path: root/lib
diff options
authorRickard Green <rickard@erlang.org>2017-06-14 16:01:54 +0200
committerRickard Green <rickard@erlang.org>2017-06-14 16:01:54 +0200
commit48e67f5dd1d20b9a1f78c5a97cc7ed4afb489ba5 (patch)
treeb48261ecb0de7a1da84bd693062d420fa50a2b52 /lib
parent8e1cd77c97835c7ac8ecc1adcc13a366fb3904a3 (diff)
parent03bedf49b6ad81ee6a78ec40137c782989fe98bf (diff)
Merge branch 'rickard/t2b-latin1-atom'
OTP-14337 * rickard/t2b-latin1-atom: Update primary bootstrap Update preloaded modules Fix erl_interface tests Introduce minor vsn 2 in term_to_binary/2 Revert "kernel: Try mend disk_log whitebox tests" Revert "erts: Do not generate atoms on old latin1 external format"
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 34 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_decode_SUITE_data/ei_decode_test.c b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_decode_SUITE_data/ei_decode_test.c
index 9dc66fbc96..b7a2c4bb8b 100644
--- a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_decode_SUITE_data/ei_decode_test.c
+++ b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_decode_SUITE_data/ei_decode_test.c
@@ -614,11 +614,11 @@ TESTCASE(test_ei_decode_misc)
EI_DECODE_2(decode_double, 9, double, -1.0);
EI_DECODE_2(decode_double, 9, double, 1.0);
- EI_DECODE_2(decode_boolean, 7, int, 0);
- EI_DECODE_2(decode_boolean, 6, int, 1);
+ EI_DECODE_2(decode_boolean, 8, int, 0);
+ EI_DECODE_2(decode_boolean, 7, int, 1);
- EI_DECODE_STRING(decode_my_atom, 5, "foo");
- EI_DECODE_STRING(decode_my_atom, 2, "");
+ EI_DECODE_STRING(decode_my_atom, 6, "foo");
+ EI_DECODE_STRING(decode_my_atom, 3, "");
EI_DECODE_STRING(decode_my_atom, 9, "������");
EI_DECODE_STRING(decode_my_string, 6, "foo");
@@ -665,10 +665,10 @@ TESTCASE(test_ei_decode_utf8_atom)
EI_DECODE_STRING_4(decode_my_atom_as, 4, "b",
- EI_DECODE_STRING_4(decode_my_atom_as, 3, "c",
- EI_DECODE_STRING_4(decode_my_atom_as, 3, "d",
+ EI_DECODE_STRING_4(decode_my_atom_as, 4, "c",
+ EI_DECODE_STRING_4(decode_my_atom_as, 4, "d",
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_decode_encode_SUITE.erl b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_decode_encode_SUITE.erl
index 6715b840c8..160720b413 100644
--- a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_decode_encode_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_decode_encode_SUITE.erl
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ test_ei_decode_encode(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
% We read two packets for each test, the ei_decode_encode and ei_x_decode_encode version....
send_rec(P, Term) when is_port(P) ->
- P ! {self(), {command, term_to_binary(Term)}},
+ P ! {self(), {command, term_to_binary(Term, [{minor_version, 2}])}},
{_B,Term} = get_buf_and_term(P).
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/disk_log_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/disk_log_SUITE.erl
index 2b11a0381f..fe2fc778f2 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/disk_log_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/disk_log_SUITE.erl
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ halt_ro_crash(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
%% This is how it was before R6B:
%% {C1,T1,15} = disk_log:chunk(a,start),
%% {C2,T2} = disk_log:chunk(a,C1),
- {C1,_OneItem,7476} = disk_log:chunk(a,start),
+ {C1,_OneItem,7478} = disk_log:chunk(a,start),
{C2, [], 7} = disk_log:chunk(a,C1),
eof = disk_log:chunk(a,C2),
ok = disk_log:close(a),
@@ -2503,8 +2503,8 @@ error_repair(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = disk_log:close(n),
BadFile = add_ext(File, 2), % current file
- crash(BadFile, 26), % the binary is now invalid
- {repaired,n,{recovered,0},{badbytes,24}} =
+ crash(BadFile, 28), % the binary is now invalid
+ {repaired,n,{recovered,0},{badbytes,26}} =
disk_log:open([{name, n}, {file, File}, {type, wrap},
{format, internal}, {size, {40,No}}]),
ok = disk_log:close(n),
@@ -2521,8 +2521,8 @@ error_repair(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = disk_log:close(n),
BadFile2 = add_ext(File, 1), % current file
- crash(BadFile2, 47), % the second binary is now invalid
- {repaired,n,{recovered,1},{badbytes,24}} =
+ crash(BadFile2, 51), % the second binary is now invalid
+ {repaired,n,{recovered,1},{badbytes,26}} =
disk_log:open([{name, n}, {file, File}, {type, wrap},
{format, internal}, {size, {4000,No}}]),
ok = disk_log:close(n),
@@ -2580,7 +2580,7 @@ error_repair(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = disk_log:close(n),
crash(File, 30),
- {repaired,n,{recovered,3},{badbytes,15}} =
+ {repaired,n,{recovered,3},{badbytes,16}} =
disk_log:open([{name, n}, {file, File}, {type, halt},
{format, internal},{repair,true}, {quiet, true},
{head_func, {?MODULE, head_fun, [{ok,"head"}]}}]),
@@ -2807,7 +2807,7 @@ chunk(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = disk_log:log_terms(n, [{some,terms}]), % second file full
2 = curf(n),
BadFile = add_ext(File, 1),
- crash(BadFile, 26), % the _binary_ is now invalid
+ crash(BadFile, 28), % the _binary_ is now invalid
{error, {corrupt_log_file, BFile}} = disk_log:chunk(n, start, 1),
BadFile = BFile,
ok = disk_log:close(n),
@@ -2817,7 +2817,7 @@ chunk(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
{format, internal}]),
ok = disk_log:log_terms(n, [{this,is}]),
ok = disk_log:sync(n),
- crash(File, 26), % the _binary_ is now invalid
+ crash(File, 28), % the _binary_ is now invalid
{error, {corrupt_log_file, File2}} = disk_log:chunk(n, start, 1),
crash(File, 10),
{error,{corrupt_log_file,_}} = disk_log:bchunk(n, start, 1),
@@ -2911,8 +2911,8 @@ chunk(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
{ok, n} = disk_log:open([{name, n}, {file, File}, {type, wrap},
{format, internal}, {mode, read_only}]),
CrashFile = add_ext(File, 1),
- crash(CrashFile, 46), % the binary term {some,terms} is now bad
- {H1, [{this,is}], 16} = disk_log:chunk(n, start, 10),
+ crash(CrashFile, 51), % the binary term {some,terms} is now bad
+ {H1, [{this,is}], 18} = disk_log:chunk(n, start, 10),
{H2, [{on,a},{wrap,file}]} = disk_log:chunk(n, H1),
eof = disk_log:chunk(n, H2),
ok = disk_log:close(n),
@@ -2926,8 +2926,8 @@ chunk(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = disk_log:close(n),
{ok, n} = disk_log:open([{name, n}, {file, File}, {type, halt},
{format, internal}, {mode, read_only}]),
- crash(File, 46), % the binary term {some,terms} is now bad
- {J1, [{this,is}], 16} = disk_log:chunk(n, start, 10),
+ crash(File, 51), % the binary term {some,terms} is now bad
+ {J1, [{this,is}], 18} = disk_log:chunk(n, start, 10),
{J2, [{on,a},{halt,file}]} = disk_log:chunk(n, J1),
eof = disk_log:chunk(n, J2),
ok = disk_log:close(n),
@@ -2942,8 +2942,8 @@ chunk(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = disk_log:close(n),
{ok, n} = disk_log:open([{name, n}, {file, File}, {type, halt},
{format, internal}, {mode, read_only}]),
- crash(File, 40), % the binary term {s} is now bad
- {J11, [{this,is}], 6} = disk_log:chunk(n, start, 10),
+ crash(File, 44), % the binary term {s} is now bad
+ {J11, [{this,is}], 7} = disk_log:chunk(n, start, 10),
{J21, [{on,a},{halt,file}]} = disk_log:chunk(n, J11),
eof = disk_log:chunk(n, J21),
ok = disk_log:close(n),
@@ -3062,7 +3062,7 @@ truncate(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = disk_log:truncate(n, apa),
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {truncated, 6}}),
{0, 0} = no_overflows(n),
- 22 = curb(n),
+ 23 = curb(n),
1 = curf(n),
1 = cur_cnt(n),
true = (Size == sz(n)),
@@ -3082,7 +3082,7 @@ truncate(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
ok = disk_log:truncate(n, apa),
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {truncated, 3}}),
{0, 0} = no_overflows(n),
- 22 = curb(n),
+ 23 = curb(n),
1 = curf(n),
1 = cur_cnt(n),
true = (Size == sz(n)),
@@ -3191,45 +3191,45 @@ info_current(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
%% Internal with header.
{ok, n} = disk_log:open([{name, n}, {file, File}, {type, wrap},
{head, header}, {size, {100,No}}]),
- {25, 1} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {26, 1} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{1, 1} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
ok = disk_log:log(n, B),
- {93, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {94, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{2, 2} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
ok = disk_log:close(n),
{ok, n} = disk_log:open([{name, n}, {file, File}, {type, wrap},
{notify, true},
{head, header}, {size, {100,No}}]),
- {93, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {94, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{0, 2} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
ok = disk_log:log(n, B),
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {wrap, 0}}),
- {93, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {94, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{2, 4} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {wrap, 0}}),
- {25, 1} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {26, 1} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{3, 4} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
ok = disk_log:log_terms(n, [B,B,B]),
%% Used to be one message, but now one per wrapped file.
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {wrap, 0}}),
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {wrap, 2}}),
- {93, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {94, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{8, 7} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
ok = disk_log:log_terms(n, [B]),
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {wrap, 2}}),
ok = disk_log:log_terms(n, [B]),
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {wrap, 2}}),
- {93, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {94, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{12, 7} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
ok = disk_log:log_terms(n, [BB,BB]),
%% Used to be one message, but now one per wrapped file.
rec(2, {disk_log, node(), n, {wrap, 2}}),
- {193, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {194, 2} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{16, 7} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
ok = disk_log:log_terms(n, [SB,SB,SB]),
rec(1, {disk_log, node(), n, {wrap, 2}}),
- {79, 4} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
+ {80, 4} = {curb(n), cur_cnt(n)},
{20, 9} = {no_written_items(n), no_items(n)},
ok = disk_log:close(n),
del(File, No),