path: root/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
index 0617b96456..7c8c287e7c 100644
--- a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
@@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ t({Mod, {group, Name} = Group, Groups}, Config)
[Name, Error]),
[{failed, {Mod, Group}, Error}]
- exit:{skipped, SkipReason} ->
+ exit:{skip, SkipReason} ->
io:format(" => skipping group: ~p~n", [SkipReason]),
- [{skipped, {Mod, Group}, SkipReason, 0}];
+ [{skip, {Mod, Group}, SkipReason, 0}];
error:undef ->
[t({Mod, Case, Groups}, Config) ||
Case <- GroupsAndCases];
@@ -383,9 +383,9 @@ t(Mod, Config) when is_atom(Mod) ->
io:format(" => suite init failed: ~p~n", [Error]),
[{failed, {Mod, init_per_suite}, Error}]
- exit:{skipped, SkipReason} ->
+ exit:{skip, SkipReason} ->
io:format(" => skipping suite: ~p~n", [SkipReason]),
- [{skipped, {Mod, init_per_suite}, SkipReason, 0}];
+ [{skip, {Mod, init_per_suite}, SkipReason, 0}];
error:undef ->
[t({Mod, Case, Groups}, Config) || Case <- Cases];
T:E ->
@@ -458,10 +458,10 @@ wait_for_evaluator(Pid, Mod, Fun, Config, Errors, AccTime) ->
megaco:report_event(20, Mod, ?MODULE, Label ++ " failed",
[TestCase, Config, {return, Fail}, Errors]),
{failed, {Mod,Fun}, Fail, Time};
- {'EXIT', Pid, {skipped, Reason}, Time} ->
+ {'EXIT', Pid, {skip, Reason}, Time} ->
megaco:report_event(20, Mod, ?MODULE, Label ++ " skipped",
- [TestCase, Config, {skipped, Reason}]),
- {skipped, {Mod, Fun}, Errors, Time};
+ [TestCase, Config, {skip, Reason}]),
+ {skip, {Mod, Fun}, Errors, Time};
{'EXIT', Pid, Reason, Time} ->
megaco:report_event(20, Mod, ?MODULE, Label ++ " crashed",
[TestCase, Config, {'EXIT', Reason}]),
@@ -492,14 +492,14 @@ do_eval(ReplyTo, Mod, Fun, Config) ->
error:undef ->
%% p("do_eval -> error - undef", []),
ReplyTo ! {'EXIT', self(), undef, 0};
- exit:{skipped, Reason} ->
+ exit:{skip, Reason} ->
%% p("do_eval -> exit - skipped"
%% "~n Reason: ~p", [Reason]),
T2 = os:timestamp(),
Time = timer:now_diff(T2, T1),
display_system_info("after (skipped)", Mod, Fun),
- ReplyTo ! {'EXIT', self(), {skipped, Reason}, Time};
+ ReplyTo ! {'EXIT', self(), {skip, Reason}, Time};
exit:{suite_failed, Reason} ->
%% p("do_eval -> exit - suite-failed"
%% "~n Reason: ~p", [Reason]),
@@ -616,9 +616,9 @@ display_result(Res) when is_list(Res) ->
Ok = [{MF, Time} || {ok, MF, _, Time} <- Res],
Nyi = [MF || {nyi, MF, _, _Time} <- Res],
SkippedGrps = [{{M,G}, Reason} ||
- {skipped, {M, {group, G}}, Reason, _Time} <- Res],
+ {skip, {M, {group, G}}, Reason, _Time} <- Res],
SkippedCases = [{MF, Reason} ||
- {skipped, {_M, F} = MF, Reason, _Time} <- Res,
+ {skip, {_M, F} = MF, Reason, _Time} <- Res,
FailedGrps = [{{M,G}, Reason} ||
{failed, {M, {group, G}}, Reason, _Time} <- Res],
@@ -730,15 +730,18 @@ log(Format, Args, Mod, Line) ->
[self(), Mod, Line] ++ Args)
+skip(Reason) ->
+ exit({skip, Reason}).
skip(Actual, File, Line) ->
- log("Skipping test case~n", [], File, Line),
- String = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Skipping test case ~p(~p): ~p~n",
- [File, Line, Actual])),
- exit({skipped, String}).
+ log("Skipping test case: ~p~n", [Actual], File, Line),
+ String = f("~p(~p): ~p~n", [File, Line, Actual]),
+ skip(String).
fatal_skip(Actual, File, Line) ->
error(Actual, File, Line),
- exit({skipped, {fatal, Actual, File, Line}}).
+ skip({fatal, Actual, File, Line}).
@@ -750,7 +753,8 @@ flush() ->
after 1000 ->
%% Check if process is alive and kicking
still_alive(Pid) ->
@@ -988,11 +992,14 @@ node_to_name_and_host(Node) ->
start_nodes([Node | Nodes], File, Line) ->
case net_adm:ping(Node) of
pong ->
+ p("node ~p already running", [Node]),
start_nodes(Nodes, File, Line);
pang ->
[Name, Host] = node_to_name_and_host(Node),
+ p("try start node ~p", [Node]),
case slave:start_link(Host, Name) of
{ok, NewNode} when NewNode =:= Node ->
+ p("node ~p started - now set path, cwd and sync", [Node]),
Path = code:get_path(),
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
true = rpc:call(Node, code, set_path, [Path]),
@@ -1001,6 +1008,7 @@ start_nodes([Node | Nodes], File, Line) ->
{_, []} = rpc:multicall(global, sync, []),
start_nodes(Nodes, File, Line);
Other ->
+ p("failed starting node ~p: ~p", [Node, Other]),
fatal_skip({cannot_start_node, Node, Other}, File, Line)
@@ -1014,4 +1022,4 @@ f(F, A) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A)).
p(F, A) ->
- io:format("~p~w:" ++ F ++ "~n", [self(), ?MODULE |A]).
+ io:format("~s ~p " ++ F ++ "~n", [?FTS(), self() | A]).