path: root/lib
diff options
authorKostis Sagonas <kostis@it.uu.se>2014-02-26 00:06:11 +0100
committerKostis Sagonas <kostis@it.uu.se>2014-02-26 00:06:11 +0100
commitc82da93ca6408eff459c379234ca7f0789160c27 (patch)
tree591dd3d667582af840c5dec28695564ccfede5a8 /lib
parent98776a40609d1fa80292d2959708a8697f8cb756 (diff)
Substitude uses of lists:reverse(L1) ++ L2 with lists:reverse(L1, L2)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 13 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_fp.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_fp.erl
index c0cd9bd2d1..38b3881a77 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_fp.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_fp.erl
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ redirect_phis([I|Is] = Code, OldFrom, NewFrom, Acc) ->
NewI = hipe_icode:phi_redirect_pred(I, OldFrom, NewFrom),
redirect_phis(Is, OldFrom, NewFrom, [NewI|Acc]);
_ ->
- lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Code
+ lists:reverse(Acc, Code)
redirect_phis([], _OldFrom, _NewFrom, Acc) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_mulret.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_mulret.erl
index 2402bad42c..99522f6430 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_mulret.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_mulret.erl
@@ -1166,9 +1166,9 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% removeUnElems([#icode_call{'fun'={unsafe_element,_}, args=Var}|List], Var, Res) ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, Res);
%% removeUnElems([I=#icode_move{dst=Var}|List], [Var], Res) ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% removeUnElems([I=#icode_call{dstlist=Var}|List], Var, Res) ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% removeUnElems([I|List], Var, Res) ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res]);
%% removeUnElems([], _, Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
@@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
@@ -1248,16 +1248,16 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% modifyCode([I|Code], Var, Res) ->
%% case scanInstr(I, Var) of
%% {move, Arity, VarLst} ->
-%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}, I |lists:reverse(Res) ++ Code],
+%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}, I |lists:reverse(Res, Code)],
%% {Arity, lists:reverse(Code2)};
%% {mktuple, Arity, VarLst} ->
-%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}|lists:reverse(Res) ++ Code],
+%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}|lists:reverse(Res, Code)],
%% {Arity, lists:reverse(Code2)};
%% other ->
%% modifyCode(Code, Var, [I|Res])
%% end;
%% modifyCode([], Var, Res) ->
-%% {1, lists:reverse(Res) ++ [#icode_return{vars=Var}]}.
+%% {1, lists:reverse(Res, [#icode_return{vars=Var}]}.
%% scanInstr(#icode_call{dstlist=Var, 'fun'=mktuple, args=Lst}, Var) ->
%% {mktuple, length(Lst), Lst};
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ls_regalloc.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ls_regalloc.erl
index 4276b8f968..7a00a0534a 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ls_regalloc.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ls_regalloc.erl
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ is_free(R, Free) ->
is_free(R, Free, []).
is_free(R, [{R,_}|Rest], Acc) ->
- {true,lists:reverse(Acc)++Rest};
+ {true, lists:reverse(Acc, Rest)};
is_free(R, [X|Rs],Acc) ->
is_free(R, Rs, [X|Acc]);
is_free(_, [], _) ->
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ exists_free_register(Start, Regs) ->
exists_free_register(Start, [{Phys, Start0}|Rest], Acc)
when Start > Start0 ->
- {true, Phys, lists:reverse(Acc)++Rest};
+ {true, Phys, lists:reverse(Acc, Rest)};
exists_free_register(Start, [Free|Rest], Acc) ->
exists_free_register(Start, Rest, [Free|Acc]);
exists_free_register(_, [], _) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_optimistic_regalloc.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_optimistic_regalloc.erl
index 5bad31ade9..0278a896d2 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_optimistic_regalloc.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_optimistic_regalloc.erl
@@ -958,9 +958,9 @@ splits_2({Cols, NonCols, OldSpillCost}, L, SpillCost) ->
%% Merge two ordered sub-splits into one.
spillCostOrderedMerge(Spl1, [], Spl) ->
- lists:reverse(Spl) ++ Spl1;
+ lists:reverse(Spl, Spl1);
spillCostOrderedMerge([], Spl2, Spl) ->
- lists:reverse(Spl) ++ Spl2;
+ lists:reverse(Spl, Spl2);
spillCostOrderedMerge(Spl1, Spl2, Spl) ->
{_, _, SpillCost1} = hd(Spl1),
{_, _, SpillCost2} = hd(Spl2),