path: root/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 119 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test_lib.erl b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test_lib.erl
index 6defdadb5a..c1fcaf27d6 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test_lib.erl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
%% Internal exports
--export([wait/5, run/4]).
+-export([tc_wait/5, tc_run/4]).
@@ -277,35 +277,80 @@ init_case(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
try_test(Mod, Func) ->
- call(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, run, [Mod, Func, [], []]).
+ tc_try(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, tc_run, [Mod, Func, [], []]).
try_test(Mod, Func, A) ->
- call(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, run, [Mod, Func, A, []]).
+ tc_try(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, tc_run, [Mod, Func, A, []]).
try_test(Mod, Func, A, Opts) ->
- call(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, run, [Mod, Func, A, Opts]).
-call(N,M,F,A) ->
- ?DBG("call -> entry with~n"
- " N: ~p~n"
- " M: ~p~n"
- " F: ~p~n"
- " A: ~p~n"
- " when~n"
- " get(): ~p",
- [N,M,F,A,get()]),
- spawn(N, ?MODULE, wait, [self(),get(),M,F,A]),
+ tc_try(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, tc_run, [Mod, Func, A, Opts]).
+%% We spawn a test case runner process on the manager node.
+%% The assumption is that the manager shall do something, but
+%% not all test cases have the manager perform actions.
+%% In some cases we make a rpc call back to the agent node directly
+%% and call something in the agent... (for example the info_test
+%% test case).
+tc_try(N, M, F, A) ->
+ ?PRINT2("tc_try -> entry with"
+ "~n N: ~p"
+ "~n M: ~p"
+ "~n F: ~p"
+ "~n A: ~p"
+ "~n when"
+ "~n get(): ~p"
+ "~n", [N,
+ M, F, A,
+ get()]),
+ case net_adm:ping(N) of
+ pong ->
+ ?PRINT2("tc_try -> ~p still running~n", [N]),
+ Runner = spawn(N, ?MODULE, tc_wait, [self(), get(), M, F, A]),
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Runner),
+ await_tc_runner_started(Runner, MRef),
+ await_tc_runner_done(Runner, MRef);
+ pang ->
+ ?EPRINT2("tc_try -> ~p *not* running~n", [N]),
+ exit({node_not_running, N})
+ end.
+await_tc_runner_started(Runner, MRef) ->
- {done, {'EXIT', Rn}, Loc} ->
- ?DBG("call -> done with exit: "
- "~n Rn: ~p"
- "~n Loc: ~p", [Rn, Loc]),
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Runner, Reason} ->
+ ?EPRINT2("TC runner start failed: "
+ "~n ~p~n", [Reason]),
+ exit({tx_runner_start_failed, Reason});
+ {tc_runner_started, Runner} ->
+ ?PRINT2("TC runner start acknowledged~n"),
+ ok
+ after 10000 ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ RunnerInfo = process_info(Runner),
+ ?EPRINT2("TC runner start timeout: "
+ "~n ~p", [RunnerInfo]),
+ %% If we don't get a start ack within 10 seconds, we are f*ed
+ exit(Runner, kill),
+ exit({tc_runner_start, timeout, RunnerInfo})
+ end.
+await_tc_runner_done(Runner, MRef) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Runner, Reason} ->
+ ?EPRINT2("TC runner failed: "
+ "~n ~p~n", [Reason]),
+ exit({tx_runner_failed, Reason});
+ {tc_runner_done, Runner, {'EXIT', Rn}, Loc} ->
+ ?PRINT2("call -> done with exit: "
+ "~n Rn: ~p"
+ "~n Loc: ~p"
+ "~n", [Rn, Loc]),
put(test_server_loc, Loc),
- {done, Ret, _Zed} ->
+ {tc_runner_done, Runner, Ret, _Zed} ->
?DBG("call -> done:"
"~n Ret: ~p"
"~n Zed: ~p", [Ret, _Zed]),
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
case Ret of
{error, Reason} ->
@@ -313,50 +358,56 @@ call(N,M,F,A) ->
-wait(From, Env, M, F, A) ->
- ?DBG("wait -> entry with"
- "~n From: ~p"
- "~n Env: ~p"
- "~n M: ~p"
- "~n F: ~p"
- "~n A: ~p", [From, Env, M, F, A]),
+tc_wait(From, Env, M, F, A) ->
+ ?PRINT2("tc_wait -> entry with"
+ "~n From: ~p"
+ "~n Env: ~p"
+ "~n M: ~p"
+ "~n F: ~p"
+ "~n A: ~p", [From, Env, M, F, A]),
+ From ! {tc_runner_started, self()},
lists:foreach(fun({K,V}) -> put(K,V) end, Env),
- Rn = (catch apply(M, F, A)),
- ?DBG("wait -> Rn: ~n~p", [Rn]),
- From ! {done, Rn, get(test_server_loc)},
- exit(Rn).
-run(Mod, Func, Args, Opts) ->
- ?DBG("run -> entry with"
- "~n Mod: ~p"
- "~n Func: ~p"
- "~n Args: ~p"
- "~n Opts: ~p", [Mod, Func, Args, Opts]),
- M = get(mib_dir),
- Dir = get(mgr_dir),
- User = snmp_misc:get_option(user, Opts, "all-rights"),
- SecLevel = snmp_misc:get_option(sec_level, Opts, noAuthNoPriv),
- EngineID = snmp_misc:get_option(engine_id, Opts, "agentEngine"),
+ ?PRINT2("tc_wait -> env set - now run tc~n"),
+ Res = (catch apply(M, F, A)),
+ ?PRINT2("tc_wait -> tc run done: "
+ "~n ~p"
+ "~n", [Res]),
+ From ! {tc_runner_done, self(), Res, get(test_server_loc)},
+ exit(Res).
+tc_run(Mod, Func, Args, Opts) ->
+ ?PRINT2("tc_run -> entry with"
+ "~n Mod: ~p"
+ "~n Func: ~p"
+ "~n Args: ~p"
+ "~n Opts: ~p"
+ "~n", [Mod, Func, Args, Opts]),
+ (catch snmp_test_mgr:stop()), % If we had a running mgr from a failed case
+ M = get(mib_dir),
+ Dir = get(mgr_dir),
+ User = snmp_misc:get_option(user, Opts, "all-rights"),
+ SecLevel = snmp_misc:get_option(sec_level, Opts, noAuthNoPriv),
+ EngineID = snmp_misc:get_option(engine_id, Opts, "agentEngine"),
CtxEngineID = snmp_misc:get_option(context_engine_id, Opts, EngineID),
- Community = snmp_misc:get_option(community, Opts, "all-rights"),
- ?DBG("run -> start crypto app",[]),
- _CryptoRes = ?CRYPTO_START(),
- ?DBG("run -> Crypto: ~p", [_CryptoRes]),
- catch snmp_test_mgr:stop(), % If we had a running mgr from a failed case
- StdM = join(code:priv_dir(snmp), "mibs") ++ "/",
- Vsn = get(vsn),
- ?DBG("run -> config:"
- "~n M: ~p"
- "~n Vsn: ~p"
- "~n Dir: ~p"
- "~n User: ~p"
- "~n SecLevel: ~p"
- "~n EngineID: ~p"
- "~n CtxEngineID: ~p"
- "~n Community: ~p"
- "~n StdM: ~p",
- [M,Vsn,Dir,User,SecLevel,EngineID,CtxEngineID,Community,StdM]),
+ Community = snmp_misc:get_option(community, Opts, "all-rights"),
+ ?DBG("tc_run -> start crypto app",[]),
+ _CryptoRes = ?CRYPTO_START(),
+ ?DBG("tc_run -> Crypto: ~p", [_CryptoRes]),
+ StdM = join(code:priv_dir(snmp), "mibs") ++ "/",
+ Vsn = get(vsn),
+ ?PRINT2("tc_run -> config:"
+ "~n M: ~p"
+ "~n Vsn: ~p"
+ "~n Dir: ~p"
+ "~n User: ~p"
+ "~n SecLevel: ~p"
+ "~n EngineID: ~p"
+ "~n CtxEngineID: ~p"
+ "~n Community: ~p"
+ "~n StdM: ~p"
+ "~n", [M,Vsn,Dir,User,SecLevel,EngineID,CtxEngineID,Community,StdM]),
case snmp_test_mgr:start([%% {agent, snmp_test_lib:hostname()},
{packet_server_debug, true},
{debug, true},
@@ -377,23 +428,23 @@ run(Mod, Func, Args, Opts) ->
{ok, _Pid} ->
case (catch apply(Mod, Func, Args)) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
- catch snmp_test_mgr:stop(),
+ (catch snmp_test_mgr:stop()),
?FAIL({apply_failed, {Mod, Func, Args}, Reason});
Res ->
- catch snmp_test_mgr:stop(),
+ (catch snmp_test_mgr:stop()),
{error, Reason} ->
?EPRINT2("Failed starting (test) manager: "
"~n ~p", [Reason]),
- catch snmp_test_mgr:stop(),
+ (catch snmp_test_mgr:stop()),
?line ?FAIL({mgr_start_error, Reason});
Err ->
?EPRINT2("Failed starting (test) manager: "
"~n ~p", [Err]),
- catch snmp_test_mgr:stop(),
+ (catch snmp_test_mgr:stop()),
?line ?FAIL({mgr_start_failure, Err})
diff --git a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.hrl b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.hrl
index 335f3fff3c..dafa4cbf19 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.hrl
+++ b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_lib.hrl
@@ -150,8 +150,10 @@
snmp_test_lib:print(P, ?MODULE, ?LINE, F, A)).
-define(PRINT1(F, A), snmp_test_lib:print1(F, A)).
+-define(PRINT1(F), ?PRINT1(F, [])).
-define(EPRINT1(F, A), ?PRINT1("<ERROR> " ++ F, A)).
-define(PRINT2(F, A), snmp_test_lib:print2(F, A)).
+-define(PRINT2(F), ?PRINT2(F, [])).
-define(EPRINT2(F, A), ?PRINT2("<ERROR> " ++ F, A)).