path: root/lib
diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <sverker@erlang.org>2018-03-02 16:56:13 +0100
committerSverker Eriksson <sverker@erlang.org>2018-03-02 19:16:48 +0100
commit3e580e039a8eb2467c638503bc526116fe829fec (patch)
treeb4cb3f9e9e51c66370bb05733d669851121cadf8 /lib
parente8d0a8654ecf85f89a0c0f7aa26da8bc467e9373 (diff)
kernel,stdlib: Remove obsolete use of send with 'noconnect'
as workarounds to avoid blocking auto-connect, which is now asynchronous in OTP-21. Also changed old catch to more efficient try-catch.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
5 files changed, 35 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl b/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
index cdb10a7b12..f38989d103 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
@@ -1777,16 +1777,16 @@ async_reply({reply, Msg, State}, From) ->
async_gen_server_reply(From, Msg) ->
{Pid, Tag} = From,
M = {Tag, Msg},
- case catch erlang:send(Pid, M, [nosuspend, noconnect]) of
+ try erlang:send(Pid, M, [nosuspend, noconnect]) of
ok ->
nosuspend ->
_ = spawn(fun() -> catch erlang:send(Pid, M, [noconnect]) end),
noconnect ->
- ok; % The gen module takes care of this case.
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- ok
+ ok % The gen module takes care of this case.
+ catch
+ _:_ -> ok
call_owner(Owner, Msg) ->
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/rpc.erl b/lib/kernel/src/rpc.erl
index 0e0b7dffa3..917e725fd6 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/rpc.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/rpc.erl
@@ -418,10 +418,7 @@ abcast(Name, Mess) ->
abcast([Node|Tail], Name, Mess) ->
Dest = {Name,Node},
- case catch erlang:send(Dest, Mess, [noconnect]) of
- noconnect -> spawn(erlang, send, [Dest,Mess]), ok;
- _ -> ok
- end,
+ try erlang:send(Dest, Mess) catch error:_ -> ok end,
abcast(Tail, Name, Mess);
abcast([], _,_) -> abcast.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
index dc957b4d4e..293cb98ad2 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
@@ -159,30 +159,27 @@ call(Process, Label, Request, Timeout)
do_call(Process, Label, Request, Timeout) ->
Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Process),
- %% If the monitor/2 call failed to set up a connection to a
- %% remote node, we don't want the '!' operator to attempt
- %% to set up the connection again. (If the monitor/2 call
- %% failed due to an expired timeout, '!' too would probably
- %% have to wait for the timeout to expire.) Therefore,
- %% use erlang:send/3 with the 'noconnect' option so that it
- %% will fail immediately if there is no connection to the
- %% remote node.
- catch erlang:send(Process, {Label, {self(), Mref}, Request},
- [noconnect]),
- receive
- {Mref, Reply} ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
- {ok, Reply};
- {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, noconnection} ->
- Node = get_node(Process),
- exit({nodedown, Node});
- {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
- exit(Reason)
- after Timeout ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
- exit(timeout)
- end.
+ %% OTP-21:
+ %% Auto-connect is asynchronous. But we still use 'noconnect' to make sure
+ %% we send on the monitored connection, and not trigger a new auto-connect.
+ try erlang:send(Process, {Label, {self(), Mref}, Request}, [noconnect])
+ catch
+ error:_ -> ok
+ end,
+ receive
+ {Mref, Reply} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
+ {ok, Reply};
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, noconnection} ->
+ Node = get_node(Process),
+ exit({nodedown, Node});
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason)
+ after Timeout ->
+ erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
+ exit(timeout)
+ end.
get_node(Process) ->
%% We trust the arguments to be correct, i.e
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
index 77a46419f6..f29314d0a2 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
@@ -437,12 +437,11 @@ decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hi
%%% Send/receive functions
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
do_send(Dest, Msg) ->
- case catch erlang:send(Dest, Msg, [noconnect]) of
- noconnect ->
- spawn(erlang, send, [Dest,Msg]);
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
+ try erlang:send(Dest, Msg)
+ catch
+ error:_ -> ok
+ end,
+ ok.
do_multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, infinity) ->
Tag = make_ref(),
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
index f95b2ea9cd..9dc360a289 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
@@ -641,16 +641,11 @@ replies([]) ->
%% Might actually not send the message in case of caught exception
send(Proc, Msg) ->
- try erlang:send(Proc, Msg, [noconnect]) of
- noconnect ->
- _ = spawn(erlang, send, [Proc,Msg]),
- ok;
- ok ->
- ok
+ try erlang:send(Proc, Msg)
- _:_ ->
- ok
- end.
+ error:_ -> ok
+ end,
+ ok.
%% Here the init_it/6 and enter_loop/5,6,7 functions converge
enter(Module, Opts, State, Data, Server, Actions, Parent) ->