path: root/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xsd.erl
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+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xsd.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% @doc Interface module for XML Schema vlidation.
+%% It handles the W3.org
+%% <a href="http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema#dev">specifications</a>
+%% of XML Schema second edition 28 october 2004. For an introduction to
+%% XML Schema study <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/">part 0.</a>
+%% An XML structure is validated by xmerl_xsd:validate/[2,3].
+%% @type global_state(). <p>The global state of the validator. It is
+%% representated by the <code>#xsd_state{}</code> record.
+%% </p>
+%% @type option_list(). <p>Options allow to customize the behaviour of the
+%% validation.
+%% </p>
+%% Possible options are :
+%% <dl>
+%% <dt><code>{tab2file,boolean()}</code></dt>
+%% <dd>Enables saving of abstract structure on file for debugging
+%% purpose.</dd>
+%% <dt><code>{xsdbase,filename()}</code></dt>
+%% <dd>XSD Base directory.</dd>
+%% <dt><code>{fetch_fun,FetchFun}</code></dt>
+%% <dd>Call back function to fetch an external resource.</dd>
+%% <dt><code>{fetch_path,PathList}</code></dt>
+%% <dd>PathList is a list of directories to search when fetching files.
+%% If the file in question is not in the fetch_path, the URI will
+%% be used as a file name.</dd>
+%% <dt><code>{state,State}</code></dt>
+%% <dd>It is possible by this option to provide a state with process
+%% information from an earlier validation.</dd>
+%% </dl>
+%% Include files
+%% External exports
+ validate/2,validate/3,process_validate/2,process_validate/3,
+ process_schema/1,process_schema/2,
+ process_schemas/1,process_schemas/2,
+ state2file/1,state2file/2,file2state/1,format_error/1
+ ]).
+%% Internal exports
+%% Imports
+-import(xmerl_lib,[is_facet/1, is_builtin_simple_type/1, is_xsd_string/1]).
+ splitwith/2,mapfoldl/3,keysearch/3,keymember/3,
+ keyreplace/4,keydelete/3]).
+%% Functions
+%% @spec validate(Element,State) -> Result
+%% @equiv validate(Element,State,[])
+validate(Xml,State) ->
+ validate(Xml,State,[]).
+%% @spec validate(Element,State,Options) -> Result
+%% Element = XmlElement
+%% Options = option_list()
+%% Result = {ValidElement,global_state()} | {error,Reasons}
+%% ValidElement = XmlElement
+%% State = global_state()
+%% Reasons = [ErrorReason] | ErrorReason
+%% @doc Validates a parsed well-formed XML element (Element).
+%% <p>A call to validate/2 or validate/3 must provide a well formed
+%% parsed XML element <code>#xmlElement{}</code> and a State,
+%% <code>global_state()</code>, which holds necessary information from
+%% an already processed schema.
+%% Thus validate enables reuse of the schema information and
+%% therefore if one shall validate several times towards the same
+%% schema it reduces time consumption.</p>
+%% <p>The result, ValidElement, is the valid element that conforms to the
+%% post-schema-validation infoset. When the validator finds an error it
+%% tries to continue and reports a list of all errors found. In those cases
+%% an unexpected error is found it may cause a single error reason.
+%% </p>
+%% <p> Usage example:</p>
+%% <p>
+%% <code>1>{E,_} = xmerl_scan:file("my_XML_document.xml").</code><br/>
+%% <code>2>{ok,S} = xmerl_xsd:process_schema("my_XML_Schema.xsd").</code><br/>
+%% <code>3>{E2,_} = xmerl_xsd:validate(E,S).</code>
+%% </p>
+%% <p> Observe that E2 may differ from E if for instance there are default
+%% values defined in <code>my_XML_Schema.xsd</code>.</p>
+validate(Xml,State,Opts) when is_record(State,xsd_state) ->
+ S2 = initiate_state2(State,Opts),
+ S3 = validation_options(S2,Opts),
+ validate3(S3#xsd_state.schema_name,Xml,S3).
+%% @spec state2file(State) -> ok | {error,Reason}
+%% @doc Same as state2file(State,SchemaName)
+%% The name of the saved file is the same as the name of the
+%% schema, but with <code>.xss</code> extension.
+state2file(S=#xsd_state{schema_name=SN}) ->
+ state2file(S,filename:rootname(SN)).
+%% @spec state2file(State,FileName) -> ok | {error,Reason}
+%% State = global_state()
+%% FileName = filename()
+%% @doc Saves the schema state with all information of the processed
+%% schema in a file. You can provide the file name for the saved
+%% state. FileName is saved with the <code>.xss</code> extension
+%% added.
+state2file(S,FileName) when is_record(S,xsd_state) ->
+ save_xsd_state(S),
+ case catch ets:tab2file(S#xsd_state.table,lists:append(FileName,".xss")) of
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,Reason}};
+ Ret -> Ret
+ end.
+%% @spec file2state(FileName) -> {ok,State} | {error,Reason}
+%% State = global_state()
+%% FileName = filename()
+%% @doc Reads the schema state with all information of the processed
+%% schema from a file created with <code>state2file/[1,2]</code>. The
+%% format of this file is internal. The state can then be used
+%% validating an XML document.
+file2state(FileName) ->
+ case catch ets:file2tab(FileName) of
+ {ok,Tab} ->
+ case load_xsd_state(Tab) of
+ [{state,S}] when is_record(S,xsd_state) ->
+ xmerl_xsd_vsn_check(S);
+%% {ok,S};
+ Other ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{incomplete_file,FileName,Other}}}
+ end;
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,Reason}};
+ Other ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,Other}}
+ end.
+save_xsd_state(S) ->
+ catch ets:insert(S#xsd_state.table,{state,S}).
+load_xsd_state(Table) ->
+ catch ets:lookup(Table,state).
+xmerl_xsd_vsn() ->
+ case lists:keysearch(vsn,1,xmerl_xsd:module_info(attributes)) of
+ {value,{_,MD5_VSN}} ->
+ MD5_VSN;
+ _ ->
+ undefined
+ end.
+xmerl_xsd_vsn_check(S=#xsd_state{vsn=MD5_VSN}) ->
+ case [V||{vsn,V}<-xmerl_xsd:module_info(attributes)] of
+ [MD5_VSN] ->
+ {ok,S};
+ _ ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{different_version_of_xmerl_xsd_module_used,
+ state_not_reliable}}}
+ end.
+%% @spec process_validate(Schema,Element) -> Result
+%% @equiv process_validate(Schema,Xml,[])
+process_validate(Schema,Xml) ->
+ process_validate(Schema,Xml,[]).
+%% @spec process_validate(Schema,Element,Options) -> Result
+%% Schema = filename()
+%% Element = XmlElement
+%% Options = option_list()
+%% Result = {ValidXmlElement,State} | {error,Reason}
+%% Reason = [ErrorReason] | ErrorReason
+%% @doc Validates a parsed well-formed XML element towards an XML
+%% schema. <p> Validates in two steps. First it processes the schema,
+%% saves the type and structure info in an ets table and then
+%% validates the element towards the schema.</p>
+%% <p> Usage example:</p>
+%% <p>
+%% <code>1>{E,_} = xmerl_scan:file("my_XML_document.xml").</code><br/>
+%% <code>2>{E2,_} = xmerl_xsd:validate("my_XML_Schema.xsd",E).</code>
+%% </p>
+%% <p> Observe that E2 may differ from E if for instance there are default
+%% values defined in <code>my_XML_Schema.xsd</code>.</p>
+process_validate(Schema,Xml,Opts) ->
+ TargetNamespace = target_namespace(Xml),
+ case Schema of
+ [H|_] when is_list(H); is_tuple(H) ->
+ case process_schemas(Schema,
+ [{target_namespace,TargetNamespace}|Opts]) of
+ {ok,S} ->
+ S2 = validation_options(S,Opts),
+ validate3(S2#xsd_state.schema_name,Xml,S2);
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ process_validate2(xmerl_scan:file(Schema),Schema,Xml,Opts)
+ end.
+process_validate2(Err={error,_},_,_,_) ->
+ Err;
+process_validate2({SE,_},Schema,Xml,Opts) ->
+ S = initiate_state(Opts,Schema),
+ S1 = validate_schema(SE,S),
+ S2 = validate_schema_ph2(S1),
+ S3 = schema_concistence_checks(S2),
+ S4 = validation_options(S3,Opts),
+ validate3(Schema,Xml,S4).
+validate3(Schema,Xml,S=#xsd_state{errors=[]}) ->
+ Ret = {_,S2} =
+ case catch validate_xml(Xml,S) of
+ {[XML2],[],Sx} ->
+ {XML2,Sx};
+ {XML2,[],Sx} ->
+ {XML2,Sx};
+ {_,UnValidated,Sx} ->
+ {Xml,acc_errs(Sx,{error_path(UnValidated,Xml#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {unvalidated_rest,UnValidated}})};
+ _Err = {error,Reason} ->
+ {Xml,acc_errs(S,Reason)};
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ {Xml,acc_errs(S,{error_path(Xml,Xml#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {undefined,{internal_error,Reason}}})}
+ end,
+ save_to_file(S2,filename:rootname(Schema)++".tab2"),
+ case S2#xsd_state.errors of
+ [] ->
+ Ret;
+ L ->
+ %%delete_table(S2),
+ return_error(L)
+ end;
+validate3(_,_,S) ->
+ return_schema_error(S#xsd_state.errors).
+%% @spec process_schema(Schema) -> Result
+%% @equiv process_schema(Schema,[])
+process_schema(Schema) ->
+ process_schema(Schema,[]).
+%% @spec process_schema(Schema,Options) -> Result
+%% Schema = filename()
+%% Result = {ok,State} | {error,Reason}
+%% State = global_state()
+%% Reason = [ErrorReason] | ErrorReason
+%% Options = option_list()
+%% @doc Reads the referenced XML schema and checks that it is valid.
+%% Returns the <code>global_state()</code> with schema info or an
+%% error reason. The error reason may be a list of several errors
+%% or a single error encountered during the processing.
+process_schema(Schema,Options) when is_list(Options) ->
+ S = initiate_state(Options,Schema),
+ process_schema2(xmerl_scan:file(filename:join(S#xsd_state.xsd_base, Schema)),S,Schema);
+process_schema(Schema,State) when is_record(State,xsd_state) ->
+ process_schema2(xmerl_scan:file(filename:join(State#xsd_state.xsd_base, Schema)),State,Schema).
+process_schema2(Err={error,_},_,_) ->
+ Err;
+process_schema2({SE,_},State,_Schema) ->
+ S1 = validate_schema(SE,State),
+ S2 = validate_schema_ph2(S1),
+ case schema_concistence_checks(S2) of
+ S3 = #xsd_state{errors=[]} ->
+ {ok,S3};
+ S3 ->
+ delete_table(S3),
+ return_error(S3#xsd_state.errors)
+ end.
+%% @spec process_schemas(Schemas) -> Result
+%% @equiv process_schema(Schemas,[])
+process_schemas(Schemas) ->
+ process_schemas(Schemas,[]).
+%% @spec process_schemas(Schemas,Options) -> Result
+%% Schemas = [{NameSpace,filename()}|Schemas] | []
+%% Result = {ok,State} | {error,Reason}
+%% Reason = [ErrorReason] | ErrorReason
+%% Options = option_list()
+%% @doc Reads the referenced XML schemas and controls they are valid.
+%% Returns the <code>global_state()</code> with schema info or an
+%% error reason. The error reason may be a list of several errors
+%% or a single error encountered during the processing.
+process_schemas(Schemas=[{_,Schema}|_],Options) when is_list(Options) ->
+ process_schemas(Schemas,initiate_state(Options,Schema));
+process_schemas([{_NS,Schema}|Rest],State=#xsd_state{fetch_fun=Fetch}) ->
+%% case process_external_schema_once(Schema,if_list_to_atom(NS),State) of
+%% S when is_record(S,xsd_state) ->
+%% case process_schema(filename:join([State#xsd_state.xsd_base,Schema]),State) of
+%% {ok,S} ->
+ Res=
+ case Fetch(Schema,State) of
+ {ok,{file,File},_} ->
+ process_schema2(xmerl_scan:file(File),State,Schema);
+ {ok,{string,Str},_} ->
+ process_schema2(xmerl_scan:string(Str),State,Schema);
+ {ok,[],_} ->
+ {ok,State};
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end,
+ case Res of
+ {ok,S2} ->
+ process_schemas(Rest,S2);
+ _ ->
+ Res
+ end;
+process_schemas([],S) when is_record(S,xsd_state) ->
+ {ok,S}.
+initiate_state(Opts,Schema) ->
+ XSDBase = filename:dirname(Schema),
+ {{state,S},RestOpts}=new_state(Opts),
+ S2 = create_tables(S),
+ initiate_state2(S2#xsd_state{schema_name = Schema,
+ xsd_base = XSDBase,
+ fetch_fun = fun fetch/2},RestOpts).
+initiate_state2(S,[]) ->
+ S;
+initiate_state2(S,[{tab2file,Bool}|T]) ->
+ initiate_state2(S#xsd_state{tab2file=Bool},T);
+initiate_state2(S,[{xsdbase,XSDBase}|T]) ->
+ initiate_state2(S#xsd_state{xsd_base=XSDBase},T);
+initiate_state2(S,[{fetch_fun,FetchFun}|T]) ->
+ initiate_state2(S#xsd_state{fetch_fun=FetchFun},T);
+initiate_state2(S,[{fetch_path,FetchPath}|T]) ->
+ initiate_state2(S#xsd_state{fetch_path=FetchPath},T);
+initiate_state2(S,[{schema_preprocessed,Bool}|T]) ->
+ initiate_state2(S#xsd_state{schema_preprocessed=Bool},T);
+initiate_state2(S,[{target_namespace,_NS}|T]) ->
+%% initiate_state2(S#xsd_state{targetNamespace=if_list_to_atom(NS)},T);
+ initiate_state2(S,T); %% used in validation phase
+initiate_state2(S,[H|T]) ->
+ error_msg("Invalid option: ~p~n",[H]),
+ initiate_state2(S,T).
+validation_options(S,[{target_namespace,NS}|T]) ->
+ validation_options(S#xsd_state{targetNamespace=if_list_to_atom(NS)},T);
+validation_options(S,[_H|T]) ->
+ validation_options(S,T);
+validation_options(S,[]) ->
+ S.
+new_state(Opts) ->
+ XSD_VSN = xmerl_xsd_vsn(),
+ keysearch_delete(state,1,Opts,{state,#xsd_state{vsn=XSD_VSN}}).
+%% validate_schema/2 traverses the shema element to save necessary
+%% information as defined elements and types.
+ S) ->
+ %% namespace is always a xmlNamespace record, attributs a list of
+ %% #xmlAttributes and content a list of #xmlElements|#xmlText|...
+ %% Have to save namespace nodes. Use of namespace in paths for
+ %% unique,key and keyref are used after the schema is processed.
+ S1 = S#xsd_state{targetNamespace=target_namespace(E)},
+ case is_already_processed(S1#xsd_state.targetNamespace,S1) of
+ true ->
+ save_namespace_definition(S1#xsd_state.targetNamespace,S1);
+ _ ->
+ S2 = S1,%save_namespace_definition(S1#xsd_state.targetNamespace,S1),
+ {CM,S3} = traverse_content(E,S2),
+ save_schema_element(CM,S3),
+ S3
+ end.
+validate_schema_ph2(S=#xsd_state{derived_types=[]}) ->
+ S;
+validate_schema_ph2(S=#xsd_state{derived_types=DT}) ->
+ deduce_derived_types(DT,S).
+%% traverse_content/2 creates the content model of the schema.
+%% content model depends on (1) the type:
+%% complex type:
+%% sequence, choice, all
+%% simple type: no content other than characters
+%% (2) minOccurs/maxOccurs attributes.
+%% The schema for schemas content model is:
+%% schema: ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*,
+%% (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup)
+%% | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)
+%% attribute: (annotation?, simpleType?)
+%% element: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique |
+%% key | keyref)*))
+%% complexType: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent |
+%% ((group | all | choice | sequence)?,
+%% ((attribute | attributeGroup)*,anyAttribute?))))
+%% attributeGroup:(annotation?,
+%% ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
+%% group: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence)?)
+%% all: (annotation?, element*)
+%% sequence: (annotation?,
+%% (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
+%% choice: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence |
+%% any)*)
+%% any: (annotation?) any wellformed xml inside "any"
+%% unique: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
+%% key: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
+%% keyref: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
+%% selector: (annotation?)
+%% field: (annotation?)
+%% notation: (annotation?)
+%% annotation: (appinfo | documentation)*
+%% appinfo: ({any})*
+%% documentation: ({any})*
+%% simpleType: (annotation?, (restriction | list | union))
+%% restriction: (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive |
+%% minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive |
+%% totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength |
+%% maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*))
+%% list: (annotation?, simpleType?)
+%% union: (annotation?, simpleType*)
+%% include: (annotation?)
+%% import: (annotation?)
+%% redefine: (annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group |
+%% attributeGroup))*
+traverse_content(E=#xmlElement{name=Name},S) ->
+ case local_name(Name) of
+ schema ->
+ Content = E#xmlElement.content,
+%% S1 = S#xsd_state{targetNamespace=target_namespace(E)},
+ ThisNS = {"#this#",S#xsd_state.schema_name,
+ S#xsd_state.targetNamespace},
+ S2 = S#xsd_state{checked_namespace_nodes=
+ add_once(ThisNS,S#xsd_state.checked_namespace_nodes)},
+ S3 = namespace_nodes(E,S2),
+ S4 = element_form_default(E,S3),
+ S5 = attribute_form_default(E,S4),
+ S6 = substitution_default(finalDefault,E,S5),
+ S7 = substitution_default(blockDefault,E,S6),
+ traverse_content2(Content,S7,[]);
+ Err ->
+ exit({error,{[],?MODULE,{schema_error,Err}}})
+ end.
+traverse_content2([],S,Acc) ->
+ {reverse(remove_annotation(Acc)),reset_scope(S)};
+traverse_content2([El|Els],S,Acc) when is_record(El,xmlElement) ->
+ %% element declaration: save name, type, scope.
+ {Object,S2} = element_content(kind(El,S),El,S#xsd_state.scope),%% Object={Kind,Obj}
+ traverse_content2(Els,S2,[Object|Acc]);
+traverse_content2([_T|Els],S,Acc) -> %% xmlText,xmlPI ...
+ traverse_content2(Els,S,Acc).
+target_namespace(E) ->
+ case get_attribute_value(targetNamespace,E,undefined) of
+ URI when is_list(URI) ->
+ list_to_atom(URI);
+ URI ->
+ end.
+%% namespace_nodes/2 ->
+%% NS.
+ S=#xsd_state{namespace_nodes=NSN,
+ global_namespace_nodes=GNSN}) ->
+ S2 =S#xsd_state{namespace_nodes=foldl(fun add_once/2,NSN,NS)},
+ S2#xsd_state{global_namespace_nodes=
+ add_key_once(S#xsd_state.targetNamespace,1,
+ {S#xsd_state.targetNamespace,NS},
+ GNSN)}.
+ Def=form_default(attributeFormDefault,Atts,S),
+ S#xsd_state{attributeFormDefault=Def}.
+element_form_default(#xmlElement{attributes=Atts},S) ->
+ Def=form_default(elementFormDefault,Atts,S),
+ S#xsd_state{elementFormDefault=Def}.
+form_default(Key,Atts,_S) ->
+ case keyNsearch(Key,#xmlAttribute.name,Atts,unqualified) of
+ #xmlAttribute{value=V} when is_list(V) -> list_to_atom(V);
+ #xmlAttribute{value=V} ->V;
+ _-> unqualified
+ end.
+substitution_default(Subst = finalDefault,El,S) ->
+ S#xsd_state{finalDefault = substitution(Subst,El,S)};
+substitution_default(Subst = blockDefault,El,S) ->
+ S#xsd_state{blockDefault = substitution(Subst,El,S)}.
+substitution(Subst,El,_S) ->
+ split_by_whitespace(get_attribute_value(Subst,El,[]),[]).
+%% element_content may be one of: annotation, type def(simple or
+%% complex), import, unique, key, keyref, attribute def, attribute
+%% group, all, group, complexContent, simpleContent, choice, sequence
+element_content({attribute,S=#xsd_state{scope=Scope}},Att,Env) ->
+ case qualify_NCName(Att,S) of
+ no_name ->
+ Ref = attribute_ref(Att),
+ AttRef =
+ {attribute,get_QName(Ref,Att#xmlElement.namespace, %%QQQ
+ reset_scope(S))},
+ {AttRef,add_ref(S,AttRef)};
+ Name ->
+ {AttrType,S2} = attribute_type(Att,[Name|Env],S),
+ S3 = check_cm(attribute,allowed_content(attribute,Env),AttrType,S2),
+ {Attr,S4} = attribute_properties(Att#xmlElement.attributes,
+ #schema_attribute{type=AttrType},S3),
+ Object = {attribute,
+ Attr#schema_attribute{name=Name,scope=Scope}},
+ S5 = save_object(Object,S4),
+ {{attribute,Name},S5}
+ end;
+element_content({element,S},El,Env) ->
+ %% The type of an element may be a simple or complex type (named
+ %% or anonymous), a referenced name or member of a substitution group.
+ case qualify_NCName(El,S) of
+ no_name ->
+ Ref = particle_ref(El),
+ {Occ,S2} = occurance(El,{1,1},S),
+ %% 3.3.3 bullet 2.2
+ S3 = element_forbidden_properties(El,S2),
+ S4 = element_forbidden_content(El#xmlElement.content,S3),
+ ElRef =
+ {element,
+ {get_QName(Ref,El#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S)),
+ Occ}},
+ {ElRef,add_ref(S4,ElRef)};
+ Name ->
+ {Type,S2} = element_type(El,[Name|Env],S),
+ S3 = check_cm(element,allowed_content(element,Env),Type,S2),
+ Type2 = remove_annotation(Type),
+ Unique = [X||X={unique,_} <- Type2],
+ Key = [X||X={K,_} <- Type2,K == key orelse K==keyref],
+ {Occur,S4} = occurance(El,{1,1},S3),
+ {SE,S5} = element_properties(El#xmlElement.attributes,
+ #schema_element{},El,S4),
+ CM = remove_attributes([X||X={Y,_}<-Type2,
+ unique=/=Y,key=/=Y,
+ keyref=/=Y,annotation=/=Y]),
+ %% take care of key/keyref later
+ SE2 = SE#schema_element{name=Name,type=CM,uniqueness=Unique,
+ key=Key, occurance=Occur,
+ scope=S5#xsd_state.scope},
+ S6 = insert_substitutionGroup(SE2,S5),
+ S7 = save_object({element,SE2},S6),
+ {{element,{Name,Occur}},S7}
+ end;
+element_content({complexType,S},CT,Env) ->
+ %% complex type definition without a name is returnd and added to
+ %% the content model at this level. A complex type may also contain
+ %% attributes or attribute group references in the end of its content.
+ %%?debug("complexType content: ~p~nenv: ~p~n",[CT,Env]),
+ {SCT,S1} = c_t_properties(CT,#schema_complex_type{},S),
+ {Mixed,S2} = mixed(CT,S1),
+ Complexity = complexity(CT#xmlElement.content),
+ {Object,Name,S7} =
+ case qualify_NCName(CT,S2) of
+ no_name ->
+ {CM,S3} = type(CT#xmlElement.content,
+ in_scope(anonymous,S2),[complexType|Env]),
+ S4 = check_cm(complexType,allowed_content(complexType,Env),CM,S3),
+ Name1 = get_QName('_xmerl_no_name_',CT#xmlElement.namespace,S4),
+ S5 = set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S4),
+ {Content,Attributes}=split_content(remove_annotation(CM)),
+ SCT2 = base_type(Content,SCT),
+ CTObj =
+ {complexType,
+ SCT2#schema_complex_type{name=Name1,
+ scope=S5#xsd_state.scope,
+ attributes=Attributes,
+ complexity=Complexity,
+ content=mixify(Mixed,Content)}},
+ {CTObj,Name1,S5};
+ Name2 ->
+ S3 = in_scope(Name2,S2),
+ S3a = push_circularity_mark({typeDef,Name2},S3),
+ {CM,S4} = type(CT#xmlElement.content,S3a,
+ [complexType|Env]),
+ S4a = pop_circularity_mark({typeDef,Name2},S4),
+ S5 = check_cm(complexType,allowed_content(complexType,Env),
+ CM,S4a),
+ S6 = set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S5),
+ {Content,Attributes}=split_content(remove_annotation(CM)),
+ SCT2 = base_type(Content,SCT),
+ {{complexType,
+ SCT2#schema_complex_type{name=Name2,
+ scope=S6#xsd_state.scope,
+ attributes=Attributes,
+ complexity=Complexity,
+ content=mixify(Mixed,Content)}},
+ Name2,S6}
+ end,
+ S8 = save_object(Object,S7),
+ S9 = derived_type(Object,S8),
+ {{complexType,Name},S9};
+element_content({attributeGroup,S},AG,Env) ->
+ %% an attribute group always have a name or a ref, the content is
+ %% (annotation?,(attribute | attributGroup)*, anyAttribute?).
+ case qualify_NCName(AG,S) of
+ no_name ->
+ %% an attribute group ref inside complex type def or attr
+ %% group def ( XSD1:3.6.2).
+ Ref = attributeGroup_ref(AG),
+ AGRef =
+ {attributeGroup,get_QName(Ref,AG#xmlElement.namespace,%%QQQ
+ reset_scope(S))},
+ {AGRef,add_ref(S,AGRef)};
+ Name ->
+ %% must occur on top level of schema( XSD1:3.6.2). The
+ %% only thing needed in content are the names of all
+ %% attributes or referenced attribute groups.
+ {CM,S2} = type(AG#xmlElement.content,in_scope(Name,S),
+ [attributeGroup|Env]),
+ S2_1 = out_scope(Name,S2),
+ S3 = check_cm(attributeGroup,allowed_content(attributeGroup,Env),CM,S2_1),
+ S4 = save_object({attributeGroup,
+ #schema_attribute_group{name=Name,
+ content=keep_attributes(CM)}},S3),
+ {{attributeGroup,Name},S4}
+ end;
+element_content({group,S},G,Env) ->
+ %% a model group associates a name with a content model. It can be
+ %% a reference or a definition.
+ %% content is one of all, choice or sequence.
+ case qualify_NCName(G,S) of
+ no_name -> % reference.
+ %% If reference is a recursive ref to a group with the
+ %% same name as this group points at the redefined valid
+ %% schema group. See XMLSchema part 1, section 4.2.2
+ %% "Schema Representation Constraint: Individual Component
+ %% Redefinition"
+ Ref = particle_ref(G),
+ {Occur,S2} = occurance(G,{1,1},S),
+ GRef =
+ {group,
+ {get_QName(Ref,G#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S2)),%%QQQ
+ Occur}},
+ {GRef,add_ref(S2,GRef)};
+ Name -> % definition, always schema or redefine as parent
+ {CM,S2} = type(G#xmlElement.content,in_scope(Name,S),[group|Env]),
+ CM2 = recursive_redefine(Name,CM,S2),
+ S2_1 = out_scope(Name,S2),
+ S3 = check_cm(group,allowed_content(group,Env),CM2,S2_1),
+ S4 = save_object({group,#schema_group{name=Name,
+ content=remove_annotation(CM2)}},S3),
+ {{group,Name},S4}
+ end;
+element_content({all,S},All,Env) ->
+ %% each element occurs 0 or 1 times in any order
+ %% {all,[{element_name,occurance}]}
+%% CM = content_model(Seq#xmlElement.content,S,[all|Env]),
+ {Occur,S1} = occurance(All,{1,1},S),
+ {CM,S2} = type(All#xmlElement.content,S1,[all|Env]),
+ S3 = check_cm(all,allowed_content(all,Env),CM,S2),
+ {{all,{[X||X = {element,_} <- CM],Occur}},S3};
+element_content({sequence,S},Seq,Env) ->
+ %% {sequence,[{element_name,occurance}]}
+%% CM = content_model(Seq#xmlElement.content,S,[sequence|Env]),
+ {Occur,S1} = occurance(Seq,{1,1},S),
+ {CM,S2} = type(Seq#xmlElement.content,S1,[sequence|Env]),
+ S3 = check_cm(sequence,allowed_content(sequence,Env),CM,S2),
+ {{sequence,{remove_annotation(CM),Occur}},S3};
+element_content({choice,S},Choice,Env) ->
+ %% allowed content: (annotation?,
+ %% (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
+ %% returns: {choice,[element_name]}
+%% CM = content_model(Choice#xmlElement.content,S,[choice|Env]),
+ {Occur,S1} = occurance(Choice,{1,1},S),
+ {CM,S2} = type(Choice#xmlElement.content,S1,[choice|Env]),
+ S3 = check_cm(choice,allowed_content(choice,Env),CM,S2),
+ {{choice,{remove_annotation(CM),Occur}},S3};
+element_content({any,S},Any,_Env) ->
+ {Occur,S1} = occurance(Any,{1,1},S),
+ NameSpace = wildcard_namespace(Any,S1),
+ PC = processor_contents(Any),
+ ?debug("element_content, any: Any content:~p~n",[Any#xmlElement.content]),
+ Pred = fun(E=#xmlElement{}) -> case kind(E) of
+ annotation -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end,
+ S2 = case filter(Pred,Any#xmlElement.content) of
+ [] -> S1;
+ Err -> %% report error
+ acc_errs(S1,{error_path(Any,Any#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {unexpected_content_in_any,Err}})
+ end,
+ {{any,{NameSpace,Occur,PC}},S2};
+ when IDC==unique;IDC==key;IDC==keyref->
+ QName = qualify_NCName(El,reset_scope(S)),
+ Ref = keyrefer(IDC,El,S),
+ {SelField,S2} = type(El#xmlElement.content,S,[IDC|Env]),
+ case {[X||X={selector,_} <- SelField],[X||X={field,_} <- SelField]} of
+ {[Sel],Fields=[_H|_T]} ->
+ IDConstr = #id_constraint{category=IDC,name=QName,refer=Ref,
+ selector=Sel,fields=Fields},
+ S3=save_idc(IDC,IDConstr,S2),
+ {{IDC,IDConstr},S3};
+ Err ->
+ S3 = acc_errs(S2,{error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {erronous_content_in_identity_constraint,IDC,Err}}),
+ {{IDC,[]},S3}
+ end;
+element_content({selector,S},Sel,_Env) ->
+ case get_attribute_value(xpath,Sel,error) of
+ error ->
+ S2 = acc_errs(S,{error_path(Sel,Sel#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {missing_xpath_attribute,selector}}),
+ {{selector,[]},S2};
+ XPath ->
+ {{selector,XPath},S}
+ end;
+element_content({field,S},F,_Env) ->
+ case get_attribute_value(xpath,F,error) of
+ error ->
+ S2 = acc_errs(S,{error_path(F,F#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {missing_xpath_attribute,field}}),
+ {{field,[]},S2};
+ XPath ->
+ {{field,XPath},S}
+ end;
+element_content({notation,S},_N,_Env) ->
+ {{notation,[]},S};
+element_content({annotation,S},_Ann,_Env) ->
+ {{annotation,[]},S};
+element_content({appinfo,S},_AI,_Env) ->
+ {{appinfo,[]},S};
+element_content({documentation,S},_D,_Env) ->
+ {{documentation,[]},S};
+element_content({simpleType,S},ST,Env) ->
+ Name = case qualify_NCName(ST,S) of
+ no_name ->
+ get_QName('_xmerl_no_name_',ST#xmlElement.namespace,
+ in_scope('_xmerl_no_name_',S));%%---
+ QName ->
+ QName
+ end,
+ {Type,S2} = type(ST#xmlElement.content,
+ push_circularity_mark({typeDef,Name},in_scope(Name,S)),
+ [simpleType|Env]),
+ S2_1 = pop_circularity_mark({typeDef,Name},S2),
+ S3 = set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2_1),
+ S4 = check_cm(simpleType,allowed_content(simpleType,Env),Type,S3),
+ {BaseType,Facets} = facets(Type,S4),
+ Variety = variety(Type),
+ Final = simpleType_final(ST,S4),
+ Object = {simpleType,#schema_simple_type{name=Name,
+ base_type=BaseType,
+ final=Final,
+ facets=Facets,
+ variety=Variety,
+ content=remove_annotation(Type),
+ scope=S4#xsd_state.scope}},
+ S5 = save_object(Object,S4),
+ S6 = derived_type(Object,S5),
+ {{simpleType,Name},S6};
+element_content({restriction,S},R,Env) ->
+ %% If complexContent, all element definitions of base type must be
+ %% repeated. However, attributes are inherited.
+ %% possible parents are simpleType or complexType (grand parent)
+ %% If parent is simpleType the base type is either the attribute
+ %% base (resolved by base_type/1) or the type defined in content.
+ {CM,S2} = type(R#xmlElement.content,S,[restriction|Env]),
+ S3 = check_cm(restriction,allowed_content(restriction,Env),CM,S2),
+ {BaseTypeName,CM2,S4} = restriction_base_type(R,CM,S3), %% a QName
+%% S5 = add_circularity_mark(BaseTypeName,S4),
+ BaseTypeType = base_type_type(Env),
+ {{restriction,{BaseTypeName,remove_annotation(CM2)}},
+ add_ref(S4,{BaseTypeType,BaseTypeName})}; %% Does not return name but content model
+element_content({list,S=#xsd_state{scope=Scope}},L,Env) ->
+ {Type,S2} = list_type(L,S,[list|Env]),
+ S3 = check_cm(list,allowed_content(list,Scope),Type,S2),
+ {{list,remove_annotation(Type)},S3};
+element_content({union,S=#xsd_state{scope=Scope}},U,Env) ->
+ {Types,S2} = union_types(U,S,[union|Env]),
+ S3 = check_cm(union,allowed_content(union,Scope),Types,S2),
+ {{union,Types},S3};
+ targetNamespace=TNS}},I,_Env) ->
+ S2 = process_external_schema_once(I,S#xsd_state.targetNamespace,S),
+ {{include,[]},S2#xsd_state{schema_name=ThisSchema,targetNamespace=TNS}};
+ targetNamespace=ThisNameS}},I,_Env) ->
+ %% import unlike include and redefine may include definitions from
+ %% other namespaces than the target namespace of the including
+ %% schema.
+ %% namespace and schemaLocation
+ Namespace =
+ case get_attribute_value(namespace,I,undefined) of
+ L when is_list(L) ->
+ list_to_atom(L);
+ A -> A
+ end,
+ %% If Namespace is absent, then the import allows unqualified
+ %% reference to components with no target namespace.
+ SchemaLocation = get_attribute_value(schemaLocation,I,absent),
+ %% If SchemaLocation is absent, the identification of that schema
+ %% is leaved to the instance, application or user, via the
+ %% mechanisms described ��4.3 in XML Schema Part 1.
+ S2 = process_external_schema_once(SchemaLocation,Namespace,S),
+ {{import,[]},S2#xsd_state{schema_name=ThisSchema,
+ targetNamespace=ThisNameS}};
+element_content({redefine,S=#xsd_state{schema_name=ThisSchema}},RD,Env) ->
+ %% Must be a child of "schema" element
+ %% redefine of simple and complex types, groups and attribute
+ %% groups obtained from external files.
+ %% Brings in all definitions of external schema and redefines one.
+ %% External schema must be in same namespace as current schema or
+ %% no namespace.
+ S2 = process_external_schema_once(RD,S#xsd_state.targetNamespace,
+ S#xsd_state{errors=[]}),
+ case S2#xsd_state.errors of
+ [] ->
+%% RedefSource = S2#xsd_state.schema_name,
+ S3 = S2#xsd_state{schema_name=ThisSchema,
+%% global_element_source=add_once({ThisSchema,RedefSource},GES),
+ errors=S#xsd_state.errors},
+ {CM,S4} = type(RD#xmlElement.content,
+ S3#xsd_state{redefine=true},[redefine|Env]),
+ S5 = S4#xsd_state{redefine=false},
+ S6 = check_cm(redefine,allowed_content(redefine,Env),CM,S5),
+ S7 = redefine(CM,S6),
+ {{redefine,[]},S7};
+ Errs ->
+ S3 = S2#xsd_state{schema_name=ThisSchema,
+ errors=Errs++S#xsd_state.errors},
+ {{redefine,[]},S3}
+ end;
+element_content({anyAttribute,S},AA,_Env) ->
+ %% has attributes processContents = (lax | skip | strict) : strict
+ %% namespace = ((##any | ##other) |
+ %% List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) ) : ##any
+ NameSpace = wildcard_namespace(AA,S),
+ PC = processor_contents(AA),
+ Pred = fun(E=#xmlElement{}) -> case kind(E) of
+ annotation -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end;
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ S2 =
+ case filter(Pred,AA#xmlElement.content) of
+ [] -> S;
+ Err -> %% report error
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(AA,AA#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {content_in_anyAttribute,Err}})
+ end,
+ {{anyAttribute,{NameSpace,PC}},S2};
+element_content({simpleContent,S},SC,Env) ->
+ %% only as child of complexType.
+ %% allowed content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
+ S2 = pre_check_cm(simpleContent,SC#xmlElement.content,mk_name(S#xsd_state.scope),S),
+ case filter(fun(X=#xmlElement{}) ->
+ case kind(X) of
+ restriction -> true;
+ extension -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ SC#xmlElement.content) of
+ [E] ->
+ element_content(kind(E,S2),E,[simpleContent|Env]);
+ Err ->
+ {[],acc_errs(S2,{error_path(SC,SC#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {content_in_simpleContent,Err}})}
+ end;
+element_content({complexContent,S},CC,Env) ->
+ S2 = pre_check_cm(complexContent,CC#xmlElement.content,
+ mk_name(S#xsd_state.scope),S),
+ %% the mixed attribute was fetched in the complexType element that
+ %% held this complexContent
+ case filter(fun(X=#xmlElement{}) -> case kind(X) of
+ restriction -> true;
+ extension -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+ (_) -> false
+ end,CC#xmlElement.content) of
+ [E] ->
+ element_content(kind(E,S2),E,[complexContent|Env]);
+ Err ->
+ {[],acc_errs(S2,{error_path(CC,CC#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {complexContent_content_failure,Err}})}
+ end;
+element_content({extension,S},Ext,Env) ->
+ %% may be used in both simple and complex content with different
+ %% content allowed.
+ %% this should be returned and checked for allowed content in
+ %% parent, but we don't know if base type is a forward reference.
+ BaseType = base_type(Ext),
+ {CM,S2} = type(Ext#xmlElement.content,S,[extension|Env]),
+ S3 = check_cm(extension,allowed_content(extension,S#xsd_state.scope),CM,S2),
+ BaseTypeName = get_QName(BaseType,Ext#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S)),%%QQQ
+ BaseTypeType = base_type_type(Env),
+ {{extension,{BaseTypeName,CM}},add_ref(S3,{BaseTypeType,BaseTypeName})};
+%% The following are facets
+element_content({minExclusive,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{minExclusive,Value},S};
+element_content({minInclusive,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{minInclusive,Value},S};
+element_content({maxExclusive,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{maxExclusive,Value},S};
+element_content({maxInclusive,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{maxInclusive,Value},S};
+element_content({totalDigits,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{totalDigits,Value},S};
+element_content({fractionDigits,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{fractionDigits,Value},S};
+element_content({length,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{length,Value},S};
+element_content({minLength,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{minLength,Value},S};
+element_content({maxLength,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{maxLength,Value},S};
+element_content({enumeration,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{enumeration,Value},S};
+element_content({whiteSpace,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{whiteSpace,Value},S};
+element_content({pattern,S},CF,_Env) ->
+ Value = get_value(CF),
+ {{pattern,Value},S};
+element_content({Other,S=#xsd_state{errors=Errs}},C,_Env) ->
+ case Errs of
+ [] ->
+ {[],acc_errs(S,{error_path(C,C#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {unknown_content,Other}})};
+ _ ->
+ {[],S}
+ end.
+type(C,S,Env) ->
+ type(C,S,Env,[]).
+type([E=#xmlElement{}|Els],S,Env,Acc) ->
+ {CM,S2} = element_content(kind(E,S),E,Env),
+ type(Els,set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2),
+ Env,[CM|Acc]);
+type([_H|Els],S,Env,Acc) ->
+ type(Els,S,Env,Acc);
+type([],S,_Env,Acc) ->
+ {flatten(reverse(Acc)),S}.
+simpleUrType() ->
+ {anySimpleType,[]}.
+%% simpleUrTypeRef() ->
+%% {anySimpleType,[],'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'}.
+urType() ->
+ {anyType,[]}.
+attribute_type(Att,Env=[Name|_],S) ->
+ %% The attribute type may be referenced by the type attribute or
+ %% explicitly defined as a simpleType inside the attribute
+ %% element. In the latter case the type must be saved with the
+ %% unique name of the scope and name attribute combined.
+ {CM,S2} = type(Att#xmlElement.content,in_scope(Name,S),Env),
+ case remove_annotation(CM) of
+ [] ->
+ case keyNsearch(type,#xmlAttribute.name,
+ Att#xmlElement.attributes,[]) of
+ #xmlAttribute{value=SimpleTypeName} -> %% a QName as string
+ %% This name may be a forward reference to a simple type.
+ TypeRef = {simpleType,get_QName(SimpleTypeName, %%QQQ
+ Att#xmlElement.namespace,
+ reset_scope(S))},
+ {[TypeRef],
+ set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,add_ref(S2,TypeRef))};
+ _ -> {[{simpleType,simpleUrType()}],
+ set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2)}
+ end;
+ Type ->
+ {Type,set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2)}
+ end.
+element_type(El,Env=[Name|_],S) ->
+ %% In the top environment of the schema there may exist: global
+ %% element declarations, substitution group members.
+ %% Other element declarations are local
+ {CM,S2} = type(El#xmlElement.content,in_scope(Name,S),Env),
+ case remove_annotation(CM) of
+ [] -> %% no simple or complex type definition
+ case {get_attribute_value(type,El,no_name),
+ get_attribute_value(substitutionGroup,El,undefined)} of
+ {no_name,SGName} when is_list(SGName) ->
+ QN = get_QName(SGName,El#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S)),%%QQQ
+ case is_simple_type(QN,S2) of
+ true ->
+ exit(this_can_never_happen),
+ %% A substitutionGroup is an element, and
+ %% the type of this element is the
+ %% resolved type of the referenced
+ %% element.
+ TRef = {simpleType,QN},
+ {[TRef],
+ add_ref(set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2),TRef)};
+ _ ->
+ {[{substitutionGroup,QN}],
+ set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2)}
+ end;
+ {TName,_} when is_list(TName) ->
+ QN = get_QName(TName,El#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S2)),%%QQQ
+ case is_simple_type(QN,S2) of
+ true ->
+ TRef={simpleType,QN},
+ {[TRef],
+ add_ref(set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2),TRef)};
+ _ ->
+ TRef = {simple_or_complex_Type,QN},
+ {[TRef],
+ add_ref(set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2),TRef)}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ case {get_attribute_value(ref,El,no_name),
+ is_global_env(Env)} of
+ {Ref,false} when is_list(Ref) ->
+ %% a ref attribute references an element
+ {[{element,
+ get_QName(Ref,El#xmlElement.namespace,%%QQQ
+ reset_scope(S))}],
+ set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2)};
+ _ ->
+ {[urType()],
+ set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2)}
+ end
+ end;
+%% Type ->
+%% {Type,set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2)}
+ _Type ->
+ {CM,set_scope(S#xsd_state.scope,S2)}
+ end.
+%% list_type/3 -> list() | name()
+list_type(L,S,Env) ->
+ case keyNsearch(itemType,#xmlAttribute.name,L#xmlElement.attributes,[]) of
+ [] ->
+%% {element(1,type(L#xmlElement.content,S,Env)),S};
+ type(L#xmlElement.content,S,Env);
+ #xmlAttribute{value=V} ->
+ %% this type should be preliminary saved and checked after
+ %% the parsing of the schema.
+ TypeRef ={simpleType,
+ get_QName(V,L#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S))},
+ {[TypeRef],add_ref(S,TypeRef)}
+ end.
+union_types(U,S,Env) ->
+ {MemberTypes,S2} =
+ case keyNsearch(memberTypes,#xmlAttribute.name,U#xmlElement.attributes,[]) of
+ [] ->
+ {[],S};
+ #xmlAttribute{value = NameString} ->
+ Names = namestring2namelist(NameString),
+ UTypeRefs =
+ [{simpleType,get_QName(X,U#xmlElement.namespace,
+ reset_scope(S))}||X<-Names],
+ {UTypeRefs,foldl(fun(X,S_in) -> add_ref(S_in,X) end,S,UTypeRefs)}
+ end,
+ {DefinedTypes,S3} = union_types1(U#xmlElement.content,S2,Env),
+ {MemberTypes++DefinedTypes,S3}.
+union_types1(C,S,Env) ->
+ union_types1(C,S,Env,[]).
+union_types1([],S,_Env,Acc) ->
+ {Acc,S};
+union_types1([C=#xmlElement{}|Cs],S,Env,Acc) ->
+ case element_content(kind(C,S),C,Env) of
+ {ST={simpleType,_},S2} ->
+ union_types1(Cs,S2,Env,[ST|Acc]);
+ {{annotation,_},S2} ->
+ union_types1(Cs,S2,Env,Acc);
+ {IllegalType,S2} ->
+ Err = {error_path(C,C#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {union_member_type_not_simpleType,IllegalType}},
+ union_types1(Cs,acc_errs(S2,Err),Env,Acc)
+ end;
+union_types1([_H|T],S,Env,Acc) ->
+ union_types1(T,S,Env,Acc).
+%% If a group in a redefine refer to itself the reference is to the
+%% "old" definition of the group. See XMLSchema part 1, section 4.2.2
+%% "Schema Representation Constraint: Individual Component
+%% Redefinition"
+recursive_redefine(Name,CM,S=#xsd_state{redefine=true}) ->
+ case remove_annotation(CM) of
+ [{MG,{C,Occ}}] ->
+ [{MG,{recursive_redefine2(Name,C,S),Occ}}];
+ _ ->
+ CM
+ end;
+recursive_redefine(_,CM,_) ->
+ CM.
+recursive_redefine2(Name,[{group,{Name,Occ}}|T],S) ->
+ %% Rename old group definition
+ case rename_redef_group(Name,S) of
+ failed ->
+ [{group,{Name,Occ}}|T];
+ NewName ->
+ [{group,{NewName,Occ}}|T]
+ end;
+ when MG =:= sequence; MG =:= choice; MG=:= all; MG=:= group ->
+ C2 = recursive_redefine2(Name,C,S),
+ [{MG,{C2,Occ}}|recursive_redefine2(Name,T,S)];
+recursive_redefine2(Name,[H|T],S) ->
+ [H|recursive_redefine2(Name,T,S)];
+recursive_redefine2(_,[],_) ->
+ [].
+rename_redef_group(Name={LN,Scope,NS},S) ->
+ %% Scope must be []
+ NewName = {LN,['#redefine'|Scope],NS},
+ case resolve({group,NewName},S) of
+ {SG=#schema_group{name=Name},_} ->
+ save_object({group,SG#schema_group{name=NewName}},S),
+ NewName;
+ _ ->
+ failed
+ end.
+add_ref(S=#xsd_state{unchecked_references=UR},STRef={simpleType,Ref}) ->
+ case {is_builtin_simple_type(Ref),Ref} of
+ {true,_} ->
+ S;
+ {_,{'',_,_}} ->
+ S;
+ _ ->
+ S2 = S#xsd_state{unchecked_references=add_once(STRef,UR)},
+ add_circularity_ref(STRef,S2)
+ end;
+add_ref(S=#xsd_state{unchecked_references=UR},STRef={simple_or_complex_Type,Ref}) ->
+ case {is_builtin_simple_type(Ref),Ref} of
+ {true,_} ->
+ S;
+ {_,{'',_,_}} ->
+ S;
+ {_,{anyType,_,?XSD_NAMESPACE}} ->
+ S;
+ {_,{anySimpleType,_,?XSD_NAMESPACE}} ->
+ S;
+ _ ->
+ S2 = S#xsd_state{unchecked_references=add_once(STRef,UR)},
+ add_circularity_ref(STRef,S2)
+ end;
+add_ref(S,{complexType,{anyType,_,?XSD_NAMESPACE}}) ->
+ S;
+add_ref(S=#xsd_state{unchecked_references=UR},Ref) ->
+ S2 = S#xsd_state{unchecked_references=add_once(Ref,UR)},
+ add_circularity_ref(Ref,S2).
+%% add_ref(S=#xsd_state{unchecked_references=UR},Ref) ->
+%% S#xsd_state{unchecked_references=add_once(Ref,UR)}.
+%% Name of simpleType/complexType is unique within the whole
+%% environment, which is checked elsewhere, so ignore the kind of type
+%% for simplicity.
+ redefine=false})
+ when Kind==simpleType;Kind==simple_or_complex_Type;Kind==complexType ->
+ case get_circularity_mark(Ref,S) of
+ [] ->
+ S;
+ From -> %% This is the node from which the graph reaches Ref
+ S#xsd_state{circularity_disallowed=add_once({From,{typeDef,To}},CD)}
+ end;
+add_circularity_ref(_,S) ->
+ S.
+ when TD==simpleType;TD==complexType;TD==simple_or_complex_Type ->
+ case S#xsd_state.circularity_stack of
+ [From={typeDef,_}|_] ->
+ From;
+ _ -> []
+ end;
+get_circularity_mark(_,_S) ->
+ [].
+ redefine=false}) ->
+ S#xsd_state{circularity_stack=[Mark|CS]};
+push_circularity_mark(_,S) ->
+ S.
+pop_circularity_mark(Mark,S=#xsd_state{redefine=false}) ->
+ case S#xsd_state.circularity_stack of
+ [Mark|Rest] ->
+ S#xsd_state{circularity_stack=Rest};
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end;
+pop_circularity_mark(_,S) ->
+ S.
+ S=#xsd_state{derived_types=DT}) ->
+ case {keymember(restriction,1,C),keymember(extension,1,C)} of
+ {false,false} ->
+ S;
+ _ ->
+ S#xsd_state{derived_types=[{complexType,Name}|DT]}
+ end;
+ S=#xsd_state{derived_types=DT}) ->
+ case keymember(restriction,1,C) of
+ true ->
+ S#xsd_state{derived_types=[{simpleType,Name}|DT]};
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end.
+facets([{annotation,_}|Rest],S) ->
+ facets(Rest,S);
+facets([{restriction,{BaseType,CM}}],_S) ->
+ Facets = [X||X={F,_} <- CM,is_facet(F)],
+ GroupFacets = group_facets(Facets),
+ {BaseType,GroupFacets};
+facets(_,_S) ->
+ {undefined,[]}.
+group_facets(Facets) ->
+ group_facets(Facets,[]).
+group_facets(L=[{enumeration,_}|_Rest],Acc) ->
+ {Enums,Rest} = splitwith(fun({enumeration,_}) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ L),
+ group_facets(Rest,[{enumeration,[X||{enumeration,X}<-Enums]}|Acc]);
+group_facets([H|T],Acc) ->
+ group_facets(T,[H|Acc]);
+group_facets([],Acc) ->
+ reverse(Acc).
+simpleType_final(ST,_S) ->
+ Final = get_attribute_value(final,ST,[]),
+ split_by_whitespace(Final,[]).
+%% A redefine may contain (simpleType | complexType | group |
+%% attributeGroup)*
+redefine([CM|Rest],S) ->
+ S2=redefine(CM,S),
+ redefine(Rest,S2);
+ when Type==simpleType ; Type==complexType ->
+ %% Get the original definition
+ {OriginalType,S2} = resolve(ST,S),
+ %% unnecessary to delete saved object, it will be overwritten.
+ {RedefinedType,S3} = load_redefine_object(ST,S2),
+ {_MergedType,S4} = merge_derived_types(OriginalType,RedefinedType,redefine,S3),
+ S4;
+redefine(_,S) ->
+ %% attributeGroup and group redefines are already redefined
+ S.
+keyrefer(keyref,El,S) ->
+ Ref=get_attribute_value(refer,El,undefined),
+ get_QName(Ref,El#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S));
+keyrefer(_,_,_) ->
+ undefined.
+remove_annotation(CM) when is_list(CM) ->
+ [X||X = {K,_} <- CM, K=/=annotation].
+remove_attributes(CM) when is_list(CM) ->
+ [X||X = {K,_} <- CM, K=/=attribute,K=/=anyAttribute,K=/=attributeGroup].
+keep_attributes(CM) when is_list(CM) ->
+ [X||X = {K,_} <- CM, K==attribute orelse K==anyAttribute orelse K==attributeGroup].
+split_content([{restriction,{BaseT,CM}}]) ->
+ {[{restriction,{BaseT,remove_attributes(CM)}}],keep_attributes(CM)};
+split_content([{extension,{BaseT,CM}}]) ->
+ {[{extension,{BaseT,remove_attributes(remove_annotation(CM))}}],
+ keep_attributes(CM)};
+split_content(CM) ->
+ {remove_attributes(CM),keep_attributes(CM)}.
+restriction_base_type(R,CM,S) ->
+ case base_type(R) of
+ [] ->
+ case [X||X={simpleType,_}<-CM] of
+ [{simpleType,TypeName}] ->
+ {TypeName,keydelete(simpleType,1,CM),S};
+ Other ->
+ Err = {error_path(R,R#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {missing_base_type,restriction,Other}},
+ {{[],[],[]},CM,acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end;
+ BT ->
+ {get_QName(BT,R#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S)),CM,S}
+ end.
+base_type([{restriction,{BaseT,_}}],SCT) ->
+ SCT#schema_complex_type{base_type=BaseT};
+base_type([{extension,{BaseT,_}}],SCT) ->
+ SCT#schema_complex_type{base_type=BaseT};
+base_type(_,SCT) ->
+ SCT.
+variety([{list,_ItemType}]) ->
+ list;
+variety([{union,_ItemType}]) ->
+ union;
+variety(_) ->
+ atomic.
+%% pre_check_cm/2 is for now only for simpleContent | complexContent
+%% which allow content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
+pre_check_cm(Kind,Cs=[C=#xmlElement{}|RestC],Name,S) ->
+ case kind(C,S) of
+ {annotation,_} ->
+ pre_check_cm2(Kind,RestC,Name,C,S,0);
+ {_,S2} ->
+ pre_check_cm2(Kind,Cs,Name,C,S2,0)
+ end;
+pre_check_cm(Kind,[_C|Cs],Name,S) ->
+ pre_check_cm(Kind,Cs,Name,S);
+pre_check_cm(Kind,[],Name,S) ->
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,{content_failure,Kind,[],Name}},
+ acc_errs(S,Err).
+pre_check_cm2(Kind,[C=#xmlElement{}|Cs],Name,_El,S,N) ->
+ S2 =
+ case kind(C,S) of
+ {restriction,_} ->
+ S;
+ {extension,_} ->
+ S;
+ {Other,S1} ->
+ Err = {error_path(C,C#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {illegal_element,Kind,Other,Name}},
+ acc_errs(S1,Err)
+ end,
+ pre_check_cm2(Kind,Cs,Name,C,S2,N+1);
+pre_check_cm2(Kind,[_H|T],Name,El,S,N) ->
+ pre_check_cm2(Kind,T,Name,El,S,N);
+pre_check_cm2(_,[],_,_,S,N) when N==1 ->
+ S;
+pre_check_cm2(Kind,[],Name,El,S,N) ->
+ Err =
+ case N of
+ 0 ->
+ {error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {content_failure_expected_restriction_or_extension,
+ Kind,Name}};
+ _ ->
+ {error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {content_failure_only_one_restriction_or_extension_allowed,
+ Kind,Name}}
+ end,
+ acc_errs(S,Err).
+%% check_cm(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3)
+%% Arg1 - The allowed content for this type according to schema for schemas
+%% Arg2 - The content model of this particular schema
+check_cm(Kind,S4SCM,ContentModel,S) ->
+ case check_cm2(Kind,S4SCM,ContentModel,S) of
+ {[],_S} ->
+ S;
+ {[_,[]|_],_S} ->
+ S;
+ {_CM,S2} ->
+ S2;
+ Err ->
+ exit({error,{[],?MODULE,{internal_error,Err}}})
+ end.
+ ContentModel,S) ->
+ case occurance_loop(Occ,fun check_chain/1,
+ [S4SCM,ContentModel,Kind,S],0) of
+ {ok,[]} ->
+ {[],S};
+ {ok,[S4SCMRest,CMRest|_]} ->
+ case all_optional(S4SCMRest) of
+ true ->
+ {CMRest,S};
+ _ ->
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,
+ {mandatory_component_missing,S4SCMRest,Kind}},
+ acc_errs(S,Err)
+ end;
+ {error,{_,_,Reason}} ->
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,{illegal_content,Reason,Kind}},
+ {ContentModel,acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end;
+ ContentModel,S) ->
+ case occurance_loop(Occ,fun check_alternative/1,
+ [S4SCM,ContentModel,Kind,S],0) of
+ {ok,[]} ->
+ {[],S};
+ {ok,[_,CMRest|_]} ->
+ {CMRest,S};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {ContentModel,acc_errs(S,Reason)}
+ end;
+check_cm2(_,{Kind,Occ},CM,S) ->
+ case occurance_loop(Occ,fun check_simple_cm/1,[Kind,CM],0) of
+ {ok,[]} ->
+ {[],S};
+ {ok,[_,CMRest|_]} ->
+ {CMRest,S};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {CM,acc_errs(S,Reason)};
+ Err ->
+ {CM,acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end.
+%% check_simple_cm
+check_simple_cm([Kind,CM]) ->
+ check_simple_cm(Kind,CM).
+check_simple_cm(Kind,[]) ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{no_match,{Kind,[]}}}};
+check_simple_cm(Kind,[{Kind,_}|Rest]) ->
+ {ok,[Kind,Rest]};
+ when Kind==simpleType;Kind==complexType ->
+ case Other of
+ simple_or_complex_Type -> {ok,[Kind,Rest]};
+ _ -> {error,{[],?MODULE,{no_match,Other}}}
+ end;
+check_simple_cm(_Kind,[{Other,_}|_]) ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{no_match,Other}}}.
+check_chain([S4SCM,ContentModel,Kind,S]) ->
+ check_chain(Kind,S4SCM,ContentModel,S).
+ S=#xsd_state{errors=Errs}) ->
+ NewKind =
+ case S4SC of
+ {NK,_} -> NK;
+ _ -> Kind
+ end,
+ case check_cm2(NewKind,S4SC,ChainCM,S) of
+ {ChainCMRest,#xsd_state{errors=Errs}} ->
+ check_chain(Kind,S4SCs,ChainCMRest,S);
+ {_ChainCMRest,_S2} ->
+ case optional(S4SC) of
+ true ->
+ check_chain(Kind,S4SCs,ChainCM,S);
+ _ ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{unmatched_mandatory_object,Kind,S4SC}}}
+ end
+ end;
+check_chain(Kind,[],CM,S) ->
+ {ok,[[],CM,Kind,S]};
+check_chain(Kind,Rest,CM,S) ->
+ case all_optional(Rest) of
+ true ->
+ {ok,[Rest,CM,Kind,S]}; %% or {ok,[[],CM,Kind,S]}
+ _ ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{bad_match,Rest,CM}}}
+ end.
+check_alternative([S4SC,CM,Kind,S]) ->
+ check_alternative(Kind,S4SC,CM,S).
+check_alternative(Kind,[S4SC|S4SCs],AltCM = [_H|_T],
+ S=#xsd_state{errors=Err}) ->
+ NewKind =
+ case S4SC of
+ {NK,_} -> NK;
+ _ -> Kind
+ end,
+ case check_cm2(NewKind,S4SC,AltCM,S) of
+ {AltCMRest,#xsd_state{errors=Err}} ->
+ {ok,[[S4SC],AltCMRest,Kind,S]};
+ {AltCMRest,_S2} ->
+ check_alternative(Kind,S4SCs,AltCMRest,S)
+ end;
+check_alternative(Kind,[],_AltCM,_S) ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{no_match,Kind}}}.
+%% occurance_loop keeps track of the right number of elements
+%% Third argument is a list: [S4SContent,ContentModel]
+%% returns {ok,Rest} where Rest is the next unmatched abstract
+%% structure.
+ when Min =< N, Max >= N ->
+ {ok,[]};
+occurance_loop(Occ={Min,Max},CheckFun,Args,N) ->
+ Nplus1 = N+1,
+ case CheckFun(Args) of
+ {error,{_,_,{no_match,_}}} when Min =< N, Max >= N ->
+ {ok,Args};
+ Err = {error,_} ->
+ Err;
+ {ok,Args} ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{no_match,occurance_kind(Args)}}};
+ {ok,NewArgs} when Nplus1 < Max ->
+ occurance_loop(Occ,CheckFun,NewArgs,Nplus1);
+ Ret = {ok,_NewArgs} ->
+ Ret
+ end.
+occurance_kind([Kind,_]) ->
+ Kind;
+occurance_kind([_,_,Kind,_]) ->
+ Kind;
+occurance_kind(_) ->
+ [].
+%% if_simple_hd(S4SCM,ConstrCM)
+%% when is_record(S4SCM,chain);is_record(S4SCM,alternative);is_list(S4SCM) ->
+%% ConstrCM;
+%% if_simple_hd(_,[H|_Tl]) ->
+%% H.
+%% if_simple_tl(S4SCM,_ConstrCM)
+%% when is_record(S4SCM,chain);is_record(S4SCM,alternative);is_list(S4SCM) ->
+%% [];
+%% if_simple_tl(_,[_|Tl]) ->
+%% Tl.
+count_occur({Min,Max}) ->
+% {decrease(Min),decrease(Max)};
+ {decrease(Min),Max};
+count_occur(Other) ->
+ Other.
+decrease(I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 ->
+ I-1;
+decrease(I) ->
+ I.
+decrease_occurance({K,{ID,Occ}}) ->
+ {K,{ID,count_occur(Occ)}};
+decrease_occurance(Other) ->
+ Other.
+get_occur({_,{_,Occ={Min,_}}}) when is_integer(Min) ->
+ Occ;
+get_occur({_,{_,Occ={Min,_},_}}) when is_integer(Min) ->
+ Occ;
+get_occur(Other) ->
+ Other.
+%% remove_whitespace(L=[T=#xmlText{}|Rest]) ->
+%% case is_whitespace(T) of
+%% true ->
+%% remove_whitespace(Rest);
+%% _ -> L
+%% end;
+%% remove_whitespace(L) ->
+%% L.
+optional(optional_text) ->
+ true;
+optional({_,{0,_}}) ->
+ true;
+optional({_,{_,{0,_}}}) ->
+ true; %% sequence, all or choice
+optional({any,{_,{0,_},_}}) ->
+ true;
+optional(#chain{occurance={0,_}}) ->
+ true;
+optional(#alternative{occurance={0,_}}) ->
+ true;
+optional(#chain{content=Content}) ->
+ catch is_optional_content(Content);
+optional(#alternative{content=Content}) ->
+ catch is_optional_content(Content);
+optional({all,{Content,_}}) ->
+ catch is_optional_content(Content);
+optional(_) ->
+ false.
+is_optional_content([H|T]) ->
+ case optional(H) of
+ true ->
+ is_optional_content(T);
+ false ->
+ throw(false)
+ end;
+is_optional_content([]) ->
+ true.
+not_optional(X) ->
+ case optional(X) of
+ true ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ true
+ end.
+all_optional([]) ->
+ true;
+all_optional(L) ->
+ case filter(fun not_optional/1,L) of
+ [] ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% allowed_content/2 returns a representation of the allowed content
+%% model for that object
+allowed_content(element,_Parents) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{simpleType,{1,1}},{complexType,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{unique,{1,1}},{key,{1,1}},{keyref,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}}]
+ }]
+ };
+allowed_content(attribute,_Parents) ->
+ #chain{content=[{annotation,{0,1}},{simpleType,{0,1}}]};
+allowed_content(complexType,Parents) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [set_occurance(allowed_content(simpleContent,Parents),{1,1}),
+ set_occurance(allowed_content(complexContent,Parents),{1,1}),
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{group,{1,1}},{all,{1,1}},
+ {choice,{1,1}},{sequence,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{attribute,{1,1}},
+ {attributeGroup,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}},
+ {anyAttribute,{0,1}}]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+allowed_content(attributeGroup,Parents) ->
+ case member(simpleContent,Parents) of
+ true ->
+ {annotation,{0,1}};
+ _ ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{attribute,{1,1}},
+ {attributeGroup,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}},
+ {anyAttribute,{0,1}}]}]}
+ end;
+allowed_content(group,_Parents) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{all,{1,1}},{choice,{1,1}},{sequence,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,1}}]};
+allowed_content(all,_Parents) ->
+ #chain{content=[{annotation,{0,1}},{element,{0,unbounded}}]};
+allowed_content(SorC,_Parents) when SorC==sequence;SorC==choice ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{element,{1,1}},{group,{1,1}},
+ {choice,{1,1}},{sequence,{1,1}},
+ {any,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}}]};
+ when E==any;E==selector;E==field;E==notation;E==include;E==import;
+ E==anyAttribute ->
+ {annotation,{0,1}};
+allowed_content(UKK,_Parents) when UKK==unique;UKK==key;UKK==keyref->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [{selector,{1,1}},{selector,{1,unbounded}}]}]};
+allowed_content(annotation,_Parents) ->
+ #alternative{content=[{appinfo,{1,1}},{documentation,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}};
+allowed_content(E,_Parents) when E==appinfo;E==documentation ->
+ {any,{0,unbounded}};
+allowed_content(simpleType,_Parents) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=[{restriction,{1,1}},{list,{1,1}},
+ {union,{1,1}}]}]};
+allowed_content(restriction,Parents) ->
+ case member(simpleType,Parents) of
+ true ->
+ allowed_content2(restriction,simpleType);
+ _ ->
+ case member(simpleContent,Parents) of
+ true ->
+ allowed_content2(restriction,simpleContent);
+ _ ->
+ allowed_content2(restriction,complexContent)
+ end
+ end;
+allowed_content(LU,_Parent) when LU==list;LU==union ->
+ #chain{content=[{annotation,{0,1}},{simpleType,{0,1}}]};
+allowed_content(schema,_) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{include,{1,1}},{import,{1,1}},
+ {redefine,{1,1}},{annotation,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{simpleType,{1,1}},{complexType,{1,1}},
+ {group,{1,1}},{attributeGroup,{1,1}}]},
+ {element,{1,1}},
+ {attribute,{1,1}},
+ {notation,{1,1}}]},
+ {annotation,{0,unbounded}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}}]};
+allowed_content(redefine,_Parents) ->
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{annotation,{1,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{simpleType,{1,1}},{complexType,{1,1}},
+ {group,{1,1}},{attributeGroup,{1,1}}]}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}};
+allowed_content(E,_Parents) when E==simpleContent;
+ E==complexContent ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{restriction,{1,1}},{extension,{1,1}}]}]};
+allowed_content(extension,Parents) ->
+ case member(simpleContent,Parents) of
+ true ->
+ allowed_content2(extension,simpleContent);
+ _ ->
+ allowed_content2(extension,complexContent)
+ end;
+allowed_content(minExclusive,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(minInclusive,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(maxExclusive,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(maxInclusive,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(totalDigits,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(fractionDigits,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(length,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(minLength,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(maxLength,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(enumeration,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(whiteSpace,_Parents) ->
+ [];
+allowed_content(pattern,_Parents) ->
+ [].
+allowed_content2(restriction,simpleType) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [{simpleType,{0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{minExclusive,{1,1}},{minInclusive,{1,1}},
+ {maxExclusive,{1,1}},{maxInclusive,{1,1}},
+ {totalDigits,{1,1}},{fractionDigits,{1,1}},
+ {length,{1,1}},{minLength,{1,1}},
+ {maxLength,{1,1}},{enumeration,{1,1}},
+ {whiteSpace,{1,1}},{pattern,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}}]}]};
+allowed_content2(restriction,simpleContent) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [{simpleType,{0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{minExclusive,{1,1}},{minInclusive,{1,1}},
+ {maxExclusive,{1,1}},{maxInclusive,{1,1}},
+ {totalDigits,{1,1}},{fractionDigits,{1,1}},
+ {length,{1,1}},{minLength,{1,1}},
+ {maxLength,{1,1}},{enumeration,{1,1}},
+ {whiteSpace,{1,1}},{pattern,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}}],
+ occurance={0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{attribute,{1,1}},{attributeGroup,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}},
+ {anyAttribute,{0,1}}]}]};
+allowed_content2(restriction,complexContent) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #alternative{content=
+ [{group,{1,1}},{all,{1,1}},{choice,{1,1}},
+ {sequence,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{attribute,{1,1}},{attributeGroup,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}},
+ {anyAttribute,{0,1}}]}]};
+allowed_content2(extension,simpleContent) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{attribute,{1,1}},{attributeGroup,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,unbounded}},
+ {anyAttribute,{0,1}}]}]};
+allowed_content2(extension,complexContent) ->
+ #chain{content=
+ [{annotation,{0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{group,{1,1}},{all,{1,1}},{choice,{1,1}},
+ {sequence,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,1}},
+ #chain{content=
+ [#alternative{content=
+ [{attribute,{1,1}},
+ {attributeGroup,{1,1}}],
+ occurance={0,1}},
+ {anyAttribute,{0,1}}]}]}]}.
+set_occurance(Ch = #chain{},Occ) ->
+ Ch#chain{occurance=Occ};
+set_occurance(Alt = #alternative{},Occ) ->
+ Alt#alternative{occurance=Occ};
+set_occurance({Name,_},Occ) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ {Name,Occ};
+set_occurance(CM,_) ->
+ CM.
+process_external_schema_once(E,Namespace,S) when is_record(E,xmlElement) ->
+ case get_attribute_value(schemaLocation,E,[]) of
+ [] ->
+ Err = {missing_schemalocation_attribute,E#xmlElement.name},
+ acc_errs(S,Err);
+ Path ->
+ process_external_schema_once(Path,Namespace,S)
+ end;
+process_external_schema_once(SchemaLocation,Namespace,S) ->
+ case fetch_external_schema(SchemaLocation,S) of
+ {E=#xmlElement{},S2} ->
+ case is_already_processed(Namespace,S2) of
+ true ->
+ save_namespace_definition(Namespace,S2);
+ _ ->
+ S3 = save_namespace_definition(Namespace,S2),
+ traverse_ext_schema(E,S3#xsd_state{targetNamespace=Namespace})
+ end;
+ {_,S2} ->
+ S2
+ end.
+%% process_external_schema/2 returns:
+%% {ok,some_result()} | {error,reason()}
+process_external_schema(Path,S) when is_list(Path) ->
+ case fetch_external_schema(Path,S) of
+ {E=#xmlElement{},S2} ->
+ traverse_ext_schema(E,S2);
+ {_,S2} ->
+ S2
+ end;
+process_external_schema(absent,S) ->
+ S.
+fetch_external_schema(Path,S) when is_list(Path) ->
+ FetchFun = S#xsd_state.fetch_fun,
+ %% {ExtXSD,S2} =
+ case FetchFun(Path,S) of
+ {ok,{file,File},_} ->
+ ?debug("scanning file: ~p~n",[File]),
+ case xmerl_scan:file(File,S#xsd_state.xml_options) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{parsing_external_schema_failed,File,Reason}})};
+ {EXSD,_} ->
+ {EXSD,S#xsd_state{schema_name=File}}
+ end;
+ {_,{string,String},_} -> %% this is for a user defined fetch fun that returns an xml document on string format.
+ ?debug("scanning string: ~p~n",[File]),
+ case xmerl_scan:string(String,S#xsd_state.xml_options) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{parsing_external_schema_failed,Path,Reason}})};
+ {EXSD,_} ->
+ {EXSD,S#xsd_state{schema_name=Path}}
+ end;
+ {ok,[],_} ->
+ {ok,S};
+ {_,Other,_} ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{fetch_fun_failed,Other}})}
+ end;
+fetch_external_schema(absent,S) ->
+ {ok,S}.
+%% The schema name is also important here because a schema may import
+%% and must include from the same namespace as the target namespace of
+%% the including schema.
+ checked_namespace_nodes=CNS}) ->
+%% case {keymember(SchemaName,2,CNS),keymember(NameSpace,3,CNS)} of
+%% {true,true} ->
+ case keysearch(SchemaName,2,CNS) of
+ {_,{_,_,NameSpace}} ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+ S=#xsd_state{targetNamespace=TNS,
+ global_namespace_nodes=GNS,
+ checked_namespace_nodes=CNS}) ->
+ %% 1) Have to find a matching namespace in the global list for
+ %% this schema, and get the associated prefix. 2) Then check
+ %% whether a schema with this prefix - namespace combinaton
+ %% already is checked, if so do nothing. 3a) If this namespace is
+ %% checked but with another prefix only add the prefix - namespace
+ %% pair to the checked namespace list. 3b) Otherwise add the
+ %% prefix - namespace pair.
+ {Prefix,S2} =
+ case keysearch(TNS,1,GNS) of
+ {value,{_,ImportedNodes}} ->
+ case keysearch(NameSpace,2,ImportedNodes) of
+ {value,{_P,_}} -> {_P,S};
+ _ -> {none,S}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,{imported_namespace_wo_namespace_definition,NameSpace}},
+ {none,acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end,
+ %% Instead of 2, 3a and 3b just add_once
+ case Prefix of
+ none ->
+ S2;
+ _ ->
+ S#xsd_state{checked_namespace_nodes=
+ add_once({Prefix,S#xsd_state.schema_name,NameSpace},CNS)}
+ end.
+%% prefix_namespace_2global
+%% adds {Prefix,Namespace} to the global namespace nodes list for the
+%% targetnamespace. Prefix is the right one found in Nodes.
+ #xmlNamespace{nodes=Nodes},
+ S=#xsd_state{targetNamespace=TNS,
+ global_namespace_nodes=GNS}) ->
+ case keysearch(Namespace,2,Nodes) of
+ {value,{Prefix,_}} ->
+ case keysearch(TNS,1,GNS) of
+ {value,{_,DefinedNamespaces}} ->
+ S#xsd_state{global_namespace_nodes=
+ keyreplace(TNS,1,GNS,
+ {TNS,add_once({Prefix,Namespace},
+ DefinedNamespaces)})};
+ _ ->
+ S#xsd_state{global_namespace_nodes=
+ [{TNS,[{Prefix,Namespace}|default_namespace_by_convention()]}]}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end;
+prefix_namespace_2global(_,_,S) ->
+ S.
+traverse_ext_schema(E,S) ->
+ TargetNS = target_namespace(E),
+ case {TargetNS,S#xsd_state.targetNamespace} of
+ {undefined,_} ->
+ traverse_ext_schema2(E,S);
+ {TNS,TNS} ->
+ traverse_ext_schema2(E,S);
+ _ ->
+ Err = {error_path(E,schema),?MODULE,{illegal_target_namespace_external_schema,E#xmlElement.name}},
+ acc_errs(S,Err)
+ end.
+traverse_ext_schema2(E,S) ->
+ S1 = namespace_nodes(E,S),
+ S2 = element_form_default(E,S1),
+ S3 = attribute_form_default(E,S2),
+ S4 = substitution_default(finalDefault,E,S3),
+ S5 = substitution_default(blockDefault,E,S4),
+ {CM,S6} = traverse_content2(E#xmlElement.content,S5,[]),
+%% ?debug("External schema S6:~n~p~n",[S6]),
+ save_schema_element(CM,S6),
+ S6.
+ Attr,S) ->
+ attribute_properties(Rest,Attr#schema_attribute{default=Default},S);
+attribute_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=fixed,value=Fixed}|Rest],Attr,S) ->
+ attribute_properties(Rest,Attr#schema_attribute{fixed=Fixed},S);
+attribute_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=use,value=Use}|Rest],Attr,S) ->
+ {Use2,S2} = attribute_use(Use,S),
+ attribute_properties(Rest,Attr#schema_attribute{use=Use2},S2);
+attribute_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=form,value=Form}|Rest],Attr,S) ->
+ {Form2,S2} = attribute_form(Form,S),
+ attribute_properties(Rest,Attr#schema_attribute{form=Form2},S2);
+attribute_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=id,value=ID}|Rest],Attr,S) ->
+ S2 = check_and_save_ID(ID,S),
+ attribute_properties(Rest,Attr#schema_attribute{id=ID},S2);
+attribute_properties([_H|Rest],Attr,S) ->
+ attribute_properties(Rest,Attr,S);
+attribute_properties([],Attr,S) ->
+ {Attr,S}.
+attribute_use(Use,S) when Use=="optional";Use=="prohibited";Use=="required" ->
+ {list_to_atom(Use),S};
+attribute_use(Use,S) ->
+ {Use,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{illegal_use_value,Use}})}.
+attribute_form(Form,S) when Form=="qualified";Form=="unqualified" ->
+ {list_to_atom(Form),S};
+attribute_form(Form,S) ->
+ {Form,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{illegal_form_value,Form}})}.
+element_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=default,value=Default}|Rest],SE,El,S) ->
+ case SE#schema_element.value_constraint of
+ {fixed,_} ->
+ Err = {error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{"only one of final/default attributes allowed",
+ El#xmlElement.name}},
+ element_properties(Rest,SE,El,acc_errs(S,Err));
+ _ ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{value_constraint=
+ {default,Default}},El,S)
+ end;
+element_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=fixed,value=Fixed}|Rest],SE,El,S) ->
+ case SE#schema_element.value_constraint of
+ {default,_} ->
+ Err = {error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,
+ {"only one of final/default attributes allowed",
+ El#xmlElement.name}},
+ element_properties(Rest,SE,El,acc_errs(S,Err));
+ _ ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{value_constraint=
+ {fixed,Fixed}},El,S)
+ end;
+ SE,El,S) ->
+ SGName = get_QName(SG,El#xmlElement.namespace,reset_scope(S)),
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{substitutionGroup=SGName},El,
+ add_ref(S,{element,SGName}));
+element_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=form,value=F}|Rest],SE,El,S) ->
+ {Form,S2} = attribute_form(F,S),
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{form=Form},El,S2);
+element_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=id,value=ID}|Rest],SE,El,S) ->
+ S2 = check_and_save_ID(ID,S),
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{id=ID},El,S2);
+element_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=nillable,value=N}|Rest],SE,El,S) ->
+ case boolean_to_atom(N) of
+ error ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE,El,
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{illegal_nillable_value,N}}));
+ N_atom ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{nillable=N_atom},El,S)
+ end;
+element_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=abstract,value=A}|Rest],SE,El,S) ->
+ case boolean_to_atom(A) of
+ error ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE,El,
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{illegal_abstract_value,A}}));
+ A_atom ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{abstract=A_atom},El,S)
+ end;
+element_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=block,value=B}|Rest],SE,El,S) ->
+ BlockValues = split_by_whitespace(B,[]),
+ case legal_block_values(element,BlockValues) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE,El,
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{illegal_block_values,Reason}}));
+ _ ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{block=BlockValues},El,S)
+ end;
+element_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=final,value=F}|Rest],SE,El,S) ->
+ FinalValues = split_by_whitespace(F,[]),
+ case legal_final_values(element,FinalValues) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE,El,
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{illegal_final_values,Reason}}));
+ _ ->
+ element_properties(Rest,SE#schema_element{final=FinalValues},El,S)
+ end;
+element_properties([_H|T],SE,El,S) ->
+ element_properties(T,SE,El,S);
+element_properties([],SE,_El,S) ->
+ {SE,S}.
+%% 3.3.3 bullet 2.2
+%% nillable, default, fixed, form, block and type properties must be
+%% absent in element with ref.
+element_forbidden_properties(El,S) ->
+ element_forbidden_properties(El#xmlElement.attributes,El,S).
+element_forbidden_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=nillable,value=V}|Atts],El,S) ->
+ element_forbidden_properties(Atts,El,acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{forbidden_property,nillable,V}}));
+element_forbidden_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=default,value=V}|Atts],El,S) ->
+ element_forbidden_properties(Atts,El,acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{forbidden_property,default,V}}));
+element_forbidden_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=fixed,value=V}|Atts],El,S) ->
+ element_forbidden_properties(Atts,El,acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{forbidden_property,fixed,V}}));
+element_forbidden_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=form,value=V}|Atts],El,S) ->
+ element_forbidden_properties(Atts,El,acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{forbidden_property,form,V}}));
+element_forbidden_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=block,value=V}|Atts],El,S) ->
+ element_forbidden_properties(Atts,El,acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{forbidden_property,block,V}}));
+element_forbidden_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=type,value=V}|Atts],El,S) ->
+ element_forbidden_properties(Atts,El,acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{forbidden_property,type,V}}));
+element_forbidden_properties([#xmlAttribute{}|Atts],El,S) ->
+ element_forbidden_properties(Atts,El,S);
+element_forbidden_properties([],_,S) ->
+ S.
+%% 3.3.3 bullet 2.2
+%% complexType, simpleType, key, keyref and unique must be absent in
+%% element with ref.
+element_forbidden_content([],S) ->
+ S;
+element_forbidden_content([El=#xmlElement{}|Els],S) ->
+ case kind(El) of
+ K when K==complexType;K==simpleType;K==key;K==keyref;K==unique ->
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{element_content_must_not_contain,K,El}});
+ annotation ->
+ element_forbidden_content(Els,S);
+ Other ->
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{illegal_element_content,Other}})
+ end;
+element_forbidden_content([T=#xmlText{}|Rest],S) ->
+ case is_whitespace(T) of
+ true ->
+ element_forbidden_content(Rest,S);
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(T,schema),?MODULE,{illegal_element_content,T}})
+ end.
+c_t_properties(El,CT,S) ->
+ c_t_properties(El#xmlElement.attributes,El,CT,S).
+c_t_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=final,value=V}|Rest],El,CT,S) ->
+ FinalValues = split_by_whitespace(V,[]),
+ case legal_final_values(complexType,FinalValues) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ Err = {error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,{illegal_final_values,Reason}},
+ c_t_properties(Rest,El,CT,acc_errs(S,Err));
+ _ ->
+ c_t_properties(Rest,El,
+ CT#schema_complex_type{final=FinalValues},S)
+ end;
+c_t_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=block,value=V}|Rest],El,CT,S) ->
+ BlockValues = split_by_whitespace(V,[]),
+ case legal_block_values(complexType,BlockValues) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ Err = {error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,
+ {illegal_block_values,Reason}},
+ c_t_properties(Rest,El,CT,acc_errs(S,Err));
+ _ ->
+ c_t_properties(Rest,El,CT#schema_complex_type{block=BlockValues},S)
+ end;
+c_t_properties([#xmlAttribute{name=abstract,value=V}|Rest],El,CT,S) ->
+ case boolean_to_atom(V) of
+ error ->
+ Err = {error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,
+ {illegal_abstract_value,V}},
+ c_t_properties(Rest,El,CT,acc_errs(S,Err));
+ V_atom ->
+ c_t_properties(Rest,El,CT#schema_complex_type{abstract=V_atom},S)
+ end;
+c_t_properties([_H|T],El,CT,S) ->
+ c_t_properties(T,El,CT,S);
+c_t_properties([],_,CT,S) ->
+ {CT,S}.
+legal_block_values(_,['#all']) ->
+ true;
+legal_block_values(element,BlockValues) ->
+ list_members(BlockValues,[extension,restriction,substitution]);
+legal_block_values(complexType,BlockValues) ->
+ list_members(BlockValues,[extension,restriction]).
+legal_final_values(_,['#all']) ->
+ true;
+legal_final_values(_,FinalValues) ->
+ list_members(FinalValues,[extension,restriction]).
+boolean_to_atom(B) when B=="1";B=="true" ->
+ true;
+boolean_to_atom(B) when B=="0";B=="false" ->
+ false;
+boolean_to_atom(_) ->
+ error.
+count_num_el(S=#xsd_state{num_el=N}) ->
+ S#xsd_state{num_el=N+1}.
+set_num_el(S=#xsd_state{},I) when is_integer(I) ->
+ S#xsd_state{num_el=I};
+set_num_el(S=#xsd_state{},#xsd_state{num_el=I}) ->
+ S#xsd_state{num_el=I}.
+occurance(El=#xmlElement{attributes=Atts},{Min,Max},S) ->
+ AttVal=fun(#xmlAttribute{value=V},Sin) ->
+ case catch mk_int_or_atom(V) of
+ {'EXIT',_} ->
+ Err = {error_path(El,schema),?MODULE,
+ {illegal_occurance_value,V}},
+ {V,acc_errs(Sin,Err)};
+ IAV -> {IAV,Sin}
+ end;
+ (V1,Sin) -> {V1,Sin}
+ end,
+ {MinVal,S2} = AttVal(keyNsearch(minOccurs,#xmlAttribute.name,
+ Atts,Min),S),
+ {MaxVal,S3} = AttVal(keyNsearch(maxOccurs,#xmlAttribute.name,
+ Atts,Max),S2),
+ {{MinVal,MaxVal},S3}.
+mk_int_or_atom(V="unbounded") ->
+ list_to_atom(V);
+mk_int_or_atom(V) when is_list(V) ->
+ list_to_integer(V);
+mk_int_or_atom(V) ->
+ V.
+%% E is a complexType, possible kind of content is A)simpleContent, B)
+%% complexContent or C) one or zero of 1)group,2)all,3)choice or
+%% 4)sequence, followed by any number of attribute or attributeGroup
+%% and finally one optional anyAttribute
+mixed(E=#xmlElement{content=C},S) ->
+ case {get_attribute_value(mixed,E,undefined),
+ [Y||Y=#xmlElement{}<-C,kind(Y)==simpleContent]} of
+ {_,[_SCE]} ->
+ {false,S}; %% mixed is false in simpleContent
+ {undefined,_} ->
+ case [X||X=#xmlElement{}<-C,
+ kind(X)==complexContent] of
+ [E2] ->
+%% {get_attribute_value(mixed,E2,false),S};
+ mixed(E2,S);
+ _ ->
+ {false,S}
+ end;
+ {M,_} when M=="1";M=="true" -> {true,S};
+ {M,_} when M=="0";M=="false" -> {false,S};
+ {M,_} ->
+ Err = {error_path(E,schema),?MODULE,{invalid_mixed_value,M}},
+ {false,acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end.
+mixify(false,CM) ->
+ CM;
+mixify(true,CM) ->
+ mixify2(CM,[optional_text]).
+mixify2([],Acc) ->
+ reverse(Acc);
+mixify2([H|T],Acc) ->
+ mixify2(T,[optional_text,H|Acc]).
+complexity([]) ->
+ undefined;
+complexity([#xmlText{}|T]) ->
+ complexity(T);
+complexity([H|T]) ->
+ case kind(H) of
+ simpleContent ->
+ simple;
+ complexContent ->
+ complex;
+ _ ->
+ complexity(T)
+ end.
+%% Validation takes care of the following:
+%% 1) a) Check that targetNamespace attribute in schema matches
+%% namespace URI if the element.
+%% b) If schema don't have a targetNamespace the instance element
+%% must not be namespace-qualified
+%% 2) a) Examine type of the element according to the schema and block
+%% attributes in the element decl.
+%% b) Default values and other infoset contributions are applied.
+%% 3) Check the immediate attributes and contents of the element
+%% comparing these against the attributes and contents
+%% permitted.
+%% a) simple type:
+%% -verify there are no attributes or elements.
+%% -verify character content matches rules for type.
+%% b) complex type:
+%% -verify attributes present and values ok.
+%% -check subelements according to content model.
+%% validate_xml/2
+validate_xml(El = #xmlElement{name=Name},
+ S=#xsd_state{table=Tab,schemaLocations=SchemaLocations}) ->
+ ElQName = {_,_,Namespace} = mk_EII_QName(Name,El,S),
+ SchemaCM = get_schema_cm(Tab,Namespace),
+ case [X||X={element,{QName,Occ}} <- SchemaCM#schema.content,
+ cmp_name(ElQName,QName,S),
+ at_least_one(Occ)] of
+ [Obj] ->
+ {Object,S2} = load_object(Obj,S),
+ validate_xml(El,Object,S2);
+ _ ->
+ %% In case the namespace in El is not processed even
+ %% though it is present.
+ case is_already_processed(Namespace,S) of
+ true -> %% nothing more to do
+ {error,{error_path(El,Name),?MODULE,
+ {element_not_in_schema,[Name,ElQName,SchemaCM]}}};
+ _ ->
+ case keysearch(if_atom_to_list(Namespace),1,SchemaLocations) of
+ {value,{_,Location}} ->
+ %% namespace present by schemaLocation
+ %% attribute in instance.
+ S1 = prefix_namespace_2global(Namespace,El#xmlElement.namespace,S),
+ S2 = save_namespace_definition(Namespace,S1),
+ S3 = process_external_schema(Location,S2#xsd_state{targetNamespace=Namespace}),
+ validate_xml(El,S3);
+ _ -> %% namespace not imported in schema or instance.
+ {error,{error_path(El,Name),?MODULE,
+ {element_not_in_schema,[Name,ElQName,SchemaCM]}}}
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+%% validate_xml/3
+validate_xml(XMLEl=#xmlElement{},SEl=#schema_element{},S) ->
+ %% check that targetNamespace of schema matches URI of the element.
+ case check_target_namespace(XMLEl,S) of
+ ok ->
+ %% Extract the schemaLocation links in the instance,
+ %% examine type of the element according to the schema and
+ %% the block attributes in the element declaration
+ S2 = schemaLocations(XMLEl,S),
+ ?debug("schemaLocations: ~p~n",[S2#xsd_state.schemaLocations]),
+ #schema_element{name=_Name,type=_Type,block=Bl} = SEl,
+ Block = blocking(Bl,S2#xsd_state.blockDefault), %% complex types, elements
+ Ret = check_element_type([XMLEl],SEl,[],Block,S2,[]),
+ case Ret of
+ {ValXML,UnvalRest,S3} ->
+%% S4 = schema_concistence_checks(S3),
+ {ValXML,UnvalRest,S3};
+ _ ->
+ Ret
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Err = {error_path(XMLEl,XMLEl#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {target_namespace_missmatch}},
+ {XMLEl,[],acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end.
+%% check_element_type/3
+%% examine type according to schema including info of block
+%% attributes. If complex type do test recursively
+%% 2 often
+ Block,S,Checked) ->
+ %% XMLTxt ��r det f��rsta av content i element,
+ %% CMEl ��r den till��tna typen enligt schemat
+ case is_whitespace(XMLTxt) of
+ true -> %% Ignore XMLEl
+ check_element_type(Rest,CM,Env,Block,S,[XMLTxt|Checked]);
+ _ -> %% CMEl allows optional_text or is an absent optional element
+ {ResolvedT,S2} = resolve(CMEl,S),
+ case check_text_type(XML,ResolvedT,S2) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ case is_optional(CMEl,S) of
+ true ->
+ check_element_type(XML,CMRest,Env,Block,S,Checked);
+ _ ->
+ check_element_type(Rest,CM,Env,Block,
+ acc_errs(S,Reason),Checked)
+ end;
+ {Ret,Rest2,S3} ->
+ check_element_type(Rest2,CMRest,Env,Block,S3,reverse(Ret,Checked))
+ end
+ end;
+%% If CMEl is a sequence more than the first element of the XML list
+%% may match.
+ Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ ?debug("calling sequence/6~n",[]),
+ check_sequence(XML,CM,Occ,Env,set_num_el(S,0),Checked);
+ Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ ?debug("calling choice/6~n",[]),
+ check_choice(XML,CM,Occ,Env,set_num_el(S,0),Checked);
+ Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ ?debug("calling choice/6~n",[]),
+ check_all(XML,CM,Occ,Env,S,Checked,XML);
+%% 3 often. CMEL may be ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
+ Block,S,Checked) ->
+ %% Three possible releations between XMLEl - CMEl:
+ %% (1) XMLEl matches CMEl.
+ %% (2) XMLEl don't matches CMEl and CMEl is optional.
+ %% (3) XMLEl don't matches CMEl, CMEl mandatory, - error.
+ %% On the other side may CMEl also match more elements in
+ %% Rest. This should come down to 2) next function call.
+ {ResolvedT,S2} = resolve(CMEl,S),
+ case check_element_type(XML,ResolvedT,Env,Block,S2,[]) of
+ {error,Reason} -> % 3
+ check_element_type(tl(XML),CMRest,Env,Block,
+ acc_errs(S,Reason),[XMLEl|Checked]);
+ {[],_,_} -> % 2
+ check_element_type(XML,CMRest,Env,Block,S,Checked);
+ {XMLEl2,RestXML,S3} -> % 1 This return value does not conform to the others
+ check_element_type(RestXML,[decrease_occurance(CMEl)|CMRest],Env,
+ Block,S3,XMLEl2++Checked)
+ end;
+check_element_type([],[],_Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ {Checked,[],S};
+check_element_type([],[CMEl|CMRest],Env,Block,S,Checked) ->
+ case is_optional(CMEl,S) of
+ true ->
+ check_element_type([],CMRest,Env,Block,S,Checked);
+ _ ->
+ Err = {error_path(Checked,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {missing_mandatory_element,CMEl}},
+ {Checked,[],acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end;
+ #schema_complex_type{name=_Name,base_type=BT,
+ complexity=simple,
+ content=_C} = CT,
+ _Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ %% maybe check attributes here as well.
+ {ResolvedType,_} = resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,BT},S),
+ case ResolvedType of
+ #schema_simple_type{} ->
+ {NewVal,S2} = check_type(ResolvedType,[],unapplied,S),
+ {NewVal,[],S2};
+ {simpleType,_} ->
+ {NewVal,S2} = check_type(ResolvedType,[],unapplied,S),
+ {NewVal,[],S2};
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(Checked,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {empty_content_not_allowed,CT}}}
+ end;
+ _Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ %% This type must have an empty content to be valid
+ case allow_empty_content(C) of
+ true -> {[],[],S};
+ false ->
+ {error,{error_path(Checked,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {empty_content_not_allowed,C}}}
+ end;
+check_element_type(C,{anyType,_},_Env,_Block,S,_Checked) ->
+ %% permitt anything
+ {C,[],S};
+ _Env,_Block,S,_Checked) ->
+ check_text_type(XML,Type,S);
+ _Env,_Block,S,_Checked) ->
+ check_text_type(XML,Type,S);
+ #schema_complex_type{name=_Name,base_type=BT,
+ complexity=simple,
+ content=_C},Env,Block,S,Checked) ->
+ %% maybe check attributes here as well.
+ {ResolvedType,_} = resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,BT},S),
+ check_element_type(XML,ResolvedType,Env,Block,S,Checked);
+%% single schema object
+ #schema_complex_type{name=Name,block=Bl,content=C},
+ Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ EnvName = case Name of
+ {LN,_Scope,_NS} -> LN;
+ _ -> anonymous
+ end,
+ Block = blocking(Bl,S#xsd_state.blockDefault),
+ check_element_type(XML,C,[EnvName|Env],Block,name_scope(Name,S),Checked);
+%% 1
+ CMEl=#schema_element{name=CMName,type=Type},
+ Env,Block,S,Checked) ->
+ ElName = mk_EII_QName(Name,XMLEl,S#xsd_state{scope=element(2,CMName)}),
+ {Min,Max} = CMEl#schema_element.occurance,
+ case cmp_name(ElName,CMName,S) of %% substitutionGroup
+ true when S#xsd_state.num_el =< Max ->
+ S1 = id_constraints(CMEl,XMLEl,S),
+ %% If CMEl element has a substitutionGroup we have to
+ %% switch to the rigth element and type here.
+ {CMEl2,Type2,S2} =
+ if
+ ElName =:= CMName ->
+ {CMEl,Type,S1};
+ true ->
+ case resolve({element,ElName},S1) of
+ {SESub=#schema_element{type=SubType},Ssub} ->
+ {SESub,SubType,Ssub};
+ {_,Ssub} ->
+ {CMEl,Type,Ssub}
+ end
+ end,
+ {ResolvedType,S3} = resolve(Type2,XMLEl,S2),
+ %% What's the value of Resolve?: It must be a simpleType,
+ %% complexType or an identity-constraint object
+ XsiFactors = xsi_factors(CMEl2),
+ {XMLEl2,S4} = check_attributes(XMLEl,ResolvedType,
+ XsiFactors,S3),
+ S5 = check_abstract(ElName,XMLEl,CMEl,S4),
+ S6 = check_form(ElName,Name,XMLEl,
+ actual_form_value(CMEl#schema_element.form,
+ S5#xsd_state.elementFormDefault),
+ S5),
+ %Step into content of XML element.
+ {Content,_,S7} =
+ case
+ check_element_type(XMLEl2#xmlElement.content,
+ ResolvedType,Env,
+ Block,S6,Checked) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {XMLEl2#xmlElement.content,[],acc_errs(S6,Reason)};
+ Result ={_,[],_} -> Result;
+ {_,UnexpectedRest,_} ->
+ Err = {error_path(XMLEl,Name),?MODULE,
+ {unexpected_rest,UnexpectedRest}},
+ {XMLEl2#xmlElement.content,[],
+ acc_errs(S6,Err)}
+ end,
+ {[XMLEl2#xmlElement{content=reverse(Content)}],
+ RestXML,
+ set_scope(S5#xsd_state.scope,set_num_el(S7,S6))};
+ true ->
+ {error,{error_path(XMLEl,Name),?MODULE,
+ {element_not_suitable_with_schema,ElName,S}}};
+ _ when S#xsd_state.num_el >= Min ->
+ %% it may be a match error or an optional element not
+ %% present
+ {[],XML,S#xsd_state{num_el=0}};
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(XMLEl,Name),?MODULE,
+ {element_not_suitable_with_schema,ElName,CMName,CMEl,S}}}
+ end;
+check_element_type(XML,#schema_group{content=[CM]},Env,Block,S,Checked) ->
+ %% content may contain one of all | choice | sequence or empty
+ check_element_type(XML,CM,Env,Block,S,Checked);
+check_element_type(XML,#schema_group{content=[]},_Env,_Block,_S,_Checked) ->
+ {error,{error_path(XML,undefined),?MODULE,{no_element_expected_in_group,XML}}};
+ {sequence,{Els,Occ}},Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ ?debug("calling sequence/6~n",[]),
+ case check_sequence(XML,Els,Occ,Env,S#xsd_state{num_el=0},Checked) of
+ Err = {error,_} ->
+ Err;
+ {ValidContent,Rest2,S2} ->
+ %% The sequence may consume more than one element
+ %%{ValidContent,Rest,acc_errs(S2,{sequence_unexpected_rest_objects,UnexpRest})}
+ {ValidContent,Rest2,S2}
+ end;
+ {choice,{Els,Occ}},Env,_Block,S,Checked) ->
+ ?debug("calling choice/6~n",[]),
+ case check_choice(XML,Els,Occ,Env,S#xsd_state{num_el=0},Checked) of
+ Err = {error,_} ->
+ Err;
+ {ValidContent,Rest2,S2} ->
+ %% The choice may consume more than one element
+ {ValidContent,Rest2,S2}
+ end;
+ Any={any,{Namespace,_Occ={Min,_},ProcessorContents}},Env,
+ _Block,S,_Checked) ->
+ ?debug("check any: {any,{~p,~p,~p}}~n",[Namespace,Occ,ProcessorContents]),
+ %% ProcessorContents any of lax | strict | skip
+ %% lax: may validate if schema is found
+ %% strict: must validate
+ ElName = mk_EII_QName(Name,E,S),
+ case cmp_any_namespace(ElName,Namespace,S) of
+ true ->
+ case ProcessorContents of
+ skip ->
+ {[E],Rest,S};
+ lax ->
+ {[E],Rest,S};
+%% strict when Namespace==['##local'] ->
+ strict ->
+ case member(absent,Namespace) of
+ true ->
+ %% unqualified well-formed xml is required. The
+ %% xml is well-formed, check that it is
+ %% unqualified.
+ Traverse =
+ fun(#xmlElement{nsinfo=[],
+ attributes=Atts,
+ content=C},
+ Sin,Fun) ->
+ Sin2 = Fun(Atts,Sin,Fun),
+ Fun(C,Sin2,Fun);
+ (#xmlAttribute{namespace=[]},Sin,_Fun) ->
+ Sin;
+ (#xmlText{},Sin,_Fun) -> Sin;
+ ([H|T],Sin,Fun) ->
+ Sin2 = Fun(H,Sin,Fun),
+ Fun(T,Sin2,Fun);
+ ([],Sin,_Fun) ->
+ Sin;
+ (El,Sin,_Fun) ->
+ Err = {error_path(E,Name),?MODULE,
+ {illegal_component_in_any,El}},
+ acc_errs(Sin,Err)
+ end,
+ S2 = Traverse(E,S,Traverse),
+ {[E],Rest,S2};
+ _ ->
+ {Result,S2}=check_any(E,Any,Env,S),
+ {[Result],Rest,S2}
+ end
+ end;
+ false when S#xsd_state.num_el >= Min ->
+ {[],XML,S};
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(E,Name),?MODULE,{element_bad_match,E,Any,Env}}}
+ end;
+check_element_type([],CM,_Env,_Block,_S,Checked) ->
+ %% #schema_complex_type, any, #schema_group, anyType and lists are
+ %% catched above.
+ case CM of
+ {simpleType,_} ->
+ {error,{error_path(Checked,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {empty_content_not_allowed,CM}}};
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(Checked,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {empty_content_not_allowed,CM}}}
+ end;
+check_element_type(XML,CM,_Env,_Block,S,_Checked) ->
+ {error,{error_path(XML,undefined),?MODULE,{match_failure,XML,CM,S}}}.
+%% single xml content object and single schema object
+check_text_type(XML=[#xmlText{}|_],optional_text,S) ->
+% {XMLTxt,optional_text};
+ {XMLText,Rest} = split_xmlText(XML),
+ {XMLText,Rest,S};
+check_text_type(XML=[Txt=#xmlText{}|_],Type={simpleType,_},S) ->
+ {XMLText,Rest} = split_xmlText(XML),
+ {NewVal,S2}=check_type(Type,flatten([X||#xmlText{value=X}<-XMLText]),unapplied,S),
+ {[Txt#xmlText{value=NewVal}],Rest,S2};
+check_text_type(XML=[Txt=#xmlText{}|_],Type=#schema_simple_type{},S) ->
+ {XMLText,Rest} = split_xmlText(XML),
+ {NewVal,S2}=check_type(Type,flatten([X||#xmlText{value=X}<-XMLText]),unapplied,S),
+ {[Txt#xmlText{value=NewVal}],Rest,S2};
+check_text_type([XMLTxt=#xmlText{}|_],CMEl,_S) ->
+ {error,{error_path(XMLTxt,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {cannot_contain_text,XMLTxt,CMEl}}}.
+split_xmlText(XML) ->
+ splitwith(fun(#xmlText{}) -> true;(_) -> false end,XML).
+%% Sequence
+check_sequence([T=#xmlText{}|Rest],Els,Occ,Env,S,Checked) ->
+ check_sequence(Rest,Els,Occ,Env,S,[T|Checked]);
+check_sequence(Seq=[_InstEl=#xmlElement{}|_],[El|Els],Occ={_Min,_Max},Env,S,Checked) ->
+ %% El any of (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*
+ {ResolvedT,S2} = resolve(El,S),
+ case check_element_type(Seq,ResolvedT,Env,[],count_num_el(S2),[]) of
+ {[],_,S3} -> %% An optional element not present or maybe content == [].
+ case is_optional(El,S3) of
+ true ->
+ check_sequence(Seq,Els,Occ,Env,set_num_el(S3,0),Checked);
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(Checked,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {missing_mandatory_elements,El}}}
+ end;
+ Err={error,_Reason} ->
+ case {is_optional(El,S),S#xsd_state.num_el,get_occur(El)} of
+ {true,_,_} ->
+ check_sequence(Seq,Els,Occ,Env,set_num_el(S,0),Checked);
+ {_,N,{_Min2,Max}} when N>=Max ->
+ check_sequence(Seq,Els,Occ,Env,set_num_el(S,0),Checked);
+ _ ->
+ Err
+ end;
+%% {error,_Reason} when Min==0 -> %% optional element
+%% {[],Seq,S}; %% {Checked,Seq,S}
+%% {error,_Reason} when S#xsd_state.num_el >= Max ->
+%% %% This failure because of number limit
+%% {Checked,Seq,S};
+%% Err = {error,_Reason} ->
+%% %% Even though this match failed
+%% Err;
+ {Ret,UnValRest,S3} ->
+ %% must also take care of more elements of same name
+ %% decrease occurance in El for the optional measurements
+ %% when Seq is empty.
+ check_sequence(UnValRest,[decrease_occurance(El)|Els],Occ,Env,
+ count_num_el(set_num_el(S3,S2)),
+ Ret++Checked)
+ end;
+check_sequence(Rest,[],_Occ,_Env,S,Checked) ->
+ {Checked,Rest,set_num_el(S,0)};
+check_sequence([],Els,_Occ,_Env,S,Checked) ->
+ case [X||X={_,Y={_,_}} <- Els,optional(Y)==false] of
+ [] ->
+ {Checked,[],set_num_el(S,0)};
+ MandatoryEls ->
+ {error,{error_path(Checked,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {missing_mandatory_elements,MandatoryEls}}}
+ end.
+%%check_sequence(Seq,[],_Occ,_Env,_S,_Checked) ->
+ %%{error,{unmatched_elements,Seq}}.
+%% Choice one alternative must occur unless all alternatives are
+%% optional or the entire choice is optional.
+check_choice([T=#xmlText{}|Rest],Els,Occ,Env,S,Checked) ->
+ case is_whitespace(T) of
+ true ->
+ check_choice(Rest,Els,Occ,Env,S,[T|Checked]);
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(T,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {choice_missmatch,T,Els}}}
+ end;
+check_choice(Ch=[#xmlElement{}|_],[El|Els],Occ,Env,S,Checked) ->
+ {ResolvedT,S2} = resolve(El,S),
+ case check_element_type(Ch,ResolvedT,Env,[],count_num_el(S2),[]) of
+ {[],_,_S3} -> %% not matched optional element
+ check_choice(Ch,Els,Occ,Env,S2,Checked);
+ {error,_Reason} -> %% This may happen but not for the
+ %% last alternative element unless the
+ %% entire choice is optional. So, just
+ %% continue.
+ case [X||X=#xmlElement{}<-Checked] of
+ [] ->
+ check_choice(Ch,Els,Occ,Env,S2,Checked);
+ _ ->
+ {Checked,Ch,set_num_el(S,0)}
+ end;
+ {Result,UnValRest,S3} -> %% in this case only more elements of
+ %% El may be allowed
+ check_choice(UnValRest,[El],Occ,Env,
+ count_num_el(set_num_el(S3,S)),Result++Checked)
+ end;
+check_choice([],_,_,_,S,Checked) ->
+ {Checked,[],set_num_el(S,0)};
+check_choice(XML,[],{0,_},_,S,Checked) ->
+ %% Choice is optional
+ {Checked,XML,set_num_el(S,0)};
+check_choice(XML,[],_,_,S,Checked) ->
+ %% Choice has already matched something, the rest is for somthing
+ %% else to match.
+ case S#xsd_state.num_el > 0 of
+ true ->
+ {Checked,XML,set_num_el(S,0)};
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(XML,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {no_element_matching_choice,XML}}}
+ end.
+check_all([T=#xmlText{}|RestXML],CM,Occ,Env,S,Checked,XML) ->
+ case is_whitespace(T) of
+ true ->
+ check_all(RestXML,CM,Occ,Env,S,[T|Checked],XML);
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(T,undefined),?MODULE,{all_missmatch,T,CM}}}
+ end;
+ Checked,PrevXML) ->
+ ElName = mk_EII_QName(Name,E,S),
+ case search_delete_all_el(ElName,CM,S) of
+ {CMEl={element,_},RestCM} ->
+ {ResolvedT,S2} = resolve(CMEl,S),
+ case check_element_type(XML,ResolvedT,Env,[],S2,[]) of
+ {[],_,_S3} ->
+ Err = {error_path(E,Name),?MODULE,
+ {validation_error_all,ElName,CM}},
+ check_all(RestXML,CM,Occ,Env,acc_errs(S,Err),
+ Checked,PrevXML);
+ {error,_} when element(1,Occ)==0 ->
+ {[],PrevXML,S};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ check_all(RestXML,RestCM,Occ,Env,
+ acc_errs(S,Reason),[E|Checked],PrevXML);
+ {Result,UnValRest,S3} ->
+ check_all(UnValRest,RestCM,Occ,Env,
+ S3#xsd_state{scope=S#xsd_state.scope},
+ Result++Checked,PrevXML)
+ end;
+ _ when element(1,Occ) == 0 ->
+ {[],PrevXML,S};
+ _ ->
+ Err = {error_path(E,Name),?MODULE,
+ {element_not_in_all,ElName,E,CM}},
+ check_all(RestXML,CM,Occ,Env,acc_errs(S,Err),[E|Checked],PrevXML)
+ end;
+check_all(XML,[],_,_,S,Checked,_) ->
+ {Checked,XML,S};
+check_all([],CM,_Occ,_,S,Checked,_PrevXML) ->
+ case [X||X={_,Y={_,_}} <- CM,optional(Y)==false] of
+ [] ->
+ {Checked,[],set_num_el(S,0)};
+ MandatoryEls ->
+ {error,{error_path(Checked,undefined),?MODULE,
+ {missing_mandatory_elements_in_all,MandatoryEls}}}
+ end.
+check_any(E,Any,_Env,S) ->
+ case catch validate_xml(E,S#xsd_state{scope=[]}) of
+ {[Result],[],S2} ->
+ {Result,S2#xsd_state{scope=S#xsd_state.scope}};
+ {Result,[],S2} ->
+ {Result,S2#xsd_state{scope=S#xsd_state.scope}};
+ {_,_Unvalidated,S2} ->
+ Err = {error_path(E,undefined),?MODULE,{failed_validating,E,Any}},
+ {E,acc_errs(S2#xsd_state{scope=S#xsd_state.scope},Err)};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {E,acc_errs(S,Reason)};
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+%% {E,acc_errs(S,format_error({internal_error,Reason},E,Any,Env))}
+ Err = {error_path(E,undefined),?MODULE,{internal_error,Reason}},
+ {E,acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end.
+check_target_namespace(XMLEl,S) ->
+ case {S#xsd_state.targetNamespace,XMLEl#xmlElement.nsinfo} of
+ {undefined,[]} ->
+ ok;
+ {URI,{Prefix,_}} ->
+ NS = XMLEl#xmlElement.namespace,
+ case namespace(Prefix,NS,NS#xmlNamespace.default) of
+ URI ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ failed
+ end;
+ {URI,_} ->
+ case (XMLEl#xmlElement.namespace)#xmlNamespace.default of
+ URI ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ failed
+ end
+ end.
+schemaLocations(El=#xmlElement{attributes=Atts},S) ->
+ Pred = fun(#xmlAttribute{name=schemaLocation}) -> false;
+ (#xmlAttribute{namespace={_,"schemaLocation"}}) -> false;
+ (_) -> true
+ end,
+ case lists:dropwhile(Pred,Atts) of
+ [] ->
+ S;
+ [#xmlAttribute{value=Paths}|_] ->
+ case string:tokens(Paths," ") of
+ L when length(L) > 0 ->
+ case length(L) rem 2 of
+ 0 ->
+ PairList =
+ fun([],_Fun) ->
+ [];
+ ([SLNS,SLLoc|Rest],Fun) ->
+ [{SLNS,SLLoc}|Fun(Rest,Fun)]
+ end,
+ S#xsd_state{schemaLocations=PairList(L,PairList)};
+ _ ->
+ Err = {error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {schemaLocation_list_failure,Paths}},
+ acc_errs(S,Err)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end.
+blocking([],BlockDefault) ->
+ BlockDefault;
+blocking(Block,_) ->
+ Block.
+allow_empty_content([]) ->
+ true;
+allow_empty_content([{restriction,{_BT,_CM=[]}}]) ->
+ true;
+allow_empty_content([{extension,{_BT,_CM=[]}}]) ->
+ true;
+allow_empty_content([{_,{_,{0,_}}}|Rest]) ->
+ allow_empty_content(Rest);
+allow_empty_content([{_,{Content,_}}|Rest]) ->
+ case allow_empty_content(Content) of
+ true ->
+ allow_empty_content(Rest);
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+allow_empty_content(_) ->
+ false.
+empty_xml_content([]) ->
+ true;
+empty_xml_content([H|T]) ->
+ case is_whitespace(H) of
+ true ->
+ empty_xml_content(T);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+empty_xml_content(_) ->
+ false.
+xsi_factors(#schema_element{nillable=N}) ->
+ [{nillable,N}].
+ #xmlAttribute{value="true"},XsiFactors,XMLEl,S) ->
+ case key1search(nillable,XsiFactors,false) of
+ {_,true} ->
+ case empty_xml_content(XMLEl#xmlElement.content) of
+ true ->
+ S;
+ _ ->
+ Err = {error_path(XMLEl,XMLEl#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {element_content_not_nil,XMLEl}},
+ acc_errs(S,Err)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end;
+check_xsi_factors(_,_,_,_,S) ->
+ S.
+ #schema_complex_type{name=Name,attributes=SchemaAtts},
+ XsiFactors,S) ->
+ %% For each att in Atts check that it is allowed, and has right type.
+ %% For each att in CT that is required check that it exists. Apply
+ %% none present atts that have default values.
+ OldScope = S#xsd_state.scope,
+ SchemaAtts2 = resolve_attributeGroups(SchemaAtts,XMLEl,S),
+ {XMLEl2,S2}=check_attributes(Atts,SchemaAtts2,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ name_scope(Name,S),[]),
+ {XMLEl2,S2#xsd_state{scope=OldScope}};
+check_attributes(XMLEl=#xmlElement{attributes=[]},_,_,S) ->
+ {XMLEl,S};
+check_attributes(XMLEl=#xmlElement{name=N,attributes=Atts},_,XsiFactors,S) ->
+ Fun =
+ fun(AttX,S_in) ->
+ case reserved_attribute(AttX,XMLEl#xmlElement.namespace) of
+ true ->
+ AttQName =
+ mk_EII_QName(AttX#xmlAttribute.name,XMLEl,S_in),
+ check_xsi_factors(AttQName,AttX,XsiFactors,XMLEl,S_in);
+ _ ->
+ Err = {error_path(XMLEl,N),?MODULE,
+ {attribute_in_simpleType,XMLEl,AttX}},
+ acc_errs(S_in,Err)
+ end
+ end,
+ {XMLEl,foldl(Fun,S,Atts)}.
+check_attributes([],[SA|SchemaAtts],XMLEl,XsiFactors,S,CheckedAtts) ->
+ case resolve(SA,S) of
+ {#schema_attribute{name=Name,use=Use,default=Def,fixed=Fix},S2} ->
+ case {Use,Def,Fix} of
+ {required,_,_} ->
+ Err = {error_path(XMLEl,XMLEl#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {required_attribute_missed,XMLEl,Name}},
+ check_attributes([],SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ acc_errs(S2,Err),CheckedAtts);
+ {optional,undefined,undefined} ->
+ check_attributes([],SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ S2,CheckedAtts);
+ {optional,Default,undefined} ->
+ NewAtt = create_attribute(Name,Default),
+ check_attributes([],SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,S2,
+ [NewAtt|CheckedAtts]);
+ {optional,undefined,Fix} ->
+ NewAtt = create_attribute(Name,Def),
+ check_attributes([],SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,S2,
+ [NewAtt|CheckedAtts]);
+ {optional,Default,Fix} ->
+ Err = {error_path(XMLEl,XMLEl#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {default_and_fixed_attributes_mutual_exclusive,
+ Name,Default,Fix}},
+ check_attributes([],SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ acc_errs(S2,Err),CheckedAtts);
+ _ ->
+ check_attributes([],SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ S2,CheckedAtts)
+ end;
+ {{anyAttribute,{_Namespaces,_PC}},S2} ->
+ check_attributes([],SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ S2,CheckedAtts);
+ Err ->
+ ErrMsg={error_path(XMLEl,XMLEl#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {schema_error,unexpected_object,SA,Err}},
+ check_attributes([],SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ acc_errs(S,ErrMsg),CheckedAtts)
+ end;
+check_attributes([],[],XMLEl,_XsiFactors,S,CheckedAtts) ->
+ {XMLEl#xmlElement{attributes=reverse(CheckedAtts)},S};
+ S,CheckedAtts) ->
+%% AttQName = mk_EII_QName(Att#xmlAttribute.name,XMLEl,S),
+ {IsQ,AttQName} = mk_EII_Att_QName(Att#xmlAttribute.name,XMLEl,S),
+ case search_attribute(IsQ,AttQName,SchemaAtts) of
+ {AttObj={attribute,_},SchemaAtts2} ->
+ {SA,S2} = load_object(AttObj,S),
+ #schema_attribute{type=[AttType]} = SA,
+ {Val,S4} = check_type(AttType,
+ Att#xmlAttribute.value, unapplied,S2),
+ check_attributes(Atts,SchemaAtts2,XMLEl,XsiFactors,S4,
+ [Att#xmlAttribute{value=Val}|CheckedAtts]);
+ {undefined,SchemaAtts2} ->
+ %% check for reserved attributes or anyAttribute
+ case reserved_attribute(Att,XMLEl#xmlElement.namespace) of
+ true ->
+ S2 = check_xsi_factors(AttQName,Att,XsiFactors,XMLEl,S),
+ check_attributes(Atts,SchemaAtts2,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ S2,[Att|CheckedAtts]);
+ _ ->
+ case check_anyAttribute(Att,SchemaAtts2,XMLEl,S) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ check_attributes(Atts,SchemaAtts2,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ acc_errs(S,Reason),CheckedAtts);
+ {Att2,S2} ->
+ check_attributes(Atts,SchemaAtts2,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ S2,[Att2|CheckedAtts])
+ end
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,{internal_error,Other}},
+ check_attributes(Atts,SchemaAtts,XMLEl,XsiFactors,
+ acc_errs(S,Err),CheckedAtts)
+ end.
+check_anyAttribute(Att,SchemaAtts,El=#xmlElement{name=Name,namespace=NS},S) ->
+ case [Any||Any={anyAttribute,_}<-SchemaAtts] of
+ [] ->
+ {error,{error_path(El,Name),?MODULE,
+ {attribute_not_defined_in_schema,
+ Att#xmlAttribute.name}}};
+ [{_,{Namespace,PC}}|_] ->
+ case check_anyAttribute_namespace(Namespace,NS) of
+ ok ->
+ check_anyAttribute2(Namespace,PC,Att,NS,S);
+ _ ->
+ {error,{error_path(El,Name),?MODULE,
+ {disallowed_namespace,Namespace,
+ NS,Att#xmlAttribute.name}}}
+ end
+ end.
+check_anyAttribute2(_,PC,Att,_,S) when PC==skip;PC==lax ->
+ {Att,S};
+check_anyAttribute2(_Namespace,_,Att,_NS,S) ->
+ %% PC == strict
+ {Att,S}.
+check_anyAttribute_namespace(['##any'|_],_NS) ->
+ ok;
+check_anyAttribute_namespace([absent],_NS) ->
+ ok;
+check_anyAttribute_namespace([NS|_],NS) ->
+ ok;
+check_anyAttribute_namespace([{'not',NS}|_],NS) ->
+ false;
+check_anyAttribute_namespace([_H|T],NS) ->
+ check_anyAttribute_namespace2(T,NS).
+check_anyAttribute_namespace2([NS|_],NS) ->
+ ok;
+check_anyAttribute_namespace2([_H|T],NS) ->
+ check_anyAttribute_namespace2(T,NS);
+check_anyAttribute_namespace2([],_NS) ->
+ false.
+resolve_attributeGroups(SchemaAtts,El,S) ->
+ resolve_attributeGroups(SchemaAtts,El,S,[],[]).
+resolve_attributeGroups([AG={attributeGroup,_}|SchemaAtts],El,S,Parents,Acc) ->
+ case resolve(AG,S) of
+ {#schema_attribute_group{name=Name,content=AGC},_S2} ->
+ case {member(Name,Parents),S#xsd_state.redefine} of
+ {true,false} ->
+ Err = {error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {cirkular_attributeGroup_reference,Name}},
+ resolve_attributeGroups(SchemaAtts,El,acc_errs(S,Err),
+ Parents,Acc);
+ {true,_} ->
+ resolve_attributeGroups(SchemaAtts,El,S,Parents,Acc);
+ _ ->
+ resolve_attributeGroups(AGC++[marker|SchemaAtts],
+ El,S,[Name|Parents],Acc)
+ end;
+ Err ->
+ ErrMsg={error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {schema_error,unexpected_object,AG,Err}},
+ resolve_attributeGroups(SchemaAtts,El,acc_errs(S,ErrMsg),
+ Parents,Acc)
+ end;
+resolve_attributeGroups([marker|T],El,S,[_P|Ps],Acc) ->
+ resolve_attributeGroups(T,El,S,Ps,Acc);
+resolve_attributeGroups([H|T],El,S,Parents,Acc) ->
+ resolve_attributeGroups(T,El,S,Parents,[H|Acc]);
+resolve_attributeGroups([],_,_,_,Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+check_type(Type=#schema_simple_type{},Value,FacetS,S) ->
+ check_simpleType(Type,Value,FacetS,S);
+check_type({simpleType,{anySimpleType,_}},Value, _FacetS,S) ->
+ {Value,S};
+check_type({union,Types},Value,_FacetS,S) ->
+ check_union_types(Types,Value,S);
+check_type(ST={simpleType,QName={Name,_Scope,_NS}},Value, FacetS,S) ->
+ case is_builtin_simple_type(QName) of
+ true ->
+ {ConstrainedValue,S2} =
+ constrained(QName,default_facets(FacetS,Name),Value,S),
+ case xmerl_xsd_type:check_simpleType(Name,ConstrainedValue,S2) of
+ {ok,_} when Name=='IDREF';Name=='IDREFS' ->
+ %% do something more
+ {ConstrainedValue,S2};
+ {ok,_} ->
+ {ConstrainedValue,S2};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ ?debug("Error validating type: ~p~nwith value: ~p~n",[Name,Value]),
+ {Value,acc_errs(S2,Reason)}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ case resolve(ST,S) of
+ {[],S2} ->
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,{could_not_resolve_type,ST}},
+ {Value,acc_errs(S2,Err)};
+ {RefedST,S2} ->
+ check_type(RefedST,Value, unapplied,S2)
+ end
+ end;
+check_type(Type,Value, _FacetS,S) ->
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,{could_not_check_value_for_type,Type}},
+ ?debug("ERROR: not implemented: ~p~nfor value: ~p~n",[Type,Value]),
+ {Value,acc_errs(S,Err)}.
+ facets=Facets,content=Type},
+ Value,FacetS,S) ->
+ case {BT,Type} of
+ {{_ST,_,_},_} ->
+ case is_builtin_simple_type(BT) of
+ true ->
+ {ConstrainedValue,S2} =
+ constrained(BT,merge_facets(default_facets(FacetS,BT),Facets),Value,S),
+ {_,_S3} = check_type({simpleType,BT},ConstrainedValue,applied,S2);
+ _ ->
+ case resolve({simpleType,BT},S) of
+ {BaseST=#schema_simple_type{facets=Facets2},_} ->
+ check_simpleType(BaseST#schema_simple_type{facets=Facets++Facets2},Value,unapplied,S);
+ _ ->
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,{unknown_simpleType,BT}},
+ {Value,acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end
+ end;
+ {_,[CT]} ->
+ {_,_S2} = check_type(CT,Value,unapplied,S)
+ end.
+check_union_types(Types,Value,S) ->
+ check_union_types(Types,Types,Value,S).
+check_union_types([],UT,Value,S) ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{value_not_valid,Value,UT}});
+check_union_types([T|Ts],UT,Value,S = #xsd_state{errors=Errs}) ->
+ case check_type(T,Value,unapplied,S) of
+ {Val,S2=#xsd_state{errors=Errs}} ->
+ {Val,S2};
+ {_,_} ->
+ check_union_types(Ts,UT,Value,S)
+ end.
+ when RA==type;RA==nil;RA==schemaLocation;RA==noNamespaceSchemaLocation ->
+ true;
+reserved_attribute(#xmlAttribute{name=Name},#xmlNamespace{nodes=NSNodes}) ->
+ NameStr = if
+ is_atom(Name) -> atom_to_list(Name);
+ true -> Name
+ end,
+ case string:tokens(NameStr,":") of
+ ["xmlns"|_] ->
+ true;
+ [Prefix,InstAtt] when InstAtt=="type";
+ InstAtt=="nil";
+ InstAtt=="schemaLocation";
+ InstAtt=="noNamespaceSchemaLocation" ->
+ case keyNsearch(?XSD_INSTANCE_NAMESPACE,2,NSNodes,[]) of
+ {Prefix,_} ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+reserved_attribute(_,_) ->
+ false.
+default_facets(applied,_) ->
+ [];
+default_facets(_,Type) ->
+ default_facets(Type).
+default_facets({Name,_,_}) when is_list(Name) ->
+ %% Type already proven to be a built in simple type
+ default_facets(list_to_atom(Name));
+default_facets({Name,_,_}) ->
+ default_facets(Name);
+default_facets(TypeName) ->
+ case is_xsd_string(TypeName) of
+ false ->
+ [{whiteSpace,"collapse"}];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
+merge_facets([],DefinedF) ->
+ DefinedF;
+merge_facets([F={Name,_}|Rest],DefinedF) ->
+ %% At this moment only F has the allowed value
+ merge_facets(Rest,keyreplace(Name,1,DefinedF,F)).
+constrained({T,_,_},Facets,Value,S) ->
+ FacetFuns = [facet_fun(T,F)||F<-Facets],
+ constrained2(FacetFuns,Value,S).
+constrained2([],Value,S) ->
+ {Value,S};
+constrained2([Facet|RestFacets],Value,S) ->
+ case Facet(Value) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ constrained2(RestFacets,Value,acc_errs(S,Reason));
+ {ok,NewValue} ->
+ constrained2(RestFacets,NewValue,S)
+ end.
+id_constraints(CMEl,XMLEl,S) ->
+ S1 = check_uniqueness(CMEl#schema_element.uniqueness,
+ XMLEl,S),
+ S2 = check_keys([X||{key,X}<-CMEl#schema_element.key],XMLEl,S1),
+ prepare_keyrefs([X||{keyref,X}<-CMEl#schema_element.key],XMLEl,S2).
+check_abstract(ElName,El,#schema_element{name=ElName,abstract=true},S) ->
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {abstract_element_instance,ElName}});
+check_abstract(ElName,_El,#schema_element{name=ElName},S) ->
+ S;
+check_abstract(ElName,El,#schema_element{},S) ->
+ {XMLEl,_S2} = load_object({element,ElName},S),
+ check_abstract(ElName,El,XMLEl,S).
+%% Check of form compliance.
+%% Globally declared elements may be qualified even though
+%% elementformdefault = "unqualified".
+%% If ActualFormValue = "qualified" locally defined names must be
+%% explicitly or implicitly qualified.
+%% check_form({LocalName,Scope,Namespace},LocalName,
+%% InstanceNamespace,ActualFormDefault,S) -> NewS
+ El=#xmlElement{name=Name,namespace=NS},qualified,S) ->
+ case NS#xmlNamespace.default of
+ Namespace ->
+ S;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,Name),?MODULE,
+ {qualified_name_required,LocalName}})
+ end;
+check_form({LocalName,_,_},LocalName,_El,_ActualFormDefault,S) ->
+ S;
+check_form({_LocalName,[],_},_QualifiedName,_El,_ActualFormDefault,S) ->
+ S;
+check_form({_LocalName,_,_},QualifiedName,El,unqualified,S) ->
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {unqualified_name_required,QualifiedName}});
+check_form({_LocalName,_,_},_QualifiedName,_El,_ActualFormDefault,S) ->
+ S.
+actual_form_value(undefined,GlobalForm) ->
+ GlobalForm;
+actual_form_value(LocalForm,_) ->
+ LocalForm.
+check_uniqueness(undefined,_,S) ->
+ S;
+check_uniqueness(Unique,XMLEl,S) ->
+ case Unique of
+ [{unique,#id_constraint{selector={selector,SelectorPath},
+ fields=Fields}}] ->
+ TargetNodeSet = target_node_set(SelectorPath,XMLEl,S),
+ case qualified_node_set(Fields,TargetNodeSet,XMLEl,S) of
+ {[],S1} -> S1;
+ {[_E],S1} -> S1;
+ {L,S1} when is_list(L) ->
+ key_sequence_uniqueness(L,XMLEl,S1)
+ end;
+ _ -> S
+ end.
+target_node_set(SelectorPath,XMLEl,S) ->
+ xmerl_xpath:string(SelectorPath,XMLEl,
+ [{namespace,S#xsd_state.namespace_nodes}]).
+qualified_node_set(Fields,Set,El,S) ->
+ qualified_node_set([X||{field,X} <- Fields],Set,El,S,[]).
+qualified_node_set([],_Set,_El,S,Acc) ->
+ {Acc,S};
+qualified_node_set(_,[],_El,S,Acc) ->
+ {Acc,S};
+qualified_node_set(Paths,[QN|QNs],El,S,Acc) ->
+ Fun = fun(P,Sx) ->
+ case apply_field(P,QN,Sx) of
+ L when length(L) =< 1 -> % Part1:
+ {L,Sx};
+ Err ->
+ RetErr =
+ {error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {illegal_key_sequence_value,Err}},
+ {[],acc_errs(Sx,RetErr)}
+ end
+ end,
+ {KeySequence,S2} = mapfoldl(Fun,S,Paths),
+ qualified_node_set(Paths,QNs,El,S2,[flatten(KeySequence)|Acc]).
+apply_field(F,El,S) ->
+ %% xmerl_xpath:string returns a list
+ xmerl_xpath:string(F,El,[{namespace,S#xsd_state.namespace_nodes}]).
+check_keys([],_XMLEl,S) ->
+ S;
+ fields=Fields}|Keys],XMLEl,S) ->
+ TargetNodeSet = target_node_set(SelectorPath,XMLEl,S),
+ S3=
+ case qualified_node_set(Fields,TargetNodeSet,XMLEl,S) of
+ {L,S1} when length(L)==length(TargetNodeSet) ->
+ %% Part1:
+ S2 = key_sequence_uniqueness(L,XMLEl,S1),
+ save_key(Key#id_constraint{key_sequence=L},S2),
+ S2;
+ {Err,S1} ->
+ acc_errs(S1,{error_path(XMLEl,XMLEl#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {qualified_node_set_not_correct_for_key,Err}})
+ end,
+ check_keys(Keys,XMLEl,S3).
+%% A reference to a key may occur in another environment than the key
+%% was defined. Thus the key must be referenced after the whole
+%% document has been processed. At this moment save the info about the
+%% keyref and compare it with the key later.
+prepare_keyrefs([],_XMLEl,S) ->
+ S;
+ fields=Fields}|Rest],XMLEl,S) ->
+ TargetNodeSet = target_node_set(SelectorPath,XMLEl,S),
+ {L,S1} = qualified_node_set(Fields,TargetNodeSet,XMLEl,S),
+ save_keyref(KeyRef#id_constraint{key_sequence=L},S1),
+ prepare_keyrefs(Rest,XMLEl,S1).
+%% key_sequence_uniqueness(KeySequence,XMLElement,State)
+%% Each element in KeySequence has same length and is a list of one or
+%% more elements. key_sequence_uniqueness/2 checks that no two
+%% elements has equal values. If it detects two (or more) elements
+%% that have equal first subelements it must continue comparing the
+%% other subelements of those elements. It returns the state with all
+%% detected errors saved.
+key_sequence_uniqueness([],_,S) ->
+ S;
+key_sequence_uniqueness([_H],_,S) ->
+ S;
+key_sequence_uniqueness([KS=[F1|FRest]|KSs],El,S) ->
+ case is_key_sequence_equal(F1,KSs) of
+ {true,TailOfEquals} ->
+ S1 =
+ case k_s_u(FRest,TailOfEquals,S) of
+ true ->
+ acc_errs(S,{error_path(El,El#xmlElement.name),?MODULE,
+ {key_value_not_unique,KS}});
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end,
+ key_sequence_uniqueness(KSs,El,S1);
+ false ->
+ key_sequence_uniqueness(KSs,El,S)
+ end.
+k_s_u([],_,_) ->
+ true;
+k_s_u([F|Fs],KSs,S) ->
+ case is_key_sequence_equal(F,KSs) of
+ {true,TailOfEquals} ->
+ k_s_u(Fs,TailOfEquals,S);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+is_key_sequence_equal(F,KSs) ->
+ is_key_sequence_equal(F,KSs,[]).
+is_key_sequence_equal(_F,[],[]) ->
+ false;
+is_key_sequence_equal(_F,[],Acc) ->
+ {true,reverse(Acc)};
+is_key_sequence_equal(F,[[F1|TlF1]|Rest],Acc) ->
+ case is_key_el_equal(F,F1) of
+ true ->
+ is_key_sequence_equal(F,Rest,[TlF1|Acc]);
+ false ->
+ is_key_sequence_equal(F,Rest,Acc)
+ end.
+%% This test must be more elaborated considering the equal facet
+is_key_el_equal(#xmlElement{content=C1},#xmlElement{content=C2}) ->
+ %% content must be empty or text since elements must be of
+ %% simpleType
+ is_equal_content(C1,C2);
+is_key_el_equal(#xmlAttribute{value=V1},#xmlAttribute{value=V1}) ->
+ true;
+is_key_el_equal(_,_) ->
+ false.
+ when is_record(T1,xmlText),is_record(T2,xmlText) ->
+ case is_whitespace(T1) of
+ true ->
+ case is_whitespace(T2) of
+ true ->
+ is_equal_content(Rest1,Rest2);
+ _ ->
+ is_equal_content(Rest1,[T2|Rest2])
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ case T1#xmlText.value==T2#xmlText.value of
+ true ->
+ is_equal_content(Rest1,Rest2);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end;
+is_equal_content([],[]) ->
+ true;
+is_equal_content(_,_) ->
+ false.
+schema_concistence_checks(S) ->
+ S2 = check_keyrefs(S),
+ S3 = check_references(S2),
+ S4 = check_substitutionGroups(S3#xsd_state.substitutionGroups,S3),
+ S5 = check_cyclic_defs(S4),
+ reset_state(S5).
+reset_state(S) ->
+ S#xsd_state{keyrefs=[],
+ 'IDs'=[],
+ unchecked_references=[],
+ substitutionGroups=[],
+ derived_types=[],
+ circularity_stack=[],
+ circularity_disallowed=[]}.
+check_keyrefs(S) ->
+ KeyRefs = S#xsd_state.keyrefs,
+ %% check that a key exists with same name as each keyref
+ KeyExist =
+ fun({keyref,Name,Refer},S_in) ->
+ case load_key(Refer,S_in) of
+ Key=#id_constraint{} ->
+ check_keyref_cardinality(Name,
+ load_keyref(Name,S_in),
+ Key,S_in);
+% S_in;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S_in,{[],?MODULE,
+ {keyref_missed_matching_key,Refer}})
+ end;
+ (Other,S_in) ->
+ acc_errs(S_in,{[],?MODULE,
+ {keyref_unexpected_object,Other}})
+ end,
+ foldl(KeyExist, S, KeyRefs).
+ K=#id_constraint{fields=KeyFs},S) ->
+ case length(KeyRefFs) == length(KeyFs) of
+ true ->
+ S;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,
+ {cardinality_of_fields_not_equal,KR,K}})
+ end;
+check_keyref_cardinality(Name,_,_,S) ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{could_not_load_keyref,Name}}).
+check_references(S) when is_record(S,xsd_state) ->
+ check_references(S#xsd_state.unchecked_references,S).
+check_references([],S) ->
+ S;
+check_references([H|T],S) ->
+ check_references(T,check_reference(H,S)).
+check_reference(Ref={attribute,_},S) ->
+ case load_object(Ref,S) of
+ {#schema_attribute{},S2} ->
+ S2;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{reference_undeclared,attribute,Ref}})
+ end;
+check_reference(Ref={element,_},S) ->
+ case load_object(Ref,S) of
+ {#schema_element{},S2} ->
+ S2;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{reference_undeclared,element,Ref}})
+ end;
+check_reference(Ref={attributeGroup,_},S) ->
+ case load_object(Ref,S) of
+ {#schema_attribute_group{},S2} ->
+ S2;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{reference_undeclared,attributeGroup,Ref}})
+ end;
+check_reference(Ref={group,_},S) ->
+ case load_object(Ref,S) of
+ {#schema_group{},S2} -> S2;
+ _ -> acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{reference_undeclared,group,Ref}})
+ end;
+check_reference(Ref={simpleType,_},S) ->
+ case load_object(Ref,S) of
+ {#schema_simple_type{},S2} -> S2;
+ _ -> acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{reference_undeclared,simpleType,Ref}})
+ end;
+check_reference(Ref={complexType,_},S) ->
+ case load_object(Ref,S) of
+ {#schema_complex_type{},S2} -> S2;
+ _ -> acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{reference_undeclared,complexType,Ref}})
+ end;
+check_reference({simple_or_complex_Type,Ref},S=#xsd_state{errors=Errs}) ->
+ %% complex or simple type
+ case check_reference({complexType,Ref},S) of
+ S2=#xsd_state{errors=Errs} -> S2;
+ _ -> check_reference({simpleType,Ref},S)
+ end;
+check_reference(Ref,S) ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{internal_error,unknown_reference,Ref}}).
+%% Substitution groups should be checked for cirkular references
+%% (invalid), that reference structure and type structure are
+%% concistent.
+check_substitutionGroups([],S) ->
+ S;
+check_substitutionGroups(SGs,S) ->
+ S2 = check_substGr_acyclic(SGs,S),
+ S3 = check_substGr_type_structure(SGs,S2),
+ save_substitutionGroup(SGs,S3).
+check_substGr_acyclic(SGs,S) ->
+ Set = sofs:family(SGs),
+ case catch sofs:family_to_digraph(Set, [acyclic]) of
+ {'EXIT',{cyclic,_}} ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{cyclic_substitutionGroup,SGs}});
+ DG ->
+ digraph:delete(DG),
+ S
+ end.
+check_substGr_type_structure([SG|SGs],S) ->
+ check_substGr_type_structure(SGs,check_substGr_type_structure2(SG,S));
+check_substGr_type_structure([],S) ->
+ S.
+check_substGr_type_structure2({Head,SGMembers},S) ->
+ TypeCheck =
+ fun(SG,S_in) ->
+ case catch cmp_substGr_types(Head,SG,S_in) of
+ {'EXIT',_} ->
+ acc_errs(S_in,{[],?MODULE,
+ {substitutionGroup_error,Head,SG}});
+ S_out -> S_out
+ end
+ end,
+ foldl(TypeCheck,S,SGMembers).
+cmp_substGr_types(Head,SG,S) ->
+ {HeadElement,S2} = load_object({element,Head},S),
+ {MemberElement,S3} = load_object({element,SG},S2),
+ case catch derived_or_equal(MemberElement#schema_element.type,
+ HeadElement#schema_element.type,
+ [],S3) of
+ S4=#xsd_state{} ->
+ S4;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S3,{[],?MODULE,{internal_error,derived_or_equal,
+ MemberElement#schema_element.type,
+ HeadElement#schema_element.type}})
+ end.
+check_cyclic_defs(S=#xsd_state{circularity_disallowed=CA}) ->
+ Set = sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:relation(CA)),
+ case catch sofs:family_to_digraph(Set, [acyclic]) of
+ {'EXIT',{cyclic,_}} ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{cyclic_definition,CA}});
+ DG ->
+ digraph:delete(DG),
+ S
+ end.
+derived_or_equal(Type,Type,_Block,S) ->
+ S;
+derived_or_equal([MemberTypeRef],[HeadTypeRef],Block,S) ->
+ %% HeadType has to be a
+ {HeadType,_} = resolve(HeadTypeRef,S),
+ {MemberType,_} = resolve(MemberTypeRef,S),
+ derived_or_equal_types(MemberType,HeadType,schema,Block,S).
+derived_or_equal_types(MemT,{anyType,_},Env,Block,S) ->
+ case MemT of
+ #schema_simple_type{content=Cntnt} ->
+ is_derivation_blocked(Env,Block,Cntnt,S);
+ #schema_complex_type{content=Cntnt} ->
+ is_derivation_blocked(Env,Block,Cntnt,S);
+ _ -> S
+ end;
+ #schema_simple_type{name=Head},Env,Block,S)
+ when Mem==Head;MemBase==Head ->
+ is_derivation_blocked(Env,Block,MemT#schema_simple_type.content,S);
+ {simpleType,Name},_Env,_Block,S) ->
+ S;
+ {simpleType,Name},Env,Block,S) ->
+ is_derivation_blocked(Env,Block,Content,S);
+ SimpleType,Env,Block,S) when LoU==list;LoU==union ->
+ {NewMemType,S2}=resolve(Content,S),
+ derived_or_equal_types(NewMemType,SimpleType,Env,Block,S2);
+ #schema_complex_type{name=Head},Env,Block,S)
+ when Mem==Head;MemBase==Head ->
+ is_derivation_blocked(Env,Block,MemT#schema_complex_type.content,S);
+derived_or_equal_types(MemT,HeadT,_Env,_Block,S) ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{type_of_element_not_derived,MemT,HeadT}}).
+is_derivation_blocked(schema,_,_,S) ->
+ S;
+is_derivation_blocked(instance,['#all'],Derivation,S) ->
+ acc_errs(S,{derivation_blocked,'#all',Derivation});
+is_derivation_blocked(instance,[],_,S) ->
+ S;
+is_derivation_blocked(instance,Block,C=[{Derivation,_}],S) ->
+ case member(Derivation,Block) of
+ true ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{derivation_blocked,Derivation,C}});
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end;
+is_derivation_blocked(instance,_Block,_,S) ->
+ S.
+create_attribute(QName,Value) ->
+ {Name,_Scope,NSName} = QName,
+ #xmlAttribute{name=Name,namespace={Name,NSName},value=Value}.
+%% mk_name(L), L must be a list in reversed order
+mk_name(L) ->
+ mk_name(L,[]).
+mk_name([],_Acc) ->
+ [];
+mk_name([H],[]) ->
+ H;
+mk_name([H],Acc) ->
+ list_to_atom(lists:concat([H,'_'|Acc]));
+mk_name([H|T],[]) ->
+ mk_name(T,[H]);
+mk_name([H1|T],Acc) ->
+ mk_name(T,[H1,'_'|Acc]).
+cmp_name({LName,Scope,NS},{LName,Scope,NS},_S) ->
+ true;
+%% substitutionGroup allows different names
+cmp_name(XMLName={_,Scope,NS},CMName={_,Scope,NS},S) ->
+ {El,_S2} = load_object({element,XMLName},S),
+ cmp_SG_name(El,CMName,S);
+cmp_name(_,_,_) ->
+ false.
+cmp_SG_name(#schema_element{substitutionGroup=Name},Name,_S) ->
+ true;
+cmp_SG_name(#schema_element{substitutionGroup=SGName},CMName,S) ->
+ cmp_name(SGName,CMName,S);
+cmp_SG_name(_,_,_) ->
+ false.
+%% Namespace: [{not,NS} | NS]
+cmp_any_namespace({_,_,EIINS},Namespace,_S) ->
+ case member(EIINS,Namespace) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ case keysearch(EIINS,2,Namespace) of
+ {value,{'not',EIINS}} ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ true
+ end
+ end.
+at_least_one({_Min,Max}) when Max > 0 ->
+ true;
+at_least_one(_) ->
+ false.
+is_optional({element,{_,{0,_}}},_S) ->
+ true;
+is_optional({any,{_,{0,_},_}},_S) ->
+ true;
+ when MG =:= all; MG =:= sequence; MG =:= choice ->
+ true;
+ when MG =:= all; MG =:= sequence; MG =:= choice ->
+ case member(false,[is_optional(Y,S)||Y<-CM]) of
+ true ->
+ false;
+ _ -> true
+ end;
+is_optional({group,{_,{0,_}}},_S) ->
+ true;
+is_optional(G={group,_},S) ->
+ case resolve(G,S) of
+ {#schema_group{content=[]},_} ->
+ true;
+ {#schema_group{content=[CM]},_} ->
+ is_optional(CM,S)
+ end;
+is_optional(_,_) ->
+ false.
+acc_errs(S=#xsd_state{errors=Errs},ErrMsg) ->
+ S#xsd_state{errors=[ErrMsg|Errs]}.
+%% invoked with an element/XML-node and a name of the
+error_path([H|_T],Top) when H==#xmlElement{};H==#xmlText{} ->
+ error_path(H,Top);
+error_path([_H|T],Top) ->
+ error_path(T,Top);
+error_path(#xmlElement{parents=Ps,pos=Pos},Top) ->
+ error_path(Ps,Pos,Top);
+error_path(#xmlAttribute{parents=Ps,pos=Pos},Top) ->
+ error_path(Ps,Pos,Top);
+error_path(#xmlText{parents=Ps,pos=Pos},Top) ->
+ error_path(Ps,Pos,Top);
+error_path(_,_) ->
+ [].
+error_path([],Pos,Top) when is_integer(Pos) ->
+ mk_xpath_path([{Top,Pos}]);
+error_path([],_,Top) ->
+ Top;
+error_path(Nodes,_,_) ->
+ mk_xpath_path(Nodes).
+mk_xpath_path(Nodes) ->
+ Slash =
+ fun([H1,H2|T],Fun,Acc) -> Fun([H2|T],Fun,["/",H1|Acc]);
+ ([H1],_,Acc) -> [H1|Acc];
+ ([],_,Acc) -> Acc
+ end,
+ flatten(Slash([lists:concat([A,"[",B,"]"])||{A,B}<-Nodes],Slash,[])).
+resolve(XSDType,InstanceEl,S) ->
+ explicit_type(XSDType,InstanceEl,S).
+resolve([H],S) ->
+ resolve(H,S);
+resolve(Any={any,_},S) ->
+ {Any,S};
+resolve(Any={anyAttribute,_},S) ->
+ {Any,S};
+resolve(Any={anyType,_},S) ->
+ {Any,S};
+resolve(Seq={sequence,_},S) ->
+ {Seq,S};
+resolve(Choice={choice,_},S) ->
+ {Choice,S};
+resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,QN},S) ->
+%% case load_object({simpleType,QN},S) of
+ case resolve({simpleType,QN},S) of
+ Res={#schema_simple_type{},_S1} ->
+ Res;
+ {[],_S} ->
+ case load_object({complexType,QN},S) of
+ {[],_} ->
+ ?debug("could not load object ~p~n",
+ [{simple_or_complex_Type,QN}]),
+ {[],S};
+ T ->
+ T
+ end;
+ T ->
+ T
+ end;
+resolve({complexType,{anyType,_,_}},S) ->
+ {{anyType,[]},S};
+resolve({simpleType,{anyType,_,_}},S) ->
+ {{anyType,[]},S};
+resolve(ST={simpleType,NameNS={_,_,_}},S) ->
+ case load_object(ST,S) of
+ {[],_S} -> case is_builtin_simple_type(NameNS) of
+ true ->
+ {ST,S};
+ _ ->
+ {[],S}
+ end;
+ Obj ->
+ %resolve(Obj,S)
+ Obj
+ end;
+resolve({substitutionGroup,QName},S) ->
+ %% This shall resolve to the type of the element QName
+ case load_object({element,QName},S) of
+ Ret = {[],_S} -> Ret;
+ {#schema_element{type=[Type]},S2} ->
+ case Type of
+ {simple_or_complex_Type,_} ->
+ resolve(Type,S2);
+ _ ->
+ {Type,S2}
+ end;
+ {#schema_element{type=Type},S2} ->
+ {Type,S2}
+ end;
+resolve({extension,{BaseType,CM}},S) ->
+ case is_builtin_simple_type(BaseType) of
+ true ->
+ {{simpleType,BaseType},S};
+ _ ->
+ case resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,BaseType},S) of
+ {ST = #schema_simple_type{},_} ->
+ {ST,S}; %% any attributes in CM are already
+ %% propagated to the outer complex type.
+ {CT = #schema_complex_type{content=C},_} ->
+ {NewC,S2} = extend_type(C,CM,S),
+ {CT#schema_complex_type{content=NewC},S2};
+ T -> T
+ end
+ end;
+resolve({restriction,{BaseType,CM}},S) ->
+ case is_builtin_simple_type(BaseType) of
+ true ->
+ {{simpleType,BaseType},S};
+ _ ->
+ case resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,BaseType},S) of
+ {ST = #schema_simple_type{content=C},_} ->
+ {NewContent,S2} = restrict_simple_type(C,CM,BaseType,S),
+ {ST#schema_simple_type{content=NewContent},S2};
+ %% the outer complex type.
+ {CT = #schema_complex_type{content=C},_} ->
+ {NewContent,S2} = restrict_type(C,CM,BaseType,S),
+ {CT#schema_complex_type{content=NewContent},S2};
+ T -> T
+ end
+ end;
+resolve(optional_text,S) ->
+ {optional_text,S};
+resolve(E,S) ->
+ ?debug("resolve(~p, S)~n",[E]),
+ load_object(E,S).
+%% explicit_type checks whether the instance element is of an explicit
+%% type pointed out by xsi:type. A type refernced by xsi:type must be
+%% the same as, or derived from the instance element's type. Concluded
+%% from 3.4.6 section "Schema Component Constraint: Type Derivation OK
+%% (Complex)".
+explicit_type(XSDType,InstanceEl=#xmlElement{namespace=NS,attributes=Atts},S) ->
+ case get_instance_type(NS,Atts) of
+ false ->
+ resolve(XSDType,S);
+ {ok,Name} ->
+ %% Create a {name,scope,namespace}, what is scope?
+ %% assume scope always is at top for the referenced type.
+ QName = mk_EII_QName(Name,InstanceEl,S#xsd_state{scope=[]}),
+ %% The type referenced by "xsi:type" attribute must be a
+ %% legal substitution for InstanceEl: "xsi:type" is the
+ %% same as or a derivation from InstanceEl's type.
+ {XsiType,S2} = resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,QName},S),
+ {_Blocks,S3} = legal_substitution(InstanceEl,XsiType,S2),
+%% {ResXSDType,S4} = resolve(XSDType,S3),
+ {XsiType,S3}
+%% merge_derived_types(ResXSDType,XsiType,Blocks,xsitype,S4)
+ end.
+get_instance_type(#xmlNamespace{nodes=Nodes},Atts) ->
+ case keyNsearch(?XSD_INSTANCE_NAMESPACE,2,Nodes,[]) of
+ {Prefix,_} ->
+ TypeAtt = list_to_atom(Prefix++":type"),
+ case keyNsearch(TypeAtt,#xmlAttribute.name,Atts,[]) of
+ #xmlAttribute{value=Value} ->
+ {ok,Value};
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+merge_derived_types(Type1,Type2,Mode,S) ->
+ merge_derived_types(Type1,Type2,[],Mode,S).
+merge_derived_types(Type,Type,_Blocks,_Mode,S) ->
+ {Type,S};
+merge_derived_types(XSDType,InstType,Blocks,Mode,S) ->
+ case catch merge_derived_types2(XSDType,InstType,Blocks,Mode,S) of
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ {InstType,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{internal_error,merge_derived_types,Reason}})};
+ {error,S2} ->
+ {InstType,S2};
+ {MergedType,S2} ->
+ save_merged_type(MergedType,S2),
+ {MergedType,S2}
+ end.
+ InstType=#schema_complex_type{},Blocks,Mode,S) ->
+ %% InstType is the type of the instance element that may reference
+ %% a type that is an extension/restriction of the XSDType.
+ %% Alternatively XSDType is the base type and InstType the derived
+ %% type or XSDType is the original type that is redefined into
+ %% InstType.
+ %%
+ %% complexType can turn into:
+ %% simpleContent | complexContent
+ %% simpleContent -> restriction
+ %% complexContent -> restriction | extension
+ %% of course also one of:
+ %% ((group | all | choice | sequence)?,
+ %% ((attribute | attributeGroup)*,anyAttribute?))))
+ %% but then it shouldn't be any difference between XSDType
+ %% and InstType
+ case InstType#schema_complex_type.content of
+ [{extension,{BaseTypeName,CM}}] ->
+ {ExtendedAtts,S2} =
+ extend_attributes(XSDType#schema_complex_type.attributes,
+ InstType#schema_complex_type.attributes,
+ BaseTypeName,CM,Mode,
+ allowed_derivation(extension,Blocks,S)),
+ case compare_base_types(BaseTypeName,XSDType,S2) of
+ ok ->
+ {NewContent,S3} =
+ extend_type(XSDType#schema_complex_type.content,CM,S2),
+ {InstType#schema_complex_type{attributes=ExtendedAtts,
+ content=NewContent},S3};
+ Err ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S2,Err)}
+ end;
+ [{restriction,{BaseTypeName,CM}}] ->
+ {RestrictedAtts,S2} =
+ restrict_attributes(XSDType#schema_complex_type.attributes,
+ InstType#schema_complex_type.attributes,
+ allowed_derivation(restriction,Blocks,S)),
+ case compare_base_types(BaseTypeName,XSDType,S2) of
+ ok ->
+ {NewContent,S3}=
+ case InstType#schema_complex_type.complexity of
+ simple ->
+ restrict_simple_type(XSDType#schema_complex_type.content,CM,BaseTypeName,S2);
+ _ ->
+ restrict_type(XSDType#schema_complex_type.content,CM,BaseTypeName,S2)
+ end,
+ {InstType#schema_complex_type{attributes=RestrictedAtts,
+ content=NewContent},S3};
+ Err ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,Err)}
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{unexpected_type,Other}})}
+ end;
+ InstType=#schema_simple_type{},Blocks,_Mode,S) ->
+ case InstType#schema_simple_type.content of
+ [{restriction,{BaseTypeName,CM}}] ->
+ case compare_base_types(BaseTypeName,XSDType,S) of
+ ok ->
+ {NewContent,S2}=
+ restrict_simple_type(XSDType#schema_simple_type.content,CM,
+ BaseTypeName,S),
+ {InstType#schema_simple_type{content=NewContent},
+ allowed_derivation(restriction,Blocks,S2)};
+ Err ->
+ {error,allowed_derivation(restriction,Blocks,
+ acc_errs(S,Err))}
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{unexpected_type,Other})}
+ end;
+ InstType=#schema_complex_type{},Blocks,_Mode,S) ->
+ %% This is the way to add attributes to a simpleType
+ case InstType#schema_complex_type.content of
+ [{extension,{BaseTypeName,CM}}] ->
+ case compare_base_types(BaseTypeName,XSDType,S) of
+ ok ->
+ {NewContent,S2} =
+ if CM==[] -> {XSDContent,S};
+ true -> extend_type(XSDContent,CM,S)
+ end,
+ {InstType#schema_complex_type{content=NewContent},
+ allowed_derivation(extension,Blocks,S2)};
+ Err ->
+ {error,allowed_derivation(extension,Blocks,
+ acc_errs(S,Err))}
+ end;
+ [{restriction,{BaseTypeName,_CM}}]
+ when InstType#schema_complex_type.complexity == simple ->
+ case compare_base_types(BaseTypeName,XSDType,S) of
+ ok ->
+ {InstType,
+ allowed_derivation(restriction,Blocks,S)};
+ Err ->
+ {error,allowed_derivation(extension,Blocks,
+ acc_errs(S,Err))}
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{unexpected_type,Other}})}
+ end;
+ InstType=#schema_complex_type{content=Content},
+ Blocks,_Mode,S) ->
+ case Content of
+ [{extension,{BuiltInType,CM}}] ->
+ {NewContent,S2} = extend_type([],CM,S),
+ {InstType#schema_complex_type{base_type=BuiltInType,
+ content=NewContent},
+ allowed_derivation(extension,Blocks,S2)};
+ [{restriction,{BuiltInType,CM}}] ->
+ {NewContent,S2} = restrict_simple_type([],CM,BuiltInType,S),
+ {InstType#schema_complex_type{base_type=BuiltInType,
+ content=NewContent},
+ allowed_derivation(restriction,Blocks,S2)};
+ Other ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{unexpected_content,Other,InstType}})}
+ end;
+merge_derived_types2(_XSDType={anyType,_},InstType,Blocks,_Mode,S) ->
+ case type_content(InstType) of
+ [{restriction,{_BaseTypeName,CM}}] ->
+ {set_type_content(InstType,CM),
+ allowed_derivation(restriction,Blocks,S)};
+ Other ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{unexpected_content,Other,InstType}})}
+ end;
+ InstType=#schema_simple_type{content=Content},
+ Blocks,_Mode,S) ->
+ case Content of
+ [{restriction,{BuiltInType,CM}}] ->
+ {InstType#schema_simple_type{base_type=BuiltInType,
+ content=CM},
+ allowed_derivation(restriction,Blocks,S)};
+ Other ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{unexpected_content,Other,InstType}})}
+ end;
+merge_derived_types2(XSDType,InstType,Blocks,Mode,S) ->
+ case {variety_type(XSDType,S),variety_type(InstType,S)} of
+ {XSDType,InstType} ->
+ {error,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{unexpected_type,XSDType,InstType}})};
+ {_XSDType2,InstType2} ->
+ case allowed_derivation(substitution,Blocks,S) of
+ S ->
+ merge_derived_types2(XSDType,InstType2,Blocks,Mode,S);
+ S2 ->
+ {error,S2}
+ end
+ end.
+variety_type(#schema_simple_type{variety=list,content=[{list,[Type]}]},S) ->
+ {VarietyType,_}=resolve(Type,S),
+ VarietyType;
+variety_type(#schema_simple_type{variety=union,content=[{union,Types}]},S) ->
+ [T||{T,_}<-[resolve(VarietyType,S)||VarietyType<-Types]];
+variety_type(Type,_S) ->
+ Type.
+allowed_derivation(_Derivation,_Blocks,S) ->
+%% case {member(Derivation,Blocks),member('#all',Blocks)} of
+%% {true,_} ->
+%% acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{derivation_blocked,Blocks,Derivation}});
+%% {_,true} ->
+%% acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{derivation_blocked,'#all',Derivation}});
+%% _ ->
+%% S
+%% end.
+ S.
+%% El is the instance element that has the xsi:type attribute with
+%% XsiType.
+legal_substitution(El=#xmlElement{name=ElName},XsiType,S) ->
+ %% See 3.3.6, Substitution Group OK (Transitive)
+ %% For ok one of following: 1) same type in El as XsiType, 2)
+ %% XsiType is a restriction/extension where El's type is the
+ %% base, 3) XsiType is a member in the substitutionGroup of
+ %% ElName.
+ QName = mk_EII_QName(ElName,El,S),
+ {HeadElement,_} = load_object({element,QName},S),
+ legal_substitution2(HeadElement,XsiType,S).
+legal_substitution2(#schema_element{type=Type,block=Bl},XsiType,S) ->
+ {HeadType,_}=resolve(Type,S),
+ Block = blocking(Bl,S#xsd_state.blockDefault),
+ S2 = derived_or_equal_types(XsiType,HeadType,instance,Block,S),
+ {Block,S2}.
+compare_base_types(QName,#schema_complex_type{name=QName},_S) ->
+ ok;
+compare_base_types(QName1,#schema_complex_type{name=QName2},_S) ->
+ {[],?MODULE,{names_not_equal,QName1,QName2}};
+compare_base_types(QName,#schema_simple_type{name=QName},_S) ->
+ ok;
+compare_base_types(QName1,#schema_simple_type{name=QName2},_S) ->
+ {[],?MODULE,{names_not_equal,QName1,QName2}}.
+%%compare_base_types(QName1,Other,_S) ->
+%% {[],?MODULE,{miss_match_base_types,QName1,Other}}.
+extend_type(Base,Extension,S) ->
+ extend_type(Base,Extension,[],S).
+%% Content may be (attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute? if
+%% it is of simpleContent or:
+%% (group | all | choice | sequence)?,((attribute | attributeGroup)*,
+%% anyAttribute?) if it is of complexContent
+extend_type([],[],Acc,S) ->
+ {reverse(Acc),S};
+ when SeqCho == sequence; SeqCho == choice ->
+ case BaseCM of
+ {SeqCho,{BC,_Occ}} ->
+ extend_type(BaseRest,ExtRest,[{SeqCho,{BC++Extension,Occ}}|Acc],S);
+ G = {group,{_Ref,_Occ}} ->
+ {ResG,S2} = resolve(G,S),
+ case ResG of
+ #schema_group{content=GC} ->
+ case keysearch(SeqCho,1,GC) of
+ {value,SCC} ->
+ extend_type([SCC|BaseRest],Ext,Acc,S);
+ _ ->
+ S3 = acc_errs(S2,{[],?MODULE,{illegal_content_in_extension,Ext}}),
+ {reverse(Acc),S3}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ S3 = acc_errs(S2,{[],?MODULE,{illegal_content_in_extension,ResG}}),
+ {reverse(Acc),S3}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ %% BaseCM may be a group that has a sequence
+ extend_type([BaseCM|BaseRest],ExtRest,[{SeqCho,{Extension,Occ}}|Acc],S)
+ end;
+extend_type(BaseCM,ExtCM,Acc,S) when is_list(BaseCM),is_list(ExtCM) ->
+ extend_type([],[],reverse(ExtCM)++reverse(BaseCM)++Acc,S).
+restrict_type(Content,CM,BaseTypeName,S) ->
+ restrict_type(Content,CM,BaseTypeName,[],S).
+%% Restriction may appear within a 1) simpleType, 2) simpleContent or
+%% 3) complexContent construct.
+%% The possible content of restriction in different contexts are:
+%% 1) (simpleType?, (Any facet)*)
+%% 2) (simpleType?, (Any facet)*),((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)
+%% 3) (group | all | choice | sequence)?,
+%% ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)
+%% A restriction of a simpleType narrows the possible values of the
+%% base type by applying facets.
+%% A restriction of a complexType (simpleContent / complexContent) must
+%% enumerate all elements, including the preserved ones of the base type.
+%% Attributes don't have to be enumerated.
+restrict_type([],[],_TypeName,Acc,S) ->
+ {reverse(Acc),S};
+restrict_type([{restriction,{_Type,CM1}}],[],_TypeName,Acc,S) ->
+ {CM1++reverse(Acc),S};
+restrict_type([{extension,{_Type,CM1}}],[],_TypeName,Acc,S) ->
+ {CM1++reverse(Acc),S};
+restrict_type(BaseRest,[ST={simpleType,_Name}|RestrRest],TypeName,Acc,S) ->
+ %% context 1 or 2
+ restrict_type(BaseRest,RestrRest,TypeName,[ST|Acc],S);
+ when SeqCho == sequence; SeqCho == choice ->
+ %% context 3
+ case BaseCM of
+ {SeqCho,{BCM,_}} ->
+ case check_element_presence(CM,BCM) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {reverse(Acc),acc_errs(S,Reason)};
+ ok ->
+ restrict_type(BaseRest,RestrRest,TypeName,
+ [{SeqCho,{CM,Occ}}|Acc],S)
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ {reverse(Acc),acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{SeqCho,expected,Other,found}})}
+ end;
+restrict_type(BaseRest,[Facet={F,_Val}|RestrRest],TypeName,Acc,S) ->
+ case is_facet(F) of
+ true ->
+ restrict_type(BaseRest,RestrRest,TypeName,[Facet|Acc],S);
+ _ ->
+ {reverse(Acc),acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{does_not_support,Facet,in_restriction}})}
+ end.
+restrict_simple_type([{restriction,{_Type,BaseCM}}],RestrCM,_TypeName,S) ->
+ restrict_simple_type(BaseCM,RestrCM,_TypeName,S);
+restrict_simple_type(CM=[{extension,{_Type,_BaseCM}}],_RestrCM,TypeName,S) ->
+ {[],acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{illegal_content_simple_type,CM,TypeName}})};
+restrict_simple_type(BaseCM,RestrCM,TypeName,S) ->
+ %% all restrictions in base comes first, then check that no one of
+ %% the facets in the restriction attempts to redefine a fixed
+ %% facet in the base. Add the facets of the restriction.
+ {Acc,S2} =
+ case BaseCM of
+ [] -> {[],S};
+ _ ->
+ restrict_simple_type([],BaseCM,TypeName,S)
+ end,
+ %% Acc = reverse(BaseCM),
+ Fun = fun(X={simpleType,_},{Acc_in,S_in})->
+ {[X|Acc_in],S_in};
+ (X={LU,_},{Acc_in,S_in}) when LU==list;LU==union ->
+ {[X|Acc_in],S_in};
+ (X={F,_},{Acc_in,S_in})->
+%% Fun = fun(X={F,_},{Acc_in,S_in})->
+ case is_facet(F) of
+ true ->
+ {[X|Acc_in],S_in};
+ _ ->
+ {Acc_in,acc_errs(S_in,{[],?MODULE,{illegal_in_restriction_of_simpleType,X}})}
+ end;
+ (X,{Acc_in,S_in}) ->
+ {Acc_in,acc_errs(S_in,{[],?MODULE,{illegal_in_restriction_of_simpleType,X}})}
+ end,
+ foldl(Fun,{Acc,S2},RestrCM).
+check_element_presence([],_BCM) ->
+ ok;
+check_element_presence([{element,{Name,_}}|CM],BCM) ->
+ case check_element_presence2(Name,BCM) of
+ {ok,BCM2} ->
+ check_element_presence(CM,BCM2);
+ _ ->
+ {error,{[],?MODULE,{element,Name,not_present_in_restriction}}}
+ end;
+check_element_presence([_C|CM],BCM) ->
+ check_element_presence(CM,BCM).
+check_element_presence2(Name,BCM) ->
+ check_element_presence2(Name,BCM,[]).
+check_element_presence2({LocalName,_,NS},[{element,{{LocalName,_,NS},_}}|BCM],Acc) ->
+ {ok,reverse(Acc)++BCM};
+check_element_presence2(Name,[E|BCM],Acc) ->
+ check_element_presence2(Name,BCM,[E|Acc]);
+check_element_presence2(_Name,[],_Acc) ->
+ error.
+%% A check of the extended attribute should take place here.
+ BaseTypeName,CM,Mode,S) ->
+ NewAtts=key_replace_or_insert(Name,2,BaseAtts,EA),
+ extend_attributes(NewAtts,ExtAtts,BaseTypeName,CM,Mode,S);
+%% Extension of wildcards should be handled as described in chapter
+%% 3.4.2 and subsection "Complex Type Definition with simple content
+%% Schema Component".
+ BaseTypeName,CM,deduce,S) ->
+ {CompleteWC,S2} = complete_wildcard(LocalWC,CM,S),
+ BaseWC = base_wildcard(BaseAtts),
+ {NewWC,S4} =
+ case BaseWC of
+ [] -> {CompleteWC,S2};
+ _ ->
+ if CompleteWC==LocalWC -> {BaseWC,S2};
+ true ->
+ {NS,S3} = attribute_wildcard_union(wc_ns(CompleteWC),
+ wc_ns(BaseWC),S2),
+ PC = wc_pc(CompleteWC),
+ {[{anyAttribute,{NS,PC}}],S3}
+ end
+ end,
+ NewBaseAtts = keyreplace(anyAttribute,1,BaseAtts,NewWC),
+ extend_attributes(NewBaseAtts,ExtAtts,BaseTypeName,CM,deduce,S4);
+extend_attributes(Atts,[],_,_,_Mode,S) ->
+ {reverse(Atts),S}.
+%% A check of the restricted attribute should take place here.
+restrict_attributes(BaseAtts,[RA|RAtts],S) ->
+%% NewAtts = keyreplace(Name,2,BaseAtts,EA),
+ {NewAtts,S2} = restrict_attribute_replace(BaseAtts,RA,S),
+ restrict_attributes(NewAtts,RAtts,S2);
+restrict_attributes(Atts,[],S) ->
+ {reverse(Atts),S}.
+restrict_attribute_replace(BaseAtts,EA={attribute,Name},S) ->
+ {keyreplace(Name,2,BaseAtts,EA),S};
+restrict_attribute_replace(BaseAtts,EA={anyAttribute,{NS,_}},S) ->
+ case key1search(anyAttribute,BaseAtts,false) of
+ false ->
+ {BaseAtts,acc_errs(S,{invalid_derivation,EA,BaseAtts})};
+ {_,{BaseNS,_}} ->
+ S2 = wildcard_subset(BaseNS,NS,S),
+ {keyreplace(anyAttribute,1,BaseAtts,EA),S2}
+ end.
+%% 3.10.6 Constraints on Wildcard Schema Components
+%% Schema Component Constraint: Wildcard Subset
+%% bullet 1:
+wildcard_subset(['##any'],_NS,S) ->
+ S;
+%% bullet 2:
+wildcard_subset([{'not',NS}],[{'not',NS}],S) ->
+ S;
+%% bullet 3:
+%% if NS has a number of namespaces all of them must be in BaseNS,
+%% if BaseNS has {not,Namespaces} neither of Namespaces must be in NS
+wildcard_subset(_,[],S) ->
+ S;
+wildcard_subset(BaseNS,NS,S) when is_list(BaseNS),is_list(NS) ->
+ case [X||X<-NS,member(X,BaseNS)] of
+ NS ->
+ S;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{wildcard_namespace,NS,
+ not_subset_of_base_namespace,BaseNS}})
+ end;
+wildcard_subset(BaseNS=[{'not',BNS}],NS,S) when is_list(NS) ->
+ case [X||X<-BNS,member(X,NS)] of
+ [] ->
+ S;
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{wildcard_namespace,NS,
+ not_subset_of_base_namespace,BaseNS}})
+ end;
+wildcard_subset(BaseNS,NS,S) ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{wildcard_namespace,NS,
+ not_subset_of_base_namespace,BaseNS}}).
+base_wildcard(BaseAtts) ->
+ key1search(anyAttribute,BaseAtts,[]).
+complete_wildcard(LocalWC,CM,S) ->
+ case keysearch(attributeGroup,1,CM) of
+ {value,AttG={_,_Name}} ->
+ case resolve(AttG,S) of
+ {#schema_attribute_group{content=Atts},_S} ->
+ case keysearch(anyAttribute,1,Atts) of
+ {value,AA} ->
+ {PC,S2} =
+ attribute_wildcard_intersection(wc_ns(LocalWC),
+ wc_ns(AA),S),
+ {{anyAttribute,{wc_pc(LocalWC),PC}},S2};
+ _ -> {LocalWC,S}
+ end;
+ _ -> {LocalWC,S}
+ end;
+ _ -> {LocalWC,S}
+ end.
+ NS;
+wc_ns(_) ->
+ [].
+ PC;
+wc_pc(_) ->
+ strict.
+%% Union of wildcard namespace:
+%% 3.10.6 Constraints on Wildcard Schema Components
+%% Schema Component Constraint: Attribute Wildcard Union
+%% bullet 1
+attribute_wildcard_union(NS,NS,S) ->
+ {NS,S};
+%% bullet 2
+attribute_wildcard_union(NS1,NS2,S) when NS1==['##any'];NS2==['##any'] ->
+ {['##any'],S};
+attribute_wildcard_union(NS1,NS2,S) ->
+ case {keysearch('not',1,NS1),keysearch('not',1,NS2)} of
+ {false,false} -> %% bullet 3
+ {NS1 ++ [X||X<-NS2,member(X,NS1)==false],S};
+ {{value,{_,Set1}},{value,{_,Set2}}} -> %% bullet 4 or 1
+ case {lists:sort(Set1),lists:sort(Set2)} of
+ {L,L} -> {[{'not',L}],S};
+ _ -> {[{'not',[absent]}],S}
+ end;
+ _ -> %% either is a {not,NS}
+ case toggle_ns(NS1,NS2) of
+ {_O1=[absent],NS3} -> %% bullet 6
+ case member(absent,NS3)of
+ true -> {['##any'],S};
+ _ -> {[{'not',[absent]}],S}
+ end;
+ {O1=[O1Name],NS4} -> %% bullet 5
+ case member(O1Name,NS4) of
+ true ->
+ case member(absent,NS4) of
+ true -> {['##any'],S}; %% 5.1
+ _ -> {[{'not',[absent]}],S} %% 5.2
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ case member(absent,NS4) of
+ true ->
+ %% not expressible 5.3
+ Err = {[],?MODULE,{wildcard_namespace_union_not_expressible,NS1,NS2}},
+ {[],acc_errs(S,Err)};
+ _ -> {[{'not',O1}],S} %% 5.4
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+%% Schema Component Constraint: Attribute Wildcard Intersection
+%% bullet 1
+attribute_wildcard_intersection(O1,O1,S) -> {O1,S};
+%% bullet 2
+attribute_wildcard_intersection(['##any'],O2,S) -> {O2,S};
+attribute_wildcard_intersection(O1,['##any'],S) -> {O1,S};
+%% bullet 6
+attribute_wildcard_intersection([{'not',[absent]}],O2=[{'not',_}],S) -> {O2,S};
+attribute_wildcard_intersection(O1=[{'not',_}],[{'not',[absent]}],S) -> {O1,S};
+%% bullet 5
+attribute_wildcard_intersection([{'not',NS1}],[{'not',NS2}],S) ->
+ case [X||X<-NS1,member(X,NS2)] of
+ [] -> {[],acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{wildcard_namespace_intersection_not_expressible,NS1,NS2}})};
+ NS3 -> {[{'not',NS3}],S}
+ end;
+%% bullet 3
+attribute_wildcard_intersection([{'not',NS}],O2,S) ->
+ {lists:delete(absent,[X||X<-O2,member(X,NS)==false]),S};
+attribute_wildcard_intersection(O1,[{'not',NS}],S) ->
+ {lists:delete(absent,[X||X<-O1,member(X,NS)==false]),S};
+%% bullet 4
+attribute_wildcard_intersection(O1,O2,S) ->
+ case [X||X<-O1,member(X,O2)] of
+ [] ->
+ {[absent],S};
+ L ->{L,S}
+ end.
+toggle_ns(NS1,NS2=[{'not',_}]) ->
+ {NS2,NS1};
+toggle_ns(NS1,NS2) ->
+ {NS1,NS2}.
+deduce_derived_types([DT|DTs],S) ->
+ deduce_derived_types(DTs,deduce_derived_type(DT,S,[]));
+deduce_derived_types([],S) ->
+ S.
+%% deduce_derived_type
+deduce_derived_type(DT={_Kind,TName},S,RefChain) ->
+ %% check circular references
+ case keymember(TName,2,RefChain) of
+ true ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{circular_reference_of_type,TName}});
+ _ ->
+ deduce_derived_type2(DT,S,[DT|RefChain])
+ end.
+deduce_derived_type2(DT,S,RefChain) ->
+ {DerivedType,_} = resolve(DT,S),
+ case is_unmerged_type(DerivedType) of
+ true ->
+ BaseTypeRef = get_base_type(DerivedType),
+ {BaseType,_} = resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,BaseTypeRef},S),
+ BaseTypeKind =
+ fun(#schema_complex_type{}) -> complexType;
+ (_) -> simpleType
+ end (BaseType),
+ case is_unmerged_type(BaseType) of
+ true ->
+ %% both derived and not deduced
+ S2 = deduce_derived_type({BaseTypeKind,BaseTypeRef},S,RefChain),
+ case S2#xsd_state.errors==S#xsd_state.errors of
+ true -> deduce_derived_type2(DT,S2,RefChain);
+ _ -> S2
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ {_,S2} = merge_derived_types(BaseType,DerivedType,deduce,S),
+ S2
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end.
+is_unmerged_type(Type) ->
+ case type_content(Type) of
+ [{restriction,_}] -> true;
+ [{extension,_}] -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+type_content(#schema_simple_type{content=C}) ->
+ C;
+type_content(#schema_complex_type{content=C}) ->
+ C;
+type_content(_) ->
+ [].
+set_type_content(Type=#schema_simple_type{},CM) ->
+ Type#schema_simple_type{content=CM};
+set_type_content(Type=#schema_complex_type{},CM) ->
+ Type#schema_complex_type{content=CM}.
+get_base_type(#schema_simple_type{base_type=BT}) ->
+ BT;
+get_base_type(#schema_complex_type{base_type=BT}) ->
+ BT.
+in_scope({Local,_Scope,_NS},S) ->
+ in_scope(Local,S);
+in_scope(Name,S=#xsd_state{scope=Scope}) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ S#xsd_state{scope=[Name|Scope]};
+in_scope(Name,S=#xsd_state{scope=Scope}) when is_list(Name) ->
+ S#xsd_state{scope=[atom_if_shortasciilist(Name)|Scope]}.
+out_scope({Local,_,_},S) ->
+ out_scope(atom_if_shortasciilist(Local),S);
+out_scope(Name,S=#xsd_state{scope=[Name|Rest]}) ->
+ S#xsd_state{scope=Rest};
+out_scope(_Name,S) ->
+ S.
+name_scope({'_xmerl_no_name_',Scope,_NS},S) ->
+ S#xsd_state{scope=Scope};
+name_scope({Name,Scope,_NS},S) ->
+ S#xsd_state{scope=[Name|Scope]}.
+reset_scope(S) ->
+ S#xsd_state{scope=[]}.
+set_scope(Scope,S) when is_list(Scope) ->
+ S#xsd_state{scope=Scope};
+set_scope(_,S) ->
+ S.
+is_global_env([_Env]) ->
+ true;
+is_global_env(_) ->
+ false.
+kind(#xmlElement{name=Name},S) ->
+ LocalName=local_name(Name),
+ is_a(LocalName,S).
+kind(#xmlElement{name=Name}) ->
+ LocalName=local_name(Name),
+ element(1,is_a(LocalName,dummy)).
+is_a(element,S) -> {element,S};
+is_a(annotation,S) -> {annotation,S};
+is_a(simpleType,S) -> {simpleType,S};
+is_a(complexType,S) -> {complexType,S};
+is_a(simpleContent,S) -> {simpleContent,S};
+is_a(complexContent,S) -> {complexContent,S};
+is_a(include,S) -> {include,S};
+is_a(import,S) -> {import,S};
+is_a(redefine,S) -> {redefine,S};
+is_a(unique,S) -> {unique,S};
+is_a(key,S) -> {key,S};
+is_a(keyref,S) -> {keyref,S};
+is_a(attribute,S) -> {attribute,S};
+is_a(attributeGroup,S) -> {attributeGroup,S};
+is_a(group,S) -> {group,S};
+is_a(all,S) -> {all,S};
+is_a(sequence,S) -> {sequence,S};
+is_a(choice,S) -> {choice,S};
+is_a(any,S) -> {any,S};
+is_a(anyAttribute,S) -> {anyAttribute,S};
+is_a(selector,S) -> {selector,S};
+is_a(field,S) -> {field,S};
+is_a(notation,S) -> {notation,S};
+is_a(appinfo,S) -> {appinfo,S};
+is_a(documentation,S) -> {documentation,S};
+is_a(restriction,S) -> {restriction,S};
+is_a(extension,S) -> {extension,S};
+is_a(list,S) -> {list,S};
+is_a(union,S) -> {union,S};
+is_a(schema,S) -> {schema,S};
+is_a(minExclusive,S) -> {minExclusive,S};
+is_a(minInclusive,S) -> {minInclusive,S};
+is_a(maxExclusive,S) -> {maxExclusive,S};
+is_a(maxInclusive,S) -> {maxInclusive,S};
+is_a(totalDigits,S) -> {totalDigits,S};
+is_a(fractionDigits,S) -> {fractionDigits,S};
+is_a(length,S) -> {length,S};
+is_a(minLength,S) -> {minLength,S};
+is_a(maxLength,S) -> {maxLength,S};
+is_a(enumeration,S) -> {enumeration,S};
+is_a(whiteSpace,S) -> {whiteSpace,S};
+is_a(pattern,S) -> {pattern,S};
+is_a(Name,S) when is_record(S,xsd_state) ->
+ {Name,acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{unknown_content,Name}})};
+is_a(Name,_) ->
+ exit({error,{internal_error,not_implemented,Name}}).
+%% namespace/2 -> [token()]
+%% token() -> {not,namespace_name()} | namespace_name()
+%% ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) ) : ##any
+%% The result will be:
+%% NSList ::= ['##any'] | [{'not',[TNS]}] | NSURIs
+%% TNS ::= URI | absent
+%% NSURIs ::= (URI | absent) +
+%% URI ::= atomified URI-string
+wildcard_namespace(E,S) ->
+ AttVal = get_attribute_value(namespace,E,"##any"),
+ ListOfVals = namestring2namelist(AttVal),
+ Pred = fun('##other') ->
+ case S#xsd_state.targetNamespace of
+ undefined -> {'not',[absent]};
+ TN -> {'not',TN}
+ end;
+ ('##targetNamespace') ->
+ case S#xsd_state.targetNamespace of
+ undefined -> absent;
+ TN -> TN
+ end;
+ ('##local') -> absent;%%'##local'; %% any well-formed xml that
+ %% is not qualified.
+ (X) -> X
+ end,
+ [X||X <- map(Pred,ListOfVals),X=/=[]].
+processor_contents(Any) ->
+ case get_attribute_value(processContents,Any,strict) of
+ V when is_list(V) -> list_to_atom(V);
+ A -> A
+ end.
+base_type(E) ->
+ get_attribute_value(base,E,[]).
+base_type_type(Env) ->
+ case member(simpleType,Env) of
+ true -> simpleType;
+ _ -> simple_or_complex_Type
+ end.
+attribute_ref(A) ->
+ get_attribute_value(ref,A,[]).
+particle_ref(El) ->
+ get_attribute_value(ref,El,[]).
+attributeGroup_ref(El) ->
+ get_attribute_value(ref,El,[]).
+get_value(El) ->
+ get_attribute_value(value,El,undefined).
+get_attribute_value(Key,#xmlElement{attributes=Atts},Default) ->
+ case keyNsearch(Key,#xmlAttribute.name,Atts,Default) of
+ #xmlAttribute{value=V} ->
+ V;
+ _ -> Default
+ end.
+%% qualify_NCName/2 returns a qualified name, QName, that has
+%% information of the name attribute and namespace of the XSD object.
+%% The object E has a name attribute with a NCName. The Namespace
+%% part of the QName is from the targetNamespace attribute of the
+%% schema or the empty list.
+qualify_NCName(E=#xmlElement{},S) ->
+ case get_local_name(E) of
+ [] -> no_name;
+ LocalName ->
+ Namespace =
+ case S#xsd_state.targetNamespace of
+ undefined ->
+ TNS ->
+ end,
+ {atom_if_shortasciilist(LocalName),S#xsd_state.scope,Namespace}
+ end.
+get_local_name(#xmlElement{attributes=Atts}) ->
+ case keyNsearch(name,#xmlAttribute.name,Atts,[]) of
+ #xmlAttribute{value=V} ->
+ V;
+ Default -> Default
+ end.
+local_name(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ local_name(atom_to_list(Name));
+local_name(Name) when is_list(Name) ->
+ case splitwith(fun($:) -> false;(_)->true end,Name) of
+ {_,":"++LocalName} -> list_to_atom(LocalName);
+ _ ->
+ list_to_atom(Name)
+ end.
+%% transforms "a B c" to [a,'B',c]
+namestring2namelist(Str) ->
+ split_by_whitespace(Str,[]).
+split_by_whitespace(Str,Acc) when is_list(Str),length(Str) > 0 ->
+ F = fun($ ) ->
+ false;
+ (_) ->
+ true
+ end,
+ {Str1,Rest} = splitwith(F,Str),
+ split_by_whitespace(string:strip(Rest),[list_to_atom(Str1)|Acc]);
+split_by_whitespace(_,Acc) ->
+ reverse(Acc).
+%% get_QName(Name,S) where Name is a QName in string format, or where
+%% a QName is expected according to schema specification. If the name
+%% is unqualified it is qualified with the targetNamespace of the schema
+%% or with the empty list.
+get_QName(Name,NS,S) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ get_QName(atom_to_list(Name),NS,S);
+get_QName(Name,NS,#xsd_state{scope=Scope}) ->
+ qualified_name(Name,NS,NS#xmlNamespace.default,Scope).
+qualified_name(Name,NS,Default,Scope) ->
+ case splitwith(fun($:) -> false;(_)->true end,Name) of
+ {GlobalName,":"++LocalName} -> {atom_if_shortasciilist(LocalName),Scope,
+ namespace(GlobalName,NS,Default)};
+ _ ->
+ {atom_if_shortasciilist(Name),Scope,Default}
+ end.
+atom_if_shortasciilist(N) when is_list(N) ->
+ case catch list_to_atom(N) of
+ {'EXIT',_Reason} ->
+ %% Reason may be system_limit if N is very long, it may be
+ %% badarg ifN is a list of UTF characters.
+ N;
+ AN -> AN
+ end;
+atom_if_shortasciilist(N) ->
+ N.
+namespace("xml",_,_) -> 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace';
+namespace(Prefix,NS,Default) ->
+ case key1search(Prefix,NS#xmlNamespace.nodes,Default) of
+ {Prefix,Namespace} ->
+ Namespace;
+ Namespace -> Namespace
+ end.
+%% mk_EII_QName/2
+%% makes a name with qualified info out of an Element Information Item
+%% A) If name is qualified get namespace matching prefix.
+%% B) If not qualified search parents for a namespace:
+%% 1) use default namespace if defined, else.
+%% 2) if a parent is qualified use that namespace or
+%% 3) no namespace is applied
+ when is_list(Name) ->
+ mk_EII_QName(list_to_atom(Name),
+ #xmlElement{name=Me,namespace=NS,parents=P},S);
+mk_EII_QName(Name,#xmlElement{name=Me,namespace=NS,parents=P},S) ->
+ Scope = S#xsd_state.scope,
+ NameStr = atom_to_list(Name),
+ case string:tokens(NameStr,":") of
+ ["xmlns",PrefixDef] -> %% special case
+ {'xmlns',Scope,namespace(PrefixDef,NS,[])};
+ [Prefix,LocalName] -> %% A
+ {list_to_atom(LocalName),Scope,namespace(Prefix,NS,[])};
+ [_LocalName] -> %% B
+ {Name,Scope,mk_EII_namespace([{Me,0}|P],NS,S)}
+ end.
+mk_EII_namespace([],#xmlNamespace{default=DefaultNS},_S) ->
+ DefaultNS;
+%%mk_EII_namespace([{PName,_}|GrandPs],NS=#xmlNamespace{default=[]},S) ->
+mk_EII_namespace([{PName,_}|GrandPs],NS,S) ->
+ NameStr = atom_to_list(PName),
+ case string:tokens(NameStr,":") of
+ [Prefix,_LocalName] ->
+ namespace(Prefix,NS,[]);
+ [_LocalName] ->
+ mk_EII_namespace(GrandPs,NS,S)
+ end;
+mk_EII_namespace(_,NS,_S) ->
+ NS#xmlNamespace.default.
+mk_EII_Att_QName(AttName,XMLEl,S) when is_list(AttName) ->
+ mk_EII_Att_QName(list_to_atom(AttName),XMLEl,S);
+mk_EII_Att_QName(AttName,XMLEl,S) ->
+ NameStr = atom_to_list(AttName),
+ {member($:,NameStr),mk_EII_QName(AttName,XMLEl,S)}.
+%% table access functions
+create_tables(S=#xsd_state{table=undefined}) ->
+ Tid=ets:new(xmerl_schema_tab,[]),
+ initial_tab_data(Tid),
+ S#xsd_state{table=Tid};
+create_tables(S) ->
+ S.
+delete_table(#xsd_state{table=Tab}) ->
+ catch ets:delete(Tab).
+%% @hidden
+print_table(#xsd_state{table=Tab}) ->
+ case catch ets:tab2list(Tab) of
+ Res when is_list(Res) ->
+ Res;
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ {error,{?MODULE,[],Reason}}
+ end;
+print_table(_) ->
+ ok.
+%save_object({name,_},S) ->
+% %% already saved.
+% S;
+%% only simpleType asn complexType are temporary saved with
+%% three-tuple key. They are loaded and merged in redefine/2.
+ when Kind == simpleType; Kind == complexType ->
+ save_in_table({Kind,redefine,object_name(Obj)},Obj,S);
+ when Kind == group; Kind == attributeGroup ->
+ save_in_table({Kind,object_name(Obj)},Obj,S);
+save_object({Kind,Obj},S) when Kind == simpleType; Kind == complexType ->
+ save_unique_type({Kind,object_name(Obj)},Obj,S);
+ when Kind == attributeGroup; Kind == group ->
+ save_uniquely({Kind,object_name(Obj)},Obj,S);
+save_object({Kind,Obj},S) ->
+ save_in_table({Kind,object_name(Obj)},Obj,S).
+save_unique_type(Key={_,Name},Obj,S) ->
+ case resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,Name},S) of
+ {#schema_simple_type{},_} ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{type_not_uniquely_defined_in_schema,Name}});
+ {#schema_complex_type{},_} ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{type_not_uniquely_defined_in_schema,Name}});
+ _ ->
+ save_in_table(Key,Obj,S)
+ end.
+save_uniquely(Key,Obj,S) ->
+ case load_object(Key,S) of
+ {[],_} ->
+ save_in_table(Key,Obj,S);
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{[],?MODULE,{not_uniquely_defined_in_schema,Key}})
+ end.
+save_schema_element(CM,S=#xsd_state{elementFormDefault = EFD,
+ attributeFormDefault = AFD,
+ targetNamespace = TN,
+ finalDefault = FD,
+ blockDefault = BD}) ->
+ ElementList = [X||X = {element,_} <- CM],
+%% OtherGlobalEls = other_global_elements(S,ElementList),
+ Schema = get_schema_cm(S#xsd_state.table,TN),
+ Schema2 =
+ case Schema == #schema{} of
+ true ->
+ Schema#schema{elementFormDefault = EFD,
+ attributeFormDefault = AFD,
+ targetNamespace = TN,
+ blockDefault = BD,
+ finalDefault = FD,
+ content = ElementList};
+ _ ->
+ Content = Schema#schema.content,
+ Schema#schema{content=[X||X<-Content,member(X,ElementList)==false]++ElementList}
+ end,
+ TN2 = case TN of
+ undefined -> [];
+ _ -> TN
+ end,
+ save_in_table({schema,TN2},Schema2,S),
+ save_to_file(S).
+%% other_global_elements(S,ElementList) ->
+%% Schema = get_schema_cm(S#xsd_state.table,S#xsd_state.targetNamespace),
+%% [X||X<-Schema#schema.content,
+%% member(X,ElementList) == false].
+%% other_global_elements(#xsd_state{schema_name=SchemaName,
+%% table = Tab,
+%% global_element_source=GES},ElementList) ->
+%% case [X||{Y,X}<-GES,Y==SchemaName] of
+%% [] ->
+%% [];
+%% L -> %% All other schemas included in redefine
+%% NameList = [X||{element,{X,_}}<-ElementList],
+%% Contents =
+%% flatten([X||#schema{content=X}<-[get_schema_cm(Tab,Y)||Y<-L]]),
+%% SortFun =
+%% fun({_,{A,_}},{_,{B,_}}) when A =< B ->
+%% true;
+%% (_,_) -> false end,
+%% [X||X={element,{Y,_}}<-lists:sort(SortFun,Contents),member(Y,NameList)==false]
+%% end.
+save_to_file(S=#xsd_state{tab2file=true},FileName) ->
+ save_to_file(S#xsd_state{tab2file=FileName});
+save_to_file(_,_) ->
+ ok.
+save_to_file(S=#xsd_state{tab2file=TF}) ->
+ case TF of
+ true ->
+ {ok,IO}=file:open(filename:rootname(S#xsd_state.schema_name)++".tab",
+ [write]),
+ io:format(IO,"~p~n",[catch ets:tab2list(S#xsd_state.table)]),
+ file:close(IO);
+ false ->
+ ok;
+ IOFile ->
+ {ok,IO}=file:open(IOFile,[write]),
+ io:format(IO,"~p~n",[catch ets:tab2list(S#xsd_state.table)]),
+ file:close(IO)
+ end.
+save_merged_type(Type=#schema_simple_type{},S) ->
+ resave_object({simpleType,Type},S);
+save_merged_type(Type=#schema_complex_type{},S) ->
+ resave_object({complexType,Type},S).
+resave_object({Kind,Obj},S) ->
+ save_in_table({Kind,object_name(Obj)},Obj,S).
+save_in_table(Name,ElDef,S=#xsd_state{table=Tab}) ->
+ catch ets:insert(Tab,{Name,ElDef}),
+ S.
+save_idc(key,IDConstr,S) ->
+ save_key(IDConstr,S);
+save_idc(keyref,IDConstr,S) ->
+ save_keyref(IDConstr,S);
+save_idc(unique,IDConstr,S) ->
+ save_unique(IDConstr,S).
+save_key(Key,S) ->
+ save_object({key,Key},S),
+ S.
+save_keyref(KeyRef=#id_constraint{category=keyref},S) ->
+ S1 = add_keyref(KeyRef,S),
+ save_object({keyref,KeyRef},S1),
+ S1;
+save_keyref(_,S) ->
+ S.
+save_unique(Unique,S) ->
+ save_object({unique,Unique},S),
+ S.
+save_substitutionGroup([],S) ->
+ S;
+save_substitutionGroup([{Head,Members}|SGs],S) ->
+ %% save {head,[members]}
+ save_in_table({substitutionGroup,Head},Members,S),
+ %% save {member,head}, an element can only be a member in one
+ %% substitutionGroup
+ lists:foreach(fun(X)->save_in_table({substitutionGroup_member,X},Head,S) end,Members),
+ save_substitutionGroup(SGs,S).
+substitutionGroup_member(ElName,S) ->
+ case load_object({substitutionGroup_member,ElName},S) of
+ {[],_} ->
+ false;
+ {Res,_} ->
+ Res
+ end.
+%% substitutionGroup_head(Head,S) ->
+%% case load_object({substitutionGroup,Head},S) of
+%% {[],_} ->
+%% false;
+%% {Res,_} ->
+%% Res
+%% end.
+ S=#xsd_state{keyrefs=KeyRefs}) ->
+ S#xsd_state{keyrefs=add_once({keyref,Name,Refer},KeyRefs)}.
+load_redefine_object({Kind,Name},S) ->
+ load_object({Kind,redefine,Name},S).
+load_object({element,{QN,Occ={Min,_}}},S) when is_integer(Min) ->
+ case load_object({element,QN},S) of
+ {SE=#schema_element{},S1} -> {SE#schema_element{occurance=Occ},S1};
+ Other -> Other
+ end;
+load_object({group,{QN,_Occ={Min,_}}},S) when is_integer(Min) ->
+ load_object({group,QN},S);
+load_object(Key,S=#xsd_state{table=Tab}) ->
+ case ets:lookup(Tab,Key) of
+ [{Key,Value}] ->
+ {Value,S};
+ [] ->
+ case ets:lookup(Tab,global_def(Key)) of
+ [{_,Value}] -> {Value,global_scope(S)};
+ Other -> {Other,S}
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ {Other,S}
+ end.
+load_keyref(Name,S) ->
+ case load_object({keyref,Name},S) of
+ {KeyRef=#id_constraint{},_} -> KeyRef;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
+load_key(Name,S) ->
+ case load_object({key,Name},S) of
+ {Key=#id_constraint{},_} -> Key;
+ _ ->
+ case load_object({unique,Name},S) of
+ {Key=#id_constraint{},_} -> Key;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end
+ end.
+%% END table access functions
+save_ID(ID,S) ->
+ case member(ID,S#xsd_state.'IDs') of
+ true ->
+ acc_errs(S,{'ID_name_not_unique',ID});
+ _ ->
+ S#xsd_state{'IDs'=[ID|S#xsd_state.'IDs']}
+ end.
+check_and_save_ID(ID,S) ->
+ case xmerl_xsd_type:check_simpleType('ID',ID,S) of
+ {ok,ID} ->
+ save_ID(ID,S);
+ _ ->
+ acc_errs(S,{illegal_ID_value,ID})
+ end.
+insert_substitutionGroup(#schema_element{substitutionGroup=undefined},S) ->
+ S;
+ substitutionGroup=SG},
+ S=#xsd_state{substitutionGroups=SGregister}) ->
+ case key1search(SG,SGregister,[]) of
+ {_,SGList} ->
+ S#xsd_state{substitutionGroups=
+ keyreplace(SG,1,SGregister,{SG,[Name|SGList]})};
+ _ ->
+ S#xsd_state{substitutionGroups=[{SG,[Name]}|SGregister]}
+ end.
+global_scope(S=#xsd_state{}) ->
+ S#xsd_state{scope=[]}.
+ when Kind==simpleType; Kind==complexType; Kind==group;
+ Kind==attributeGroup; Kind==element; Kind==attribute;
+ Kind==substitutionGroup;Kind==substitutionGroup_member->
+ {Kind,{Local,[],NS}};
+global_def(D) -> D.
+get_schema_cm(Tab,undefined) ->
+ get_schema_cm(Tab,[]);
+get_schema_cm(Tab,[]) ->
+ get_schema_cm1(Tab,[]);
+get_schema_cm(Tab,Namespace) ->
+ NoNamespaceC=get_no_namespace_content(Tab),
+ Schema = get_schema_cm1(Tab,Namespace),
+ NSC = Schema#schema.content,
+ Schema#schema{content=NSC++[X||X<-NoNamespaceC,member(X,NSC)==false]}.
+get_schema_cm1(Tab,Namespace) ->
+ case catch ets:lookup(Tab,{schema,Namespace}) of
+ [{_,H}] ->
+ H;
+ _ ->
+ #schema{}
+ end.
+get_no_namespace_content(Tab) ->
+ case get_schema_cm1(Tab,[]) of
+ #schema{content=C} ->
+ C;
+ _ -> []
+ end.
+%% is_simple_type(Type,S) when is_atom(Type) ->
+%% is_simple_type(atom_to_list(Type),S);
+is_simple_type({LName,Scope,NS},S) when is_atom(LName) ->
+ is_simple_type({atom_to_list(LName),Scope,NS},S);
+is_simple_type(QName={_,_,_},S) ->
+ case is_builtin_simple_type(QName) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ is_derived_simple_type(QName,S)
+ end.
+is_derived_simple_type(QName,S) ->
+%% case resolve({simple_or_complex_Type,QName},S) of
+ case resolve({simpleType,QName},S) of
+ {#schema_simple_type{},_} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+object_name(#schema_element{name=N}) ->
+ N;
+object_name(#schema_simple_type{name=N}) ->
+ N;
+object_name(#schema_complex_type{name=N}) ->
+ N;
+object_name(#schema_attribute{name=N}) ->
+ N;
+object_name(#schema_attribute_group{name=N}) ->
+ N;
+object_name(#schema_group{name=N}) ->
+ N;
+object_name(#id_constraint{name=N}) ->
+ N.
+is_whitespace(#xmlText{value=V}) ->
+ case [X|| X <- V, whitespace(X) == false] of
+ [] ->
+ true;
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+is_whitespace(_) ->
+ false.
+%% fetch
+fetch(URI,S) ->
+ Split = filename:split(URI),
+ Filename = fun([])->[];(X)->lists:last(X) end (Split),
+ Fullname =
+ case Split of %% how about Windows systems?
+ ["file:"|Name]-> %% absolute path, see RFC2396 sect 3
+ %% file:/dtd_name
+ filename:join(["/"|Name]);
+ ["/"|Rest] when Rest /= [] ->
+ %% absolute path name
+ URI;
+ ["http:"|_Rest] ->
+ {http,URI};
+ [] -> %% empty systemliteral
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ filename:join(S#xsd_state.xsd_base, URI)
+ end,
+ Path = path_locate(S#xsd_state.fetch_path, Filename, Fullname),
+ ?dbg("fetch(~p) -> {file, ~p}.~n", [URI, Path]),
+ {ok, Path, S}.
+path_locate(_, _, {http,_}=URI) ->
+ URI;
+path_locate(_, _, []) ->
+ [];
+path_locate([Dir|Dirs], FN, FullName) ->
+ F = filename:join(Dir, FN),
+ case file:read_file_info(F) of
+ {ok, #file_info{type = regular}} ->
+ {file,F};
+ _ ->
+ path_locate(Dirs, FN, FullName)
+ end;
+path_locate([], _FN, FullName) ->
+ {file,FullName}.
+%% return
+return_error(Errs) ->
+ {error,reverse(Errs)}.
+return_schema_error(Errs) ->
+ {error,{schema_failure,reverse(Errs)}}.
+%% general helper functions
+if_atom_to_list(A) when is_atom(A) ->
+ atom_to_list(A);
+if_atom_to_list(L) ->
+ L.
+if_list_to_atom(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ list_to_atom(L);
+if_list_to_atom(A) ->
+ A.
+list_members(Members,CompleteList) ->
+ case [X||X<-Members,member(X,CompleteList)==false] of
+ [] ->
+ true;
+ L ->
+ {error,L}
+ end.
+whitespace(X) when ?whitespace(X) ->
+ true;
+whitespace(_) ->
+ false.
+key1search(Key,List,Default) ->
+ case keysearch(Key,1,List) of
+ {value,V} -> V;
+ _ -> Default
+ end.
+keyNsearch(Key,N,L,Default) ->
+ case keysearch(Key,N,L) of
+ {value,V} -> V;
+ _ -> Default
+ end.
+key_replace_or_insert(Key,N,List,Tuple) ->
+ case keyreplace(Key,N,List,Tuple) of
+ List ->
+ [Tuple|List];
+ NewList ->
+ NewList
+ end.
+keysearch_delete(Key,N,List,Default) ->
+ case keysearch(Key,N,List) of
+ {value,Res} ->
+ {Res,keydelete(Key,N,List)};
+ _ ->
+ {Default,List}
+ end.
+search_delete_all_el(ElName,ElList,S) ->
+ case search_delete_all_el2(ElName,ElList,[]) of
+ false ->
+ case substitutionGroup_member(ElName,S) of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ Head ->
+ case search_delete_all_el(Head,ElList,S) of
+ {_,Rest} ->
+ {Name,_,NS} = ElName,
+ {{element,{Name,[],NS}},Rest};
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end;
+ Res ->
+ Res
+ end.
+search_delete_all_el2(_ElName,[],_NoMatch) ->
+ false;
+%% name must match defined (local scope) and referenced (global scope)
+%% elements.
+ [El={element,{{Name,ScopeCM,NS},_}}|Rest],
+ NoMatch)
+ when Scope == ScopeCM; ScopeCM == [] ->
+ {El,reverse(NoMatch)++Rest};
+search_delete_all_el2(ElName,[H|T],NoMatch) ->
+ search_delete_all_el2(ElName,T,[H|NoMatch]).
+%% Search attribute should not consider the scope. All attributes
+%% allowed in this scope are in SchemaAttList.
+search_attribute(true,{Name,_,Namespace},SchemaAtts) ->
+ case [A||A={_,{N,_,NS}}<-SchemaAtts,N==Name,NS==Namespace] of
+ [] ->
+ {undefined,SchemaAtts};
+ [Attr] ->
+ {Attr,lists:delete(Attr,SchemaAtts)}
+ end;
+search_attribute(_,{Name,_,_},SchemaAtts) ->
+ case [A||A={_,{N,_,_}}<-SchemaAtts,N==Name] of
+ [] ->
+ {undefined,SchemaAtts};
+ [Attr] ->
+ {Attr,lists:delete(Attr,SchemaAtts)}
+ end.
+error_msg(Format,Args) ->
+ io:format(Format,Args).
+add_once(El,L) ->
+ case member(El,L) of
+ true ->
+ L;
+ _ ->
+ [El|L]
+ end.
+add_key_once(Key,N,El,L) ->
+ case keymember(Key,N,L) of
+ true ->
+ L;
+ _ ->
+ [El|L]
+ end.
+%% shema_el_pathname({Type,_},Env) ->
+%% mk_path(reverse([Type|Env])).
+%% xml_el_pathname(#xmlElement{name=Name,parents=Parents,pos=Pos}) ->
+%% {element,mk_xml_path(Parents,Name,Pos)};
+%% xml_el_pathname(#xmlAttribute{name=Name,parents=Parents,pos=Pos}) ->
+%% {attribute,mk_xml_path(Parents,Name,Pos)};
+%% xml_el_pathname(#xmlText{parents=Parents,pos=Pos}) ->
+%% {text,mk_xml_path(Parents,text,Pos)}.
+%% mk_path([]) ->
+%% [];
+%% mk_path(L) when is_list(L) ->
+%% "/"++filename:join(L).
+%% mk_xml_path(Parents,Type,Pos) ->
+%% %% io:format("mk_xml_path: Parents = ~p~n",[Parents]),
+%% {filename:join([[io_lib:format("/~w(~w)",[X,Y])||{X,Y}<-Parents],Type]),Pos}.
+%% @spec format_error(Errors) -> Result
+%% Errors = error_tuple() | [error_tuple()]
+%% Result = string() | [string()]
+%% @doc Formats error descriptions to human readable strings.
+format_error(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ [format_error(X)||X<-L];
+format_error({unexpected_rest,UR}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The following content of an element didn't validate by the provided schema, ~n~p.",[UR]);
+format_error({unvalidated_rest,UR}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The following content of an element didn't validate by the provided schema, ~n~p.",[UR]);
+format_error({no_schemas_provided}) ->
+ "Schema: Validator found no schema. A schema must be provided for validation.";
+format_error({internal_error,Reason}) ->
+ io_lib:format("An error occured that was unforeseen, due to ~p.",[Reason]);
+format_error({internal_error,Reason,Info}) ->
+ io_lib:format("An error occured that was unforeseen, due to ~p: ~p.",[Reason,Info]);
+format_error({internal_error,Function,Info1,Info2}) ->
+ io_lib:format("An internal error occured in function ~p with args: ~p,~p.",[Function,Info1,Info2]);
+format_error({illegal_content,Reason,Kind}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The schema violates the content model allowed for schemas.~nReason: ~p,~nkind of schema element: ~p.",[Reason,Kind]);
+format_error({no_match,Kind}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The schema violates the content model allowed for schemas.~nKind of schema element: ~p.",[Kind]);
+format_error({bad_match,S4SC,CM}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The schema missed mandatory elements ~p in ~p.",[S4SC,CM]);
+format_error({unmatched_mandatory_object,SequenceEl1,SequenceEl2}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The schema should have had an ~p object after the ~p, but it was missing.",[SequenceEl2,SequenceEl1]);
+format_error({parsing_external_schema_failed,File,Reason}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: Parsing the referenced external schema ~p, failed due to ~p.",[File,Reason]);
+format_error({fetch_fun_failed,Other}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: Fetching this kind of external schema is not supported ~p.",
+ [Other]);
+format_error({element_not_in_schema,[EIIName,_ElQName,_CM]}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The XML element ~p are not present in the schema.",
+ [EIIName]);
+format_error({missing_mandatory_element,CMEl}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The XML file missed mandatory element(s) ~p defined in schema.",[CMEl]);
+format_error({empty_content_not_allowed,C}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The XML file missed mandatory element(s): ~p defined in schema.",[C]);
+format_error({element_not_suitable_with_schema,ElName,_S}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The XML element: ~p violates the schema, probably to many of same element.",[ElName]);
+format_error({element_not_suitable_with_schema,ElName,CMName,_CMEl,_S}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The XML element: ~p violates the schema. Schema expected element ~p.",[ElName,CMName]);
+format_error({no_element_expected_in_group,XML}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The XML element(s) ~p violates the schema. No element was expected.",[XML]);
+format_error({element_bad_match,E,Any,_Env}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: XML element ~p didn't match into the namespace of schema type any ~p.",[E,Any]);
+format_error({match_failure,_XML,_CM,_S}) ->
+ "XML: A combination of XML element(s) and schema definitions that is not known has occured. The implementation doesn't support this structure.";
+format_error({cannot_contain_text,_XMLTxt,CMEl}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The schema structure: ~p doesn't allow text",[CMEl]);
+format_error({missing_mandatory_elements,MandatoryEls}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: A schema sequence has mandatory elements ~p, that were unmatched.",[MandatoryEls]);
+format_error({choice_missmatch,T,Els}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: A schema choice structure with the alternatives: ~p doesn't allow the text: ~p.",[Els,T]);
+format_error({no_element_matching_choice,XML}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The choice at location: ~p had no alternative that matched the XML structure(s): ~p.",[error_path(XML,undefined),XML]);
+format_error({all_missmatch,T,CM}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The schema expected one of: ~p, but the XML content was text: ~p at the location: ~p.",[CM,T,error_path(T,undefined)]);
+format_error({element_not_in_all,ElName,E,_CM}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The element ~p at location ~p in the XML file was not allowed according to the schema.",[ElName,error_path(E,undefined)]);
+format_error({missing_mandatory_elements_in_all,MandatoryEls}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The schema elements ~p were missed in the XML file.",[MandatoryEls]);
+format_error({failed_validating,E,Any}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The element ~p at location ~p failed validation. It should hav been matched by an any schema element ~p",[E#xmlElement.name,error_path(E,undefined),Any]);
+format_error({schemaLocation_list_failure,Paths}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: schemaLocation values consists of one or more pairs of URI references, separated by white space. The first is a namespace name the second a reference to a schema: ~p.",[Paths]);
+format_error({element_content_not_nil,XMLEl}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The element ~p at position ~p has content of text/elements despite the nillable attribute was true.",[XMLEl#xmlElement.name,error_path(XMLEl,undefined)]);
+format_error({attribute_in_simpleType,El,Att}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The element ~p at location ~p must not have attributes like: ~p since it according to the schema has simpleType type.",[El#xmlElement.name,error_path(El,undefined),Att]);
+format_error({required_attribute_missed,El,Name}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The schema required an attribute ~p in element at location ~p that was missing.",[Name,error_path(El,undefined)]);
+ Name,Default,Fix}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: It is an error in the schema to assign values for both default and fix for an attribute. Attribute: ~p, default: ~p, fix: ~p.",[Name,Default,Fix]);
+format_error({schema_error,unexpected_object,_SA,_Err}) ->
+ "Schema: An unforeseen error case occured, maybee due to an unimplemented feature.";
+format_error({attribute_not_defined_in_schema,Name}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The attribute ~p is not defined in the provided schema.",[Name]);
+format_error({disallowed_namespace,Namespace,NS,Name}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The attribute ~p is not valid because the namespace ~p is forbidden by ~p",[Name,NS,Namespace]);
+format_error({cirkular_attributeGroup_reference,Name}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: Cirkular references to attribute groups are forbidden. One was detected including ~p.",[Name]);
+format_error({could_not_resolve_type,ST}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The simpleType ~p could not be found among the types defined by the provided schema.",[ST]);
+format_error({could_not_check_value_for_type,Type}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: Checking value for type ~p is not implemented.",[Type]);
+format_error({unknown_simpleType,BT}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The simpleType ~p could not be found among the types defined by the provided schema",[BT]);
+format_error({abstract_element_instance,ElName}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: Elements defined as abstract in the schema must not be instantiated in XML: ~p.",[ElName]);
+format_error({qualified_name_required,LocalName}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: Element name ~p in XML instance is not qualified, though the schema requires that.",[LocalName]);
+format_error({unqualified_name_required,QualifiedName}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: Element name ~p in XML instance must be unqualified, according to schema.",[QualifiedName]);
+format_error({illegal_key_sequence_value,Err}) ->
+ io_lib:format("XML: The 'key-sequence', (se XML-spec 3.11.4), must be a node with at most one member: ~p",[Err]);
+format_error({qualified_node_set_not_correct_for_key,_Err}) ->
+ "Schema: The 'target node set' and 'qualified node set' (se XML-spec must be equal.";
+format_error({key_value_not_unique,KS}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: Key values must be unique within the schema. This is not ~p,",[KS]);
+format_error({keyref_missed_matching_key,Refer}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: This keyref had no matching key ~p.",[Refer]);
+format_error({keyref_unexpected_object,_Other}) ->
+ "Schema: An unforeseen error case occured, unknown failure cause.";
+format_error({cardinality_of_fields_not_equal,KR,K}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: keyref and the corresponding key must have same cardinality of their fields. Missmatch in this case keyref: ~p, key: ~p.",[KR,K]);
+format_error({could_not_load_keyref,Name}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The schema didn't define a keyref with the name ~p.",[Name]);
+format_error({reference_undeclared,Kind,Ref}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The schema didn't define an ~p with the name ~p.",[Kind,Ref]);
+format_error({cyclic_substitutionGroup,SGs}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: cyclic substitutionGroup was detected, substitutionGroup structure is ~p.",[SGs]);
+format_error({substitutionGroup_error,Head,SG}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: Either of substitutionGroup members ~p or ~p is not defined in the provided schema.",[Head,SG]);
+format_error({cyclic_definition,CA}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: A forbidden cicular definition was detected ~p.",[CA]);
+format_error({type_of_element_not_derived,MemT,HeadT}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: Type in substitutionGroup members should be simpleType or complexType. In this case ~p and ~p were found.",[MemT, HeadT]);
+format_error({derivation_blocked,BlockTag,Derivation}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Derivation by ~p is blocked by the blocking tag ~p.",[Derivation,BlockTag]);
+format_error({names_not_equal,QName1,QName2}) ->
+ io_lib:format("The type ~p seems to be derived from another type than the base type ~p",[QName2,QName1]);
+%% format_error({miss_match_base_types,QName1,QName2}) ->
+%% io_lib:format("Types and/or names of base type ~p and derived type ~p doesn't fit.",[QName1,QName2]);
+format_error({illegal_content_in_extension,Ext}) ->
+ io_lib:format("The extension content ~p didn't match the content model of the provided schema.",[Ext]);
+ when SeqCho == sequence;SeqCho == choice ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The restriction content ~p didn't match the content model of the provided schema, ~p was expected.",[SeqCho,Other]);
+format_error({does_not_support,F,in_restriction}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The structure ~p is not supported in the implementation.",[F]);
+format_error({illegal_content_simple_type,CM,TypeName}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: ~p content is not allowed in a simpleType, as in ~p.",[CM,TypeName]);
+format_error({illegal_in_restriction_of_simpleType,X}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The ~p content is illegal in a simpleType.",[X]);
+format_error({element,Name,not_present_in_restriction}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: In a restriction all element names of the restriction must be one of the elements of the base type. ~p is not.",[Name]);
+format_error({invalid_derivation,EA,BaseAtts}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: An anyAttribute ~p in a restricted derived type must be present among the base type attributes ~p.",[EA,BaseAtts]);
+format_error({wildcard_namespace,NS,not_subset_of_base_namespace,BaseNS}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: See XML spec. section 3.10.6. This wildcard namespace ~p is not allowed by the base namespace restrictions ~p.",[NS,BaseNS]);
+format_error({wildcard_namespace_union_not_expressible,NS1,NS2}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: See XML spec. section 3.10.6. The union of namespaces ~p and ~p is not expressible.",[NS1,NS2]);
+format_error({wildcard_namespace_intersection_not_expressible,NS1,NS2}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: See XML spec. section 3.10.6. The intersection of namespaces ~p and ~p is not expressible.",[NS1,NS2]);
+format_error({circular_reference_of_type,TName}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: An illicit circular reference involving simple/complex type ~p has been detected.",[TName]);
+format_error({type_not_uniquely_defined_in_schema,Name}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: See XML spec. section 3.4.1. Type names whether simple or complex must be unique within the schema. ~p is not.",[Name]);
+format_error({not_uniquely_defined_in_schema,Key}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: All schema objects of the same kind identified by name must be unique within the schema. ~p is not.",[Key]);
+format_error({illegal_ID_value,ID}) ->
+ io_lib:format("The ID value ~p is not allowed as an ID value.",[ID]);
+format_error({incomplete_file,_FileName,_Other}) ->
+ "Schema: The file containing a schema state must be produced by xmerl_xsd:state2file/[1,2].";
+format_error({unexpected_content_in_any,A}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: The any type is considered to have no content besides annotation. ~p was found.",[A]);
+format_error({erronous_content_in_identity_constraint,IDC,Err}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: An ~p identity constraint must have one selector and one or more field in content. This case ~p",[IDC,Err]);
+format_error({missing_xpath_attribute,IDCContent}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: A ~p in a identity constraint must have a xpath attribute.",[IDCContent]);
+format_error({content_in_anyAttribute,Err}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: ~p is not allowed in anyAttribute. Content cannot be anything else than annotation.",[Err]);
+format_error({content_in_simpleContent,Err}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: Content of simpleContent can only be an optional annotation and one of restriction or extension. In this case ~p.",[Err]);
+format_error({complexContent_content_failure,Err}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: Besides an optional annotation complexContent should have one of restriction or extension. In this case ~p.",[Err]);
+format_error({union_member_type_not_simpleType,IllegalType}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: ~p is not allowed in a union. Content must be any nymber of simpleType.",[IllegalType]);
+format_error({missing_base_type,restriction,_Other}) ->
+ "Schema: A restriction must have a base type, either assigned by the 'base' attribute or as a simpleType defined in content.";
+format_error({content_failure_expected_restriction_or_extension,Kind,_}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: A ~p had no restriction or extension in content.",[Kind]);
+format_error({content_failure_only_one_restriction_or_extension_allowed,Kind,_}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: A ~p can only have one of restriction or extension in content.",[Kind]);
+format_error({mandatory_component_missing,S4SCMRest,Kind}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Schema: After matching a ~p the schema should have had content ~p.",[Kind,S4SCMRest]);
+format_error(Err) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p~n",[Err]).
+%% format_error(ErrMsg,E,SchemaE,Env) ->
+%% ?debug("format_error: ~p~n",[ErrMsg]),
+%% {ErrMsg,format_error2(E,SchemaE,Env)}.
+%% format_error2(E,SchemaE,Env) ->
+%% {shema_el_pathname(SchemaE,Env),
+%% xml_el_pathname(E)}.
+initial_tab_data(Tab) ->
+ ets:insert(Tab,
+ binary_to_term(
+ <<131,108,0,0,0,9,104,2,104,2,100,0,9,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,116,
+ 101,104,3,100,0,5,115,112,97,99,101,106,100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,
+ 47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,
+ 56,47,110,97,109,101,115,112,97,99,101,104,9,100,0,16,115,99,104,101,
+ 109,97,95,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,116,101,104,3,100,0,5,115,112,97,
+ 99,101,106,100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,
+ 46,111,114,103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,56,47,110,97,109,101,115,112,
+ 97,99,101,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,100,0,10,115,105,109,112,108,101,84,121,
+ 112,101,104,3,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,110,97,
+ 109,101,95,108,0,0,0,1,100,0,5,115,112,97,99,101,106,106,106,100,0,5,
+ 102,97,108,115,101,106,100,0,8,111,112,116,105,111,110,97,108,100,0,9,
+ 117,110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,
+ 110,101,100,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,104,2,104,2,
+ 100,0,6,115,99,104,101,109,97,107,0,7,120,109,108,46,120,115,100,104,
+ 7,100,0,6,115,99,104,101,109,97,100,0,11,117,110,113,117,97,108,105,
+ 102,105,101,100,100,0,11,117,110,113,117,97,108,105,102,105,101,100,
+ 100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,
+ 103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,56,47,110,97,109,101,115,112,97,99,101,
+ 106,106,106,104,2,104,2,100,0,9,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,116,101,
+ 104,3,100,0,4,98,97,115,101,106,100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,
+ 119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,56,47,
+ 110,97,109,101,115,112,97,99,101,104,9,100,0,16,115,99,104,101,109,
+ 97,95,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,116,101,104,3,100,0,4,98,97,115,101,
+ 106,100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,
+ 114,103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,56,47,110,97,109,101,115,112,97,99,
+ 101,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,100,0,10,115,105,109,112,108,101,84,121,112,101,
+ 104,3,100,0,6,97,110,121,85,82,73,106,100,0,32,104,116,116,112,58,47,
+ 47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,50,48,48,49,47,88,77,76,83,
+ 99,104,101,109,97,106,100,0,5,102,97,108,115,101,106,100,0,8,111,112,
+ 116,105,111,110,97,108,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,
+ 100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,
+ 102,105,110,101,100,104,2,104,2,100,0,14,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,
+ 116,101,71,114,111,117,112,104,3,100,0,12,115,112,101,99,105,97,108,
+ 65,116,116,114,115,106,100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,
+ 46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,56,47,110,97,109,101,
+ 115,112,97,99,101,104,5,100,0,22,115,99,104,101,109,97,95,97,116,116,
+ 114,105,98,117,116,101,95,103,114,111,117,112,104,3,100,0,12,115,112,
+ 101,99,105,97,108,65,116,116,114,115,106,100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,
+ 47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,
+ 56,47,110,97,109,101,115,112,97,99,101,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,
+ 105,110,101,100,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,108,0,0,
+ 0,3,104,2,100,0,9,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,116,101,104,3,100,0,4,98,
+ 97,115,101,106,106,104,2,100,0,9,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,116,101,
+ 104,3,100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,106,104,2,100,0,9,97,116,116,114,
+ 105,98,117,116,101,104,3,100,0,5,115,112,97,99,101,106,106,106,104,
+ 2,104,2,100,0,10,115,105,109,112,108,101,84,121,112,101,104,3,100,0,
+ 15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,110,97,109,101,95,108,0,0,0,
+ 1,100,0,5,115,112,97,99,101,106,106,104,9,100,0,18,115,99,104,101,
+ 109,97,95,115,105,109,112,108,101,95,116,121,112,101,104,3,100,0,15,
+ 95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,110,97,109,101,95,108,0,0,0,1,
+ 100,0,5,115,112,97,99,101,106,106,108,0,0,0,1,100,0,5,115,112,97,99,
+ 101,106,104,3,100,0,6,78,67,78,97,109,101,106,100,0,32,104,116,116,
+ 112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,50,48,48,49,47,
+ 88,77,76,83,99,104,101,109,97,100,0,5,102,97,108,115,101,106,108,0,0,
+ 0,1,104,2,100,0,11,101,110,117,109,101,114,97,116,105,111,110,108,0,0,
+ 0,2,107,0,7,100,101,102,97,117,108,116,107,0,8,112,114,101,115,101,
+ 114,118,101,106,106,100,0,6,97,116,111,109,105,99,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,
+ 100,0,11,114,101,115,116,114,105,99,116,105,111,110,104,2,104,3,100,
+ 0,6,78,67,78,97,109,101,106,100,0,32,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,
+ 119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,50,48,48,49,47,88,77,76,83,99,
+ 104,101,109,97,108,0,0,0,2,104,2,100,0,11,101,110,117,109,101,114,
+ 97,116,105,111,110,107,0,7,100,101,102,97,117,108,116,104,2,100,0,
+ 11,101,110,117,109,101,114,97,116,105,111,110,107,0,8,112,114,101,
+ 115,101,114,118,101,106,106,104,2,104,2,100,0,10,115,105,109,112,
+ 108,101,84,121,112,101,104,3,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,
+ 111,95,110,97,109,101,95,108,0,0,0,1,100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,106,
+ 104,9,100,0,18,115,99,104,101,109,97,95,115,105,109,112,108,101,95,
+ 116,121,112,101,104,3,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,
+ 110,97,109,101,95,108,0,0,0,1,100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,106,108,0,0,
+ 0,1,100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,110,
+ 101,100,100,0,5,102,97,108,115,101,106,106,100,0,6,97,116,111,109,
+ 105,99,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,100,0,5,117,110,105,111,110,108,0,0,0,2,104,
+ 2,100,0,10,115,105,109,112,108,101,84,121,112,101,104,3,100,0,8,108,
+ 97,110,103,117,97,103,101,106,100,0,32,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,
+ 119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,50,48,48,49,47,88,77,76,83,99,104,
+ 101,109,97,104,2,100,0,10,115,105,109,112,108,101,84,121,112,101,104,
+ 3,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,110,97,109,101,95,108,
+ 0,0,0,2,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,110,97,109,101,
+ 95,100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,106,106,106,104,2,104,2,100,0,9,97,116,
+ 116,114,105,98,117,116,101,104,3,100,0,2,105,100,106,100,0,36,104,116,
+ 116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,88,77,76,47,
+ 49,57,57,56,47,110,97,109,101,115,112,97,99,101,104,9,100,0,16,115,99,
+ 104,101,109,97,95,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,116,101,104,3,100,0,2,105,
+ 100,106,100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,
+ 111,114,103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,56,47,110,97,109,101,115,112,97,
+ 99,101,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,100,0,10,115,105,109,112,108,101,84,121,112,
+ 101,104,3,100,0,2,73,68,106,100,0,32,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,
+ 119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,50,48,48,49,47,88,77,76,83,99,104,101,
+ 109,97,106,100,0,5,102,97,108,115,101,106,100,0,8,111,112,116,105,111,
+ 110,97,108,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,100,0,9,117,
+ 110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,110,
+ 101,100,104,2,104,2,100,0,9,97,116,116,114,105,98,117,116,101,104,3,
+ 100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,100,0,36,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,
+ 119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,88,77,76,47,49,57,57,56,47,110,97,109,
+ 101,115,112,97,99,101,104,9,100,0,16,115,99,104,101,109,97,95,97,116,
+ 116,114,105,98,117,116,101,104,3,100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,100,0,36,
+ 104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,88,
+ 77,76,47,49,57,57,56,47,110,97,109,101,115,112,97,99,101,108,0,0,0,1,
+ 104,2,100,0,10,115,105,109,112,108,101,84,121,112,101,104,3,100,0,15,
+ 95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,110,97,109,101,95,108,0,0,0,1,
+ 100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,106,106,100,0,5,102,97,108,115,101,106,
+ 100,0,8,111,112,116,105,111,110,97,108,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,
+ 105,110,101,100,100,0,9,117,110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,100,0,9,
+ 117,110,100,101,102,105,110,101,100,104,2,104,2,100,0,10,115,105,109,
+ 112,108,101,84,121,112,101,104,3,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,
+ 110,111,95,110,97,109,101,95,108,0,0,0,2,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,
+ 108,95,110,111,95,110,97,109,101,95,100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,106,
+ 104,9,100,0,18,115,99,104,101,109,97,95,115,105,109,112,108,101,95,
+ 116,121,112,101,104,3,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,
+ 110,97,109,101,95,108,0,0,0,2,100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,
+ 111,95,110,97,109,101,95,100,0,4,108,97,110,103,106,106,108,0,0,0,2,
+ 100,0,15,95,120,109,101,114,108,95,110,111,95,110,97,109,101,95,100,
+ 0,4,108,97,110,103,106,104,3,100,0,6,115,116,114,105,110,103,106,100,
+ 0,32,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,
+ 50,48,48,49,47,88,77,76,83,99,104,101,109,97,100,0,5,102,97,108,115,
+ 101,106,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,100,0,11,101,110,117,109,101,114,97,116,105,
+ 111,110,108,0,0,0,1,106,106,106,100,0,6,97,116,111,109,105,99,108,0,0,
+ 0,1,104,2,100,0,11,114,101,115,116,114,105,99,116,105,111,110,104,2,
+ 104,3,100,0,6,115,116,114,105,110,103,106,100,0,32,104,116,116,112,58,
+ 47,47,119,119,119,46,119,51,46,111,114,103,47,50,48,48,49,47,88,77,76,
+ 83,99,104,101,109,97,108,0,0,0,1,104,2,100,0,11,101,110,117,109,101,
+ 114,97,116,105,111,110,106,106,106,106>>)).
+default_namespace_by_convention() ->
+ [{xml,'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'}].