path: root/lib
diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2018-02-01 14:28:22 +0100
committerIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2018-02-07 11:55:44 +0100
commitb16d7d7e4cfa15ab00e5ce43f50619d02bc2f986 (patch)
tree5d589dedcce1b6f1336dcae8d6d1e64057015b23 /lib
parentcece38b7dccf8563b44eb095ba202f55e07e807f (diff)
ssl: Make sure anonymous suites are handled separately
Preferably customized cipher suites will be based on the default value. But all may be used as base and hence it will be good to handle anonymous suites separately as they are intended for testing purposes.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
6 files changed, 164 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl.xml b/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl.xml
index 70bb4f759b..3db5aa19ac 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl.xml
+++ b/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl.xml
@@ -881,10 +881,10 @@ fun(srp, Username :: string(), UserState :: term()) ->
<fsummary>Returns a list of all default or
all supported cipher suites.</fsummary>
- <v> Supported = default | all </v>
+ <v> Supported = default | all | anonymous </v>
<v> Version = protocol_version() </v>
- <desc><p>Returns all default or all supported cipher suites for a
+ <desc><p>Returns all default or all supported (except anonymous), or all anonymous cipher suites for a
TLS version</p>
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_v1.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_v1.erl
index 51ee8ec047..0f6344b6f7 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_v1.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_v1.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
--export([suites/1, all_suites/1, hmac_hash/3, ecc_curves/1,
+-export([suites/1, all_suites/1, anonymous_suites/1,hmac_hash/3, ecc_curves/1,
corresponding_tls_version/1, corresponding_dtls_version/1,
cookie_secret/0, cookie_timeout/0]).
@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ all_suites(Version) ->
+anonymous_suites(Version) ->
+ lists:filter(fun(Cipher) ->
+ is_acceptable_cipher(ssl_cipher:suite_definition(Cipher))
+ end,
+ ssl_cipher:anonymous_suites(corresponding_tls_version(Version))).
hmac_hash(MacAlg, MacSecret, Value) ->
tls_v1:hmac_hash(MacAlg, MacSecret, Value).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index 575b4e2e11..fb4448e180 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ cipher_suites(all) ->
[ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(Suite) || Suite <- available_suites(all)].
--spec cipher_suites(default | all, tls_record:tls_version() | dtls_record:dtls_version() |
+-spec cipher_suites(default | all | anonymous, tls_record:tls_version() | dtls_record:dtls_version() |
tls_record:tls_atom_version() | dtls_record:dtls_atom_version()) ->
%% Description: Returns all default and all supported cipher suites for a
@@ -718,9 +718,10 @@ available_suites(all) ->
supported_suites(default, Version) ->
supported_suites(all, Version) ->
- ssl_cipher:all_suites(Version).
+ ssl_cipher:all_suites(Version);
+supported_suites(anonymous, Version) ->
+ ssl_cipher:anonymous_suites(Version).
do_listen(Port, #config{transport_info = {Transport, _, _, _}} = Config, tls_connection) ->
tls_socket:listen(Transport, Port, Config);
@@ -1239,7 +1240,8 @@ binary_cipher_suites(Version, [Tuple|_] = Ciphers0) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
Ciphers = [ssl_cipher:suite(tuple_to_map(C)) || C <- Ciphers0],
binary_cipher_suites(Version, Ciphers);
binary_cipher_suites(Version, [Cipher0 | _] = Ciphers0) when is_binary(Cipher0) ->
- All = ssl_cipher:all_suites(tls_version(Version)),
+ All = ssl_cipher:all_suites(Version) ++
+ ssl_cipher:anonymous_suites(Version),
case [Cipher || Cipher <- Ciphers0, lists:member(Cipher, All)] of
[] ->
%% Defaults to all supported suites that does
@@ -1258,7 +1260,7 @@ binary_cipher_suites(Version, Ciphers0) ->
binary_cipher_suites(Version, Ciphers).
default_binary_suites(Version) ->
- ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:suites(tls_version(Version))).
+ ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:suites(Version)).
tuple_to_map({Kex, Cipher, Mac}) ->
#{key_exchange => Kex,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
index 6258cbb047..c6927bd276 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
cipher_init/3, decipher/6, cipher/5, decipher_aead/6, cipher_aead/6,
suite/1, suites/1, all_suites/1, crypto_support_filters/0,
- ec_keyed_suites/0, anonymous_suites/1, psk_suites/1, srp_suites/0,
- rc4_suites/1, des_suites/1, openssl_suite/1, openssl_suite_name/1,
+ ec_keyed_suites/0, anonymous_suites/1, psk_suites/1, psk_suites_anon/1, srp_suites/0,
+ srp_suites_anon/0, rc4_suites/1, des_suites/1, openssl_suite/1, openssl_suite_name/1,
filter/2, filter_suites/1, filter_suites/2,
hash_algorithm/1, sign_algorithm/1, is_acceptable_hash/2, is_fallback/1,
random_bytes/1, calc_mac_hash/4,
@@ -321,7 +321,6 @@ suites({_, Minor}) ->
all_suites({3, _} = Version) ->
- ++ anonymous_suites(Version)
++ psk_suites(Version)
++ srp_suites()
++ rc4_suites(Version)
@@ -337,12 +336,12 @@ all_suites(Version) ->
anonymous_suites({3, N}) ->
- anonymous_suites(N);
+ srp_suites_anon() ++ anonymous_suites(N);
anonymous_suites({254, _} = Version) ->
- anonymous_suites(dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version))
- -- [?TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5];
+ dtls_v1:anonymous_suites(Version);
when N >= 3 ->
+ psk_suites_anon(N) ++
@@ -351,20 +350,20 @@ anonymous_suites(N)
-anonymous_suites(2) ->
+anonymous_suites(2 = N) ->
+ psk_suites_anon(N) ++
anonymous_suites(N) when N == 0;
N == 1 ->
- [?TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,
- ].
+ psk_suites_anon(N) ++
+ [?TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,
+ ].
-spec psk_suites(ssl_record:ssl_version() | integer()) -> [cipher_suite()].
@@ -374,38 +373,49 @@ anonymous_suites(N) when N == 0;
psk_suites({3, N}) ->
when N >= 3 ->
+ ] ++ psk_suites(0);
+psk_suites(_) ->
+-spec psk_suites_anon(ssl_record:ssl_version() | integer()) -> [cipher_suite()].
+%% Description: Returns a list of the anonymous PSK cipher suites, only supported
+%% if explicitly set by user.
+psk_suites_anon({3, N}) ->
+ psk_suites_anon(N);
+ when N >= 3 ->
+ [
- ] ++ psk_suites(0);
-psk_suites(_) ->
+ ] ++ psk_suites_anon(0);
+psk_suites_anon(_) ->
-spec srp_suites() -> [cipher_suite()].
@@ -413,15 +423,24 @@ psk_suites(_) ->
%% if explicitly set by user.
srp_suites() ->
+-spec srp_suites_anon() -> [cipher_suite()].
+%% Description: Returns a list of the SRP anonymous cipher suites, only supported
+%% if explicitly set by user.
+srp_suites_anon() ->
-spec rc4_suites(Version::ssl_record:ssl_version() | integer()) -> [cipher_suite()].
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
index 465acc084b..ce62017a7e 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -1296,6 +1296,7 @@ cipher_suites(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Version = ssl_test_lib:protocol_version(Config),
All = [_|_] = ssl:cipher_suites(all, Version),
Default = [_|_] = ssl:cipher_suites(default, Version),
+ Anonymous = [_|_] = ssl:cipher_suites(anonymous, Version),
true = length(Default) < length(All),
Filters = [{key_exchange,
fun(dhe_rsa) ->
@@ -1331,7 +1332,10 @@ cipher_suites(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[Cipher | Rest1] = lists:reverse(ssl:append_cipher_suites([Cipher], Default)),
[Cipher | Rest1] = lists:reverse(ssl:append_cipher_suites(Filters, Default)),
true = lists:member(Cipher, Default),
- false = lists:member(Cipher, Rest1).
+ false = lists:member(Cipher, Rest1),
+ [] = lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> not lists:member(X, Default) end, Anonymous),
+ [] = lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> not lists:member(X, All) end, Anonymous).
@@ -3820,9 +3824,23 @@ rizzo() ->
vunrable to Rizzo/Dungon attack"}].
rizzo(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Ciphers = [X || X ={_,Y,_} <- ssl:cipher_suites(), Y =/= rc4_128],
Prop = proplists:get_value(tc_group_properties, Config),
Version = proplists:get_value(name, Prop),
+ NVersion = ssl_test_lib:protocol_version(Config, tuple),
+ Ciphers = ssl:filter_cipher_suites(ssl:cipher_suites(all, NVersion),
+ [{key_exchange,
+ fun(Alg) when Alg == ecdh_rsa; Alg == ecdhe_rsa->
+ true;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end},
+ {cipher,
+ fun(rc4_128) ->
+ false;
+ (_) ->
+ true
+ end}]),
run_send_recv_rizzo(Ciphers, Config, Version,
{?MODULE, send_recv_result_active_rizzo, []}).
@@ -3834,8 +3852,13 @@ no_rizzo_rc4(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Version = proplists:get_value(name, Prop),
NVersion = ssl_test_lib:protocol_version(Config, tuple),
%% Test uses RSA certs
- Ciphers = ssl_test_lib:rc4_suites(NVersion) -- [{ecdhe_ecdsa,rc4_128,sha},
- {ecdh_ecdsa,rc4_128,sha}],
+ Ciphers = ssl:filter_cipher_suites(ssl_test_lib:rc4_suites(NVersion),
+ [{key_exchange,
+ fun(Alg) when Alg == ecdh_rsa; Alg == ecdhe_rsa->
+ true;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end}]),
run_send_recv_rizzo(Ciphers, Config, Version,
{?MODULE, send_recv_result_active_no_rizzo, []}).
@@ -3846,10 +3869,21 @@ rizzo_one_n_minus_one(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Prop = proplists:get_value(tc_group_properties, Config),
Version = proplists:get_value(name, Prop),
NVersion = ssl_test_lib:protocol_version(Config, tuple),
- AllSuites = ssl_test_lib:available_suites(NVersion),
- Ciphers = [X || X ={_,Y,_} <- AllSuites, Y =/= rc4_128],
+ Ciphers = ssl:filter_cipher_suites(ssl:cipher_suites(all, NVersion),
+ [{key_exchange,
+ fun(Alg) when Alg == ecdh_rsa; Alg == ecdhe_rsa->
+ true;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end},
+ {cipher,
+ fun(rc4_128) ->
+ false;
+ (_) ->
+ true
+ end}]),
run_send_recv_rizzo(Ciphers, Config, Version,
- {?MODULE, send_recv_result_active_rizzo, []}).
+ {?MODULE, send_recv_result_active_rizzo, []}).
rizzo_zero_n() ->
[{doc,"Test that the 0/n-split mitigation of Rizzo/Dungon attack can be explicitly selected"}].
@@ -3858,8 +3892,13 @@ rizzo_zero_n(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Prop = proplists:get_value(tc_group_properties, Config),
Version = proplists:get_value(name, Prop),
NVersion = ssl_test_lib:protocol_version(Config, tuple),
- AllSuites = ssl_test_lib:available_suites(NVersion),
- Ciphers = [X || X ={_,Y,_} <- AllSuites, Y =/= rc4_128],
+ Ciphers = ssl:filter_cipher_suites(ssl:cipher_suites(default, NVersion),
+ [{cipher,
+ fun(rc4_128) ->
+ false;
+ (_) ->
+ true
+ end}]),
run_send_recv_rizzo(Ciphers, Config, Version,
{?MODULE, send_recv_result_active_no_rizzo, []}).
@@ -3867,9 +3906,16 @@ rizzo_disabled() ->
[{doc,"Test that the mitigation of Rizzo/Dungon attack can be explicitly disabled"}].
rizzo_disabled(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Ciphers = [X || X ={_,Y,_} <- ssl:cipher_suites(), Y =/= rc4_128],
Prop = proplists:get_value(tc_group_properties, Config),
Version = proplists:get_value(name, Prop),
+ NVersion = ssl_test_lib:protocol_version(Config, tuple),
+ Ciphers = ssl:filter_cipher_suites(ssl:cipher_suites(default, NVersion),
+ [{cipher,
+ fun(rc4_128) ->
+ false;
+ (_) ->
+ true
+ end}]),
run_send_recv_rizzo(Ciphers, Config, Version,
{?MODULE, send_recv_result_active_no_rizzo, []}).
@@ -4644,19 +4690,21 @@ rizzo_test(Cipher, Config, Version, Mfa) ->
[{Cipher, Error}]
-client_server_opts({KeyAlgo,_,_}, Config)
+client_server_opts(#{key_exchange := KeyAlgo}, Config)
when KeyAlgo == rsa orelse
KeyAlgo == dhe_rsa orelse
- KeyAlgo == ecdhe_rsa ->
+ KeyAlgo == ecdhe_rsa orelse
+ KeyAlgo == rsa_psk orelse
+ KeyAlgo == srp_rsa ->
{ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config)};
-client_server_opts({KeyAlgo,_,_}, Config) when KeyAlgo == dss orelse KeyAlgo == dhe_dss ->
+client_server_opts(#{key_exchange := KeyAlgo}, Config) when KeyAlgo == dss orelse KeyAlgo == dhe_dss ->
{ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_dsa_opts, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_dsa_opts, Config)};
-client_server_opts({KeyAlgo,_,_}, Config) when KeyAlgo == ecdh_ecdsa orelse KeyAlgo == ecdhe_ecdsa ->
+client_server_opts(#{key_exchange := KeyAlgo}, Config) when KeyAlgo == ecdh_ecdsa orelse KeyAlgo == ecdhe_ecdsa ->
{ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_ecdsa_opts, Config)};
-client_server_opts({KeyAlgo,_,_}, Config) when KeyAlgo == ecdh_rsa ->
+client_server_opts(#{key_exchange := KeyAlgo}, Config) when KeyAlgo == ecdh_rsa ->
{ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_ecdh_rsa_opts, Config)}.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
index 5c9ea068bf..f9cc976815 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
@@ -1024,55 +1024,46 @@ string_regex_filter(Str, Search) when is_list(Str) ->
string_regex_filter(_Str, _Search) ->
-anonymous_suites({3,_ } = Version) ->
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:anonymous_suites(Version))];
-anonymous_suites(DTLSVersion) ->
- Version = dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(DTLSVersion),
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:anonymous_suites(Version)),
- not ssl_cipher:is_stream_ciphersuite(tuple_to_map(ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S)))].
-psk_suites({3,_ } = Version) ->
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:psk_suites(Version))];
-psk_suites(DTLSVersion) ->
- Version = dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(DTLSVersion),
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:psk_suites(Version)),
- not ssl_cipher:is_stream_ciphersuite(tuple_to_map(ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S)))].
-psk_anon_suites({3,_ } = Version) ->
- [Suite || Suite <- psk_suites(Version), is_psk_anon_suite(Suite)];
-psk_anon_suites(DTLSVersion) ->
- Version = dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(DTLSVersion),
- [Suite || Suite <- psk_suites(Version), is_psk_anon_suite(Suite),
- not ssl_cipher:is_stream_ciphersuite(tuple_to_map(Suite))].
+anonymous_suites(Version) ->
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites([ssl_cipher:suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:anonymous_suites(Version)],[]).
+psk_suites(Version) ->
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites([ssl_cipher:suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:psk_suites(Version)], []).
+psk_anon_suites(Version) ->
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites([ssl_cipher:suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:psk_suites_anon(Version)],
+ [{key_exchange,
+ fun(psk) ->
+ true;
+ (psk_dhe) ->
+ true;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end}]).
srp_suites() ->
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(Suite) ||
- Suite <-
- ssl_cipher:filter_suites([tuple_to_map(S) ||
- S <- [{srp_anon,'3des_ede_cbc', sha},
- {srp_rsa, '3des_ede_cbc', sha},
- {srp_anon, aes_128_cbc, sha},
- {srp_rsa, aes_128_cbc, sha},
- {srp_anon, aes_256_cbc, sha},
- {srp_rsa, aes_256_cbc, sha}]])].
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites([ssl_cipher:suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:srp_suites()],
+ [{key_exchange,
+ fun(srp_rsa) ->
+ true;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end}]).
srp_anon_suites() ->
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(Suite) ||
- Suite <-
- ssl_cipher:filter_suites([tuple_to_map(S) ||
- S <-[{srp_anon, '3des_ede_cbc', sha},
- {srp_anon, aes_128_cbc, sha},
- {srp_anon, aes_256_cbc, sha}]])].
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites([ssl_cipher:suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:srp_suites_anon()],
+ []).
srp_dss_suites() ->
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(Suite) ||
- Suite <-
- ssl_cipher:filter_suites([tuple_to_map(S) ||
- S <- [{srp_dss, '3des_ede_cbc', sha},
- {srp_dss, aes_128_cbc, sha},
- {srp_dss, aes_256_cbc, sha}]])].
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites([ssl_cipher:suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:srp_suites()],
+ [{key_exchange,
+ fun(srp_dss) ->
+ true;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end}]).
rc4_suites(Version) ->
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:rc4_suites(Version))].
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites([ssl_cipher:suite_definition(S) || S <-ssl_cipher:rc4_suites(Version)], []).
des_suites(Version) ->
- [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S) || S <- ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:des_suites(Version))].
+ ssl:filter_cipher_suites([ssl_cipher:suite_definition(S) || S <-ssl_cipher:des_suites(Version)], []).
tuple_to_map({Kex, Cipher, Mac}) ->
#{key_exchange => Kex,
@@ -1413,7 +1404,9 @@ filter_suites(Ciphers0, AtomVersion) ->
Supported0 = ssl_cipher:suites(Version)
++ ssl_cipher:anonymous_suites(Version)
++ ssl_cipher:psk_suites(Version)
+ ++ ssl_cipher:psk_suites_anon(Version)
++ ssl_cipher:srp_suites()
+ ++ ssl_cipher:srp_suites_anon()
++ ssl_cipher:rc4_suites(Version),
Supported1 = ssl_cipher:filter_suites(Supported0),
Supported2 = [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S) || S <- Supported1],