path: root/lib
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1 files changed, 82 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
index 83cf76f241..ec974cd383 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,del_element/2,is_element/2,
-import(cerl, [ann_c_cons/3,ann_c_cons_skel/3,ann_c_tuple/2,c_tuple/1,
- ann_c_map/2, ann_c_map/3]).
+ ann_c_map/3]).
@@ -169,18 +169,19 @@ form({attribute,_,_,_}=F, {Fs,As,Ws,File}, _Opts) ->
attribute({attribute,Line,Name,Val}) ->
{#c_literal{val=Name, anno=[Line]}, #c_literal{val=Val, anno=[Line]}}.
+%% function_dump(module_info,_,_,_) -> ok;
+%% function_dump(Name,Arity,Format,Terms) ->
+%% io:format("~w/~w " ++ Format,[Name,Arity]++Terms),
+%% ok.
function({function,_,Name,Arity,Cs0}, Ws0, File, Opts) ->
- %%ok = io:fwrite("~p - ", [{Name,Arity}]),
St0 = #core{vcount=0,opts=Opts,ws=Ws0,file=[{file,File}]},
{B0,St1} = body(Cs0, Name, Arity, St0),
- %%ok = io:fwrite("1", []),
- %%ok = io:fwrite("~w:~p~n", [?LINE,B0]),
+ %% ok = function_dump(Name,Arity,"body:~n~p~n",[B0]),
{B1,St2} = ubody(B0, St1),
- %%ok = io:fwrite("2", []),
- %%ok = io:fwrite("~w:~p~n", [?LINE,B1]),
+ %% ok = function_dump(Name,Arity,"ubody:~n~p~n",[B1]),
{B2,#core{ws=Ws}} = cbody(B1, St2),
- %%ok = io:fwrite("3~n", []),
- %%ok = io:fwrite("~w:~p~n", [?LINE,B2]),
+ %% ok = function_dump(Name,Arity,"cbody:~n~p~n",[B2]),
body(Cs0, Name, Arity, St0) ->
@@ -514,22 +515,7 @@ expr({tuple,L,Es0}, St0) ->
A = record_anno(L, St1),
{annotate_tuple(A, Es1, St1),Eps,St1};
expr({map,L,Es0}, St0) ->
- % erl_lint should make sure only #{ K => V } are allowed
- % in map construction.
- try map_pair_list(Es0, St0) of
- {Es1,Eps,St1} ->
- A = lineno_anno(L, St1),
- {ann_c_map(A,Es1),Eps,St1}
- catch
- throw:{bad_map,Warning} ->
- St = add_warning(L, Warning, St0),
- LineAnno = lineno_anno(L, St),
- As = [#c_literal{anno=LineAnno,val=badarg}],
- {#icall{anno=#a{anno=LineAnno}, %Must have an #a{}
- module=#c_literal{anno=LineAnno,val=erlang},
- name=#c_literal{anno=LineAnno,val=error},
- args=As},[],St}
- end;
+ map_build_pair_chain(#c_literal{val=#{}},Es0,lineno_anno(L,St0),St0);
expr({map,L,M0,Es0}, St0) ->
try expr_map(M0,Es0,lineno_anno(L, St0),St0) of
{_,_,_}=Res -> Res
@@ -772,38 +758,67 @@ expr_map(M0,Es0,A,St0) ->
Fc = fail_clause([Fpat], A, #c_literal{val=badarg}),
{_,_} ->
- {Es1,Eps,St2} = map_pair_list(Es0, St1),
- {ann_c_map(A,M1,Es1),Mps++Eps,St2}
+ {M2,Eps,St2} = map_build_pair_chain(M1,Es0,A,St1),
+ {M2,Mps++Eps,St2}
false -> throw({bad_map,bad_map})
+%% Group continuous literal blocks and single variables, i.e.
+%% M0#{ a := 1, b := V1, K1 := V2, K2 := 42}
+%% becomes equivalent to
+%% M1 = M0#{ a := 1, b := V1 },
+%% M2 = M1#{ K1 := V1 },
+%% M3 = M2#{ K2 := 42 }
+map_build_pair_chain(M,Es,A,St) ->
+ map_build_pair_chain(M,Es,A,St,[]).
+map_build_pair_chain(M0,[],_,St,Mps) ->
+ {M0,Mps,St};
+map_build_pair_chain(M0,Es0,A,St0,Mps) ->
+ % group continuous literal blocks
+ % Anno = #a{anno=[compiler_generated]},
+ % order is important, we need to reverse the literals
+ case map_pair_block(Es0,[],[],St0) of
+ {{CesL,EspL},{[],[]},Es1,St1} ->
+ {MVar,St2} = new_var(St1),
+ Pre = [#iset{var=MVar, arg=ann_c_map(A,M0,reverse(CesL))}],
+ map_build_pair_chain(MVar,Es1,A,St2,Mps++EspL++Pre);
+ {{[],[]},{CesV,EspV},Es1,St1} ->
+ {MVar,St2} = new_var(St1),
+ Pre = [#iset{var=MVar, arg=#c_map{arg=M0,es=CesV, anno=A}}],
+ map_build_pair_chain(MVar,Es1,A,St2,Mps ++ EspV++Pre);
+ {{CesL,EspL},{CesV,EspV},Es1,St1} ->
+ {MVarL,St2} = new_var(St1),
+ {MVarV,St3} = new_var(St2),
+ Pre = [#iset{var=MVarL, arg=ann_c_map(A,M0,reverse(CesL))},
+ #iset{var=MVarV, arg=#c_map{arg=MVarL,es=CesV,anno=A}}],
+ map_build_pair_chain(MVarV,Es1,A,St3,Mps++EspL++EspV++Pre)
+ end.
+map_pair_block([{Op,L,K0,V0}|Es],Ces,Esp,St0) ->
+ {K,Ep0,St1} = safe(K0, St0),
+ {V,Ep1,St2} = safe(V0, St1),
+ A = lineno_anno(L, St2),
+ Pair0 = map_op_to_c_map_pair(Op),
+ Pair1 = Pair0#c_map_pair{anno=A,key=K,val=V},
+ case cerl:is_c_var(K) of
+ false ->
+ map_pair_block(Es,[Pair1|Ces],Ep0 ++ Ep1 ++ Esp,St2);
+ true ->
+ {{Ces,Esp},{[Pair1],Ep0++Ep1},Es,St2}
+ end;
+map_pair_block([],Ces,Esp,St) ->
+ {{Ces,Esp},{[],[]},[],St}.
+map_op_to_c_map_pair(map_field_assoc) -> #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=assoc}};
+map_op_to_c_map_pair(map_field_exact) -> #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact}}.
is_valid_map_src(#c_literal{val = M}) when is_map(M) -> true;
-is_valid_map_src(#c_map{}) -> true;
is_valid_map_src(#c_var{}) -> true;
is_valid_map_src(_) -> false.
-map_pair_list(Es, St) ->
- foldr(fun
- ({map_field_assoc,L,K0,V0}, {Ces,Esp,St0}) ->
- {K,Ep0,St1} = safe(K0, St0),
- ok = ensure_valid_map_key(K),
- {V,Ep1,St2} = safe(V0, St1),
- A = lineno_anno(L, St2),
- Pair = #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=assoc},anno=A,key=K,val=V},
- {[Pair|Ces],Ep0 ++ Ep1 ++ Esp,St2};
- ({map_field_exact,L,K0,V0}, {Ces,Esp,St0}) ->
- {K,Ep0,St1} = safe(K0, St0),
- ok = ensure_valid_map_key(K),
- {V,Ep1,St2} = safe(V0, St1),
- A = lineno_anno(L, St2),
- Pair = #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},anno=A,key=K,val=V},
- {[Pair|Ces],Ep0 ++ Ep1 ++ Esp,St2}
- end, {[],[],St}, Es).
-ensure_valid_map_key(#c_literal{}) -> ok;
-ensure_valid_map_key(_) -> throw({bad_map,bad_map_key}).
%% try_exception([ExcpClause], St) -> {[ExcpVar],Handler,St}.
try_exception(Ecs0, St0) ->
@@ -1578,7 +1593,7 @@ pattern_map_pairs(Ps, St) ->
{CMapPairs, Kdb} = lists:mapfoldl(fun
(P,Kdbi) ->
#c_map_pair{key=Ck,val=Cv} = CMapPair = pattern_map_pair(P,St),
- K = core_lib:literal_value(Ck),
+ K = pattern_map_clean_key(Ck),
case dict:find(K,Kdbi) of
{ok, Vs} ->
{CMapPair, dict:store(K,[Cv|Vs],Kdbi)};
@@ -1588,10 +1603,14 @@ pattern_map_pairs(Ps, St) ->
end, dict:new(), Ps),
+%% remove cluddering annotations
+pattern_map_clean_key(#c_literal{val=V}) -> {literal,V};
+pattern_map_clean_key(#c_var{name=V}) -> {var,V}.
pattern_alias_map_pairs([],_,_,_) -> [];
pattern_alias_map_pairs([#c_map_pair{key=Ck}=Pair|Pairs],Kdb,Kset,St) ->
%% alias same keys if needed
- K = core_lib:literal_value(Ck),
+ K = pattern_map_clean_key(Ck),
case dict:find(K,Kset) of
{ok,processed} ->
@@ -1607,17 +1626,11 @@ pattern_alias_map_pair_patterns([Cv1,Cv2|Cvs]) ->
pattern_map_pair({map_field_exact,L,K,V}, St) ->
- case expr(K,St) of
- {#c_literal{}=Key,_,_} ->
- #c_map_pair{anno=lineno_anno(L, St),
- op=#c_literal{val=exact},
- key=Key,
- val=pattern(V, St)};
- _ ->
- %% this will throw a cryptic error message
- %% but it is better than nothing
- throw(nomatch)
- end.
+ {Ck,[],_} = expr(K,St),
+ #c_map_pair{anno=lineno_anno(L,St),
+ op=#c_literal{val=exact},
+ key=Ck,
+ val=pattern(V,St)}.
%% pat_bin([BinElement], State) -> [BinSeg].
@@ -1974,9 +1987,14 @@ upattern(#c_tuple{es=Es0}=Tuple, Ks, St0) ->
upattern(#c_map{es=Es0}=Map, Ks, St0) ->
{Es1,Esg,Esv,Eus,St1} = upattern_list(Es0, Ks, St0),
-upattern(#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},val=V0}=MapPair, Ks, St0) ->
- {V,Vg,Vv,Vu,St1} = upattern(V0, Ks, St0),
- {MapPair#c_map_pair{val=V},Vg,Vv,Vu,St1};
+upattern(#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},key=K0,val=V0}=Pair,Ks,St0) ->
+ {V,Vg,Vn,Vu,St1} = upattern(V0, Ks, St0),
+ % A variable key must be considered used here
+ Ku = case K0 of
+ #c_var{name=Name} -> [Name];
+ _ -> []
+ end,
+ {Pair#c_map_pair{val=V},Vg,Vn,union(Ku,Vu),St1};
upattern(#c_binary{segments=Es0}=Bin, Ks, St0) ->
{Es1,Esg,Esv,Eus,St1} = upat_bin(Es0, Ks, St0),
@@ -2347,8 +2365,6 @@ format_error(nomatch) ->
"pattern cannot possibly match";
format_error(bad_binary) ->
"binary construction will fail because of a type mismatch";
-format_error(bad_map_key) ->
- "map construction will fail because of none literal key (large binaries are not literals)";
format_error(bad_map) ->
"map construction will fail because of a type mismatch".