path: root/lib/stdlib
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1 files changed, 99 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/rand_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/rand_SUITE.erl
index d753d929f5..a7094f1987 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/rand_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/rand_SUITE.erl
@@ -262,17 +262,18 @@ reference(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
reference_1(Alg) ->
- Refval = reference_val(Alg),
- Testval = gen(Alg),
- case Refval =:= Testval of
- true -> ok;
- false when Refval =:= not_implemented ->
- exit({not_implemented,Alg});
- false ->
- io:format("Failed: ~p~n",[Alg]),
- io:format("Length ~p ~p~n",[length(Refval), length(Testval)]),
- io:format("Head ~p ~p~n",[hd(Refval), hd(Testval)]),
- exit(wrong_value)
+ Refval = reference_val(Alg),
+ if
+ Refval =:= not_implemented -> Refval;
+ true ->
+ case gen(Alg) of
+ Refval -> ok;
+ Testval ->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~n",[Alg]),
+ io:format("Length ~p ~p~n",[length(Refval), length(Testval)]),
+ io:format("Head ~p ~p~n",[hd(Refval), hd(Testval)]),
+ exit(wrong_value)
+ end
gen(Algo) ->
@@ -1141,104 +1142,110 @@ reference_jump_state(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
reference_jump_1(Alg) ->
- Refval = reference_jump_val(Alg),
- Testval = gen_jump_1(Alg),
- case Refval =:= Testval of
- true -> ok;
- false ->
- io:format("Failed: ~p~n",[Alg]),
- io:format("Length ~p ~p~n",[length(Refval), length(Testval)]),
- io:format("Head ~p ~p~n",[hd(Refval), hd(Testval)]),
- io:format("Vals ~p ~p~n",[Refval, Testval]),
- exit(wrong_value)
+ Refval = reference_jump_val(Alg),
+ if
+ Refval =:= not_implemented -> Refval;
+ true ->
+ case gen_jump_1(Alg) of
+ Refval -> ok;
+ Testval ->
+ io:format(
+ "Failed: ~p~n",[Alg]),
+ io:format(
+ "Length ~p ~p~n",
+ [length(Refval), length(Testval)]),
+ io:format(
+ "Head ~p ~p~n",[hd(Refval), hd(Testval)]),
+ io:format(
+ "Vals ~p ~p~n",[Refval, Testval]),
+ exit(wrong_value)
+ end
gen_jump_1(Algo) ->
- State =
- case Algo of
- exs64 -> %% Test exception of not_implemented notice
- try rand:jump(rand:seed_s(exs64))
- catch
- error:not_implemented -> not_implemented
- end;
- _ when Algo =:= exsplus; Algo =:= exsp; Algo =:= exrop ->
- %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed
- rand:seed_s({Algo, [12345678|12345678]});
- _ when Algo =:= exs1024; Algo =:= exs1024s ->
- %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed
- rand:seed_s({Algo, {lists:duplicate(16, 12345678), []}});
- _ -> % unimplemented
- not_implemented
- end,
- case State of
- not_implemented -> [not_implemented];
- _ ->
- Max = range(State),
- gen_jump_1(?LOOP_JUMP, State, Max, [])
+ case Algo of
+ exs64 -> %% Test exception of not_implemented notice
+ try rand:jump(rand:seed_s(exs64))
+ catch
+ error:not_implemented -> [error_not_implemented]
+ end;
+ _ when Algo =:= exsplus; Algo =:= exsp; Algo =:= exrop ->
+ %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed
+ gen_jump_2(
+ rand:seed_s({Algo, [12345678|12345678]}));
+ _ when Algo =:= exs1024; Algo =:= exs1024s ->
+ %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed
+ gen_jump_2(
+ rand:seed_s({Algo, {lists:duplicate(16, 12345678), []}}))
-gen_jump_1(N, State0, Max, Acc) when N > 0 ->
+gen_jump_2(State) ->
+ Max = range(State),
+ gen_jump_3(?LOOP_JUMP, State, Max, []).
+gen_jump_3(N, State0, Max, Acc) when N > 0 ->
{_, State1} = rand:uniform_s(Max, State0),
{Random, State2} = rand:uniform_s(Max, rand:jump(State1)),
case N rem (?LOOP_JUMP div 100) of
- 0 -> gen_jump_1(N-1, State2, Max, [Random|Acc]);
- _ -> gen_jump_1(N-1, State2, Max, Acc)
+ 0 -> gen_jump_3(N-1, State2, Max, [Random|Acc]);
+ _ -> gen_jump_3(N-1, State2, Max, Acc)
-gen_jump_1(_, _, _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
+gen_jump_3(_, _, _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
%% Check if each algorithm generates the proper jump sequence
%% with the internal state in the process dictionary.
reference_jump_procdict(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- [reference_jump_0(Alg) || Alg <- algs()],
+ [reference_jump_p1(Alg) || Alg <- algs()],
-reference_jump_0(Alg) ->
+reference_jump_p1(Alg) ->
Refval = reference_jump_val(Alg),
- Testval = gen_jump_0(Alg),
- case Refval =:= Testval of
- true -> ok;
- false ->
- io:format("Failed: ~p~n",[Alg]),
- io:format("Length ~p ~p~n",[length(Refval), length(Testval)]),
- io:format("Head ~p ~p~n",[hd(Refval), hd(Testval)]),
- exit(wrong_value)
+ if
+ Refval =:= not_implemented -> Refval;
+ true ->
+ case gen_jump_p1(Alg) of
+ Refval -> ok;
+ Testval ->
+ io:format("Failed: ~p~n",[Alg]),
+ io:format("Length ~p ~p~n",[length(Refval), length(Testval)]),
+ io:format("Head ~p ~p~n",[hd(Refval), hd(Testval)]),
+ exit(wrong_value)
+ end
-gen_jump_0(Algo) ->
- Seed = case Algo of
- exs64 -> %% Test exception of not_implemented notice
- try
- _ = rand:seed(exs64),
- rand:jump()
- catch
- error:not_implemented -> not_implemented
- end;
- _ when Algo =:= exsplus; Algo =:= exsp; Algo =:= exrop ->
- %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed
- rand:seed({Algo, [12345678|12345678]});
- _ when Algo =:= exs1024; Algo =:= exs1024s ->
- %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed
- rand:seed({Algo, {lists:duplicate(16, 12345678), []}});
- _ -> % unimplemented
- not_implemented
- end,
- case Seed of
- not_implemented -> [not_implemented];
- _ ->
- Max = range(Seed),
- gen_jump_0(?LOOP_JUMP, Max, [])
+gen_jump_p1(Algo) ->
+ case Algo of
+ exs64 -> %% Test exception of not_implemented notice
+ try
+ _ = rand:seed(exs64),
+ rand:jump()
+ catch
+ error:not_implemented -> [error_not_implemented]
+ end;
+ _ when Algo =:= exsplus; Algo =:= exsp; Algo =:= exrop ->
+ %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed
+ gen_jump_p2(
+ rand:seed({Algo, [12345678|12345678]}));
+ _ when Algo =:= exs1024; Algo =:= exs1024s ->
+ %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed
+ gen_jump_p2(
+ rand:seed({Algo, {lists:duplicate(16, 12345678), []}}))
-gen_jump_0(N, Max, Acc) when N > 0 ->
+gen_jump_p2(Seed) ->
+ Max = range(Seed),
+ gen_jump_p3(?LOOP_JUMP, Max, []).
+gen_jump_p3(N, Max, Acc) when N > 0 ->
_ = rand:uniform(Max),
_ = rand:jump(),
Random = rand:uniform(Max),
case N rem (?LOOP_JUMP div 100) of
- 0 -> gen_jump_0(N-1, Max, [Random|Acc]);
- _ -> gen_jump_0(N-1, Max, Acc)
+ 0 -> gen_jump_p3(N-1, Max, [Random|Acc]);
+ _ -> gen_jump_p3(N-1, Max, Acc)
-gen_jump_0(_, _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
+gen_jump_p3(_, _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
%%% Data
@@ -1389,7 +1396,10 @@ reference_val(exrop) ->
- 8462479817391645,2774921106204163].
+ 8462479817391645,2774921106204163];
+reference_val(_) ->
+ not_implemented.
@@ -1451,7 +1461,7 @@ reference_jump_val(exsp) ->
reference_jump_val(exs1024s) ->
-reference_jump_val(exs64) -> [not_implemented];
+reference_jump_val(exs64) -> [error_not_implemented];
reference_jump_val(exrop) ->
%% #include <stdint.h>
%% #include <stdio.h>
@@ -1516,7 +1526,10 @@ reference_jump_val(exrop) ->
- 254956809144783896,203898972156838252].
+ 254956809144783896,203898972156838252];
+reference_jump_val(_) ->
+ not_implemented.