path: root/lib/ssl/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src')
3 files changed, 107 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl
index ff7207a8ce..844368c761 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
sni_hostname = undefined,
expecting_next_protocol_negotiation = false ::boolean(),
next_protocol = undefined :: undefined | binary(),
+ alpn = undefined, %% Used in TLS 1.3
hashsign_algorithm = {undefined, undefined},
cert_hashsign_algorithm = {undefined, undefined},
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@
srp_params :: #srp_user{} | secret_printout() | 'undefined',
public_key_info :: ssl_handshake:public_key_info() | 'undefined',
premaster_secret :: binary() | secret_printout() | 'undefined',
- server_psk_identity :: binary() | 'undefined' % server psk identity hint
+ server_psk_identity :: binary() | 'undefined' % server psk identity hint
-record(connection_env, {
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
index b51ba0fa2d..53676ab355 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
handle_client_hello_extensions/9, %% Returns server hello extensions
handle_server_hello_extensions/9, select_curve/2, select_curve/3,
select_hashsign/4, select_hashsign/5,
- select_hashsign_algs/3, empty_extensions/2, add_server_share/3
+ select_hashsign_algs/3, empty_extensions/2, add_server_share/3,
+ add_alpn/2, add_selected_version/1, decode_alpn/1
@@ -1165,6 +1166,13 @@ add_server_share(hello_retry_request, Extensions,
Extensions#{key_share => #key_share_hello_retry_request{
selected_group = Group}}.
+add_alpn(Extensions, ALPN0) ->
+ ALPN = encode_alpn([ALPN0], false),
+ Extensions#{alpn => ALPN}.
+add_selected_version(Extensions) ->
+ SupportedVersions = #server_hello_selected_version{selected_version = {3,4}},
+ Extensions#{server_hello_selected_version => SupportedVersions}.
group = Group,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
index 12ab2015aa..e16d0c761b 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@
%% Create handshake messages
- encrypted_extensions/0,
- server_hello/4]).
+ encrypted_extensions/0]).
@@ -62,10 +61,10 @@
%% Create handshake messages
-server_hello(MsgType, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates) ->
+server_hello(MsgType, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates, ALPN) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- Extensions = server_hello_extensions(MsgType, KeyShare),
+ Extensions = server_hello_extensions(MsgType, KeyShare, ALPN),
#server_hello{server_version = {3,3}, %% legacy_version
cipher_suite = SecParams#security_parameters.cipher_suite,
compression_method = 0, %% legacy attribute
@@ -74,10 +73,26 @@ server_hello(MsgType, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates) ->
extensions = Extensions
-server_hello_extensions(MsgType, KeyShare) ->
+%% The server's extensions MUST contain "supported_versions".
+%% Additionally, it SHOULD contain the minimal set of extensions
+%% necessary for the client to generate a correct ClientHello pair. As
+%% with the ServerHello, a HelloRetryRequest MUST NOT contain any
+%% extensions that were not first offered by the client in its
+%% ClientHello, with the exception of optionally the "cookie" (see
+%% Section 4.2.2) extension.
+server_hello_extensions(hello_retry_request = MsgType, KeyShare, _) ->
SupportedVersions = #server_hello_selected_version{selected_version = {3,4}},
Extensions = #{server_hello_selected_version => SupportedVersions},
- ssl_handshake:add_server_share(MsgType, Extensions, KeyShare).
+ ssl_handshake:add_server_share(MsgType, Extensions, KeyShare);
+server_hello_extensions(MsgType, KeyShare, undefined) ->
+ SupportedVersions = #server_hello_selected_version{selected_version = {3,4}},
+ Extensions = #{server_hello_selected_version => SupportedVersions},
+ ssl_handshake:add_server_share(MsgType, Extensions, KeyShare);
+server_hello_extensions(MsgType, KeyShare, ALPN0) ->
+ Extensions0 = ssl_handshake:add_selected_version(#{}), %% {3,4} (TLS 1.3)
+ Extensions1 = ssl_handshake:add_alpn(Extensions0, ALPN0),
+ ssl_handshake:add_server_share(MsgType, Extensions1, KeyShare).
server_hello_random(server_hello, #security_parameters{server_random = Random}) ->
@@ -469,7 +484,8 @@ do_start(#client_hello{cipher_suites = ClientCiphers,
#state{connection_states = _ConnectionStates0,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{ciphers = ServerCiphers,
signature_algs = ServerSignAlgs,
- supported_groups = ServerGroups0},
+ supported_groups = ServerGroups0,
+ alpn_preferred_protocols = ALPNPreferredProtocols},
session = #session{own_certificate = Cert}} = State0) ->
ClientGroups0 = maps:get(elliptic_curves, Extensions, undefined),
ClientGroups = get_supported_groups(ClientGroups0),
@@ -478,6 +494,9 @@ do_start(#client_hello{cipher_suites = ClientCiphers,
ClientShares0 = maps:get(key_share, Extensions, undefined),
ClientShares = get_key_shares(ClientShares0),
+ ClientALPN0 = maps:get(alpn, Extensions, undefined),
+ ClientALPN = ssl_handshake:decode_alpn(ClientALPN0),
ClientSignAlgs = get_signature_scheme_list(
maps:get(signature_algs, Extensions, undefined)),
ClientSignAlgsCert = get_signature_scheme_list(
@@ -486,6 +505,9 @@ do_start(#client_hello{cipher_suites = ClientCiphers,
{Ref,Maybe} = maybe(),
+ %% Handle ALPN extension if ALPN is configured
+ ALPNProtocol = Maybe(handle_alpn(ALPNPreferredProtocols, ClientALPN)),
%% If the server does not select a PSK, then the server independently selects a
%% cipher suite, an (EC)DHE group and key share for key establishment,
%% and a signature algorithm/certificate pair to authenticate itself to
@@ -511,8 +533,14 @@ do_start(#client_hello{cipher_suites = ClientCiphers,
%% Generate server_share
KeyShare = ssl_cipher:generate_server_share(Group),
- State1 = update_start_state(State0, Cipher, KeyShare, SessionId,
- Group, SelectedSignAlg, ClientPubKey),
+ State1 = update_start_state(State0,
+ #{cipher => Cipher,
+ key_share => KeyShare,
+ session_id => SessionId,
+ group => Group,
+ sign_alg => SelectedSignAlg,
+ peer_public_key => ClientPubKey,
+ alpn => ALPNProtocol}),
%% 4.1.4. Hello Retry Request
@@ -522,10 +550,7 @@ do_start(#client_hello{cipher_suites = ClientCiphers,
%% the handshake.
Maybe(send_hello_retry_request(State1, ClientPubKey, KeyShare, SessionId))
- %% TODO:
- %% - session handling
- %% - handle extensions: ALPN
- %% (do not handle: NPN, srp, renegotiation_info, ec_point_formats)
+ %% TODO: session handling
{Ref, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_groups}} ->
@@ -537,7 +562,9 @@ do_start(#client_hello{cipher_suites = ClientCiphers,
{Ref, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_signature_algorithm}} ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, "No suitable signature algorithm");
{Ref, {insufficient_security, no_suitable_public_key}} ->
- ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, no_suitable_public_key)
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, no_suitable_public_key);
+ {Ref, no_application_protocol} ->
%% TLS Client
do_start(#server_hello{cipher_suite = SelectedCipherSuite,
@@ -588,8 +615,11 @@ do_start(#server_hello{cipher_suite = SelectedCipherSuite,
HelloVersion = tls_record:hello_version(SslOpts#ssl_options.versions),
%% Update state
- State1 = update_start_state(State0, SelectedCipherSuite, ClientKeyShare, SessionId,
- SelectedGroup, undefined, undefined),
+ State1 = update_start_state(State0,
+ #{cipher => SelectedCipherSuite,
+ key_share => ClientKeyShare,
+ session_id => SessionId,
+ group => SelectedGroup}),
%% Replace ClientHello1 with a special synthetic handshake message
State2 = replace_ch1_with_message_hash(State1),
@@ -625,7 +655,8 @@ do_negotiated(start_handshake,
dh_public_value = ClientPublicKey},
ssl_options = #ssl_options{} = SslOpts,
key_share = KeyShare,
- handshake_env = #handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = _HHistory0},
+ handshake_env = #handshake_env{tls_handshake_history = _HHistory0,
+ alpn = ALPN},
connection_env = #connection_env{private_key = CertPrivateKey},
static_env = #static_env{
cert_db = CertDbHandle,
@@ -640,7 +671,7 @@ do_negotiated(start_handshake,
%% Create server_hello
%% Extensions: supported_versions, key_share, (pre_shared_key)
- ServerHello = server_hello(server_hello, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates0),
+ ServerHello = server_hello(server_hello, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates0, ALPN),
{State1, _} = tls_connection:send_handshake(ServerHello, State0),
@@ -801,8 +832,12 @@ do_wait_sh(#server_hello{cipher_suite = SelectedCipherSuite,
{_, ClientPrivateKey} = get_client_private_key([SelectedGroup], ClientKeyShare),
%% Update state
- State1 = update_start_state(State0, SelectedCipherSuite, ClientKeyShare0, SessionId,
- SelectedGroup, undefined, ServerPublicKey),
+ State1 = update_start_state(State0,
+ #{cipher => SelectedCipherSuite,
+ key_share => ClientKeyShare0,
+ session_id => SessionId,
+ group => SelectedGroup,
+ peer_public_key => ServerPublicKey}),
State2 = calculate_handshake_secrets(ServerPublicKey, ClientPrivateKey, SelectedGroup, State1),
@@ -984,9 +1019,10 @@ compare_verify_data(_, _) ->
{error, decrypt_error}.
-send_hello_retry_request(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State0,
+send_hello_retry_request(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
+ handshake_env = #handshake_env{alpn = ALPN}} = State0,
no_suitable_key, KeyShare, SessionId) ->
- ServerHello = server_hello(hello_retry_request, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates0),
+ ServerHello = server_hello(hello_retry_request, SessionId, KeyShare, ConnectionStates0, ALPN),
{State1, _} = tls_connection:send_handshake(ServerHello, State0),
%% Update handshake history
@@ -1337,11 +1373,24 @@ update_connection_state(ConnectionState = #{security_parameters := SecurityParam
cipher_state => cipher_init(Key, IV, FinishedKey)}.
+update_start_state(State, Map) ->
+ Cipher = maps:get(cipher, Map, undefined),
+ KeyShare = maps:get(key_share, Map, undefined),
+ SessionId = maps:get(session_id, Map, undefined),
+ Group = maps:get(group, Map, undefined),
+ SelectedSignAlg = maps:get(sign_alg, Map, undefined),
+ PeerPublicKey = maps:get(peer_public_key, Map, undefined),
+ ALPNProtocol = maps:get(alpn, Map, undefined),
+ update_start_state(State, Cipher, KeyShare, SessionId,
+ Group, SelectedSignAlg, PeerPublicKey,
+ ALPNProtocol).
update_start_state(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
+ handshake_env = #handshake_env{} = HsEnv,
connection_env = CEnv,
session = Session} = State,
Cipher, KeyShare, SessionId,
- Group, SelectedSignAlg, ClientPubKey) ->
+ Group, SelectedSignAlg, PeerPublicKey, ALPNProtocol) ->
#{security_parameters := SecParamsR0} = PendingRead =
maps:get(pending_read, ConnectionStates0),
#{security_parameters := SecParamsW0} = PendingWrite =
@@ -1352,11 +1401,12 @@ update_start_state(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
ConnectionStates0#{pending_read => PendingRead#{security_parameters => SecParamsR},
pending_write => PendingWrite#{security_parameters => SecParamsW}},
State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
+ handshake_env = HsEnv#handshake_env{alpn = ALPNProtocol},
key_share = KeyShare,
session = Session#session{session_id = SessionId,
ecc = Group,
sign_alg = SelectedSignAlg,
- dh_public_value = ClientPubKey,
+ dh_public_value = PeerPublicKey,
cipher_suite = Cipher},
connection_env = CEnv#connection_env{negotiated_version = {3,4}}}.
@@ -1628,19 +1678,28 @@ get_server_public_key({key_share_entry, Group, PublicKey}) ->
{Group, PublicKey}.
-%% get_client_public_key(Group, ClientShares) ->
-%% case lists:keysearch(Group, 2, ClientShares) of
-%% {value, {_, _, ClientPublicKey}} ->
-%% ClientPublicKey;
-%% false ->
-%% %% 4.1.4. Hello Retry Request
-%% %%
-%% %% The server will send this message in response to a ClientHello
-%% %% message if it is able to find an acceptable set of parameters but the
-%% %% ClientHello does not contain sufficient information to proceed with
-%% %% the handshake.
-%% no_suitable_key
-%% end.
+%% RFC 7301 - Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension
+%% It is expected that a server will have a list of protocols that it
+%% supports, in preference order, and will only select a protocol if the
+%% client supports it. In that case, the server SHOULD select the most
+%% highly preferred protocol that it supports and that is also
+%% advertised by the client. In the event that the server supports no
+%% protocols that the client advertises, then the server SHALL respond
+%% with a fatal "no_application_protocol" alert.
+handle_alpn(undefined, _) ->
+ {ok, undefined};
+handle_alpn([], _) ->
+ {error, no_application_protocol};
+handle_alpn([_|_], undefined) ->
+ {ok, undefined};
+handle_alpn([ServerProtocol|T], ClientProtocols) ->
+ case lists:member(ServerProtocol, ClientProtocols) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, ServerProtocol};
+ false ->
+ handle_alpn(T, ClientProtocols)
+ end.
select_cipher_suite([], _) ->
{error, no_suitable_cipher};