path: root/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorj.uhlig <[email protected]>2018-03-13 09:31:20 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-03-14 16:04:15 +0100
commitfa608621bfedbb981657d2d09e2b321dddc0ad8e (patch)
tree13efb8de52cb24c449e3defb26ac40da447d8923 /test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
parent132dd4dfee8a0cf6f2bd05d21538898bdbbc70ab (diff)
Fix ranch:info/0 and ranch:procs/2 in embedded mode
Diffstat (limited to 'test/acceptor_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl b/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
index 645831b..285f438 100644
--- a/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ groups() ->
]}, {misc, [
- misc_info
+ misc_info,
+ misc_info_embedded
]}, {supervisor, [
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ misc_info(_) ->
{protocol, remove_conn_and_wait_protocol},
{protocol_options, [{remove, false, 2500}]} %% Option was modified.
- ] = lists:sort([L || L={{misc_info, _}, _} <- ranch:info()]),
+ ] = do_get_listener_info(misc_info),
%% Get acceptors.
[_] = ranch:procs({misc_info, tcp}, acceptors),
[_, _] = ranch:procs({misc_info, act}, acceptors),
@@ -159,6 +160,101 @@ misc_info(_) ->
[] = ranch:procs({misc_info, ssl}, connections),
+misc_info_embedded(_) ->
+ doc("Information about listeners in embedded mode."),
+ {ok, SupPid} = embedded_sup:start_link(),
+ %% Open a listener with a few connections.
+ {ok, Pid1} = embedded_sup:start_listener(SupPid, {misc_info_embedded, tcp}, ranch_tcp, [{num_acceptors, 1}], remove_conn_and_wait_protocol, [{remove, true, 2500}]),
+ Port1 = ranch:get_port({misc_info_embedded, tcp}),
+ %% Open a few more listeners with different arguments.
+ {ok, Pid2} = embedded_sup:start_listener(SupPid, {misc_info_embedded, act}, ranch_tcp, [{num_acceptors, 2}], active_echo_protocol, {}),
+ Port2 = ranch:get_port({misc_info_embedded, act}),
+ ranch:set_max_connections({misc_info_embedded, act}, infinity),
+ Opts = ct_helper:get_certs_from_ets(),
+ {ok, Pid3} = embedded_sup:start_listener(SupPid, {misc_info_embedded, ssl},
+ ranch_ssl, [{num_acceptors, 3}|Opts], echo_protocol, [{}]),
+ Port3 = ranch:get_port({misc_info_embedded, ssl}),
+ %% Open 5 connections, 3 removed from the count.
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port1, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port1, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port1, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ receive after 250 -> ok end,
+ ranch:set_protocol_options({misc_info_embedded, tcp}, [{remove, false, 2500}]),
+ receive after 250 -> ok end,
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port1, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ {ok, _} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port1, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ receive after 250 -> ok end,
+ %% Confirm the info returned by Ranch is correct.
+ [
+ {{misc_info_embedded, act}, [
+ {pid, Pid2},
+ {ip, _},
+ {port, Port2},
+ {num_acceptors, 2},
+ {max_connections, infinity}, %% Option was modified.
+ {active_connections, 0},
+ {all_connections, 0},
+ {transport, ranch_tcp},
+ {transport_options, [{num_acceptors, 2}]},
+ {protocol, active_echo_protocol},
+ {protocol_options, {}}
+ ]},
+ {{misc_info_embedded, ssl}, [
+ {pid, Pid3},
+ {ip, _},
+ {port, Port3},
+ {num_acceptors, 3},
+ {max_connections, 1024},
+ {active_connections, 0},
+ {all_connections, 0},
+ {transport, ranch_ssl},
+ {transport_options, [{num_acceptors, 3}|Opts]},
+ {protocol, echo_protocol},
+ {protocol_options, [{}]}
+ ]},
+ {{misc_info_embedded, tcp}, [
+ {pid, Pid1},
+ {ip, _},
+ {port, Port1},
+ {num_acceptors, 1},
+ {max_connections, 1024},
+ {active_connections, 2},
+ {all_connections, 5},
+ {transport, ranch_tcp},
+ {transport_options, [{num_acceptors, 1}]},
+ {protocol, remove_conn_and_wait_protocol},
+ {protocol_options, [{remove, false, 2500}]} %% Option was modified.
+ ]}
+ ] = do_get_listener_info(misc_info_embedded),
+ %% Get acceptors.
+ [_] = ranch:procs({misc_info_embedded, tcp}, acceptors),
+ [_, _] = ranch:procs({misc_info_embedded, act}, acceptors),
+ [_, _, _] = ranch:procs({misc_info_embedded, ssl}, acceptors),
+ %% Get connections.
+ [_, _, _, _, _] = ranch:procs({misc_info_embedded, tcp}, connections),
+ [] = ranch:procs({misc_info_embedded, act}, connections),
+ [] = ranch:procs({misc_info_embedded, ssl}, connections),
+ %% Stop embedded tcp listener and ensure it is gone.
+ ok = embedded_sup:stop_listener(SupPid, {misc_info_embedded, tcp}),
+ timer:sleep(500),
+ [{{misc_info_embedded, act}, _}, {{misc_info_embedded, ssl}, _}] =
+ do_get_listener_info(misc_info_embedded),
+ %% Stop embedded act listener and ensure it is gone.
+ ok = embedded_sup:stop_listener(SupPid, {misc_info_embedded, act}),
+ timer:sleep(500),
+ [{{misc_info_embedded, ssl}, _}] =
+ do_get_listener_info(misc_info_embedded),
+ %% Stop embedded ssl listener and ensure it is gone.
+ ok = embedded_sup:stop_listener(SupPid, {misc_info_embedded, ssl}),
+ timer:sleep(500),
+ [] = do_get_listener_info(misc_info_embedded),
+ %% Stop embedded supervisor.
+ embedded_sup:stop(SupPid),
+ ok.
+do_get_listener_info(ListenerGroup) ->
+ lists:sort([L || L={{G, _}, _} <- ranch:info(), G=:=ListenerGroup]).
%% ssl.
ssl_accept_error(_) ->