path: root/make
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2019-04-05 10:26:39 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2019-04-05 10:26:39 +0200
commitc0989dcede812c47290f1c61d39e46caa0edf547 (patch)
treecfdb9482774f27363dfc542e84c646c0053e8f72 /make
parent041de278a8b8639d5fc975218c39226be3bf1e16 (diff)
parent07b9eacff8c65df4ac00a21010c748217c908eb9 (diff)
Merge branch 'lukas/erl_docgen/add-internal-docs'
OTP-15715 * lukas/erl_docgen/add-internal-docs: cerl_clauses: Fix broken link Fix minor typos Add CountingInstructions to the internal documentation GarbageCollection.md: Fix links to references emd2exml: Remove paragraphs around image tags emd2exml: Clean emphasis markers in link texts emd2exml: Allow short names of anchors for internal links Include figures erts: Fix more internal docs xmllint compiler: Add internal docs section erl_docgen: Add new internal docs chapter to docs
Diffstat (limited to 'make')
2 files changed, 74 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/make/emd2exml.in b/make/emd2exml.in
index 24837696f4..ec3de0a7f8 100755
--- a/make/emd2exml.in
+++ b/make/emd2exml.in
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ url([C|Cs], Bool, Acc) ->
url(Cs, Bool, [C|Acc]).
link_or_image(Str, Type) ->
- case link_or_image_text(Str, "") of
+ case link_or_image_text(Str) of
no -> no;
{Text, Cont1} ->
case link_or_image_data(Cont1, none, Type, "", "") of
@@ -471,9 +471,14 @@ link_or_image(Str, Type) ->
{["<url href=\"", text(Url), "\">", text(Text), "</url>"],
{seealso, SeeAlso, _Title, Cont2} ->
- {["<seealso marker=\"", text(SeeAlso), "\">",
- text(Text), "</seealso>"],
- Cont2};
+ case internal_seealso(SeeAlso) of
+ no ->
+ {["<seealso marker=\"", text(SeeAlso), "\">",
+ text(Text), "</seealso>"],
+ Cont2};
+ {yes, SeeAlsoKey} ->
+ {delayed, link, SeeAlsoKey, text(Text), Cont2}
+ end;
{image, Image, Title, Cont2} ->
{["<image file=\"", text(Image), "\"><icaption>",
text(Title), "</icaption></image>"],
@@ -485,16 +490,41 @@ link_or_image(Str, Type) ->
+internal_seealso("#" ++ Marker) ->
+ {yes, {internal, Marker}};
+internal_seealso(_) ->
+ no.
+link_or_image_text(Cs0) ->
+ {Prefix, Cs2} = case Cs0 of
+ "__" ++ Cs1 -> {"__", Cs1};
+ "_" ++ Cs1 -> {"_", Cs1};
+ "**" ++ Cs1 -> {"**", Cs1};
+ "*" ++ Cs1 -> {"*", Cs1};
+ Cs1 -> {"", Cs1}
+ end,
+ {Text0, Cs} = link_or_image_text(Cs2, []),
+ Text = case lists:prefix(Prefix, Text0) of
+ false ->
+ lists:reverse(Text0, Prefix);
+ true ->
+ lists:reverse(lists:nthtail(length(Prefix), Text0))
+ end,
+ case Text of
+ [] ->
+ no;
+ [_|_] ->
+ {Text, Cs}
+ end.
link_or_image_text([$\\,C|Cs], Acc) ->
link_or_image_text(Cs, [C|Acc]);
-link_or_image_text([$]|_Cs], "") ->
- no;
link_or_image_text([$]|Cs], Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Cs};
+ {Acc, Cs};
link_or_image_text([C|Cs], Acc) ->
link_or_image_text(Cs, [C|Acc]);
link_or_image_text([], _Acc) ->
- no.
+ {[], []}.
link_or_image_data([C|Cs], none, link, "", "") when C == $ ; C == $\t ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, none, link, "", "");
@@ -615,8 +645,10 @@ put_title(S, 1, Title) ->
put_title(#state{mlist = MList0,
toc = TOC} = S0, H, Title) ->
TitleStr = text(Title),
- MList1 = [mk_lvl_marker(Title) | MList0],
+ TitleMarker = mk_lvl_marker(Title),
+ MList1 = [TitleMarker | MList0],
Marker = mk_marker(MList1),
+ MarkerKey = string:lowercase(TitleMarker),
S1 = chk_h1(H,
S0#state{toc = [TOC,
lists:duplicate(H," "),
@@ -624,13 +656,15 @@ put_title(#state{mlist = MList0,
"<seealso marker=\"#",Marker,"\">",
h = H,
- mlist = MList1}),
+ mlist = MList1
+ }),
S2 = put_chars(S1, ["<marker id=\"", Marker, "\"/>",nl()]),
+ S3 = write_delayed(S2, {internal, MarkerKey}, {"#" ++ Marker, ""}),
{STag, ETag} = case H > ?MAX_HEADING of
true -> {"<p><strong>", "</strong></p>"};
false -> {"<title>", "</title>"}
- put_chars(S2, [STag, TitleStr, ETag, nl()]).
+ put_chars(S3, [STag, TitleStr, ETag, nl()]).
setext_heading(H, #state{line = Line, h = OldH} = S0) ->
S1 = sections(H, OldH, S0),
@@ -1204,7 +1238,7 @@ put_delayed(#state{out = Out} = S, Key, Data) ->
S#state{out = [{delayed, Key, Data} | Out]}.
put_chars(#state{out = Out} = S, Chars) ->
- S#state{out = [[Chars] | Out]}.
+ S#state{out = [Chars | Out]}.
put_line(#state{out = Out} = S, String) ->
S#state{out = [[String, nl()] | Out]}.
@@ -1219,6 +1253,15 @@ complete_output(S, [], Out) ->
complete_output(S, [{delayed, IX}|Rest], Out) ->
complete_output(S, Rest, [read_delayed(S, IX)|Out]);
+complete_output(S, [{delayed, {internal, Key0}, {link, Text, _Line}}|Rest], Out) ->
+ Key = [C || C <- Key0, C =/= $_],
+ case read_delayed(S, {internal, Key}) of
+ {value, {Url, _}} ->
+ complete_output(S, Rest, [mk_link(Text, Url)|Out]);
+ none ->
+ Url = "#" ++ Key0,
+ complete_output(S, Rest, [mk_link(Text, Url)|Out])
+ end;
complete_output(S, [{delayed, Key, {link, Text, Line}}|Rest], Out) ->
case read_delayed(S, Key) of
{value, {Url, _Title}} ->
@@ -1235,9 +1278,27 @@ complete_output(S, [{delayed, Key, {image, _Text, Line}}|Rest], Out) ->
{File, _} = S#state.ifile,
error(File, Line, "Image definition name `~ts' not found~n", [Key])
+complete_output(S, [["</p>","\n"]=ParaStart,
+ Contents,
+ ["<p>","\n"]=ParaEnd|Rest], Out) ->
+ case is_image_tag(Contents) of
+ true ->
+ %% Get rid of the paragraph around an image tag. It would mess up
+ %% figure numbering.
+ complete_output(S, Rest, [Contents|Out]);
+ false ->
+ complete_output(S, [Contents,ParaEnd|Rest], [ParaStart|Out])
+ end;
complete_output(S, [Next|Rest], Out) ->
complete_output(S, Rest, [Next|Out]).
+is_image_tag("<image" ++ _) ->
+ true;
+is_image_tag([[_|_]=H | _]) ->
+ is_image_tag(H);
+is_image_tag(_) ->
+ false.
write_output(_OFD, []) ->
write_output(OFD, [O|Os]) ->
diff --git a/make/otp_release_targets.mk b/make/otp_release_targets.mk
index d1fbf6c58f..615bf1adb7 100644
--- a/make/otp_release_targets.mk
+++ b/make/otp_release_targets.mk
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ endif
## These are the patterns of file names that xmllint cannot currently parse
-XI_INC_FILES:=%user_man.xml %usersguide.xml %refman.xml %ref_man.xml %part.xml %book.xml
+XI_INC_FILES:=%user_man.xml %usersguide.xml %refman.xml %ref_man.xml %part.xml %book.xml %internal.xml
## These are the files that we should run the xmllint on