path: root/src/rlx_prv_archive.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rlx_prv_archive.erl')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rlx_prv_archive.erl b/src/rlx_prv_archive.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ad06b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rlx_prv_archive.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*-
+%%% Copyright 2014 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%%% a copy of the License at
+%%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%%% under the License.
+%%% @author Tristan Sloughter <[email protected]>
+%%% @copyright (C) 2014 Erlware, LLC.
+%%% @doc Given a complete built release this provider assembles that release
+%%% into a release directory.
+ do/1,
+ format_error/1]).
+%% API
+-spec init(rlx_state:t()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()}.
+init(State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+-spec do(rlx_state:t()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error().
+do(State) ->
+ {RelName, RelVsn} = rlx_state:default_configured_release(State),
+ Release = rlx_state:get_realized_release(State, RelName, RelVsn),
+ OutputDir = rlx_state:output_dir(State),
+ make_tar(State, Release, OutputDir).
+format_error({tar_unknown_generation_error, Module, Vsn}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Tarball generation error of ~s ~s",
+ [Module, Vsn]);
+format_error({tar_generation_warn, Module, Warnings}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Tarball generation warnings for ~p : ~p",
+ [Module, Warnings]);
+format_error({tar_generation_error, Module, Errors}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Tarball generation error for ~p reason ~p",
+ [Module, Errors]).
+make_tar(State, Release, OutputDir) ->
+ Name = atom_to_list(rlx_release:name(Release)),
+ Vsn = rlx_release:vsn(Release),
+ ErtsVersion = rlx_release:erts(Release),
+ Opts = [{path, [filename:join([OutputDir, "lib", "*", "ebin"])]},
+ {outdir, OutputDir} |
+ case rlx_state:get(State, include_erts, true) of
+ true ->
+ Prefix = code:root_dir(),
+ ErtsDir = filename:join([Prefix]),
+ [{erts, ErtsDir}];
+ false ->
+ [];
+ Prefix ->
+ ErtsDir = filename:join([Prefix]),
+ [{erts, ErtsDir}]
+ end],
+ case systools:make_tar(filename:join([OutputDir, "releases", Vsn, Name]),
+ Opts) of
+ ok ->
+ TempDir = ec_file:insecure_mkdtemp(),
+ try
+ update_tar(State, TempDir, OutputDir, Name, Vsn, ErtsVersion)
+ catch
+ E:R ->
+ ec_file:remove(TempDir, [recursive]),
+ ?RLX_ERROR({tar_generation_error, E, R})
+ end;
+ {ok, Module, Warnings} ->
+ ?RLX_ERROR({tar_generation_warn, Module, Warnings});
+ error ->
+ ?RLX_ERROR({tar_unknown_generation_error, Name, Vsn});
+ {error, Module, Errors} ->
+ ?RLX_ERROR({tar_generation_error, Module, Errors})
+ end.
+update_tar(State, TempDir, OutputDir, Name, Vsn, ErtsVersion) ->
+ TarFile = filename:join(OutputDir, Name++"-"++Vsn++".tar.gz"),
+ file:rename(filename:join(OutputDir, Name++".tar.gz"), TarFile),
+ erl_tar:extract(TarFile, [{cwd, TempDir}, compressed]),
+ ok =
+ erl_tar:create(TarFile,
+ [{"lib", filename:join(TempDir, "lib")},
+ {"releases", filename:join(TempDir, "releases")},
+ {filename:join(["releases", "RELEASES"]),
+ filename:join([OutputDir, "releases", "RELEASES"])},
+ {filename:join(["releases", Vsn, "vm.args"]),
+ filename:join([OutputDir, "releases", Vsn, "vm.args"])},
+ {"bin", filename:join([OutputDir, "bin"])} |
+ case rlx_state:get(State, include_erts, true) of
+ false ->
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ [{"erts-"++ErtsVersion, filename:join(OutputDir, "erts-"++ErtsVersion)}]
+ end], [compressed]),
+ ec_cmd_log:info(rlx_state:log(State),
+ "tarball ~s successfully created!~n", [TarFile]),
+ ec_file:remove(TempDir, [recursive]),
+ {ok, State}.