path: root/lib/xmerl
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2016-02-17 09:30:16 +0100
committerHans Bolinder <[email protected]>2016-02-17 09:30:16 +0100
commit05a24fed7539f861c7d725829acb196a3991923c (patch)
treed55270dbf9cb24ed868e49a090b52431fb105cd3 /lib/xmerl
parent245f3cc7adc063fc131b051a73237a7e9fcf8524 (diff)
parent0d5820c44dde5875d322a84eab6ce4227fe19bec (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
* maint: xmerl: Remove 'no_return' Dialyzer warnings xmerl: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings eunit: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings debugger: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings kernel: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings mnesia: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings observer: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings runtime_tools: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings stdlib: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings test_server: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings tools: Add suppression of Dialyzer warnings Conflicts: lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/xmerl')
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc
index 2bbe0eea1a..2c5caab07b 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ parse_document(Rest, State) when is_record(State, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
%% [22] prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)?
%% [23] XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'
+-dialyzer({[no_fail_call, no_match], parse_xml_decl/2}).
parse_xml_decl(?STRING_EMPTY, State) ->
cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, fun parse_xml_decl/2);
parse_xml_decl(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_1, State) ->
@@ -1205,6 +1206,7 @@ send_character_event(_, true, String, State) ->
%% Description: Parse whitespaces.
%% [3] S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
+-dialyzer({no_fail_call, whitespace/3}).
whitespace(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Acc) ->
case cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Acc, fun whitespace/3) of
{?STRING_EMPTY, State} ->
@@ -1716,6 +1718,7 @@ handle_external_entity({Tag, _Url}, State) ->
%% Result : {Rest, State}
%% Description: Parse the external entity.
+-dialyzer({[no_fail_call, no_match], parse_external_entity_1/2}).
parse_external_entity_1(?STRING_EMPTY, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{file_type=Type} = State) ->
case catch cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, fun parse_external_entity_1/2) of
{Rest, State1} when is_record(State1, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl
index 2bf3172d87..829716dcdb 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ scan_optional_version(T,S) ->
scan_enc_name([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_enc_name(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(expected_encoding_name, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(expected_encoding_name),
scan_enc_name([H|T], S0) when H >= $"; H =< $' ->
@@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ scan_enc_name([H|T], S0) when H >= $"; H =< $' ->
scan_enc_name([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delim, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_enc_name(MoreBytes, S1, Delim, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(expected_encoding_name, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(expected_encoding_name),
scan_enc_name([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc) when H >= $a, H =< $z ->
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ scan_enc_name([H|_T],S,_Delim,_Acc) ->
scan_enc_name2([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delim, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_enc_name2(MoreBytes, S1, Delim, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(expected_encoding_name, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(expected_encoding_name),
scan_enc_name2([H|T], S0, H, Acc) ->
@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ scan_enc_name2([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc) when H == $.; H == $_; H == $- ->
scan_xml_vsn([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_xml_vsn(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_xml_vsn([H|T], S) when H==$"; H==$'->
xml_vsn(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, H, []).
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ scan_xml_vsn([H|T], S) when H==$"; H==$'->
xml_vsn([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delim, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> xml_vsn(MoreBytes, S1, Delim, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
xml_vsn([H|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C}, H, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = C+1}};
@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ xml_vsn([H|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C}, Delim, Acc) ->
scan_pi([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Ps) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pi(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Ps) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_pi(Str = [H1,H2,H3 | T],S0=#xmerl_scanner{line = L, col = C}, Pos, Ps)
when H1==$x;H1==$X ->
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ scan_pi([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Target,
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pi(MoreBytes, S1, Target,
L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_pi("?>" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = Hook,
event_fun = Event},
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ scan_pi2([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Target,
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pi2(MoreBytes, S1, Target,
L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_pi2("?>" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = Hook,
event_fun = Event},
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ scan_pi2(Str, S0, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) ->
scan_doctype([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_doctype(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_doctype(T, S) ->
{_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S),
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ scan_doctype(T, S) ->
scan_doctype1([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_doctype1(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_doctype1("PUBLIC" ++ T, S0) ->
@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ scan_doctype1(T, S) ->
scan_doctype2([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},DTD) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_doctype2(MoreBytes, S1, DTD) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_doctype2("[" ++ T, S0, DTD) ->
@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ scan_doctype2(_T,S,_DTD) ->
scan_doctype3([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},DTD) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_doctype3(MoreBytes, S1,DTD) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_doctype3("%" ++ T, S0, DTD) ->
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ scan_decl_sep(T,S) ->
scan_conditional_sect([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_conditional_sect(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_conditional_sect("IGNORE" ++ T, S0) ->
@@ -1582,7 +1582,7 @@ scan_ignore(Str,S) ->
scan_ignore([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},Level) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_ignore(MoreBytes, S1,Level) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_ignore("<![" ++ T, S0,Level) ->
%% nested conditional section. Topmost condition is ignore, though
@@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ scan_ignore([_H|T],S0,Level) ->
scan_include([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_include(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_include("]]>" ++ T, S0) ->
@@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ update_attributes1([],Acc) ->
scan_attdef([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_attdef(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_attdef(T, S) ->
scan_attdef(T, S, _AttrAcc = []).
@@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ scan_attdef(T, S) ->
scan_attdef([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Attrs) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_attdef(MoreBytes, S1, Attrs) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_attdef(">" ++ T, S0, Attrs) ->
@@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ scan_attdef2(T, S, Attrs) ->
scan_att_type([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_att_type(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_att_type("CDATA" ++ T, S0) ->
@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@ scan_att_type("%" ++ T, S0) ->
scan_notation_type([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_notation_type(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_notation_type(")" ++ T, S0, Acc) ->
@@ -1889,7 +1889,7 @@ notation_exists(Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read,
scan_enumeration([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_enumeration(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_enumeration(")" ++ T, S0, Acc) ->
@@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ scan_enumeration("|" ++ T, S0, Acc) ->
scan_default_decl([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Type) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_default_decl(MoreBytes, S1, Type) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_default_decl("#REQUIRED" ++ T, S0, _Type) ->
@@ -1936,7 +1936,7 @@ default_value(T, S, Type) ->
scan_entity([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_entity(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_entity("%" ++ T, #xmerl_scanner{rules_write_fun = Write} = S0) ->
%% parameter entity
@@ -1974,7 +1974,7 @@ scan_entity_completion(T,S) ->
scan_entity_def([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, EName) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_entity_def(MoreBytes, S1, EName) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_entity_def("'" ++ T, S0, EName) ->
@@ -2015,7 +2015,7 @@ scan_entity_def(Str, S, EName) ->
scan_ndata_decl([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_ndata_decl(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_ndata_decl(Str = ">"++_T, S) ->
{[], Str, S};
@@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ scan_element("/", S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_element("/" ++ MoreBytes, S1,
Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs,
Lang,Parents,NSI,NS,SpaceDefault) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_element([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs, Lang, Parents,
@@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ scan_element([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_element(MoreBytes, S1,
Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs,
Lang,Parents,NSI,NS,SpaceDefault) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_element("/>" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = Hook,
event_fun = Event,
@@ -2099,7 +2099,7 @@ scan_element(">", S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_element(">" ++ MoreBytes, S1,
Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs,
Lang,Parents,NSI,NS,SpaceDefault) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_element(">" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{event_fun = Event,
hook_fun = Hook,
@@ -2344,7 +2344,7 @@ keyreplaceadd(_K, _Pos, [], Obj) ->
scan_att_value([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},AT) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_att_value(MoreBytes, S1, AT) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_att_value("%"++_T,S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog},_AttType) ->
@@ -2385,7 +2385,7 @@ scan_att_chars([],S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun=F},H,Acc,TmpAcc,AT,IsNorm)->
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) ->
scan_att_chars(MoreBytes, S1, H, Acc,TmpAcc,AT,IsNorm)
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_att_chars([H|T], S0, H, Acc, TmpAcc,AttType,IsNorm) -> % End quote
@@ -2518,7 +2518,7 @@ scan_content("<", S= #xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_content("<" ++ MoreBytes, S1,
Pos, Name, Attrs,
Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_content([], S=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,{entity,_}}},
_Pos, _Name, _Attrs, _Space, _Lang, _Parents, _NS, Acc,_) ->
@@ -2532,7 +2532,7 @@ scan_content([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_content(MoreBytes, S1,
Pos, Name, Attrs,
Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_content("</" ++ T, S0, _Pos, Name, _Attrs, _Space, _Lang,
_Parents, _NS, Acc,[]) ->
@@ -2636,7 +2636,7 @@ scan_content_markup([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_content_markup(
Attrs,Space,Lang,Parents,NS) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_content_markup("![CDATA[" ++ T, S0, Pos, _Name, _Attrs,
_Space, _Lang, Parents, _NS) ->
@@ -2664,7 +2664,7 @@ scan_char_data([], S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=internal_parsed_entity},
scan_char_data([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Space, _MUD,Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_char_data(MoreBytes,S1,Space,_MUD,Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_char_data([$&|T], S,Space,"&",Acc) ->
scan_char_data(T, S, Space,[], [$&|Acc]);
@@ -2716,7 +2716,7 @@ scan_cdata(Str, S, Pos, Parents) ->
scan_cdata([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Parents, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_cdata(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Parents, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_cdata("]]>" ++ T, S0, Pos, Parents, Acc) ->
@@ -2741,7 +2741,7 @@ scan_cdata(Str, S0, Pos, Parents, Acc) ->
scan_reference([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_reference(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_reference("#x" ++ T, S0) ->
%% [66] CharRef
@@ -2783,7 +2783,7 @@ scan_reference(T, S) ->
scan_entity_ref([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_entity_ref(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_entity_ref("amp;" ++ T, S0) ->
@@ -2868,7 +2868,7 @@ expand_reference(Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read} = S) ->
scan_char_ref_dec([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_char_ref_dec(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_char_ref_dec([H|T], S0, Acc) when H >= $0, H =< $9 ->
@@ -2883,7 +2883,7 @@ scan_char_ref_dec(";" ++ T, S0, Acc) ->
scan_char_ref_hex([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_char_ref_hex(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_char_ref_hex([H|T], S0, Acc) when H >= $0, H =< $9 ->
@@ -2957,7 +2957,7 @@ scan_name_no_colons(Str, S) ->
scan_name([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_name(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_name(Str = [$:|T], S0 = #xmerl_scanner{namespace_conformant = NSC}) ->
if NSC == false ->
@@ -3007,7 +3007,7 @@ scan_nmtoken(Str, S, Acc, NSC) ->
scan_nmtoken([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_nmtoken(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_nmtoken("%"++T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,_}}) ->
@@ -3084,7 +3084,7 @@ isLatin1(_,_) ->
scan_system_literal([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_system_literal(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_system_literal("\"" ++ T, S) ->
scan_system_literal(T, S, $", []);
@@ -3096,7 +3096,7 @@ scan_system_literal([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
Delimiter, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_system_literal(MoreBytes,S1,Delimiter,Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_system_literal([H|T], S, H, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}};
@@ -3114,7 +3114,7 @@ scan_system_literal(Str, S, Delimiter, Acc) ->
scan_pubid_literal([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pubid_literal(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_pubid_literal([H|T], S) when H == $"; H == $' ->
scan_pubid_literal(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, H, []);
@@ -3126,7 +3126,7 @@ scan_pubid_literal([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
Delimiter, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pubid_literal(MoreBytes,S1,Delimiter,Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_pubid_literal([H|T], S, H, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}};
@@ -3161,7 +3161,7 @@ is_pubid_char(X) ->
scan_contentspec([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_contentspec(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_contentspec("EMPTY" ++ T, S0) ->
@@ -3195,7 +3195,7 @@ scan_elem_content([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
Context, Mode, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes,S1) -> scan_elem_content(MoreBytes,S1,Context,Mode,Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_elem_content(")" ++ T, S0, Context, Mode0, Acc0) ->
@@ -3282,7 +3282,7 @@ format_elem_content(Other) -> Other.
scan_occurrence([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_occurrence(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_occurrence([$?|T], S0) ->
@@ -3433,7 +3433,7 @@ wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs([$> |_]=L,S) ->
wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs([],S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs(_,S) ->
@@ -3477,7 +3477,7 @@ vc_Element_valid(_,_) ->
scan_pe_def([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, PEName) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pe_def(MoreBytes, S1, PEName) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_pe_def("'" ++ T, S0, PEName) ->
@@ -3510,7 +3510,7 @@ scan_notation_decl(T, #xmerl_scanner{rules_write_fun = Write,
scan_notation_decl1([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_notation_decl1(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_notation_decl1("SYSTEM" ++ T, S0) ->
@@ -3536,7 +3536,7 @@ scan_notation_decl1("PUBLIC" ++ T, S0) ->
scan_external_id([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_external_id(MoreBytes, S1) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_external_id("SYSTEM" ++ T, S0) ->
@@ -3582,7 +3582,7 @@ scan_entity_value([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_entity_value([Delim|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{validation=dtd},
Delim,_Acc,PEName,_NS,PENesting) when length(PENesting) /= 0 ->
@@ -3850,7 +3850,7 @@ scan_comment1([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},
Pos, Comment, Acc) ->
?dbg("cont()...~n", []),
F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_comment1(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Comment, Acc) end,
- fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end,
+ fatal_fun(unexpected_end),
scan_comment1("-->" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{col = C,
event_fun = Event,
@@ -4100,6 +4100,13 @@ handle_schema_result({error,Reason},S5) ->
%%% Helper functions
+-compile({inline, [fatal_fun/1]}).
+-spec fatal_fun(_) -> fun((_) -> no_return()).
+fatal_fun(Reason) ->
+ fun(S) -> ?fatal(Reason, S) end.
fatal(Reason, S) ->
exit({fatal, {Reason,