path: root/erts/emulator
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-29[esock|test] Fixed a ttest scriptMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] Found and fixed some weirdness on darwinMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] Types and cleanupMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] Connect can now also take a nowait TimeoutMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Attempt to create a ttest reportMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Fixed async ttestMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] Changed return value for a selected async callMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add multi async recv and recvmsg TCP test case(s)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add multi async accept TCP test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add multi async recvmsg UDP test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add multi async recvfrom UDP test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket|test] Add async to ttestMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] Add recvmsg(nowait) cancel on tcp test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] Add recv(nowait) cancel on tcp test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] Add accept(nowait) cancel test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] Add recvmsg(nowait) cancel test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] Add cancel and the first recvfrom(nowait) cancel test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] Add nowait test case (sendmsg and recvmsg tcp4)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] Add nowait test case (send and recv tcp4)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] Add nowait test case (sendmsg and recvmsg udp4)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[socket] First nowait test case (sendto and recvfrom udp4)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add condition for running ping pong test caseMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|ttest] Make it possible use local for ttestMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|ttest] Updated the ttest command line toolMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Skip some test cases on old linux(s)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] Make sure AF_LOCAL exist before usingMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Try even harder to make unique pathMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Fixed host cond testMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Skip Unix Domain stream test case on Open IndianaMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] On some platforms recvmsg does *not* return addressMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] Fixed check domain local and specsMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] Fixed 'typing' of type timeval on darwinMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] Update the supports functions to also display localMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case(s) (sst/cst/s,m,l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case(s) (sst/cso/s,m,l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case(s) (sst/csf/s,m,l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case(s) (sso/cst/s,m,l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case(s) (sso/cso/s,m,l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case(s) (sso/csf/s,m,l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case(s) (ssf/cst/s,m,l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case(s) (ssf/cso/s,m,l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock] SO_PROTOCOL does not exist on darwin (18.2.0)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case (ssf/csf/l) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add ttest case (ssf/csf/m) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Made the first ttest case (ssf/csf/s) work for local (stream)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Improved the path "unlink"Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Preliminary Domain = local update for ttestMicael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add sendmsg/recvmsg medium ping-pong test case for local (dgram)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add sendmsg/recvmsg small ping-pong test case for local (dgram)Micael Karlberg
2019-05-29[esock|test] Add sendmsg/recvmsg large ping-pong test case for local (stream)Micael Karlberg