path: root/lib/ssl
diff options
authorRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2019-01-31 10:48:53 +0100
committerRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2019-02-13 14:03:18 +0100
commit16cd5922faded9eb25a468a495712b3845bfba35 (patch)
tree4378a9db39913045f7521e1cc8bdfe18c5d1bea5 /lib/ssl
parent3b31ab5eae6a15f4361098bac20e94e2c018066e (diff)
Optimize application data aggregation
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
index dfae13f6d7..35bd23a894 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2019. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -149,18 +149,10 @@ next_record(#state{handshake_env =
{no_record, State#state{handshake_env =
HsEnv#handshake_env{unprocessed_handshake_events = N-1}}};
next_record(#state{protocol_buffers =
- #protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = [#ssl_tls{type = Type}| _] = CipherTexts0}
- = Buffers,
- connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
+ #protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = [_|_] = CipherTexts},
+ connection_states = ConnectionStates,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{padding_check = Check}} = State) ->
- case decode_cipher_texts(Type, CipherTexts0, ConnectionStates0, Check, <<>>) of
- {#ssl_tls{} = Record, ConnectionStates, CipherTexts} ->
- {Record, State#state{protocol_buffers = Buffers#protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = CipherTexts},
- connection_states = ConnectionStates}};
- {#alert{} = Alert, ConnectionStates, CipherTexts} ->
- {Alert, State#state{protocol_buffers = Buffers#protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = CipherTexts},
- connection_states = ConnectionStates}}
- end;
+ next_record(State, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, Check);
next_record(#state{protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = []},
protocol_specific = #{active_n_toggle := true, active_n := N} = ProtocolSpec,
static_env = #static_env{socket = Socket,
@@ -177,6 +169,37 @@ next_record(#state{protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = []},
next_record(State) ->
{no_record, State}.
+%% Decipher next record and concatenate consecutive ?APPLICATION_DATA records into one
+next_record(State, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, Check) ->
+ next_record(State, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, Check, []).
+next_record(State, [#ssl_tls{type = ?APPLICATION_DATA} = CT|CipherTexts], ConnectionStates0, Check, Acc) ->
+ case tls_record:decode_cipher_text(CT, ConnectionStates0, Check) of
+ {#ssl_tls{fragment = Fragment}, ConnectionStates} ->
+ next_record(State, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, Check, [Fragment|Acc]);
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ Alert
+ end;
+next_record(State, [CT|CipherTexts], ConnectionStates0, Check, []) ->
+ case tls_record:decode_cipher_text(CT, ConnectionStates0, Check) of
+ {Record, ConnectionStates} ->
+ next_record_done(State, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, Record);
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ Alert
+ end;
+next_record(State, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, _Check, Acc) ->
+ %% Not ?APPLICATION_DATA but we have a nonempty Acc
+ %% -> build an ?APPLICATION_DATA record with the accumulated fragments
+ next_record_done(State, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates,
+ #ssl_tls{type = ?APPLICATION_DATA, fragment = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc))}).
+next_record_done(#state{protocol_buffers = Buffers} = State, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, Record) ->
+ {Record,
+ State#state{protocol_buffers = Buffers#protocol_buffers{tls_cipher_texts = CipherTexts},
+ connection_states = ConnectionStates}}.
next_event(StateName, Record, State) ->
next_event(StateName, Record, State, []).
next_event(StateName, no_record, State0, Actions) ->
@@ -198,21 +221,6 @@ next_event(StateName, Record, State, Actions) ->
{next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, Alert} | Actions]}
-decode_cipher_texts(Type, [] = CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, _, Acc) ->
- {#ssl_tls{type = Type, fragment = Acc}, ConnectionStates, CipherTexts};
- [#ssl_tls{type = Type} = CT | CipherTexts], ConnectionStates0, Check, Acc) ->
- case tls_record:decode_cipher_text(CT, ConnectionStates0, Check) of
- {#ssl_tls{type = ?APPLICATION_DATA, fragment = Plain}, ConnectionStates} ->
- decode_cipher_texts(Type, CipherTexts,
- ConnectionStates, Check, <<Acc/binary, Plain/binary>>);
- {#ssl_tls{type = Type, fragment = Plain}, ConnectionStates} ->
- {#ssl_tls{type = Type, fragment = Plain}, ConnectionStates, CipherTexts};
- #alert{} = Alert ->
- {Alert, ConnectionStates0, CipherTexts}
- end;
-decode_cipher_texts(Type, CipherTexts, ConnectionStates, _, Acc) ->
- {#ssl_tls{type = Type, fragment = Acc}, ConnectionStates, CipherTexts}.
%%% TLS record protocol level application data messages