path: root/lib/ssl/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src')
4 files changed, 143 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
index bf64ed8b69..4b975d753b 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
hash_algorithm/1, sign_algorithm/1, is_acceptable_hash/2, is_fallback/1,
random_bytes/1, calc_mac_hash/4,
is_stream_ciphersuite/1, signature_scheme/1,
- scheme_to_components/1, hash_size/1, effective_key_bits/1]).
+ scheme_to_components/1, hash_size/1, effective_key_bits/1,
+ key_material/1]).
%% RFC 8446 TLS 1.3
-export([generate_client_shares/1, generate_server_share/1, add_zero_padding/2]).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
index ddc83821b4..499ba108f2 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
- empty_connection_state/2, initial_connection_state/2, record_protocol_role/1]).
+ empty_connection_state/2, initial_connection_state/2, record_protocol_role/1,
+ step_encryption_state/1]).
%% Compression
-export([compress/3, uncompress/3, compressions/0]).
@@ -118,6 +119,20 @@ activate_pending_connection_state(#{current_write := Current,
+-spec step_encryption_state(connection_states()) -> connection_states().
+%% Description: Activates the next encyrption state (e.g. handshake
+%% encryption).
+step_encryption_state(#{pending_read := PendingRead,
+ pending_write := PendingWrite} = States) ->
+ NewRead = PendingRead#{sequence_number => 0},
+ NewWrite = PendingWrite#{sequence_number => 0},
+ States#{current_read => NewRead,
+ current_write => NewWrite}.
-spec set_security_params(#security_parameters{}, #security_parameters{},
connection_states()) -> connection_states().
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
index 2c8910cefa..670c4d424d 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake_1_3.erl
@@ -388,14 +388,24 @@ do_negotiated(#{client_share := ClientKey,
tls_connection:send(Transport, Socket, BinMsg),
log_handshake(SslOpts, ServerHello),
log_tls_record(SslOpts, BinMsg),
- ConnectionStates2 = calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare,
- HHistory1, ConnectionStates1),
+ %% ConnectionStates2 = calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare,
+ %% HHistory1, ConnectionStates1),
+ {HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV} =
+ calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare,
+ HHistory1, ConnectionStates1),
+ ConnectionStates2 =
+ update_pending_connection_states(ConnectionStates1, HandshakeSecret,
+ ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV),
+ ConnectionStates3 =
+ ssl_record:step_encryption_state(ConnectionStates2),
%% Create Certificate
Certificate = certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, <<>>, server),
%% Encode Certificate
- {_, _ConnectionStates3, HHistory2} =
- tls_connection:encode_handshake(Certificate, {3,4}, ConnectionStates2, HHistory1),
+ {_, _ConnectionStates4, HHistory2} =
+ tls_connection:encode_handshake(Certificate, {3,4}, ConnectionStates3, HHistory1),
%% log_handshake(SslOpts, Certificate),
%% Create CertificateVerify
@@ -415,19 +425,19 @@ do_negotiated(#{client_share := ClientKey,
%% Next record/Next event
- Maybe(not_implemented())
+ Maybe(not_implemented(negotiated))
- {Ref, {state_not_implemented, negotiated}} ->
+ {Ref, {state_not_implemented, State}} ->
- ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, "state not implemented")
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, {state_not_implemented, State})
%% TODO: Remove this function!
-not_implemented() ->
- {error, negotiated}.
+not_implemented(State) ->
+ {error, {state_not_implemented, State}}.
log_handshake(SslOpts, Message) ->
@@ -452,7 +462,6 @@ calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare, HHistory, Conn
%% Calculate handshake_secret
EarlySecret = tls_v1:key_schedule(early_secret, HKDFAlgo , {psk, <<>>}),
PrivateKey = get_server_private_key(KeyShare), %% #'ECPrivateKey'{}
IKM = calculate_shared_secret(ClientKey, PrivateKey, SelectedGroup),
@@ -470,20 +479,22 @@ calculate_security_parameters(ClientKey, SelectedGroup, KeyShare, HHistory, Conn
{ReadKey, ReadIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, ClientHSTrafficSecret),
{WriteKey, WriteIV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDFAlgo, Cipher, ServerHSTrafficSecret),
- %% Update pending connection state
- PendingRead0 = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- PendingWrite0 = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
+ {HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV}.
- PendingRead = update_conn_state(PendingRead0, HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV),
- PendingWrite = update_conn_state(PendingWrite0, HandshakeSecret, WriteKey, WriteIV),
+ %% %% Update pending connection state
+ %% PendingRead0 = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ %% PendingWrite0 = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
- %% Update pending and copy to current (activate)
- %% All subsequent handshake messages are encrypted
- %% ([sender]_handshake_traffic_secret)
- #{current_read => PendingRead,
- current_write => PendingWrite,
- pending_read => PendingRead,
- pending_write => PendingWrite}.
+ %% PendingRead = update_conn_state(PendingRead0, HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV),
+ %% PendingWrite = update_conn_state(PendingWrite0, HandshakeSecret, WriteKey, WriteIV),
+ %% %% Update pending and copy to current (activate)
+ %% %% All subsequent handshake messages are encrypted
+ %% %% ([sender]_handshake_traffic_secret)
+ %% #{current_read => PendingRead,
+ %% current_write => PendingWrite,
+ %% pending_read => PendingRead,
+ %% pending_write => PendingWrite}.
get_server_private_key(#key_share_server_hello{server_share = ServerShare}) ->
@@ -516,8 +527,16 @@ calculate_shared_secret(OthersKey, MyKey = #'ECPrivateKey'{}, _Group)
public_key:compute_key(Point, MyKey).
-update_conn_state(ConnectionState = #{security_parameters := SecurityParameters0},
- HandshakeSecret, Key, IV) ->
+update_pending_connection_states(CS = #{pending_read := PendingRead0,
+ pending_write := PendingWrite0},
+ HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV, WriteKey, WriteIV) ->
+ PendingRead = update_connection_state(PendingRead0, HandshakeSecret, ReadKey, ReadIV),
+ PendingWrite = update_connection_state(PendingWrite0, HandshakeSecret, WriteKey, WriteIV),
+ CS#{pending_read => PendingRead,
+ pending_write => PendingWrite}.
+update_connection_state(ConnectionState = #{security_parameters := SecurityParameters0},
+ HandshakeSecret, Key, IV) ->
%% Store secret
SecurityParameters = SecurityParameters0#security_parameters{
master_secret = HandshakeSecret},
@@ -525,6 +544,7 @@ update_conn_state(ConnectionState = #{security_parameters := SecurityParameters0
cipher_state => cipher_init(Key, IV)}.
cipher_init(Key, IV) ->
#cipher_state{key = Key, iv = IV, tag_len = 16}.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record_1_3.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record_1_3.erl
index d424336187..1681babed9 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record_1_3.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record_1_3.erl
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ encode_data(Frag, ConnectionStates) ->
encode_plain_text(Type, Data0, #{current_write := Write0} = ConnectionStates) ->
PadLen = 0, %% TODO where to specify PadLen?
Data = inner_plaintext(Type, Data0, PadLen),
- {CipherFragment, Write1} = encode_plain_text(Data, Write0),
- {CipherText, Write} = encode_tls_cipher_text(CipherFragment, Write1),
+ CipherFragment = encode_plain_text(Data, Write0),
+ {CipherText, Write} = encode_tls_cipher_text(CipherFragment, Write0),
{CipherText, ConnectionStates#{current_write => Write}}.
encode_iolist(Type, Data, ConnectionStates0) ->
@@ -105,24 +105,23 @@ decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = ?OPAQUE_TYPE,
fragment = CipherFragment},
#{current_read :=
#{sequence_number := Seq,
- cipher_state := CipherS0,
+ cipher_state := #cipher_state{key = Key,
+ iv = IV,
+ tag_len = TagLen},
security_parameters :=
cipher_type = ?AEAD,
bulk_cipher_algorithm =
} = ReadState0} = ConnectionStates0) ->
- AAD = start_additional_data(),
- CipherS1 = ssl_cipher:nonce_seed(<<?UINT64(Seq)>>, CipherS0),
- case decipher_aead(BulkCipherAlgo, CipherS1, AAD, CipherFragment) of
- {PlainFragment, CipherS1} ->
+ case decipher_aead(CipherFragment, BulkCipherAlgo, Key, Seq, IV, TagLen) of
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ Alert;
+ PlainFragment ->
ConnectionStates =
ConnectionStates0#{current_read =>
- ReadState0#{cipher_state => CipherS1,
- sequence_number => Seq + 1}},
- decode_inner_plaintext(PlainFragment, ConnectionStates);
- #alert{} = Alert ->
- Alert
+ ReadState0#{sequence_number => Seq + 1}},
+ {decode_inner_plaintext(PlainFragment), ConnectionStates}
decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type,
version = ?LEGACY_VERSION,
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type,
fragment = CipherFragment}, ConnnectionStates0};
decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type}, _) ->
%% Version mismatch is already asserted
- ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?BAD_RECORD_MAC, {record_typ_mismatch, Type}).
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?BAD_RECORD_MAC, {record_type_mismatch, Type}).
%%% Internal functions
@@ -170,62 +169,61 @@ encode_plain_text(#inner_plaintext{
content = Data,
type = Type,
zeros = Zeros
- }, #{cipher_state := CipherS0,
+ }, #{cipher_state := #cipher_state{key= Key,
+ iv = IV,
+ tag_len = TagLen},
sequence_number := Seq,
security_parameters :=
- cipher_type = ?AEAD}
- } = WriteState0) ->
- PlainText = <<Data/binary, ?BYTE(Type), Zeros/binary>>,
- AAD = start_additional_data(),
- CipherS1 = ssl_cipher:nonce_seed(<<?UINT64(Seq)>>, CipherS0),
- {Encoded, WriteState} = cipher_aead(PlainText, WriteState0#{cipher_state => CipherS1}, AAD),
- {#tls_cipher_text{opaque_type = Type,
- legacy_version = {3,3},
- encoded_record = Encoded}, WriteState};
+ cipher_type = ?AEAD,
+ bulk_cipher_algorithm = BulkCipherAlgo}
+ }) ->
+ PlainText = [Data, Type, Zeros],
+ Encoded = cipher_aead(PlainText, BulkCipherAlgo, Key, Seq, IV, TagLen),
+ #tls_cipher_text{opaque_type = 23, %% 23 (application_data) for outward compatibility
+ legacy_version = {3,3},
+ encoded_record = Encoded};
content = Data,
type = Type
}, #{security_parameters :=
cipher_suite = ?TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL}
- } = WriteState0) ->
+ }) ->
%% RFC8446 - 5.1. Record Layer
%% When record protection has not yet been engaged, TLSPlaintext
%% structures are written directly onto the wire.
- {#tls_cipher_text{opaque_type = Type,
+ #tls_cipher_text{opaque_type = Type,
legacy_version = {3,3},
- encoded_record = Data}, WriteState0};
+ encoded_record = Data};
encode_plain_text(_, CS) ->
exit({cs, CS}).
-start_additional_data() ->
- {MajVer, MinVer} = ?LEGACY_VERSION,
- <<?BYTE(?OPAQUE_TYPE), ?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer)>>.
-end_additional_data(AAD, Len) ->
- <<AAD/binary, ?UINT16(Len)>>.
-nonce(#cipher_state{nonce = Nonce, iv = IV}) ->
- Len = size(IV),
- crypto:exor(<<Nonce:Len/bytes>>, IV).
+additional_data(Length) ->
+ <<?BYTE(?OPAQUE_TYPE), ?BYTE(3), ?BYTE(3),?UINT16(Length)>>.
- #{cipher_state := CipherS0,
- security_parameters :=
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
- BulkCipherAlgo}
- } = WriteState0, AAD) ->
- {CipherFragment, CipherS1} =
- cipher_aead(BulkCipherAlgo, CipherS0, AAD, Fragment),
- {CipherFragment, WriteState0#{cipher_state => CipherS1}}.
+%% The per-record nonce for the AEAD construction is formed as
+%% follows:
+%% 1. The 64-bit record sequence number is encoded in network byte
+%% order and padded to the left with zeros to iv_length.
+%% 2. The padded sequence number is XORed with either the static
+%% client_write_iv or server_write_iv (depending on the role).
+%% The resulting quantity (of length iv_length) is used as the
+%% per-record nonce.
+nonce(Seq, IV) ->
+ Padding = binary:copy(<<0>>, byte_size(IV) - 8),
+ crypto:exor(<<Padding/binary,?UINT64(Seq)>>, IV).
-cipher_aead(Type, #cipher_state{key=Key} = CipherState, AAD0, Fragment) ->
- AAD = end_additional_data(AAD0, erlang:iolist_size(Fragment)),
- Nonce = nonce(CipherState),
- {Content, CipherTag} = ssl_cipher:aead_encrypt(Type, Key, Nonce, Fragment, AAD),
- {<<Content/binary, CipherTag/binary>>, CipherState}.
+cipher_aead(Fragment, BulkCipherAlgo, Key, Seq, IV, TagLen) ->
+ AAD = additional_data(erlang:iolist_size(Fragment) + TagLen),
+ Nonce = nonce(Seq, IV),
+ {Content, CipherTag} =
+ ssl_cipher:aead_encrypt(BulkCipherAlgo, Key, Nonce, Fragment, AAD),
+ <<Content/binary, CipherTag/binary>>.
encode_tls_cipher_text(#tls_cipher_text{opaque_type = Type,
legacy_version = {MajVer, MinVer},
@@ -234,13 +232,14 @@ encode_tls_cipher_text(#tls_cipher_text{opaque_type = Type,
{[<<?BYTE(Type), ?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer), ?UINT16(Length)>>, Encoded],
Write#{sequence_number => Seq +1}}.
-decipher_aead(Type, #cipher_state{key = Key} = CipherState, AAD0, CipherFragment) ->
+decipher_aead(CipherFragment, BulkCipherAlgo, Key, Seq, IV, TagLen) ->
- Nonce = nonce(CipherState),
- {AAD, CipherText, CipherTag} = aead_ciphertext_split(CipherState, CipherFragment, AAD0),
- case ssl_cipher:aead_decrypt(Type, Key, Nonce, CipherText, CipherTag, AAD) of
+ AAD = additional_data(erlang:iolist_size(CipherFragment)),
+ Nonce = nonce(Seq, IV),
+ {CipherText, CipherTag} = aead_ciphertext_split(CipherFragment, TagLen),
+ case ssl_cipher:aead_decrypt(BulkCipherAlgo, Key, Nonce, CipherText, CipherTag, AAD) of
Content when is_binary(Content) ->
- {Content, CipherState};
+ Content;
_ ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?BAD_RECORD_MAC, decryption_failed)
@@ -249,39 +248,34 @@ decipher_aead(Type, #cipher_state{key = Key} = CipherState, AAD0, CipherFragment
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?BAD_RECORD_MAC, decryption_failed)
-aead_ciphertext_split(#cipher_state{tag_len = Len}, CipherTextFragment, AAD) ->
- CipherLen = size(CipherTextFragment) - Len,
- <<CipherText:CipherLen/bytes, CipherTag:Len/bytes>> = CipherTextFragment,
- {end_additional_data(AAD, CipherLen), CipherText, CipherTag}.
-decode_inner_plaintext(PlainText, ConnnectionStates) ->
- case remove_padding(PlainText) of
- #alert{} = Alert ->
- Alert;
- {Data, Type} ->
- {#ssl_tls{type = Type,
- version = {3,4}, %% Internally use real version
- fragment = Data}, ConnnectionStates}
- end.
+aead_ciphertext_split(CipherTextFragment, TagLen)
+ when is_binary(CipherTextFragment) ->
+ CipherLen = erlang:byte_size(CipherTextFragment) - TagLen,
+ <<CipherText:CipherLen/bytes, CipherTag:TagLen/bytes>> = CipherTextFragment,
+ {CipherText, CipherTag};
+aead_ciphertext_split(CipherTextFragment, TagLen)
+ when is_list(CipherTextFragment) ->
+ CipherLen = erlang:iolist_size(CipherTextFragment) - TagLen,
+ <<CipherText:CipherLen/bytes, CipherTag:TagLen/bytes>> =
+ erlang:iolist_to_binary(CipherTextFragment),
+ {CipherText, CipherTag}.
- case binary:split(PlainText, <<0>>, [global, trim]) of
- [] ->
- [Content] ->
- Type = binary:last(Content),
- split_content(Type, Content, erlang:byte_size(Content) - 1)
+decode_inner_plaintext(PlainText) ->
+ case binary:last(PlainText) of
+ 0 ->
+ decode_inner_plaintext(init_binary(PlainText));
+ Type when Type =:= ?APPLICATION_DATA orelse
+ Type =:= ?HANDSHAKE orelse
+ Type =:= ?ALERT ->
+ #ssl_tls{type = Type,
+ version = {3,4}, %% Internally use real version
+ fragment = init_binary(PlainText)};
+ _Else ->
-split_content(?HANDSHAKE, _, 0) ->
-split_content(?ALERT, _, 0) ->
-%% For special middlebox compatible case!
-split_content(?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, _, 0) ->
- ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE, empty_change_cipher_spec);
-split_content(?APPLICATION_DATA = Type, _, 0) ->
- {Type, <<>>};
-split_content(Type, Content, N) ->
- <<Data:N/bytes, ?BYTE(Type)>> = Content,
- {Type, Data}.
+init_binary(B) ->
+ {Init, _} =
+ split_binary(B, byte_size(B) - 1),
+ Init.