path: root/lib/kernel/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl b/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
index f36b4f1e6a..c68036a291 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/net_kernel.erl
@@ -247,14 +247,14 @@ ticktime_res(A) when is_atom(A) -> A.
%% Called though BIF's
-connect(Node) -> do_connect(Node, normal, false).
+connect(Node) -> auto_connect(Node, normal, false).
%%% Long timeout if blocked (== barred), only affects nodes with
%%% {dist_auto_connect, once} set.
-passive_cnct(Node) -> do_connect(Node, normal, true).
+passive_cnct(Node) -> auto_connect(Node, normal, true).
disconnect(Node) -> request({disconnect, Node}).
%% connect but not seen
-hidden_connect(Node) -> do_connect(Node, hidden, false).
+hidden_connect(Node) -> auto_connect(Node, hidden, false).
%% Should this node publish itself on Node?
publish_on_node(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
@@ -272,67 +272,35 @@ connect_node(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
hidden_connect_node(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
request({connect, hidden, Node}).
-do_connect(Node, Type, WaitForBarred) -> %% Type = normal | hidden
- case catch ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- ?connect_failure(Node,{table_missing, sys_dist}),
- false;
- [#barred_connection{}] ->
- case WaitForBarred of
- false ->
- false;
- true ->
- Pid = spawn(?MODULE,passive_connect_monitor,[self(),Node]),
- receive
- {Pid, true} ->
- %%io:format("Net Kernel: barred connection (~p) "
- %% "connected from other end.~n",[Node]),
- true;
- {Pid, false} ->
- ?connect_failure(Node,{barred_connection,
- ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node)}),
- %%io:format("Net Kernel: barred connection (~p) "
- %% "- failure.~n",[Node]),
- false
- end
- end;
- Else ->
- case application:get_env(kernel, dist_auto_connect) of
- {ok, never} ->
- ?connect_failure(Node,{dist_auto_connect,never}),
- false;
- % This might happen due to connection close
- % not beeing propagated to user space yet.
- % Save the day by just not connecting...
- {ok, once} when Else =/= [],
- (hd(Else))#connection.state =:= up ->
- ?connect_failure(Node,{barred_connection,
- ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node)}),
- false;
- _ ->
- request({connect, Type, Node})
- end
+auto_connect(Node, Type, WaitForBarred) -> %% Type = normal | hidden
+ case request({auto_connect, Type, Node, WaitForBarred}) of
+ ignored -> false;
+ Other -> Other
-passive_connect_monitor(Parent, Node) ->
+passive_connect_monitor(From, Node) ->
ok = monitor_nodes(true,[{node_type,all}]),
- case lists:member(Node,nodes([connected])) of
- true ->
- ok = monitor_nodes(false,[{node_type,all}]),
- Parent ! {self(),true};
- _ ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- Tref = erlang:send_after(connecttime(),self(),Ref),
- receive
- Ref ->
- ok = monitor_nodes(false,[{node_type,all}]),
- Parent ! {self(), false};
- {nodeup,Node,_} ->
- ok = monitor_nodes(false,[{node_type,all}]),
- _ = erlang:cancel_timer(Tref),
- Parent ! {self(),true}
- end
- end.
+ Reply = case lists:member(Node,nodes([connected])) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("~p: passive_connect_monitor ~p\n", [self(), ?LINE]),
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ receive
+ {nodeup,Node,_} ->
+ io:format("~p: passive_connect_monitor ~p\n", [self(), ?LINE]),
+ true
+ after connecttime() ->
+ io:format("~p: passive_connect_monitor ~p\n", [self(), ?LINE]),
+ false
+ end
+ end,
+ ok = monitor_nodes(false,[{node_type,all}]),
+ io:format("~p: passive_connect_monitor ~p\n", [self(), ?LINE]),
+ {Pid, Tag} = From,
+ io:format("~p: passive_connect_monitor ~p\n", [self(), ?LINE]),
+ erlang:send(Pid, {Tag, Reply}),
+ io:format("~p: passive_connect_monitor ~p\n", [self(), ?LINE]).
%% If the net_kernel isn't running we ignore all requests to the
%% kernel, thus basically accepting them :-)
@@ -394,40 +362,78 @@ init({Name, LongOrShortNames, TickT, CleanHalt}) ->
+handle_connect([Conn], _, _, From, State) when Conn#connection.state =:= up ->
+ async_reply({reply, true, State}, From);
+handle_connect([Conn], _, _, From, State) when Conn#connection.state =:= pending;
+ Conn#connection.state =:= up_pending ->
+ Waiting = Conn#connection.waiting,
+ ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn#connection{waiting = [From|Waiting]}),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_connect(_, Type, Node, From , State) ->
+ case setup(Node,Type,From,State) of
+ {ok, SetupPid} ->
+ Owners = [{SetupPid, Node} | State#state.conn_owners],
+ {noreply,State#state{conn_owners=Owners}};
+ _Error ->
+ ?connect_failure(Node, {setup_call, failed, _Error}),
+ async_reply({reply, false, State}, From)
+ end.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% handle_call.
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Set up a connection to Node.
+%% Auto-connect to Node.
%% The response is delayed until the connection is up and
%% running.
-handle_call({connect, _, Node}, From, State) when Node =:= node() ->
+handle_call({auto_connect, _, Node, _}, From, State) when Node =:= node() ->
+ async_reply({reply, true, State}, From);
+handle_call({auto_connect, Type, Node, WaitForBarred}, From, State) ->
+ verbose({auto_connect, Type, Node, WaitForBarred}, 1, State),
+ ConnLookup = ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node),
+ case ConnLookup of
+ [#barred_connection{}] ->
+ case WaitForBarred of
+ false ->
+ async_reply({reply, false, State}, From);
+ true ->
+ spawn(?MODULE,passive_connect_monitor,[From,Node]),
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ case application:get_env(kernel, dist_auto_connect) of
+ {ok, never} ->
+ ?connect_failure(Node,{dist_auto_connect,never}),
+ async_reply({reply, false, State}, From);
+ %% This might happen due to connection close
+ %% not beeing propagated to user space yet.
+ %% Save the day by just not connecting...
+ {ok, once} when ConnLookup =/= [],
+ (hd(ConnLookup))#connection.state =:= up ->
+ ?connect_failure(Node,{barred_connection,
+ ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node)}),
+ async_reply({reply, false, State}, From);
+ _ ->
+ handle_connect(ConnLookup, Type, Node, From, State)
+ end
+ end;
+%% Explicit connect
+%% The response is delayed until the connection is up and running.
+handle_call({connect, _, Node, _, _}, From, State) when Node =:= node() ->
async_reply({reply, true, State}, From);
handle_call({connect, Type, Node}, From, State) ->
verbose({connect, Type, Node}, 1, State),
- case ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node) of
- [Conn] when Conn#connection.state =:= up ->
- async_reply({reply, true, State}, From);
- [Conn] when Conn#connection.state =:= pending ->
- Waiting = Conn#connection.waiting,
- ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn#connection{waiting = [From|Waiting]}),
- {noreply, State};
- [Conn] when Conn#connection.state =:= up_pending ->
- Waiting = Conn#connection.waiting,
- ets:insert(sys_dist, Conn#connection{waiting = [From|Waiting]}),
- {noreply, State};
- _ ->
- case setup(Node,Type,From,State) of
- {ok, SetupPid} ->
- Owners = [{SetupPid, Node} | State#state.conn_owners],
- {noreply,State#state{conn_owners=Owners}};
- _Error ->
- ?connect_failure(Node, {setup_call, failed, _Error}),
- async_reply({reply, false, State}, From)
- end
- end;
+ ConnLookup = ets:lookup(sys_dist, Node),
+ handle_connect(ConnLookup, Type, Node, From, State);
%% Close the connection to Node.