path: root/src/ranch_listener_sup.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2013-04-01 17:04:21 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2013-04-01 17:04:21 +0200
commit109c63d0e76ca6248863932c7a9957f8093cfaf2 (patch)
tree12682f0ec90e57a31ef2e35d67e5440aa0335edb /src/ranch_listener_sup.erl
parent33db3b0d1aafcfbc9aadbad622a4014c021ef10c (diff)
Remove ranch_listener and replace ListenerPid by Ref
We just don't need this process anymore. Less, simpler code! API changes: * Protocols start_link first argument is now Ref instead of ListenerPid * ranch:accept_ack/1 argument is now Ref instead of ListenerPid * ranch_listener:remove_connection/1 becomes ranch:remove_connection/1 and its argument is now Ref instead of ListenerPid Ref is the name of the listener given as first argument to start_listener/6.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ranch_listener_sup.erl')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/ranch_listener_sup.erl b/src/ranch_listener_sup.erl
index 1d346aa..9f19123 100644
--- a/src/ranch_listener_sup.erl
+++ b/src/ranch_listener_sup.erl
@@ -28,18 +28,15 @@
-> {ok, pid()}.
start_link(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts) ->
MaxConns = proplists:get_value(max_connections, TransOpts, 1024),
+ ranch_server:set_new_listener_opts(Ref, MaxConns, ProtoOpts),
supervisor:start_link(?MODULE, {
- Ref, NbAcceptors, MaxConns, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts
+ Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol
%% supervisor.
-init({Ref, NbAcceptors, MaxConns, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts}) ->
+init({Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol}) ->
ChildSpecs = [
- %% listener
- {ranch_listener, {ranch_listener, start_link,
- [Ref, MaxConns, ProtoOpts]},
- permanent, 5000, worker, [ranch_listener]},
%% conns_sup
{ranch_conns_sup, {ranch_conns_sup, start_link,
[Ref, Transport, Protocol]},