orelse
- {3, 0} == Version) ->
- do_split_bin(Rest, ChunkSize, [[FirstByte]]);
-split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize, _, _) ->
- do_split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize, []).
-do_split_bin(<<>>, _, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-do_split_bin(Bin, ChunkSize, Acc) ->
- case Bin of
- <<Chunk:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
- do_split_bin(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
- _ ->
- lists:reverse(Acc, [Bin])
- end.
-encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data, ConnectionStates) ->
- #connection_states{current_write=#connection_state{
- compression_state=CompS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- }=CS0} = ConnectionStates,
- {Comp, CompS1} = compress(CompAlg, Data, CompS0),
- CS1 = CS0#connection_state{compression_state = CompS1},
- {CipherText, CS2} = cipher(Type, Version, Comp, CS1),
- CTBin = encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, Version, CipherText),
- {CTBin, ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_write = CS2}}.
encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, {MajVer, MinVer}, Fragment) ->
Length = erlang:iolist_size(Fragment),
[<<?BYTE(Type), ?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer), ?UINT16(Length)>>, Fragment].
-cipher(Type, Version, Fragment, CS0) ->
- Length = erlang:iolist_size(Fragment),
- {MacHash, CS1=#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
+cipher(Type, Version, Fragment,
+ #connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS0,
+ sequence_number = SeqNo,
+ security_parameters=
+ #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
- }} =
- hash_and_bump_seqno(CS0, Type, Version, Length, Fragment),
- {Ciphered, CipherS1} = ssl_cipher:cipher(BCA, CipherS0, MacHash, Fragment, Version),
- CS2 = CS1#connection_state{cipher_state=CipherS1},
- {Ciphered, CS2}.
-decipher(TLS=#ssl_tls{type=Type, version=Version, fragment=Fragment}, CS0) ->
- SP = CS0#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ } = WriteState0) ->
+ MacHash = calc_mac_hash(Type, Version, Fragment, WriteState0),
+ {CipherFragment, CipherS1} =
+ ssl_cipher:cipher(BCA, CipherS0, MacHash, Fragment, Version),
+ WriteState = WriteState0#connection_state{cipher_state=CipherS1},
+ {CipherFragment, WriteState#connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo+1}}.
+decipher(Type, Version, CipherFragment,
+ #connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo} = ReadState) ->
+ SP = ReadState#connection_state.security_parameters,
BCA = SP#security_parameters.bulk_cipher_algorithm,
HashSz = SP#security_parameters.hash_size,
- CipherS0 = CS0#connection_state.cipher_state,
- case ssl_cipher:decipher(BCA, HashSz, CipherS0, Fragment, Version) of
- {T, Mac, CipherS1} ->
- CS1 = CS0#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS1},
- TLength = size(T),
- {MacHash, CS2} = hash_and_bump_seqno(CS1, Type, Version, TLength, T),
+ CipherS0 = ReadState#connection_state.cipher_state,
+ case ssl_cipher:decipher(BCA, HashSz, CipherS0, CipherFragment, Version) of
+ {PlainFragment, Mac, CipherS1} ->
+ CS1 = ReadState#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS1},
+ MacHash = calc_mac_hash(Type, Version, PlainFragment, ReadState),
case ssl_record:is_correct_mac(Mac, MacHash) of
- true ->
- {TLS#ssl_tls{fragment = T}, CS2};
+ true ->
+ {PlainFragment,
+ CS1#connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo+1}};
false ->
@@ -662,26 +314,6 @@ decipher(TLS=#ssl_tls{type=Type, version=Version, fragment=Fragment}, CS0) ->
-uncompress(?NULL, Data = #ssl_tls{type = _Type,
- version = _Version,
- fragment = _Fragment}, CS) ->
- {Data, CS}.
-compress(?NULL, Data, CS) ->
- {Data, CS}.
-hash_and_bump_seqno(#connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo,
- mac_secret = MacSecret,
- security_parameters =
- SecPars} = CS0,
- Type, Version, Length, Fragment) ->
- Hash = mac_hash(Version,
- SecPars#security_parameters.mac_algorithm,
- MacSecret, SeqNo, Type,
- Length, Fragment),
- {Hash, CS0#connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo+1}}.
mac_hash({_,_}, ?NULL, _MacSecret, _SeqNo, _Type,
_Length, _Fragment) ->
@@ -692,6 +324,19 @@ mac_hash({3, N} = Version, MacAlg, MacSecret, SeqNo, Type, Length, Fragment)
tls_v1:mac_hash(MacAlg, MacSecret, SeqNo, Type, Version,
Length, Fragment).
+highest_protocol_version() ->
+ highest_protocol_version(supported_protocol_versions()).
sufficient_tlsv1_2_crypto_support() ->
CryptoSupport = crypto:supports(),
proplists:get_bool(sha256, proplists:get_value(hashs, CryptoSupport)).
+calc_mac_hash(Type, Version,
+ PlainFragment, #connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo,
+ mac_secret = MacSecret,
+ security_parameters =
+ SecPars}) ->
+ Length = erlang:iolist_size(PlainFragment),
+ mac_hash(Version, SecPars#security_parameters.mac_algorithm,
+ MacSecret, SeqNo, Type,
+ Length, PlainFragment).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.hrl
index 0be1e35458..30d7343074 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.hrl
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
-define(tls_record, true).
-include("ssl_record.hrl"). %% Common TLS and DTLS records and Constantes
-%% Used to handle tls_plain_text, tls_compressed and tls_cipher_text
+%% Used to handle tls_plain_text, tls_compressed and tls_cipher_text
-record(ssl_tls, {