diff options
11 files changed, 265 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml b/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
index b7be184058..0169afb619 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
+++ b/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ be matched by corresponding &capability; configuration, of
<marker id="decode_format"/>
-<c>{decode_format, record | list | map | false}</c></tag>
+<c>{decode_format, record | list | map | none}</c></tag>
The format of decoded messages and grouped AVPs in the <c>msg</c> field
@@ -808,10 +808,10 @@ records respectively.
If <c>record</c> then a record whose definition is generated from the
dictionary file in question.
If <c>list</c> or <c>map</c> then a <c>[Name | Avps]</c> pair where
-<c>Avps</c> is either a list of AVP name/values pairs or a map keyed on
+<c>Avps</c> is a list of AVP name/values pairs or a map keyed on
AVP names respectively.
-If <c>false</c> then the representation is omitted and <c>msg</c> and
-<c>value</c> fields are set to <c>false</c>.
+If <c>none</c> then the atom-value message name, or <c>undefined</c>
+for a Grouped AVP.
See also &codec_message;.</p>
diff --git a/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter_codec.xml b/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter_codec.xml
index 0846334d23..5124b49484 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter_codec.xml
+++ b/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter_codec.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
'<seealso marker="diameter_dict#MESSAGE_RECORDS">diameter_dict(4)</seealso>'>
<!ENTITY types
'<seealso marker="diameter_dict#DATA_TYPES">diameter_dict(4)</seealso>'>
- <!ENTITY % also SYSTEM "seealso.ent" >
+ <!ENTITY decode_format
+ '<seealso marker="diameter#decode_format">decode format</seealso>'>
+<!ENTITY % also SYSTEM "seealso.ent" >
<!ENTITY % here SYSTEM "seehere.ent" >
@@ -145,7 +148,8 @@ question.</p>
The decoded value of an AVP.
Will be <c>undefined</c> on decode if the data bytes could
-not be decoded or the AVP is unknown.
+not be decoded, the AVP is unknown, or if the &decode_format; is
The type of a decoded value is as document in &types;.</p>
@@ -243,8 +247,7 @@ Equivalently, a message can also be encoded as a list whose head is
the atom-valued message name (as specified in the relevant dictionary
file) and whose tail is either a list of AVP name/values
pairs or a map with values keyed on AVP names.
-The format at decode is determined by &mod_service_opt;
+The format at decode is determined by &mod_decode_format;.
Any of the formats is accepted at encode.</p>
@@ -288,15 +291,16 @@ value other than <c>undefined</c>.</p>
The incoming/outgoing message.
-For an incoming message, a record if the message can be
-decoded in a non-relay application, <c>undefined</c> otherwise.
+For an incoming message, a term corresponding to the configured
+&decode_format; if the message can be decoded in a non-relay
+application, <c>undefined</c> otherwise.
For an outgoing message, setting a <c>[&header; | &avp;]</c> list is
equivalent to setting the <c>header</c> and <c>avps</c> fields to the
corresponding values.</p>
-A record-valued <c>msg</c> field does <em>not</em> imply an absence of
+A value in the <c>msg</c> field does <em>not</em> imply an absence of
decode errors.
The <c>errors</c> field should also be examined.</p>
diff --git a/lib/diameter/doc/src/seealso.ent b/lib/diameter/doc/src/seealso.ent
index ef6af1a3d0..c5a53670d0 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/doc/src/seealso.ent
+++ b/lib/diameter/doc/src/seealso.ent
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ significant.
<!ENTITY watchdog_timer '<seealso marker="#watchdog_timer">watchdog_timer</seealso>'>
<!ENTITY mod_string_decode '<seealso marker="diameter#service_opt">diameter:service_opt()</seealso> <seealso marker="diameter#string_decode">string_decode</seealso>'>
+<!ENTITY mod_decode_format '<seealso marker="diameter#service_opt">diameter:service_opt()</seealso> <seealso marker="diameter#decode_format">decode_format</seealso>'>
<!-- diameter_app -->
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
index 3b41feac0d..69ef6f4ec0 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ call(SvcName, App, Message) ->
:: record
| list
| map
- | false
+ | none
| record_from_map.
-type strict_arities()
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_config.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_config.erl
index 4721be1ca0..284f885884 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_config.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_config.erl
@@ -588,8 +588,7 @@ opt(service, {K, false})
K == use_shared_peers;
K == monitor;
K == restrict_connections;
- K == strict_arities;
- K == decode_format ->
+ K == strict_arities ->
opt(service, {K, true})
@@ -602,6 +601,7 @@ opt(service, {decode_format, T})
when T == record;
T == list;
T == map;
+ T == none;
T == record_from_map ->
@@ -665,9 +665,8 @@ opt(transport, {applications, As}) ->
opt(transport, {capabilities, Os}) ->
- is_list(Os) andalso case encode_CER(Os) of
- ok -> true;
- No -> {error, No}
+ is_list(Os) andalso try ok = encode_CER(Os), true
+ catch ?FAILURE(No) -> {error, No}
opt(_, {K, Tmo})
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_gen.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_gen.erl
index 7a1a46ec52..0aea982a54 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_gen.erl
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
-define(THROW(T), throw({?MODULE, T})).
-type parent_name() :: atom(). %% parent = Message or AVP
--type parent_record() :: tuple(). %%
+-type parent_record() :: tuple() | avp_values() | map().
-type avp_name() :: atom().
-type avp_record() :: tuple().
-type avp_values() :: [{avp_name(), term()}].
@@ -61,9 +61,7 @@
%% # encode_avps/3
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--spec encode_avps(parent_name(),
- parent_record() | avp_values() | map(),
- map())
+-spec encode_avps(parent_name(), parent_record(), map())
-> iolist()
| no_return().
@@ -232,13 +230,13 @@ enc(AvpName, Value, Opts, Mod) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec decode_avps(parent_name(), binary(), map())
- -> {parent_record(), [avp()], Failed}
+ -> {parent_record() | parent_name(), [avp()], Failed}
when Failed :: [{5000..5999, #diameter_avp{}}].
decode_avps(Name, Bin, #{module := Mod, decode_format := Fmt} = Opts) ->
Strict = mget(strict_arities, Opts, decode),
[AM, Avps, Failed | Rec]
- = decode(Bin, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, Opts, #{}),
+ = decode(Bin, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, Opts, 0, #{}),
%% AM counts the number of top-level AVPs, which missing/5 then
%% uses when appending 5005 errors.
{reformat(Name, Rec, Strict, Mod, Fmt),
@@ -249,7 +247,7 @@ decode_avps(Name, Bin, #{module := Mod, decode_format := Fmt} = Opts) ->
%% encountered. Failed-AVP should typically contain the first
%% error encountered.
-%% decode/7
+%% decode/8
decode(<<Code:32, V:1, M:1, P:1, _:5, Len:24, I:V/unit:32, Rest/binary>>,
@@ -257,6 +255,7 @@ decode(<<Code:32, V:1, M:1, P:1, _:5, Len:24, I:V/unit:32, Rest/binary>>,
+ Idx,
AM) ->
@@ -270,21 +269,23 @@ decode(<<Code:32, V:1, M:1, P:1, _:5, Len:24, I:V/unit:32, Rest/binary>>,
+ Idx,
-decode(<<>>, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, _, AM) ->
+decode(<<>>, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, _, _, AM) ->
[AM, [], [] | newrec(Fmt, Mod, Name, Strict)];
-decode(Bin, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, _, AM) ->
- Avp = #diameter_avp{data = Bin},
+decode(Bin, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, _, Idx, AM) ->
+ Avp = #diameter_avp{data = Bin, index = Idx},
[AM, [Avp], [{5014, Avp}] | newrec(Fmt, Mod, Name, Strict)].
-%% decode/13
+%% decode/14
-decode(Bin, Code, Vid, DataLen, Pad, M, P, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, Opts0, AM0) ->
+decode(Bin, Code, Vid, DataLen, Pad, M, P, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, Opts0,
+ Idx, AM0) ->
case Bin of
<<Data:DataLen/binary, _:Pad/binary, T/binary>> ->
- {NameT, AvpName, Arity, {Idx, AM}}
+ {NameT, Field, Arity, {I, AM}}
= incr(Name, Code, Vid, M, Mod, Strict, Opts0, AM0),
Opts = setopts(NameT, Name, M, Opts0),
@@ -300,11 +301,11 @@ decode(Bin, Code, Vid, DataLen, Pad, M, P, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, Opts0, AM0) -
type = type(NameT),
index = Idx},
- Dec = decode(Data, Name, NameT, Mod, Opts, Avp), %% decode
- Acc = decode(T, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, Opts, AM), %% recurse
- acc(Acc, Dec, Name, AvpName, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts);
+ Dec = decode1(Data, Name, NameT, Mod, Fmt, Opts, Avp),
+ Acc = decode(T, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, Opts, Idx+1, AM),%% recurse
+ acc(Acc, Dec, I, Name, Field, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts);
_ ->
- {NameT, _AvpName, _Arity, {Idx, AM}}
+ {NameT, _Field, _Arity, {_, AM}}
= incr(Name, Code, Vid, M, Mod, Strict, Opts0, AM0),
Avp = #diameter_avp{code = Code,
@@ -323,9 +324,14 @@ decode(Bin, Code, Vid, DataLen, Pad, M, P, Name, Mod, Fmt, Strict, Opts0, AM0) -
incr(Name, Code, Vid, M, Mod, Strict, Opts, AM0) ->
NameT = Mod:avp_name(Code, Vid), %% {AvpName, Type} | 'AVP'
- AvpName = field(NameT),
- Arity = avp_arity(Name, AvpName, Mod, Opts, M),
- {NameT, AvpName, Arity, incr(AvpName, Arity, Strict, AM0)}.
+ Field = field(NameT), %% AvpName | 'AVP'
+ Arity = avp_arity(Name, Field, Mod, Opts, M),
+ if 0 == Arity, 'AVP' /= Field ->
+ A = pack_arity(Name, Field, Opts, Mod, M),
+ {NameT, 'AVP', A, incr('AVP', A, Strict, AM0)};
+ true ->
+ {NameT, Field, Arity, incr(Field, Arity, Strict, AM0)}
+ end.
%% Data is a truncated header if command_code = undefined, otherwise
%% payload bytes. The former is padded to the length of a header if
@@ -342,9 +348,8 @@ setopts({_, Type}, Name, M, Opts) ->
%% incr/4
-incr(F, A, SA, AM)
- when F == 'AVP';
- A == ?ANY;
+incr(_, A, SA, AM)
+ when A == ?ANY;
A == 0;
SA /= decode ->
{undefined, AM};
@@ -444,10 +449,10 @@ field({AvpName, _}) ->
field(_) ->
-%% decode/6
+%% decode1/7
%% AVP not in dictionary.
-decode(_Data, _Name, 'AVP', _Mod, _Opts, Avp) ->
+decode1(_Data, _Name, 'AVP', _Mod, _Fmt, _Opts, Avp) ->
%% 6733, 4.4:
@@ -497,7 +502,7 @@ decode(_Data, _Name, 'AVP', _Mod, _Opts, Avp) ->
%% defined the RFC's "unrecognized", which is slightly stronger than
%% "not defined".)
-decode(Data, Name, {AvpName, Type}, Mod, Opts, Avp) ->
+decode1(Data, Name, {AvpName, Type}, Mod, Fmt, Opts, Avp) ->
#{dictionary := AppMod, failed_avp := Failed}
= Opts,
@@ -511,26 +516,39 @@ decode(Data, Name, {AvpName, Type}, Mod, Opts, Avp) ->
%% list of component AVPs.
try avp_decode(Data, AvpName, Opts, DecMod, Mod) of
- {Rec, As} when Type == 'Grouped' ->
- A = Avp#diameter_avp{value = Rec},
- [A | As];
- V when Type /= 'Grouped' ->
- Avp#diameter_avp{value = V}
+ V ->
+ set(Type, Fmt, Avp, V)
throw: {?MODULE, T} ->
- decode_error(Failed, T, Avp);
+ decode_error(Failed, Fmt, T, Avp);
error: Reason ->
decode_error(Failed, Reason, Name, Mod, Opts, Avp)
-%% decode_error/3
+%% set/4
+set('Grouped', none, Avp, V) ->
+ {_Rec, As} = V,
+ [Avp | As];
+set('Grouped', _, Avp, V) ->
+ {Rec, As} = V,
+ [Avp#diameter_avp{value = Rec} | As];
+set(_, _, Avp, V) ->
+ Avp#diameter_avp{value = V}.
+%% decode_error/4
%% Error when decoding a grouped AVP.
-decode_error(true, {Rec, _, _}, Avp) ->
+decode_error(true, none, _, Avp) ->
+ Avp;
+decode_error(true, _, {Rec, _, _}, Avp) ->
Avp#diameter_avp{value = Rec};
-decode_error(false, {_, ComponentAvps, [{RC,A} | _]}, Avp) ->
+decode_error(false, _, {_, ComponentAvps, [{RC,A} | _]}, Avp) ->
{RC, [Avp | ComponentAvps], Avp#diameter_avp{data = [A]}}.
%% decode_error/6
@@ -577,61 +595,55 @@ set_failed('Failed-AVP', #{failed_avp := false} = Opts) ->
set_failed(_, Opts) ->
-%% acc/8
+%% acc/9
-acc([AM | Acc], As, Name, AvpName, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts) ->
- [AM | acc1(Acc, As, Name, AvpName, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts)].
+acc([AM | Acc], As, I, Name, Field, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts) ->
+ [AM | acc1(Acc, As, I, Name, Field, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts)].
-%% acc1/8
+%% acc1/9
%% Faulty AVP, not grouped.
-acc1(Acc, {_RC, Avp} = E, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+acc1(Acc, {_RC, Avp} = E, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
[Avps, Failed | Rec] = Acc,
[[Avp | Avps], [E | Failed] | Rec];
%% Faulty component in grouped AVP.
-acc1(Acc, {RC, As, Avp}, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+acc1(Acc, {RC, As, Avp}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
[Avps, Failed | Rec] = Acc,
[[As | Avps], [{RC, Avp} | Failed] | Rec];
%% Grouped AVP ...
-acc1([Avps | Acc], [Avp|_] = As, Name, AvpName, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts) ->
- [[As|Avps] | acc2(Acc, Avp, Name, AvpName, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts)];
+acc1([Avps | Acc], [Avp|_] = As, I, Name, Field, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts) ->
+ [[As|Avps] | acc2(Acc, Avp, I, Name, Field, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts)];
%% ... or not.
-acc1([Avps | Acc], Avp, Name, AvpName, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts) ->
- [[Avp|Avps] | acc2(Acc, Avp, Name, AvpName, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts)].
+acc1([Avps | Acc], Avp, I, Name, Field, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts) ->
+ [[Avp|Avps] | acc2(Acc, Avp, I, Name, Field, Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts)].
-%% acc2/8
+%% acc2/9
%% No errors, but nowhere to pack.
-acc2(Acc, Avp, _, 'AVP', 0, _, _, _) ->
+acc2(Acc, Avp, _, _, 'AVP', 0, _, _, _) ->
[Failed | Rec] = Acc,
[[{rc(Avp), Avp} | Failed] | Rec];
-%% No AVP of this name: try to pack as 'AVP'.
-acc2(Acc, Avp, Name, AvpName, 0, Strict, Mod, Opts) ->
- M = Avp#diameter_avp.is_mandatory,
- Arity = pack_arity(Name, AvpName, Opts, Mod, M),
- acc2(Acc, Avp, Name, 'AVP', Arity, Strict, Mod, Opts);
%% Relaxed arities.
-acc2(Acc, Avp, _, AvpName, Arity, Strict, Mod, _)
+acc2(Acc, Avp, _, _, Field, Arity, Strict, Mod, _)
when Strict /= decode ->
- pack(Arity, AvpName, Avp, Mod, Acc);
+ pack(Arity, Field, Avp, Mod, Acc);
%% No maximum arity.
-acc2(Acc, Avp, _, AvpName, {_,'*'} = Arity, _, Mod, _) ->
- pack(Arity, AvpName, Avp, Mod, Acc);
+acc2(Acc, Avp, _, _, Field, {_,'*'} = Arity, _, Mod, _) ->
+ pack(Arity, Field, Avp, Mod, Acc);
%% Or check.
-acc2(Acc, Avp, _, AvpName, Arity, _, Mod, _) ->
+acc2(Acc, Avp, I, _, Field, Arity, _, Mod, _) ->
Mx = max_arity(Arity),
- if Mx =< Avp#diameter_avp.index ->
+ if Mx =< I ->
[Failed | Rec] = Acc,
[[{5009, Avp} | Failed] | Rec];
true ->
- pack(Arity, AvpName, Avp, Mod, Acc)
+ pack(Arity, Field, Avp, Mod, Acc)
%% 3588/6733:
@@ -723,8 +735,9 @@ pack(Arity, F, Avp, Mod, [Failed | Rec]) ->
%% set/5
-set(_, _, _, _, false = No) ->
- No;
+set(_, _, _, _, None)
+ when is_atom(None) ->
+ None;
set(1, F, Value, _, Map)
when is_map(Map) ->
@@ -818,8 +831,8 @@ empty(Name, #{module := Mod} = Opts) ->
%% newrec/4
-newrec(false = No, _, _, _) ->
- No;
+newrec(none, _, Name, _) ->
+ Name;
newrec(record, Mod, Name, T)
when T /= decode ->
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_service.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_service.erl
index 802e6e7243..3bd023a6f2 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_service.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_service.erl
@@ -725,9 +725,13 @@ init_peers() ->
%% TPid}
service_opts(Opts) ->
- T = {strict_arities, true},
- maps:merge(maps:from_list([{monitor, false} | def_opts() -- [T]]),
- maps:from_list(Opts -- [T])).
+ remove([{strict_arities, true}],
+ maps:merge(maps:from_list([{monitor, false} | def_opts()]),
+ maps:from_list(Opts))).
+remove(List, Map) ->
+ maps:filter(fun(K,V) -> not lists:member({K,V}, List) end,
+ Map).
def_opts() -> %% defaults on the service map
[{share_peers, false},
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_traffic.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_traffic.erl
index b89c4648d1..1a4bb4d0bf 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_traffic.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_traffic.erl
@@ -1032,15 +1032,15 @@ answer_message(RC,
origin_realm = {OR,_}},
#diameter_packet{avps = Avps,
errors = Es}) ->
- {Code, _, Vid} = Dict0:avp_header('Session-Id'),
['answer-message', {'Origin-Host', OH},
{'Origin-Realm', OR},
- {'Result-Code', RC}]
- ++ session_id(Code, Vid, Avps)
- ++ failed_avp(RC, Es).
+ {'Result-Code', RC}
+ | session_id(Dict0, Avps)
+ ++ failed_avp(RC, Es)
+ ++ proxy_info(Dict0, Avps)].
-session_id(Code, Vid, Avps)
- when is_list(Avps) ->
+session_id(Dict0, Avps) ->
+ {Code, _, Vid} = Dict0:avp_header('Session-Id'),
#diameter_avp{data = Bin} = find_avp(Code, Vid, Avps),
[{'Session-Id', [Bin]}]
@@ -1058,6 +1058,14 @@ failed_avp(RC, [_ | Es]) ->
failed_avp(_, [] = No) ->
+proxy_info(Dict0, Avps) ->
+ {Code, _, Vid} = Dict0:avp_header('Proxy-Info'),
+ [{'AVP', [A#diameter_avp{value = undefined}
+ || [#diameter_avp{code = C, vendor_id = I} = A | _]
+ <- Avps,
+ C == Code,
+ I == Vid]}].
%% find_avp/3
%% Grouped ...
@@ -1892,16 +1900,12 @@ str(T) ->
%% get_avp/3
-%% Find an AVP in a message of one of three forms:
-%% - a message record (as generated from a .dia spec) or
-%% - a list of an atom message name followed by 2-tuple, avp name/value pairs.
-%% - a list of a #diameter_header{} followed by #diameter_avp{} records,
-%% In the first two forms a dictionary module is used at encode to
-%% identify the type of the AVP and its arity in the message in
-%% question. The third form allows messages to be sent as is, without
-%% a dictionary, which is needed in the case of relay agents, for one.
+%% Find an AVP in a message in one of the decoded formats, or as a
+%% header/avps list. There are only four AVPs that are extracted here:
+%% Result-Code and Experimental-Result in order when constructing
+%% counter keys, and Destination-Host/Realm when selecting a next-hop
+%% peer. Experimental-Result is the only of type Grouped, and is given
+%% special treatment in order to return the value as a record.
%% Messages will be header/avps list as a relay and the only AVP's we
%% look for are in the common dictionary. This is required since the
@@ -1910,12 +1914,12 @@ str(T) ->
get_avp(?RELAY, Name, Msg) ->
get_avp(?BASE, Name, Msg);
-%% Message is a header/avps list.
+%% Message as header/avps list.
get_avp(Dict, Name, [#diameter_header{} | Avps]) ->
- {Code, _, VId} = Dict:avp_header(Name),
- A = find_avp(Code, VId, Avps),
- (avp_decode(Dict, Name, ungroup(A)))#diameter_avp{name = Name}
+ {Code, _, Vid} = Dict:avp_header(Name),
+ A = find_avp(Code, Vid, Avps),
+ avp_decode(Dict, Name, ungroup(A))
error: _ ->
@@ -1925,20 +1929,33 @@ get_avp(Dict, Name, [#diameter_header{} | Avps]) ->
get_avp(_, Name, [_MsgName | Avps]) ->
case find(Name, Avps) of
{_, V} ->
- #diameter_avp{name = Name, value = V};
+ #diameter_avp{name = Name, value = value(Name, V)};
_ ->
-%% ... or record (but not necessarily).
+%% ... or record.
get_avp(Dict, Name, Rec) ->
- try
- #diameter_avp{name = Name, value = Dict:'#get-'(Name, Rec)}
+ try Dict:'#get-'(Name, Rec) of
+ V ->
+ #diameter_avp{name = Name, value = value(Name, V)}
error:_ ->
+value('Experimental-Result' = N, #{'Vendor-Id' := Vid,
+ 'Experimental-Result-Code' := RC}) ->
+ {N, Vid, RC};
+value('Experimental-Result' = N, [{'Experimental-Result-Code', RC},
+ {'Vendor-Id', Vid}]) ->
+ {N, Vid, RC};
+value('Experimental-Result' = N, [{'Vendor-Id', Vid},
+ {'Experimental-Result-Code', RC}]) ->
+ {N, Vid, RC};
+value(_, V) ->
+ V.
%% find/2
find(Key, Map)
@@ -1968,14 +1985,25 @@ ungroup(Avp) ->
%% avp_decode/3
+%% Ensure Experimental-Result is decoded as record, since this format
+%% is used for counter keys.
+avp_decode(Dict, 'Experimental-Result' = N, #diameter_avp{data = Bin}
+ = Avp)
+ when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ {V,_} = Dict:avp(decode, Bin, N, decode_opts(Dict)),
+ Avp#diameter_avp{name = N, value = V};
avp_decode(Dict, Name, #diameter_avp{value = undefined,
data = Bin}
= Avp)
when is_binary(Bin) ->
V = Dict:avp(decode, Bin, Name, decode_opts(Dict)),
- Avp#diameter_avp{value = V};
-avp_decode(_, _, #diameter_avp{} = Avp) ->
- Avp.
+ Avp#diameter_avp{name = Name, value = V};
+avp_decode(_, Name, #diameter_avp{} = Avp) ->
+ Avp#diameter_avp{name = Name}.
+%% cb/3
cb(#diameter_app{module = [_|_] = M}, F, A) ->
eval(M, F, A).
@@ -1992,4 +2020,5 @@ decode_opts(Dict) ->
string_decode => false,
strict_mbit => false,
failed_avp => false,
+ module => Dict,
dictionary => Dict}.
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_watchdog.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_watchdog.erl
index bb671e9860..c08e2da672 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_watchdog.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_watchdog.erl
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
restrict := boolean(),
suspect := non_neg_integer(), %% OKAY -> SUSPECT
okay := non_neg_integer()}, %% REOPEN -> OKAY
- codec :: #{decode_format := false,
+ codec :: #{decode_format := none,
string_decode := false,
strict_arities => diameter:strict_arities(),
strict_mbit := boolean(),
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ i({Ack, T, Pid, {Opts,
- SvcOpts#{decode_format := false,
+ SvcOpts#{decode_format := none,
string_decode := false,
ordered_encode => false})}.
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_sctp.erl b/lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_sctp.erl
index 8de19e904e..4eb3379d59 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_sctp.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/transport/diameter_sctp.erl
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
streams :: {uint(), uint()} %% {InStream, OutStream} counts
| undefined,
os = 0 :: uint(), %% next output stream
+ rotate = 1 :: boolean() | 0 | 1, %% rotate os?
packet = true :: boolean() %% legacy transport_data?
| raw,
message_cb = false :: false | diameter:eval(),
@@ -692,11 +693,16 @@ send(#diameter_packet{transport_data = {outstream, SId}}
= S) ->
send(SId rem OS, Msg, S);
-%% ... or not: rotate through all streams.
-send(Msg, #transport{streams = {_, OS},
+%% ... or not: rotate when sending on multiple streams ...
+send(Msg, #transport{rotate = true,
+ streams = {_, OS},
os = N}
= S) ->
- send(N, Msg, S#transport{os = (N + 1) rem OS}).
+ send(N, Msg, S#transport{os = (N + 1) rem OS});
+%% ... or send on the only stream available.
+send(Msg, S) ->
+ send(0, Msg, S).
%% send/3
@@ -764,7 +770,7 @@ recv({[#sctp_sndrcvinfo{assoc_id = Id}], _Bin}
%% Inbound Diameter message.
recv({[#sctp_sndrcvinfo{}], Bin} = Msg, S)
when is_binary(Bin) ->
- message(recv, Msg, S);
+ message(recv, Msg, recv(S));
recv({_, #sctp_shutdown_event{}}, _) ->
@@ -784,6 +790,25 @@ recv({_, #sctp_paddr_change{}}, _) ->
recv({_, #sctp_pdapi_event{}}, _) ->
+%% recv/1
+%% Start sending unordered after the second reception, so that an
+%% outgoing CER/CEA will arrive at the peer before another request.
+recv(#transport{rotate = B} = S)
+ when is_boolean(B) ->
+ S;
+recv(#transport{rotate = 0, streams = {_,N}, socket = Sock} = S) ->
+ ok = inet:setopts(Sock, [{sctp_default_send_param,
+ #sctp_sndrcvinfo{flags = [unordered]}}]),
+ S#transport{rotate = 1 < N};
+recv(#transport{rotate = N} = S) ->
+ S#transport{rotate = N-1}.
+%% publish/4
publish(T, Ref, Id, Sock) ->
true = diameter_reg:add_new({?MODULE, T, {Ref, {Id, Sock}}}),
putr(?INFO_KEY, {gen_sctp, Sock}). %% for info/1
diff --git a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_traffic_SUITE.erl b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_traffic_SUITE.erl
index 6f30055a0a..8f2549c8b6 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_traffic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_traffic_SUITE.erl
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
+ send_proxy_info/1,
@@ -114,6 +115,8 @@
%% diameter_{tcp,sctp} callbacks
@@ -135,6 +138,7 @@
-define(A, list_to_atom).
-define(L, atom_to_list).
+-define(B, iolist_to_binary).
%% Don't use is_record/2 since dictionary hrl's aren't included.
%% (Since they define conflicting records with the same names.)
@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@
-define(ENCODINGS, [list, record, map]).
%% How to decode incoming messages.
--define(DECODINGS, [record, false, map, list, record_from_map]).
+-define(DECODINGS, [record, none, map, list, record_from_map]).
%% Which dictionary to use in the clients.
-define(RFCS, [rfc3588, rfc6733, rfc4005]).
@@ -442,6 +446,7 @@ tc() ->
+ send_proxy_info,
@@ -507,6 +512,7 @@ start_services(Config) ->
| ?SERVICE(SN, Grp)]),
ok = diameter:start_service(CN, [{traffic_counters, bool()},
{sequence, ?CLIENT_MASK},
+ {decode_format, map},
{strict_arities, decode}
| ?SERVICE(CN, Grp)]).
@@ -533,7 +539,7 @@ add_transports(Config) ->
| server_apps()]
++ [{spawn_opt, {erlang, spawn, []}} || CS]),
Cs = [?util:connect(CN,
- [T, {sender, CS}],
+ [T, {sender, CS} | client_opts(T)],
[{id, Id}
| client_apps(R, [{'Origin-State-Id', origin(Id)}])])
@@ -543,6 +549,14 @@ add_transports(Config) ->
Id <- [{D,E}]],
?util:write_priv(Config, "transport", [LRef | Cs]).
+client_opts(tcp) ->
+ [];
+client_opts(sctp) ->
+ [{sctp_initmsg, #sctp_initmsg{num_ostreams = N,
+ max_instreams = 5}}
+ || N <- [rand:uniform(8)],
+ N =< 6].
server_apps() ->
B = have_nas(),
[{applications, [diameter_gen_base_rfc3588,
@@ -684,6 +698,19 @@ send_arbitrary(Config) ->
= call(Config, Req),
"XXX" = string(V, Config).
+%% Send Proxy-Info in an ASR that the peer answers with 3xxx, and
+%% ensure that the AVP is returned.
+send_proxy_info(Config) ->
+ H0 = ?B(?util:unique_string()),
+ S0 = ?B(?util:unique_string()),
+ Req = ['ASR', {'Proxy-Info', #{'Proxy-Host' => H0,
+ 'Proxy-State' => S0}}],
+ ['answer-message' | #{'Result-Code' := 3999,
+ 'Proxy-Info' := [#{'Proxy-Host' := H,
+ 'Proxy-State' := S}]}]
+ = call(Config, Req),
+ [H0, S0] = [?B(X) || X <- [H,S]].
%% Send an unknown AVP (to some client) and check that it comes back.
send_unknown(Config) ->
Req = ['ASR', {'AVP', [#diameter_avp{code = 999,
@@ -707,12 +734,12 @@ send_unknown_short(Config, M, RC) ->
data = <<17>>}]}],
['ASA' | #{'Session-Id' := _,
'Result-Code' := RC,
- 'Failed-AVP' := Avps}]
+ 'Failed-AVP' := [#{'AVP' := [Avp]}]}]
= call(Config, Req),
- [[#diameter_avp{code = 999,
- is_mandatory = M,
- data = <<17, _/binary>>}]] %% extra bits from padding
- = failed_avps(Avps, Config).
+ #diameter_avp{code = 999,
+ is_mandatory = M,
+ data = <<17, _/binary>>} %% extra bits from padding
+ = Avp.
%% Ditto but set the M flag.
send_unknown_mandatory(Config) ->
@@ -721,12 +748,12 @@ send_unknown_mandatory(Config) ->
data = <<17>>}]}],
['ASA' | #{'Session-Id' := _,
'Result-Code' := ?AVP_UNSUPPORTED,
- 'Failed-AVP' := Avps}]
+ 'Failed-AVP' := [#{'AVP' := [Avp]}]}]
= call(Config, Req),
- [[#diameter_avp{code = 999,
- is_mandatory = true,
- data = <<17>>}]]
- = failed_avps(Avps, Config).
+ #diameter_avp{code = 999,
+ is_mandatory = true,
+ data = <<17>>}
+ = Avp.
%% Ditto, and point the AVP length past the end of the message. Expect
%% 5014 instead of 5001.
@@ -741,13 +768,13 @@ send_unexpected_mandatory_decode(Config) ->
data = <<12:32>>}]}],
['ASA' | #{'Session-Id' := _,
'Result-Code' := ?AVP_UNSUPPORTED,
- 'Failed-AVP' := Avps}]
+ 'Failed-AVP' := [#{'AVP' := [Avp]}]}]
= call(Config, Req),
- [[#diameter_avp{code = 27,
- is_mandatory = true,
- value = 12,
- data = <<12:32>>}]]
- = failed_avps(Avps, Config).
+ #diameter_avp{code = 27,
+ is_mandatory = true,
+ value = 12,
+ data = <<12:32>>}
+ = Avp.
%% Try to two Auth-Application-Id in ASR expect 5009.
send_too_many(Config) ->
@@ -755,11 +782,11 @@ send_too_many(Config) ->
['ASA' | #{'Session-Id' := _,
'Result-Code' := ?TOO_MANY,
- 'Failed-AVP' := Avps}]
+ 'Failed-AVP' := [#{'AVP' := [Avp]}]}]
= call(Config, Req),
- [[#diameter_avp{name = 'Auth-Application-Id',
- value = 44}]]
- = failed_avps(Avps, Config).
+ #diameter_avp{name = 'Auth-Application-Id',
+ value = 44}
+ = Avp.
%% Send an containing a faulty Grouped AVP (empty Proxy-Host in
%% Proxy-Info) and expect that only the faulty AVP is sent in
@@ -771,12 +798,11 @@ send_grouped_error(Config) ->
{'Proxy-State', ""}]]}],
['ASA' | #{'Session-Id' := _,
'Result-Code' := ?INVALID_AVP_LENGTH,
- 'Failed-AVP' := Avps}]
+ 'Failed-AVP' := [#{'AVP' := [Avp]}]}]
= call(Config, Req),
- [[#diameter_avp{name = 'Proxy-Info', value = V}]]
- = failed_avps(Avps, Config),
- {Empty, undefined, []} = proxy_info(V, Config),
- <<0>> = iolist_to_binary(Empty).
+ #diameter_avp{name = 'Proxy-Info', value = #{'Proxy-Host' := H}}
+ = Avp,
+ <<0>> = ?B(H).
%% Send an STR that the server ignores.
send_noreply(Config) ->
@@ -829,9 +855,8 @@ send_invalid_avp_length(Config) ->
'Result-Code' := ?INVALID_AVP_LENGTH,
'Origin-Host' := _,
'Origin-Realm' := _,
- 'Failed-AVP' := Avps}]
- = call(Config, Req),
- [[_]] = failed_avps(Avps, Config).
+ 'Failed-AVP' := [#{'AVP' := [_]}]}]
+ = call(Config, Req).
%% Send a request containing 5xxx errors that the server rejects with
%% 3xxx.
@@ -1042,29 +1067,6 @@ send_anything(Config) ->
%% ===========================================================================
-failed_avps(Avps, Config) ->
- #group{client_dict = D} = proplists:get_value(group, Config),
- [failed_avp(D, T) || T <- Avps].
-failed_avp(nas4005, {'nas_Failed-AVP', As}) ->
- As;
-failed_avp(_, #'diameter_base_Failed-AVP'{'AVP' = As}) ->
- As.
-proxy_info(Rec, Config) ->
- #group{client_dict = D} = proplists:get_value(group, Config),
- if D == nas4005 ->
- {'nas_Proxy-Info', H, S, As}
- = Rec,
- {H,S,As};
- true ->
- #'diameter_base_Proxy-Info'{'Proxy-Host' = H,
- 'Proxy-State' = S,
- 'AVP' = As}
- = Rec,
- {H,S,As}
- end.
group(Config) ->
#group{} = proplists:get_value(group, Config).
@@ -1105,12 +1107,12 @@ origin(N) ->
decode(record) -> 0;
decode(list) -> 1;
decode(map) -> 2;
-decode(false) -> 3;
+decode(none) -> 3;
decode(record_from_map) -> 4;
decode(0) -> record;
decode(1) -> list;
decode(2) -> map;
-decode(3) -> false;
+decode(3) -> none;
decode(4) -> record_from_map.
encode(record) -> 0;
@@ -1157,16 +1159,17 @@ to_map(#diameter_packet{header = H, msg = Rec},
%% No record decode: do it ourselves.
to_map(#diameter_packet{header = H,
- msg = false,
+ msg = Name,
bin = Bin},
- #group{server_decoding = false,
+ #group{server_decoding = none,
strings = B}) ->
Opts = #{decode_format => map,
string_decode => B,
strict_mbit => true,
rfc => 6733},
- #diameter_packet{msg = [_MsgName | _Map] = Msg}
+ #diameter_packet{msg = [MsgName | _Map] = Msg}
= diameter_codec:decode(dict(H), Opts, Bin),
+ {MsgName, _} = {Name, Msg}, %% assert
dict(#diameter_header{application_id = Id,
@@ -1534,24 +1537,23 @@ answer(Pkt, Req, _Peer, Name, #group{client_dict = Dict0}) ->
#diameter_packet{header = H, msg = Ans, errors = Es} = Pkt,
ApplId = app(Req, Name, Dict0),
#diameter_header{application_id = ApplId} = H, %% assert
- Dict = dict(Ans, Dict0),
- rec_to_map(answer(Ans, Es, Name), Dict).
+ answer(Ans, Es, Name).
%% Missing Result-Code and inappropriate Experimental-Result-Code.
-answer(Rec, Es, send_experimental_result) ->
+answer(Ans, Es, send_experimental_result) ->
[{5004, #diameter_avp{name = 'Experimental-Result'}},
{5005, #diameter_avp{name = 'Result-Code'}}]
= Es,
- Rec;
+ Ans;
%% An inappropriate E-bit results in a decode error ...
-answer(Rec, Es, send_bad_answer) ->
+answer(Ans, Es, send_bad_answer) ->
[{5004, #diameter_avp{name = 'Result-Code'}} | _] = Es,
- Rec;
+ Ans;
%% ... while other errors are reflected in Failed-AVP.
-answer(Rec, [], _) ->
- Rec.
+answer(Ans, [], _) ->
+ Ans.
app(_, send_unsupported_app, _) ->
@@ -1733,6 +1735,11 @@ request(['ACR' | #{'Accounting-Record-Number' := 4}],
{'Origin-Realm', OR}],
{reply, Ans};
+%% send_proxy_info
+request(['ASR' | #{'Proxy-Info' := _}],
+ _) ->
+ {protocol_error, 3999};
request(['ASR' | #{'Session-Id' := SId} = Avps],
#diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH, _},
origin_realm = {OR, _}}) ->