path: root/lib
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2017-10-30 10:22:10 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2017-10-30 10:22:10 +0100
commite59f7186cdde0c6435ab87ea33b241dc3a8204bf (patch)
tree3abcf5f0f58bd8cbdca12586309284fecbf534be /lib
parent7b4ee9cdff7f4a5ea7600033186efe7fd6568d8e (diff)
parent758712d629475a2f34f8b48babcbae953381b915 (diff)
Merge branch 'bjorn/compiler/eliminate-v3_life/OTP-14712'
* bjorn/compiler/eliminate-v3_life/OTP-14712: Eliminate the v3_life pass
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
11 files changed, 743 insertions, 914 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/Makefile b/lib/compiler/src/Makefile
index 9b22e5197b..9e96147787 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/Makefile
@@ -93,16 +93,14 @@ MODULES = \
v3_codegen \
v3_core \
v3_kernel \
- v3_kernel_pp \
- v3_life
+ v3_kernel_pp
BEAM_H = $(wildcard ../priv/beam_h/*.h)
beam_disasm.hrl \
core_parse.hrl \
- v3_kernel.hrl \
- v3_life.hrl
+ v3_kernel.hrl
YRL_FILE = core_parse.yrl
@@ -187,7 +185,7 @@ release_docs_spec:
# ----------------------------------------------------
$(EBIN)/beam_disasm.beam: $(EGEN)/beam_opcodes.hrl beam_disasm.hrl
-$(EBIN)/beam_listing.beam: v3_life.hrl
+$(EBIN)/beam_listing.beam: core_parse.hrl v3_kernel.hrl
$(EBIN)/beam_validator.beam: beam_disasm.hrl
$(EBIN)/cerl.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/compile.beam: core_parse.hrl ../../stdlib/include/erl_compile.hrl
@@ -200,8 +198,7 @@ $(EBIN)/sys_core_dsetel.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/sys_core_fold.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/sys_core_fold_lists.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/sys_core_inline.beam: core_parse.hrl
-$(EBIN)/v3_codegen.beam: v3_life.hrl
+$(EBIN)/v3_codegen.beam: v3_kernel.hrl
$(EBIN)/v3_core.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/v3_kernel.beam: core_parse.hrl v3_kernel.hrl
$(EBIN)/v3_kernel_pp.beam: v3_kernel.hrl
-$(EBIN)/v3_life.beam: v3_kernel.hrl v3_life.hrl
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
index 94b47cf568..9422f9a78a 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@
-import(lists, [foreach/2]).
-type code() :: cerl:c_module()
| beam_utils:module_code()
| #k_mdef{}
- | {module(),_,_,_} %v3_life
| [_]. %form-based format
-spec module(file:io_device(), code()) -> 'ok'.
@@ -42,13 +40,9 @@ module(File, #k_mdef{}=Kern) ->
%% This is a kernel module.
io:put_chars(File, v3_kernel_pp:format(Kern));
%%io:put_chars(File, io_lib:format("~p~n", [Kern]));
-module(File, {Mod,Exp,Attr,Kern}) ->
- %% This is output from beam_life (v3).
- io:fwrite(File, "~w.~n~p.~n~p.~n", [Mod,Exp,Attr]),
- foreach(fun (F) -> function(File, F) end, Kern);
module(Stream, {Mod,Exp,Attr,Code,NumLabels}) ->
- %% This is output from beam_codegen.
- io:format(Stream, "{module, ~p}. %% version = ~w\n",
+ %% This is output from v3_codegen.
+ io:format(Stream, "{module, ~p}. %% version = ~w\n",
[Mod, beam_opcodes:format_number()]),
io:format(Stream, "\n{exports, ~p}.\n", [Exp]),
io:format(Stream, "\n{attributes, ~p}.\n", [Attr]),
@@ -68,60 +62,3 @@ format_asm([{label,L}|Is]) ->
format_asm([I|Is]) ->
[io_lib:format(" ~p", [I]),".\n"|format_asm(Is)];
format_asm([]) -> [].
-function(File, {function,Name,Arity,Args,Body,Vdb,_Anno}) ->
- io:nl(File),
- io:format(File, "function ~p/~p.\n", [Name,Arity]),
- io:format(File, " ~p.\n", [Args]),
- print_vdb(File, Vdb),
- put(beam_listing_nl, false),
- nl(File),
- foreach(fun(F) -> format(File, F, []) end, Body),
- nl(File),
- erase(beam_listing_nl).
-format(File, #l{ke=Ke,i=I,vdb=Vdb}, Ind) ->
- nl(File),
- ind_format(File, Ind, "~p ", [I]),
- print_vdb(File, Vdb),
- nl(File),
- format(File, Ke, Ind);
-format(File, Tuple, Ind) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
- ind_format(File, Ind, "{", []),
- format_list(File, tuple_to_list(Tuple), [$\s|Ind]),
- ind_format(File, Ind, "}", []);
-format(File, List, Ind) when is_list(List) ->
- ind_format(File, Ind, "[", []),
- format_list(File, List, [$\s|Ind]),
- ind_format(File, Ind, "]", []);
-format(File, F, Ind) ->
- ind_format(File, Ind, "~p", [F]).
-format_list(File, [F], Ind) ->
- format(File, F, Ind);
-format_list(File, [F|Fs], Ind) ->
- format(File, F, Ind),
- ind_format(File, Ind, ",", []),
- format_list(File, Fs, Ind);
-format_list(_, [], _) -> ok.
-print_vdb(File, [{Var,F,E}|Vs]) ->
- io:format(File, "~p:~p..~p ", [Var,F,E]),
- print_vdb(File, Vs);
-print_vdb(_, []) -> ok.
-ind_format(File, Ind, Format, Args) ->
- case get(beam_listing_nl) of
- true ->
- put(beam_listing_nl, false),
- io:put_chars(File, Ind);
- false -> ok
- end,
- io:format(File, Format, Args).
-nl(File) ->
- case put(beam_listing_nl, true) of
- true -> ok;
- false -> io:nl(File)
- end.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
index 1b359d1e59..bc519264fc 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
@@ -733,8 +733,6 @@ kernel_passes() ->
- {pass,v3_life},
- {iff,dlife,{listing,"life"}},
| asm_passes()].
@@ -1947,7 +1945,6 @@ pre_load() ->
- v3_kernel,
- v3_life],
+ v3_kernel],
_ = code:ensure_modules_loaded(L),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compiler.app.src b/lib/compiler/src/compiler.app.src
index 703cf1d1b8..cf32fd251c 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compiler.app.src
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compiler.app.src
@@ -68,8 +68,7 @@
- v3_kernel_pp,
- v3_life
+ v3_kernel_pp
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
index ee5bafbc5c..006a6a82d2 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -19,25 +19,6 @@
%% Purpose : Code generator for Beam.
-%% The following assumptions have been made:
-%% 1. Matches, i.e. things with {match,M,Ret} wrappers, only return
-%% values; no variables are exported. If the match would have returned
-%% extra variables then these have been transformed to multiple return
-%% values.
-%% 2. All BIF's called in guards are gc-safe so there is no need to
-%% put thing on the stack in the guard. While this would in principle
-%% work it would be difficult to keep track of the stack depth when
-%% trimming.
-%% The code generation uses variable lifetime information added by
-%% the v3_life module to save variables, allocate registers and
-%% move registers to the stack when necessary.
-%% We try to use a consistent variable name scheme throughout. The
-%% StackReg record is always called Bef,Int<n>,Aft.
%% The main interface.
@@ -45,12 +26,14 @@
-import(lists, [member/2,keymember/3,keysort/2,keydelete/3,
- sort/1,reverse/1,reverse/2]).
--import(v3_life, [vdb_find/2]).
+ sort/1,reverse/1,reverse/2,map/2]).
+-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,intersection/2,union/2]).
+%% These are not defined in v3_kernel.hrl.
+get_kanno(Kthing) -> element(2, Kthing).
+set_kanno(Kthing, Anno) -> setelement(2, Kthing, Anno).
%% Main codegen structure.
-record(cg, {lcount=1, %Label counter
@@ -61,38 +44,273 @@
functable=#{}, %Map of local functions: {Name,Arity}=>Label
in_catch=false, %Inside a catch or not.
need_frame, %Need a stack frame.
- ultimate_failure %Label for ultimate match failure.
- }).
+ ultimate_failure, %Label for ultimate match failure.
+ ctx %Match context.
+ }).
%% Stack/register state record.
-record(sr, {reg=[], %Register table
stk=[], %Stack table
res=[]}). %Reserved regs: [{reserved,I,V}]
--type life_module() :: {module(),_,_,[_]}.
+%% Internal records.
+-record(cg_need_heap, {anno=[] :: term(),
+ h=0 :: integer()}).
+-record(cg_block, {anno=[] :: term(),
+ es=[] :: [term()]}).
+-type vdb_entry() :: {atom(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}.
+-record(l, {i=0 :: non_neg_integer(), %Op number
+ vdb=[] :: [vdb_entry()], %Variable database
+ a=[] :: [term()]}). %Core annotation
--spec module(life_module(), [compile:option()]) -> {'ok',beam_asm:module_code()}.
+-spec module(#k_mdef{}, [compile:option()]) -> {'ok',beam_asm:module_code()}.
-module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Forms}, _Options) ->
- {Fs,St} = functions(Forms, {atom,Mod}),
- {ok,{Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs,St#cg.lcount}}.
+module(#k_mdef{name=Mod,exports=Es,attributes=Attr,body=Forms}, _Opts) ->
+ {Asm,St} = functions(Forms, {atom,Mod}),
+ {ok,{Mod,Es,Attr,Asm,St#cg.lcount}}.
functions(Forms, AtomMod) ->
mapfoldl(fun (F, St) -> function(F, AtomMod, St) end, #cg{lcount=1}, Forms).
-function({function,Name,Arity,Asm0,Vb,Vdb,Anno}, AtomMod, St0) ->
+ vars=As,body=Kb}, AtomMod, St0) ->
- {Asm,EntryLabel,St} = cg_fun(Vb, Asm0, Vdb, AtomMod,
- {Name,Arity}, Anno, St0),
- Func = {function,Name,Arity,EntryLabel,Asm},
- {Func,St}
+ %% Annotate kernel records with variable usage.
+ #k_match{} = Kb, %Assertion.
+ Vdb0 = init_vars(As),
+ {Body,_,Vdb} = body(Kb, 1, Vdb0),
+ %% Generate the BEAM assembly code.
+ {Asm,EntryLabel,St} = cg_fun(Body, As, Vdb, AtomMod,
+ {Name,Arity}, Anno, St0),
+ Func = {function,Name,Arity,EntryLabel,Asm},
+ {Func,St}
- Class:Error ->
- Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [Name,Arity]),
- erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
+ Class:Error ->
+ Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [Name,Arity]),
+ erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
+%% This pass creates beam format annotated with variable lifetime
+%% information. Each thing is given an index and for each variable we
+%% store the first and last index for its occurrence. The variable
+%% database, VDB, attached to each thing is only relevant internally
+%% for that thing.
+%% For nested things like matches the numbering continues locally and
+%% the VDB for that thing refers to the variable usage within that
+%% thing. Variables which live through a such a thing are internally
+%% given a very large last index. Internally the indexes continue
+%% after the index of that thing. This creates no problems as the
+%% internal variable info never escapes and externally we only see
+%% variable which are alive both before or after.
+%% This means that variables never "escape" from a thing and the only
+%% way to get values from a thing is to "return" them, with 'break' or
+%% 'return'. Externally these values become the return values of the
+%% thing. This is no real limitation as most nested things have
+%% multiple threads so working out a common best variable usage is
+%% difficult.
+%% body(Kbody, I, Vdb) -> {[Expr],MaxI,Vdb}.
+%% Handle a body.
+body(#k_seq{arg=Ke,body=Kb}, I, Vdb0) ->
+ %%ok = io:fwrite("life ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{Ke,I,Vdb0}]),
+ A = get_kanno(Ke),
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, A#k.ns), I, Vdb0),
+ {Es,MaxI,Vdb2} = body(Kb, I+1, Vdb1),
+ E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb2),
+ {[E|Es],MaxI,Vdb2};
+body(Ke, I, Vdb0) ->
+ %%ok = io:fwrite("life ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{Ke,I,Vdb0}]),
+ A = get_kanno(Ke),
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, A#k.ns), I, Vdb0),
+ E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb1),
+ {[E],I,Vdb1}.
+%% expr(Kexpr, I, Vdb) -> Expr.
+expr(#k_test{anno=A}=Test, I, _Vdb) ->
+ Test#k_test{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}};
+expr(#k_call{anno=A}=Call, I, _Vdb) ->
+ Call#k_call{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}};
+expr(#k_enter{anno=A}=Enter, I, _Vdb) ->
+ Enter#k_enter{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}};
+expr(#k_bif{anno=A}=Bif, I, _Vdb) ->
+ Bif#k_bif{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}};
+expr(#k_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
+ %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
+ Mdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
+ M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),
+ L = #l{i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a},
+ #k_match{anno=L,body=M,ret=Rs};
+expr(#k_guard_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
+ %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
+ Mdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
+ M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),
+ L = #l{i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a},
+ #k_guard_match{anno=L,body=M,ret=Rs};
+expr(#k_protected{}=Protected, I, Vdb) ->
+ protected(Protected, I, Vdb);
+expr(#k_try{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh}=Try, I, Vdb) ->
+ %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
+ %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
+ Tdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
+ %% This is the tricky bit. Lock variables in Arg that are used in
+ %% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
+ Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
+ Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
+ Tdb1 = use_vars(union(Ab#k.us, Ah#k.us), I+3, Tdb0),
+ Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
+ Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
+ {Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, locked, Tdb2)),
+ {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Vs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Evs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ L = #l{i=I,vdb=Tdb1,a=A#k.a},
+ Try#k_try{anno=L,
+ arg=#cg_block{es=Aes,anno=#l{i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]}},
+ vars=Vs,body=#cg_block{es=Bes,anno=#l{i=I+3,vdb=Bdb,a=[]}},
+ evars=Evs,handler=#cg_block{es=Hes,anno=#l{i=I+3,vdb=Hdb,a=[]}}};
+expr(#k_try_enter{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh}, I, Vdb) ->
+ %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
+ %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
+ Tdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
+ %% This is the tricky bit. Lock variables in Arg that are used in
+ %% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
+ Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
+ Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
+ Tdb1 = use_vars(union(Ab#k.us, Ah#k.us), I+3, Tdb0),
+ Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
+ Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
+ {Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, 1000000, Tdb2)),
+ {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Vs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Evs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ L = #l{i=I,vdb=Tdb1,a=A#k.a},
+ #k_try_enter{anno=L,
+ arg=#cg_block{es=Aes,anno=#l{i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]}},
+ vars=Vs,body=#cg_block{es=Bes,anno=#l{i=I+3,vdb=Bdb,a=[]}},
+ evars=Evs,handler=#cg_block{es=Hes,anno=#l{i=I+3,vdb=Hdb,a=[]}}};
+expr(#k_catch{anno=A,body=Kb}=Catch, I, Vdb) ->
+ %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
+ %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the catch.
+ %% Add catch tag 'variable'.
+ Cdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
+ {Es,_,Cdb1} = body(Kb, I+1, add_var({catch_tag,I}, I, locked, Cdb0)),
+ L = #l{i=I,vdb=Cdb1,a=A#k.a},
+ Catch#k_catch{anno=L,body=#cg_block{es=Es}};
+expr(#k_receive{anno=A,var=V,body=Kb,action=Ka}=Recv, I, Vdb) ->
+ %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
+ Rdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
+ M = match(Kb, add_element(V#k_var.name, A#k.us), I+1,
+ new_vars([V#k_var.name], I, Rdb)),
+ {Tes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+1, Rdb),
+ Le = #l{i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Vdb),a=A#k.a},
+ Recv#k_receive{anno=Le,body=M,
+ action=#cg_block{anno=#l{i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},es=Tes}};
+expr(#k_receive_accept{anno=A}, I, _Vdb) ->
+ #k_receive_accept{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}};
+expr(#k_receive_next{anno=A}, I, _Vdb) ->
+ #k_receive_next{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}};
+expr(#k_put{anno=A}=Put, I, _Vdb) ->
+ Put#k_put{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}};
+expr(#k_break{anno=A}=Break, I, _Vdb) ->
+ Break#k_break{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}};
+expr(#k_guard_break{anno=A}=Break, I, Vdb) ->
+ Locked = [V || {V,_,_} <- Vdb],
+ L = #l{i=I,a=A#k.a},
+ Break#k_guard_break{anno=L,locked=Locked};
+expr(#k_return{anno=A}=Ret, I, _Vdb) ->
+ Ret#k_return{anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a}}.
+%% protected(Kprotected, I, Vdb) -> Protected.
+%% Only used in guards.
+protected(#k_protected{anno=A,arg=Ts}=Prot, I, Vdb) ->
+ %% Lock variables that are alive before try and used afterwards.
+ %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the protected
+ %% expression.
+ Pdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
+ {T,MaxI,Pdb1} = body(Ts, I+1, Pdb0),
+ Pdb2 = use_vars(A#k.ns, MaxI+1, Pdb1), %Save "return" values
+ Prot#k_protected{arg=T,anno=#l{i=I,a=A#k.a,vdb=Pdb2}}.
+%% match(Kexpr, [LockVar], I, Vdb) -> Expr.
+%% Convert match tree to old format.
+match(#k_alt{anno=A,first=Kf,then=Kt}, Ls, I, Vdb0) ->
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I, Vdb0),
+ F = match(Kf, Ls, I+1, Vdb1),
+ T = match(Kt, Ls, I+1, Vdb1),
+ #k_alt{anno=[],first=F,then=T};
+match(#k_select{anno=A,var=V,types=Kts}=Select, Ls0, I, Vdb0) ->
+ Vanno = get_kanno(V),
+ Ls1 = case member(no_usage, Vanno) of
+ false -> add_element(V#k_var.name, Ls0);
+ true -> Ls0
+ end,
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls1), I, Vdb0),
+ Ts = [type_clause(Tc, Ls1, I+1, Vdb1) || Tc <- Kts],
+ Select#k_select{anno=[],types=Ts};
+match(#k_guard{anno=A,clauses=Kcs}, Ls, I, Vdb0) ->
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I, Vdb0),
+ Cs = [guard_clause(G, Ls, I+1, Vdb1) || G <- Kcs],
+ #k_guard{anno=[],clauses=Cs};
+match(Other, Ls, I, Vdb0) ->
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(Ls, I, Vdb0),
+ {B,_,Vdb2} = body(Other, I+1, Vdb1),
+ Le = #l{i=I,vdb=Vdb2,a=[]},
+ #cg_block{anno=Le,es=B}.
+type_clause(#k_type_clause{anno=A,type=T,values=Kvs}, Ls, I, Vdb0) ->
+ %%ok = io:format("life ~w: ~p~n", [?LINE,{T,Kvs}]),
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I+1, Vdb0),
+ Vs = [val_clause(Vc, Ls, I+1, Vdb1) || Vc <- Kvs],
+ #k_type_clause{anno=[],type=T,values=Vs}.
+val_clause(#k_val_clause{anno=A,val=V,body=Kb}, Ls0, I, Vdb0) ->
+ New = (get_kanno(V))#k.ns,
+ Bus = (get_kanno(Kb))#k.us,
+ %%ok = io:format("Ls0 = ~p, Used=~p\n New=~p, Bus=~p\n", [Ls0,Used,New,Bus]),
+ Ls1 = union(intersection(New, Bus), Ls0), %Lock for safety
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls1), I+1, new_vars(New, I, Vdb0)),
+ B = match(Kb, Ls1, I+1, Vdb1),
+ Le = #l{i=I,vdb=use_vars(Bus, I+1, Vdb1),a=A#k.a},
+ #k_val_clause{anno=Le,val=V,body=B}.
+guard_clause(#k_guard_clause{anno=A,guard=Kg,body=Kb}, Ls, I, Vdb0) ->
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I+2, Vdb0),
+ Gdb = vdb_sub(I+1, I+2, Vdb1),
+ G = protected(Kg, I+1, Gdb),
+ B = match(Kb, Ls, I+2, Vdb1),
+ Le = #l{i=I,vdb=use_vars((get_kanno(Kg))#k.us, I+2, Vdb1),a=A#k.a},
+ #k_guard_clause{anno=Le,guard=G,body=B}.
+%% Here follows the code generator pass.
+%% The following assumptions have been made:
+%% 1. Matches, i.e. things with {match,M,Ret} wrappers, only return
+%% values; no variables are exported. If the match would have returned
+%% extra variables then these have been transformed to multiple return
+%% values.
+%% 2. All BIF's called in guards are gc-safe so there is no need to
+%% put thing on the stack in the guard. While this would in principle
+%% work it would be difficult to keep track of the stack depth when
+%% trimming.
+%% The code generation uses variable lifetime information added by
+%% the previous pass to save variables, allocate registers and
+%% move registers to the stack when necessary.
+%% We try to use a consistent variable name scheme throughout. The
+%% StackReg record is always called Bef,Int<n>,Aft.
%% cg_fun([Lkexpr], [HeadVar], Vdb, State) -> {[Ainstr],State}
cg_fun(Les, Hvs, Vdb, AtomMod, NameArity, Anno, St0) ->
@@ -114,14 +332,14 @@ cg_fun(Les, Hvs, Vdb, AtomMod, NameArity, Anno, St0) ->
%% Note that and 'if_end' instruction does not need any
%% live x registers, so it will always be safe to jump to
%% it. (We never ever expect the jump to be taken, and in
- %% must functions there will never be any references to
+ %% most functions there will never be any references to
%% the label in the first place.)
{UltimateMatchFail,St3} = new_label(St2),
%% Create initial stack/register state, clear unused arguments.
- Bef = clear_dead(#sr{reg=foldl(fun ({var,V}, Reg) ->
+ Bef = clear_dead(#sr{reg=foldl(fun (#k_var{name=V}, Reg) ->
put_reg(V, Reg)
end, [], Hvs),
stk=[]}, 0, Vdb),
@@ -136,45 +354,43 @@ cg_fun(Les, Hvs, Vdb, AtomMod, NameArity, Anno, St0) ->
%% cg(Lkexpr, Vdb, StackReg, State) -> {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
%% Generate code for a kexpr.
-%% Split function into two steps for clarity, not efficiency.
-cg(Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
- cg(Le#l.ke, Le, Vdb, Bef, St).
-cg({block,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#cg_block{anno=Le,es=Es}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
block_cg(Es, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({match,M,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_match{anno=Le,body=M,ret=Rs}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
match_cg(M, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({guard_match,M,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_guard_match{anno=Le,body=M,ret=Rs}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
guard_match_cg(M, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({call,Func,As,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_call{anno=Le,op=Func,args=As,ret=Rs}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
call_cg(Func, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({enter,Func,As}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_enter{anno=Le,op=Func,args=As}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
enter_cg(Func, As, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({bif,Bif,As,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
- bif_cg(Bif, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({gc_bif,Bif,As,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
- gc_bif_cg(Bif, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({internal,Bif,As,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
- internal_cg(Bif, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({receive_loop,Te,Rvar,Rm,Tes,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_bif{anno=Le}=Bif, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ bif_cg(Bif, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
+ Vdb, Bef, St) ->
recv_loop_cg(Te, Rvar, Rm, Tes, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg(receive_next, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_receive_next{anno=Le}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
recv_next_cg(Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg(receive_accept, _Le, _Vdb, Bef, St) -> {[remove_message],Bef,St};
-cg({'try',Ta,Vs,Tb,Evs,Th,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_receive_accept{}, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ {[remove_message],Bef,St};
+ Vdb, Bef, St) ->
try_cg(Ta, Vs, Tb, Evs, Th, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({try_enter,Ta,Vs,Tb,Evs,Th}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ Vdb, Bef, St) ->
try_enter_cg(Ta, Vs, Tb, Evs, Th, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({'catch',Cb,R}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_catch{anno=Le,body=Cb,ret=[R]}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
catch_cg(Cb, R, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({set,Var,Con}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
- set_cg(Var, Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({return,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) -> return_cg(Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({break,Bs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) -> break_cg(Bs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({guard_break,Bs,N}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#k_put{anno=Le,arg=Con,ret=Var}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ put_cg(Var, Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
+cg(#k_return{anno=Le,args=Rs}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ return_cg(Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
+cg(#k_break{anno=Le,args=Bs}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ break_cg(Bs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
+cg(#k_guard_break{anno=Le,args=Bs,locked=N}, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
guard_break_cg(Bs, N, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
-cg({need_heap,H}, _Le, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+cg(#cg_need_heap{h=H}, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
%% cg_list([Kexpr], FirstI, Vdb, StackReg, St) -> {[Ainstr],StackReg,St}.
@@ -191,11 +407,11 @@ cg_list(Kes, I, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% Insert need_heap instructions in Kexpr list. Try to be smart and
%% collect them together as much as possible.
-need_heap(Kes0, I) ->
+need_heap(Kes0, _I) ->
{Kes,H} = need_heap_0(reverse(Kes0), 0, []),
%% Prepend need_heap if necessary.
- need_heap_need(I, H) ++ Kes.
+ need_heap_need(H) ++ Kes.
need_heap_0([Ke|Kes], H0, Acc) ->
{Ns,H} = need_heap_1(Ke, H0),
@@ -203,27 +419,54 @@ need_heap_0([Ke|Kes], H0, Acc) ->
need_heap_0([], H, Acc) ->
-need_heap_1(#l{ke={set,_,{binary,_}},i=I}, H) ->
- {need_heap_need(I, H),0};
-need_heap_1(#l{ke={set,_,{map,_,_,_}},i=I}, H) ->
- {need_heap_need(I, H),0};
-need_heap_1(#l{ke={set,_,Val}}, H) ->
+need_heap_1(#k_put{arg=#k_binary{}}, H) ->
+ {need_heap_need(H),0};
+need_heap_1(#k_put{arg=#k_map{}}, H) ->
+ {need_heap_need(H),0};
+need_heap_1(#k_put{arg=Val}, H) ->
%% Just pass through adding to needed heap.
{[],H + case Val of
- {cons,_} -> 2;
- {tuple,Es} -> 1 + length(Es);
+ #k_cons{} -> 2;
+ #k_tuple{es=Es} -> 1 + length(Es);
_Other -> 0
-need_heap_1(#l{ke={bif,_Bif,_As,_Rs}}, H) ->
- {[],H};
-need_heap_1(#l{i=I}, H) ->
+need_heap_1(#k_bif{}=Bif, H) ->
+ case is_gc_bif(Bif) of
+ false ->
+ {[],H};
+ true ->
+ {need_heap_need(H),0}
+ end;
+need_heap_1(_Ke, H) ->
%% Call or call-like instruction such as set_tuple_element/3.
- {need_heap_need(I, H),0}.
-need_heap_need(_I, 0) -> [];
-need_heap_need(I, H) -> [#l{ke={need_heap,H},i=I}].
-%% match_cg(Match, [Ret], Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
+ {need_heap_need(H),0}.
+need_heap_need(0) -> [];
+need_heap_need(H) -> [#cg_need_heap{h=H}].
+%% is_gc_bif(#k_bif{}) -> true|false.
+%% is_gc_bif(Name, Arity) -> true|false.
+%% Determines whether the BIF Name/Arity might do a GC.
+is_gc_bif(#k_bif{op=#k_remote{name=#k_atom{val=Name}},args=Args}) ->
+ is_gc_bif(Name, length(Args));
+is_gc_bif(#k_bif{op=#k_internal{}}) ->
+ true.
+is_gc_bif(hd, 1) -> false;
+is_gc_bif(tl, 1) -> false;
+is_gc_bif(self, 0) -> false;
+is_gc_bif(node, 0) -> false;
+is_gc_bif(node, 1) -> false;
+is_gc_bif(element, 2) -> false;
+is_gc_bif(get, 1) -> false;
+is_gc_bif(tuple_size, 1) -> false;
+is_gc_bif(Bif, Arity) ->
+ not (erl_internal:bool_op(Bif, Arity) orelse
+ erl_internal:new_type_test(Bif, Arity) orelse
+ erl_internal:comp_op(Bif, Arity)).
+%% match_cg(Matc, [Ret], Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
%% {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
%% Generate code for a match. First save all variables on the stack
%% that are to survive after the match. We leave saved variables in
@@ -252,7 +495,7 @@ guard_match_cg(M, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
clear_dead(Aft#sr{reg=Reg}, I, Vdb),
-guard_match_regs([{I,gbreakvar}|Rs], [{var,V}|Vs]) ->
+guard_match_regs([{I,gbreakvar}|Rs], [#k_var{name=V}|Vs]) ->
[{I,V}|guard_match_regs(Rs, Vs)];
guard_match_regs([R|Rs], Vs) ->
[R|guard_match_regs(Rs, Vs)];
@@ -264,17 +507,14 @@ guard_match_regs([], []) -> [].
%% down as each level which uses this takes its own internal Vdb not
%% the outer one.
-match_cg(Le, Fail, Bef, St) ->
- match_cg(Le#l.ke, Le, Fail, Bef, St).
-match_cg({alt,F,S}, _Le, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
+match_cg(#k_alt{first=F,then=S}, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
{Tf,St1} = new_label(St0),
{Fis,Faft,St2} = match_cg(F, Tf, Bef, St1),
{Sis,Saft,St3} = match_cg(S, Fail, Bef, St2),
Aft = sr_merge(Faft, Saft),
{Fis ++ [{label,Tf}] ++ Sis,Aft,St3};
-match_cg({select,{var,Vname}=V,Scs0}, #l{a=Anno}, Fail, Bef, St) ->
- ReuseForContext = member(reuse_for_context, Anno) andalso
+match_cg(#k_select{var=#k_var{anno=Vanno,name=Vname}=V,types=Scs0}, Fail, Bef, St) ->
+ ReuseForContext = member(reuse_for_context, Vanno) andalso
find_reg(Vname, Bef#sr.reg) =/= error,
Scs = case ReuseForContext of
false -> Scs0;
@@ -283,10 +523,10 @@ match_cg({select,{var,Vname}=V,Scs0}, #l{a=Anno}, Fail, Bef, St) ->
match_fmf(fun (S, F, Sta) ->
select_cg(S, V, F, Fail, Bef, Sta) end,
Fail, St, Scs);
-match_cg({guard,Gcs}, _Le, Fail, Bef, St) ->
+match_cg(#k_guard{clauses=Gcs}, Fail, Bef, St) ->
match_fmf(fun (G, F, Sta) -> guard_clause_cg(G, F, Bef, Sta) end,
Fail, St, Gcs);
-match_cg({block,Es}, Le, _Fail, Bef, St) ->
+match_cg(#cg_block{anno=Le,es=Es}, _Fail, Bef, St) ->
%% Must clear registers and stack of dead variables.
Int = clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.vdb),
block_cg(Es, Le, Int, St).
@@ -294,8 +534,8 @@ match_cg({block,Es}, Le, _Fail, Bef, St) ->
%% bsm_rename_ctx([Clause], Var) -> [Clause]
%% We know from an annotation that the register for a binary can
%% be reused for the match context because the two are not truly
-%% alive at the same time (even though the conservative life time
-%% information calculated by v3_life says so).
+%% alive at the same time (even though the life time information
+%% says so).
%% The easiest way to have those variables share the same register is
%% to rename the variable with the shortest life-span (the match
@@ -306,12 +546,14 @@ match_cg({block,Es}, Le, _Fail, Bef, St) ->
%% We must also remove all information about the match context
%% variable from all life-time information databases (Vdb).
- [#l{ke={val_clause,{binary,{var,Old}},Ke0}}=L2]}}=L1|Cs], New) ->
+bsm_rename_ctx([#k_type_clause{type=k_binary,values=Vcs}=TC|Cs], New) ->
+ [#k_val_clause{val=#k_binary{segs=#k_var{name=Old}}=Bin,
+ body=Ke0}=VC0] = Vcs,
Ke = bsm_rename_ctx(Ke0, Old, New, false),
- [L1#l{ke={type_clause,binary,
- [L2#l{ke={val_clause,{binary,{var,New}},Ke}}]}}|bsm_rename_ctx(Cs, New)];
-bsm_rename_ctx([C|Cs], New) ->
+ VC = VC0#k_val_clause{val=Bin#k_binary{segs=#k_var{name=New}},
+ body=Ke},
+ [TC#k_type_clause{values=[VC]}|bsm_rename_ctx(Cs, New)];
+bsm_rename_ctx([C|Cs], New) ->
[C|bsm_rename_ctx(Cs, New)];
bsm_rename_ctx([], _) -> [].
@@ -321,34 +563,24 @@ bsm_rename_ctx([], _) -> [].
%% only complicatate things to recurse into blocks not in a protected
%% (the match context variable is not live inside them).
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={select,{var,V},Cs0}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
+ Old, New, InProt) ->
Cs = bsm_rename_ctx_list(Cs0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={select,{var,bsm_rename_var(V, Old, New)},Cs}};
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={type_clause,Type,Cs0}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
+ Sel#k_select{var=#k_var{name=bsm_rename_var(V, Old, New)},types=Cs};
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_type_clause{values=Cs0}=TC, Old, New, InProt) ->
Cs = bsm_rename_ctx_list(Cs0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={type_clause,Type,Cs}};
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={val_clause,{bin_end,V},Ke0}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
- Ke = bsm_rename_ctx(Ke0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={val_clause,{bin_end,bsm_rename_var(V, Old, New)},Ke}};
- Old, New, InProt) ->
- Ke = bsm_rename_ctx(Ke0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={val_clause,{bin_seg,bsm_rename_var(V, Old, New),Sz,U,Type,Fl,Vs},Ke}};
- Old, New, InProt) ->
- Ke = bsm_rename_ctx(Ke0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={val_clause,{bin_int,bsm_rename_var(V, Old, New),Sz,U,Fl,Val,Vs},Ke}};
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={val_clause,Val,Ke0}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
+ TC#k_type_clause{values=Cs};
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_val_clause{body=Ke0}=VC, Old, New, InProt) ->
Ke = bsm_rename_ctx(Ke0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={val_clause,Val,Ke}};
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={alt,F0,S0}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
+ VC#k_val_clause{body=Ke};
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_alt{first=F0,then=S0}=Alt, Old, New, InProt) ->
F = bsm_rename_ctx(F0, Old, New, InProt),
S = bsm_rename_ctx(S0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={alt,F,S}};
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={guard,Gcs0}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
+ Alt#k_alt{first=F,then=S};
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_guard{clauses=Gcs0}=Guard, Old, New, InProt) ->
Gcs = bsm_rename_ctx_list(Gcs0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={guard,Gcs}};
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={guard_clause,G0,B0}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
+ Guard#k_guard{clauses=Gcs};
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_guard_clause{guard=G0,body=B0}=GC, Old, New, InProt) ->
G = bsm_rename_ctx(G0, Old, New, InProt),
B = bsm_rename_ctx(B0, Old, New, InProt),
%% A guard clause may cause unsaved variables to be saved on the stack.
@@ -356,49 +588,49 @@ bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={guard_clause,G0,B0}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
%% same register), it is neither in the stack nor register descriptor
%% lists and we would crash when we didn't find it unless we remove
%% it from the database.
- bsm_forget_var(L#l{ke={guard_clause,G,B}}, Old);
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={protected,Ts0,Rs}}=L, Old, New, _InProt) ->
+ bsm_forget_var(GC#k_guard_clause{guard=G,body=B}, Old);
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_protected{arg=Ts0}=Prot, Old, New, _InProt) ->
InProt = true,
Ts = bsm_rename_ctx_list(Ts0, Old, New, InProt),
- bsm_forget_var(L#l{ke={protected,Ts,Rs}}, Old);
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={match,Ms0,Rs}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
+ bsm_forget_var(Prot#k_protected{arg=Ts}, Old);
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_match{body=Ms0}=Match, Old, New, InProt) ->
Ms = bsm_rename_ctx(Ms0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={match,Ms,Rs}};
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={guard_match,Ms0,Rs}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
+ Match#k_match{body=Ms};
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_guard_match{body=Ms0}=Match, Old, New, InProt) ->
Ms = bsm_rename_ctx(Ms0, Old, New, InProt),
- L#l{ke={guard_match,Ms,Rs}};
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={test,_,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={bif,_,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={gc_bif,_,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={set,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={call,_,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={block,_}}=L, Old, _, false) ->
+ Match#k_guard_match{body=Ms};
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_test{}=Test, _, _, _) -> Test;
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_bif{}=Bif, _, _, _) -> Bif;
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_put{}=Put, _, _, _) -> Put;
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_call{}=Call, _, _, _) -> Call;
+bsm_rename_ctx(#cg_block{}=Block, Old, _, false) ->
%% This block is not inside a protected. The match context variable cannot
%% possibly be live inside the block.
- bsm_forget_var(L, Old);
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={block,Bl0}}=L, Old, New, true) ->
+ bsm_forget_var(Block, Old);
+bsm_rename_ctx(#cg_block{es=Es0}=Block, Old, New, true) ->
%% A block in a protected. We must recursively rename the variable
%% inside the block.
- Bl = bsm_rename_ctx_list(Bl0, Old, New, true),
- bsm_forget_var(L#l{ke={block,Bl}}, Old);
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={guard_break,Bs,Locked0}}=L0, Old, _New, _InProt) ->
+ Es = bsm_rename_ctx_list(Es0, Old, New, true),
+ bsm_forget_var(Block#cg_block{es=Es}, Old);
+bsm_rename_ctx(#k_guard_break{locked=Locked0}=Break, Old, _New, _InProt) ->
Locked = Locked0 -- [Old],
- L = L0#l{ke={guard_break,Bs,Locked}},
- bsm_forget_var(L, Old).
+ bsm_forget_var(Break#k_guard_break{locked=Locked}, Old).
bsm_rename_ctx_list([C|Cs], Old, New, InProt) ->
[bsm_rename_ctx(C, Old, New, InProt)|
bsm_rename_ctx_list(Cs, Old, New, InProt)];
bsm_rename_ctx_list([], _, _, _) -> [].
bsm_rename_var(Old, Old, New) -> New;
bsm_rename_var(V, _, _) -> V.
%% bsm_forget_var(#l{}, Variable) -> #l{}
%% Remove a variable from the variable life-time database.
-bsm_forget_var(#l{vdb=Vdb}=L, V) ->
- L#l{vdb=keydelete(V, 1, Vdb)}.
+bsm_forget_var(Ke, V) ->
+ #l{vdb=Vdb} = L0 = get_kanno(Ke),
+ L = L0#l{vdb=keydelete(V, 1, Vdb)},
+ set_kanno(Ke, L).
%% block_cg([Kexpr], Le, Vdb, StackReg, St) -> {[Ainstr],StackReg,St}.
%% block_cg([Kexpr], Le, StackReg, St) -> {[Ainstr],StackReg,St}.
@@ -421,7 +653,7 @@ cg_block(Kes0, I, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
case basic_block(Kes0) of
{Kes1,LastI,Args,Rest} ->
Ke = hd(Kes1),
- Fb = Ke#l.i,
+ #l{i=Fb} = get_kanno(Ke),
cg_basic_block(Kes1, Fb, LastI, Args, Vdb, Bef, St0);
{Kes1,Rest} ->
cg_list(Kes1, I, Vdb, Bef, St0)
@@ -431,36 +663,46 @@ cg_block(Kes0, I, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
basic_block(Kes) -> basic_block(Kes, []).
-basic_block([Le|Les], Acc) ->
- case collect_block(Le#l.ke) of
- include -> basic_block(Les, [Le|Acc]);
+basic_block([Ke|Kes], Acc) ->
+ case collect_block(Ke) of
+ include -> basic_block(Kes, [Ke|Acc]);
{block_end,As} ->
case Acc of
[] ->
- %% If the basic block does not contain any set instructions,
+ %% If the basic block does not contain any #k_put{} instructions,
%% it serves no useful purpose to do basic block optimizations.
- {[Le],Les};
+ {[Ke],Kes};
_ ->
- {reverse(Acc, [Le]),Le#l.i,As,Les}
+ #l{i=I} = get_kanno(Ke),
+ {reverse(Acc, [Ke]),I,As,Kes}
- no_block -> {reverse(Acc, [Le]),Les}
+ no_block -> {reverse(Acc, [Ke]),Kes}
-%% sets that may garbage collect are not allowed in basic blocks.
-collect_block({set,_,{binary,_}}) -> no_block;
-collect_block({set,_,{map,_,_,_}}) -> no_block;
-collect_block({set,_,_}) -> include;
-collect_block({call,{var,_}=Var,As,_Rs}) -> {block_end,As++[Var]};
-collect_block({call,Func,As,_Rs}) -> {block_end,As++func_vars(Func)};
-collect_block({enter,{var,_}=Var,As})-> {block_end,As++[Var]};
-collect_block({enter,Func,As}) -> {block_end,As++func_vars(Func)};
-collect_block({return,Rs}) -> {block_end,Rs};
-collect_block({break,Bs}) -> {block_end,Bs};
+%% #k_put{} instructions that may garbage collect are not allowed in basic blocks.
+collect_block(#k_put{arg=#k_binary{}}) ->
+ no_block;
+collect_block(#k_put{arg=#k_map{}}) ->
+ no_block;
+collect_block(#k_put{}) ->
+ include;
+collect_block(#k_call{op=#k_var{}=Var,args=As}) ->
+ {block_end,As++[Var]};
+collect_block(#k_call{op=Func,args=As}) ->
+ {block_end,As++func_vars(Func)};
+collect_block(#k_enter{op=#k_var{}=Var,args=As}) ->
+ {block_end,As++[Var]};
+collect_block(#k_enter{op=Func,args=As}) ->
+ {block_end,As++func_vars(Func)};
+collect_block(#k_return{args=Rs}) ->
+ {block_end,Rs};
+collect_block(#k_break{args=Bs}) ->
+ {block_end,Bs};
collect_block(_) -> no_block.
-func_vars({remote,M,F}) when element(1, M) =:= var;
- element(1, F) =:= var ->
+ when is_record(M, k_var); is_record(F, k_var) ->
func_vars(_) -> [].
@@ -478,18 +720,19 @@ cg_basic_block(Kes, Fb, Lf, As, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{Int0,X0_v0,St0}, need_heap(Kes, Fb)),
-cg_basic_block(#l{ke={need_heap,_}}=Ke, {Inta,X0v,Sta}, _Lf, Vdb) ->
+cg_basic_block(#cg_need_heap{}=Ke, {Inta,X0v,Sta}, _Lf, Vdb) ->
{Keis,Intb,Stb} = cg(Ke, Vdb, Inta, Sta),
{Keis, {Intb,X0v,Stb}};
cg_basic_block(Ke, {Inta,X0_v1,Sta}, Lf, Vdb) ->
- {Sis,Intb} = save_carefully(Inta, Ke#l.i, Lf+1, Vdb),
- {X0_v2,Intc} = allocate_x0(X0_v1, Ke#l.i, Intb),
+ #l{i=I} = get_kanno(Ke),
+ {Sis,Intb} = save_carefully(Inta, I, Lf+1, Vdb),
+ {X0_v2,Intc} = allocate_x0(X0_v1, I, Intb),
Intd = reserve(Intc),
{Keis,Inte,Stb} = cg(Ke, Vdb, Intd, Sta),
{Sis ++ Keis, {Inte,X0_v2,Stb}}.
make_reservation([], _) -> [];
-make_reservation([{var,V}|As], I) -> [{I,V}|make_reservation(As, I+1)];
+make_reservation([#k_var{name=V}|As], I) -> [{I,V}|make_reservation(As, I+1)];
make_reservation([A|As], I) -> [{I,A}|make_reservation(As, I+1)].
reserve(Sr) -> Sr#sr{reg=reserve(Sr#sr.res, Sr#sr.reg, Sr#sr.stk)}.
@@ -538,7 +781,7 @@ save_carefully([V|Vs], Bef, Acc) ->
x0_vars([], _Fb, _Lf, _Vdb) -> [];
-x0_vars([{var,V}|_], Fb, _Lf, Vdb) ->
+x0_vars([#k_var{name=V}|_], Fb, _Lf, Vdb) ->
{V,F,_L} = VFL = vdb_find(V, Vdb),
x0_vars1([VFL], Fb, F, Vdb);
x0_vars([X0|_], Fb, Lf, Vdb) ->
@@ -640,23 +883,27 @@ turn_yreg(Other, _MaxY) ->
%% wrong. These are different as in the second case there is no need
%% to try the next type, it will always fail.
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,cons,[S]}}, {var,V}, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
+select_cg(#k_type_clause{type=Type,values=Vs}, Var, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
+ #k_var{name=V} = Var,
+ select_cg(Type, Vs, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St).
+select_cg(k_cons, [S], V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
select_cons(S, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St);
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,nil,[S]}}, {var,V}, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
+select_cg(k_nil, [S], V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
select_nil(S, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St);
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,binary,[S]}}, {var,V}, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
+select_cg(k_binary, [S], V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
select_binary(S, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St);
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,bin_seg,S}}, {var,V}, Tf, _Vf, Bef, St) ->
+select_cg(k_bin_seg, S, V, Tf, _Vf, Bef, St) ->
select_bin_segs(S, V, Tf, Bef, St);
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,bin_int,S}}, {var,V}, Tf, _Vf, Bef, St) ->
+select_cg(k_bin_int, S, V, Tf, _Vf, Bef, St) ->
select_bin_segs(S, V, Tf, Bef, St);
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,bin_end,[S]}}, {var,V}, Tf, _Vf, Bef, St) ->
+select_cg(k_bin_end, [S], V, Tf, _Vf, Bef, St) ->
select_bin_end(S, V, Tf, Bef, St);
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,map,S}}, {var,V}, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
+select_cg(k_map, S, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
select_map(S, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St);
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,literal,S}}, {var,V}, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
+select_cg(k_literal, S, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
select_literal(S, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St);
-select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,Type,Scs}}, {var,V}, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+select_cg(Type, Scs, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
{Vis,{Aft,St1}} =
mapfoldl(fun (S, {Int,Sta}) ->
{Val,Is,Inta,Stb} = select_val(S, V, Vf, Bef, Sta),
@@ -666,22 +913,29 @@ select_cg(#l{ke={type_clause,Type,Scs}}, {var,V}, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
{Vls,Sis,St2} = select_labels(OptVls, St1, [], []),
{select_val_cg(Type, fetch_var(V, Bef), Vls, Tf, Vf, Sis), Aft, St2}.
-select_val_cg(tuple, R, [Arity,{f,Lbl}], Tf, Vf, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
+select_val_cg(k_tuple, R, [Arity,{f,Lbl}], Tf, Vf, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
-select_val_cg(tuple, R, Vls, Tf, Vf, Sis) ->
+select_val_cg(k_tuple, R, Vls, Tf, Vf, Sis) ->
select_val_cg(Type, R, [Val, {f,Lbl}], Fail, Fail, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
- [{test,is_eq_exact,{f,Fail},[R,{Type,Val}]}|Sis];
+ [{test,is_eq_exact,{f,Fail},[R,{type(Type),Val}]}|Sis];
select_val_cg(Type, R, [Val, {f,Lbl}], Tf, Vf, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
- {test,is_eq_exact,{f,Vf},[R,{Type,Val}]}|Sis];
+ {test,is_eq_exact,{f,Vf},[R,{type(Type),Val}]}|Sis];
select_val_cg(Type, R, Vls0, Tf, Vf, Sis) ->
- Vls1 = [case Value of {f,_Lbl} -> Value; _ -> {Type,Value} end || Value <- Vls0],
+ Vls1 = [case Value of
+ {f,_Lbl} -> Value;
+ _ -> {type(Type),Value}
+ end || Value <- Vls0],
[{test,select_type_test(Type),{f,Tf},[R]}, {select_val,R,{f,Vf},{list,Vls1}}|Sis].
-select_type_test(integer) -> is_integer;
-select_type_test(atom) -> is_atom;
-select_type_test(float) -> is_float.
+type(k_atom) -> atom;
+type(k_float) -> float;
+type(k_int) -> integer.
+select_type_test(k_int) -> is_integer;
+select_type_test(k_atom) -> is_atom;
+select_type_test(k_float) -> is_float.
combine([{Is,Vs1}, {Is,Vs2}|Vis]) -> combine([{Is,Vs1 ++ Vs2}|Vis]);
combine([V|Vis]) -> [V|combine(Vis)];
@@ -706,36 +960,40 @@ select_literal(S, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St) ->
match_fmf(F, Tf, St, S).
-select_cons(#l{ke={val_clause,{cons,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb}, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+ V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+ Es = [Hd,Tl],
{Eis,Int,St1} = select_extract_cons(V, Es, I, Vdb, Bef, St0),
{Bis,Aft,St2} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int, St1),
{[{test,is_nonempty_list,{f,Tf},[fetch_var(V, Bef)]}] ++ Eis ++ Bis,Aft,St2}.
-select_nil(#l{ke={val_clause,nil,B}}, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+select_nil(#k_val_clause{val=#k_nil{},body=B}, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
{Bis,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Bef, St0),
{[{test,is_nil,{f,Tf},[fetch_var(V, Bef)]}] ++ Bis,Aft,St1}.
- V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+ anno=#l{i=I,vdb=Vdb}}, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+ #cg{ctx=OldCtx} = St0,
Int0 = clear_dead(Bef#sr{reg=Bef#sr.reg}, I, Vdb),
- {Bis0,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int0, St0),
+ {Bis0,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int0, St0#cg{ctx=V}),
CtxReg = fetch_var(V, Int0),
Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
Bis1 = [{test,bs_start_match2,{f,Tf},Live,[CtxReg,V],CtxReg},
Bis = finish_select_binary(Bis1),
- {Bis,Aft,St1};
- V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+ {Bis,Aft,St1#cg{ctx=OldCtx}};
+ anno=#l{i=I,vdb=Vdb}}, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+ #cg{ctx=OldCtx} = St0,
Regs = put_reg(Ivar, Bef#sr.reg),
Int0 = clear_dead(Bef#sr{reg=Regs}, I, Vdb),
- {Bis0,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int0, St0),
+ {Bis0,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int0, St0#cg{ctx=Ivar}),
CtxReg = fetch_var(Ivar, Int0),
Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
Bis1 = [{test,bs_start_match2,{f,Tf},Live,[fetch_var(V, Bef),Ivar],CtxReg},
Bis = finish_select_binary(Bis1),
- {Bis,Aft,St1}.
+ {Bis,Aft,St1#cg{ctx=OldCtx}}.
finish_select_binary([{bs_save2,R,Point}=I,{bs_restore2,R,Point}|Is]) ->
@@ -757,9 +1015,16 @@ select_bin_segs(Scs, Ivar, Tf, Bef, St) ->
select_bin_seg(S, Ivar, Fail, Bef, Sta) end,
Tf, St, Scs).
- Ivar, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
+ seg=Seg,flags=Fs0,next=Next},
+ body=B,
+ anno=#l{i=I,vdb=Vdb,a=A}}, Ivar, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
+ Ctx = St0#cg.ctx,
Fs = [{anno,A}|Fs0],
+ Es = case Next of
+ [] -> [Seg];
+ _ -> [Seg,Next]
+ end,
{Mis,Int,St1} = select_extract_bin(Es, Size, U, T, Fs, Fail,
I, Vdb, Bef, Ctx, B, St0),
{Bis,Aft,St2} = match_cg(B, Fail, Int, St1),
@@ -772,9 +1037,12 @@ select_bin_seg(#l{ke={val_clause,{bin_seg,Ctx,Size,U,T,Fs0,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb,a=
- Ivar, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
- {Mis,Int,St1} = select_extract_int(Es, Val, Sz, U, Fs, Fail,
+ val=Val,next=Next},
+ body=B,
+ anno=#l{i=I,vdb=Vdb}}, Ivar, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
+ Ctx = St0#cg.ctx,
+ {Mis,Int,St1} = select_extract_int(Next, Val, Sz, U, Fs, Fail,
I, Vdb, Bef, Ctx, St0),
{Bis,Aft,St2} = match_cg(B, Fail, Int, St1),
CtxReg = fetch_var(Ctx, Bef),
@@ -795,7 +1063,7 @@ select_bin_seg(#l{ke={val_clause,{bin_int,Ctx,Sz,U,Fs,Val,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb},
-select_extract_int([{var,Tl}], Val, {integer,Sz}, U, Fs, Vf,
+select_extract_int(#k_var{name=Tl}, Val, #k_int{val=Sz}, U, Fs, Vf,
I, Vdb, Bef, Ctx, St) ->
Bits = U*Sz,
Bin = case member(big, Fs) of
@@ -816,7 +1084,7 @@ select_extract_int([{var,Tl}], Val, {integer,Sz}, U, Fs, Vf,
{Is,clear_dead(Bef, I, Vdb),St}.
-select_extract_bin([{var,Hd},{var,Tl}], Size0, Unit, Type, Flags, Vf,
+select_extract_bin([#k_var{name=Hd},#k_var{name=Tl}], Size0, Unit, Type, Flags, Vf,
I, Vdb, Bef, Ctx, _Body, St) ->
SizeReg = get_bin_size_reg(Size0, Bef),
{Es,Aft} =
@@ -839,11 +1107,11 @@ select_extract_bin([{var,Hd},{var,Tl}], Size0, Unit, Type, Flags, Vf,
{Es,clear_dead(Aft, I, Vdb),St};
-select_extract_bin([{var,Hd}], Size, Unit, binary, Flags, Vf,
+select_extract_bin([#k_var{name=Hd}], Size, Unit, binary, Flags, Vf,
I, Vdb, Bef, Ctx, Body, St) ->
%% Match the last segment of a binary. We KNOW that the size
%% must be 'all'.
- Size = {atom,all}, %Assertion.
+ #k_atom{val=all} = Size, %Assertion.
{Es,Aft} =
case vdb_find(Hd, Vdb) of
{_,_,Lhd} when Lhd =< I ->
@@ -868,7 +1136,7 @@ select_extract_bin([{var,Hd}], Size, Unit, binary, Flags, Vf,
Name = bs_get_binary2,
Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
- [CtxReg,Size,Unit,{field_flags,Flags}],Rhd}],
+ [CtxReg,atomic(Size),Unit,{field_flags,Flags}],Rhd}],
true ->
%% Since the matching context will not be used again,
@@ -883,43 +1151,42 @@ select_extract_bin([{var,Hd}], Size, Unit, binary, Flags, Vf,
Name = bs_get_binary2,
Live = max_reg(Int1#sr.reg),
- [CtxReg,Size,Unit,{field_flags,Flags}],CtxReg}],
+ [CtxReg,atomic(Size),Unit,{field_flags,Flags}],CtxReg}],
{Es,clear_dead(Aft, I, Vdb),St}.
%% is_context_unused(Ke) -> true | false
-%% Simple heurististic to determine whether the code that follows will
-%% use the current matching context again. (The information of liveness
-%% calculcated by v3_life is too conservative to be useful for this purpose.)
-%% 'true' means that the code that follows will definitely not use the context
-%% again (because it is a block, not guard or matching code); 'false' that we
-%% are not sure (there could be more matching).
-is_context_unused(#l{ke=Ke}) ->
- is_context_unused(Ke);
-is_context_unused({alt,_First,Then}) ->
- %% {alt,First,Then} can be used for different purposes. If the Then part
+%% Simple heurististic to determine whether the code that follows
+%% will use the current matching context again. (The liveness
+%% information is too conservative to be useful for this purpose.)
+%% 'true' means that the code that follows will definitely not use
+%% the context again (because it is a block, not guard or matching
+%% code); 'false' that we are not sure (there could be more
+%% matching).
+is_context_unused(#k_alt{then=Then}) ->
+ %% #k_alt{} can be used for different purposes. If the Then part
%% is a block, it means that matching has finished and is used for a guard
%% to choose between the matched clauses.
-is_context_unused({block,_}) ->
+is_context_unused(#cg_block{}) ->
is_context_unused(_) ->
- Ivar, Tf, Bef, St0) ->
+select_bin_end(#k_val_clause{val=#k_bin_end{},body=B}, Ivar, Tf, Bef, St0) ->
+ Ctx = St0#cg.ctx,
{Bis,Aft,St2} = match_cg(B, Tf, Bef, St0),
CtxReg = fetch_var(Ctx, Bef),
-get_bin_size_reg({var,V}, Bef) ->
+get_bin_size_reg(#k_var{name=V}, Bef) ->
fetch_var(V, Bef);
get_bin_size_reg(Literal, _Bef) ->
- Literal.
+ atomic(Literal).
build_bs_instr(Type, Vf, CtxReg, Live, SizeReg, Unit, Flags, Rhd) ->
{Format,Name} = case Type of
@@ -953,11 +1220,18 @@ build_skip_instr(Type, Vf, CtxReg, Live, SizeReg, Unit, Flags) ->
-select_val(#l{ke={val_clause,{tuple,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb}, V, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+ V, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
{Eis,Int,St1} = select_extract_tuple(V, Es, I, Vdb, Bef, St0),
{Bis,Aft,St2} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int, St1),
{length(Es),Eis ++ Bis,Aft,St2};
-select_val(#l{ke={val_clause,{_,Val},B}}, _V, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+select_val(#k_val_clause{val=Val0,body=B}, _V, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
+ Val = case Val0 of
+ #k_atom{val=Lit} -> Lit;
+ #k_float{val=Lit} -> Lit;
+ #k_int{val=Lit} -> Lit;
+ #k_literal{val=Lit} -> Lit
+ end,
{Bis,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Bef, St0),
@@ -966,7 +1240,7 @@ select_val(#l{ke={val_clause,{_,Val},B}}, _V, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
%% Extract tuple elements, but only if they do not immediately die.
select_extract_tuple(Src, Vs, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
- F = fun ({var,V}, {Int0,Elem}) ->
+ F = fun (#k_var{name=V}, {Int0,Elem}) ->
case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
{V,_,L} when L =< I -> {[], {Int0,Elem+1}};
_Other ->
@@ -983,9 +1257,10 @@ select_extract_tuple(Src, Vs, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
select_map(Scs, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
Reg = fetch_var(V, Bef),
{Is,Aft,St1} =
- match_fmf(fun(#l{ke={val_clause,{map,exact,_,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb}, Fail, St1) ->
- select_map_val(V, Es, B, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St1)
- end, Vf, St0, Scs),
+ match_fmf(fun(#k_val_clause{val=#k_map{op=exact,es=Es},
+ body=B,anno=#l{i=I,vdb=Vdb}}, Fail, St1) ->
+ select_map_val(V, Es, B, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St1)
+ end, Vf, St0, Scs),
select_map_val(V, Es, B, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
@@ -1002,29 +1277,32 @@ select_extract_map(Src, Vs, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
%% Assume keys are term-sorted
Rsrc = fetch_var(Src, Bef),
- {{HasKs,GetVs,HasVarKs,GetVarVs},Aft} = lists:foldr(fun
- ({map_pair,{var,K},{var,V}},{{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0}) ->
- case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
- {V,_,L} when L =< I ->
- RK = fetch_var(K,Int0),
- {{HasKsi,GetVsi,[RK|HasVarVsi],GetVarVsi},Int0};
- _Other ->
- Reg1 = put_reg(V, Int0#sr.reg),
- Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=Reg1},
- RK = fetch_var(K,Int0),
- RV = fetch_reg(V,Reg1),
- {{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,[[RK,RV]|GetVarVsi]},Int1}
- end;
- ({map_pair,Key,{var,V}},{{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0}) ->
- case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
- {V,_,L} when L =< I ->
- {{[Key|HasKsi],GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0};
- _Other ->
- Reg1 = put_reg(V, Int0#sr.reg),
- Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=Reg1},
- {{HasKsi,[Key,fetch_reg(V, Reg1)|GetVsi],HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int1}
- end
- end, {{[],[],[],[]},Bef}, Vs),
+ {{HasKs,GetVs,HasVarKs,GetVarVs},Aft} =
+ foldr(fun(#k_map_pair{key=#k_var{name=K},val=#k_var{name=V}},
+ {{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0}) ->
+ case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
+ {V,_,L} when L =< I ->
+ RK = fetch_var(K,Int0),
+ {{HasKsi,GetVsi,[RK|HasVarVsi],GetVarVsi},Int0};
+ _Other ->
+ Reg1 = put_reg(V, Int0#sr.reg),
+ Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=Reg1},
+ RK = fetch_var(K,Int0),
+ RV = fetch_reg(V,Reg1),
+ {{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,[[RK,RV]|GetVarVsi]},Int1}
+ end;
+ (#k_map_pair{key=Key,val=#k_var{name=V}},
+ {{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0}) ->
+ case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
+ {V,_,L} when L =< I ->
+ {{[atomic(Key)|HasKsi],GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0};
+ _Other ->
+ Reg1 = put_reg(V, Int0#sr.reg),
+ Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=Reg1},
+ {{HasKsi,[atomic(Key),fetch_reg(V, Reg1)|GetVsi],
+ HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int1}
+ end
+ end, {{[],[],[],[]},Bef}, Vs),
Code = [{test,has_map_fields,{f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,HasKs}} || HasKs =/= []] ++
[{test,has_map_fields,{f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,[K]}} || K <- HasVarKs] ++
@@ -1033,7 +1311,7 @@ select_extract_map(Src, Vs, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
{Code, Aft, St}.
-select_extract_cons(Src, [{var,Hd}, {var,Tl}], I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+select_extract_cons(Src, [#k_var{name=Hd}, #k_var{name=Tl}], I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
{Es,Aft} = case {vdb_find(Hd, Vdb), vdb_find(Tl, Vdb)} of
{{_,_,Lhd}, {_,_,Ltl}} when Lhd =< I, Ltl =< I ->
%% Both head and tail are dead. No need to generate
@@ -1056,7 +1334,7 @@ select_extract_cons(Src, [{var,Hd}, {var,Tl}], I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
-guard_clause_cg(#l{ke={guard_clause,G,B},vdb=Vdb}, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
+guard_clause_cg(#k_guard_clause{anno=#l{vdb=Vdb},guard=G,body=B}, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
{Gis,Int,St1} = guard_cg(G, Fail, Vdb, Bef, St0),
{Bis,Aft,St} = match_cg(B, Fail, Int, St1),
{Gis ++ Bis,Aft,St}.
@@ -1069,11 +1347,13 @@ guard_clause_cg(#l{ke={guard_clause,G,B},vdb=Vdb}, Fail, Bef, St0) ->
%% the correct exit point. Primops and tests all go to the next
%% instruction on success or jump to a failure label.
-guard_cg(#l{ke={protected,Ts,Rs},i=I,vdb=Pdb}, Fail, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+guard_cg(#k_protected{arg=Ts,ret=Rs,anno=#l{i=I,vdb=Pdb}}, Fail, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
protected_cg(Ts, Rs, Fail, I, Pdb, Bef, St);
-guard_cg(#l{ke={block,Ts},i=I,vdb=Bdb}, Fail, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+guard_cg(#cg_block{es=Ts,anno=#l{i=I,vdb=Bdb}}, Fail, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
guard_cg_list(Ts, Fail, I, Bdb, Bef, St);
-guard_cg(#l{ke={test,Test,As,Inverted},i=I,vdb=_Tdb}, Fail, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+ Fail, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+ #k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=Test}} = Test0,
case Inverted of
false ->
test_cg(Test, As, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St0);
@@ -1107,7 +1387,7 @@ protected_cg(Ts, Rs, _Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%%ok = io:fwrite("cg ~w: ~p~n", [?LINE,{Rs,I,Vdb,Aft}]),
%% Set return values to false.
- Mis = [{move,{atom,false},fetch_var(V,Aft)}||{var,V} <- Rs],
+ Mis = [{move,{atom,false},fetch_var(V,Aft)}||#k_var{name=V} <- Rs],
{Tis ++ [{jump,{f,Psucc}},
{label,Pfail}] ++ Mis ++ [{label,Psucc}],
@@ -1132,7 +1412,7 @@ test_cg(is_map, [A], Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
Arg = cg_reg_arg_prefer_y(A, Bef),
Aft = clear_dead(Bef, I, Vdb),
-test_cg(is_boolean, [{atom,Val}], Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+test_cg(is_boolean, [#k_atom{val=Val}], Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
Aft = clear_dead(Bef, I, Vdb),
Is = case is_boolean(Val) of
true -> [];
@@ -1178,7 +1458,7 @@ match_fmf(F, LastFail, St0, [H|T]) ->
%% frame size. Finally the actual call is made. Call then needs the
%% return values filled in.
-call_cg({var,_V} = Var, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+call_cg(#k_var{}=Var, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{Sis,Int} = cg_setup_call(As++[Var], Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
%% Put return values in registers.
Reg = load_vars(Rs, clear_regs(Int#sr.reg)),
@@ -1187,9 +1467,8 @@ call_cg({var,_V} = Var, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{Frees,Aft} = free_dead(clear_dead(Int#sr{reg=Reg}, Le#l.i, Vdb)),
{Sis ++ Frees ++ [line(Le),{call_fun,Arity}],Aft,
-call_cg({remote,Mod,Name}, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0)
- when element(1, Mod) =:= var;
- element(1, Name) =:= var ->
+call_cg(#k_remote{mod=Mod,name=Name}, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0)
+ when is_record(Mod, k_var); is_record(Name, k_var) ->
{Sis,Int} = cg_setup_call(As++[Mod,Name], Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
%% Put return values in registers.
Reg = load_vars(Rs, clear_regs(Int#sr.reg)),
@@ -1207,8 +1486,9 @@ call_cg(Func, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% move {atom,ok} DestReg
%% jump FailureLabel
- {remote,{atom,erlang},{atom,error}} = Func, %Assertion.
- [{var,DestVar}] = Rs,
+ #k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},
+ name=#k_atom{val=error}} = Func, %Assertion.
+ [#k_var{name=DestVar}] = Rs,
Int0 = clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
Reg = put_reg(DestVar, Int0#sr.reg),
Int = Int0#sr{reg=Reg},
@@ -1227,11 +1507,11 @@ call_cg(Func, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{Sis ++ Frees ++ [line(Le)|Call],Aft,St1}
-build_call({remote,{atom,erlang},{atom,'!'}}, 2, St0) ->
+build_call(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val='!'}}, 2, St0) ->
-build_call({remote,{atom,Mod},{atom,Name}}, Arity, St0) ->
+build_call(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=Mod},name=#k_atom{val=Name}}, Arity, St0) ->
-build_call(Name, Arity, St0) when is_atom(Name) ->
+build_call(#k_local{name=Name}, Arity, St0) when is_atom(Name) ->
{Lbl,St1} = local_func_label(Name, Arity, need_stack_frame(St0)),
@@ -1247,16 +1527,15 @@ free_dead([Any|Stk], Y, Instr, StkAcc) ->
free_dead(Stk, Y+1, Instr, [Any|StkAcc]);
free_dead([], _, Instr, StkAcc) -> {Instr,reverse(StkAcc)}.
-enter_cg({var,_V} = Var, As, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+enter_cg(#k_var{} = Var, As, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{Sis,Int} = cg_setup_call(As++[Var], Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
%% Build complete code and final stack/register state.
Arity = length(As),
{Sis ++ [line(Le),{call_fun,Arity},return],
clear_dead(Int#sr{reg=clear_regs(Int#sr.reg)}, Le#l.i, Vdb),
-enter_cg({remote,Mod,Name}, As, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0)
- when element(1, Mod) =:= var;
- element(1, Name) =:= var ->
+enter_cg(#k_remote{mod=Mod,name=Name}, As, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0)
+ when is_record(Mod, k_var); is_record(Name, k_var) ->
{Sis,Int} = cg_setup_call(As++[Mod,Name], Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
%% Build complete code and final stack/register state.
Arity = length(As),
@@ -1274,19 +1553,19 @@ enter_cg(Func, As, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
clear_dead(Int#sr{reg=clear_regs(Int#sr.reg)}, Le#l.i, Vdb),
-build_enter({remote,{atom,erlang},{atom,'!'}}, 2, St0) ->
+build_enter(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val='!'}}, 2, St0) ->
-build_enter({remote,{atom,Mod},{atom,Name}}, Arity, St0) ->
+build_enter(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=Mod},name=#k_atom{val=Name}}, Arity, St0) ->
St1 = case trap_bif(Mod, Name, Arity) of
true -> need_stack_frame(St0);
false -> St0
-build_enter(Name, Arity, St0) when is_atom(Name) ->
+build_enter(#k_local{name=Name}, Arity, St0) when is_atom(Name) ->
{Lbl,St1} = local_func_label(Name, Arity, St0),
-enter_line({remote,{atom,Mod},{atom,Name}}, Arity, Le) ->
+enter_line(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=Mod},name=#k_atom{val=Name}}, Arity, Le) ->
case erl_bifs:is_safe(Mod, Name, Arity) of
false ->
%% Tail-recursive call, possibly to a BIF.
@@ -1334,6 +1613,22 @@ trap_bif(erlang, group_leader, 2) -> true;
trap_bif(erlang, exit, 2) -> true;
trap_bif(_, _, _) -> false.
+%% bif_cg(#k_bif{}, Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
+%% {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
+%% Generate code a BIF.
+bif_cg(#k_bif{op=#k_internal{name=Name},args=As,ret=Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ internal_cg(Name, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
+ args=As,ret=Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ Ar = length(As),
+ case is_gc_bif(Name, Ar) of
+ false ->
+ bif_cg(Name, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
+ true ->
+ gc_bif_cg(Name, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St)
+ end.
%% internal_cg(Bif, [Arg], [Ret], Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
%% {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
@@ -1352,8 +1647,8 @@ internal_cg(dsetelement, [Index0,Tuple0,New0], _Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb), St0};
internal_cg(make_fun, [Func0,Arity0|As], Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% This behaves more like a function call.
- {atom,Func} = Func0,
- {integer,Arity} = Arity0,
+ #k_atom{val=Func} = Func0,
+ #k_int{val=Arity} = Arity0,
{Sis,Int} = cg_setup_call(As, Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
Reg = load_vars(Rs, clear_regs(Int#sr.reg)),
{FuncLbl,St1} = local_func_label(Func, Arity, St0),
@@ -1373,7 +1668,7 @@ internal_cg(raise, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
%% bif_cg(Bif, [Arg], [Ret], Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
%% {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
-bif_cg(Bif, As, [{var,V}], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+bif_cg(Bif, As, [#k_var{name=V}], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
Ars = cg_reg_args(As, Bef),
%% If we are inside a catch and in a body (not in guard) and the
@@ -1411,7 +1706,7 @@ bif_cg(Bif, As, [{var,V}], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% gc_bif_cg(Bif, [Arg], [Ret], Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
%% {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
-gc_bif_cg(Bif, As, [{var,V}], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+gc_bif_cg(Bif, As, [#k_var{name=V}], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
Ars = cg_reg_args(As, Bef),
%% If we are inside a catch and in a body (not in guard) and the
@@ -1457,7 +1752,7 @@ recv_loop_cg(Te, Rvar, Rm, Tes, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% cg_recv_mesg( ) -> {[Ainstr],Aft,St}.
-cg_recv_mesg({var,R}, Rm, Tl, Bef, St0) ->
+cg_recv_mesg(#k_var{name=R}, Rm, Tl, Bef, St0) ->
Int0 = Bef#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Bef#sr.reg)},
Ret = fetch_reg(R, Int0#sr.reg),
%% Int1 = clear_dead(Int0, I, Rm#l.vdb),
@@ -1467,22 +1762,22 @@ cg_recv_mesg({var,R}, Rm, Tl, Bef, St0) ->
%% cg_recv_wait(Te, Tes, I, Vdb, Int2, St3) -> {[Ainstr],Aft,St}.
-cg_recv_wait({atom,infinity}, Tes, I, Bef, St0) ->
+cg_recv_wait(#k_atom{val=infinity}, #cg_block{anno=Le,es=Tes}, I, Bef, St0) ->
%% We know that the 'after' body will never be executed.
%% But to keep the stack and register information up to date,
%% we will generate the code for the 'after' body, and then discard it.
- Int1 = clear_dead(Bef, I, Tes#l.vdb),
- {_,Int2,St1} = cg_block(Tes#l.ke, Tes#l.i, Tes#l.vdb,
- Int1#sr{reg=clear_regs(Int1#sr.reg)}, St0),
+ Int1 = clear_dead(Bef, I, Le#l.vdb),
+ {_,Int2,St1} = cg_block(Tes, Le#l.i, Le#l.vdb,
+ Int1#sr{reg=clear_regs(Int1#sr.reg)}, St0),
-cg_recv_wait({integer,0}, Tes, _I, Bef, St0) ->
- {Tis,Int,St1} = cg_block(Tes#l.ke, Tes#l.i, Tes#l.vdb, Bef, St0),
+cg_recv_wait(#k_int{val=0}, #cg_block{anno=Le,es=Tes}, _I, Bef, St0) ->
+ {Tis,Int,St1} = cg_block(Tes, Le#l.i, Le#l.vdb, Bef, St0),
-cg_recv_wait(Te, Tes, I, Bef, St0) ->
+cg_recv_wait(Te, #cg_block{anno=Le,es=Tes}, I, Bef, St0) ->
Reg = cg_reg_arg(Te, Bef),
%% Must have empty registers here! Bug if anything in registers.
- Int0 = clear_dead(Bef, I, Tes#l.vdb),
- {Tis,Int,St1} = cg_block(Tes#l.ke, Tes#l.i, Tes#l.vdb,
+ Int0 = clear_dead(Bef, I, Le#l.vdb),
+ {Tis,Int,St1} = cg_block(Tes, Le#l.i, Le#l.vdb,
Int0#sr{reg=clear_regs(Int0#sr.reg)}, St0),
{[{wait_timeout,{f,St1#cg.recv},Reg},timeout] ++ Tis,Int,St1}.
@@ -1500,7 +1795,7 @@ try_cg(Ta, Vs, Tb, Evs, Th, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{B,St1} = new_label(St0), %Body label
{H,St2} = new_label(St1), %Handler label
{E,St3} = new_label(St2), %End label
- TryTag = Ta#l.i,
+ #l{i=TryTag} = get_kanno(Ta),
Int1 = Bef#sr{stk=put_catch(TryTag, Bef#sr.stk)},
TryReg = fetch_stack({catch_tag,TryTag}, Int1#sr.stk),
{Ais,Int2,St4} = cg(Ta, Vdb, Int1, St3#cg{break=B,in_catch=true}),
@@ -1520,7 +1815,7 @@ try_cg(Ta, Vs, Tb, Evs, Th, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
try_enter_cg(Ta, Vs, Tb, Evs, Th, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{B,St1} = new_label(St0), %Body label
{H,St2} = new_label(St1), %Handler label
- TryTag = Ta#l.i,
+ #l{i=TryTag} = get_kanno(Ta),
Int1 = Bef#sr{stk=put_catch(TryTag, Bef#sr.stk)},
TryReg = fetch_stack({catch_tag,TryTag}, Int1#sr.stk),
{Ais,Int2,St3} = cg(Ta, Vdb, Int1, St2#cg{break=B,in_catch=true}),
@@ -1538,7 +1833,7 @@ try_enter_cg(Ta, Vs, Tb, Evs, Th, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% catch_cg(CatchBlock, Ret, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) -> {[Ainstr],Aft,St}.
-catch_cg(C, {var,R}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+catch_cg(#cg_block{es=C}, #k_var{name=R}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{B,St1} = new_label(St0),
CatchTag = Le#l.i,
Int1 = Bef#sr{stk=put_catch(CatchTag, Bef#sr.stk)},
@@ -1552,8 +1847,8 @@ catch_cg(C, {var,R}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
clear_dead(Aft, Le#l.i, Vdb),
-%% set_cg([Var], Constr, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) -> {[Ainstr],Aft,St}.
-%% We have to be careful how a 'set' works. First the structure is
+%% put_cg([Var], Constr, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) -> {[Ainstr],Aft,St}.
+%% We have to be careful how a 'put' works. First the structure is
%% built, then it is filled and finally things can be cleared. The
%% annotation must reflect this and make sure that the return
%% variable is allocated first.
@@ -1561,13 +1856,14 @@ catch_cg(C, {var,R}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% put_list and put_map are atomic instructions, both of
%% which can safely resuse one of the source registers as target.
-set_cg([{var,R}], {cons,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
- [S1,S2] = cg_reg_args(Es, Bef),
+put_cg([#k_var{name=R}], #k_cons{hd=Hd,tl=Tl}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ [S1,S2] = cg_reg_args([Hd,Tl], Bef),
Int0 = clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Int0#sr.reg)},
Ret = fetch_reg(R, Int1#sr.reg),
{[{put_list,S1,S2,Ret}], Int1, St};
-set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, #cg{bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
+put_cg([#k_var{name=R}], #k_binary{segs=Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
+ #cg{bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
%% At run-time, binaries are constructed in three stages:
%% 1) First the size of the binary is calculated.
%% 2) Then the binary is allocated.
@@ -1595,7 +1891,9 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, #cg{bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
%% Map: single variable key.
-set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,[{map_pair,{var,_}=K,V}]}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+put_cg([#k_var{name=R}], #k_map{op=Op,var=Map,
+ es=[#k_map_pair{key=#k_var{}=K,val=V}]},
+ Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
{Sis,Int0} = maybe_adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb, St0),
SrcReg = cg_reg_arg_prefer_y(Map, Int0),
@@ -1610,22 +1908,23 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,[{map_pair,{var,_}=K,V}]}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
Aft = Aft0#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Aft0#sr.reg)},
Target = fetch_reg(R, Aft#sr.reg),
- {Is,St1} = set_cg_map(Line, Op, SrcReg, Target, Live, List, St0),
+ {Is,St1} = put_cg_map(Line, Op, SrcReg, Target, Live, List, St0),
%% Map: (possibly) multiple literal keys.
-set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+put_cg([#k_var{name=R}], #k_map{op=Op,var=Map,es=Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% assert key literals
- [] = [Var||{map_pair,{var,_}=Var,_} <- Es],
+ [] = [Var || #k_map_pair{key=#k_var{}=Var} <- Es],
{Sis,Int0} = maybe_adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb, St0),
SrcReg = cg_reg_arg_prefer_y(Map, Int0),
Line = line(Le#l.a),
%% fetch registers for values to be put into the map
- Pairs = [{K,V} || {_,K,V} <- Es],
- List = flatmap(fun({K,V}) -> [K,cg_reg_arg(V,Int0)] end, Pairs),
+ List = flatmap(fun(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}) ->
+ [atomic(K),cg_reg_arg(V, Int0)]
+ end, Es),
Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
@@ -1634,16 +1933,16 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
Aft = Aft0#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Aft0#sr.reg)},
Target = fetch_reg(R, Aft#sr.reg),
- {Is,St1} = set_cg_map(Line, Op, SrcReg, Target, Live, List, St0),
+ {Is,St1} = put_cg_map(Line, Op, SrcReg, Target, Live, List, St0),
%% Everything else.
-set_cg([{var,R}], Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+put_cg([#k_var{name=R}], Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
%% Find a place for the return register first.
Int = Bef#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Bef#sr.reg)},
Ret = fetch_reg(R, Int#sr.reg),
Ais = case Con of
- {tuple,Es} ->
+ #k_tuple{es=Es} ->
[{put_tuple,length(Es),Ret}] ++ cg_build_args(Es, Bef);
Other ->
[{move,cg_reg_arg(Other, Int),Ret}]
@@ -1651,7 +1950,7 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
{Ais,clear_dead(Int, Le#l.i, Vdb),St}.
-set_cg_map(Line, Op0, SrcReg, Target, Live, List, St0) ->
+put_cg_map(Line, Op0, SrcReg, Target, Live, List, St0) ->
Bfail = St0#cg.bfail,
Fail = {f,St0#cg.bfail},
Op = case Op0 of
@@ -1865,7 +2164,8 @@ cg_bin_opt_1([I|Is]) ->
cg_bin_opt_1([]) ->
-cg_bin_put({bin_seg,[],S0,U,T,Fs,[E0,Next]}, Fail, Bef) ->
+ Fail, Bef) ->
S1 = cg_reg_arg(S0, Bef),
E1 = cg_reg_arg(E0, Bef),
{Format,Op} = case T of
@@ -1882,7 +2182,7 @@ cg_bin_put({bin_seg,[],S0,U,T,Fs,[E0,Next]}, Fail, Bef) ->
utf ->
[{Op,Fail,{field_flags,Fs},E1}|cg_bin_put(Next, Fail, Bef)]
-cg_bin_put({bin_end,[]}, _, _) -> [].
+cg_bin_put(#k_bin_end{}, _, _) -> [].
cg_build_args(As, Bef) ->
[{put,cg_reg_arg(A, Bef)} || A <- As].
@@ -1936,11 +2236,11 @@ get_locked_regs([], _) -> [].
cg_reg_args(As, Bef) -> [cg_reg_arg(A, Bef) || A <- As].
-cg_reg_arg({var,V}, Bef) -> fetch_var(V, Bef);
-cg_reg_arg(Literal, _) -> Literal.
+cg_reg_arg(#k_var{name=V}, Bef) -> fetch_var(V, Bef);
+cg_reg_arg(Literal, _) -> atomic(Literal).
-cg_reg_arg_prefer_y({var,V}, Bef) -> fetch_var_prefer_y(V, Bef);
-cg_reg_arg_prefer_y(Literal, _) -> Literal.
+cg_reg_arg_prefer_y(#k_var{name=V}, Bef) -> fetch_var_prefer_y(V, Bef);
+cg_reg_arg_prefer_y(Literal, _) -> atomic(Literal).
%% cg_setup_call([Arg], Bef, Cur, Vdb) -> {[Instr],Aft}.
%% Do the complete setup for a call/enter.
@@ -1978,9 +2278,9 @@ cg_call_args(As, Bef, I, Vdb) ->
load_arg_regs(Regs, As) -> load_arg_regs(Regs, As, 0).
-load_arg_regs([_|Rs], [{var,V}|As], I) -> [{I,V}|load_arg_regs(Rs, As, I+1)];
+load_arg_regs([_|Rs], [#k_var{name=V}|As], I) -> [{I,V}|load_arg_regs(Rs, As, I+1)];
load_arg_regs([_|Rs], [A|As], I) -> [{I,A}|load_arg_regs(Rs, As, I+1)];
-load_arg_regs([], [{var,V}|As], I) -> [{I,V}|load_arg_regs([], As, I+1)];
+load_arg_regs([], [#k_var{name=V}|As], I) -> [{I,V}|load_arg_regs([], As, I+1)];
load_arg_regs([], [A|As], I) -> [{I,A}|load_arg_regs([], As, I+1)];
load_arg_regs(Rs, [], _) -> Rs.
@@ -2016,12 +2316,13 @@ move_unsaved([], _, Regs, Acc) -> {Acc,Regs}.
gen_moves(As, Sr) -> gen_moves(As, Sr, 0, []).
-gen_moves([{var,V}|As], Sr, I, Acc) ->
+gen_moves([#k_var{name=V}|As], Sr, I, Acc) ->
case fetch_var(V, Sr) of
{x,I} -> gen_moves(As, Sr, I+1, Acc);
Reg -> gen_moves(As, Sr, I+1, [{move,Reg,{x,I}}|Acc])
-gen_moves([A|As], Sr, I, Acc) ->
+gen_moves([A0|As], Sr, I, Acc) ->
+ A = atomic(A0),
gen_moves(As, Sr, I+1, [{move,A,{x,I}}|Acc]);
gen_moves([], _, _, Acc) -> lists:keysort(3, Acc).
@@ -2190,7 +2491,7 @@ fetch_var_prefer_y(V, #sr{reg=Reg,stk=Stk}) ->
load_vars(Vs, Regs) ->
- foldl(fun ({var,V}, Rs) -> put_reg(V, Rs) end, Regs, Vs).
+ foldl(fun (#k_var{name=V}, Rs) -> put_reg(V, Rs) end, Regs, Vs).
%% put_reg(Val, Regs) -> Regs.
%% find_reg(Val, Regs) -> {ok,r{R}} | error.
@@ -2291,6 +2592,16 @@ put_catch(Tag, [Other|Stk], Acc) ->
drop_catch(Tag, [{{catch_tag,Tag}}|Stk]) -> [free|Stk];
drop_catch(Tag, [Other|Stk]) -> [Other|drop_catch(Tag, Stk)].
+%% atomic(Klit) -> Lit.
+%% atomic_list([Klit]) -> [Lit].
+atomic(#k_literal{val=V}) -> {literal,V};
+atomic(#k_int{val=I}) -> {integer,I};
+atomic(#k_float{val=F}) -> {float,F};
+atomic(#k_atom{val=A}) -> {atom,A};
+%%atomic(#k_char{val=C}) -> {char,C};
+atomic(#k_nil{}) -> nil.
%% new_label(St) -> {L,St}.
new_label(#cg{lcount=Next}=St) ->
@@ -2333,3 +2644,86 @@ flatmapfoldl(F, Accu0, [Hd|Tail]) ->
{Rs,Accu2} = flatmapfoldl(F, Accu1, Tail),
flatmapfoldl(_, Accu, []) -> {[],Accu}.
+%% Keep track of life time for variables.
+%% init_vars([{var,VarName}]) -> Vdb.
+%% new_vars([VarName], I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
+%% use_vars([VarName], I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
+%% add_var(VarName, F, L, Vdb) -> Vdb.
+%% The list of variable names for new_vars/3 and use_vars/3
+%% must be sorted.
+init_vars(Vs) ->
+ vdb_new(Vs).
+new_vars([], _, Vdb) -> Vdb;
+new_vars([V], I, Vdb) -> vdb_store_new(V, {V,I,I}, Vdb);
+new_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
+use_vars([], _, Vdb) ->
+ Vdb;
+use_vars([V], I, Vdb) ->
+ case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
+ {V,F,L} when I > L -> vdb_update(V, {V,F,I}, Vdb);
+ {V,_,_} -> Vdb;
+ error -> vdb_store_new(V, {V,I,I}, Vdb)
+ end;
+use_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
+add_var(V, F, L, Vdb) ->
+ vdb_store_new(V, {V,F,L}, Vdb).
+%% vdb
+vdb_new(Vs) ->
+ ordsets:from_list([{V,0,0} || #k_var{name=V} <- Vs]).
+-type var() :: atom().
+-spec vdb_find(var(), [vdb_entry()]) -> 'error' | vdb_entry().
+vdb_find(V, Vdb) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(V, 1, Vdb) of
+ false -> error;
+ Vd -> Vd
+ end.
+vdb_update(V, Update, [{V,_,_}|Vdb]) ->
+ [Update|Vdb];
+vdb_update(V, Update, [Vd|Vdb]) ->
+ [Vd|vdb_update(V, Update, Vdb)].
+vdb_store_new(V, New, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb]) when V > V1 ->
+ [Vd|vdb_store_new(V, New, Vdb)];
+vdb_store_new(V, New, [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb) when V < V1 ->
+ [New|Vdb];
+vdb_store_new(_, New, []) -> [New].
+vdb_update_vars([V|_]=Vs, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb], I) when V > V1 ->
+ [Vd|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
+vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb, I) when V < V1 ->
+ %% New variable.
+ [{V,I,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
+vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [{_,F,L}=Vd|Vdb], I) ->
+ %% Existing variable.
+ if
+ I > L -> [{V,F,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
+ true -> [Vd|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)]
+ end;
+vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [], I) ->
+ %% New variable.
+ [{V,I,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, [], I)];
+vdb_update_vars([], Vdb, _) -> Vdb.
+%% vdb_sub(Min, Max, Vdb) -> Vdb.
+%% Extract variables which are used before and after Min. Lock
+%% variables alive after Max.
+vdb_sub(Min, Max, Vdb) ->
+ [ if L >= Max -> {V,F,locked};
+ true -> Vd
+ end || {V,F,L}=Vd <- Vdb,
+ F < Min,
+ L >= Min ].
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
index cbc8bb1303..3eea058153 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
@@ -160,8 +160,7 @@ function({#c_var{name={F,Arity}=FA},Body}, St0) ->
{#ifun{anno=Ab,vars=Kvs,body=B0},[],St2} = expr(Body, new_sub(), St1),
{B1,_,St3} = ubody(B0, return, St2),
%%B1 = B0, St3 = St2, %Null second pass
- {#k_fdef{anno=#k{us=[],ns=[],a=Ab},
- func=F,arity=Arity,vars=Kvs,body=B1},St3}
+ {make_fdef(#k{us=[],ns=[],a=Ab}, F, Arity, Kvs, B1),St3}
Class:Error ->
Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
@@ -2262,9 +2261,8 @@ iletrec_funs_gen(Fs, FreeVs, St) ->
Arity0 = length(Vs),
{Fb1,_,Lst1} = ubody(Fb0, return, Lst0#kern{ff={N,Arity0}}),
Arity = Arity0 + length(FreeVs),
- Fun = #k_fdef{anno=#k{us=[],ns=[],a=Fa},
- func=N,arity=Arity,
- vars=Vs ++ FreeVs,body=Fb1},
+ Fun = make_fdef(#k{us=[],ns=[],a=Fa}, N, Arity,
+ Vs++FreeVs, Fb1),
end, St, Fs).
@@ -2408,8 +2406,7 @@ uexpr(#ifun{anno=A,vars=Vs,body=B0}, {break,Rs}, St0) ->
%% No id annotation. Must invent a fun name.
- Fun = #k_fdef{anno=#k{us=[],ns=[],a=A},func=Fname,arity=Arity,
- vars=Vs ++ Fvs,body=B1},
+ Fun = make_fdef(#k{us=[],ns=[],a=A}, Fname, Arity, Vs++Fvs, B1),
@@ -2426,6 +2423,16 @@ uexpr(Lit, {break,Rs0}, St0) ->
add_local_function(_, #kern{funs=ignore}=St) -> St;
add_local_function(F, #kern{funs=Funs}=St) -> St#kern{funs=[F|Funs]}.
+%% Make a #k_fdef{}, making sure that the body is always a #k_match{}.
+make_fdef(Anno, Name, Arity, Vs, #k_match{}=Body) ->
+ #k_fdef{anno=Anno,func=Name,arity=Arity,vars=Vs,body=Body};
+make_fdef(Anno, Name, Arity, Vs, Body) ->
+ Ka = get_kanno(Body),
+ Match = #k_match{anno=#k{us=Ka#k.us,ns=[],a=Ka#k.a},
+ vars=Vs,body=Body,ret=[]},
+ #k_fdef{anno=Anno,func=Name,arity=Arity,vars=Vs,body=Match}.
%% handle_reuse_annos([#k_var{}], State) -> State.
%% In general, it is only safe to reuse a variable for a match context
%% if the original value of the variable will no longer be needed.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
index 7cd30b25a8..87011b7680 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
-record(k_guard_clause, {anno=[],guard,body}).
-record(k_break, {anno=[],args=[]}).
--record(k_guard_break, {anno=[],args=[]}).
+-record(k_guard_break, {anno=[],args=[],locked=[]}).
-record(k_return, {anno=[],args=[]}).
%%k_get_anno(Thing) -> element(2, Thing).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index be3ade47ff..0000000000
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose : Convert annotated kernel expressions to annotated beam format.
-%% This module creates beam format annotated with variable lifetime
-%% information. Each thing is given an index and for each variable we
-%% store the first and last index for its occurrence. The variable
-%% database, VDB, attached to each thing is only relevant internally
-%% for that thing.
-%% For nested things like matches the numbering continues locally and
-%% the VDB for that thing refers to the variable usage within that
-%% thing. Variables which live through a such a thing are internally
-%% given a very large last index. Internally the indexes continue
-%% after the index of that thing. This creates no problems as the
-%% internal variable info never escapes and externally we only see
-%% variable which are alive both before or after.
-%% This means that variables never "escape" from a thing and the only
-%% way to get values from a thing is to "return" them, with 'break' or
-%% 'return'. Externally these values become the return values of the
-%% thing. This is no real limitation as most nested things have
-%% multiple threads so working out a common best variable usage is
-%% difficult.
--import(lists, [member/2,map/2,reverse/1,sort/1]).
--import(ordsets, [add_element/2,intersection/2,union/2]).
--type fa() :: {atom(),arity()}.
-%% These are not defined in v3_kernel.hrl.
-get_kanno(Kthing) -> element(2, Kthing).
-%%set_kanno(Kthing, Anno) -> setelement(2, Kthing, Anno).
--spec module(#k_mdef{}, [compile:option()]) ->
- {'ok',{module(),[fa()],[_],[_]}}.
-module(#k_mdef{name=M,exports=Es,attributes=As,body=Fs0}, _Opts) ->
- Fs1 = functions(Fs0, []),
- {ok,{M,Es,As,Fs1}}.
-functions([F|Fs], Acc) ->
- functions(Fs, [function(F)|Acc]);
-functions([], Acc) -> reverse(Acc).
-%% function(Kfunc) -> Func.
-function(#k_fdef{anno=#k{a=Anno},func=F,arity=Ar,vars=Vs,body=Kb}) ->
- try
- As = var_list(Vs),
- Vdb0 = init_vars(As),
- %% Force a top-level match!
- B0 = case Kb of
- #k_match{} -> Kb;
- _ ->
- Ka = get_kanno(Kb),
- #k_match{anno=#k{us=Ka#k.us,ns=[],a=Ka#k.a},
- vars=Vs,body=Kb,ret=[]}
- end,
- {B1,_,Vdb1} = body(B0, 1, Vdb0),
- {function,F,Ar,As,B1,Vdb1,Anno}
- catch
- Class:Error ->
- Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [F,Ar]),
- erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
- end.
-%% body(Kbody, I, Vdb) -> {[Expr],MaxI,Vdb}.
-%% Handle a body.
-body(#k_seq{arg=Ke,body=Kb}, I, Vdb0) ->
- %%ok = io:fwrite("life ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{Ke,I,Vdb0}]),
- A = get_kanno(Ke),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, A#k.ns), I, Vdb0),
- {Es,MaxI,Vdb2} = body(Kb, I+1, Vdb1),
- E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb2),
- {[E|Es],MaxI,Vdb2};
-body(Ke, I, Vdb0) ->
- %%ok = io:fwrite("life ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{Ke,I,Vdb0}]),
- A = get_kanno(Ke),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, A#k.ns), I, Vdb0),
- E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb1),
- {[E],I,Vdb1}.
-%% protected(Kprotected, I, Vdb) -> Protected.
-%% Only used in guards.
-protected(#k_protected{anno=A,arg=Ts,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before try and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the protected
- %% expression.
- Pdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- {T,MaxI,Pdb1} = body(Ts, I+1, Pdb0),
- Pdb2 = use_vars(A#k.ns, MaxI+1, Pdb1), %Save "return" values
- #l{ke={protected,T,var_list(Rs)},i=I,a=A#k.a,vdb=Pdb2}.
-%% expr(Kexpr, I, Vdb) -> Expr.
-expr(#k_test{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,inverted=Inverted}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={test,test_op(Op),atomic_list(As),Inverted},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_call{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={call,call_op(Op),atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_enter{anno=A,op=Op,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={enter,call_op(Op),atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_bif{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
- Bif = k_bif(A, Op, As, Rs),
- #l{ke=Bif,i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
- Mdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, [], Mdb),
- #l{ke={match,M,var_list(Rs)},i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_guard_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
- Mdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, [], Mdb),
- #l{ke={guard_match,M,var_list(Rs)},i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_try{}=Try, I, Vdb) ->
- body_try(Try, I, Vdb);
-expr(#k_protected{}=Protected, I, Vdb) ->
- protected(Protected, I, Vdb);
-expr(#k_try_enter{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
- Tdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- %% This is the tricky bit. Lock variables in Arg that are used in
- %% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
- Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
- Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
- Tdb1 = use_vars(union(Ab#k.us, Ah#k.us), I+3, Tdb0),
- Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
- Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
- {Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, 1000000, Tdb2)),
- {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Vs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
- {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Evs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
- #l{ke={try_enter,#l{ke={block,Aes},i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},
- var_list(Vs),#l{ke={block,Bes},i=I+3,vdb=Bdb,a=[]},
- var_list(Evs),#l{ke={block,Hes},i=I+3,vdb=Hdb,a=[]}},
- i=I,vdb=Tdb1,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_catch{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=[R]}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the catch.
- %% Add catch tag 'variable'.
- Cdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- {Es,_,Cdb1} = body(Kb, I+1, add_var({catch_tag,I}, I, locked, Cdb0)),
- #l{ke={'catch',Es,variable(R)},i=I,vdb=Cdb1,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_receive{anno=A,var=V,body=Kb,timeout=T,action=Ka,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
- Rdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- M = match(Kb, add_element(V#k_var.name, A#k.us), I+1, [],
- new_vars([V#k_var.name], I, Rdb)),
- {Tes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+1, Rdb),
- #l{ke={receive_loop,atomic(T),variable(V),M,
- #l{ke=Tes,i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},var_list(Rs)},
- i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Vdb),a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_receive_accept{anno=A}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke=receive_accept,i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_receive_next{anno=A}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke=receive_next,i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_put{anno=A,arg=Arg,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={set,var_list(Rs),literal(Arg, [])},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_break{anno=A,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={break,atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_guard_break{anno=A,args=As}, I, Vdb) ->
- Locked = [V || {V,_,_} <- Vdb],
- #l{ke={guard_break,atomic_list(As),Locked},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_return{anno=A,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={return,atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a}.
- I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
- Tdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- %% This is the tricky bit. Lock variables in Arg that are used in
- %% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
- Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
- Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
- Tdb1 = use_vars(union(Ab#k.us, Ah#k.us), I+3, Tdb0),
- Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
- Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
- {Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, locked, Tdb2)),
- {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Vs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
- {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Evs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
- #l{ke={'try',#l{ke={block,Aes},i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},
- var_list(Vs),#l{ke={block,Bes},i=I+3,vdb=Bdb,a=[]},
- var_list(Evs),#l{ke={block,Hes},i=I+3,vdb=Hdb,a=[]},
- var_list(Rs)},
- i=I,vdb=Tdb1,a=A#k.a}.
-%% call_op(Op) -> Op.
-%% test_op(Op) -> Op.
-%% Do any necessary name translations here to munge into beam format.
-call_op(#k_local{name=N}) -> N;
-call_op(#k_remote{mod=M,name=N}) -> {remote,atomic(M),atomic(N)};
-call_op(Other) -> variable(Other).
-test_op(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=N}}) -> N.
-%% k_bif(Anno, Op, [Arg], [Ret], Vdb) -> Expr.
-%% Build bifs.
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=Name}, As, Rs) ->
- {internal,Name,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)};
-k_bif(_A, #k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=Name}}, As, Rs) ->
- Ar = length(As),
- case is_gc_bif(Name, Ar) of
- false ->
- {bif,Name,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)};
- true ->
- {gc_bif,Name,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)}
- end.
-%% match(Kexpr, [LockVar], I, Vdb) -> Expr.
-%% Convert match tree to old format.
-match(#k_alt{anno=A,first=Kf,then=Kt}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I, Vdb0),
- F = match(Kf, Ls, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1),
- T = match(Kt, Ls, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1),
- #l{ke={alt,F,T},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=A#k.a};
-match(#k_select{anno=A,var=V,types=Kts}, Ls0, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vanno = get_kanno(V),
- Ls1 = case member(no_usage, Vanno) of
- false -> add_element(V#k_var.name, Ls0);
- true -> Ls0
- end,
- Anno = case member(reuse_for_context, Vanno) of
- true -> [reuse_for_context|A#k.a];
- false -> A#k.a
- end,
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls1), I, Vdb0),
- Ts = [type_clause(Tc, Ls1, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1) || Tc <- Kts],
- #l{ke={select,literal(V, Ctxt),Ts},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=Anno};
-match(#k_guard{anno=A,clauses=Kcs}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I, Vdb0),
- Cs = [guard_clause(G, Ls, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1) || G <- Kcs],
- #l{ke={guard,Cs},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=A#k.a};
-match(Other, Ls, I, _Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vdb1 = use_vars(Ls, I, Vdb0),
- {B,_,Vdb2} = body(Other, I+1, Vdb1),
- #l{ke={block,B},i=I,vdb=Vdb2,a=[]}.
-type_clause(#k_type_clause{anno=A,type=T,values=Kvs}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- %%ok = io:format("life ~w: ~p~n", [?LINE,{T,Kvs}]),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I+1, Vdb0),
- Vs = [val_clause(Vc, Ls, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1) || Vc <- Kvs],
- #l{ke={type_clause,type(T),Vs},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=A#k.a}.
-val_clause(#k_val_clause{anno=A,val=V,body=Kb}, Ls0, I, Ctxt0, Vdb0) ->
- New = (get_kanno(V))#k.ns,
- Bus = (get_kanno(Kb))#k.us,
- %%ok = io:format("Ls0 = ~p, Used=~p\n New=~p, Bus=~p\n", [Ls0,Used,New,Bus]),
- Ls1 = union(intersection(New, Bus), Ls0), %Lock for safety
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls1), I+1, new_vars(New, I, Vdb0)),
- Ctxt = case V of
- #k_binary{segs=#k_var{name=C0}} -> C0;
- _ -> Ctxt0
- end,
- B = match(Kb, Ls1, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1),
- #l{ke={val_clause,literal(V, Ctxt),B},i=I,vdb=use_vars(Bus, I+1, Vdb1),a=A#k.a}.
-guard_clause(#k_guard_clause{anno=A,guard=Kg,body=Kb}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I+2, Vdb0),
- Gdb = vdb_sub(I+1, I+2, Vdb1),
- G = protected(Kg, I+1, Gdb),
- B = match(Kb, Ls, I+2, Ctxt, Vdb1),
- #l{ke={guard_clause,G,B},
- i=I,vdb=use_vars((get_kanno(Kg))#k.us, I+2, Vdb1),
- a=A#k.a}.
-%% type(Ktype) -> Type.
-type(k_literal) -> literal;
-type(k_int) -> integer;
-%%type(k_char) -> integer; %Hhhmmm???
-type(k_float) -> float;
-type(k_atom) -> atom;
-type(k_nil) -> nil;
-type(k_cons) -> cons;
-type(k_tuple) -> tuple;
-type(k_binary) -> binary;
-type(k_bin_seg) -> bin_seg;
-type(k_bin_int) -> bin_int;
-type(k_bin_end) -> bin_end;
-type(k_map) -> map.
-%% variable(Klit) -> Lit.
-%% var_list([Klit]) -> [Lit].
-variable(#k_var{name=N}) -> {var,N}.
-var_list(Ks) -> [variable(K) || K <- Ks].
-%% atomic(Klit) -> Lit.
-%% atomic_list([Klit]) -> [Lit].
-atomic(#k_literal{val=V}) -> {literal,V};
-atomic(#k_var{name=N}) -> {var,N};
-atomic(#k_int{val=I}) -> {integer,I};
-atomic(#k_float{val=F}) -> {float,F};
-atomic(#k_atom{val=N}) -> {atom,N};
-%%atomic(#k_char{val=C}) -> {char,C};
-atomic(#k_nil{}) -> nil.
-atomic_list(Ks) -> [atomic(K) || K <- Ks].
-%% literal(Klit) -> Lit.
-%% literal_list([Klit]) -> [Lit].
-literal(#k_var{name=N}, _) -> {var,N};
-literal(#k_literal{val=I}, _) -> {literal,I};
-literal(#k_int{val=I}, _) -> {integer,I};
-literal(#k_float{val=F}, _) -> {float,F};
-literal(#k_atom{val=N}, _) -> {atom,N};
-%%literal(#k_char{val=C}, _) -> {char,C};
-literal(#k_nil{}, _) -> nil;
-literal(#k_cons{hd=H,tl=T}, Ctxt) ->
- {cons,[literal(H, Ctxt),literal(T, Ctxt)]};
-literal(#k_binary{segs=V}, Ctxt) ->
- {binary,literal(V, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_bin_seg{size=S,unit=U,type=T,flags=Fs,seg=Seg,next=[]}, Ctxt) ->
- %% Only occurs in patterns.
- {bin_seg,Ctxt,literal(S, Ctxt),U,T,Fs,[literal(Seg, Ctxt)]};
-literal(#k_bin_seg{size=S,unit=U,type=T,flags=Fs,seg=Seg,next=N}, Ctxt) ->
- {bin_seg,Ctxt,literal(S, Ctxt),U,T,Fs,
- [literal(Seg, Ctxt),literal(N, Ctxt)]};
-literal(#k_bin_int{size=S,unit=U,flags=Fs,val=Int,next=N}, Ctxt) ->
- %% Only occurs in patterns.
- {bin_int,Ctxt,literal(S, Ctxt),U,Fs,Int,
- [literal(N, Ctxt)]};
-literal(#k_bin_end{}, Ctxt) ->
- {bin_end,Ctxt};
-literal(#k_tuple{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
- {tuple,literal_list(Es, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_map{op=Op,var=Var,es=Es0}, Ctxt) ->
- {map,Op,literal(Var, Ctxt),literal_list(Es0, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
- {map_pair,literal(K, Ctxt),literal(V, Ctxt)}.
-literal_list(Ks, Ctxt) ->
- [literal(K, Ctxt) || K <- Ks].
-%% is_gc_bif(Name, Arity) -> true|false
-%% Determines whether the BIF Name/Arity might do a GC.
-is_gc_bif(hd, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(tl, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(self, 0) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(node, 0) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(node, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(element, 2) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(get, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(tuple_size, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(Bif, Arity) ->
- not (erl_internal:bool_op(Bif, Arity) orelse
- erl_internal:new_type_test(Bif, Arity) orelse
- erl_internal:comp_op(Bif, Arity)).
-%% Keep track of life time for variables.
-%% init_vars([{var,VarName}]) -> Vdb.
-%% new_vars([VarName], I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% use_vars([VarName], I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% add_var(VarName, F, L, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% The list of variable names for new_vars/3 and use_vars/3
-%% must be sorted.
-init_vars(Vs) ->
- vdb_new(Vs).
-new_vars([], _, Vdb) -> Vdb;
-new_vars([V], I, Vdb) -> vdb_store_new(V, {V,I,I}, Vdb);
-new_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
-use_vars([], _, Vdb) ->
- Vdb;
-use_vars([V], I, Vdb) ->
- case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
- {V,F,L} when I > L -> vdb_update(V, {V,F,I}, Vdb);
- {V,_,_} -> Vdb;
- error -> vdb_store_new(V, {V,I,I}, Vdb)
- end;
-use_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
-add_var(V, F, L, Vdb) ->
- vdb_store_new(V, {V,F,L}, Vdb).
-%% vdb
-vdb_new(Vs) ->
- sort([{V,0,0} || {var,V} <- Vs]).
--type var() :: atom().
--spec vdb_find(var(), [vdb_entry()]) -> 'error' | vdb_entry().
-vdb_find(V, Vdb) ->
- case lists:keyfind(V, 1, Vdb) of
- false -> error;
- Vd -> Vd
- end.
-vdb_update(V, Update, [{V,_,_}|Vdb]) ->
- [Update|Vdb];
-vdb_update(V, Update, [Vd|Vdb]) ->
- [Vd|vdb_update(V, Update, Vdb)].
-vdb_store_new(V, New, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb]) when V > V1 ->
- [Vd|vdb_store_new(V, New, Vdb)];
-vdb_store_new(V, New, [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb) when V < V1 ->
- [New|Vdb];
-vdb_store_new(_, New, []) -> [New].
-vdb_update_vars([V|_]=Vs, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb], I) when V > V1 ->
- [Vd|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
-vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb, I) when V < V1 ->
- %% New variable.
- [{V,I,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
-vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [{_,F,L}=Vd|Vdb], I) ->
- %% Existing variable.
- if
- I > L -> [{V,F,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
- true -> [Vd|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)]
- end;
-vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [], I) ->
- %% New variable.
- [{V,I,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, [], I)];
-vdb_update_vars([], Vdb, _) -> Vdb.
-%% vdb_sub(Min, Max, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% Extract variables which are used before and after Min. Lock
-%% variables alive after Max.
-vdb_sub(Min, Max, Vdb) ->
- [ if L >= Max -> {V,F,locked};
- true -> Vd
- end || {V,F,L}=Vd <- Vdb, F < Min, L >= Min ].
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.hrl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c76312067..0000000000
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% This record contains variable life-time annotation for a
-%% kernel expression. Added by v3_life, used by v3_codegen.
--type vdb_entry() :: {atom(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}.
--record(l, {ke, %Kernel expression
- i=0 :: non_neg_integer(), %Op number
- vdb=[] :: [vdb_entry()], %Variable database
- a=[] :: [term()]}). %Core annotation
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
index 25983c6012..e88a132d59 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
@@ -375,7 +375,6 @@ do_file_listings(DataDir, PrivDir, [File|Files]) ->
do_listing(Simple, TargetDir, dcbsm, ".core_bsm"),
do_listing(Simple, TargetDir, dsetel, ".dsetel"),
do_listing(Simple, TargetDir, dkern, ".kernel"),
- do_listing(Simple, TargetDir, dlife, ".life"),
do_listing(Simple, TargetDir, dcg, ".codegen"),
do_listing(Simple, TargetDir, dblk, ".block"),
do_listing(Simple, TargetDir, dexcept, ".except"),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/misc_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/misc_SUITE.erl
index ea4aaf40a9..b12bcbeeab 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/misc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/misc_SUITE.erl
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ silly_coverage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
expect_error(fun() -> sys_core_dsetel:module(BadCoreErlang, []) end),
expect_error(fun() -> v3_kernel:module(BadCoreErlang, []) end),
- %% v3_life
+ %% v3_codegen
BadKernel = {k_mdef,[],?MODULE,
@@ -179,11 +179,7 @@ silly_coverage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- expect_error(fun() -> v3_life:module(BadKernel, []) end),
- %% v3_codegen
- CodegenInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],[{function,foo,0,[a|b],a,b,[]}]},
- expect_error(fun() -> v3_codegen:module(CodegenInput, []) end),
+ expect_error(fun() -> v3_codegen:module(BadKernel, []) end),
%% beam_a
BeamAInput = {?MODULE,[{foo,0}],[],