diff options
authorEric B Merritt <[email protected]>2013-04-30 16:02:36 -0700
committerEric B Merritt <[email protected]>2013-04-30 16:02:54 -0700
commit774f1998ed6fdb643286c9296929486ce8c6a962 (patch)
parentd2698281ff1b0a46b2bcf6c2579cc811a3f62500 (diff)
support the full range of possible arguments in the programmatic api
4 files changed, 155 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/rcl_cmd_args.erl b/src/rcl_cmd_args.erl
index bfb63b7..f5ebecd 100644
--- a/src/rcl_cmd_args.erl
+++ b/src/rcl_cmd_args.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
%%% @doc Trivial utility file to help handle common tasks
@@ -29,12 +29,10 @@
%% API
--spec args2state({error, Reason::term()} | {[getopt:option()], [string()]}) ->
+-spec args2state([getopt:option()], [string()]) ->
{ok, {rcl_state:t(), [string()]}} |
-args2state({error, Detail}) ->
- ?RCL_ERROR({opt_parse, Detail});
-args2state({ok, {Opts, Target}})
+args2state(Opts, Target)
when erlang:length(Target) == 0; erlang:length(Target) == 1 ->
RelName = proplists:get_value(relname, Opts, undefined),
RelVsn = proplists:get_value(relvsn, Opts, undefined),
@@ -50,16 +48,12 @@ args2state({ok, {Opts, Target}})
Error ->
-args2state({ok, {_Opts, Targets}}) ->
+args2state(_Opts, Targets) ->
?RCL_ERROR({invalid_targets, Targets}).
-spec format_error(Reason::term()) -> iolist().
format_error({invalid_targets, Targets}) ->
io_lib:format("One config must be specified! not ~p~n", [Targets]);
-format_error({opt_parse, {invalid_option, Opt}}) ->
- io_lib:format("invalid option ~s~n", [Opt]);
-format_error({opt_parse, Arg}) ->
- io_lib:format("~p~n", [Arg]);
format_error({invalid_option_arg, Arg}) ->
case Arg of
{goals, Goal} ->
@@ -77,8 +71,12 @@ format_error({invalid_option_arg, Arg}) ->
format_error({invalid_config_file, Config}) ->
io_lib:format("Invalid configuration file specified: ~s", [Config]);
+format_error({invalid_caller, Caller}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Invalid caller specified: ~s", [Caller]);
format_error({failed_to_parse, Spec}) ->
io_lib:format("Unable to parse spec ~s", [Spec]);
+format_error({failed_to_parse_override, QA}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Failed to parse app override ~s", [QA]);
format_error({not_directory, Dir}) ->
io_lib:format("Library directory does not exist: ~s", [Dir]);
format_error({invalid_log_level, LogLevel}) ->
@@ -87,7 +85,6 @@ format_error({invalid_log_level, LogLevel}) ->
format_error({invalid_target, Target}) ->
io_lib:format("Invalid action specified: ~s", [Target]).
%%% Internal Functions
@@ -140,13 +137,46 @@ create_log(Opts, Acc) ->
-spec create_goals([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) ->
{ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | relcool:error().
create_goals(Opts, Acc) ->
- case convert_goals(proplists:get_all_values(goals, Opts), []) of
+ Goals = proplists:get_value(goals, Opts, []) ++
+ proplists:get_all_values(goal, Opts),
+ case convert_goals(Goals, []) of
Error={error, _} ->
{ok, Specs} ->
- create_output_dir(Opts, [{goals, Specs} | Acc])
+ create_overrides(Opts, [{goals, Specs} | Acc])
+ end.
+-spec create_overrides([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) ->
+ {ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | relcool:error().
+create_overrides(Opts, Acc) ->
+ Overrides = proplists:get_all_values(override, Opts) ++
+ proplists:get_value(overrides, Opts, []),
+ case convert_overrides(Overrides, []) of
+ {ok, Overrides} ->
+ create_output_dir(Opts, [{overrides, Overrides} | Acc]);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+-spec convert_overrides([{atom(), string() | binary()} |
+ string() | binary()], [{atom(), string() | binary()}]) ->
+ {ok, [string() | binary()]} | relcool:error().
+convert_overrides([], Acc) ->
+ {ok, Acc};
+convert_overrides([QA = {OverrideApp, _} | Rest], Acc)
+ when erlang:is_atom(OverrideApp) ->
+ convert_overrides(Rest, [QA | Acc]);
+convert_overrides([Override | Rest], Acc)
+ when erlang:is_list(Override); erlang:is_binary(Override) ->
+ case re:split(Override, ":") of
+ [AppName, AppDir] ->
+ convert_overrides(Rest, [{erlang:iolist_to_binary(AppName), AppDir} | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ ?RCL_ERROR({failed_to_parse_override, Override})
+ end;
+convert_overrides([QA | _], _) ->
+ ?RCL_ERROR({failed_to_parse_override, QA}).
-spec convert_goals([string()], [rcl_depsolver:constraint()]) ->
{ok,[rcl_depsolver:constraint()]} |
@@ -154,12 +184,26 @@ convert_goals([], Specs) ->
%% Reverse the specs because order matters to rcl_depsolver
{ok, lists:reverse(Specs)};
convert_goals([RawSpec | Rest], Acc) ->
+ parse_goal(RawSpec, Rest, Acc).
+-spec parse_goal(string() | binary() | rcl_depsolver:constraint(),
+ [string() | binary() | rcl_depsolver:constraint()],
+ rcl_depsolver:constraints()) ->
+ {ok, rcl_depsolver:constraints()} | relcool:error().
+parse_goal(Spec, Rest, Acc)
+ when erlang:is_atom(Spec) ->
+ convert_goals(Rest, [Spec | Acc]);
+parse_goal(Spec, Rest, Acc)
+ when erlang:is_tuple(Spec) ->
+ convert_goals(Rest, [Spec | Acc]);
+parse_goal(RawSpec, Rest, Acc) ->
case rcl_goal:parse(RawSpec) of
{ok, Spec} ->
convert_goals(Rest, [Spec | Acc]);
{fail, _} ->
?RCL_ERROR({failed_to_parse, RawSpec})
-spec create_output_dir([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) ->
{ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | relcool:error().
create_output_dir(Opts, Acc) ->
@@ -169,7 +213,8 @@ create_output_dir(Opts, Acc) ->
-spec create_lib_dirs([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) ->
{ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | relcool:error().
create_lib_dirs(Opts, Acc) ->
- Dirs = proplists:get_all_values(lib_dir, Opts),
+ Dirs = proplists:get_all_values(lib_dir, Opts) ++
+ proplists:get_value(lib_dirs, Opts, []),
case check_lib_dirs(Dirs) of
Error = {error, _} ->
@@ -193,8 +238,27 @@ create_root_dir(Opts, Acc) ->
{ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | relcool:error().
create_disable_default_libs(Opts, Acc) ->
Def = proplists:get_value(disable_default_libs, Opts, false),
- {ok, [{disable_default_libs, Def} | Acc]}.
+ create_caller(Opts, [{disable_default_libs, Def} | Acc]).
+-spec create_caller([getopt:option()], rcl_state:cmd_args()) ->
+ {ok, rcl_state:cmd_args()} | relcool:error().
+create_caller(Opts, Acc) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(caller, Opts, api) of
+ "command_line" ->
+ {ok, [{caller, command_line} | Acc]};
+ "commandline" ->
+ {ok, [{caller, command_line} | Acc]};
+ "api" ->
+ {ok, [{caller, api} | Acc]};
+ api ->
+ {ok, [{caller, api} | Acc]};
+ commandline ->
+ {ok, [{caller, command_line} | Acc]};
+ command_line ->
+ {ok, [{caller, command_line} | Acc]};
+ Caller ->
+ ?RCL_ERROR({invalid_caller, Caller})
+ end.
-spec check_lib_dirs([string()]) -> ok | relcool:error().
check_lib_dirs([]) ->
diff --git a/src/rcl_state.erl b/src/rcl_state.erl
index 4b21bbe..a4f091c 100644
--- a/src/rcl_state.erl
+++ b/src/rcl_state.erl
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ new(PropList, Target)
lib_dirs=[to_binary(Dir) || Dir <- proplists:get_value(lib_dirs, PropList, [])],
config_file=proplists:get_value(config, PropList, undefined),
action = Target,
+ caller = proplists:get_value(caller, PropList, api),
goals=proplists:get_value(goals, PropList, []),
providers = [],
diff --git a/src/relcool.erl b/src/relcool.erl
index 7750efa..0079529 100644
--- a/src/relcool.erl
+++ b/src/relcool.erl
@@ -44,13 +44,12 @@
-spec main([string()]) -> ok | error() | {ok, rcl_state:t()}.
main(Args) ->
OptSpecList = opt_spec_list(),
- Result =
- case rcl_cmd_args:args2state(getopt:parse(OptSpecList, Args)) of
- {ok, State} ->
- run_relcool_process(rcl_state:caller(State, command_line));
- Error={error, _} ->
- Error
- end,
+ Result = case getopt:parse(OptSpecList, Args) of
+ {ok, {Options, NonOptions}} ->
+ do([{caller, command_line} | Options], NonOptions);
+ {error, Detail} ->
+ ?RCL_ERROR({opt_parse, Detail})
+ end,
case Result of
{error, _} ->
report_error(rcl_state:caller(rcl_state:new([], undefined),
@@ -107,25 +106,68 @@ do(RootDir, RelName, RelVsn, Goals, LibDirs, LogLevel, OutputDir, Configs) ->
rcl_log:log_level(), [file:name()], [{atom(), file:name()}], file:name() | undefined) ->
ok | error() | {ok, rcl_state:t()}.
do(RootDir, RelName, RelVsn, Goals, LibDirs, LogLevel, OutputDir, Overrides, Config) ->
- State = rcl_state:new([{relname, RelName},
- {relvsn, RelVsn},
- {goals, Goals},
- {overrides, Overrides},
- {output_dir, OutputDir},
- {lib_dirs, LibDirs},
- {root_dir, RootDir},
- {log, rcl_log:new(LogLevel)},
- {config, Config}],
- release),
- run_relcool_process(rcl_state:caller(State, api)).
+ do([{relname, RelName},
+ {relvsn, RelVsn},
+ {goals, Goals},
+ {overrides, Overrides},
+ {output_dir, OutputDir},
+ {lib_dirs, LibDirs},
+ {root_dir, RootDir},
+ {log_level, LogLevel},
+ {config, Config}],
+ ["release"]).
+%% @doc provides an API to run the Relcool process from erlang applications
+%% @param Opts - A proplist of options. There are good defaults for each of
+%% these entries, so any or all may be omitted. Individual options may be:
+%% <dl>
+%% <dt><pre>{relname, RelName}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>The release name to build </dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{relvsn, RelVsn}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>The release version to build</dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{goals, Goals}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>The release goals for the system in depsolver or Relcool goal
+%% format (@see goals())</dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{lib_dirs, LibDirs}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>A list of library dirs that should be used for the system</dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{lib_dir, LibDir}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>A single lib dir that should be used for the system, may appear any
+%% number of times and may be used in conjunction with lib_dirs</dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{output_dir, OutputDir}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>The directory where the release should be built to</dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{root_dir, RootDir}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>The base directory for this run of relcool. </dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{config, Config}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>The path to a relcool config file</dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{log_level, LogLevel}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>Defines the verbosity of output. Maybe a number between 0 and 2, with
+%% with higher values being more verbose</dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{overrides, Overrides}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>A list of app overrides for the system in the form of [{AppName:atom(),
+%% Dir:string() | binary()} | string() | binary()] where the string or binary
+%% is in the form "AppName:AppDir"</dd>
+%% <dt><pre>{override, Override}</pre></dt>
+%% <dd>A single of app override for the system in the same form as entries for
+%% Overrides</dd>
+%% </dl>
+-spec do(proplists:proplist(), [string()]) ->
+ ok | error() | {ok, rcl_state:t()}.
+do(Opts, NonOpts) ->
+ case rcl_cmd_args:args2state(Opts, NonOpts) of
+ {ok, State} ->
+ run_relcool_process(State);
+ Error={error, _} ->
+ Error
+ end.
-spec opt_spec_list() -> [getopt:option_spec()].
opt_spec_list() ->
[{relname, $n, "relname", string,
"Specify the name for the release that will be generated"},
{relvsn, $v, "relvsn", string, "Specify the version for the release"},
- {goals, $g, "goal", string,
+ {goal, $g, "goal", string,
"Specify a target constraint on the system. These are usually the OTP"},
{output_dir, $o, "output-dir", string,
"The output directory for the release. This is `./` by default."},
@@ -136,6 +178,8 @@ opt_spec_list() ->
"Disable the default system added lib dirs (means you must add them all manually"},
{log_level, $V, "verbose", {integer, 1},
"Verbosity level, maybe between 0 and 2"},
+ {override_app, $a, "override_app", string,
+ "Provide an app name and a directory to override in the form <appname>:<app directory>"},
{config, $c, "config", {string, ""}, "The path to a config file"},
{root_dir, $r, "root", string, "The project root directory"}].
@@ -143,6 +187,10 @@ opt_spec_list() ->
format_error({invalid_return_value, Provider, Value}) ->
[rcl_provider:format(Provider), " returned an invalid value ",
io_lib:format("~p", [Value])];
+format_error({opt_parse, {invalid_option, Opt}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("invalid option ~s~n", [Opt]);
+format_error({opt_parse, Arg}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p~n", [Arg]);
format_error({error, {Module, Reason}}) ->
io_lib:format("~s~n", [Module:format_error(Reason)]).
diff --git a/test/rclt_command_SUITE.erl b/test/rclt_command_SUITE.erl
index 9c96005..05da548 100644
--- a/test/rclt_command_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rclt_command_SUITE.erl
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ normal_passing_case(Config) ->
RelVsn = "33.222",
CmdLine = ["-V", LogLevel, "-g",Goal1,"-g",Goal2, "-l", Lib1, "-l", Lib2,
"-n", RelName, "-v", RelVsn, "-o", Outdir],
- {ok, State} = rcl_cmd_args:args2state(getopt:parse(relcool:opt_spec_list(), CmdLine)),
+ {ok, {Opts, Targets}} = getopt:parse(relcool:opt_spec_list(), CmdLine),
+ {ok, State} = rcl_cmd_args:args2state(Opts, Targets),
?assertMatch([Lib1, Lib2],
?assertMatch(Outdir, rcl_state:output_dir(State)),
@@ -77,17 +78,20 @@ lib_fail_case(Config) ->
ok = rcl_util:mkdir_p(Lib1),
CmdLine = ["-l", Lib1, "-l", Lib2],
+ {ok, {Opts, Targets}} = getopt:parse(relcool:opt_spec_list(), CmdLine),
?assertMatch({error, {_, {not_directory, Lib2}}},
- rcl_cmd_args:args2state(getopt:parse(relcool:opt_spec_list(), CmdLine))).
+ rcl_cmd_args:args2state(Opts, Targets)).
spec_parse_fail_case(_Config) ->
Spec = "aaeu:3333:33.22a44",
CmdLine = ["-g", Spec],
+ {ok, {Opts, Targets}} = getopt:parse(relcool:opt_spec_list(), CmdLine),
?assertMatch({error, {_, {failed_to_parse, _Spec}}},
- rcl_cmd_args:args2state(getopt:parse(relcool:opt_spec_list(), CmdLine))).
+ rcl_cmd_args:args2state(Opts, Targets)).
config_fail_case(_Config) ->
ConfigFile = "does-not-exist",
CmdLine = ["-c", ConfigFile],
+ {ok, {Opts, Targets}} = getopt:parse(relcool:opt_spec_list(), CmdLine),
?assertMatch({error, {_, {invalid_config_file, ConfigFile}}},
- rcl_cmd_args:args2state(getopt:parse(relcool:opt_spec_list(), CmdLine))).
+ rcl_cmd_args:args2state(Opts, Targets)).