path: root/lib/tools/src
diff options
authorSiri Hansen <[email protected]>2012-10-31 16:51:15 +0100
committerSiri Hansen <[email protected]>2012-10-31 16:51:30 +0100
commita6d90a806eeac9a75ffbadbe1f5322d1b3a2710d (patch)
treee4e03916764ad79af1d05eeb87e5b029b3dc9e5f /lib/tools/src
parentc16c80532af30922cb222f75971cd2aecdb9e36c (diff)
parentc3d34e536e9516ab54a9f5e9a30e21043eda565b (diff)
Merge branch 'siri/cover-tests'
* siri/cover-tests: (21 commits) [common_test] Extend timer for flushing error logger [cover] Allow reconnection if node has been disconnected or down [cover] Don't kill remote nodes when connection to main node is lost [test_server] Add option {start_cover,false} to test_server:start_node Use code:lib_dir instead of code:which to get application directory [common_test] Add test for OTP-9956 Include all kernel modules in code coverage analysis [common_test] Add test suite for code coverage support [common_test, test_server] Don't flush cover if cover is not running [common_test] Add option cover_stop [test_server] Allow cross cover analysis when testing through common_test [test_server] Start cover in test_server:wait_for_node [test_server] Multiply timers with timetrap_scale_factor when starting nodes Include all stdlib modules in code coverage analysis [test_server] Include all test_server modules in code coverage analysis Skip epp_SUITE:otp_8911 if cover is running [common_test] Start cover on slave nodes if running cover tests [common_test] Don't stop cover before stopping slave node [test_server] Don't stop cover after test is finished [cover] Add support for test_server ... OTP-10427
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tools/src')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/cover.erl b/lib/tools/src/cover.erl
index e21bd1b88c..10f14b0a49 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/cover.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/cover.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -26,12 +26,17 @@
%% The coverage tool consists of one process on each node involved in
%% coverage analysis. The process is registered as 'cover_server'
-%% (?SERVER). All cover_servers in the distributed system are linked
-%% together. The cover_server on the 'main' node is in charge, and it
-%% traps exits so it can detect nodedown or process crashes on the
-%% remote nodes. This process is implemented by the functions
-%% init_main/1 and main_process_loop/1. The cover_server on the remote
-%% nodes are implemented by the functions init_remote/2 and
+%% (?SERVER). The cover_server on the 'main' node is in charge, and
+%% it monitors the cover_servers on all remote nodes. When it gets a
+%% 'DOWN' message for another cover_server, it marks the node as
+%% 'lost'. If a nodeup is received for a lost node the main node
+%% ensures that the cover compiled modules are loaded again. If the
+%% remote node was alive during the disconnected periode, cover data
+%% for this periode will also be included in the analysis.
+%% The cover_server process on the main node is implemented by the
+%% functions init_main/1 and main_process_loop/1. The cover_server on
+%% the remote nodes are implemented by the functions init_remote/2 and
%% remote_process_loop/1.
@@ -81,15 +86,17 @@
export/1, export/2, import/1,
modules/0, imported/0, imported_modules/0, which_nodes/0, is_compiled/1,
reset/1, reset/0,
+ flush/1,
stop/0, stop/1]).
-export([transform/4]). % for test purposes
-record(main_state, {compiled=[], % [{Module,File}]
imported=[], % [{Module,File,ImportFile}]
stopper, % undefined | pid()
- nodes=[]}). % [Node]
+ nodes=[], % [Node]
+ lost_nodes=[]}). % [Node]
-record(remote_state, {compiled=[], % [{Module,File}]
main_node}). % atom()
@@ -497,6 +504,19 @@ stop(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
stop(Nodes) ->
+%% flush(Nodes) -> ok | {error,not_main_node}
+%% Nodes = [Node] | Node
+%% Node = atom()
+%% Error = {not_cover_compiled,Module}
+flush(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
+ flush([Node]);
+flush(Nodes) ->
+ call({flush,remove_myself(Nodes,[])}).
+%% Used by test_server only. Not documented.
+get_main_node() ->
+ call(get_main_node).
%% bump(Module, Function, Arity, Clause, Line)
%% Module = Function = atom()
%% Arity = Clause = Line = integer()
@@ -541,7 +561,10 @@ remote_call(Node,Request) ->
Return =
{'DOWN', Ref, _Type, _Object, _Info} ->
- {error,node_dead};
+ case Request of
+ {remote,stop} -> ok;
+ _ -> {error,node_dead}
+ end;
{?SERVER,Reply} ->
@@ -569,40 +592,14 @@ init_main(Starter) ->
ets:new(?BINARY_TABLE, [set, named_table]),
ets:new(?COLLECTION_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]),
ets:new(?COLLECTION_CLAUSE_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]),
- process_flag(trap_exit,true),
+ net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true),
Starter ! {?SERVER,started},
main_process_loop(State) ->
{From, {start_nodes,Nodes}} ->
- ThisNode = node(),
- StartedNodes =
- lists:foldl(
- fun(Node,Acc) ->
- case rpc:call(Node,cover,remote_start,[ThisNode]) of
- {ok,RPid} ->
- link(RPid),
- [Node|Acc];
- Error ->
- io:format("Could not start cover on ~w: ~p\n",
- [Node,Error]),
- Acc
- end
- end,
- [],
- Nodes),
- %% In case some of the compiled modules have been unloaded they
- %% should not be loaded on the new node.
- {_LoadedModules,Compiled} =
- get_compiled_still_loaded(State#main_state.nodes,
- State#main_state.compiled),
- remote_load_compiled(StartedNodes,Compiled),
- State1 =
- State#main_state{nodes = State#main_state.nodes ++ StartedNodes,
- compiled = Compiled},
+ {StartedNodes,State1} = do_start_nodes(Nodes, State),
reply(From, {ok,StartedNodes}),
@@ -707,8 +704,13 @@ main_process_loop(State) ->
{From, {stop,Nodes}} ->
reply(From, ok),
- State1 = State#main_state{nodes=State#main_state.nodes--Nodes},
- main_process_loop(State1);
+ Nodes1 = State#main_state.nodes--Nodes,
+ main_process_loop(State#main_state{nodes=Nodes1});
+ {From, {flush,Nodes}} ->
+ remote_collect('_',Nodes,false),
+ reply(From, ok),
+ main_process_loop(State);
{From, stop} ->
@@ -788,14 +790,30 @@ main_process_loop(State) ->
- {'EXIT',Pid,_Reason} ->
- %% Exit is trapped on the main node only, so this will only happen
- %% there. I assume that I'm only linked to cover_servers on remote
- %% nodes, so this must be one of them crashing.
- %% Remove node from list!
- State1 = State#main_state{nodes=State#main_state.nodes--[node(Pid)]},
+ {'DOWN', _MRef, process, {?SERVER,Node}, _Info} ->
+ %% A remote cover_server is down, mark as lost
+ Nodes = State#main_state.nodes--[Node],
+ Lost = [Node|State#main_state.lost_nodes],
+ main_process_loop(State#main_state{nodes=Nodes,lost_nodes=Lost});
+ {nodeup,Node} ->
+ State1 =
+ case lists:member(Node,State#main_state.lost_nodes) of
+ true ->
+ sync_compiled(Node,State);
+ false ->
+ State
+ end,
+ {nodedown,_} ->
+ %% Will be taken care of when 'DOWN' message arrives
+ main_process_loop(State);
+ {From, get_main_node} ->
+ reply(From, node()),
+ main_process_loop(State);
get_status ->
@@ -850,7 +868,16 @@ remote_process_loop(State) ->
{remote,stop} ->
- remote_reply(State#remote_state.main_node, ok);
+ ok; % not replying since 'DOWN' message will be received anyway
+ {remote,get_compiled} ->
+ remote_reply(State#remote_state.main_node,
+ State#remote_state.compiled),
+ remote_process_loop(State);
+ {From, get_main_node} ->
+ remote_reply(From, State#remote_state.main_node),
+ remote_process_loop(State);
get_status ->
@@ -961,6 +988,36 @@ unload([]) ->
%%%--Handling of remote nodes--------------------------------------------
+do_start_nodes(Nodes, State) ->
+ ThisNode = node(),
+ StartedNodes =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Node,Acc) ->
+ case rpc:call(Node,cover,remote_start,[ThisNode]) of
+ {ok,_RPid} ->
+ erlang:monitor(process,{?SERVER,Node}),
+ [Node|Acc];
+ Error ->
+ io:format("Could not start cover on ~w: ~p\n",
+ [Node,Error]),
+ Acc
+ end
+ end,
+ [],
+ Nodes),
+ %% In case some of the compiled modules have been unloaded they
+ %% should not be loaded on the new node.
+ {_LoadedModules,Compiled} =
+ get_compiled_still_loaded(State#main_state.nodes,
+ State#main_state.compiled),
+ remote_load_compiled(StartedNodes,Compiled),
+ State1 =
+ State#main_state{nodes = State#main_state.nodes ++ StartedNodes,
+ compiled = Compiled},
+ {StartedNodes, State1}.
%% start the cover_server on a remote node
remote_start(MainNode) ->
case whereis(?SERVER) of
@@ -984,6 +1041,30 @@ remote_start(MainNode) ->
+%% If a lost node comes back, ensure that main and remote node has the
+%% same cover compiled modules. Note that no action is taken if the
+%% same {Mod,File} eksists on both, i.e. code change is not handled!
+sync_compiled(Node,State) ->
+ #main_state{compiled=Compiled0,nodes=Nodes,lost_nodes=Lost}=State,
+ State1 =
+ case remote_call(Node,{remote,get_compiled}) of
+ {error,node_dead} ->
+ {_,S} = do_start_nodes([Node],State),
+ S;
+ {error,_} ->
+ State;
+ RemoteCompiled ->
+ {_,Compiled} = get_compiled_still_loaded(Nodes,Compiled0),
+ Unload = [UM || {UM,_}=U <- RemoteCompiled,
+ false == lists:member(U,Compiled)],
+ remote_unload([Node],Unload),
+ Load = [L || L <- Compiled,
+ false == lists:member(L,RemoteCompiled)],
+ remote_load_compiled([Node],Load),
+ State#main_state{compiled=Compiled, nodes=[Node|Nodes]}
+ end,
+ State1#main_state{lost_nodes=Lost--[Node]}.
%% Load a set of cover compiled modules on remote nodes,
%% We do it ?MAX_MODS modules at a time so that we don't
%% run out of memory on the cover_server node.
@@ -1094,7 +1175,6 @@ remove_myself([Node|Nodes],Acc) ->
remove_myself([],Acc) ->
%%%--Handling of modules state data--------------------------------------
@@ -2254,7 +2334,13 @@ do_reset2([]) ->
do_clear(Module) ->
ets:match_delete(?COVER_CLAUSE_TABLE, {Module,'_'}),
ets:match_delete(?COVER_TABLE, {#bump{module=Module},'_'}),
- ets:match_delete(?COLLECTION_TABLE, {#bump{module=Module},'_'}).
+ case lists:member(?COLLECTION_TABLE, ets:all()) of
+ true ->
+ %% We're on the main node
+ ets:match_delete(?COLLECTION_TABLE, {#bump{module=Module},'_'});
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
not_loaded(Module, unloaded, State) ->
@@ -2307,7 +2393,7 @@ pmap(Fun, [E | Rest], Pids, Limit, Cnt, Acc) when Cnt < Limit ->
pmap(Fun, Rest, Pids ++ [Pid], Limit, Cnt + 1, Acc);
pmap(Fun, List, [Pid | Pids], Limit, Cnt, Acc) ->
- {'DOWN', _Ref, process, _, _} ->
+ {'DOWN', _Ref, process, X, _} when is_pid(X) ->
pmap(Fun, List, [Pid | Pids], Limit, Cnt - 1, Acc);
{res, Pid, Res} ->
pmap(Fun, List, Pids, Limit, Cnt, [Res | Acc])
@@ -2316,6 +2402,6 @@ pmap(_Fun, [], [], _Limit, 0, Acc) ->
pmap(Fun, [], [], Limit, Cnt, Acc) ->
- {'DOWN', _Ref, process, _, _} ->
+ {'DOWN', _Ref, process, X, _} when is_pid(X) ->
pmap(Fun, [], [], Limit, Cnt - 1, Acc)