path: root/lib/ssl/src
diff options
authorPéter Dimitrov <[email protected]>2019-04-11 10:38:36 +0200
committerPéter Dimitrov <[email protected]>2019-04-11 10:38:36 +0200
commitc7feac7941f4b9e345ef13feefa25e02efa95738 (patch)
tree111cc0ab3d6dc5c3ccc366adf5391176dba01bb3 /lib/ssl/src
parent7a74facb954e1bcf324e234906988d3517e637fb (diff)
parentce59dff38b13bd82d830a763bbc2f8d940ba2384 (diff)
Merge branch 'peterdmv/ssl/dtls-improvements'
* peterdmv/ssl/dtls-improvements: ssl: Fix ssl:getstat/2 ssl: Implement {active,N} for DTLS ssl: Fix function merge_fragments/2 ssl: Remove excessive calls to next_record/1 Change-Id: I5c5fb3227a96636f0e93a1818223678d3efdbaff
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src')
5 files changed, 179 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
index 7993be8a74..13fc0b25e7 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
%% Setup
start_fsm(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {#ssl_options{erl_dist = false},_, Tracker} = Opts,
- User, {CbModule, _,_, _} = CbInfo,
+ User, {CbModule, _, _, _, _} = CbInfo,
Timeout) ->
{ok, Pid} = dtls_connection_sup:start_child([Role, Host, Port, Socket,
@@ -147,13 +147,16 @@ next_record(#state{static_env = #static_env{role = server,
socket = {Listener, {Client, _}}}} = State) ->
dtls_packet_demux:active_once(Listener, Client, self()),
{no_record, State};
-next_record(#state{static_env = #static_env{role = client,
+next_record(#state{protocol_specific = #{active_n_toggle := true,
+ active_n := N} = ProtocolSpec,
+ static_env = #static_env{role = client,
socket = {_Server, Socket} = DTLSSocket,
close_tag = CloseTag,
transport_cb = Transport}} = State) ->
- case dtls_socket:setopts(Transport, Socket, [{active,once}]) of
+ case dtls_socket:setopts(Transport, Socket, [{active,N}]) of
ok ->
- {no_record, State};
+ {no_record, State#state{protocol_specific =
+ ProtocolSpec#{active_n_toggle => false}}};
_ ->
self() ! {CloseTag, DTLSSocket},
{no_record, State}
@@ -291,9 +294,10 @@ handle_protocol_record(#ssl_tls{type = _Unknown}, StateName, State) ->
%% Handshake handling
-renegotiate(#state{static_env = #static_env{role = client}} = State, Actions) ->
+renegotiate(#state{static_env = #static_env{role = client}} = State0, Actions) ->
%% Handle same way as if server requested
%% the renegotiation
+ State = reinit_handshake_data(State0),
{next_state, connection, State,
[{next_event, internal, #hello_request{}} | Actions]};
@@ -451,8 +455,7 @@ init({call, From}, {start, Timeout},
session =
Session0#session{session_id = Hello#client_hello.session_id},
start_or_recv_from = From},
- {Record, State} = next_record(State3),
- next_event(hello, Record, State, [{{timeout, handshake}, Timeout, close} | Actions]);
+ next_event(hello, no_record, State3, [{{timeout, handshake}, Timeout, close} | Actions]);
init({call, _} = Type, Event, #state{static_env = #static_env{role = server},
protocol_specific = PS} = State) ->
Result = gen_handshake(?FUNCTION_NAME, Type, Event,
@@ -510,9 +513,8 @@ hello(internal, #client_hello{cookie = <<>>,
%% negotiated.
VerifyRequest = dtls_handshake:hello_verify_request(Cookie, ?HELLO_VERIFY_REQUEST_VERSION),
State1 = prepare_flight(State0#state{connection_env = CEnv#connection_env{negotiated_version = Version}}),
- {State2, Actions} = send_handshake(VerifyRequest, State1),
- {Record, State} = next_record(State2),
- next_event(?FUNCTION_NAME, Record,
+ {State, Actions} = send_handshake(VerifyRequest, State1),
+ next_event(?FUNCTION_NAME, no_record,
State#state{handshake_env = HsEnv#handshake_env{
tls_handshake_history =
@@ -714,12 +716,10 @@ connection(internal, #hello_request{}, #state{static_env = #static_env{host = Ho
HelloVersion = dtls_record:hello_version(Version, SslOpts#ssl_options.versions),
State1 = prepare_flight(State0),
{State2, Actions} = send_handshake(Hello, State1#state{connection_env = CEnv#connection_env{negotiated_version = HelloVersion}}),
- {Record, State} =
- next_record(
- State2#state{protocol_specific = PS#{flight_state => initial_flight_state(DataTag)},
- session = Session0#session{session_id
- = Hello#client_hello.session_id}}),
- next_event(hello, Record, State, Actions);
+ State = State2#state{protocol_specific = PS#{flight_state => initial_flight_state(DataTag)},
+ session = Session0#session{session_id
+ = Hello#client_hello.session_id}},
+ next_event(hello, no_record, State, Actions);
connection(internal, #client_hello{} = Hello, #state{static_env = #static_env{role = server},
handshake_env = #handshake_env{allow_renegotiate = true} = HsEnv} = State) ->
%% Mitigate Computational DoS attack
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ format_status(Type, Data) ->
%%% Internal functions
initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {SSLOptions, SocketOptions, _}, User,
- {CbModule, DataTag, CloseTag, ErrorTag}) ->
+ {CbModule, DataTag, CloseTag, ErrorTag, PassiveTag}) ->
#ssl_options{beast_mitigation = BeastMitigation} = SSLOptions,
ConnectionStates = dtls_record:init_connection_states(Role, BeastMitigation),
@@ -785,7 +785,12 @@ initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {SSLOptions, SocketOptions, _}, User,
_ ->
+ InternalActiveN = case application:get_env(ssl, internal_active_n) of
+ {ok, N} when is_integer(N) ->
+ N;
+ _ ->
+ end,
Monitor = erlang:monitor(process, User),
InitStatEnv = #static_env{
role = Role,
@@ -794,6 +799,7 @@ initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {SSLOptions, SocketOptions, _}, User,
data_tag = DataTag,
close_tag = CloseTag,
error_tag = ErrorTag,
+ passive_tag = PassiveTag,
host = Host,
port = Port,
socket = Socket,
@@ -817,7 +823,9 @@ initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {SSLOptions, SocketOptions, _}, User,
user_data_buffer = {[],0,[]},
start_or_recv_from = undefined,
flight_buffer = new_flight(),
- protocol_specific = #{flight_state => initial_flight_state(DataTag)}
+ protocol_specific = #{active_n => InternalActiveN,
+ active_n_toggle => true,
+ flight_state => initial_flight_state(DataTag)}
@@ -914,12 +922,21 @@ handle_info({Protocol, _, _, _, Data}, StateName,
ssl_connection:handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State0),
{stop, {shutdown, own_alert}, State0}
+handle_info({PassiveTag, Socket}, StateName,
+ #state{static_env = #static_env{socket = Socket,
+ passive_tag = PassiveTag},
+ protocol_specific = PS} = State) ->
+ next_event(StateName, no_record,
+ State#state{protocol_specific = PS#{active_n_toggle => true}});
handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
#state{static_env = #static_env{socket = Socket,
close_tag = CloseTag},
connection_env = #connection_env{negotiated_version = Version},
socket_options = #socket_options{active = Active},
- protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{dtls_cipher_texts = CTs}} = State) ->
+ protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{dtls_cipher_texts = CTs},
+ protocol_specific = PS} = State) ->
%% Note that as of DTLS 1.2 (TLS 1.1),
%% failure to properly close a connection no longer requires that a
%% session not be resumed. This is a change from DTLS 1.0 to conform
@@ -942,7 +959,8 @@ handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
%% Fixes non-delivery of final DTLS record in {active, once}.
%% Basically allows the application the opportunity to set {active, once} again
%% and then receive the final message.
- next_event(StateName, no_record, State)
+ next_event(StateName, no_record, State#state{
+ protocol_specific = PS#{active_n_toggle => true}})
handle_info(new_cookie_secret, StateName,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
index 46e8348ce0..0a0c6f0c2e 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
@@ -427,74 +427,135 @@ merge_fragment(Frag0, [Frag1 | Rest]) ->
Frag ->
merge_fragment(Frag, Rest)
-%% Duplicate
+%% Duplicate (fully contained fragment)
+%% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P
+%% 2,5 _ _ C C C C C
- fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
+ fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
fragment_length = PreviousLen,
fragment = PreviousData
- } = Previous,
+ } = Previous,
fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
fragment_length = PreviousLen,
fragment = PreviousData}) ->
-%% Lager fragment save new data
+%% Duplicate (fully contained fragment)
+%% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P
+%% 2,2 _ _ C C
+%% 0,3 X X X
+%% 5,3 _ _ _ _ _ X X X
- fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
- fragment_length = PreviousLen,
+ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset,
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen
+ } = Previous,
+ #handshake_fragment{
+ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset,
+ fragment_length = CurrentLen})
+ when PreviousOffset =< CurrentOffset andalso
+ CurrentOffset =< PreviousOffset + PreviousLen andalso
+ CurrentOffset + CurrentLen =< PreviousOffset + PreviousLen ->
+ Previous;
+%% Fully overlapping fragments
+%% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P
+%% 0,8 C C C C C C C C
+ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset,
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen
+ },
+ #handshake_fragment{
+ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset,
+ fragment_length = CurrentLen} = Current)
+ when CurrentOffset =< PreviousOffset andalso
+ CurrentOffset + CurrentLen >= PreviousOffset + PreviousLen ->
+ Current;
+%% Overlapping fragments
+%% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P
+%% 0,3 C C C
+ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset,
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen,
fragment = PreviousData
- } = Previous,
- #handshake_fragment{
- fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
- fragment_length = CurrentLen,
- fragment = CurrentData}) when CurrentLen > PreviousLen ->
- NewLength = CurrentLen - PreviousLen,
- <<_:PreviousLen/binary, NewData/binary>> = CurrentData,
+ } = Previous,
+ #handshake_fragment{
+ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset,
+ fragment_length = CurrentLen,
+ fragment = CurrentData})
+ when CurrentOffset < PreviousOffset andalso
+ CurrentOffset + CurrentLen < PreviousOffset + PreviousLen ->
+ NewDataLen = PreviousOffset - CurrentOffset,
+ <<NewData:NewDataLen/binary, _/binary>> = CurrentData,
- fragment_length = PreviousLen + NewLength,
- fragment = <<PreviousData/binary, NewData/binary>>
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen + NewDataLen,
+ fragment = <<NewData/binary, PreviousData/binary>>
-%% Smaller fragment
+%% Overlapping fragments
+%% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P
+%% 5,3 _ _ _ _ _ C C C
- fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
- fragment_length = PreviousLen
- } = Previous,
- #handshake_fragment{
- fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
- fragment_length = CurrentLen}) when CurrentLen < PreviousLen ->
- Previous;
-%% Next fragment, might be overlapping
+ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset,
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen,
+ fragment = PreviousData
+ } = Previous,
+ #handshake_fragment{
+ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset,
+ fragment_length = CurrentLen,
+ fragment = CurrentData})
+ when CurrentOffset > PreviousOffset andalso
+ CurrentOffset < PreviousOffset + PreviousLen ->
+ NewDataLen = CurrentOffset + CurrentLen - (PreviousOffset + PreviousLen),
+ DropLen = CurrentLen - NewDataLen,
+ <<_:DropLen/binary, NewData/binary>> = CurrentData,
+ Previous#handshake_fragment{
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen + NewDataLen,
+ fragment = <<PreviousData/binary, NewData/binary>>
+ };
+%% Adjacent fragments
+%% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P
+%% 7,3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C C C
- fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
- fragment_length = PreviousLen,
+ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset,
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen,
fragment = PreviousData
- } = Previous,
- #handshake_fragment{
- fragment_offset = CurrentOffSet,
- fragment_length = CurrentLen,
- fragment = CurrentData})
- when PreviousOffSet + PreviousLen >= CurrentOffSet andalso
- PreviousOffSet + PreviousLen < CurrentOffSet + CurrentLen ->
- CurrentStart = PreviousOffSet + PreviousLen - CurrentOffSet,
- <<_:CurrentStart/bytes, Data/binary>> = CurrentData,
+ } = Previous,
+ #handshake_fragment{
+ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset,
+ fragment_length = CurrentLen,
+ fragment = CurrentData})
+ when CurrentOffset =:= PreviousOffset + PreviousLen ->
- fragment_length = PreviousLen + CurrentLen - CurrentStart,
- fragment = <<PreviousData/binary, Data/binary>>};
-%% already fully contained fragment
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen + CurrentLen,
+ fragment = <<PreviousData/binary, CurrentData/binary>>
+ };
+%% Adjacent fragments
+%% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P
+%% 0,2 C C
- fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet,
- fragment_length = PreviousLen
- } = Previous,
+ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset,
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen,
+ fragment = PreviousData
+ } = Previous,
- fragment_offset = CurrentOffSet,
- fragment_length = CurrentLen})
- when PreviousOffSet + PreviousLen >= CurrentOffSet andalso
- PreviousOffSet + PreviousLen >= CurrentOffSet + CurrentLen ->
- Previous;
+ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset,
+ fragment_length = CurrentLen,
+ fragment = CurrentData})
+ when PreviousOffset =:= CurrentOffset + CurrentLen ->
+ Previous#handshake_fragment{
+ fragment_length = PreviousLen + CurrentLen,
+ fragment = <<CurrentData/binary, PreviousData/binary>>
+ };
%% No merge there is a gap
+%% 3,5 _ _ _ P P P P
+%% 0,2 C C
merge_fragments(Previous, Current) ->
[Previous, Current].
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_packet_demux.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_packet_demux.erl
index 2e9184b7ac..c6431b55a9 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_packet_demux.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_packet_demux.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
- {port,
+ {active_n,
+ port,
@@ -76,10 +77,18 @@ set_sock_opts(PacketSocket, Opts) ->
%%% gen_server callbacks
-init([Port, {TransportModule, _,_,_} = TransportInfo, EmOpts, InetOptions, DTLSOptions]) ->
+init([Port, {TransportModule, _,_,_,_} = TransportInfo, EmOpts, InetOptions, DTLSOptions]) ->
{ok, Socket} = TransportModule:open(Port, InetOptions),
- {ok, #state{port = Port,
+ InternalActiveN = case application:get_env(ssl, internal_active_n) of
+ {ok, N} when is_integer(N) ->
+ N;
+ _ ->
+ end,
+ {ok, #state{active_n = InternalActiveN,
+ port = Port,
first = true,
transport = TransportInfo,
dtls_options = DTLSOptions,
@@ -92,10 +101,11 @@ init([Port, {TransportModule, _,_,_} = TransportInfo, EmOpts, InetOptions, DTLSO
handle_call({accept, _}, _, #state{close = true} = State) ->
{reply, {error, closed}, State};
-handle_call({accept, Accepter}, From, #state{first = true,
+handle_call({accept, Accepter}, From, #state{active_n = N,
+ first = true,
accepters = Accepters,
listener = Socket} = State0) ->
- next_datagram(Socket),
+ next_datagram(Socket, N),
State = State0#state{first = false,
accepters = queue:in({Accepter, From}, Accepters)},
{noreply, State};
@@ -137,19 +147,24 @@ handle_cast({active_once, Client, Pid}, State0) ->
State = handle_active_once(Client, Pid, State0),
{noreply, State}.
-handle_info({Transport, Socket, IP, InPortNo, _} = Msg, #state{listener = Socket, transport = {_,Transport,_,_}} = State0) ->
+handle_info({Transport, Socket, IP, InPortNo, _} = Msg, #state{listener = Socket, transport = {_,Transport,_,_,_}} = State0) ->
State = handle_datagram({IP, InPortNo}, Msg, State0),
- next_datagram(Socket),
{noreply, State};
+handle_info({PassiveTag, Socket},
+ #state{active_n = N,
+ listener = Socket,
+ transport = {_,_,_, udp_error, PassiveTag}}) ->
+ next_datagram(Socket, N);
%% UDP socket does not have a connection and should not receive an econnreset
%% This does however happens on some windows versions. Just ignoring it
%% appears to make things work as expected!
-handle_info({udp_error, Socket, econnreset = Error}, #state{listener = Socket, transport = {_,_,_, udp_error}} = State) ->
+handle_info({udp_error, Socket, econnreset = Error}, #state{listener = Socket, transport = {_,_,_, udp_error,_}} = State) ->
Report = io_lib:format("Ignore SSL UDP Listener: Socket error: ~p ~n", [Error]),
{noreply, State};
-handle_info({ErrorTag, Socket, Error}, #state{listener = Socket, transport = {_,_,_, ErrorTag}} = State) ->
+handle_info({ErrorTag, Socket, Error}, #state{listener = Socket, transport = {_,_,_, ErrorTag,_}} = State) ->
Report = io_lib:format("SSL Packet muliplxer shutdown: Socket error: ~p ~n", [Error]),
{noreply, State#state{close=true}};
@@ -211,8 +226,8 @@ dispatch(Client, Msg, #state{dtls_msq_queues = MsgQueues} = State) ->
kv_update(Client, queue:in(Msg, Queue), MsgQueues)}
-next_datagram(Socket) ->
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]).
+next_datagram(Socket, N) ->
+ inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, N}]).
handle_active_once(Client, Pid, #state{dtls_msq_queues = MsgQueues} = State0) ->
Queue0 = kv_get(Client, MsgQueues),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_socket.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_socket.erl
index 4d07372e31..b305d08f70 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_socket.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_socket.erl
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ listen(Port, #config{transport_info = TransportInfo,
-accept(dtls, #config{transport_info = {Transport,_,_,_},
+accept(dtls, #config{transport_info = {Transport,_,_,_,_},
connection_cb = ConnectionCb,
dtls_handler = {Listner, _}}, _Timeout) ->
case dtls_packet_demux:accept(Listner, self()) of
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ accept(dtls, #config{transport_info = {Transport,_,_,_},
{error, Reason}
-connect(Address, Port, #config{transport_info = {Transport, _, _, _} = CbInfo,
+connect(Address, Port, #config{transport_info = {Transport, _, _, _, _} = CbInfo,
connection_cb = ConnectionCb,
ssl = SslOpts,
emulated = EmOpts,
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ default_inet_values() ->
[{active, true}, {mode, list}, {packet, 0}, {packet_size, 0}].
default_cb_info() ->
- {gen_udp, udp, udp_closed, udp_error}.
+ {gen_udp, udp, udp_closed, udp_error, udp_passive}.
get_emulated_opts(EmOpts, EmOptNames) ->
lists:map(fun(Name) -> {value, Value} = lists:keysearch(Name, 1, EmOpts),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index 8807c575b1..5da924ef16 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ groups(default) ->
getopts(#sslsocket{pid = [Pid|_]}, OptionTags) when is_pid(Pid), is_list(OptionTags) ->
ssl_connection:get_opts(Pid, OptionTags);
-getopts(#sslsocket{pid = {dtls, #config{transport_info = {Transport,_,_,_}}}} = ListenSocket, OptionTags) when is_list(OptionTags) ->
+getopts(#sslsocket{pid = {dtls, #config{transport_info = {Transport,_,_,_,_}}}} = ListenSocket, OptionTags) when is_list(OptionTags) ->
try dtls_socket:getopts(Transport, ListenSocket, OptionTags) of
{ok, _} = Result ->
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ setopts(#sslsocket{pid = [Pid|_]}, Options0) when is_pid(Pid), is_list(Options0)
_:_ ->
{error, {options, {not_a_proplist, Options0}}}
-setopts(#sslsocket{pid = {dtls, #config{transport_info = {Transport,_,_,_}}}} = ListenSocket, Options) when is_list(Options) ->
+setopts(#sslsocket{pid = {dtls, #config{transport_info = {Transport,_,_,_,_}}}} = ListenSocket, Options) when is_list(Options) ->
try dtls_socket:setopts(Transport, ListenSocket, Options) of
ok ->
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ getstat(Socket) ->
%% Description: Get one or more statistic options for a socket.
-getstat(#sslsocket{pid = {Listen, #config{transport_info = {Transport, _, _, _}}}}, Options) when is_port(Listen), is_list(Options) ->
+getstat(#sslsocket{pid = {Listen, #config{transport_info = {Transport, _, _, _, _}}}}, Options) when is_port(Listen), is_list(Options) ->
tls_socket:getstat(Transport, Listen, Options);
getstat(#sslsocket{pid = [Pid|_], fd = {Transport, Socket, _, _}}, Options) when is_pid(Pid), is_list(Options) ->
@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ default_option_role(_,_,_) ->
default_cb_info(tls) ->
{gen_tcp, tcp, tcp_closed, tcp_error, tcp_passive};
default_cb_info(dtls) ->
- {gen_udp, udp, udp_closed, udp_error}.
+ {gen_udp, udp, udp_closed, udp_error, udp_passive}.
include_security_info([]) ->