path: root/src/gun.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2020-10-19 18:01:40 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2020-10-19 18:01:40 +0200
commit3047f0a5ef1872a1d8533c90bccb434d575d98f0 (patch)
treef8d592acfc2eef6e7b86abeee7c675db882f8e99 /src/gun.erl
parent91c1820b9ad8812b2a8c9960da0a460b0522b6e0 (diff)
Fix cookies for tunnels
There are still small issues left to fix. In particular the set_cookie command should be replaced with doing the same in the protocol itself so that the scheme is correct. So CookieStore must be propagated to all callbacks.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gun.erl')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/gun.erl b/src/gun.erl
index 2af6b94..73779c2 100644
--- a/src/gun.erl
+++ b/src/gun.erl
@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@
messages :: {atom(), atom(), atom()},
protocol :: module(),
protocol_state :: any(),
+ cookie_store :: undefined | {module(), any()},
event_handler :: module(),
- event_handler_state :: any(),
- cookie_store :: undefined | {module(), any()}
+ event_handler_state :: any()
%% Connection.
@@ -1251,26 +1251,26 @@ connected(internal, {connected, Socket, NewProtocol},
%% @todo It might be better, internally, to pass around a URIMap
%% containing the target URI, instead of separate Host/Port/PathWithQs.
-connected(cast, {headers, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers0, InitialFlow},
- State0=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
- protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
+connected(cast, {headers, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers, InitialFlow},
+ State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
+ protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState, cookie_store=CookieStore0,
event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
- {Headers, State} = add_cookie_header(Path, Headers0, State0),
- {ProtoState2, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:headers(ProtoState,
+ {ProtoState2, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:headers(ProtoState,
dereference_stream_ref(StreamRef, State), ReplyTo,
Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
-connected(cast, {request, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers0, Body, InitialFlow},
- State0=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
- protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, cookie_store=CookieStore,
+ event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
+connected(cast, {request, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers, Body, InitialFlow},
+ State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
+ protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState, cookie_store=CookieStore0,
event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
- {Headers, State} = add_cookie_header(Path, Headers0, State0),
- {ProtoState2, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:request(ProtoState,
+ {ProtoState2, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:request(ProtoState,
dereference_stream_ref(StreamRef, State), ReplyTo,
Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, Body,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, cookie_store=CookieStore,
+ event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
connected(cast, {connect, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Destination, Headers, InitialFlow},
State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
@@ -1279,16 +1279,17 @@ connected(cast, {connect, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Destination, Headers, InitialFlow}
dereference_stream_ref(StreamRef, State), ReplyTo,
Destination, #{host => Host, port => Port},
Headers, InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
+ {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2,
+ event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
%% Public Websocket interface.
%% @todo Maybe make an interface in the protocol module instead of checking on protocol name.
%% An interface would also make sure that HTTP/1.0 can't upgrade.
connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers}, State=#state{opts=Opts}) ->
WsOpts = maps:get(ws_opts, Opts, #{}),
connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers, WsOpts}, State);
-connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers0, WsOpts},
- State0=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
- protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
+connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers, WsOpts},
+ State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
+ protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState, cookie_store=CookieStore0,
event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
EvHandlerState1 = EvHandler:ws_upgrade(#{
stream_ref => StreamRef,
@@ -1296,11 +1297,10 @@ connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers0, WsOpts},
opts => WsOpts
}, EvHandlerState0),
%% @todo Can fail if HTTP/1.0.
- {Headers, State} = add_cookie_header(Path, Headers0, State0),
- {ProtoState2, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:ws_upgrade(ProtoState,
+ {ProtoState2, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:ws_upgrade(ProtoState,
dereference_stream_ref(StreamRef, State), ReplyTo,
- Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2,
+ Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
+ {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, cookie_store=CookieStore,
%% @todo Maybe better standardize the protocol callbacks argument orders.
connected(cast, {ws_send, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Frames}, State=#state{
@@ -1319,35 +1319,6 @@ connected(cast, {ws_send, ReplyTo, _}, _) ->
connected(Type, Event, State) ->
handle_common_connected(Type, Event, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State).
-add_cookie_header(_, Headers, State=#state{cookie_store=undefined}) ->
- {Headers, State};
-add_cookie_header(PathWithQs, Headers0, State=#state{
- origin_host=OriginHost, transport=Transport, cookie_store=Store0}) ->
- Scheme = case Transport of
- gun_tls -> <<"https">>;
- gun_tls_proxy -> <<"https">>;
- gun_tcp -> <<"http">>
- end,
- #{path := Path} = uri_string:parse(PathWithQs),
- URIMap = uri_string:normalize(#{
- scheme => Scheme,
- host => case lists:keyfind(<<"host">>, 1, Headers0) of
- false -> iolist_to_binary(OriginHost); %% @todo Probably not enough for atoms and such.
- {_, HeaderHost} -> iolist_to_binary(HeaderHost)
- end,
- path => iolist_to_binary(Path)
- }, [return_map]),
- {ok, Cookies0, Store} = gun_cookies:query(Store0, URIMap),
- Headers = case Cookies0 of
- [] ->
- Headers0;
- _ ->
- Cookies = [{Name, Value} || #{name := Name, value := Value} <- Cookies0],
- %% We put cookies at the end of the headers list as it's the least important header.
- Headers0 ++ [{<<"cookie">>, cow_cookie:cookie(Cookies)}]
- end,
- {Headers, State#state{cookie_store=Store}}.
%% When the origin is using raw we do not dereference the stream_ref
%% because it expects the full stream_ref to function (there's no
%% other stream involved for this connection).
@@ -1655,6 +1626,8 @@ commands([{set_cookie, _, _, Status, _}|Tail], State=#state{opts=#{cookie_ignore
%% @todo Make sure this works for proxied requests too.
commands([{set_cookie, Authority, PathWithQs, _, Headers}|Tail], State=#state{
transport=Transport, cookie_store=Store0}) ->
+ %% @todo This is wrong. Also we should probably not do a command for this.
+ %% We should instead give the CookieStore to all callbacks.
Scheme = case Transport of
gun_tls -> <<"https">>;
gun_tls_proxy -> <<"https">>;