BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
gh-pagesDelete CNAMETristan Sloughter9 years
masterMerge pull request #744 from colrack/start_epmd_fixTristan Sloughter5 years
revert-426-varsRevert "Enhance evaluation of environment variables"Tristan Sloughter8 years
try-circlecitry circleci for CITristan Sloughter5 years
try-cirrusincrease timetrap for otp 22Tristan Sloughter5 years
v3.33.0relx-3.33.0.tar.gz  relx-3.33.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.33.0.zip  Tristan Sloughter5 years
v3.32.1relx-3.32.1.tar.gz  relx-3.32.1.tar.bz2  relx-3.32.1.zip  Tristan Sloughter5 years
v3.32.0relx-3.32.0.tar.gz  relx-3.32.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.32.0.zip  Tristan Sloughter5 years
v3.31.0relx-3.31.0.tar.gz  relx-3.31.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.31.0.zip  Tristan Sloughter5 years
v3.30.0relx-3.30.0.tar.gz  relx-3.30.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.30.0.zip  Tristan Sloughter5 years
v3.29.0relx-3.29.0.tar.gz  relx-3.29.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.29.0.zip  Anthony Molinaro5 years
v3.28.0relx-3.28.0.tar.gz  relx-3.28.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.28.0.zip  Luis Rascão5 years
v3.27.0relx-3.27.0.tar.gz  relx-3.27.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.27.0.zip  Tristan Sloughter6 years
v3.26.0relx-3.26.0.tar.gz  relx-3.26.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.26.0.zip  Luis Rascão6 years
v3.25.0relx-3.25.0.tar.gz  relx-3.25.0.tar.bz2  relx-3.25.0.zip  Fred Hebert6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2013-09-20Merge pull request #48 from erlware/create_RELEASESv0. Sloughter
2013-09-20remove r16b01 and r16b02 from travis file since they don't exist in travis yetTristan Sloughter
2013-09-20Ensure exit codes propagate properly during upgradesRJ
2013-09-20Support upgrade and downgrade between versionsRJ
2013-09-20Merge pull request #44 from tsloughter/masterEric Merritt
2013-09-19create RELEASES file and include tarball so downgrade to initial release worksTristan Sloughter
2013-09-19add -v/--version cli optionTristan Sloughter
2013-09-19fix deps target for shell targetTristan Sloughter
2013-09-19add rb16b01 and 02 and don't run dialyzer for r15 and belowTristan Sloughter
2013-09-19add -p for setting code pathsTristan Sloughter