path: root/make
diff options
authorRickard Green <[email protected]>2014-03-20 17:10:32 +0100
committerRickard Green <[email protected]>2014-03-20 17:10:32 +0100
commit3c06b5b3cdde72453d97910889e38e91c1dd4870 (patch)
tree1e58ec80f38cdea611b1ce297a1826ee869de605 /make
parenta50d7e892e3b2b3c8241eabd6bd0121672a6720f (diff)
parente0052804daa336e0d05b8a451e15b07afd085074 (diff)
Merge branch 'rickard/runtime-dep/OTP-11773'
* rickard/runtime-dep/OTP-11773: Introduce system_information:sanity_check() Verify runtime_dependencies when running 'otp_build patch_app' Add test-case verifying runtime dependencies found by xref Introduce runtime_dependencies in .app files Bump versions and ensure that all are "normal" versions
Diffstat (limited to 'make')
3 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/make/otp_released_app.mk b/make/otp_released_app.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb5205ab23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/otp_released_app.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# %CopyrightBegin%
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 2014. All Rights Reserved.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+# retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+# under the License.
+# %CopyrightEnd%
+include $(ERL_TOP)/make/target.mk
+include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk
+include $(APP_PWD)/vsn.mk
+include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_default_release_path.mk
+ifeq ($(TESTROOT),)
+.PHONY: update
+ test -d "$(REL_DIR)" || mkdir -p "$(REL_DIR)" ; \
+ if test ! -f "$(INST_APP_VSNS)" ; then \
+ echo "$(RELEASED_APP_VSN)" > "$(INST_APP_VSNS)" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ if test x = x`grep $(RELEASED_APP_VSN) "$(INST_APP_VSNS)"` ; then \
+ echo $(RELEASED_APP_VSN) >> "$(INST_APP_VSNS)" || exit 1; \
+ fi ; \
+ fi
diff --git a/make/otp_subdir.mk b/make/otp_subdir.mk
index f31ab05c87..e6a75cce17 100644
--- a/make/otp_subdir.mk
+++ b/make/otp_subdir.mk
@@ -44,5 +44,14 @@ opt debug release docs release_docs tests release_tests clean depend valgrind st
fi ; \
done ; \
if test -f vsn.mk; then \
+ if test release = $@ && test ! -f SKIP; then \
+ app=`basename $$app_pwd` ; \
+ app_vsn=`echo $$app | sed "y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ|"` ; \
+ app_vsn=$${app_vsn}_VSN ; \
+ ( $(MAKE) -f "$(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_released_app.mk" \
+ APP_PWD="$$app_pwd" APP_VSN=$$app_vsn APP=$$app \
+ TESTROOT="$(TESTROOT)" update) \
+ || exit $$? ; \
+ fi ; \
echo "=== Leaving application" `basename $$app_pwd` ; \
diff --git a/make/verify_runtime_dependencies b/make/verify_runtime_dependencies
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b8eea06b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/verify_runtime_dependencies
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% @author Rickard Green <[email protected]>
+%%% @copyright (C) 2014, Rickard Green
+%%% @doc
+%%% Verify runtime dependencies when patching OTP applications.
+%%% @end
+%%% Created : 4 Mar 2014 by Rickard Green <[email protected]>
+main(Args) ->
+ {Force, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, AppList} = parse_args(Args,
+ false,
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ []),
+ SourceAppInfo = read_source_app_info(AppList, SourceDir),
+ AppVsnsTab0 = current_target_app_vsns(TargetDir, Release),
+ AppVsnsTab1 = add_source_app_vsns(SourceAppInfo, AppVsnsTab0),
+ case verify_runtime_deps(SourceAppInfo, AppVsnsTab1, true) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ case Force of
+ true ->
+ warn("Your OTP development system was updated with "
+ "unfulfilled runtime dependencies. The system "
+ "may not be working as expected.", []);
+ false ->
+ err("Unfulfilled runtime dependencies. "
+ "See warnings above.~n", [])
+ end
+ end,
+ halt(0).
+parse_args(["-force" | Args], _, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, Apps) ->
+ parse_args(Args, true, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, Apps);
+parse_args(["-release", Release | Args], Force, _, SourceDir, TargetDir, Apps) ->
+ parse_args(Args, Force, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, Apps);
+parse_args(["-source", SourceDir | Args], Force, Release, _, TargetDir, Apps) ->
+ parse_args(Args, Force, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, Apps);
+parse_args(["-target", TargetDir | Args], Force, Release, SourceDir, _, Apps) ->
+ parse_args(Args, Force, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, Apps);
+parse_args([App | Args], Force, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, OldApps) ->
+ parse_args(Args, Force, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, [App | OldApps]);
+parse_args([], _, [], _, _, _) ->
+ err("Missing release~n", []);
+parse_args([], _, _, [], _, _) ->
+ err("Missing source directory~n", []);
+parse_args([], _, _, _, [], _) ->
+ err("Missing target directory~n", []);
+parse_args([], _, _, _, _, []) ->
+ err("Missing applications~n");
+parse_args([], Force, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, Apps) ->
+ {Force, Release, SourceDir, TargetDir, Apps}.
+%warn(Format) ->
+% warn(Format, []).
+warn(Format, Args) ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "WARNING: " ++ Format, Args).
+err(Format) ->
+ err(Format, []).
+err(Format, Args) ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "ERROR: " ++ Format, Args),
+ halt(1).
+read_file(FileName) ->
+ case file:read_file(FileName) of
+ {ok, Content} ->
+ binary_to_list(Content);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ err("Failed to read ~s: ~p~n", [FileName, Error])
+ end.
+consult_file(FileName) ->
+ case file:consult(FileName) of
+ {ok, Terms} ->
+ Terms;
+ {error, Error} ->
+ err("Failed to consult ~s: ~p~n", [FileName, Error])
+ end.
+current_target_app_vsns(TargetDir, Release) ->
+ IAV = read_file(filename:join([TargetDir, "releases", Release,
+ "installed_application_versions"])),
+ DirList = string:tokens(IAV, "\n\r\t "),
+ LibDir = filename:join(TargetDir, "lib"),
+ make_app_vsns_tab(DirList, LibDir, gb_trees:empty()).
+make_app_vsns_tab([], _LibDir, GBT) ->
+ GBT;
+make_app_vsns_tab([AppVer | AppVsns], LibDir, GBT0) ->
+ GBT1 = try
+ case file:read_file_info(filename:join(LibDir, AppVer)) of
+ {ok, _FInfo} ->
+ [App, Vsn] = string:tokens(AppVer, "-"),
+ add_app_vsn(App, Vsn, GBT0);
+ _ ->
+ GBT0
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ warn("Unexpected directory: ~p~n",
+ [filename:join(LibDir, AppVer)]),
+ GBT0
+ end,
+ make_app_vsns_tab(AppVsns, LibDir, GBT1).
+add_app_vsn(App, VsnList, GBT) when is_atom(App) ->
+ Vsn = parse_vsn(VsnList),
+ case gb_trees:lookup(App, GBT) of
+ none ->
+ gb_trees:insert(App, [Vsn], GBT);
+ {value, Vsns} ->
+ gb_trees:update(App, [Vsn | Vsns], GBT)
+ end;
+add_app_vsn(AppStr, VsnList, GBT) ->
+ add_app_vsn(list_to_atom(AppStr), VsnList, GBT).
+add_source_app_vsns([], AppVsnsTab) ->
+ AppVsnsTab;
+add_source_app_vsns([{App, Vsn, _IReqs} | AI], AppVsnsTab) ->
+ add_source_app_vsns(AI, add_app_vsn(App, Vsn, AppVsnsTab)).
+read_source_app_info([], _SourceDir) ->
+ [];
+read_source_app_info([App | Apps], SourceDir) ->
+ AppFile = case App of
+ "erts" ->
+ filename:join([SourceDir, "erts", "preloaded", "ebin",
+ "erts.app"]);
+ _ ->
+ filename:join([SourceDir, "lib", App, "ebin",
+ App ++ ".app"])
+ end,
+ AppAtom = list_to_atom(App),
+ case consult_file(AppFile) of
+ [{application, AppAtom, InfoList}] ->
+ Vsn = case lists:keyfind(vsn, 1, InfoList) of
+ {vsn, V} ->
+ V;
+ _ ->
+ err("Missing vsn in ~p~n", AppFile)
+ end,
+ AI = case lists:keyfind(runtime_dependencies, 1, InfoList) of
+ {runtime_dependencies, IReqs} ->
+ case parse_inst_reqs(IReqs) of
+ error ->
+ err("Failed to parse runtime_dependencies in ~p~n",
+ [AppFile]);
+ ParsedIReqs ->
+ {AppAtom, Vsn, ParsedIReqs}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ {AppAtom, Vsn, []}
+ end,
+ [AI | read_source_app_info(Apps, SourceDir)];
+ _ ->
+ err("Failed to parse ~p~n", [AppFile])
+ end.
+parse_vsn(VsnStr) ->
+ list_to_tuple(lists:map(fun (IL) ->
+ list_to_integer(IL)
+ end, string:tokens(VsnStr, "."))).
+parse_inst_reqs(InstReqs) ->
+ try
+ parse_inst_reqs_aux(InstReqs)
+ catch
+ _ : _ ->
+ error
+ end.
+parse_inst_reqs_aux([]) ->
+ [];
+parse_inst_reqs_aux([IR | IRs]) ->
+ [App, VsnStr] = string:tokens(IR, "-"),
+ [{list_to_atom(App), parse_vsn(VsnStr)} | parse_inst_reqs_aux(IRs)].
+make_app_vsn_str({App, VsnTup}) ->
+ make_app_vsn_str(tuple_to_list(VsnTup), [atom_to_list(App), $-]).
+make_app_vsn_str([I], Acc) ->
+ lists:flatten([Acc, integer_to_list(I)]);
+make_app_vsn_str([I | Is], Acc) ->
+ make_app_vsn_str(Is, [Acc, integer_to_list(I), $.]).
+missing_min_req(App, AppVsn, IReq) ->
+ warn("Unfulfilled runtime dependency for application ~p-~s: ~s~n",
+ [App, AppVsn, make_app_vsn_str(IReq)]).
+verify_runtime_deps([], _AppVsnsTab, Res) ->
+ Res;
+verify_runtime_deps([{App, Vsn, IReqs} | SAIs], AppVsnsTab, Res0) ->
+ Res = lists:foldl(
+ fun ({IRApp, IRMinVsn} = InstReq, AccRes) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(IRApp, AppVsnsTab) of
+ none ->
+ missing_min_req(App, Vsn, InstReq),
+ false;
+ {value, AppVsns} ->
+ try
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun (AppVsn) ->
+ case meets_min_req(AppVsn, IRMinVsn) of
+ true ->
+ throw(true);
+ false ->
+ false
+ end
+ end,
+ AppVsns),
+ missing_min_req(App, Vsn, InstReq),
+ false
+ catch
+ throw : true ->
+ AccRes
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ Res0,
+ IReqs),
+ verify_runtime_deps(SAIs, AppVsnsTab, Res).
+meets_min_req(Vsn, Vsn) ->
+ true;
+meets_min_req({X}, VsnReq) ->
+ meets_min_req({X, 0, 0}, VsnReq);
+meets_min_req({X, Y}, VsnReq) ->
+ meets_min_req({X, Y, 0}, VsnReq);
+meets_min_req(Vsn, {X}) ->
+ meets_min_req(Vsn, {X, 0, 0});
+meets_min_req(Vsn, {X, Y}) ->
+ meets_min_req(Vsn, {X, Y, 0});
+meets_min_req({X, _Y, _Z}, {XReq, _YReq, _ZReq}) when X > XReq ->
+ true;
+meets_min_req({X, Y, _Z}, {X, YReq, _ZReq}) when Y > YReq ->
+ true;
+meets_min_req({X, Y, Z}, {X, Y, ZReq}) when Z > ZReq ->
+ true;
+meets_min_req({_X, _Y, _Z}, {_XReq, _YReq, _ZReq}) ->
+ false;
+meets_min_req(Vsn, VsnReq) ->
+ gp_meets_min_req(mk_gp_vsn_list(Vsn), mk_gp_vsn_list(VsnReq)).
+gp_meets_min_req([X, Y, Z | _Vs], [X, Y, Z]) ->
+ true;
+gp_meets_min_req([X, Y, Z | _Vs], [XReq, YReq, ZReq]) ->
+ meets_min_req({X, Y, Z}, {XReq, YReq, ZReq});
+gp_meets_min_req([X, Y, Z | Vs], [X, Y, Z | VReqs]) ->
+ gp_meets_min_req_tail(Vs, VReqs);
+gp_meets_min_req(_Vsn, _VReq) ->
+ %% Versions on different version branches, i.e., the minimum
+ %% required functionality is not included in Vsn.
+ false.
+gp_meets_min_req_tail([V | Vs], [V | VReqs]) ->
+ gp_meets_min_req_tail(Vs, VReqs);
+gp_meets_min_req_tail([], []) ->
+ true;
+gp_meets_min_req_tail([_V | _Vs], []) ->
+ true;
+gp_meets_min_req_tail([V | _Vs], [VReq]) when V > VReq ->
+ true;
+gp_meets_min_req_tail(_Vs, _VReqs) ->
+ %% Versions on different version branches, i.e., the minimum
+ %% required functionality is not included in Vsn.
+ false.
+mk_gp_vsn_list(Vsn) ->
+ [X, Y, Z | Tail] = tuple_to_list(Vsn),
+ [X, Y, Z | remove_trailing_zeroes(Tail)].
+remove_trailing_zeroes([]) ->
+ [];
+remove_trailing_zeroes([0 | Vs]) ->
+ case remove_trailing_zeroes(Vs) of
+ [] -> [];
+ NewVs -> [0 | NewVs]
+ end;
+remove_trailing_zeroes([V | Vs]) ->
+ [V | remove_trailing_zeroes(Vs)].